#doing his duty | una x camiss
undulioffates · 4 years
Doing His Duty | Camiss x Una
       It had been a few days since Camiss had last seen Una. He had yet to be assigned a new mission, which meant he had been backmhome in the Jedi Temple. One day, he was at a meeting with the Council, when they received a holo transmission from a senator on Rodia.
       “Jedi Council, my planet is in dire need of help,” the senator said. “Multiple shipments of food heading towards our planet have been destroyed by pirates. We need assistance transporting this next one. It needs to be protected. Anything you can do will help.”
       To Camiss’s surprise, this message received almost no reaction from the Council. “Rodia is a neutral system,” Master Mace Windu said. “There is no way the senate or the chancellor will be willing to send anyone to help them. Send no reply.”
       Camiss was never around for council meetings, so this response came as a surprise to him. “It wouldn’t be too hard to send a couple of us in starfighters to do this,” he said. “I can go, and I could even bring a few of my men.” But the council didn’t agree with Camiss. They weren’t allowed to do things like this, not during war, without approval from the senate or chancellor.
       Upset, Camiss walked out alone as soon as the meeting ended. He didn’t care if the Rodians were independent (or that one had tried to kill him just over a month ago), it was his duty to protect those who needed it. No other Jedi would be willing to do this, so he hopped in his ship and flew over to someone who he knew would.
       He arrived at his destination, got out, and knocked on the door. “I’m gonna need your help with something,” he said after the door opened. “If you come, you get to fly.”
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