#does running burn belly fat
pervy!carmechanic!stepdad!eddie munson x innocent!stepdaughter!reader where her daddy's been coming into her room at night n her rubbing her until she squeals with delight, coming on his fingers, her stuffies, etc.
she feels those familiar butterflies flutter in her tummy when she sits on the lawn chair, watching eddie fix her cherry red car, his tattooed knuckles slowly becoming more dirty with grease as she sucks on her watermelon lollipop, biting her lower lip as she watches her stepdaddy roll out from under the car. she pushes her heart-shaped sunglasses on the top of her head.
eddie looks at her. god, he thinks, she was so beautiful he wanted to cry.
"baby," he watches her eyes light up, "can u grab me the wrench next to u behind the bench?"
she nods, biting her lower lip as she tries to tame those naughty butterflies.
she stands up, walking to the work bench before bending over to display her pink cotton panties, eddie's mouth practically watering as he pushes down on the tent forming quickly in his pants.
"i-i don't see it, daddy.." she bends down further, and eddie watches her swollen folds press against the thin material of her underwear, biting his lower lip.
"jus-just down more, sweet girl--think it might be under the tool box.." his words are airy and soft as she bends over further, and he catches small wet patch spreading on her panties. "good girl."
suddenly, she pops up, "found it, daddy!" she skips over to where eddie is sitting on the garage floor, handing him the wrench.
"t-thank you, baby."
she beams, her cunt aching as she bites her lower lip, suppressing a whimper as she sits back down on the lawn chair, spreading her legs n not thinking much of it as eddie forces himself to get back to work, the bulge in his pants throbbing.
about fifteen minutes later, she decides to go inside as she was getting warm all over--yes, from the heat of summer but also from her body pricking with arousal.
inside, she tries everything to satiate the hunger that burns between her thighs, but nothing seems to work. she spends five minutes rubbing her fat button on her bear stuffie, wetness soaking the fur but alas, no help. she pulls her panties up all of the way until her swollen folds envelope the material, her hips rutting. (eddie did this to her once before as he sucks on her pebbled nipples n she came almost immediately, but it didnt work this time). her lust clouded her mind so incredibly much that she tried rutting her bare cunt against the corner of her bed, but that didnt even work!
she huffed, grabbing her emotional support teddy as she walked back outside to the garage, the butterflies practically fluttering a tornado in her belly.
eddie was busy wiping the grease off of his hands with a ratty washcloth. his messy hair tied back in a loose bun, his facial hair making her heart pound.
"daddy?" her voice came out small n squeaky, and eddie recognized this.
she smiled softly and timidly, twiddling with the fur on her stuffie.
"i got butterflies in my belly,"she pouted softly, tears forming in her doe eyes with frustration as she looked up at her stepfather. "hurts."
eddie's breath hitched in his throat before he cleared it multiple times, running his index finger n thumb over the hairs above his upper lip. "yeah? what kinda butterflies u got,sweet girl?"
she only bit her lower lip nervously. talking about sexual things still made her incredibly shy.
eddie continued , his tone soft and sweet. "the normal ones or the ones where u want daddy to come into ur room in the middle of the night to fix em?"
lets just say her daddy spent three hours fixing her dilemma.
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introloves · 1 year
toji 🤝 mating press after that trailer has been rotting my mind my entire nervous system GOODBYE
ME TOO, daddy kink + mating press + biting + praise + petnames + raw sex + cream pies + he treats you like a princess when you’re in a mating press + toji is a very condescending person <3
think he puts you in the meanest mating press, the type where all you can do is hold onto his biceps and pray he doesn’t give or let you go (he never does)… the type where you can see your feet dangle helplessly from the crook of his arms- wondering in between the peppered kisses he leaves at your hairline why he’s affectionate, so touchy.
wondering why the weight of his body and every stroke starts a creeping orgasm in the pit of your belly. trying to blink away tears, staring up at him bleary eyed and nearly incoherent.
tethered by only his saccharine words- cooing small praises that make you wanna hide from everyone, pinned by his stare and the press you’re in, waiting for you to call him by that title that makes his eyes own eyes tip back into his head.
“come on angel.” he always whispers, words squeezed out between thrusts that feel like they might shatter your hips.
“say it.” toji murmurs, digging his teeth into the fat of your cheek when you gasp and try to arch up but are reminded at how much you’re unable to move or do anything. the simmering feeling of embarrassment just adding onto the whole thing, painting your body in a burning heat.
“daddy.” you cry, trying to keep your bottom lip from quivering, body reminded that while his inhuman strength and stamina keeps you folded down- it’s at the cost of your own integrity.
“atta girl- there’s my baby, letting daddy take care of you.” toji smiles, a wicked thing- a silent warning before he digs his feet into the bed and grabs at the back of your knees. hiking them up further, not sure he’s even thrusting now- settled to use your own body against you, bouncing your ass off the bed.
“gunna cum pretty for me, yeah? gunna give daddy what he wants? gunna let me cum in that pretty pussy?” words dressed up like questions that have no answer to them, because you will- and he’ll make sure that you do.
watching every twitch of your body, stopping every movement when you finally gasp- seize up tight against him and gush everywhere.
painting the lower half of his tummy in your cum, unable to hear the mean chuckle that rumbles deep in his chest, amused by how quick you listen.
“yeah, that’s a good girl.” he praises, waiting for your wails to quiet down, knowing that he’s not anywhere done- holding onto all the cum he’s saved just for you.
black hair tickling you when he leans back down to bite at your swollen lips- licking the inside of your panting mouth.
“how many more will you give me before it’s my turn, hm angel?” he wonders, once again smiling at the shudder running up your body, already tired.
“d-dunno daddy.” you breathe- waiting for him to choose for you.
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
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knocking on heavens door | eddie munson x fem!reader
Pairing | Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Warnings | sexual content (18+ minors dni), bdsm undertones, mentions of safe words, piv sex, doggy style, unprotected sex, creampie, cunnilingus, dirty talk, spanking, hair pulling, fingering f receiving, squirting, subspace, fluff, aftercare.
Word Count | 1.7k
A/N | doing what i do best as usual and this is all straight up smut lmao.
Eddie loves railing you from behind.
Now don’t get him wrong, there’s something so intimate and personal about him laying you on your back and watching your face contort in bliss as you unravel below him, he hits that perfect spot in you that has you gushing all over his cock and sternum, making a mess of him and the sheets below your body.
But there’s just something so much more primal and needy about him getting you on all fours - using your hair for leverage with one hand and the other hand bruising your waist from the force of his thrusts.
The way your pliant body rippled with every hard snap of his hips, the jiggle of your ass when his pelvis hit it, the curve of your spine as you arched into every little touch. He loved to watch the sweat pool in the dips at the base of your back, your hands clench the sheets for purchase.
“Does it feel good baby, hmm?” He asks, voice shaky from the force of his thrusts but still biting enough to have you shivering, “You take my cock so well like this, know it’s gotta burn. Does it?”
You garble something unintelligible into the sheets, cheek smushed against the very edge of your pillow. It does burn - Eddie was massive and you could feel every single bit of him when he fucked you like this, but it felt so good you struggled to care about the aching bruising he’d leave behind on your cervix.
From your position your tits swept back and forth with every thrust, nipples grazing along the material of the sheets in a dizzyingly good way. Every part of your body felt like it was on fire, consumed with lust and Eddie’s very being.
He loved when you got like this, so cock drunk you were unable to form words, pliant under his touch and so soaked it dripped down his balls, making for a deliciously wet slap every time they hit your clit in time with his thrusts.
Eddie’s hand winds tighter into your hair, tugging your head up off of the pillow unwillingly, forcing you to get a grip of yourself, “Fuck, your perfect pussy just loves sucking me in like this, baby. Loves being abused by my fat cock. You love it too, huh?”
You cry out, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes at the sting of Eddie gripping your hair so harsh, neck snapped up so far you’re looking at the ceiling, “So good, Eds. So fucking — aah! So good.”
Eddie’s free hand comes down to slap your ass, loud enough it echoes in the room. He automatically soothes it after with a slow palm, then smacks you again for good measure, only gentler this time. He can’t take his eyes off of your pussy engulfing him like this, sucking him in like a vice, it’s enough to have his head spinning.
Your cunt clamps down on him on instinct, the harsh sting of his hand making you somehow even wetter than before, another gush of slick erupting from in you. His balls slap on your clit perfectly, enough so that you feel your tummy tightening quickly, coiling up and blood running impossibly hotter.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Know you’re gonna cum from how good you’re taking me.” Eddie’s exterior is starting to crumble, hips fumbling their harsh snapping as your pussy brings him closer and closer, “Cum for me, baby, c’mon. Show me how good you can be, such a good girl.”
Those words are all it takes, Eddie always knew how to get you hook, line and sinker. Your orgasm washes over you in white hot heat, the coil in your belly unravelling as you scream, loud enough for the neighbours to hear but you don’t give a fuck. You’re consumed with Eddie’s fat cock relentlessly fucking into you, working you through your orgasm as you clench up impossibly tighter, slick walls spasming uncontrollably.
“Fuck yeah, babygirl, cum for me.” Eddie’s groaning, voice low and animalistic as he fucks into you impossibly harder, moving his grip on your hair to instead curl around the back of your neck and shove you face down into the bed so he can rail you; chasing his own orgasm.
You’re crying, it’s so good and you’re so full and so overstimulated you can’t help it. The wet sobs erupt from you, dampening the pillow and matting your hair, fingers gripping so tightly into the sheets your knuckles are white.
“Perfect fucking pussy, god babe, so fucking — fuckfuckfuck,” Eddie’s babbling, moaning out and cumming hotly deep in your sopping wet cunt, hips stilling as he rocks into you, eyes rolling into the back of his head when you clench down deliberately around him to milk his cum from him.
Your knees give out on you, you slide down and Eddie’s soft cock slips from you unexpectedly fast. He hisses, gripping at your ass cheek and slapping it lightly in retaliation. You don’t care, too cock drunk and fucked out to even smart back at him.
It feels like you lie there for an eternity, struggling to come back from how hard you’d just been fucked, head dizzy, mouth dry and body aching.
Eddie’s big hands force your legs apart, spreading your cunt and he nestles his head between them to watch as his cum drips from you, slipping down your folds and pooling onto the bed.
You move on instinct to clamp your legs shut only to be met with another harsh hand on your opposite ass cheek this time, “Don’t fucking move. I’m gonna watch my cum spill out of you and then I’m going to eat you out. If you thought I was done with you, you were fucking wrong, baby.”
You sob wetly again, gasping and grasping for purchase when the flat of Eddie’s tongue slides across your core, fucking up into you to lick out the last of his release from your cock sore pussy.
Eddie groans into your cunt, spreading you further so he can bury his face impossibly deeper, the taste of your cum and his own mixing together and making him dizzy.
"Babe, Eddie, please. Can't do it, stop." You're wriggling away from him as best you can, oversensitive and sore. Your body betrays your words when Eddie's tongue swiftly leaves your cunt, hips pushing back to try and find him again.
"Safe word, baby. Safe word and it's over." Eddie's mouth ghosts up your ass and your back, leaving hot, damp kisses over your skin. You're crying again, hot tears falling but you shake your head no.
