#don't cry freida
the-art-block · 2 years
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Vamptober Prompt 15: Remorse
Krispy has already forgotten what happened but Freida will remember until her final death 🥺
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queenbeehistoria · 3 months
sweet girl — historia's daughter
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notes | i was having brain rot about historia's daughter. she is actually so adorable, and i find it a crime that there is barely anything about her. this is yumihisu centre as well. and to make things for fun, this is set in the 2000s. my girl is an early 2000s baby.
tip: the underline means a link :)
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historia named her baby girl after her half-sister, freida.
ymir didn't come around until freida was three. ymir "can't stand kids" but the second freida comes up to her, ymir is so quick to play with her
freida was a barbie girl. she got anything barbie related. ymir tried to get her a bratz doll, but freida kept trying to eat the shoes.
she couldn't get polly pockets either because she tried to eat the clothes on multiple occasions.
one in a million is historia and freida's song. whenever freida's upset, historia just turns that song on & starts singing to her.
my girl is ymir & freida's song.
until the end of time is THEIR SONG. ymir and freida would be dancing to it & then historia comes in to check up on them. ymir just gets all soft and dances with her two favorite girls
ymir dances with her in the living room singing my girl, and the biggest smile comes across freida's face
miss freida was SPOILED.
freida would point at something & ymir would be like "you not getting that." (she is)
historia would just ask freida why she wants it before getting it for her
do NOT separate that girl from her momma
freida will scope the scenery & if she do not see blonde hair & blue eyes, she will start crying
eren, mikasa, and armin babysat freida. this girl do not like eren. eren pick her, she don't even cry. she just gives him this mean ass stank eye. she basically be telling him "put me tf down" in babbles
she's okay with mikasa because they have tea parties & play dolls.
when the eremikamin first babysat freida, she started crying like twenty mins in because she started to realize her mom wasn't there. eren & mika tried to calm her down but nothing was working. freida looked at armin, stopped crying, and just ran to him like "mama!"
the same thing happened when the titan trio watched over her.
berth makes her feel like a giant whenever he puts her on his shoulders. playing wise: she likes bertholdt the most. she always asks for ups when she's with him
freida would be talking in her toddler speech but when reiner even brings his big ass hands near her to pick her up, you'll hear the clearest "NO!"
and when she lets him pick her up, she starts crying immediately and doesn't stop until he puts her down.
eren gets the stank eye, reiner gets the stank face. he can't play with her or nothing. like he would try to play dolls with her and she would snatch them away. she do not like that man 😭
freida starts crying because her mom isn't there. annie comes out of her room & freida sees her. she immediately sprints to annie saying "mommy!"
annie confused as fuck because she is not this girl's mom but she goes along with her.
freida is literally a parrot. people have to watch what they say around her because she WILL repeat it if it sounds like something fun to say. so, historia & ymir try not to curse around her
connie did NOT catch the memo. he was watching freida with sasha & connie. funny enough, she lasts longer & with the trio that doesn't have blonde hair or blue eyes. like they're her favorite.
connie said: "you were an ugly ass baby, but you're adorable now." freida smiled and yelled out "UGLY ASS!" over and over.
when freida learns a new word, she just repeats it over and over. like that word is on loop. so connie had this baby yelling 'ugly ass' on repeat
sasha tried to distract her by asking her to say words like flower, puppy, etc. it lasted for like three seconds before freida started cursing again.
connie accidentally said fuck & shit. freida looked at him before spamming "FUCK SHIT!" jean was stressed out.
they managed to get her to stop the cursing. historia & ymir come home & everything seems fine. historia picks freida up. it's fine until freida looks at historia & goes "mommy, mommy! FUCK SHIT!"
levi, hange, and erwin is freida's least favorite babysitters. hange is fun but she loses freida all the time.
levi & erwin will have her watching crashbox ALL DAY. crashbox is fun but when you watch it all day, every day? and they be having her watch them pbs documentaries too. just education all damn day. like why are you trying to teach toddler multiplication.
babysitting chronicles aside, freida had princess themed bday parties.
like i said, my girl was spoiled so she had them big, poofy dresses with the big ass cake too.
bday parties was the only time freida allowed reiner to come over and be around her. still not allowed to pick her up though.
freida does this thing where if historia & ymir don't like something, SHE doesn't like them either.
the whole reason why freida doesn't like reiner is because ymir doesn't like reiner. and it's the same thing with eren. all ymir said was "i don't like eren that much." freida's mind said fuck eren too.
freida had those big ass barbie dream houses as a kid. she had the trailer too.
freida also had one of those cup things where you could put food in it
ymir tried teaching her spanish. freida only knows a couple words.
freida wanted to be like hitch growing up. miss dreyse was literally the girl with the apple bottom jeans & the boots with the fur. she had that shit ONNNN
when she met hitch for the first time & she wore a pink juicy tracksuit, freida knew who she was at young age
hitch gave freida makeovers all the time
and she brought her toys. them barbies was dressed DOWN.
freida got hella outfits but when ymir dresses her, she got her out here looking like fucking soulja boy.
ymir & historia was freida's first introduction to love. seeing them just be in love was special to freida. she always thought her mom deserved the love she seen in the movies, a fairytale love. freida had never historia more happier than when she's with ymir. that alone made freida believe in true love.
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If It Hurts You Bad, Put It On My Tab, I Can Pay It Back Ten Fold | Death By Anyone's Hand but His Would Never Taste as Sweet
Warnings: 18+, fluff, angst, jealousy, hurt/comfort, no smut but hints of a sexual relationship, slightly inappropriate use of the force
Another one that took on a life of its own. I reference lore I haven't talked about yet ie. Jeintians have purple blood because I said so
Word count: 4.4k
Only Place I Call Home by Every Avenue | Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Freida groans when Anakin rolls on top of her, away from the sun beaming in through the skylights.
"I should get going soon," He mumbles, burying his nose in her hair, "They'll be expecting me back soon."
"No," She argues, her arms wrapping around him.
"Precious," He chuckles when she nuzzles closer, her claws sinking into his back just enough to sting, "Freida, I..."
He pulls back just enough, or he tries to anyway, to look down at her, but she surges up to press her lips to his throat.
"I love you too," He sighs, "But sweetheart-... Frei..."
The whine she gives him when he pulls her arms away breaks his heart, "Don't want you to go..."
He swallows hard and pulls her close again, muttering against her hair, "I know."
He doesn't want to leave either, he'd gladly spend the rest of his life wrapped in her arms.
It's an hour later that he finds himself pulling on his cloak and she stops him by gripping his arm.
"I know," She rises to her toes to kiss him. Her fingers running through his curls as she pulls away, "Come back safe to me."
"I always do," He assures her with a small smile.
She nods but the quiver of her lip gives her away, "I love you, Ani."
"I love you more, Precious," He says teasingly, trying to keep her from crying, "Sweetheart, it's okay, please don't- How... How can I make it better?"
She just shakes her head as he wipes away her tears.
"I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise," He insists, cupping her face, "Come now... I knew you had a crush on me, but I didn't know you were obsessed. "
She laughs through her tears and pulls him into another kiss.
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Cria seems flustered when he comes strutting in like he owns the place four months later.
He greets her with as warm a smile as he can muster, "Is Freida around?"
The recent sieges have been taxing on him both physically and emotionally and he wants nothing more than to fall asleep in her arms.
"N-no. Her eminence has been off-planet for nearly a month and just extended her trip for another week," She explains, thinking her last-minute detour to Coruscant was to see the Jedi here now.
The whole situation sours his mood. He'd carefully planned his visit to Jein'ta to see her without drawing unwanted attention from the council, and she didn't even have the common courtesy of being there.
By the time he gets back to Coruscant, he just wants to collapse in his quarters, but something inexplicably pulls him to the Senate building. The whole place is swarming with politicians as a soiree goes on around him.
He doesn't know what he's doing here but just as he resigns himself to leave a familiar laugh pulls the very breath from his lungs. He whirls around, his eyes following the sound to the balcony on the far side of the hall. There she stands, beside Padme, giggling shyly at another senator.
His feet move before his brain can even register what he's doing.
As he crests the top of the steps she glances in his direction, her body freezing when their eyes lock.
Normally, he'd be delighted by the easy, loving smile that lights up her face, but he's too distracted by man across from her blatantly vying for her affection.
The displeased scowl doesn't leave him as he approaches. He holds his hands behind his back, his fingers flexing as he keeps himself from using the force to pull her to his side.
"Senators, your eminence," He greets coldly with a small bow.
She tries to hide her disappointment at his lack of enthusiasm, reminding herself they can't let anyone know about them.
"Ani," Padme grins at him, "I haven't seen you is ages, please, join us."
He agrees and Freida immediately feels as though she's drowning with him in reach but unable to hold him.
He suddenly inhales when he feels the force wrap around him like a warm, weighted blanket, tendrils of her love twisting between his ribs and around his heart. For a moment he forgets his annoyance, his weariness taking it's place until-
"Any man would be beyond lucky to have someone as sweet and beautiful as you by his side. How has no one snatched you up yet?"
Anakin's jaw clenches at the question as the senator takes her hand in his.
Her discomfort is palpable when she pulls away from him with a nervous chuckle, "I have more important things to worry about for now."
The soothing pressure around him dissipates as her anxiety rises and he decides to step in.
"If you'll excuse us for a moment," He interjects, taking Freida's elbow in his hand as gently as he can muster, "The Priestess and I have important matters to discuss."
He doesn't wait for an answer, trying to be gentle when he drags her away.
"You're hurting me," She says once they've wandered into an empty office, far away from the party and he instantly lets go with a muttered apology before leaning down to capture her lips with his.
"I went to see you," He murmurs into the kiss, "Why weren't you there?"
She snorts at the question, thinking it was a joke, but he pulls away with a serious expression.
"Anakin," She sighs, her fingers brushing through is curls, "Ever since I was voted to represtent Jein'ta in the senate, I've been pulled in a million directions at once. I was meeting with Senator Amidala on Naboo, she's been helping me understand some of the political goings ons and she asked me to accompany her here tonight. You don't honestly expect me to wait around every day for you to hopefully show up."
"I expect you to stay where I know you're safe," He argues. His rational mind knows she's right, it's completely outrageous to think she'd spend every moment waiting for him, but he's too tired to listen to reason, "The last thing I want is to have to worry about your safety while I fight on the front lines."
"I was with Senator Amidala, I was perfectly safe. I thought you two were friends?"
