#doesn't work that way obviously. but at 15 it felt like taking a desperate gulp of air before another wave dragged me under
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blue-bird-kny · 5 years ago
How bout a fluff headcannons sanemi, rengoku, genya, and an uzui with an s/o that's come home from a mission so tired that she doesn't want anything else but to lie down with them and sleep.
Uzui and more Genya all in one request?! Amazing! Thank you for your request, I hope you like it. Enjoy!~Amanda
(1.7k words)
Four long, strenuous days you were stuck in the Village in the Northeast. It was the usual situation: a demon was causing havoc for the people that lived in the village and, naturally, you were dispatched to go take care of the situation. However, this stupid demon had you running circles, playing some sick verison of hide-and-seek. You caught him of course, but not before he’d taken the life of at least ten helpless villagers.
As you returned home, your feet felt as heavy as your heart, mourning over the lives you didn't know but couldn't save. “I need a warm bath, a long nap, and lots of food” your wishful thoughts were the only thing keeping your dreary eyes open and sore feet moving.
You reached to open the door of your home, pausing to listen to the commotion that was coming from the other side. A smile came to your face, there was only one person who’d be getting into such trouble on the other side of the door, “and Nemi, I really need him to”.
“I’m back” you called, the loud clattering of pots and pans could be heard from the kitchen. You hurried over only to run straight into the barricade that was your boyfriend's exposed chest. “What’s going on?” you questioned as you tried to peer over his shoulder. “Nothing!” you yelped in surprise as Sanemi diverted your gaze into his neck in some sort of tight hug. You melted, forgetting your original goal immediately.
“Long mission?” Sanemi noticed your weary eyes and slouched posture, how you relied so heavily on his body to keep you standing upright. You could only hum in response, eyes already straining to stay open, maybe all you needed was Sanemi’s comforting warmth. He took that at his que to carry you to bed, you obviously needed the rest. He fondly watched as your body flopped onto the cool sheets, curling into a ball. He turned to leave before a small voice spoke
“If you don’t come cuddle me I’ll kick your ass”.
Sanemi’s smile grew “I’d like to see you try” he crawled under the sheets nevertheless, his arm involuntarily wrapped around your waist. Just as your eyes began to flutter shut, you remember something from earlier. “Nemi what were you doing in the kitchen?”
Pink dusted Sanemi’s cheeks as he looked away bashfully, “Definitely not trying to make dinner for your dumbass”.
It had only been 24 hours since you’d been dispatched to a rather large village just a few hours from the Demon Slayer headquarters, however you were utterly exhausted. For weeks, you’d been swamped with missions near and far with little time to rest in between, “Don’t these damn demons take a vacation? I sure need one”
Your sore limbs continue to run on autopilot as you are lost in your own little world; a world filled with warm sandy beaches or maybe a nice hot spring up in the mountains with an elderly woman (because they are the best) fixing delicious meals, your mouth waters at just the thought.
“Y/N!” a cheerful voice shouted, the sound resonating throughout the forest, bouncing off the trunks of the trees. There, standing in his full fluorescent haired glory, was your amazing boyfriend. You beamed, breaking out into a full sprint with a new found purpose: to be smothered by his two muscular arms. Your bodies clashed in a tight hug “Rengoku!” you cheered as he gracefully spun the two of you in a circle. You smiled gratefully into the crook of his neck as he gently set your feet on the ground.
You missed this, you missed him; the influx of demon activity had put a halt on the time you spent together. You both were barely home, sometimes going days without so much as a letter saying “hey, I’m alive”, which was incredibly nerve-wracking for the both of you in this line of work.
“What are you doing here?”
He smirked, his hands linking just below the small of your back “I was tired of waiting to see your beautiful face! Besides I have a surprise for us!” he looked as giddy as a child who’d just received candy. “What is it?” “I may have pulled a few strings and gotten the next two weeks off for the both of us” your eyes welled with tears, all your exhaustion and stress finally reaching the surface “What...how..?” you stuttered, unable to believe that finally you have time alone with the man you loved.
“The other Hashira may have helped a bit” his thick finger wiped away your joyous tears. He swept you off your feet, literally and figuratively, carrying you bridal style the rest of the way home. “I declare that our first order of business on vacation is sleeping for at least 15 hours, no less!. No training either!” you passed a teasing glace up at Rengoku, whose face slightly wavered.
