#don't feel the same way about me and we're just best friends'' -- Engie
engie being so torn, cause on one hand, they love love love when the captains holds them after he wets, stroking his cheek and telling him it’s okay, he did his best, and when they help him clean up so no one else knows, they feel so special and safe and loved, but also!!!! they can’t just keep having accidents like this!!!!!! in front of them, no less!!!! it’s embarrassing, and he really is running out of jumpsuits, but........... it’s still nice..... maybe, when he knows they won’t be busy, and there’s no scheduled work with other crew mates, and it’s just the two of them, they’re maybe only PRETENDING that he hasn’t noticed how bad he has to go, waiting for cap to say something, anticipating their comfort......... 🥺🥺🥺 CAP AND ENGIE BOTH SECRETLY LIKING IT........ ughugughuhguh engie clutching at his dick through his jumpsuit to try and hold it, but the panic starts to meld with pleasure, and the rocking becomes more about that low burn in his cock than stopping himself from peeing, and when he finally, finally wets, he could probably pass off the breathless moans as from relief, but then he realises his dick is so obviously hard now his jumpsuits all wet and clinging to his skin...... or when the caps helping him clean up, unzipping his soaked jumpsuit, they realise why he’s so much more flustered and red than usual, his cock twitching at their gentle touch...... 🥺 it just!!!! feels good!!!!
between the embarrassment not only of wetting himself but of kind-of-sort-of having done it on purpose AND now the Captain seeing him hard and why he's reacting like this... but he doesn't want to ask them to leave; they still want their help cleaning up... and maybe more, because let's be real, the Engineer has been in love with the Captain for ages, even if they've never done this before. Engie's flustered and it's difficult to think and they mumble out an apology, claiming they don't know why, but the Captain says it's okay, and they seem flustered, too
honestly my main hc for these two is like. they've repressed their feelings for each other since the academy and so are entirely unlikely to switch gears and Go For It the first time this happens. so Cap just helping Engie get sorted, like usual, but god he can't stop thinking about the way it felt; the way he had to bite his lip to keep from asking Cap for more even after they'd gotten him clean. The Captain alternately wondering if they'd gone too far, or if they should've asked if he wanted them to go further... That night, Engie whimpering the Captain's title into his pillow, thrusting into his hand...
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okeymakeydude · 4 years
Headcanon: Ways to trust [Defense classes]
Link to the last one; Headcanon: Ways to trust [Support classes]
We all trust, a lot or a little, always do. We´re sociable and even the most antisocial person does the same, and our beloved mercenaries are no exception. Here, I´ll try to make some headcanons of the ways I think they´d do to show that they trust someone, at the end a snippet. 
Today, defense classes: Engineer, Heavy and Demoman.
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This man has "two faces", a saying and a HCs explained better ->here<- and, in a short way; he shows a false personality from the real one.
"Wanna go for a ride, son?". This Texan likes going about his business and alone, if he needs things, without telling the rest of the team, he'd go to the nearest town. However, he'd invite his partner to go with him, especially if it's someone he gets along with and knows he won't be bored. Be prepared to hear bad jokes all the way through!
You're welcome to his workshop. Like Medic, he doesn't mind if someone gets into but not for long. Silence and concentration, he gets annoyed by the slightest noise while doing his job. Although he'd like to talk to someone like Pyro from time to time, they can stay as long as they doesn't light a match... again.
He smiles more. Look, he's smiling most of the day, but that's part of his "fake face". You'll know that you're accessing his true personality when he's praised for his inventions, tries to stay serious and kind of doesn't care, but his pride will show if those words come from someone he trusts. There's nothing that makes this man happy than talking about his creations and knowing that others are interested.
There's a small hidden box where he keeps the few memories he has of his childhood. He has never felt comfortable enough to talk about it and more about his father, but if he does speak about it with someone, It's 'cause he trusts that person very much and he's giving an attempt to open up, this's a very important moment. There, he's showing much of his "true face".
“Wait, is that you? How cute!” His partner was looking at the few photos that were in the box, had a brown color of how old they were, there was a  little boy in his father's arms. “ I wish I had pictures of my childhood too.”
Engie was beside them, watching silently until he noticed something, and pointed it out. It was a picture of him hugging a puppy, he couldn't help but smile.
“Her name was Tess.”
“She´s beautiful.”
“Was... she was beautiful.”
A nostalgic atmosphere dominates the whole workshop. It had been a long time since the Texan had returned to his past and even more so if he talked about it with someone, but it was okay because he knew he could trust his mate. Suddenly they raised their arms and began to put the photographs in the box, They had a serious face.
