#don't ask me about Da Kurrlz I have a beef with a few of his public options
the-empty-covet · 2 years
Some of my mental notes about HU members (current and former) while scripting my fan animated videos for them (because I need to put some acting into them):
J3T: God is dead and so am I.
J-Dog: God is dead and I don't care.
Funny Man: He's a kreechure wearing human skin and hopes no one will notice
Danny: He's the embodiment of (: for good, bad and wicked he is (: and you usually find yourself saying "I don't know what I was expecting but that wasn't it"
Deuce: He's edgy. He breathes edgy. He walks edgy. He speaks edgy. He wears edgy. He is like those vampire OCs that are super skinny but also super fucking OP for no reason except being edgy. And he will get hissy if you hold a Twilight novel book near him like you're offending his entire bloodline at once.
Needless to say but I will say it anyways, this isn't about Daniel Rose Murillo or Dylan Alvarez or any of the HU members (current or former) in a personal way. I take these from their verses in the songs, their public appearances and their own acting in their own music videos because I can't just put them in the animation with no personality whatsoever. But I also can't figure out who they are because, after all, I don't actually know them.
This is the mid term I found that I will work with and I might post more of that if I get bored in the future.
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