#doesn't it feel kinda like. w wages and inflation. or covid. or anything else.
horce-divorce · 1 year
So to be clear tumblr is the only social media i actually bother to use with any regularly, but sometimes you crave variety. For example sometimes going on reddit is a nice distraction, and my feed is all really interesting silly low-investment type posts that i can scroll thru and be entertained by without feeling like i have to engage. and other times it feels exactly like facebook. just suggested post after suggested post that makes me say "god you people are so fucking unbelievably stupid." posts seemingly hand picked to make me so enraged, the exact kind of shit I go online to AVOID.
currently it's recommending me a bunch of posts about "why does America have so much looting?" That have a bunch of responses like, "Because of the crime wave, no one prosecutes shoplifters, people have just noticed its so easy to get a group together on whatsapp, etc" and WHY? It thinks I would want or need these posts? Idfk??? I hang out in r/antiwork and like 3 other main subs about being homeless and random entertainment topics. I don't use reddit for politics or world events. I do NOT get my news from there.
Anyway there was also one recommended thread about "why do rural folk feel looked down upon by city folks?" And all the responses were, "yeah! It's them who are rude to the city people!" And when someone mentioned the lack of resources in rural areas, another person chimed in to say "well I lived in Detroit and now I live in a rural area and we have WAY more food and resources than Detroit does!" But the second anyone brings up, you know, the socioeconomic factors that influence that shit, everyone's like whining and crying bc their little brains can't handle ""bringing race into it."" someone had a different life experience than you?! Pft, sure, and then all the bystanders clapped! 🙄
idk it's like. the more time goes on, the wider economic gaps become, the more obvious it is how effectively people are brainwashed. It's not like the answers to these questions are hidden esoteric mysteries. It's not like people having different, individual experiences in life is new. Even my grandma understands that a) people aren't actually looting that much and b) even if they were, have you bought groceries in the past 3 years? if so, why are you even asking that question?? But you try to actually talk about how bad shits getting and these fuckers go into high gear defending The American Way Of Life and blaming individual choices. Ppl are drinking the Kool aid so hard and they think water is just supposed to fucking taste like that
#me#they put the kool aid in to cover up the taste of lead.#flint still doesnt have clean water. btw.#thats such a perfect example of what im talking about too#for YEARS its been common knowledge that we are poisoning and killing the people of flint (very near detroit fwiw. related topics)#and its like#idk i feel like i meet ppl who assume that bc Everyone Knows About Flint that means that it got fixed or smth#it fucking didnt#doesn't it feel kinda like. w wages and inflation. or covid. or anything else.#we declare oh yeah X is happening! its in the media. heres the numbers. everyones talking about it. finally out in the open. here we go#its in the news cycle for a few weeks and then bam. gone. nothing.#and everyone thinks oh its gone now. i guess its over#covid is still rampant and terrifying but its not on everyones minds anymore so no one wears masks. problem fucking solved am i right#everyone knows inflation is untenable. ceos make 400x workers. rent is all of your income. no one can afford food#we wont change wages tho. and everyone is just like. well if employers dont wanna pay more thats ok. just look harder for work.#just try harder. just work more jobs. just sell your blood in addition to your time body heart and soul.#its like people are hearing 'socioeconomic factors beyond our control influence how we live our lives' and they still go#'but why dont you wanna just buy more money?'#theyre HEARING words but they arent LISTENING#ONE person in that looting threads comments mentioned police brutality. one.#and they shockingly weren't getting downvoted into the negatives but they definitely werent being heard either#i feel like thats the most glaringly obvious one#like the entire world saw our police force going apeshit and they went 'woah are black ppl in america ok?'#and everyone said NO PLEASE HELP#and... nothing fucking changed!!!#everyone supported water protectors that 1 time. but the water protectors in the great lakes region still fighting?? crickets#i dont get it. i dont get it!!!!#in the news: heres 20 current events making life untenable for disenfranchised people#everyone: i dont get it? why are they breaking stuff
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