"S'what I thought," Eddie hums in amusement, sinking two fingers into your sopping cunt and crooking them down to press on your spongey spot.
Your body jerks, struggling between pulling away and pushing back for more. The squelching sounds of Eddie's fingers assaulting your g-spot are quite frankly disgusting, but they have you clenching even tighter around him, crying out as your body starts to run hot again, knowing a new wave of pleasure is beginning to wash over you.
Eddie continues kissing up your spine, licking and sucking away the pearly drops of sweat that collect there, "C'mon, baby. Just one more, one more time and we're done. Wanna see you cum on my fingers."
You whine, high pitched and wet as you bite down into the pillow, body overcome with pleasure and overstimulation. It builds like a full bladder, like an achingly hot fever, until your body winds tight and you unleash your slick release all over Eddie's hand.
It spurts out hotly, a mixture of your own cum and his spraying out uncontrollably as your body shudders through it, soaking the sheets and dripping down the insides of your thighs.
"Atta girl, fuck yeah! Knew you could do it, knew you'd squirt for me. There's my good girl." Eddie's eyes are wide and dumbstruck as he watches you squirt all down his fingers, wrist, forearm. Leaving him dripping wet with your release as your body sagged back into the mattress, damp with a combination of your sweat, tears and cum.
You're silent, unable to think thoughts and articulate anything, body numb and a ringing in your ears. Shit, was this subspace? Was this what it felt like? Internally you found yourself panicking, unable to move your body and rouse Eddie from his spot between your spread legs.
He moves on instinct when you make no noise, don't say anything snarky on autopilot like you usually do after sex. Eddie scoops you up in his arms, tugging you against his chest until your head is nuzzled into the crook of his neck.
"Hey, sweetheart, you with me?" Eddie coos quietly, running his hands through your hair soothingly to drag you back to earth slowly, "I know that must've taken a lot out of you, are you good?"
You mumble into his neck, nodding and kissing the skin gently. Your head is fuzzy, filled with nothing but tiredness and Eddie. He consumed your entire being, his scent engulfing your lungs with every intake of breath, his muffled words penetrating your sensitive ears, his mass of curls covering your eyes when you opened them.
You both lie there for a while like that until you come to, Eddie rocking you back and forth gently in his lap whilst you rouse out of your state. Once you blink your eyes open properly, fog clearing, you realise you hadn't said anything reassuring yet to let Eddie know you're truly okay.
"M'okay, Eds. More than okay." Your voice is barely above a whisper but it's enough to have him squeezing you tighter, a little sigh of relief escaping his open mouth when you finally talk.
"Good, baby, s'good." Eddie's voice is equally as soft as he plants a kiss on your hair, "C'mon, I'll go run you a bath and get you some water."
You keen into his touch at the thought of a warm bath to relax your aching body, a blooming in your chest at being looked after so well.
"I love you, sweetheart. Always such a good girl for me."
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sensei-venus · 9 months
Omg your piece about Robby giving the reader his rings to wear was so cute but that mention of the ring hanging on the necklace and watching when she beds forward 👀👀 immediately thought of riding him while wearing the ring on the chain and him going absolutely feral for it🥵
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Just getting on top of him, two of them all hot and heavy already. Robby already stripped down to nothing and Reader has her bottoms off along with her panties.
She's grinding on his hard muscular thigh. Rubbing her pussy all over his skin leaving a wet mess. Moaning and whimpering as Robby just watches. He has the biggest smile on his face as he watches her get all riled up just for him. No one else makes him feel like she does, when she's on top of him there are a thousand feelings and emotions going through him.
His hands running over her belly from under her shirt, fingers digging into her soft rolls. His hands move to grip at her love handles and hips. She's whimpering on top of him the whole time. His eyes look up at her through his lashes. At this point he's panting. His dick is hard and straining against his girlfriends thigh as she humps at his leg. The wetness that spills down his thigh just gets him more on edge.
Moments later she is flinging her shirt off. Leaving her in only her pretty little bra that barely covers her fat tits. It barely contained her massive breasts from spilling out the very top. She smiles down at him, those pretty lips in one of her signature smiles that has his heart pumping.
She slowly peels the fabric off, letting the strap dangle on one of her fingers before it falls to the floor. He smirks at her, eyes glazed over as he takes in the moment. Her tits hang free over him, jiggling as moves her wet cunt off his thigh. Moving to sit over his hard dick which she takes in hand and pumps a few times.
She places it at her slit and slowly moves down it, letting it pop inside with little resistance. They both moan as the heat gets to them. Reader whimpers at the light-burning stretch of Robby’s cock. Robby at the feeling of being in Reader’s tight pussy for the first time in what feels like forever.
Then she's bouncing on top of him screaming her head off. Head thrown back and moaning up a storm.
He can't stop watching the way her tits bounce around.
But his eyes are drawn to one specific thing that has his dick going crazy.
His skill ring hangs between her two beautiful breasts.
It bounces around on the silver chain he bought her not that long ago. It catches in the bedroom light just right. It has his eyes drawn to it the whole time. It sits perfectly on her chest. Calling out to him in some kind of way. It has his mind working on over time.
Something so small has him wanting to pound the fuck out of his chubby girlfriend.
It's almost like it's egging him on the whole time she is riding him.
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petrapalerno · 4 months
Submitting to the Alien Barbarian #8
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Alien x fem reader, a dom/sub erotic short.
TW/CW: rough consensual sex, primal play, knotting, breeding, aliens, dominance/submission, blood play, spanking, pregnancy, overstimulation, anal play, gagging and violence.
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His chest heaves as you step toward him, the blade still raised at some unknown foe.
“Drohako, it’s okay, I’m still here,” you whisper, trying to diffuse this situation.
When the alien barbarian tilts his massive jaw down to you, his eyes are black with fury.
“I’ll go, just for now. I will convince them to let me come back to you.” You try to comfort the alien, who refuses to feel anything other than rage.
“They will not let you come back to me,” he says through gritted teeth.
“Drohako, they will—they must,” grabbing his hand, you press it to your lips, kissing his scarred knuckles. You’re taken aback when he rips his hand from your grip, grunting with disgust.
“Just listen,” you beg him, tugging his palm back. “Listen to your mate.”
He looks at you with a weary expression, as if the word ‘mate’ breaks him. His defensives seem to fall, and Drohako collapses to his knees. It’s as if his body cannot bear its weight. The thought of losing you is physically crushing him. His face is no longer taut with anger, his fists are still balled at his sides.
You take a deep breath, ready to talk some sense into him.
“It will be okay, I will go—“
“Udders,” he says, cutting you off.
You jolt, surprised at his response.
“Udders? What does our safe word have to do with this?” you ask, thinking he must be confused.
“If anything becomes too intense...or too painful, we use our safe word,” he whispers.
A fat tear slides over his purple cheek, a shocking burst of emotion for the barbarian. He seems just as uncomfortable at the display as he swipes away the wetness and quickly steels his expression.
Oh no.
“Drohako, I have to go,” you say the words, even though you know it’s not what you want to do. The image of the lone tear on his cheek will be permanently burned into your memory.
“We promised this to each other...you say udders and I stop. Now when I finally use this word, you choose to betray me like this?” He stares into your soul, knowing that he’s right. “I don’t want a stranger to raise our child, not when you’re my true mate. Don’t leave me,” he pauses, placing a hand on the small of my belly. “Don’t leave us.”
His plea hangs in the air, and your heart thumps in your chest.
“I want to stay,” you whisper, knowing it’s the truth. “I want to stay here with you.”
You can see Drohako’s body relax as he lets out a sigh of relief.
“But, how would we even do that? They’re tracking me, aren’t they?” You run a finger over the still blinking ear cuff.
“Do you trust me?” He asks, his eyes shining with a calculating glint.
You almost laugh with absurdness of the question. How could the answer be anything but yes? Do you trust the alien in front of you that holds your face is his huge hands?
“With my life,” you tell him.
He reaches behind him, grabbing a scrap of leather. Holding it to your lips, he orders you, “Open your mouth and bite down on this.”
You do it, and flinch only slightly as he brings the sharp steel tip of the blade to the shell of your ear.
“I will cut only what I have to,” he tells you matter-of-factly. “Then we set out to the wilderness. I have a hunting ground with supplies to hold us over until we can establish a new home cave.”
You spit out the leather, anxiety suddenly welling in your stomach.
“Do you think I’m cut out to be a space pioneer?” You ask, scared of what this new life he has planned for you might be like.
“We’re made to be together, mate.”
The last word hangs in the air. It feels so different from when he says ‘human’.
You nod, trusting him, letting your chest burn with fondness for him—your mate.
Those sparkly warm feelings are cut incredibly short as the tip of his knife curves under the ear cuff. He angles it into your skin and starts prying the connection points out from under your skin.
Even though you bite down on the strap, you can’t stop your hand from shooting up reflexively. Drohako quickly pins it against your body.
“Be still. It’s almost free.” His purple tongue darts out from his lips in a show of concentration.
“Ugh, fuck Drohako,” you yelp spitting out the strap. You feel the last bit of resistance give way and the cuff thuds dully against the floor.
He nearly knocks you over when he starts to stomp the shit out of the tracking device.
You stare, in awe, as he keeps slamming his foot into the device, tiny metal shards flying free as he works. The orange light flashes again once before it’s smashed from existence. He keeps going until you’re not even sure there are pieces of the cuff left.
“Drohako,” you say to his unhearing ears."Drohako!” you yell even louder.
Finally, you grab his biceps, and he turns. The vein in his forehead throbs, and he tries to catch his breath.
“Let’s go,” you command, “tell me what you need me to do.” You know he needs you to focus on him, to funnel his rage about the situation into action.
You need to ground your mate.
He takes a deep breath, and you can see his whole demeanor change as he becomes an alien of action. He tosses you a bag.
“Fill this with as much dried meat as it’ll hold, I’ll ready Graysi
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luveline · 2 years
Hi! For smut requests, what about the reader wearing something not usually considered sexy (like granny panties or sweatpants) and Eddie or Steve going feral over them.
Love you btw 💖
LOVE you ♡ fem!reader cw smut MDNI
"Why are you looking at me like that?" you ask worriedly.
"You realise you're half naked, right? In my bedroom?" Steve asks.
You look down at your t-shirt and panties that cover literally everything that could hope to be covered. "These are my most tame pair of underwear. Could you not be a guy for a second?"
You're kidding, of course. You'd hoped for some fun tonight, you just hadn't expected his attention like this. Maybe after you'd gotten undressed.
Steve's hand twitches where it lies on his thigh. You watch it move, thick fingers creeping inward.
"They're still- I mean, I can still see everything." He laughs. There's an amorous catch to it.
You raise your eyebrows with a soft smile and shift so one thigh is in front of the other. "Stevie, are you messing with me?" you ask demurely.
Steve holds your gaze and slowly, so slowly, brings a hand to the growing bulge in his jeans and readjusts his cock. You suck in a startled breath.
"C'mon," he says, eyes lowering with pleasure as he palms his length, "Can you blame me? Can you-" He shudders and tugs with a little more fervor. "Sweetheart, would you come over here?"
