#don't get me wrong he's a fine doctor i just have other favurites
speakyskelly-1999 · 1 year
bruh i'm so physcially (walked all the way to the cinema), mentally (woke up like multiple hours beofere i normally wake up with a very late night), and emotionally tired (i let the barbie film sit with me and actually dwell on it which i never normally do. normally just jump into the next thing) that i am so astronomically tired. i lied down on the sofa and listened to the barbie movie soundtrack for like 2 hours before playing a relativly relaxing game which again i don't normally do
so anyway in other news imma start the one piece anime
i did already watch the fist episode and was like god it's too long
but like every other anime i'm watching at the minuet is either heavy/weird/thought provoking from the start that the only show i can think to watch at that will be chill and joyus enough is one picec cos i already know roughly how the first 80 ish episodes pan out cos i watched the live action
wish me luck
god this is gonna take forever
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