#don't have health insurance and even if I had I certainly wouldn't have dental
blankweiss · 8 months
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opinated-user · 1 year
“The expensies were minimal” FOR FUCKING CANCER TREATMENT
yeah fuck off lily
with comments like that is that you know that LO hasn't even attempted to google the first thing about what cancer survivors go through and how much financially it affects them. again, even taking out of the way that the entirety of the last year she has lived her life like nothing happened, has never changed her routine, has never showed symptoms and didn't even tell her own wife about her supposed diagnosis, how is anyone supposed to believe that getting cancer, chemo and full treatment just won't have any consequences left, financially or otherwise? just how little trust does she have in the intelligence of the internet for her to believe that any of this makes any sense? i did a little research (emphasis on little) and found a couple of articles that sound interesting. let's remember that LO has never specified what kind of cancer she had or what kind of chemotherapy, which makes it difficult to discern exactly what kind of cost she could have gone through... which surely is the idea why she's so vague about it. https://globalnews.ca/news/1656699/the-cost-of-cancer-how-much-do-cancer-drugs-cost-canadians/
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depending on if LO received IV or pill, she could have been forced to pay it herself and it certainly wouldn't have been cheap. https://www.partnershipagainstcancer.ca/topics/economic-burden-cancer/
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even assuming that LO never needed a caregiver and she never needed transportation, let's assume because she coincidentally happened to live near the hospital that was giving her treatment, we're still talking about around 200+ monthly in medication and medical care. if we do count transportation, that could be up 1000+.
this is the same woman who last year i remember very clearly kept complaining about how she couldn't stop working because else we'd be without money... but now i'm supposed to believe that she spend at least 1000+ monthly very easily and without any trouble?
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LO does not have health insurance. i know because she said so and that post is still up. if it gets deleted when i publish this ask, you'll know why.
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all of this meaning that she'd have actually paid more than the average office worker.
since LO is from Nova Scotia, let's search "how much does it cost cancer in Nova Scotia Canada."
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unless LO happened to become extremely successfull in something that wasn't youtube without also telling anyone about it, then no, the expenses wouldn't have been minimal.
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Not trying to be confrontation or rude. How is will wealthy? Like he seems p securely middle class considering his job's average income is right there at the mid of middle class. Like it's a lot compared to most service industry jobs and poverty wages but he's not descendant from royalty money or tried to raise peacocks as a kid wealthy.
I thought the show spent a lot of time establishing the differences in experience he had verses his counterparts like Dr. Bloom or Hamable or even Crawford. From clothes to housing to childhood stories and background career work. Like he's not poor any more but he's certainly not in a life of actual wealth ?
Sorry to talk so long I am unsure what I'm missing :( and nervous:((
Will Graham grew up very poor, and we see those habits carried with him into adulthood. But he is wealthy by the time we see him in the show. He works for the FBI. Not just casually. He teaches people who will work for the FBI as special investigators. That is a very niche position. He also consults on cases, hired by the head of the FBI. He is making a lot more than you think he is. He also likely has hazard pay on top of that because he is dealing with serial killers. He repairs his own clothes because he is frugal by habit, and he likes fixing things and working with his hands. He also doesn't throw things away, another trait from a poor childhood. He works on boat engines because it is a skilled he learned in childhood and a hobby he enjoys. He also goes long stretches of time without working, and that goes beyond sick leave/vacation. The house he got with Molly also has INSANE property. We don't know what she makes, but that is still an expensive piece of land. It costs money to have that kind of privacy AND for it to be pretty. He doesn't dress lavishly because he doesn't want to. He doesn't want the attention, he doesn't like how fake it feels, he dresses comfortably. He still has a pretty decently sized house and HUGE property. It is surrounded by trees, presumably near a decently sized creek. That is competitive real estate. He did not inherit that property, so you know he bought it. Or at least earned enough to get a mortgage. And to get a mortgage, you need to show you have enough in savings to pay that loan off OR have a job that earns a certain amount monthly. So even if he didn't buy it outright, a bank won't loan you a lot of money if they think you can't afford it.
He also adopts any dog he sees. Having pets is expensive. Dogs have several core vaccines depending on where they live (rabies, distemper/parvo, influenza, lepto, bordetella) All of those they need because they go outside and can interact with wildlife (rabies/distemper/parvo are required regardless). Will also likely gets them vaccinated against lyme disease because the east coast has a lot of ticks, and a lot of those ticks carry lyme. Not sure about the rattlesnake situation in Virginia, but if it was of concern, I guarantee he would vaccinate them for it. Rabies/distemper/parvo are the only vaccines that can be given every 3 years (sometimes distemper/parvo is every year). The others are yearly. So that could be up to five vaccines yearly per dog. Not to mention, his dogs are in incredible health. That's one to two exams a year. Monthly flea/tick and preventative, likely annual dentals, and since his dogs go outside, they likely get minor injuries that he would take them in for. That is INCREDIBLY expensive! That doesn't even cover the cost of food! And regarding pet insurance for all the dogs, insurance is still an expensive monthly payment. And many of those dogs he just found and would likely have a lot of preexisting conditions that wouldn't be covered by insurance anyway. Still on dogs, when the Dolarhyde poisons them all, all seven are taken to emergency. ONE pet can knock out people's saving. They were kept OVERNIGHT which is extremely costly. Multiply that by seven. One dog was likely a couple thousand. Neither him nor Molly blinked an eye.