The shush of his palm over denim plays loud, your footsteps louder. Steve holds a hand up before you can reach him. His belt buckle clinks as he pulls it open.
"What? Am I just s'posed to stand here?" you ask shyly. Is that really enough? You in your cotton panties, a foot away?
"You could take off your shirt?" he suggests.
He's definitely messing with you. You follow his hand as it dissappears under the waistband of his boxers and decide to call his bluff, tucking your elbow into the lip of your shirt and pulling it up over your head. You make sure to arch your back as you do, tummy jutting forward and tits bouncing gently as you strip.
The little movement is enough to make Steve moan. A familiar ache grows between your thighs.
"Shit," he says, breaking easy, "shit, fine. Please, come and sit on my lap." You're unimpressed. "Come on, come and sit on my lap."
Unfortunately, you break easy too. He holds out his free hand and you take it, easing yourself over one of his thighs as he pulls you in, mindful of his second, stuttering hand tucked away in his boxers. "There you go," he murmurs as you settle.
Your cunt presses hot to denim. He must feel it.
You hold your hands to your neck, unsure for a moment on what to do next. Sex isn't always as cut and clean as you want it to be and you worry if you get greedy quick you won't be able to draw it out as long as you want to tonight. Steve seems to be on the same page, his fingers massaging slowly up the inside of your thigh.
"Can I touch you?" he asks.
"Yeah," you say. You swallow roughly. "Please."
He skips the bump of your cunt completely to toy with the ribbon on your panties, a dainty white bow. His knuckles brush the trembling skin under your belly button and you both react.
"Tickles?" he asks at your giggling.
Steve slides the tip of his finger under the waistband and pulls. It snaps back against your skin and makes you jump. He does it again, running his finger back and forth until your squirming in his lap, anticipation a heavy heat in your core.
He lifts his gaze to yours, hand pulled from the confines of his boxers and reaching for your hip. Fat melds under his grip as he pulls you forward, cunt dragging up his thigh. You all but sink into him, nose bridge pressing to his as you dip your chin for a kiss.
You can't help yourself. He kisses you and all you can do is grind against him, arms wrapping tight around his neck as time stretches and want burns. He laughs into your kisses and slouches down, brings you with him, hands roving over your skin salacious and greedy.
Steve pulls away, leaving you damp and wanting as he says, "I can feel you."
"Can feel you too," you say quietly.
"Think you're making a mess on me, baby. Making a mess of your nice panties."
You huff an embarrassed laugh. "Shush," you plead.
"I won't shush." He grabs a handful of your ass and pulls, spreading your cunt enough to make you sigh aloud. "You think 'cos they're covering you up I don't know what's underneath? Think I don't know you back to front by now?"
"I know, just... they're nothing fancy-"
"Fuck, who needs fancy?"
"You really don't mind them?" you ask, heart beating fast as a mouse's.
"I'd definitely say I like them, baby. Want me to show you how much?"
You screw your fingers in the neckline of his t-shirt. "Please, Stevie. I... I want you. Need you to touch me."
His cock jumps against your midriff. He threads a hand behind your ear and pulls it towards his lips. "I know. Think I don't know how wet my baby's cunt gets from simple kisses?" His nose whispers down the shell of your ear. "You think panties with a little extra fabric'll stop me fucking you dumb? You know better than that," he utters.
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p1nkcanoe · 10 months
Cumulus riding Swiss' face <3
!! mean cumulus, smacking, oral sex, face sitting
“Insatiable whore,” Cumulus spits, “Listen to yourself, begging for my pussy.” 
Swiss moans from below the ghoulette, digs his fingers into the plush fat of her hips and squeezes. He’s got his face buried in her pussy, a privilege she’d granted him for his recent, inexcusable behavior. He’s been whoring himself out on stage, grinding on equipment, and causing other members of the pack to mess up cues and solos that should be muscle memory, and frankly Cumulus had been sick of him getting away with it.  
“It’s about time someone puts you in your place. Make you think about something other than your cock. And you’re gonna like every second of it, aren’t you?” 
The ghoul whines, hooks his arms around the meat of her thighs and holds her in place while he sucks hard at her clit with his eyes squeezed tight. Every word that falls from Cumulus’ cherry-lipped mouth sends a dagger into his gut and twists until he’s filled with burning hot shame and arousal. He loves it–of course he does–she knows it too, so she keeps it coming, spits poison and toxin at his face so that he knows exactly how greedy he’s been. The bed creaks when Cumulus grabs the ghoul by his horns and forces his mouth further against her pussy, shaking his head in quick, back and forth motions so his hot tongue rubs deliciously against her swollen bud and he breathes broken sounds through his mouth left ajar. 
If Cumulus could keep Swiss held there forever, she would. She’d ride his tongue and use his mouth until she came over and over and over again. But it’s not long before her thighs begin to shake and her knees ache from the bend and she’s forced against her own desires to lift up higher on her knees and find a more comfortable position. Swiss digs his claws into her flesh the moment her muscles flex and she hisses, struggles to pry his claws from her thighs while he so desperately tries to pull her back into his mouth. “No, no, no, no, no – please, no. Come back.” He’s babbling, stupid and drunk on her sex, and the flooded onyx of his pupils causes Cumulus to scoff. 
“Give me a second, my knees ache like a bitch.” 
“Come back, sit on my face, please.”
He scrambles for a hold on her curves and she shoves his hands away. When he doesn’t get the point she raises a hand and brings it down across a cheek shiny with her slick. The ghoul yelps, freezes in place. Keeps his hands to himself. 
“Satan below, you’re obnoxious.” 
For once, his lips stay sealed. She uses the brief moment to shimmy her hips more squarely over his mouth, still hovering and looking down at the ghoul reduced to pathetic little whimpers and shaking hands pleading to touch. She’s wet, dripping with a combination of her own slick and his saliva, and she decides to torture him a little longer when she drops a hand to her folds and spreads her self open with two fingers in a ‘V’. He mewls, squeezes his eyes shut and throws his head back against crumpled sheets. The sight makes a twisted little smirk curl on red lips and finally, finally, she guides his hesitant hands back to her ass. 
The ghoulette never lowers herself back down, never sits, and Swiss doesn’t seem to mind. He meets her where she kneels, uses his core to reach her folds and runs the point of his tongue back and forth in a mastered flicking pattern that has Cumulus rolling her eyes back and her mouth falling open in a silent ‘O’, a punched noise escaping her throat when he drops his chin and tongues into her hole. 
“Fuck,” she moans, breathless, and shoves him back into the mattress with a forceful shove to his forehead. He immediately tries to fight her hand. Pathetic whore.
“Give it to–” he starts. 
“Do you ever shut up?” 
Her question goes unanswered, or at least gets stifled by the drop of thick thighs on either side of his head, smothering him completely in her sex. The deep, drawn out noise he makes burns at her belly and he runs the flat of his palms up her back, flexing and pulling at the center of her back to make her arch. 
He devours her like a man starved, and she knows he can’t breathe with the position in which she’s sitting. She keeps an eye on him, watches how he licks and sucks and shakes his head, and she tries to sit back or raise up even a fraction of an inch to give him a chance to breathe–he refuses to let her go. Every tension of her muscles causes him to dig in with his claws, pricking droplets of blood into smooth, smoke-colored skin on her back, ass, and thighs. 
He sucks in a desperate breath, using the angle to loll out his tongue and allow her to ride. And she does, offers him a moment to catch his breath despite how her clit bumps against his nose with every drag across the muscle. It’s a lazy intermission; it won’t get her off. But Swiss seems to be enjoying it at least. He jerks his hips up into nothing behind her, sobs for more without any real tears, and he’s moving too much to keep Cumulus where she wants to be. So she leans back. She leans back and plants her hands flat on his abdomen, drops all of her weight into her hands and pins him down so he’ll stop moving. 
“If you're gonna eat it, at least eat it right. Make me cum, make yourself useful." 
Enough said. 
He attaches himself to her hole, licks her out and drinks up her juices until they run down his chin, and when she’s licked clean he suckles back onto her clit and puts everything he has left into pleasuring his ghoulette. 
Her belly tightens quickly and she leans further back, feeling the muscles of his abdomen tensing under her palms. He chases her when her hips lift slightly, pulls her back down and forces her into an angle that she rarely bends into. A whine escapes her lips. It hurts in all of the best ways. She grinds once, twice, rolls her hips into the stimulation and chases the heat that builds rapidly, threatening to spill over. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.. Cmon swiss, use that mouth. Make me cum the way I know you can.” 
And he does. He licks her when she crests over, holds her tighter and gropes at her gorgeous curves that he loves more than anything while she shakes and closes her thighs tight around his ears. 
When she finally raises up and off of the ghoul, he’s dazed, drunk, and covered from his cheeks to his chin in her fluids. He’s a whining mess, dragging his fingers through his mustache and shoving them into his mouth to continue tasting her. 
Cumulus shakes her head, “filthy…” and reaches around to slap his dick. Hard. He nearly screams and caves inwards on himself. The harsh vocalization breaks into a moan and he locks golden eyes with the ghoulette. 
“Do it again.” 
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wroteclassicaly · 1 year
nsfw hehe
but truly. on your knees waiting for gator to get home. waiting for him to take out his frustration of the day on you. shrugging off his jacket and beckoning you towards him. “c’mere.” makes you awkwardly shuffle towards him on your sore knees. he takes a fistful of your hair and guides his cock down your throat in a single motion, like he’s done it a thousand times before. groans long and hard, throwing his head back. “fuck, that’s a good throat. gonna let me cum in it? huh?”
he’ll fuck you on the floor, too. he can’t find the capacity to care after the day he’s had. sliding harsh into your wet cunt, slapping a big hand over your messy mouth when you cry out. “shhh. can’t let p-people know the sheriff’s fuckin’ murderin’ this pussy.” practically growling in your ear and sucking dark hickeys into your skin. pleased that everyone’ll know who does this to you when he takes you out. his chest rubbing against your back, fuzzy balls hitting your clit, the only stimulation he gives you.
but he’ll finally throw you onto your back, too, pushing his cock right back in where it was, laughing at the perfect fit. pinching and pulling at your tits, slapping them to see the red bloom on them. licking your cheeks when you cry from how good it is. his pants burning the backs of your thighs til he finally stills, cock and balls pulsing as he fills you up. he strikes over your clit lazily, his cock softening inside of you. “come on, know you want to. lemme feel you squeeze my cock.”
pulls out after you cum, leaving you a mess under him. “what’s for dinner?”
ykwim. -han stevenose
Sheriff 🪦 our 🐱? YES
He’d let you serve the dinner, make you cook if you’ve not already done so. But he’s fascinated by the marks he’s left, by his spend still inside of you. So when you start to put back on your clothing, he tells you to strip down to everything but your panties. And he watches you move around the kitchen, feet on the hardwood, finding his gazes as his seed soaks your cotton underwear, a noticeable patch underneath dining room lighting. He can’t take it, his fork clattering against his plate.
He’s already hard… again.
“Come here, darlin’.”