"We are! I just... Do you have any idea how much trouble she gets into?" He snaps, his worlds are colliding in ways he can't control, "It's just nice to have a warm bed to fall into after fighting for so long."
She knows he doesn't mean it as it sounds, but the implication stings.
"Is that all I am to you?" She frowns, "Something to warm your bed while you're away? Something to fuck when you're pent up?"
Of course not. She's his everything. That's what he wants to say, but his exhaustion and anger permeate the air as he leans down in her face and spits out, "And you're doing a pretty shit job at it by being here."
He regrets his words as soon as they leave his mouth, the hurt in her eyes overwhelming him.
"I-" The words catch in his throat when her glassy eyes fall and she steps back.
"If that's how you feel about it..." Her voice is barely audible, but then her face hardens and her gaze snaps back to him.
"I only accepted Padme's invitation tonight in hopes of seeing you," She seethes, "But if that's all this relationship was to you, then I'm done."
"Wait," He catches her arm as she turns to leave and she wheels back around at him.
"I'm not some distressed princess that can waste her life away pining for a man that clearly doesn't care about her the way she does he, to come and rescue her!" She berates him, "I'm just sorry I lost the time I did waiting on you."
Clearly doesn't care for her? After all he's risked for her? All he's been willing to lose for her.
"You're just a self important brat who thinks she's better than everyone else!" He accuses, "And it's been my absolute displeasure to serve you, Your Eminence."
He bows sarcastically before storming out of the office, brushing off Padme's concern as he exits the building, leaving Freida by herself.
Now alone, Freida covers her mouth with her hand to muffle the sob clawing its way from her throat as she sinks to the floor.
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It's been nearly two months and both Obi-wan and Ahsoka have noticed a change in him. He's more reckless, more aggressive, and less like the man they both care about.
It didn't take long for his regret to turn to rage and he takes it out on bounty hunters and battle droids.
The worst part is that it isn't helping. Even as he disbatches the last droid of this battalion with his lightsaber all he wants to do is break down in his love's arms.
He's felt as though he couldn't breathe from the moment they parted ways and he doesn't know how to remedy it.
He deflects another blaster shot before turning toward the next battalion, fire burning in his eyes that scares even the droids attacking him.
He's torn through a large swath of droids when a wave of despair crashes over him, emotions stronger than his own flood his veins, and panic freezes him in place. Freida.
He snaps back to the moment when shot grazes his arm and Ahsoka deflects three more from filling him with holes. They work together to quickly finish off the last of their attackers, but as soon as he beheads the last droid he disengages his lightsaber and starts for his ship.
"Where are you going?" Obi-wan asks as the younger padawan hurries to catch up.
"Something's wrong," He answers shortly, "I need to go to Jein'ta, I'll be back soon."
"Jein'ta?" The Jedi master puzzles, "But- Anakin! That's on the other side of the galaxy!"
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They've barely touched down when he jumps out of the cockpit and starts for her townhouse, calling over his shoulder for R2 to wait with the ship.
He barges inside, double doors slamming open in front of him, startling her as she fixes a flower arrangement in the main foyer.
He takes hold of her elbows, pulling her in as he looks her over for wounds.
"What happened? Are you hurt?" He asks, worry prominent in his voice, "I felt you from the other end of the galaxy."
She stares up at him with wide eyes and he cups her cheek, "You've been crying, what's wrong?"
"I-..." She flounders for a moment, her lips trembling before she collapses against his chest, her body shuddering against his grit-covered armor.
He doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her and pull her close, "I'm here now, it's okay."
She's spent every moment since they parted trying to act as though she didn't miss him or that every second they were apart wasn't killing her. She was exhausted, she needed him more than she could admit.
"I'm sorry," She sobs and the pain in his chest grows.
"Don't apologize," He begs, "You have nothing to be sorry for, Precious. I was the one at fault."
His rough hand buries itself in her hair as he kisses the top of her head and continues, "I was upset and I took it out on you. I hurt you..."
She pulls away just enough to look up at him, her eyes still wet with tears.
"I never meant to," He says quietly, "It's been destroying me inside knowing I did. I love you."
"I love you," he takes her face in his hands and kisses her forehead, "I love you," Her cheek, "I love you," Her other cheek, "I love you."
Finally, his lips land on hers, kissing her desperately. Her hands grasp his wrists, trying to hold him there when he moves to pull away.
"I missed you," She whispers meekly.
He pulls her back against his dirty chest plate, forgetting that he's even wearing it as he holds her tightly, "I missed you too."
"You smell like oil and sweat," She comments after a bit, once she's calmed down.
"I came straight from the front lines," He admits, "I thought you were hurt."
His body starts to ache as though saying it out loud reminded his bones just how tired he was.
"But you're safe... Right?"
Her arms tighten around his waist and she mumbles against his chest, "I am now."
With a heavy sigh she pulls away from him, taking his hand in hers.
"You look exhausted," He melts into her touch when her fingers graze his forehead to sweep his hair from his face, "Come with me, we'll get you something hot to eat."
He's about to trail after her like a dog when Obi-wan, Ahsoka, and a squadron of clone troupers come running in looking about as worried as he had been.
"Anakin, what happened? Where's the danger?" Obi-wan asks, lightsaber brandished.
The younger Jedi pulls his hands away, his face tinting pink, "There wasn't any."
He still doesn't know what triggered her sudden despair, as much as he would like to think it was her yearning for him, he knows something else must have happened.
"This is my fault," Freida steps in, "More of a... misunderstanding, actually."
The group relaxes and looks at her to continue. She swallows hard, her eyes flickering to Anakin nervously.
"It's been three years since my mother died," She starts, squeezing her fingers anxiously, "But this is the first year I've been home since it happened and I-..."
Anakin takes an instinctive step closer when her voice breaks.
"I didn't take being at her memorial well," Her admission breaks his heart, "I must have let my grief overtake my connection to the force and..."
"We're friends," He adds, tilting his head to look at her face, "After our time together we must have a strong connection through the force. I misread the situation."
"Well then," Obi-wan nods after a moment, not entirely buying their story, "I apologize for our intrusion, your eminence."
"No, please," She stops him when he motions for the group to leave, freezing slightly when he turns back to her, "I... You've come such a long way, I would be remiss if I didn't offer you a hot meal and place to stay for the night."
"Sir, the dreadnought does need repairs after that last attack, it might not make it back to Coruscant now," One of the clones mutters to Kenobi.
"In that case, I suppose it's best we take you up on that offer."
Cria on the otherhand isn't especially pleased by the soldiers tracking dirt, mud, and motor oil all over the clean floors.
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Dinner is... tense, to say the least.
Anakin and Freida are desperately trying not to act odd in any way that may alert to the rest of the group that they have a long-standing relationship.
But that doesn't stop him from hooking his ankle with hers under the table, an action that makes her cheeks turn a faint purple.
Every touch between them sparks like lightning and this one is no different.
She tries to play it cool and continue any small talk, but she has a hard time seeing them all in Jeintian garb like this.
Cria had insisted they not wear their armor in the house because they were making such a mess, so now the lot of them, save for Ahsoka who wore one of Frei's old dresses, were wearing simple green and blue tunics and pants, which really was a sight. It was strange to see them in something so different.
Anakin especially. She's not sure what Cria was thinking when she handed him those clothes because they were nicer than the rest.
Something her father left behind from his younger days, she's sure. A deep green, well-fitted shirt with a high collar secured around his neck and diamond-shaped cutout along his chest and upper stomach. It's sleeveless and the hems are decorated with silver embroidery.
"Maybe the housekeeper likes me more," he'd scoffed when the the others remarked at the fancier clothes.
He's caught Freida staring at him across the table more than once and it does little other than stroke his ego.
"... isn't that right, Anakin?" Obi-wan's voice pulls his attention back to the conversation. He's so distracted by her hungry gaze and low-cut gown he doesn't know what he's being asked.
"Master Obi-Wan?"
"I was just telling our host about our latest skirmish on Felucia, were you not paying attention?" The teasing lilt to his voice makes the younger man grimace.
The rest of the evening is spent this way, with his companions poking light-hearted fun at him whenever he gets distracted.
He sighs in relief when the meal ends and they can retire to their assigned rooms, knowing it won't be hard for him to sneak out to see her.
They're spread across three rooms, the jedi in one and the clones split between two others.
"I forgot Jeintians forwent more classic beds," Obi-wan sighs at the large arrangements of cushions, one of which Anakin ungracefully collapses into.
He seems far more at home here than the rest of their party. Obi-wan knows he's been here a few more times than himself, but the ease at which he walks around, as though it were his own house, concerns him.
His body is screaming for sleep, but once the sun goes down and the others seem to be asleep, Anakin quietly makes his way back into the hallway.
He effortlessly makes his way to her door, knocking softly and waiting for her to open it.
When she does, she looks up at him half-asleep, and he melts at how adorable she looks.
"I didn't mean to wake you," He whispers, his fingers brushing through her hair.
"You didn't," She mumbles, "'m wide awake."
"I can see that," He chuckles when she yawns, "C'mon, let's get you to bed."
He gently ushers her back inside before anyone can see them, shushing her little protesting whines.
"Don't fight me here, Precious," He warns lightly, "I wanna hold you for a while."
That gets her attention and she pulls him down with her into her nest of pillows.
He hums contentedly into her mouth, moving to kneel above her, "Missed these lips."
He hisses when she grabs at his shoulders and slides her hands down his arms, grazing the burn from his earlier fight.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," He insists, kissing down her jaw.
"Anakin," She huffs, sitting up beneath him.
"It's just a scrape, princess," He assures her, "I'm alright."
"Show me."
He does, sighing she she pouts and gets to her feet.
"Seriously Frei, I'm fine."
She ignores him as she sits in front of him with a small kit. She lets him pull her against his chest and leave a trail of kisses down her neck as she digs through it.
He whines when she pulls away again, but let's her take his injured arm.
His blue eyes stare intensely at her face while she patches him up.
Her fingers are soft as she wraps a bandage around his bicep, tying it off before pressing a soft kiss to it, making him shudder.
"All better," She smiles, and he doesn't know how, but he falls even more in love with her.
His hands tangle in her hair and he pulls her back against his lips, "How did I ever get so lucky?"
He tries not to laugh when he feels a familiar rumble pick up in her chest. Even now, he hasn't quite gotten used to the purring.
He moves her first-aid kit to the side with the force so he can lay them both down as she nuzzles against his neck.