“We're getting sad and i don´t accept it, the past is past. Although I would have liked to see that dog... but we're here for something else!” They turned to see him and smiled. “You were going to show me something you planned to do.”
That's why he liked ´em so much.
“Heh, yeah, y'are right. “Happiness was shown at once in the engineer bringing up that subject again, he took out a blueprint and put it on the table. “Well, as ya can see here...”
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He'll spend time with you. Why waste the time with someone you don't like?Heavy'd let know if he doesn't trust you, he wouldn't talk much and his expressions would say it all. However, if he does, even if he's busy, he'd use some of his time to talk to his mate, ask 'em how they are doing, or just hang out. HCs inspired by this one.
He'll try to speak more. We all know that our dear Russian has a poor English but that doesn't mean he isn't trying to improve it. May ask his friend for help or advice when he doesn't know how to express himself with something and would feel more confident if they respected him and don't laugh at the way he speaks.
His past. He doesn't mind talking about it but will always try to avoid the gulag and what happened to his father. The past is past, yeah, but even a man like Heavy is not so easy to "forget". If one day he confesses what happened to his family that time, it's because he trusts that person a lot. It's a very important step in his confidence and no one should make fun of him.
"You can touch her". Well, what are you waiting for? He's letting you touch HIS weapon, Sasha! It's something very important to him somehow, and it'd look like a dream if he didn't get angry that someone aproached her. You would have to be a great buddy to have such a "privilege".
"Push! Come on! Push!"
"I'm trying but she's toooo heavyyy...! Got it? Cuz -- Nevermind "His partner sat on the floor, taking a breath, looking at him. "Can we get some rest? I think my back is broken."
Heavy laughed as he did the same thing. A few days ago he started training for the next match and his friend decided to join him. Although the exercises seemed very hard for them.
"Sandwich? This will help little."
"You're really strong, man! can pick Sasha up like that and i can't even move her an inch." They raised their eyebrows while they was grabbing it, with a 'thanks' by the way. "How?"
"In gulag, you have time."
"Oh..." their voice got softer when they heard that, was taking the last bites at the sandwich. " Y'know, you're not only physically tough, also psychologically, that was hell and you managed to escape from there with your family."
"And now, Heavy is happy and around with friends, like you. You are good friend."
"Really? Sweet!" They stood up and smiled, seemed to be full of energy and wanting to spend it. "Okay, ready for round two, bear guy?"
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He becomes more touchable. Well, he is already even with a stranger but our dear merc likes to express himself physically, he doesn't just say a "heeey", he'd hug 'em and give 'em a gentle pat on the back. And both have a secret handshake? Then you're best friends. Demo is usually one of those who are quick to trust someone.
Get ready for the party because he´ll drag you to every one! is a night person, and any place is perfect to have fun. Is the weather good? Party in town! Bad weather? Party at the base! Can't it be possible? Party in his room! Demoman likes to be among friends and won't hesitate to invite them, fun is guaranteed with him and laughter too. Just make sure he doesn't drink too much, he tends to get a little sad...
“Sorry if mah mom's a lil´ annoying”. Well, looks like someone's been bought to their house, their cause his mother lives there! He´ll be nervous about taking his partner, apart from his frienemy Soldier, although he´d calm down if he sees that everything is going well. His past is not that bad as Heavy's but if he tells things like what happened in his eye, about his childhood or about his father, that mate must be someone very trustworthy.
His eye-patch. Being called a “cyclops” only makes him remember the stupid mistake he made as a child and it bothers him, only he doesn't show it, he's always afraid that one day he'll forget to put the eyepatch on and his whole team will be scared of him. But if you show him that he's okay as he is, enough to give him the confidence to be around without it, you're already someone important to him.
“ And then... kaboooom! ten dead enemies, ma'am! ten!”
“Did dat really happen?”
“Yeah! your son with only a few explosives eliminated most of the opposing team.”The guest nodded with a smile, they was very happy to tell what happened at the match recently, crossed their arms. “I´d be proud of him, actually, i´m proud of him”.
“Me too.” Said his mother in a soft voice, she seemed to avoid smiling but you could tell she was grateful. "As long as he does a good job, it's okay."
“Okay, lad. I´m done.” Demoman entered the room before putting some things aside, looked at his friend and asked. “Well, yer ready?”
“For the party? Hell yeah dude!”
They stood up and as they approached they did not hesitate to make their secret greeting, it might seem childish, but they did not care. At the end they gave each other a hug and said goodbye to the old lady, they were getting closer to the door, before opening it, his friend spoke.
“You okay without the eye patch?”
“Then, what are we wainting for? let´s go!”
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