You oblige, watching in wonder as he opens his pants enough to free his fat cock, still covered in your creamy essence. He licks his lips and holds it, running his fingers through the bush at the base, all slicked back because of you and your mess. “Look at this mess. See what you did to me? Pull your panties down.”
You know where this is going, or… you think that you do.
The sopping wet crotch sticks to your cunt, stringing as you tug the ruined fabric off and let it pool at your ankles. He groans, hazel irises obliterated to a midnight black. He’s literally dripping out of you.
“Open yourself up. Wanna see you.”
You nod, heart rate accelerating, your thighs parting as you separate your still-sensitive folds, glistening with new slick and combined essences. He strokes his cock a few times and tilts his head back, his gold chain glistening beneath his black button down (that he’d undone after work, before making it home to you). “That’s my filthy girl. You gonna have a seat?” He looks down in his lap, his massive girth already red and painfully hard.
Your eyes widen at the implication. You expected him to have you fully naked for dinner, maybe touch yourself, but this? An intimacy stirs at your belly, slapping an ache between your legs, feet carrying you to him before your mind can comprehend. He spreads his legs, hair peeking out of his dirty jeans, that he’s gotten wrapped around his waist.
“Gator,” you whisper as you clamp your palms onto his shoulders, straddling him, his cock kicking up as your heat nears.
He’s damn near gone, but firm-set, and awaiting your answer. “Mhm? I’m leaking back outta you, darlin’. Can’t have that, now can we?”
“I don’t think I can. Gonna be too sore —“
His free hand finds the plush of your waistline. “Have I ever not made it up to you, sweet girl?” He pulls you down with a sudden yank, mouth by your ear, fresh stubble caressing the shell. “You forgetting where my tongue was buried last night? Hmm? Greedy little cunt just sucked it right in, spilled all over my fuckin’ mouth, didn’t it?”
You’re whimpering, nodding, sighing as he hovers at your entrance, teasing with the thick head, pushing. He pulls you back by your neck’s nape. “Yeah? Use your manners and words, sweetheart. Let me know.”
You nod and he’s sinking into you, cream spilling out around where you’re joined, soaking the seam of his jeans, making an audible and embarrassing noise. He groans into it, rubbing your back. You expect him to start moving, but he doesn’t, and that’s when you do start to cry out, eyes filling with tears. You’re so fucking full.
“Shh, hush up. Let me eat my dinner and then we’ll go upstairs and I’ll take care of you. Just keep quiet and sit still for me. You gonna do that?”
You struggle with your answer, but he catches it with a smirk, picking his silverware back up and cutting into his steak, trying to keep himself together as the warmth of the food settles in his belly, and your tight, drenched walls suck him deep inside. You lay your head over his back and he keeps one hand around your waist, marveling at how tender and juicy your cooking is. The words holding more meaning than one…
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teenwolfvore · 3 months
Jaws of Danger
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You run until your legs give out, your lungs burn, and your knees feel like jelly. Get for all it was worth, you still can't outrun him. The wolf that was hunting you that was ready to turn you into a meal did not relent. For all your struggle, it just ended with you cornered and helpless. However he doesn't immediately pounce on you. Instead he revels in your helplessness, you're going to be his food. You know it and so does he.
His claws remove you of your clothing, leaving you naked and more helpless than you were before. He slowly licks his lips as he grabs you by your neck. He doesn't bother addressing you, you're not meant for conversation, you're just food. He opens up his mouth and begins to swallow you whole.
The experience you have inside of the werewolf esophagus would be valuable data for those curious. It stinks and smells of previous prey caught by the successful predator. The heat is relentless and the pressure is unrelenting. From your head to your feet, at no time did you feel comfortable. From what you're able to gather, the werewolf is deeply satisfied with his meal. His heartbeat is steady as you pass by and you feel like you can make out his humming.
Eventually you are tucked away into his stomach. A neat and around little ball you make on his muscular frame. The stomach walls here are just as relenting and there is hardly any room. You're naked form will soon be digested and processed down to its bare nutrients. Once then, who knows what you will add to the werewolf. There is a tightness all of a sudden followed by a deep burp and a vibration. It squeezes your form and causes you to slowly black out. The last of your perceptions allow you to feel his claw rubbing over your belly.
Peter woke up the next morning happy and fat. His hunt had been successful and no doubt he enjoyed the physical sensation of last night's hunt. He stretches underneath his tree and picks himself up. He slowly makes his way to his home to prepare himself for the day. The poor soul inside his belly is carried with him.
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cissy2004 · 8 months
Mitsuya x chubby fem reader
Warnings: smut
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You were married to Mitsuya for about two years. Tomorrow was your anniversary and life was perfect.
You met Mitsuya 6 years ago, when he saved you from some boys from a gang who wanted something from you.Where did your problem come from? You had turned your ex down when he said he wanted to bed you like that.Mitsuya was passing by then, and seeing what was happening, he wanted to help you.
After they beat the guys, he knew to mention that if they touch you again, he'll be in trouble with "Toman", the gang that Mitsuya was a part of.
You were ashamed in front of him. You were small in height and above average weight. You were wearing a relatively loose dress, but with all that, you could see the rolls of fat.Mitsuya assured you that your weight is not a problem, and insisted that he take you home on his motorbike.
After that day, you continued to run into each other randomly in stores or on the street and exchanged numbers, thinking it was a sign to continue talking.You don't know exactly when you got into a relationship or when he introduced you to his friends who were in the same gang as him.
You had a few intimate contacts, but they never turned into sex. Even though you were married, Mitsuya didn't want to come to that, and it was frustrating for you.You thought he was disgusted by the way you looked, and rightfully so. And you were disgusted by the way you looked.
You set the table. You prepared a romantic dinner, with candles and flowers on the table. Two plates full of his favorite pasta and in the fridge was the cake you had made.Mitsuya had to come home from work soon, and you had emotions. You didn't know what could really happen.
-Hello dear! his voice is heard as he enters the house
He looks surprised sometimes at you and at the table, after closing the door. You knew he hadn't forgotten your anniversary. He couldn't forget.
- Love... you shouldn't have been tired... he says smiling coming towards you to hug you
-At least that's all I can do for you, love.
Mitsuya leans down and kisses you, sighing in relief. You knew he was always tense when he came home from work. It was also normal. He was a well-known designer. The pressure on him was normal.
You take the coat off him and put it on the hanger, while he looked at you lasciviously. You were wearing his t-shirt and a pair of shorts, not having time to change into something more stylish.
-What are you trying to do? he asks as he hugs you from behind, his hands resting on your fat belly
-I try to do something nice for my husband. What you mean? you ask surprised, your heart starting to beat faster
-Do you want to make me lose control? Standing dressed like this in front of me...his voice was much lower than usual
-I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't mean that...you say you think you did something wrong
Mitsuya suddenly turns you to face him and starts kissing you, his hands now on your ass, squeezing.His kisses trail down your neck, biting pieces of your skin, you letting out moans of pleasure.
The man who was your husband grabs you and lifts you, now you, with your legs around him. You cry out in surprise, your face now burning with embarrassment.
-Takashi, I'm hea__
-Remain silent! You're perfect, don't you understand? Does being overweight bother you? Perfect! I have more just for myself. I like to squeeze your fluffy hips, I like to sit with my head in your lap, I like when I hold you in my arms.Love...we lift things that are really heavy, you are light, he says indignantly
Your husband starts towards your room and throws you onto the bed, immediately coming on top of you. Without warning, he slips his hand under the shirt you were wearing and starts massaging your breast. You felt how you were already getting wet between your legs, and you rubbed your thighs together as a sign of embarrassment. You were embarrassed when you did this, and you knew that would be the end of it.
-Don't you think it's time? he asks suddenly, his other hand reaching into your panties, massaging the area around your clit
-I want to have a baby with you, dammit! I want to be the first and last man to have you like that. I want a family with you!
You didn't know what else to say. You did not expect to hear these words from him. Before you can realize it, he pulls down your pants, panties included, and smiles when he notices how excited you are.
-Look how wet you are to me. Is this how you normally are? This is the effect I have on you?” the man laughs softly
You blush, trying to cover your intimate area, but he pushes his knees into your legs, forcing you to keep them open. He loved seeing how wet you were.
Takashi leans back, ending up with his head between your legs, and begins by kissing your thigh, moving up to your cunt.You feel everything spinning around you as your husband thrusts his tongue into you. You felt yourself tightening around nothing, even if he had his tongue in you.He rubbed your clitoris with his fingers, and you felt that you didn't have much left.You felt a knot forming inside you, and you felt the need to break free.
- Come on love, I want to taste you.
That's all it took to hear and feel how you free yourself. Everything that had built up inside of you was now on your white sheets and in Takashi's mouth.The man was tasting you like he was tasting the holiest thing on earth.
Regretfully parting with his new favorite place, he stands up and kisses you, while unbuckling his belt with one hand.
-Do you like your taste? he asks seductively, and as an answer, you can only nod your head in the affirmative
After removing his jeans, he positions himself at your entrance, but waits. He looks into your eyes, seeking your approval.He knew you hadn't had sexual contact before, and he knew what to do to make you feel good.Your hand was now in his hand and his other hand was on your waist, squeezing the fat that looked so sexy on you.
With a light movement, he enters you, both of you moaning at the same time.Tears were gathering in your eyes and your man didn't know how to calm you down.It pained him to see you suffer even from this.
Mitsuya moved as easily as he could, but your gummy walls seemed to drive him crazy. He felt that he didn't fit in your pussy and yet, he felt that you were made for you.
-You can hold my hand baby, it's ok.I know it hurts, but I promise it will feel good. Trust me, okay?
Takashi starts thrusting harder, faster and deeper into you, and you feel like you're out of breath.Feeling his cock inside you was all you wanted.Slowly, the pain turned into pleasure, and for more balance, you held on to him.
Your husband loved how your fat breasts bounced, how your fat belly felt under him. He adored every inch of you, and all he wanted at this moment was to plant his children in you.
You start to tighten around him, and the man couldn't help himself, so he pours his sperm inside you. His cum felt like a fire inside your pussy, making you cum at the same time.
All you wanted was to rest. You were drained of energy, and your pussy felt like it was breaking into pieces, but Mitsuya starts moving inside you again, harder than before. His mouth goes to your nipple, which he catches between his teeth.The room was filled with your moans and the sound of his balls grinding against you.
-Ta.. takashi..?
-Tonight I'm going to make you carry my children, but I have to make sure you have as much as possible in you. One more time and I promise I'll take care of you love.the man says before moving on to bite the other nipple
You were overstimulated and needed rest, but there was no way. You could feel your husband's cock touching your cervix. Your eyes roll back as your nails dig into his back, leaving sizable marks.
It wasn't long until you felt his seed flowing inside you again, as if more than the first time.After a few more slow hits, it almost collapses on top of you, but is careful not to crush you.However, it remains within you.You want to say something, but he seems to read your thoughts, so he takes it before you.
-We have to make sure everything stays in you, right love? I want to hold my child in my arms in 9 months, he says, biting your neck
After a few minutes, Takashi pulls out of you and lays down next to you. He pulls the blanket over your bare bodies, pulling you close to him to keep you warm in his arms.
