#don't be fooled i only have high graphics for photos
satellitescion · 6 years
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Local pretty (edgy) boy lookin pretty in the snow
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autumn-foxfire · 2 years
I'm sitting here slowly growing crazy because I can't decide on a career. I have only two options, lawyer or doctor. Cons: Takes forever to become a doctor, have to pass Calculus and Statistics, 2% acceptance rate, MCAT 8 hour test, 500+ hours of work and 3.8 GPA just to qualify, get traumatized by graphic photos and having to memorize fancy scientific names of everything. Law Cons: ITS SO BORING!!!!! More fancy Latin names. The background and character checks. I don't want to steal money. 1/4
2/4 I have to literally fool someone into giving me 200 for talking to them?! Hello. What if a client is a poor single mother whose right on money and she's crying about how she can't pay me, do I just take the money anyways? Hell no. There's people dealing with all kinds of shit. I'd never be able to accept payment without thinking it's wrong or too high. Not to mention who talks to lawyers these days anyways? There's probably tumblr posts out there on how to avoid their services.
3/4 Or get them for cheap. Now yeah, I know there's branches of law and there could still be a need for one in some company, but where. And I hear you don't need a JD for so many of those jobs. I DON'T want to be a pharmacist, no matter what my mom says because my cousin is doing that and it feels icky being a copycat knowing my mom has me in competition with her to marry a boy so it's like going. "Here are two girls, exactly the same, same job, pick who you want to make babies with!" FUCK THAT!
4/4 Kind of petty reasons? Sure. But that stupid stubborn side isn't budging right now. Ig computer, info tech is also plausible. If it wasn't for how the major requires so much math I'd be emotionally suffering in college for 8 years along with gen classes and barely pass. I'm tired, I can't do much more of this. I just wanna jump into specialized, specific classes or practical work. Not Highschool Stress And General Ed but x10 this time for x2 as long. That day to day classroom life is hell.
You sound young, nonnie, and while I'm not the best person to turn to about this subject as I recently dropped out of university myself because of mental illness, I want to inform you that no matter what you think, there are many options for you.
Don't limit yourself to options that you sound like you won't enjoy just because of the expectations placed on you. You need to have a degree of interest in your subject in order to acheive after all, it's not something you can force yourself to do. If you do force yourself to do something you don't enjoy and find draining, you're going to burn yourself out faster than you can blink.
Give all your options some thought, not just the two or three you've mentioned, but multiple paths you might want to follow. Don't lock yourself in a path you will hate. Find something you have an interest in and look into what options you have in those fields, do your research, ask people who are in these fields what their experience is like so you have some idea what you're going to be going through yourself, don't go in blind.
Don't forget that if you choose the wrong option, it's never too late to change what you want to do.
Most of all, don't feel like you have to do something, especially for the sake of someone else. This is your life and your future after all.
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