Despite the warmth of her embrace, his mind wanders the look of her tears and pained expression back in the Senate building and he holds her tighter, "Are you sure you're okay?"
"We both said things we didn't mean," She says, "At least... I know I didn't-"
"Of course I didn't," He frowns, "I was just... I was tired and in a bad mood. I should've known better than to take it out on you like that, you're my everything."
He feels her smile against his throat before pulling away slightly.
"This suits you," She grins, fingers toying with the window on the chest of his tunic.
"Do I look as devastatingly handsome as I usually do?" He teases.
"Even more so," She hums, leaning down to kiss him again.
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Warm sunlight shines through the windows and her heart sinks when she finds herself alone.
He must have left not long after she fell asleep, knowing they couldn't be caught together like that.
She stretches out in the midmorning sun, her claws digging into a cushion as she does.
She takes her time waking up before strolling out to the kitchen in one of her more casual outfits, thinking their guests would have left hours ago.
"Well, that just isn't fair," The sudden voice makes her jump and knock her mug off the counter, "Careful!"
He catches it with the force, setting it back on the countertop as he steps closer.
"I thought you'd left," She gasps.
"Is that all I get?" He chuckles, "No 'how did you sleep?' No good morning kiss?"
"Oh, how rude of me," She grins, leaning up with her hand on his chest to press a soft kiss to his lips, "How did you sleep, Ani?"
"Terribly," He mumbles into another kiss, "Kept reaching out to hold you but you weren't there."
She hums, nuzzling against his chest.
"My pretty girl isn't awake yet, is she?" He coos.
"Haven't had my tea," She mutters.
"We can't have that now, can we?" He tuts, stepping away.
She watches with soft eyes as he starts her morning ritual for her, "You don't have to-"
"I don't mind."
She pushes herself up on the counter and crosses her legs, "What did you mean when you said this wasn't fair?"
"What was that, princess?" He asks, glancing over at her.
"When you walked in."
"Oh, that... I mean, just look at you," He shrugs, "We're supposed to keep this thing a secret, but when I see you look like that, how am I supposed to keep my hands off you?"
"Cause you're so easy to stay away from in that shiny uniform?"
He chuckles and parts her legs with the force, stepping between them as he hands her back her cup. His fingers graze her exposed midriff and pride ride swells in his chest when her cheeks darken, "Lovely little thing."
"Stop," She whines, trying to hide her blush from him, but he's not having it.
He hooks two fingers under her chin and turns her face back toward him, "Please don't hide from me."
They're just inches apart, his breath fanning over her face, intoxicating her as he presses his forehead to hers.
She sets aside her hot drink and grabs the back of his neck, tugging him into a hard kiss.
"Do you even know what you do to me?" He groans against her lips when she doesn't let up, "Fuck."
"Sweetheart... gotta be careful," He huffs breathlessly, pulling back as far as she'll let him, "You're gonna get us caught."
"Says the one pinning me to the counter."
"I can do more than just pin you to it," He challenges, about to nip at her lower lip when the sound of footsteps comes close to the kitchen. He quickly pulls away, leaving her sat there flustered as Ahsoka walks in.
"Am I... interrupting something?" She asks, freezing awkwardly in the doorway at the sight of Freida's deep purple cheeks.
"Nope," She squeaks, quickly lifting her mug to her face to hide her blush.
Well that wasn't convincing, the padawan thinks before glancing at her master, and neither is that.
He's glaring at their host like a predator staring down its next kill, his chest and shoulders heaving with heavy breaths, like he wants to devour her whole.
"Okay... Well, I'm just gonna take this and... go..." She says, grabbing a fruit from a basket on the island and backing out again.
"I think we may need to work on being less suspicious around other people," Frei mutters into her drink.
"Hey, it's hard to act though I'm not desperately in love with you when you're so close," He admits with a playful smirk. He closes the distance again, their noses bumping, "You've bewitched me, body and soul. Everything I am is yours and I don't care if people know it."
"But I do," She argues and his eyebrows furrow in confusion, "Anakin, you love being a Jedi... I would never ask you to give that up for me."
His face softens at her explanation and he surges forward to kiss her again, careful not to spill her still-steaming tea.
"I promise, someday I'll come back for you and never leave again," He vows, "And we won't have to sneak around like this love we have is wrong."
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Anakin wakes with a start when the woman beside him bolts upright, crying his name. Her hand hit his chest, scratching his skin as she feels it's really him.
"I'm here," He says, sitting up next to her and wrapping his arms around her waist, "You're okay, I'm here."
His voice is soft and reassuring as he holds her.
It's been less than a year since he'd been expelled from the Jedi after falling under Darth Sidious' thrall, and only a few months since the Sith lord's trial had ended.
This was still new to both of them, him being within reach every moment of the day, and openly being them.
"I'm right here, Precious," He mutters into her hair. His flesh hand rubs soothing circles on the small of her back while his mechno arm holds her tight to his chest. They both get force-terrors of that night at the Jedi Temple, of the things he did and can never take back.
Freida clings to him as she tries to catch her breath. He's real. He's safe. He's yours.
That thought alone is enough to calm her. He's yours. She holds him tighter and he lets her, kissing the crown of her head.
The force wraps around them like a comforting hug, both isolating them from the world and connecting them to everything in existence.
"It's over," The ghost of a promise whispered in the night, "We made it."
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hosts-of-valyria · 4 years
To build a home: The rock, pop and glamor of House Targaryen, Stark and Martell of King's Landing, Dragonstone and the Independent Crownlands at the end of the rebellion: The Mightiest, strongest and richtest Side in times of Independence for all Kingdoms and without the Iron Throne.
House Targaryen is split into three houses at the end of Robert's Rebellion: House Targaryen, Stark and Martell of King's Landing, Dragonstone and the Independent Crownlands
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Wilf Scolding as Rhaegar Targaryen, Freida Pinto as Elia Martell, Aisling Franciosi as Lyanna Stark, Diane Kruger as Rhaella Targaryen and Jason Isaacs as Aerys Targaryen
"Call it out; Rhaegar! Burn down the Iron Throne. Shout it out into the world. Declare independence and the Lannisters and Baratheons have no Chance", said Aerys.
Independence for the kingdoms at the end of Robert's rebellion. The news spread like a wildfire from the Arbor to the Wall, people cheered in cities, "Independence given by House Targaryen!"
The bells rang in King's Landing for the Declaration of Independence. Varys smiled, "Finally the bells are ringing for something beautiful."
Rhaegar Targaryen proclaims sovereignty in the capital. Rhaegar Targaryen releases the Kingdoms of Westeros into sovereignty.
The crying king who never was: At the end of the rebellion, Rhaegar Targaryen tearfully releases the Kingdoms into sovereignty.
The population in the capital elects the own leaders for the first time: 500,000 people choose Rhaegar Targaryen as Warden and Protector of the Capital, highest office in the realm. The election of Aerys and Rhaella Targaryen as the highest judges by the population. 500,000 people vote Lyanna Stark and Elia Martell for a women's movement against violent and evil men like Robert Baratheon
The State of the Union Address: The last order of House Targaryen resounds from the capital at the end of the rebellion. State of the Union speech through Rhaegar Targaryen at the end of Robert's Rebellion: Rhaegar, Aerys and Rhaella Targaryen say goodbye to the stage, sovereignty goes to the houses of Westeros
"The audience was wonderful again today and the final chord in minor sounds sad. We say thank you and goodbye. Let yourself be seen here again; because something has to be show every now and then and when the stage is clear, then you take part. The show has to go on, goodbye.
Be free! I, Rhaegar Targaryen, give independence to the Kingdoms of Westeros. I, Rhaegar Targaryen, restore independence to Dorne, the Reach, the Westerlands, the Stormlands, the Iron Isles, Riverlands, Vale of Arryn and the North before Aegon the Conqueror came. I destroyed the Iron Throne, that was me. This is zero hour for Westeros and the Realm. I am not a king. Be Free! Live! Live! Live and love without limits. I don't enforce allegiance, although there was rebellion against me. The Targaryen were refugees from Valyria and I want to stay here, I was born in Westeros like any of you. Apparently some people think they have to mark the wild man and act like an ax in the forest because the ego is too big or a no is not understood. One kills children in the cradle and the other wanted a dynasty at the expense of others and in Casterly Rock, the new method is that cities are sacked instead of taking reasonable responsibility.
I, Rhaegar Targaryen, proclaim the sovereignty of the Crownlands, it is the youngest kingdom. The Crownlands rightfully belong to House Targaryen, it was House Targaryen who built the capital. I am founding House Stark and Martell of King's Landing, Dragonstone and the Crownlands: Heads Lyanna Stark and Elia Martell. King's Landing is always open to friends. House Targaryen declares neutrality towards wars.
I appoint Alliser Thorne, Lewyn Martell, Barristan Selmy and Arthur Dayne to be Lyanna Stark and Elia Martell's bodyguards. Willem Darry becomes the bodyguard of my father Aerys and Oswell Whent becomes the bodyguard of my mother Rhaella. Commander Hightower is my bodyguard. All seven knights get money every month because these men were the only ones who always supported me, they get vacation and days off. They get a hall of fame for excellent work, and I like to surrender power. These seven men and I toil every day to change things on this continent!
I give this independence but I expect that House Targaryen will no longer be blamed for anything, blame Aegon the Conqueror. I haven't done anything to anyone and whoever doesn't understand should stay where they belong! I didn't forge the Iron Throne, I destroyed it. Nobody will sit on an Iron Throne any longer! If I can't have the Iron Throne, no one should have it. And this ugly thing is gone!
I never asked to be loved. I've always given everyone respect but apparently it wasn't enough. You can stay at home if something doesn't suit you! But then I don't want to hear a word more from them! Nobody has to come to King's Landing, I don't force, you can also stay in bed and where the pepper grows!
I am already rich, it is a fact and it may or may not please! I've always traveled the Kingdoms listening to ideas from others.
I don't want to be loved, I have flaws, I am flesh and blood like any of you. I'm not perfect, I have flaws like every human being, making mistakes is human. I am not a god, king, priest, judge or executioner!
I am Rhaegar, that's my name and my name is not Dragonspawn! My mother's name is Rhaella and not cruel Targaryen cunt! My father's name is Aerys and not Mad King! Her name is Elia and her name is not vicious dornish bitch or cock sucking snake! Her name is Lyanna and not Northern wolf whore! The five of us have feelings and dignity!