- I'm sorry if I was harsh... I've wanted to have you for a long time, but I didn't force you, love...I want to know you well, and the fact that you don't like me hurts me enormously. I'm sorry if I gave you insecurity.
Mitsuya turns you to face him and kisses you gently. He loved it when you fell asleep with your head on his chest. He loved when he could have you. He loved everything about you. He loved you that much.And now, children were going to love you too.
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sweetestofchaos · 3 months
Cafuné | K.NJ - M.YG
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𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝖸𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖭𝖺𝗆𝗃𝗈𝗈𝗇 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖽𝖺𝗒 𝗈𝖿𝖿 𝗍𝗈𝗀𝖾𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋. 𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝖥𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿, 𝖲𝖥𝖶, 𝖥𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌, 𝖮𝖿𝖿𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝖠𝖴 𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝖢𝗎𝗋𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝖢𝗎𝖽𝖽𝗅𝖾𝗌, 𝖯𝗈𝗎𝗍𝗒/𝖩𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗎𝗌!𝖭𝖺𝗆𝗃𝗈𝗈𝗇 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟣.𝟩𝗄 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛: 𝖲𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇
a/n: i know i talked about switching the pov/story flow a while back and this is the start of that change. from now on this story will no longer be a y/n fic. i will refer to the reader as 'you' with she/her pronouns.
a/n 2: banner made by @itaeewon. story dividers by @firefly-graphics. support banner by @benkeibear. also this fic is not betaed at all…so yeah. sorry for mistakes.
​𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 // 𝑁𝑒𝑥𝑡 // 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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The scent of melted butter and pork fat wakes you from your sleep. Tucked away in the thick blankets of Namjoon’s bed, you snuggle deeper into the warmth and yawn. Your body feels heavy, weighed down by the promise of sweet dreams and peaceful slumber. The smell of the food pokes at some horrible memory from the past of Namjoon and an open flame on the stove top.
As if struck by lightning, you bolt out of bed, cursing as your bare feet touch the cold hardwood; quickly you shove your feet into a pair of indigo house slippers and rush out the room. Darting down the hall, you find yourself in the threshold of the kitchen, where Namjoon stands in a light grey oversized shirt with his back turned. 
“What are you doing?!” 
Your panicked voice makes Namjoon jump with a shout and the plate in his hand crashes to the floor. The black ceramic shatters into pieces and food goes all over, making a mess.
“Fuck! S-Sorry!” 
You hurry around the island to help Namjoon clean up but he holds out his hands and pushes you away from the mess lightly.
“Sit down, Poppy. I got this.” 
Feeling bad for scaring him, you do as you’re told and sit at the island silently. Namjoon hikes the bottom of his black sweat pants up around his ankles, squats down in front of the sink and pulls out a handheld vacuum. Carefully, he vacuums up the mess and uses a damp cloth to wipe the floor before he empties the vacuum into the trash. Putting the vacuum away, Namjoon stands to his full height and leans against the island with a small frown on his face.
“You okay?”
You nod your head and sigh, “I’m so sorry, Joonie. I-I smelt the butter and I thought you were going to burn down the kitchen like back in college.”
Namjoon’s lips twitch as he fights back a smile and he runs a hand through his hair, “I’m not a total lost cause, you know. I can cook kimchi pancakes just fine a-and I make a pretty mean pork belly soup.”
“Did I ruin breakfast? We can grab something on our way into the office if we-” You look past Namjoon at the clock on the stove and your eyes widen. “Shit! Joonie we’re fucking late!”
“Wait. Wait! Relax.” Namjoon crosses his arms over his chest and rolls his neck, the bones cracking as he does so. “I’m not going into the office today and since I’m not there, you won’t be either.” 
“Ah, ah! No buts, Poppy. Eat your breakfast and relax. I’ll be in my office for a few hours finishing up some things.”
Namjoon waves off your concern and turns back to the stove. “Give me fifteen minutes and breakfast will be done.”
“Do you want help?” 
“I’m good. Why don’t you go wash up?”
You stare at Namjoon’s back for a few moments before nodding your head. Looking down at your pajamas (a pair of white sleep pants with half eaten peaches and a black crop top with the same half eaten peach in the center that says ‘just peachy’ underneath is white cursive font), you agree that maybe a shower would be good. You’re sure you saw a sweater set hanging in Namjoon’s closet that looks comfy enough to change into. It’s something that Namjoon purchased to keep at his place and you have yet to wear it.
“Holler if you need me.” 
Namjoon hums in acknowledgement and you leave the kitchen to get washed up and dressed in actual clothes. Namjoon’s bathroom is nice. All sleek grey tile with white and blue accents. It fits Namjoon’s personality nicely and it always puts a smile on your face when you see small hints of yourself mixed in. An orange toothbrush rests beside Namjoon’s black, a fluffy lime green robe hangs on the back of the bathroom door next to his dark blue one and there is a bottle of dark cherry and vanilla body wash in the corner of his shower.
Wrapping a towel around your body, you step out of the shower and stand on the mat quickly patting yourself dry. Slipping the robe onto your body, you tie a loose knot around your waist and proceed to brush your teeth before you start your skincare routine.
Your skincare products are tucked away on the right side of the sink while Namjoon’s sits on the left side. Pulling the shower cap from off your head, you hang it up to dry and exit the bathroom. The scent of food is stronger now and your stomach growls at the promise of food. Walking over to the dresser, you grab your giant bottle of vanilla scented oil cream and sit on the edge of the bed. Pumping the cool cream into your palm, you rub your hands together and slather it onto your legs.
Sliding the robe off your shoulders until it falls to your waist, you apply the cream to your arms, breast and stomach. Fixing the robe back onto your shoulders, you head back into the bathroom and pile your passion twists onto the top of your head before grabbing a white head wrap and creating a cute style to keep your hair out of your face.
You hear Namjoon shout that the food is ready and hurry to get dressed. You’re pleased by the sweater outfit that Namjoon picked. It’s simple enough, light cream ribbed knit pants that hug your thighs and flare out around your ankles to cover your feet with an off the shoulder crop top that has long flowing split sleeves. Sliding your feet back into your house slippers, you skip out to the hallway and make your way to the kitchen. Namjoon is still standing up, setting the table for the two of you. Hearing your footfalls, he looks up and grins.
“You look comfy,” Namjoon comments as he places two glasses down on the table.
“This material is really soft. I love it.”
As you sit at the island, Namjoon goes to the fridge, “What do you want to drink?” 
“Do you still have that tangerine green tea?”
“From the other week?” Namjoon double checks his fridge and sure enough, the bottle has been pushed to the back. Silently, Namjoon grabs the bottle and carries it over to the table. He fills your glass with the sweet citrus tea and places it on the island before he sits down with his coffee in front of his plate.
“So…” You pucker your lips into a duck pout and Namjoon sips his coffee loudly making you laugh while he chuckles. “Why aren’t we at work?”
“We-” Namjoon points between himself and you before he sets his coffee mug down, “need a fucking break. When’s the last time you slept this late?” 
“That’s not a good reason-”
“I’m the boss and I say it is, so it is.” 
Namjoon grabs his chopsticks and you know this conversation is over. Sighing, you pick up your own chopsticks and pull apart the kimchi pancake. You pair it with some rice and pork belly, smiling as the flavors dance on your tongue. Okay, so maybe Namjoon can cook…a little bit.
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Sitting on Namjoon’s couch with your legs stretched out is heaven. His couch is comfy, just the right amount of firm and plush as you watch another episode of ‘Tale of the Nine Tailed’. From beside you, your phone pings with a notification and you glance down, smiling when you see Yoongi’s name.
Yoongi: Enjoying your skip day 🫤
You giggle at the use of the emoji and quickly text Yoongi back letting him know that Namjoon chose to work from home and gave you the day to relax.
Yoongi: Jimin-ssi sent a package for you 👀
You: 🤔👀
Yoongi: I’m not opening it 🙄
You find yourself smiling at your phone and look up towards the hallway where Namjoon’s office is, screaming when you see Namjoon standing at the back of the couch. Your arms jerk and your phone goes flying to the floor, landing on the screen.
“Jesus!” You shout, throwing a hand over your heart. “How is your big ass so fucking quite?” 
Namjoon laughs, his shoulders shaking as he rounds the corner of the couch and squats down to grab your phone from the floor.
“Is the screen fine?” 
Namjoon looks at your phone, the screen lighting up at the new angle and he sees Yoongi’s name on the uncracked screen.
“It’s fine…sorry for scaring you.”
Namjoon rises and plops down on the couch, sitting on your toes before he hands you the phone. You double check to make sure Namjoon isn’t lying about the screen and see no damage. 
“Are you done working?” You question and look up from your phone. 
Namjoon has a frown on his face and he is just staring at you. You raise an eyebrow and wiggle your toes underneath his thigh. 
“Hello? Joonie?” 
His silence makes you set your phone on the coffee table and pull your toes out from under him. You crawl into Namjoon’s lap and squish his face between your hands. His lips pucker out into a pout and you start making quacking noses. Namjoon’s pouty frown slowly turns into a dimpled smile and he gently grabs your wrists, pulling your hands from his face.
Namjoon’s touch is soft and you raise an eyebrow as he brings your hands to his chest. He leans forward and rests his forehead on your shoulder. You drum your fingers to the beat of his heat and hum softly as Namjoon’s weight sags against you.
“Tired?” You whisper and Namjoon doesn’t answer for a short while before he nods his head. You coo at your large friend and carefully twist your wrists from his grasp. Silently, you wrap your arms around Namjoon’s shoulders and play with the shortened hair at the nape of his neck. Using your full body weight, you lean to the side and pull Namjoon down so that the both of you are laying on your sides on the couch. Namjoon hikes his feet up, bending his knees and you wrap your legs around his waist while his face buries into your neck. 
You continue to hum softly and start to card your fingers through his hair as his breathing starts to slowly even out. Your eyes grow heavy and you rest your cheek against the top of Namjoon’s head as you nod off to sleep with him holding you close.
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writingsofwesteros · 13 days
Monster AU Direwolf Cregan… and the first time he claims his wife
Imagine. He can hardly restrain himself anymore and some part of him is afraid he’ll break her. He’s almost overcome when they’re in the woods. But she doesn’t run at all. She’s curious
Her question might be answered when he snaps and suddenly she’s on the ground, feeling her skirts moved. And then he thrusts in. And she vastly underestimated what to expect
Cregan can’t restrain himself any longer, and he feels slight guilt. Until he sees her body trembling. And hears her moan out. Encouraging him not to stop. He’ll do more than not stop. He bites down on her shoulder and now pushes the rest of his cock inside her. Now he’s going to PROPERLY claim her. Without any restraint.
He actually growls. And if his dear wife can see (and feel) his wolf like traits, she definitely doesn’t care. Maybe he gives off something she’s drawn to. But as he pounds away at her in the woods, mating with her like she’s an animal, she does scream. But only in pleasure.
He can’t believe that she’s managing to take him so well. And he can’t stop himself. His instincts take over, and lady Stark learns what it’s like to be mounted and ravaged by a wolf. She can feel him painfully and deliciously stretching her eager hole in ways no human cock could.