“I’ll lay with you all you want my sweet, but how about a little training?” you couldn't help but chuckle, oh how you knew him so well.
You were desperate to be home, back in the arms of your tall ass, but oh so lovable, boyfriend. To say that you missed Uzui was an understatement, you two hadn’t seen each other in almost three months. Your body itches to feel his long finger caress every inch of your skin as he so often would, admiring every blemish or scar that he finds. He made you feel so loved, so perfect.
“Not much longer till your home”
You groaned in annoyance, all you wanted was to go straight home but no, they demanded you give a full report of your mission the second you get back to HQ. You begrudgingly gave your report, your words left your lips only to be inked onto a scroll of parchment for later review.  You grumpily turned to leave when a boisterous voice called in disbelief from across the yard, “Y/N?!”.
You met in a passionate embrace, Uzui effortlessly lifted your body off the ground for your legs to wrap around his waist. Before you could even utter a word, Uzui was already peppering your face with rushed kisses. “Uzui we’re in public” you warned, this only caused him to smile wider. He caught your chin between his smooth finger, eyes demanding you every ounce of attention, “I’m sorry but my gorgeous girlfriend just got back after years of our separation, excuse me for being a little handsy” you snickered at his exaggeration.
“I missed you, you know” his eyes grew softer as they gazed into yours, his pointer finger tracing your features. “You wouldn’t believe how much I wanted to see you and half the crap I had to deal with. Some of those demons were almost challenging” you complained with a pout. “Don’t look so sad my love! Tonight, you and I are going to have a magnificent feast, filled with all your favorites!” he briskly walked  toward his Estate, your slumped body bouncing with every step looking like a child who missed their nap.
“You must tell me all the fabulous details from your flamboyant adventures!” his excitement was obvious to anyone, he was overjoyed to have you home and safe with him at long last. “First you and I are going to take a flamboyant nap!” your enthusiasm almost matched his, although it was almost impossible. He chuckled low and deep, the husky sound emitting from his throat quietly. He didn’t care if you wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon nestled in bed, so long as he was there with you everything was alright in his book. “Fine, first we nap, then you get full on delicious foods”
You searched everywhere for that half-shaved head, slight agitated that he was so difficult to find when you needed his presence the most. You were attempting to surprise him because you weren't supposed to be home for a few more nights, but you quickly and swiftly took care of those demons; you knew Genya became distressed when you went on an individual mission and usually made life hell for anyone he ran into because of it.
You round the corner at full speed, running straight into the hard wall that was someone's chest. “Watch where you’re going you ass...Y/n?” his tone shifted instantly after he realized it was you and not some other idiot. “Surprise?” you looked up into his disbelieving orbs as they stared into yours, unwilling to look away. “Come on aren’t you happy to see me? I was gone for soooo long” you exaggerated,
Almost as if his limbs were being held back by invisible wires, Genya stiffly placed his hand on your head in an attempt of a pat. He looked away, too embarrassed to see your reaction as warmth coated both your cheeks, “Nice job not fucking it up” he almost cringed at his own choice of words but you knew better, what he was really trying to say was “I’m glad you made it back safely”
Your grin reached from ear to ear, both your hands coming to cup his on your head “Aww you're such a softy Genya! I missed you too” you cooed causing his blush to increase by ten fold. “H-hey what the hell are you..” he froze as if the world itself had stopped. Ever so gently, you brought his hand down to your lips, placing a small kiss on his open palm, “I’m really glad  all that fighting was worth it so I could come back to you” you muttered against the palm, your lips lightly brushing against his skin with each syllable you spoke.
“Come on” you tugged his unresponsive body behind yours, “Let's go cuddle in bed, my feet are sore and I really need some rest” you called. The poor boy gulped as registered what you’d said;, not only had you kissed and held his hand, but now you wanted to be in the same bed as Genya, he could only take so much in such a short time. You knew it didn’t really bother him though, he craved your affection just as much as you wanted his. Besides, Genya would do anything to make you happy and comfortable, especially after a mission, even if it meant cuddles.
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Thank you for your time and patience, ik I haven't been producing a lot of pieces but I hope you enjoy these nonetheless. Just a head’s up, very soon I will be doing another Writing Night to keep ya eyes open!~Amanda
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