But when some people have already sunk so far and think they have to attack the feelings and dignity of others, that goes to Storm's End: Fat, evil, stupid warmonger! You are useless for anything, you are even too stupid to lose weight. Vicious asshole hiding under Casterly Rock!"
Lyanna, Elia, Rhaella, Aerys, Arthur, Alliser, Barristan, Oswell Whent, Gerold, Willem Darry, Lewyn Martell and the people in the streets laughed aloud.
And I've always tried to help Westeros. I have a heart and have always listened and always given time and nobody gave me time. And there was a rebellion against me. I have cautiously not mentioned names, but those will feel addressed, if everyone thinks they need to know everything better, here you have sovereignty and do the work alone, but then I don't want to see him or her in King's Landing either. If some people think they are omniscient, divine or perfect you are not welcome here. Borders are now being set. I've always enjoyed riding by the Trident and through the Riverlands. My mother and I always enjoyed being at the Twins."
Rhaella and Aerys nodded, "Walder and we always got on really well. Walder has always liked you, he was blown away when you were a baby."
Rhaegar nodded, "As a reminder and that goes to the Vale of Arryn and Riverrun: My father wasn't always megalomaniac, he made the Crownlands the richest fulcrum before he got sick. My father worked hard to create these lands, wealth and prosperity.
That goes to Winterfell: My father made King's Landing and the Crownlands what we know, a place of knowledge and wisdom, a melting pot of nations, that was my father. People of different skin colors, languages, religions and cultures meet here and they trade and work together and they live together which cannot be said of some in Westeros. The largest market in human knowledge, my father made this possible before he got sick. My father took a lot of money into his hand to make a difference before he got sick at his nerves. After years of bigotry, my father Aerys brought many new faces to King's Landing that was before he got sick.
That goes to the North: I have done everything possible that was in human strength and it was not enough because some people think they have to enforce their stubbornness and now I have to give in to give sovereignty even though I did not harm anyone, think about it. Only House Targaryen gives independence! When you have a problem with me you can stay at home.
Aerys' nervous system got sick. He has medical assistance. My father fell ill while isolated and captured in Duskendale some years ago and I wish some, not all, that they get sick! He got seriously ill. He's on medication and is fine and showing no signs of megalomania. Lyanna, Elia, Rhaella and I have had doctors come and my father is fine and he has big plans and visions.
If I hear one more time that Targaryen are insane or cruel, I will bring them to justice and lock them away, it's no longer funny. He has desires and he is healthy and my mother and he love each other and are unmarried.
The Crownlands belong to my father, Elia, Lyanna, my mother and me, and if anyone says otherwise, they are dead! The money in the Crownlands stays in the Crownlands! And if the independent north got poor I wouldn't care if nobody speaks to me sensibly when they need money. There is a solution to everything but I will kill now if in times of independence some people think they have to play war. My father, mother and I have invested a lot of money in this city that is getting cleaner and more powerful and nobody is going to take King's Landing away! Everyone in the Crownlands benefits from this. King's Landing belongs to my father Aerys, Lyanna, Elia, my mother Rhaella and me! And it doesn't belong to anyone else! There is so much to do on this continent, I have so much to do in the capital and the people love the changes. I've always included the people. My father, mother and I have many visions for King's Landing, Elia and Lyanna have visions for the capital, they work hard here. Lyanna and Elia are shareholders at King's Landing, Dragonstone, the Red Keep.
It was Aerys, Rhaella, Lyanna, Elia and I who drove the economy up here. Elia and Lyanna have great visions for the Red Keep and Dragonstone. This is my city, Dragonstone is mine and as a reminder, that was my Iron Throne and none other, I'm getting fed up with the shit. I destroyed the Iron Throne because some people think they have to start a feud. I thank you for having to do the shit on my own and my regards go to Casterly Rock and Storm's End where one has evidently committed to killing children and babies.
We can do what we want here, create new jobs and offices and elections. I don't give a shit what happens in the independent kingdoms now, do it yourself, you all think you need to know better.
I call to a council in half a year, whoever wants to come is welcome whoever thinks they don't need it, because he or she thinks a feud or war is the best option, can kiss my unshaven ass. Hardly anyone really supported me.
You know I have always looked after the people in the capital, I always give work and politics, I have always given people more power and money. I love the people in King's Landing you know that.
The last order from House Targaryen to the houses of Westeros and all the people on this continent, to all Westerosi. Let everyone be told a thousand kilometers away: From Salt Shore in Dorne to Last Hearth in the North. From Lannisport in the Westerlands to Gulltown in the Vale of Arryn. From Yronwood to the Twins at the Crossroad. From the Arbor to the Wall in the far north: Live a life! This was the last order.
Do your shit alone! Here you have Independence. House Targaryen gives Independence.
House Targaryen hereby signs out, do your shit alone when you think you know everything better and don't need any help. Remember one thing: House Targaryen gives sovereignty. Aerys, Rhaella and Rhaegar Targaryen hereby deregister.
And this goes out to all of you here in the capital: you know I have always sung for you and given you money, power, work and politics, you know that I love the Crownlands. With truth to power: the identity of the Crownlanders. Tonight there is a celebration near Blackwater Bay for us and all Crownlanders. Robert's rebellion is crushed, the usurper is in Storm's End. You are the people. I am your submissive servant. I am just a humble worker in the vineyard. Together we will make the Crownlands even more powerful."
The people applauded, "with truth to power. Well done Rhaegar. We choose you for the Warden of King's Landing. Give us good kings and queens."
Rhaegar wept loudly in Arthur's arms, "It's ok Rhaegar. Cry."
Elia and Lyanna covered their mouths in shock when they saw Rhaegar crying and kissed him, "come to us, we love you, we always believe in you. We are always with you Rhaegar. It's okay, men can cry."
Ashara, Gerold, Barristan, Lewyn, Alliser, Aerys, Rhaella, Elia and Lyanna hugged a crying Rhaegar, "It's ok you can cry."
Aerys proudly held up Rhaegar's hand in the air, "with truth to power. I love you, this is my son. You crashed Robert's Rebellion", the people at King's Landing applauded loudly.
Jon Arryn apologizes in a letter, "I'm sorry Rhaegar, I never said Aerys should die, I didn't want you to cry. i don't know everything better. I don't want to argue with you, Rhaella or Aerys, I'm sorry Rhaegar. Well done, you removed Aerys as king, destroyed the Iron Throne and you three gave independence. See you to the council. House Arryn and the Vale of Arryn obey orders from the capital, we'll live a life. Thanks for independence. I thank Lyanna for naming her child after me. Elia and Lyanna love you and you love them."
Balon Greyjoy thanks Rhaegar warmly for the independence, "now I can forge a crown. Thank you for independence for the Iron Isles. Aeron and I are coming to the council. Dry your tears Rhaegar. That's just Tywin and Robert's asshole behavior."
Oberyn and Doran Martell thank Rhaegar for independence for Dorne, "Ellaria is coming to the council, Doran is fighting his gout because he wants to travel around in Westeros. We never hated you Rhaegar. We look forward to seeing you with Elia and Lyanna and the children in Sunspear. Thank you for independence. Please don't cry. House Martell is always by House Targaryen's side. Dorne is always with you."
Olenna Tyrell thanks Rhaegar, Rhaella and Aerys Targaryen for sovereignty for the Reach, "you know Mace and I are coming to the council. House Tyrell and the Reach will always be by House Targaryen's side. Save your tears, these are just Lannisters and Baratheons who think they have to bring about chaos. Don't cry Rhaegar, you're a good man. Congratulations on your choice as Warden of King's Landing. Congratulations to Lyanna, Elia, Rhaella and Aerys for the elections. You know I adore Lyanna and Elia."
House Tully from Riverrun apologizes, "We are sorry Rhaegar. Congratulations on being elected as Warden of King's Landing and the most powerful figure in the realm. The Riverlands thank for independence. We thank you, your mother Rhaella and your father Aerys, that House Targaryen has granted us sovereignty. Tears shouldn't flow. Well done. We're coming to the council."
Oberyn and Doran Martell call Robert Baratheon a heartless, bloodthirsty monster at the end of the Rebellion and the Independence through House Targaryen and they call Rhaegar Targaryen a true man when they found out about Rhaegar's crying and his mighty speech and truth. "Congratulations Robert , you made a man cry who did nothing to you. You made a grown man cry who gave independence and destroyed the Iron Throne, because of your monstrosity, rebellion and inhumanity. Elia, Lyanna and Rhaegar would have died because of you and the asshole under Casterly Rock!"
"This is snot shit, Robert! Aerys fell ill after the Defiance of Duskendale! He was isolated and caught in Duskendale I remember like it was yesterday. His nerves became seriously ill. Aerys wanted to emancipate and be free and was captured. I never wanted a fight with House Targaryen. And I definitely don't want a fight with Lyanna Stark and Elia Martell! It's madness when you mess with Lyanna and Elia, either of them can kill you for what you do Robert! Aerys has always appreciated my advice and he, Rhaegar and Rhaella always helped me here at the Twins. You have no right to split the continent in your warmongering Robert. I've never had a problem with Rhaegar, Aerys or Rhaella. I like the three. A war was foreseeable. Your rebellion is unjustified front and back. A good man sheds tears because of you and that wanker from Casterly Rock. I come to the council and i will be on time", said Walder Frey.
Winterfell at the end of the Rebellion:
A dream of spring
Catelyn put the crown of the north on Eddard, "the King in the North whose name is Stark! I give you King Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell. May your wisdom grace us until the Stars rain down from the heavens."
Wyman Manderly, Robett Glover, Rodrik Cassel, Rickard Stark, Maege Mormont, Benjen, Howland Reed, Elia and Lyanna applauded like the lords and ladies and Lyanna with little Jon in her arms, baby Jon clapped his hands, little Rhaenys clapped her hands, "the King in the North."
Catelyn kissed Jon's and Rhaenys's cheek, "you are a sweet darling Jon. You will become a beauty, Rhaenys."
Rhaenys smiled, "I would like to be queen like you later too. My two little brothers need to be powerful."
Catelyn, Lyanna and Elia smiled, "you will be a wonderful queen and your brothers will be mightiest."
Eddard looked at Elia, Rhaenys, Lyanna and Jon and smiled, "he's a Stark and a Targaryen. See you to the council Lyanna. I will be happy to come to the capital often and will love to see you, Elia and Rhaegar often in Winterfell. The northerners hereby apologize to Rhaella, Aerys and Rhaegar. I never said that I am omniscient, I just tried to be a voice of reason. I know wars are wrong. I know Robert never cared about Mya's mother. I'm sorry, don't be too hard on me. I don't want arguments with you and I know you don't either. Congratulations to you two to winning your election in the capital.