Her skirts are ripped, she’s pressed against the cold ground. But her belly and her cunt burn with desire, as her body shakes with each brutal thrust.
Shamefully for a lady, some part of her begins to especially enjoy the fact that he’s so wolf like. She begins to fantasize about a wild creature mounting her and having its way…. Before realizing in some way that’s happening right now.
Cregan feels her clench on his cock, and he’s pushed over the edge. He clamps down on her body and holds her tight, pushing all the way in as he knots her. She yelps and squirms at the sensation in her, and her movements only make it better. Her legs are shaking as she feels him locked inside her. She has no escape as his cum begins steadily filling her womb.
Lying on the forest floor, with a wolf man’s cock locked inside her. And he’s still cumming. It doesn’t stop for a while. And it takes even longer for the knot to go down. By the time he’s satisfied and able to pull out, it hasn’t even fully subsided. She feels a painful and amazing stretch and squeaks as his cock is finally withdrawn. She collapses to the ground. She doesn’t see what her cunt looks like. But she can feel all the seed inside her. She knows it’s leaking out. And Cregan can see it. If he didn’t cum so hard, he’d he prepared to go immediately after seeing that. Her poor human pussy was still gaping. Stretched by his wolf like knot. And leaking so much of his semen.
But the lady was absolutely euphoric. Cregan helped her stumble back. But as she walked, all she could think of was her husbands wolf cock. And needing more of it
That night he has her sinking down on his fat cock that's already leaking; he plugs her up all night as his hips rock.
His breeding continuous
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blimbosworlddd · 9 months
When He’s “Respectful” During Sex
Warnings: smut (including cussing, cunnilingus, fingering, vaginal penetration, missionary sex, nipple play, doggy style, riding, blowjob, etc.)
This man, as genuinely kind and respectful as he is, uses politeness to cover up just how badly he wants to dismantle you and break that pussy down. He forces your submission only with your permission. You’re his baby, it’s not an option!
Will not touch you until you ask
“Can I take your panties off?” When you allow him he tucks them in his back pocket when you stare up at the ceiling.
“There’s lube on my night stand if you feel like you need any.”
Stares at your face for any signs of pain while he tenderly sucks on your swollen bud, but his intense gaze makes you look away in shyness.
He circles your hole with his index finger, before steadily intruding your doughy walls. Your face scrunches up at the way he strokes that squishy bundle of nerves.
“Does that feel good, angel?”
Firmly but gently presses his forearms on your lower belly with an innocent smirk, to restrain your spasming when you cream all that you’re worth in his mouth.
“What position do you want to be fucked in?”
His voice is almost monotonous but lilted with eagerness as he watches your limp figure breathing heavily after that nut he just gave you. Pausing in thought, your eyes light up like a lightbulb.
“Ooh! Why not missionary?” You chirp.
You’re spread out on your back as your man sits on his haunches, lining his thick dick along your entrance. You wiggle your hips in impatience.
“Please stay still, honey. Don’t wanna hurt you.”
The serious concern in his baritone voice leaves you motionless as a statue (and soaking wet).
The burning stretch you feel when he pushes in grows exponentially, but he’s extra slow and attentive just for you <3. You hold onto his elbows as his strong hands clutch your soft waist. He stops halfway when you whine and sees your knee jutting up and down.
“Are you okay? Does it hurt too much?”
“Uhn-uhn,” you strain, but you show you’re actually alright when he feels your hold relax a bit.
His firm ass clenches a bit to create more space between his knees, lowering his body.
This allows him to position his hips in an experimental angle that nudges his tip right against your deepest cum spot, pulling back and slowly thrusting again just to see you grab your tits and cry out pathetically.
His eyebrows crinkle adorably in concentration as he massages your clit while grinding into your soaking cunt. You hit your head on your pillow to cope with the melting hot pleasure that fills you up, running your hands up his hard abs.
“Holy fucking shit!” you gurgle, eyes stinging as he twists your hard brown nipples with the rough pads of his fingers.
“How we feeling babycakes? :D” the loud squelching answers his question.
Makes a mental note that you like your nips played with.
“Ohhhhhh fuckkkkkk wait a second!” You yell desperately.
your boyfriend doesn’t wait, eyes fixating on how the sheen of sweat coating your deep complexion makes you even more radiant as your curves jiggle briefly with his lethargic thrusts. He was in no hurry to ruin you, rolling your nipples between his fingertips
You wail as your legs shake uncontrollably, the hot friction in your lower belly spills, feeling too heavy to sustain. your second orgasm makes your jaw slack open and your tummy constrict. That dick got you tired already :(
His balls tighten at the mess you’re making, steadily fucking you through your high before sliding his dick out of you.
“May we try doggy?” He murmurs. You take a deep breath.
“Yeah sure,” you slur blissfully. His manners make you throb helplessly. He flips you on your knees without a second thought.
“Can you arch your back for me? Thank you, baby.” He purrs.
Will not be rough until you ask. If you beg for it, he will palm your head in your pillow and muffle your screams as he quickly humps his fat heavy cock into your weeping pussy.
Is so so super duper sweet. Will always check on you and talk you through your sexy time together. Very tactical when he fucks on you, but still relies on your physical reactions, communication and his instincts. He tends to overthink in self-doubt tho, and inadvertently ignores the needy sounds you make when his balls repeatedly slap your clit while fucking you from behind.
“Yes what, pretty?”
The way he rotates his thrusts while you ride him is so nasty, his pelvis swipes your aching clit with every swiveling buck of his hips. Tries to abstain from moaning but as soon as your cunt grips him with no intention of letting go while you whimper right into his ear, a devastating groan rips from his throat.
Wipes your tear-stained cheeks while you recover from your sixth orgasm :p
“Can you suck the tip a little harder? Just like that, love.”
he bites his lip to avoid fucking your pretty face wide open. Precum leaks down your throat as your drawn out moan reverberates through his girth.
“I’mm g-getting close, sweetheart. where do ya want me to cum? Inside?”
Leaning your head back and releasing his tip with a loud ‘pop’, you suck his ballsack next; letting the tender flesh sink between your pillowy lips as your hand strokes his pretty dick. You felt like sin, making his chest cave in.
“Th-that feels really good, can you go a little fas-oh fuck!”
Ya man spurts milky white cum, fat dribbles of the pearlescent liquid running down your fingers. You return the same obsessive stare he gave you earlier while licking your hand clean.
Yeahhhh you’ll be the death of him😌
Armin, Connie, Izuku, Kirishima, Kento, Yuuta, Yuji, Megumi, Miguel O’Hara, Choso, Rock Lee, Sanji, Aran Ojiro, Tooru Oikawa, Baki Hanma, Nishinoya, Tendou, Atsumu, Saitama, and any other of your faves!
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
Copyright ©️ blimbosworlddd. Do not copy, plagiarize or repost.
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dvasleftmecharm · 2 months
Have you any Pavi headcanons?
Yes I do 😈😈
Pavi Largo Headcannons
Warnings : NSFW,blood, knifes, mentions of skin being torn off
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Pavi largo headcannons
I headcannon he can't actually shower since it'll burn his face, but he cleans himself
His accent helps sometimes but he stutters even worse when he's nervous or scared
You once watched him skin off someone's face and threw up on it, he was upset
He hates axe body spray, says it's "unprofessional" and messy
If ur his best friend prepared to be imploded with questions
Pavi : "does this look good on me?.."
You : "of course it does, what dosent?"
Luigi : "makes you look fat you fucking pig"
Luigi loves being mean to pavi LMAO
Also like Luigi, horny 24/7 but Luigi can contain it sometimes he can't at all
Will not cut your face off but will run the blade around your jaw, drawing blood
Loves all shapes and sizes
He will get you stuff you probably couldn't afford out in the world
Would not force you to wear anything you don't want to, but please just let him put one thing on u :(
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pleathewrites · 4 months
bellow the fire into my deadened lungs
chapter 2 excerpt — dabihawks first time read full story here
The second the door shuts with Shouto and Natsuo’s leave, Touya pushes the hero towards his bedroom and pounces on him, causing Keigo to fall back onto his bed with an, “oof!” 
Touya swallows Keigo’s laughter and pulls at the hem of the hero’s shirt, rucking it up to mouth at the tanned skin of his sternum. Keigo moans and arches his back, quickly taking off his shirt and pressing his feathers along the healthy skin his hands don’t reach, talons slightly biting into the flesh of Touya’s thighs.
Keigo’s hands slide up to squeeze Touya’s ass, appreciating the fat that’s accumulated on the scarred man’s body from eating regularly this past month. Keigo groans at the give and moves one hand to grip at Touya’s waist — the soft squish of Touya’s belly makes heat tingle at the base of Keigo’s spine.  
Touya pulls back to fully look at Keigo. The way Keigo’s chest shines with his spit, glints in the dim light around the darker marks made by his own teeth, makes Touya bite his lip.
“Touya, c’mere,” Keigo mumbles, the hands at Touya’s thighs and waist pulling him over to meet Keigo’s open mouth, the hero's tongue sliding inside and lighting the kerosene that sits behind Touya’s teeth. 
Touya grinds down with purpose, slow and heavy for the hero to feel his consuming desire. Keigo’s moan vibrates against Touya’s mouth, down his throat, and he works his hips again, desperate for Keigo’s sound. 
"Feels like someone's happy to see me, hm?" When Keigo smiles, his golden eyes molt into the only heat that Touya feels will never hurt him.
Touya wants Keigo to want him, to need him, just as badly as he does.
He grips golden locks between scarred palms and licks a stripe from the edge of Keigo's jaw up his stubbled cheek.
Keigo’s sharp inhale against Touya’s ear makes his skin hot, and it has nothing to do with his quirk. When Touya feels a taloned hand start to creep inside the bottom of his borrowed shorts and feels cool air graze the bared skin of his ass before the almost burning heat of Keigo’s palm grabbing one of his cheeks fully, a moan spills from his lips and his head falls to the crook of Keigo’s neck. 
Keigo’s hand fondles his asscheek, jiggling the meat of it before giving it a light spank, and it makes Touya laugh, “You're ridiculous, Birdy.”
Keigo turns his head to smirk at Touya, “You’ve got a really cute ass,” punctuating his statement with another firm squeeze. 
Touya groans at the tease of Keigo's talons scraping at his most secret parts, “Then do somethin’ ‘bout it.”
He bites down at the juncture between Keigo’s neck and shoulder and feels the shudder that wracks through the hero’s body. He presses his smile into the skin before sucking hard. 
He feels a soft and fringed pressure start to trail under his shirt and up to his chest, “Hm?” the hero playfully muses as two red feathers firmly press down against Touya’s nipples and cause the man to gasp at the pleasure that zings through his spine, “Do something… Like what?” 
The feathers start to move, light circles at first before alternating to firm sweeps, causing Touya’s hips to shake into Keigo’s hard length and unrelenting grip. 
Touya’s cock starts to weep, a few spots of damp stickiness stamped into the front fabric of his shorts. 
His spine arched, belly sliding against the hero’s tight core. He stretches his neck to run his tongue along Keigo’s earlobe, nipping just a bit under the hero’s black stud, “Fuck me.”