Will has wealth but he doesn't value it, he doesn't feel the need to spend it on things that don't matter. If he can fix it himself, why would he talk to a stranger to do it for him? He likes his privacy. It's not about cost. Will likes to feel useful, that is his whole schtick. Also, he can afford to drive to Baltimore whenever he has an upsetty spaghetti day, AND drive to Quantico's lab for work. Gas is expensive and so is car upkeep. Even if you change the tires and brakes and oil and shit yourself, that still is a lot of wear on tear on the car and it is expensive.
Not to mention he has a boat. The boat is small, but it is a nice boat. Having a boat like that is still a cost, even if he repairs it himself.
Middle class is considered between $46k and $126k a year. I can promise you he earns more than that. Most of it goes into savings because he doesn't care to "live rich", he sees no value in it. Now, I see "wealthy" as more subjective, but you could argue that there is a finite definition for "wealth". Will is not of the 1% but he still has a lot more money than he looks. I do think it is important not to erase his upbringing, because it does play a part in his interactions and how he spends money and treats his possessions. What someone looks like is no accurate gauge as to what their bank account holds.
And after Mizumono, I am sure his health insurance through the FBI covered medical costs, but that was a pretty swanky room. He did not have a roommate. He might have went out of pocket for that one lmao.
Also this is just me thinking and no real proof, but did they mention what Will did during the three years between Hannibal being imprisoned and going back to work for the FBI? Because if he didn't work for three years, that means he had a sexy pile of savings he was going through. Which, good for him. He needed a fucking break.
Sidenote: The average price of a grown peacock is less than $300, however, peachicks are less than $30. They are more expensive than chickens for raising, but they are not extremely expensive. Now if Alana is raising them, it is likely she started with peachicks. If she didn't care about the sex of the birds, and it was more "I want them as pets", then she could get away with the cheaper option (likely female birds). I don't know the husbandry and enclosure needs for a peacock, I imagine it is similar to a chicken but larger due to their size. So, Alana had more money than Will growing up, but I wouldn't guarantee she was extremely wealthy by any means. I don't know her backstory, but if she grew up in a small town, it is easier to get more property to raise outside animals.
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lynxgriffin · 2 years
Hey! It's the anon that asked about Canada as a place to live. Thank you so much for the info! I definitely want to move somewhere else. I've considered there or Mexico because they're close neighbors of the USA. But I wouldn't be turned off to other places further away. Maybe the UK or Ireland. Germany or somewhere in the Netherlands, I've heard good things about them. Or New Zealand. I know about of options...but I know I need to do something. Where have you been that you liked, if you don't mind me asking? First thing I need is my passport, I've never been outside the country personally.
I'm honestly pretty lucky in my personal circumstances, I have decent health/dental/vision insurance, my job pays decent, though not enough to not live paycheck to paycheck with how rent is now. I make about $3200 a month without OT and my father is allowing me to stay with him to save on things as long as I'm going to school, work FT, or both. So that in itself is a blessing I'm thankful for even though I'm sad that at my age in my later 20s I'm still at home with a parent. I want to pay off my car before I move anywhere though, so that's about 20 grand gone. 😖 sorry to ramble on...I'll figure something out I'm sure, I just wanted opinions and experiences of others for now lol
I would say that Canada is definitely the closest culturally to the US, so it's very easy to transition there, although Mexico would certainly be a cheaper place to move to if your money is tight. (The housing here in Canada right now is horribly expensive...maybe that'll change, I dunno.) I really do like Germany...it's a pretty country, and German is one of the easier languages to learn as an adult, I think. I spent some time there as a kid so I'm more familiar with it. Never been to New Zealand, but I'd like to visit some day. GB could be okay, but it depends on what you're trying to move from, since a lot of the same issues that the US is dealing with politically are also in the UK. Ireland may be better on that front. Both are, again, pretty countries to see.
Glad that you're able to save some now! There's no shame in having to stay at home with the family for awhile; I had to do that too and also got very lucky in that I could live with my parents rent-free, although I was definitely glad to finally have my own space when I could. The world right now is making it extremely difficult in so many aspects for young people to get on their feet right out of school, so you're not alone. Getting a passport now is a good start; it's a bit of a lengthy process in of itself, but a passport is good for ten years and is immensely useful to have as a form of ID in more situations than just travel.
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