I didn't want to make Rhaegar cry, the northerners thank him for independence. Tell Rhaegar I'm sorry, the king in the north greets the Warden of King's Landing and most powerful man in the Realm", said Eddard in Winterfell at the end of the Rebellion when he received the crown of the north from Catelyn.
"At least you deserve a kick in your ass from us", said Elia, Catelyn and Lyanna with a smile.
Prince Rhaegar loved his Princess Elia and his Lady Lyanna.
The dornish Viper loved her She-Wolf and she loved her and thousands died for this love.
Rhaegar Targaryen loved the two and they loved him.
"Fuck the realm Rhaegar, we want his death", Elia and Lyanna shouted half-madly when Rhaegar, Aerys and Lyanna rescued Elia from Gregor Clegane in Harrenhal on the orders of Tywin Lannister.
Rhaegar nodded, "Gregor Clegane will die, you have my word."
Doran and Oberyn Martell order the death of Gregor Clegane when they learn of the attack on Elia. Hunt for Gregor Clegane by Sandor Clegane and Beric Dondarrion. Death of Gregor Clegane before the steps of the Iron Throne. Death of Gregor Clegane by Sandor Clegane at Oberyn's, Elia's, Rhaegar's and Lyanna's feet
Rhaegar's power game with Tywin Lannister and Robert Baratheon, Lyanna Stark's game with Robert Baratheon, Elia Martell's power game with Cersei Lannister.
In King's Landing, Rhaegar Targaryen proclaims Elia Martell and Lyanna Stark as queens of beauty at the end of the rebellion. Brandon Stark calls Robert Baratheon a whore driver and a violent warmonger who wants to shed blood regardless of loss and laughs at him.
In Dorne people laugh out loud at Tywin Lannister and Robert Baratheon. Oberyn and Doran Martell laugh loudly at Lannisters and Baratheons. Olenna Tyrell laughs loudly at Cersei Lannister. Aerys and Rhaella Targaryen laugh at Tywin Lannister when the Iron Throne is gone.
Lyanna and Elia in King's Landing, Catelyn in Winterfell and Lysa in the Vale laugh at Cersei, "Have fun Cersei as Queen of Casterly Rock, now you can explain to Addam Marbrand and Kevan Lannister that you fuck with your own brother."
Elia and Lyanna couldn't stop laughing, "you're just a whore, Cersei. Your ugly brother's hand should be cut off. We like power, truth is power. Jaime is a monster like you, let's see when you get pregnant by him."
In Casterly Rock, Cersei Lannister curses loudly, "And again I'm standing without a Targaryen prince. I hate you Robert Baratheon! I hate you Lyanna, I hate you Elia! You two cunts have children with Rhaegar and I don't. You two manipulated. You two played a game with me.
I hate you Catelyn Tully! I hate you Lysa! I wanted the Iron Throne! I wanted to pass my children off as children of Rhaegar or Robert. Now I have nothing, I don't have an Iron Throne. I don't want Casterly Rock, I don't want to be queen here. Jaime can have it, I want King's Landing."
Year of the False Spring, House Stark, Martell and Targaryen of King's Landing, the kingdoms in Independence
In King's Landing laughed Varys, Barristan Selmy and Rhaegar when the Iron Throne was gone, "well done Rhaegar, fuck the Realm. Prince Rhaegar loved his Princess Elia and Lady Lyanna. He loved the two and they loved him."
Diane Kruger as Rhaella Targaryen.
Aerys Targaryen and Jaime Lannister crossed swords before the Iron Throne. "Away with the sword, Ser Jaime! I'm sending you back to Casterly Rock! You can tell your father Tywin when Lannister troops come into the capital I will drag him through the streets of the capital by hand!"
Jaime growled, "asshole", Aerys roared like a dragon, "Ugly blond haired wanker", Rhaella and Aerys Targaryen send Jaime Lannister back to Casterly Rock.
Aerys Targaryen calls Ser Alliser Thorne into the Guard after Jaime Lannister is at Casterly Rock. Alliser Thorne is the proudest man and becomes Lyanna's bodyguard.
When the usurper rebels/When the usurper rises: Robert Baratheon declares war on House Targaryen as Elia Martell and Lyanna Stark fall in love in Harrenhal.
Elia Martell saves Lyanna Stark from marriage to Robert Baratheon. Elia Martell breaks off her marriage to Rhaegar. Walder Frey comes to Harrenhal too late. Catelyn Tully calls him the late Lord Frey.
Elia Martell officially announces in King's Landing that Robert Baratheon already has a child in the Vale of Arryn. She calls him a thug, drunkard, whore driver and denies him all honors and titles. Elia Martell exclaims that Tywin Lannister is a troublemaker and exclaims that he is planning to overthrow House Targaryen the people of the capital curse Robert Baratheon and Tywin Lannister.
Catelyn and Lysa Tully
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Catelyn and Lysa Tully, Elia Martell and Lyanna spread the story that Cersei and Jaime sleep together when Benjen Stark and Howland Reed see Cersei and Jaime having sex in Harrenhal in an old tower.
Varys and Ser Alliser Thorne tell Aerys, Rhaella and Rhaegar that Tywin plans to marry Cersei to Robert. Varys and Ser Alliser Thorne take Pycelle prisoner in King's Landing.
"I love you. You and Lysa are power hungry whores", shouted Baelish.
Catelyn Tully is keen to become Queen of the North, Lysa Tully is keen to be Queen of the Vale.
"You don't know what love is. I won't let anyone bed me to be queen in the north. Eddard can fuck me before the wedding! I've never been nothing. I'm highborn too. My eldest child will rule the north with a strong and beautiful queen. I don't give a shit about Karstarks or Umbers. I want this alliance with Elia and Lyanna. I'll kill you Petyr if you get too close to my children, when you are my enemy, Lysa and I will kill you, Baelish. You can stay as ward in Riverrun. You will live in Riverrun for life until you die! Rely on Petyr, Lysa will spread her legs wide for Jon Arryn before the wedding. I'll spread my legs really wide for Eddard while you can jerk off in your pants, Baelish. Brandon wants Ashara and not me. You can watch Ned bang me, would you like that?"
Catelyn and Lysa kissed his cheek and laughed out loud, "Oh poor Baelish, have fun in Riverrun. Poor littlefucker. Lysa and I don't fuck losers like you."
Lysa Tully and Jon Arryn fall in love. King and Queen of the Vale
Robert's children: Mya, Bella, Edric and Gendry
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A Baratheon, the dark hair of the Baratheons of Storm's End:
Jennifer Lawrence as: Mya Baratheon, eldest sister of Gendry, Bella and Edric. First born child of Robert Baratheon conceived during his time in the Vale of Arryn. She never knew who her birth father was. Eddard Stark brings Mya to Winterfell at Lyanna's urging and raises her. Alicia Vikander as: Bella Baratheon
Gendry Baratheon is born in the capital raised by Rhaegar Targaryen and Rhaella Targaryen. Bella Baratheon is born in Stoney Sept, raised in Riverrun. Edric Baratheon is born, raised in Highgarden.
Elia Martell, Lyanna Stark, Lysa and Catelyn Tully call them Baratheons and call Robert Baratheon a bad father, warmonger and usurper. The lords in the north are raging that Eddard Stark supported Robert Baratheon.
Jaime and Robert passed each other in Harrenhal and rammed each other, "do you have a problem Lannister?"
"I'm bored Robert. I could give you strong heirs", said Cersei, drunk in Harrenhal.
Robert Baratheon calls Cersei Lannister a brother fucker. Robert Baratheon calls Elia Martell a vicious, cock sucking snake, Oberyn Martell and Rhaegar Targaryen intervene, "watch what you say and what you call Elia! Son of a bitch!"
Tywin Lannister calls Elia Martell and Lyanna Stark bitches running around.
Robert Baratheon calls Lyanna Stark a northern whore. Eddard Stark interferes, "and you want to make me believe that you ever had anything like feelings for Lyanna? You fat pig what's your problem? And that goes to Casterly Rock: You are a dead man Lord Tywin when you give the order again on the death of Elia!"
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Tywin Lannister declares war on Robert Baratheon when he hits Cersei Lannister in the face in Harrenhal.
"You're funny Cersei, you open your mouth and I hear your father's voice. I see the golden hair of the Lannisters everywhere. I'll honor you, I'll teach you manners, brother fucker! Lannister bitch", he shouted drunk. Cersei roared, bleeding heavily, "and you beat every woman! I'll kill you!"
"Of Stags and Lions": War Between Tywin Lannister And Robert Baratheon
Lyanna Stark and Elia Martell travel to King's Landing, Catelyn Tully travels to Winterfell of her own accord, Lysa Tully travels to the Eyrie of her own accord
Outbreak of the rebellion: "I'll kill every single Targaryen I get my hands on. I only fight for Lyanna", said Robert with his pants open.
Defeat for Robert Baratheon at Ashford by Randyll Tarly. Robert Baratheon moves to Stoney Sept. Lannister troops attack Stoney Sept, Robert Baratheon flees to the Trident.
Battle at the Trident: Rhaegar Targaryen, Gerold Hightower, Lewyn Martell and Barristan Selmy move with the royal army to the Trident. Defeat for Robert Baratheon. Robert Baratheon flees to the Vale of Arryn. Jon Arryn sends him to the Stormlands.
Mace Tyrell besieges Storm's End where Stannis Baratheon almost starves to death. Davos Seaworth comes to his aid with onions. Rhaegar Targaryen and Eddard Stark call back Mace Tyrell to lift the siege.
Lyanna Stark and Elia Martell fall in love with Rhaegar Targaryen when he burns down the Iron Throne. Aerys Targaryen renounces the Iron Throne, Aerys and Rhaella dissolve their marriage and fall in love.
Aerys, Rhaella, Rhaegar, Elia and Lyanna remain unmarried. Lyanna Stark and Elia Martell make up House Stark and Martell from King's Landing. Elia becomes pregnant with Aegon. Rhaella Targaryen becomes pregnant with Daenerys. Birth of Daenerys Stormborn on Dragonstone.
Viserys loves his father while he saves Rhaella when Daenerys is born.