Keigo’s cock twitches under Touya’s own, and they both moan. 
When Touya looks at Keigo’s flushed face, he sees those molten honey eyes have widened into wonder. Keigo’s hand leaves his ass to cup his face, “You sure?” Keigo asks against his mouth. 
Touya bites his scarred lip and moves back to sit on Keigo’s thighs as he takes off his shirt. 
Keigo’s heart blooms in his chest. Touya never takes his shirt off.
Keigo surges up to kiss the scarred man hard.
He sends his feathers to fetch necessary supplies, his own hands cupping Touya’s bare tits, thumbing over puffy nipples, and drinking in every single sound that leaves Touya’s lips. He trails his mouth down Touya’s neck, kissing every staple within sight and whispering utter devotion into stitched skin — ‘so good, so fuckin' beautiful, baby, you're gonna look so fuckin’ good on my cock, so fucking pretty in my hands, Touya, fuck, thank you, thank you, Touya…’  
His teeth scrape a pebbled nipple, and there’s no hesitation before he takes it into his mouth, savoring the velvet feel against his tongue, the pliant give between his bite. 
Touya starts to shake all over. His trembles feel glorious under Keigo’s hands, the vibrations against clinging feathers making the hero borderline delirious.
There’s absolute filth spilling out of Keigo’s mouth, dirty promises to take Touya higher than anything he could ever shoot up his veins, and it makes Touya so fucking hot. 
No one has ever made Touya feel this way, like he’s about to be pulled apart by his very own seams — so utterly worshiped, so deliciously lewd. 
It’s not until he hears the unmistakable sound of something ripping that he registers that Keigo’s talons have shredded Touya’s shorts to tatters.   
He's so sensitive, even just the air against his hole brings him to the edge.
“Fuck,” Touya sighs helplessly as Keigo’s mouth bites a trail to his other nipple. “Kei,” He grips onto blond hair tightly and squeezes the man’s shoulder, needing something to occupy his hands just to deal with the tension. 
A soft pressure nudges at the hand Touya grips Keigo’s shoulder with. When Touya focuses on  looking in that direction, he sees a curled feather carrying a bottle of lube. He opens his hand to engulf both the feather and bottle before maneuvering the objects around a bit until the feather is held between his thumb and middle finger, the lube secure within the cup of his palm. 
Touya slips his fingers free from blond locks and slides them down until they curve around Keigo’s strong jaw, urging the hero’s attention away from Touya's chest. Mischievous gold eyes hold slow contact with Touya’s own as Keigo bites down, sending another zing of hot pleasure down Touya's spine, before slowly easing back and pulling Touya’s nipple taut between his teeth. Touya moans and sucks in a gasp when Keigo lets go, feeling a blurt of his precome smear onto Keigo’s stomach. 
Keigo smirks. 
Touya's eyes narrowed before giving his own slow, devious smile, “How sensitive are your feathers?” 
Keigo’s eyes flicker to the feather held between Touya’s two fingers before looking back at him, “Why?”
Touya gathers a pool of heated saliva on his tongue before bringing the feather to his lips and opening his mouth wide, sticking out his tongue, and giving the feather a full and languid lick.   
Keigo’s pupils dilate and his spine goes ramrod straight, hands squeezing Touya’s waist so tightly, “Shit.” 
Keigo feels every single hot centimeter of Touya's tongue, every slick groove and soft ridge slithering up the hero’s spine and tingling down to his toes.
The reaction causes Touya to smile so fully — pearly whites and pink tongue and glinting stud. Keigo momentarily blanks with how fucking pretty Touya is when he smiles like that. 
That pretty smile closes, both rows of blinding teeth disappearing behind two-toned lips closing over the top half of Keigo’s feather, staple-lined cheeks hollowing out with a firm suck.  
Keigo’s head falls in a groan, forehead pressing into Touya’s collarbone, “Fuck, you're so hot,” and he means that both figuratively and literally because he can feel the heat of Touya’s mouth, how wet it is and how soft the man’s tongue is around that fucking piercing.
Touya moans around the feather, and the sensation overwhelms Keigo — the feeling of being physically inside Touya makes Keigo feel absolutely wild.
Keigo looks up to memorize the scene, thumbing Touya’s plump bottom lip, "One day, I'm gonna push my cock between this gorgeous mouth of yours," He promises.
In desperation, his hands slide down to Touya’s ass and squeeze the cheeks tightly, pulling them out to welcome Touya's tight heat to the home they've built these past two months within Keigo's safehouse. He uses his grip to bring the scarred man down and grind their cocks together.  
He wills the feather in Touya's mouth to press down against the man's tongue and rub against the muscle the way his own tongue would. 
The feeling of the feather moving against Touya’s tongue is extremely foreign to him but it feels so good. Touya moans again, making out with Keigo's feather to get blond’s spine to twitch like before. 
Keigo groans and once again pulls Touya’s asscheeks apart, wider this time, before letting go and reveling in the smack they make when the flesh collides back together. When he does it again, he doesn’t let go, keeping one globe of flesh in each hand. “Touch yourself,” He begs, running a light and careful fingerpad across Touya’s bare hole, reveling in the flutter of puckered flesh when his talon dangerously grazes just underneath, “Please.” 
Touya frantically nods, his chest heaving and hands fumbling to open the bottle and coat his fingers before reaching back and spreading the lube. He exhales a sigh at the feeling, and the feather on his tongue wiggles. 
As Touya works his fingers in and sucks on the feather, Keigo takes to hooking his chin over Touya’s shoulder to watch, keeping the scarred man's cheeks apart and using his hold to grind against him. 
It all feels so good, Touya wonders if he’ll be able to hold out. From the two fingers he's now thrusting in and out of his hole, to Keigo’s warm body and length grinding up into his own, his feather fucking his tongue, Touya feels the tell-tale pressure building quickly at the base of his spine and spread throughout his groin.  
Keigo moves back to watch it all.
Seeing the way Touya moves above him, the circles Touya’s hips make, and the way his neck dangles back and to the side in pleasure makes something inside Keigo release, and he wants to be a part of everything that makes Touya feel good. 
Touya feels Keigo’s left hand slightly pinch the flesh of his asscheek, causing him to yelp in surprise. He looks at the man to say something, but when Keigo brings that hand to his mouth and fucking bites the talons of his index and middle finger clean off, he can only gape. 
Keigo takes advantage of Touya’s open mouth to rise up and thrust his own tongue down Touya's throat, alongside the feather, and both feather and tongue move against Touya’s own. Touya's whining keen is such a delight to be felt by both.
Touya feels Keigo’s arm wiggle between their bodies, under his spread legs, and when two wet fingers thicker than his own start to trace around his rim and touch his own thrusting fingers, he gasps and Keigo removes the feather from Touya’s mouth to the head of his weeping cock. 
Keigo’s middle finger slides in alongside Touya’s own two and the wet feather rubs against the piercing that goes around Touya’s cockhead through his frenulum. 
‘Of fucking course he’s pierced there,’ Sometimes, Keigo can’t even believe Touya is real.
Touya moans so loudly — his mouth opens wide and his voice cracks with the pitch of his throat. The staples at his cheeks strain.
Keigo smiles against those open lips, sucks the bottom in his own mouth, “Mmm,” and he bites at the scarred lip as he crooks his finger, feeling the way Touya’s mouth moves around pleasured whines, “That’s it, baby. Ride my fingers, just like that.” 
Touya can’t help but pull Keigo in for another kiss, his body being wound up so tightly by this wonderful, wonderful man that he needs to express it, somehow, in any way he can. He sucks on Keigo’s tongue, presses the thumb of his free hand into Keigo's jaw, and curls his fingers into the short blond hair at the nape of Keigo’s neck — the way Keigo likes it, the way that makes him whine and groan into Touya’s working mouth. 
Touya pulls back slightly and starts to tug at the waistband of Keigo’s sweats, “I can’t believe you did that,” He marvels, referring to the way Keigo had bit off two of his talons just so he could finger Touya open, “Fuck, doesn’t it hurt?”
“Worth it,” Keigo grins, a little smug as he uses his strength to slightly lift both him and Touya up in assistance to finally push down his sweats enough for his hard cock to literally bob out and smack his stomach. Touya sighs at the sight of it, and Keigo uses that moment to push his second finger in, causing Touya’s sigh to pitch up into a mewl.
Keigo curls his two fingers, and Touya’s back goes taut as a bowstring, “Keigo — !”   
Keigo begins to fuck his fingers roughly into Touya’s wet hole, hitting that sweet spot over and over and over again, feeling the bumps and ridges of Touya’s own lax and slender fingers. The sounds that spill out of Touya’s pretty two-toned lips make the sweetest melody Keigo has ever heard.
Keigo wants to hear this song for the rest of his life. 
The sight of Touya’s quivering body and heaving chest makes Keigo groan into Touya’s puffy nipple, taking it into his mouth with an audible suck before grabbing Touya’s waist with the hand that was clutching his ass. Keigo stretches and tilts his neck to speak straight into Touya’s ear, “D’you wanna cum?”
Touya shakes his head, and Keigo feels his slender fingers move out his hole, “No, n-not yet.” 
Touya wipes off his fingers somewhere along the duvet before pushing Keigo’s shoulder until the hero’s back hits the mattress.
Touya hums as he crowds over Keigo, the change in angle pushing Keigo’s fingers even deeper against his spot. He sighs so lovely when he lolls his head back as his hips swivel and grind into them.
Keigo is so gone for him, "You're fuckin' stunnin’, love."
Touya props a hand on Keigo's chest, his heavy-lidded stare making Keigo dizzy.
Touya drags his hand down Keigo’s chest, his abdomen, scratches at the tuft of blond hair over Keigo’s pelvis before his thumb starts to circle the wet head of Keigo’s cock, watching the way Keigo’s pretty platinum lashes flutter at direct stimulation after so long, “Gods, how do you even look like that.” Touya uses the precum that’s already gathered and dripped down Keigo’s shaft to slide his fingers around it firmly, varying pressure and heat. He watches the hero’s expression at every touch and spits a thick wad of heated saliva onto the tip.
“Shit, Touya,” He loves Touya’s hands but he didn’t know their heat could be used to make him feel so good, twisting at the base and squeezing his cockhead. His mind goes fuzzy with what Touya will feel like inside, “You’re killin’ me here,” because Keigo doesn’t know how long he’ll last with those heavily lidded eyes, half-blazing blue framed by snow-white lashes, glued to him like that. 
Touya smiles, and Keigo’s heart skips a beat before he crooks his fingers meanly, making those beautiful blue eyes widen with a gasp. Touya bends down to bite at Keigo’s jaw, “Want you to fuck me,” and digs a nail into the slit of Keigo’s cock as he pants, “Right now.” 
Keigo groans, gently pulling his fingers out of Touya’s hole, cleaning them off in the similar manner Touya had, and fumbling with his feathers to scramble a condom on. 
He smooths his hands down Touya’s body and pulls until the villain lies directly on top of him, wrapping his arms around Touya’s frame fully and kissing those two-toned lips with a tenderness he feels they’ve skipped out on this whole time. 