Lyanna becomes pregnant with Jon. Rhaenys adores her brothers. Birth of Jon in the Tower of Joy on Lyanna's, Elia's and Rhaegar's journey through Dorne
Rhaegar Targaryen renounces the Iron Throne. House Targaryen annihilates and burns the throne with the entire wildfire.
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The Truth About Aegon the Conquer: It was Aegon the Conquer who built the wheel as we know it when he subjugated seven kingdoms and forged the Iron Throne.
Robert Baratheon roared in Storm's End, "I hate you Rhaegar Targaryen! You wouldn't have stood a chance in an open fight against me. Now I'm the bad guy because you removed the Iron Throne, I just want to drink myself to the grave while others rule for me, I'm not born to be a king or a father. Your ex-wife dishonored me when she and Lyanna kissed. You dishonored me I hate you dragonspawn! Your ex-wife this cheap little dornish whore dishonored me as you and Lyanna did. Lyanna was mine, I wanted to stick my cock in her. Ned dishonored me when he became king in the north. Those Tully sluts Catelyn and Lysa let me run into the open knife. I'll kill you all! I don't want to be Storm King! I want to go to a brothel next to a marriage."
Catelyn and Lysa laughed in Winterfell and in the Eyrie, "Fat pig!"
Eddard laughed in the north, "since when do you have honor? You've always made yourself dependent on others and you've been drunk like a pig. You would beat and rape Lyanna if you were drunk!"
Lyanna and Elia laughed out loud, "we don't fuck losers like you Robert!"
Rhaegar's melancholy
Varys, Lyanna, Elia, Aerys, Rhaella, Rhaegar looked into green flames as the Iron Throne burned brightly and the swords melted, "such a beautiful sight. The ugly thing burns brightly. What drove you to subjugate seven kingdoms, Aegon? Madness? The Targaryen were refugees from Valyria, you could have lived here in peace, instead you were a tyrant and conqueror."
Rhaegar's double game with Robert Baratheon: Slyness: "If I don't get the Iron Throne Robert you won't get it before that happens I'll burn the ugly thing down. Before I give you what you want, an open fight, I burn every single ugly sword in the throne and throw it into the ovens. Before a Baratheon or Lannister sit on the Iron Throne and inflict an injustice on House Targaryen, I cremate the throne with the entire wildfire. If I don't get the throne, nobody gets it. You want a fight? I'll give you a game and in the end you'll be the laughing stock of the continent."
At no point was it the fault of House Targaryen!
The renunciation of the Iron Throne by Rhaegar Targaryen: House Targaryen crushes the rebellion. Strongest and richest site in Westeros: Standing army, Royal army, House Targaryen: 90,000 soldiers
Rhaegar Targaryen's victory over Robert Baratheon: "I Rhaegar Targaryen lay down all claims to the kingdoms. I Rhaegar Targaryen removed and burned the Iron Throne with the wildfire, that was me.
I Rhaegar Targaryen want to stay in Westeros. King's Landing, Dragonstone and the Crownlands rightfully belong to House Targaryen. I lay down all other claims, I'm no king of Westeros. With truth to power, the identity of the Crownlands."
People cheered loudly, "with truth to power. Robert Baratheon is evil. We choose you to be our leader and warden. Give us good kings and queens Rhaegar."
Lyanna, Elia, Aerys and Rhaella hugged him, "well done."
The culprit: Usurper Robert Baratheon Rebellion in the Stormlands against Robert Baratheon, "Warmonger! Usurper!"
In Winterfell: Brandon Stark puts down all claims on Winterfell and goes to Dorne to Ashara Dayne. Brandon never loved Catelyn Tully
Lyanna Stark makes Eddard King in the North through her power play with Robert Baratheon in the South.
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Brandon, Rickard, Eddard Stark shouted, "no rebellion against House Targaryen."
Winterfell: Catelyn Tully and Eddard Stark had sexual intercourse before marriage. Catelyn becomes pregnant with Robb before the wedding.
Rickard Stark breaks the engagement between Lyanna Stark and Robert Baratheon.
Eddard Stark: "fuck. I don't know at all if I'm suitable to be king in the north when Rhaegar proclaims independence. I have to get married and I need a legacy, fuck, Brandon's in Dorne. Now I have to marry Catelyn Tully. Nice game Lyanna, you were right about everything you said about Robert, I'm sorry. Don't be too hard on me, Brandon and Rickard."
At Casterly Rock, Tywin Lannister cursed, "fuck I wanted a Lannister on the Iron Throne, I can forget that now. Now I need kings and queens in Casterly Rock. Now Cersei has to earn the crown of the Westerlands. Fuck, Joanna was right, Jaime and Cersei are having sex. Well done Rhaegar, nice game, you played with me and you won. At least I hope it looked nice when the Iron Throne burned."
In the Eyrie shouted Jon Arryn, "no rebellion against House Targaryen. The Targaryen want to give independence. Fuck now I have to become a king in the Vale and get married for love. I need a legacy, fuck."
Twenty years after Robert's rebellion, Yennefer of Vengerberg arrives in Westeros north of the wall, "ouch my head. That gives a bump. Snow?"
Rhaenys Nymeros Martell, Aegon Nymeros Martell and Jon Stark
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•King Aegon Targaryen and Queen Sansa Targaryen of King's Landing, Dragonstone and the Crownlands
•King and Queen in the North Robb Stark and Rhaenys Stark, Lord and Lady of Winterfell
•Jon Stark and Yennefer Stark-Vengerberg
"Bad luck for everyone that Rhaegar had the Iron Throne removed, oh that ugly thing burned brightly through the entire wildfire. I remember as if it was yesterday. In all our lives Rhaella, Aerys, Lyanna, Rhaegar and I have seen nothing more beautiful than the Iron Throne burning brightly and melting through wildfire.
Rhaegar never had to marry, Lyanna never had to marry, I never had to marry, we can also remain unmarried. All three can call themselves Targaryen if they want and Aegon takes the name Targaryen and Sansa loves him and Aegon loves her. Robb loves Rhaenys and she loves him. Jon loves Arianne and she loves him.
Rhaegar is the best father for the three. It was Rhaegar's best decision to remove the Iron Throne and proclaim independence. Why should Lyanna or I hate him? Aerys could have entered into a political marriage. Why should we leave Rhaegar, we are not taking away the father's advice from our children. Aerys was keen on Joanna, Aerys was still married to his own sister, Rhaella was never happy with him, the two never showed affection; and I'm not saying that Aerys has to die. But Aerys is no longer king and now he and Rhaella show affection, it must be enough that the kingdoms are independent. Lyanna is a wonderful, attractive woman and mother. Yes, it's easier for women at first, but Rhaegar is wonderful as a father, he makes everything possible for the three of them. We love him. Oh her tongue works wonders on my pussy, when Rhaegar wants friends then that's fine. When the Iron Throne is gone then that's fine. Rhaegar can fuck Lyanna and me as often as he wants; he does not need anyone's consent for this. Neither Rhaenys, Aegon, Jon, Lyanna, or I hate Rhaegar; Rhaegar was at no time king just a prince, Aerys was head of House Targaryen. We can spread our legs for Rhaegar as often as we want, he's still a damn good father. If he doesn't want to be a king that's fine, it was always about the Iron Throne, who sits on the Iron Throne. Bad luck for everyone when Rhaegar removes the ugly thing."
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makiema · 5 years
Possibility of an Eren vs the Devil final showdown
Okay so I saw @marley-warriors-of-demon-blood's post and I pondered over it for a few days. I finally had the time to write it all down. What I have to say draws a lot from the original post. I'd just like to mention some more hints that I picked up while doing my research along these lines.
First off, I'll elaborate on the recurring mentions of "devil" we get throughout the anime and the manga (also talk a bit about Paths) and secondly, on Isayama's subtle inclusions of numerous other Judeo-Christian references. All of it directly hints at a dramatic ending that may involve Eren, the protagonist, and the main antagonist- the Devil.
1. The Devil : We have had an eerie account of direct or indirect references to the Devil.
• One of the earliest comes from Bertholdt in Season 2 Ep 36 when we first hear him addressing Eldians as "spawns of the Devil"
• The next time we literally get to see the Devil is in Season 3 Ep 43 when Historia revisits her past and the book she reads show us the picture of the Devil and we also see Ymir Fritz for the very first time.
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She's present in the story under the alias of Christa, who Freida points out to be a kind girl, always thinking about others.
However, this unsuspecting nature also makes her dangerously gullible and thus, the Devil tricks her into consuming the fruit which'd vest her with incredible powers that could be used to do some potential good work but also wreak havoc on Earth. The illustration was already a foreshadowing of the immediate future event whereby Rod Reiss would try to beguile Historia and get her to eat Eren but she'd see through the ploy and stand up against him. But, that's a different topic and I don't want to digress from my primary point. However this illustration carried an even darker foreboding as we'd realize in the course of the manga.
• The next implication comes from Floch, quite shockingly, during the Serum bowl, also in Season 3. We find him referring to Erwin as the "devil" out of nowhere, that too twice.
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It was horrifying yes, but could it be a darker message for events yet to unfold? Surely Isayama wouldn't drag in the word "devil" out of nowhere. Also, another thing I want to point out here is Levi's decision of finally using the serum on Armin. No, not the usual why (because by now it's clear that he wanted Erwin to rest) but whether or not this action of his, that earned him hard opprobrium from almost half the fandom, had some underlying meaning for us. Maybe more than the shock factor, the serum bowl was allegorical of future events- that the Devil, like Erwin here, is not dead yet and has been playing the strings since eons ago; that the character who is following in Levi's footsteps, i.e., Eren will have to make a difficult choice (which is why Isayama had been stressing on how he'll hurt the fans in the conclusion) and bring an end to the Devil who is still at large. Choosing Armin over Erwin seems to be an absurd decision from a logical pov and Levi's action maybe more than just "letting him rest". Isayama loves foreshadowing. Killing off such an important character could very well be an indication of something more than what's visible on the surface. Perhaps, it was symbolical of how, in the near future, the actual devil, who shares the same caliber as the Commander in plotting, will be forced to rest by Eren, who was trained by Levi to make difficult choices by himself.
• After this , Eren Kruger mentions how "anyone can be the God or the 'Devil' " in Episode 58, while also explaining how everything is connected by PATHS.
• The final and the clearest reference to the Devil is found in Wily Tybur's speech where he informs us of his devilry and we also come across Ymir Fritz, the girl who fell into his trap, and apparently consumed "the source of all organic matter".
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There couldn't have been a more prominent Biblical allusion than this one. Now, endowed with such power, Ymir Fritz sets off with beneficial work but, as per the Curse of Ymir, she dies in a few years and we learn that her power is eventually divided into Nine Titans.
• The Devil and PATHS : Only, in chapter 115, do we realize that she hasn't died or at least her spirit hasn't (I'll elaborate on this later). She's STILL very much functional in PATHS - this another universe or another place (whatever term you deem fit for it). When I say functional, I mean how she has to tend to and help her subjects respawn as per the contract with the Devil.
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However, notice the rather dark shading on her face? Those are similar to Isayama's signature stress lines that indicate Ymir Fritz is in pain or at least, she doesn't look like she's willingly up for kneading soil to help her subjects reincarnate. Now, if Ymir Fritz from Tybur's tale is still active, how can we rule out the possibility that the devil is active too? PATHS connects the future and the past. Eren Kruger can send words of advice to the future via PATHS, every shifter who's endowed with powers of the past has access to PATHS. In short, PATHS could be the place of any probability. PATHS is the place that warps time, history and even reality. If Ymir Fritz has indeed digested 'the source of all organic matter on Earth', then PATHS, where Ymir Fritz is struck, could be what supports this source or more clearly, it is what nourishes the root of the Titan Power. We know that Ymir Fritz obtained the source from the Devil and now, if PATHS is like nourishment to the source and is sort of a massive energy center (where even the concept of time is lost) it might very well be the Devil's residence or the physical manifestation of the Devil's will. The Devil, as part of a greater ploy, intended to do away with mankind and wreak havoc and that's why duped Ymir Fritz, a naive young girl, into consuming something that'd bind her and her progenitors to his evil will forever by genetic alterations, making it susceptible to his wilful morphing. With this, the main plot that revolves around slavery can finally reach an end. And breaking that tie to the Titan DNA, by destroying the Devil or PATHS (which helps the Devil to enslave Eldians/Subjects of Ymir no matter the era) could resolve the main issue and pave the way to freedom. If Eren does that, it'd be poetic given that Eren Kruger said that the Attack Titan and it's owner has always chased freedom. It's only fair that the Attack Titan (the embodiment of freedom) destroys PATHS (the embodiment that allows slavery). It all sets out beautifully and maybe this is the reason why Isayama even ensured that we get to see PATHS animated as early as in Season 2 Ep 10. Thus, we get a sneak peek of it in Ymir's memory.
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It just gives more corroboration to my hunch that PATHS is THAT important and can possibly be the abode of the Devil and hence, be crucial in the endgame. Also, isn't it ironic how Ymir says "I saw freedom spread out before me" in this scene? Or could Isayama be hinting at a possible conclusion that Eren would finally achieve freedom once he is also in PATHS dimension and destroys it? That this scene would be included so early in the anime but not carry some deeper meaning just doesn't settle well.
2. Other Judeo-Christian references : The manga is brimming with those but I'd just point out to a few as some interpretations may seem too far off and I have the habit of snowballing every minute detail.
• Violets : These flowers keep popping up time and again and is even there in the very beginning of the show. Eren wakes up crying from his 'dream-vision' and we find those violets right beside him.
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We again see these flowers very briefly under Armin when Eren consciously transforms for the very time in Season 1 Episode 10. This was not in the manga but Isayama wanted this to be animated. He wouldn't have stressed on the importance of including the violets if he didn't have a motif.
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Violets have strong religious connotations in Christianity. They blossomed when Gabriel told Mary of her son's impending birth. Now, Gabriel is the Angel who communicates with humankind and thus stems the potential meaning associated with violets - connections. The symbolism is a very important one as it could be a allegory to how PATHS connects the future to the present, connects all the Subjects Of Ymir. Isayama even canonically included the violets in PATHS dimension in Chapter 115, when Zeke meets Ymir Fritz.
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Isayama's emphasis to add violets in the anime and also later, to draw them in PATHS couldn't be for naught. The flowers and what they stand for must be crucial in the final resolution. Also, just as violets blossomed when the birth of the Saviour was prophesized, here in the the SnK universe, violets pop up when Eren is in the frame in the very beginning and when he first reveals his power, indicating he'd be the eventual saviour. If Eren is an allusion to Christ it also justifies what Isayama said : that he wants to 'hurt' the readers. We all know about Christ's sacrifice and perhaps Eren is also going to do something similar which will leave the readers hurting.
• Allusions to literary classics : There are a lot of allusions to Dante's Inferno and even to Milton's Paradise Lost, both of which borrow heavily from mythology and the Bible. But, I'd discuss the ones that I found the most suggestive-
1. Nine : The power of the Devil that Ymir Fritz inherited was split into Nine Titans. In Inferno, we get the Nine Circles of Hell that will eventually lead the poet to Satan. And like we have discussed before, the Devil has striking semblances to Satan. Satan lies below the Nine Circles of Hell and the Nine Titan Powers combined is equivalent to the power the Devil possessed. Uncanny similarity, eh?
2. Ymir and Virgil : Like @marley-warriors-of-demon-blood mentioned, Ymir Fritz is currently caught in a Limbo. She was just a naive little girl and hence, what ensued from her making a deal with the devil wasn't technically her fault. In Inferno, Virgil is distraught similarly- fated to remain trapped in Limbo forever. Now, like I said earlier, PATHS is connected to everything. And Limbo, the first circle of Hell, is also connected to the later circles. I hypothesized in a previous post how I think Ymir Fritz and Eren will meet next in the manga. (with Eren being decapitated and everything) Virgil was the one that guided Dante in his journey in Inferno and Ymir Fritz, currently just a lost spirit in another dimension, may become Eren's guide. She can advise the holder of the two most powerful Titans (the Attack and the Founding) on ways to resolve Eldia's problem by killing it's source, i.e., the Devil, considering she's really a girl with good intentions. This would also resolve her character arc properly. She'd get a stance in the story and not just be someone who was used by the Devil for his conspiracy. After all there's no one more suited for the task than Eren. I'm probably taking it too far but I do think Ymir will have a similar role like Dante. Both are caught in the Limbo, both are not at fault, and both are destined to meet the protagonist.
3. The Crystal : Annie enclosing herself in impenetrable crystal, which outwardly looks very much like ice, could be an allusion to Satan again. In Inferno, he's trapped in ice at the centre of the Earth. Annie is being held captive 'underground'. A very similar process is applied for Satan. He's held underground too and he's enclosed in hard, impenetrable ice, akin to Annie's crystal.
4. Paradis : The name itself could be suggestive of Paradise, i.e., the Garden of Eden, which is mentioned in the Bible as well as in Paradise Lost. The place is described as magical. The 'Paradis' in Isayama's story is not far from being extraordinary and is peppered with rare resources as Kiyomi points out in Chapter 107.
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It has "the forest of giant trees", a plethora of resources, and is teeming with diversity. It's equivalent to a biodiversity hotspot, a very rare place on Earth. It has an aura of supernaturality and extravagance, much like the Paradise of Milton. Also, the whole Satan luring Eve with the apple thing (and the Devil's likewise conniving) is also mentioned in Paradise Lost.
So, in conclusion, with this many underlying religious motifs it's highly possible that the Devil is the ultimate villain, like Satan is in Christianity, and Eren's final confrontation is going to be with him- the one who is the root cause of all evil. Even the final exhibition gave a lot of importance to the Devil tricking Ymir Fritz scene. It definitely has much more significance than is apparent.
One of the key themes in SnK has been gray morality. All the characters have their own reasons to justify their commiting the most horrible atrocities they inevitably had to, as per orders. Marley is not exactly on the wrong for torturing and ghettoing Eldians. They fear power that can actually trample on the whole world. Eldia is, of course, not at fault. Their genetic make up may spell impending danger but that doesn't make them any less human. They're cursed alright but that doesn't automatically strip them off their humanity. They have as much right to live as Marleyans. In fact, as we have seen Eren reinforcing from time to time, "Nobody has the right to take that away from us".
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Here, Eren also expressed his denial of any plan that even remotely suggested using this probability of turning into a Titan as a weapon to fight. Thus, we can trust that what Eren aims will cause the eradication of this possibility altogether. He will make it so that such a cruel way of fighting doesn't exist ; that nobody will have to be forced to turn into a Titan and die no matter the cause. And the only possible way to do away with this is to kill it's source : the source being the Devil or his instrument, the PATHS.
But, even if nobody is at fault, one cannot veil the truth that Titans exist or rather, the Titan DNA and the inadvertent possibility of an Eldian turning into a Titan exists. It still looms in the SnK universe like 'the grim reminder' we have heard over and over again in the anime. The reminder of humanity being caged and the humility of living under constant fear of Titans popping up suddenly called for invariable Fighting since the very beginning and had also inspired the chase for Freedom. So, how will Isayama bring the main plot/theme revolving Fighting for Freedom to a close? Of course, the answer is by ending slavery in all forms, including Eldians being a slave to the Devil via their fundamental genetic constitution. The Devil is the one responsible for making them Titans, for making the world see them as dreadful enemies. He is the one infringing on their right to freedom and right to live. Thus, Eren WILL face off with the Devil, the cause of all slavery in their world, and finally bring Freedom to humankind. After all, hasn't Eren's character always been all for freedom and for detesting and aiming to do away with every possible form of slavery? If the Devil's very existence is the cause of Eldians being a slave to devilish power, it's only fair that the one character, who has reasserted the importance of Freedom more noticeably than any other throughout the story, is the one that brings the curtain down on the Devil and all his ploys of enslavement and wreckage, consequently freeing his men.
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Uh oh, new S/I intro already...
Meet: Freida Baltwin Priestess of Jein'ta
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Ship Tag: #death by anyone's hand but his would never taste as sweet
*Disclaimer* while I have been watching and rewatching the prequels I have never seen Clone Wars. So this ship will evolve as I do that... whenever I do that.
Star Wars Lore is not my strong suit.
Also, I don't want this to be actually doomed so I might have to rework some plot points. And I'm totally not stealing part of the story from Phantom Menace, nope... You can't prove anything.
Jein'ta is a planet in the farthest reaches the outer rim. It's lush with alien life and nearly untouched by the rest of civilization.
It's where Freida was born, and had it not been so far from everything she would have been brought to the Jedi temple as a baby. She's extremely force-sensitive and without the Jedi's teachings, she's found her own way to comnune with and interact with it.
It amplifies and displays her emotions in a way, as it affects the world around her.
Because of this deep connection to the force she is regarded as somewhat of a spiritual guide on her homeworld, a priestess.
It isn't until dark forces hiding within the galaxy learn of her does she also come to the attention of the Jedi.
These dark forces attempt to kidnap her and her father contacts the Jedi council to protect her and teach her to control and conceal her abilities better.
That's when she's trusted to the care of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker.
She's normally quite a free and bright spirit but with having to leave all she's known with two strangers, she becomes timid and quiet
The trip back to Coruscant did not go according to plan when their ship was intercepted and forced to make an emergency landing.
While Obi-Wan is out bartering for parts, Anakin is left to do what repairs he can and keep her safe.
Of course, the people who all but shot them out of the sky find them and there's a scuffle. He tries to keep her behind him, but one of the kidnappers grabs her and presses a blaster into her back.
As Anakin tries to come up with a plan the man's eyes go wide before he falls down dead. She gave him a major aneurysm with her control of the force, but she didn't enjoy it.
Just as the others are about to move in the whole group is attacked by a creature that isn't native to this planet and looks as though it's been tortured.
It turns on her and Anakin, teeth bared, once it's ripped through their assailants, but before Anakin can even activate his lightsaber she's pushing in front of him, her hand out like a HTTYD character.
She's always been good at connecting with animals, and this one is no different, but the tone shifts when it steps closer and Anakin takes a defensive position. His aggressive energy throws off the balance she's created, making it look like the animal is going to attack, giving him no choice but to kill it.
She's immediately in tears over it. She'd connected with it, felt its pain, and tried to soothe it. Even then, having felt its life force be torn from her, she lets him take her in his arms and lead her inside where he holds her while letting her cry it out.
Let's just say, he had a lot of explaining to do to Obi-Wan when he came back to find various corpses outside the ship and Freida sat on his padawan's lap, sleeping peacefully against his chest.
She became instantly flustered when she woke up there though, and her face was bright red the rest of the trip back to the Jedi Temple.
From there, he's basically her personal bodyguard and they spend a lot of time together, so their relationship blossoms from there.
And I'm sad to say there are only two ways this will go. Either they live happily ever after like they deserve or... to put it bluntly?
He kills her.
Ship Playlist:
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Death By Anyone's Hand But His Would Taste As Sweet | I Don't Know You, But I Would Love to Meet You
Warnings: 18+, death, franchise typical violence, I still haven't watched much Clone Wars
Anakin and Freida's first meeting
We Should Be Friends by Josh Ramsey | Picrew | Dividers @saradika-graphics
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He doesn't know why both he and Obi-Wan were pulled off the frontlines to escort some spoiled princess to Coruscant. Doesn't she already have a private guard for things like this?
Hell, he's never even heard of this planet before.
"Try not to look so cross, Anakin," Obi-wan chides, "We're not here to scare the girl further, she's already been through quite the ordeal."
"I'm sorry, master," He huffs, "I just think my talents would be better used elsewhere."
"I'm sure you do."
He follows the older Jedi off their ship, where they're met by a man with pale blue hair tied back in a short braid and wearing a light-colored tunic.
"Welcome to Jein'ta, Master Kenobi," He greets and Anakin has to be careful to not roll his eyes too obviously at being ignored, "My name is El'Tar Baltwin. If you would follow me?"
He leads them down a pathway and a sudden pressure hits him, and by the look on his face, Obi-Wan feels it too.
"She's strong," His master comments and El'Tar sighs with a heavy nod.
"Yes, that," He says, "You get used to the feeling after a while."
They wait in the foyer of a decently-sized house while their host goes to collect their charge.
He catches the tail end of an argument when he wanders closer to the stairs.
"... don't want to leave. Father please!"
"You have a duty to your people to control this... thing and keep them safe!" He snaps back, "You will go with them, and that's the last I'll hear of it!"
El'Tar looks flustered and annoyed when he comes back, "My daughter will join us in a moment."
A few minutes pass and the pressure changes. The aura proceeding her is suffocating, yet his chest has never felt lighter.
All eyes are on her as she steps out from the stairwell, solemn look on her face. Her pale pink hair is gilded with golden stars and pearls, and the silk skirts of her pastel gown drag the ground at her feet.
"This is my Daughter, Freida," Her father introduces her.
"That's all a bit much to travel in, don't you think?" He blurts out and she finally raises her face to look at him. The timidness in her red-slitted eyes catches him off guard, having expected a bratty retort.
"It's best for our people if we act as though nothing is amiss," Her father answers for her, "She is one of our most-loved priestesses, this is what she shall wear."
"Your Eminence," Obi-Wan smiles at her with a slight bow that Anakin mimics, "I would like to assure you, as long as you are in the care of my padawan and myself, you will have nothing to fear."
"Thank you, Master Kenobi. I put my trust in you," She does her best to return the smile, her voice soft. She glances at him for the briefest second, the faintest hint of a blush on her cheeks, "Both of you."
"My dear, I think it's best you leave as soon as possible."
She feels as though she may cry with the way her father is rushing her to leave all she's ever known like some kind of pariah. But instead, she holds her head high as she follows the Jedi to their ship.
Her friends and neighbors greet her as if it were simply another day and the pain inside her grows.
She stops in her tracks just before stepping into the ship and turns around, taking in her homeworld for the last time for Maker knows how long.
"You coming?" He asks and her shoulders shudder as she tries to hold back tears.
"A moment, please," The way her throat tightens adds a sharpness she didn't intend and he rolls his eyes again. Brat.
"My dear, it's time to go," Obi-Wan tries, much softer than he, and she nods, letting him lead her inside.
"Gentle, Anakin," He says once they start taking off, "This is all new to her, and she's scared."
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She's silent for most of the trip and when he turns back to glance at her, her face is blank, devoid of any emotion.
Just as he's about to say something the ship shudders and an alarm on the controls begins to blare.
"What was that?"
"I don't know," He snaps, flicking a switch to turn on a display, "Damnit- There's a ship behind us. I think they're scoundrels."
The rip lurches again.
"Hold onto something!"
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He tries his best to get away, but they end up crashing on a nearby frozen moon.
"Your eminence," Obi-wan kneels beside her as Anakin assesses the damage, "Are you alright?"
She's shaken up, but otherwise, "I-I'm fine."
The ship is damaged, and Anakin argues that he can go by himself to a nearby village to get the parts they need, but Obi-wan insists he stay with Freida and the ship.
So he sits across from Freida, arms crossed, miffed because he's been put on babysitting duty.
"So why did your father decide to send you to train with the Jedi now?" He asks after an hour or so.
She looks at him with wide eyes, mouth slightly agape, "I..."
He straightens in his seat when her face falls and her brow furrow, the whole atmosphere becoming heavy.
"I didn't-" She freezes mid sentence, eyes narrowing, "There's someone outside..."
It takes a moment, but he feels it too, the presence of various people lurking outside the ship.
"Stay in here," He says, "I'll take care of it."
He turns back to her to see her worried face.
"It'll be alright."
He's busy dealing with blasterfire and scoundrels when he hears Frei, "W-wait!"
He spins around to see one of the pirates with his arm around her throat and a blaster pressed against her temple.
"Pu that Saber away, pretty boy, golden girl's comin with me."
"Let her go."
The man laughs, "And why would I do that? She's going to fetch me a small fortune in the slave tra-"
His voice cuts off and he looks confused. Panic quickly overtakes his features when he realizes he can't breathe and Anakin watches him let her go to claw at his throat before he flies back against a tree.
He quickly pulls her to his side, "I told you to stay in the ship!"
"I did!" She snaps, "He came in and grabbed me! What was I supposed to-"
A laser bolt hits the side of the ship and they both turn to see a barely standing marauder pointing a blaster in their direction, but before either can do anything, a large cat-like creature lands on him, ripping him in two.
Anakin doesn't hesitate to pull her behind him, but she stops him when he goes to activate his lightsaber, moving to stand between him and the creature.
"It's okay," She says softly, more to the beast than him as she raises her hands to show she's not a threat, "It's alright. Everything is fine."
Memories flash in her head. Pain. So much pain and fear. And being crammed in a cage.
"I'm so sorry," She whispers, "But it's okay, now. We won't hurt you."
It's defensive stance slacks slightly and it cocks it's head at her.
Anakin is beyond confused, wondering if this was a skill she taught herself with the force, or if she was just odd.
He shifts behind her when she steps closer and the creature immediately looks at him, back arching with a growl.
"Nono," She tries, reaching out to sooth it with the force, "It's okay, he's not a threat."
He takes action when he sees it rear back, thinking it's going to attack.
"Wait stop!"
He quickly runs it through with his lightsaber, tensing at the strained noise Freida lets out when her connection with it is suddenly severed.
He turns to find her frozen with tears in her eyes, her face contorted in horror.
"Your eminence-"
She falls to her knees in the snow, lips trembling.
"What have you done?" She cries.
"I just saved your life!" He scoffs.
She looks up to glare at him before getting back to her feet.
"It wasn't going to hurt me!"
"And how do you know that, princess?"
"It was just scared and confused!" She yells through tears, hitting his chest, "It was taken from its home by poachers and tortured! You would be too! I was calming it!"
He looks at her with wide eyes, not sure what to say when her anger turns to pain, "You didn't have to kill it."
His anger and annoyance soften when she collapses against his chest as she weeps.
She shivers when a particular hard gust of wind kicks up the snow around then and he lifts her in his arms with little protest.
He settles them in the ship with her on his lap, and he thinks there be more to her mood than a dead beast as she continues to sob into his chest.
He does his best to calm her but as his warm hands rub her back it works a little too well when she soon falls asleep in his arms.
He dares not move once he feels her tail wrap around his calf, not wanting to disturb her.
As the night goes on a blizzard howls to life and he knows Obi-wan likely won't be back until morning.
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"Anakin, what do you think you're doing?"
He groans and clings tighter to his pillow.
"Sleeping!" He snaps at his master.
"Well yes, I can see that," Obi-wan scoffs, "Is there any particular reason to need to be holding the priestess to do so?"
"What?" He opens his eyes to look at him in confusion when the thing in his arms moves.
Freida nuzzle into his neck, claws digging into his robes as she purrs contentedly in her sleep.
"I! Th-this isn't- I don't know how this..."
She yawns, back arching as she stretches and kneads against his chest, "What’s with all the yelling?"
She blinks the sleep from her eyes and looks at both of them for a moment before she jumps away, her cheeks turning deep purple.
"Would either of you care to explain the bodies I found outside?"
"Well, Master, about that...
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