The reverent slide of Keigo’s lips against his own simmers the boiling need that had been threatening to spill over within Touya. The warm press brings him back from the haze of seemingly insatiable lust and makes Touya feel like he has all the time in the world to learn the man under him. 
Keigo pulls back, “How do you want me?” and he smooths his hand over Touya’s back in soothing motions, and Touya has an urge to stretch out like a cat. 
Touya bites his lip and thinks about it, thinking about what he wants to feel and what he wants Keigo to feel. He has a feeling Keigo really wants to see his face, but Touya is starting to feel a little bit too exposed and needs a safe space. On the other hand, he wants to feel the hero completely surround him, go as deep as he can go, and touch wherever taloned hands covet in the moment.
He moves off of Keigo to lie on his side with his elbow hoisting his upper body up and uses his free hand to grab Keigo’s arm and pull it over his waist, the heat of Keigo’s skin immediately warming his own, “Like this?” He looks over his shoulder and raises his eyebrow.   
Keigo lets out a satisfied hum and begins to get comfortable, reaching behind him to grab a pillow and stuff it where Touya’s head would lay before sliding his own arm under Touya’s neck and curling it around his shoulders. This way, Touya’s lower half remains sideways whereas his upper body has the mobility of either resting on his back to face Keigo or turning on his side to face the wall. 
Touya likes the versatility. 
Keigo pressed a kiss to Touya’s cheek, “Anything you don’t want, love?” 
Touya’s aquamarine eyes meet Keigo’s with a trust that makes Keigo’s heart flutter tenfold, “Just don’t pull my hair. You can touch it, play with it, whatever, but not… like the way I do it to you.”
Keigo pushes Touya’s hips slightly forward, his large wing coming around to surround their bodies in an open cocoon, the feathers at the end dancing around the twinkling jewelry of Touya’s pierced navel, “Got it, Hot Stuff.”
He grabs the meat at the back of Touya’s inner thigh to spread him wide, pulling Touya's leg over his hip, and slides right in. 
Keigo’s pelvis presses against the tops of Touya’s asscheeks and his cock is nestled so deep. 
They both groan. 
The all-encompassing heat around Keigo is absolutely maddening, and Keigo’s cock hits all of Touya’s right places.
Touya encouragingly moves his hips back with a whimper, and Keigo sighs in his ear, “Oh, Touya. You’re so fuckin’ lovely like this.”
The dam breaks. 
Keigo’s hands are everywhere; squeezing Touya's tits, pressing into his belly, smoothing over his balls, and touching where they both connect, occasionally slipping a finger alongside Keigo's cock to hear Touya whine and feel the hitch of his breath through devoted feathers. Keigo uses the hand under Touya’s neck to smooth back his dampened bangs and kiss his smooth forehead, turn his jaw to capture his mouth and suck on his tongue. Keigo clasps his hand gently around Touya’s delicate throat — not choking but just enough pressure to remind Touya that Keigo is here, with him, around him, on him, in him.   
When Touya comes, it’s with Keigo’s name on his lips, Keigo’s spit in his mouth, and feathers wrung tight around his thighs. It’s the look of Touya’s expression when he orgasms, his upturned brows and open mouth, that tips Keigo over the edge, too. 
They stay like that for a moment, connected and dazed in the afterglow, with Touya’s hand buried in Keigo’s hair and Keigo's talons pressing into the meat of Touya’s chest.
When the haze finally clears, Keigo gently pulls out and rolls to collapse on his back, breathing heavily, “Wow. Fuck.”
Touya snorts, he can’t help but agree, “Yeah.” 
He rolls to his other side and curls up against Keigo, folding an arm over the blond’s sweaty chest while red feathers scoop as much of the mess off Touya’s stomach before they float off to the sink. 
“Rest, Kei. Put your feathers down and relax.”  
Keigo winds an arm around Touya’s shoulders, “This is the most relaxed I’ve been in years,” before he uses a hand to press taloned fingers against Touya’s jaw and angle his head up, “We’re definitely doing that again. Gimme, like, ten minutes.”
Keigo catches Touya’s laugh in his mouth, and as he slowly kisses the hero, Touya thinks that if this is his last night of freedom, then he’s okay with it.
read full story here
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santajp · 10 months
A Taste of Irony~
I've never posted any stories here, so here goes I suppose!
This one about weight gain, my fursonas, and tons of magic!
The large paw flings itself though the air before slamming into the dummy, the model body then being thrown away before the jackalope pants, sweat all over her fatty, brown, furry body. "Whoo! This training really does a number on you!" She giggles before the dark purple hyena near her, with body being much slimmer and toned with the same sweat, shrugs, not surprised by how the two's attempt at training in front of the wooden cabin has gone.
"I can imagine it would, at least for you, Rain."
"Awww~! Thanks, Taura! You mean by how much I can lift, huh?" She extends her arm before flexing it, showing the bulge of her muscles.
"Oh, yeah, sure." She chuckles, then forming flames at her fist and doing another rotation of quick punches.
"Wait- what did you mean then?"
"I mean you do a lot, but it most definitely isn't training."
Rain pouts. "What!? I'm strong enough already! What else could I do!?"
"Maybe stop looking so soft to our enemies?"
The hyena stops her practice, slowly nearing the short jackalope and her flaps of fat, yanking the belly that hangs out from her gym clothes. "Yes, soft. Look at you. You're less like a superhero and more like a dumpling. I'm not saying you should cut out all the sweets and city food Jova brings you for, but maybe lower the magnitude of those cravings."
Rain nearly hops on the ground, just stomping it. "It's not that easy, and I still help the team well! Jova and Icetra are fine with the weight!" She gets onto her tippy toes to look at Taura before the hyena leans down to look right back into her eyes.
"And what if I'm not alright fighting alongside a fatty blob?"
"You!? Take that back!"
The two growl at one another for a pink vixen shows up from the bushes, panting while going up to the two them. "Ladies, ladies, you both are cute."
Though at the same time, the two of them say, "Shut it!"
"W-woah! We're meant to be a team here, using magic to try saving the world and all of that." Rain and Taura slowly get pushed away from one another via telekinesis, before Jova walks up to Rain as Taura begrudgingly gets back to her own training. "So, Rain, what's up exactly?"
"Taura thinks I should lose the weight, and 'stop eating so much' as if I don't know my body is fine! I'm fine! I'm more than fine!"
"Woah, woah, calm down. Though- I see how that is annoying."
"She doesn't know a thing about being me!" A small *grrroaaannnn* then comes from the rain's belly. "Ugh- being worked up makes me hungry. Did you bring any food in from your place, the sweet stuff?" Rain asks the question before blushing deeply at Jova grabbing her fatty belly without warning, the vixen's hand glowing before Rain is only left to blush and pant. "W-what did you do!? I also- don't feel hungry anymore?"
"I took the hunger away, at least for a time."
"Really!?" Her eyes light up. "Thank you so much! I'll show Taura! I'll be smaller than her too, just you wait!" Rain runs off into the forest to train on her own terms and her own attitude before turning around. "I forgot something!" She rushes into the cabin and then comes out with a boombox. "I need good montage music!" Rain giggles and then is off from Jova.
"Have fun! And- you'll definitely be smaller than her alright." Jova slowly walks over to Taura as she keeps training, doing a slew of fiery kicks and punches onto the dummies before burning them all away, trying not to burn the forest they're in at the same time before Jova slaps her ass, a magic handprint being left.
"Buenos Dias, Taura! That is impressive!"
"Stop that! I get we are friends, but yeesh! Also, thanks, but are you gonna ask me to say sorry. I was just saying an opinion."
"Well, it was rude."
"What you just did was rude, and I might as well be blunt. She isn't helping our look by being so fat, at least in my eyes."
"I mean looks change so fast. You never know how you'll be in a few years, perhaps even a minute." The handprint of the hyena's ass glows further. "Though- fine." Jova sighs. "You're have the right to think that."
"Oh-" Taura actually didn't expect this, but she likes the change in tone, welcoming it actually. "Well then, good. Happy to hear that is settled then." The surprise overtakes the sensation of a small tweak in her mind, a small addition from someone else easing its own space into her thoughts, acting the most subtle trance one could be put under, one that slept until being triggered in full. "Well, I'm going to go inside and take a shower. Jova, you should most definitely train too."
"I will!" Jova's tail wags before Taura opens the door to inside, looking around the old-fashioned kitchen now filled with more modern items, a fridge and microwave being the two newest additions to contrast the well-used walls and old wood heating stove. The hyena knows all of this though, having been staying here for more than long enough to- *sniff, sniff*
Her nose twitches once before doing so again, with her thinking it's somehow her own musk callings its attention so much, only to realize it is too sweet, too savory, to be such a thing. The smell only relaxes her body all over and makes a wetness take her lips, the inside of her maw drooling seemingly without reason as her stomach then growls ever so slightly.
"What the hell is that?" She asks the question before walking to the largest cabinet, seeing all the snacks filling the inside as her very tastebuds almost make her remember the taste of each, one by one, only bringing more relation as these many random meals feel almost like edible comfort. "Oh shit, why? How?" She tries to think of why all this junk seems so appealing before only another growl of her stomach comes, it now being louder so suddenly as it demands any sort of attention. "O-ok, I'll have one!" She puts her hand in, but denies the sudden wanting for a protein bar, eating it all down so quickly yet feeling as if nothing changes by the end of it. She's still so hungry. Her mouth is still drooling. Taura only drops the once filled wrapper of the bar before getting another and another and another.
"How badly did I train!?" She has no idea. She even has no idea how many bars she just ate or how quick she did so, her body almost making her feel as if she hasn't eating at all. She then jams another into her mouth, their taste dulling with each bite, their lack of sugars always making some sort of want flare up. Her tongue begs for more, all until she yanks out the whole box of a dozen bars before dropping them, excuses easily seeping into her head. "T-those are good for me! More protein can't hurt." Yes, all healthy. She just needs healthy foods.
Taura keeps the closet open and runs to the fridge, yanking its door to see her weeks’ worth of salad, then pulling them out to immediately coat them in sauce and dig in with her paw-like hands, not caring about the mess whole shoving vegetables into her mouth. "Y-yes! Mmmmph!" The taste of ranch and oils is one she savors, her sweaty body and gym clothes slowly nearing odds with one another as the first wave of food is digested would pangs and groans, leading to some bloat across her body as her muscles get coated in the soft layers, her paw-like hands messy with ripped up lettuce and sauces she can't help but lick off her fingers, little *pops* coming into the air she cleans them with a thin layer of her tongue's saliva. "Why didn't I put so much sauce on them before!? These damn things are so good!"
She doesn't even notice the small embers then coming off her body as she yanks her head into the fridge to sniff and growl around the shelves, her nose leading her to the bottom of 'city-foods', from the newest store doughnuts to large burgers in paper bags, all of it forcing the hyena's stomach to growl, immediately wanting it to fill up the endless craving and the need to be her * actual* size. "That damn rabbit! She was holding this all for herself!" The idea of Rain having all of this, the idea of Jova giving her all of these bags and boxes of food, it makes Taura growl before using her nail-like claws to rip them apart, first grabbing a large burger, one the size nearly of her whole head, and growling as her her hands rapidly heat up. Before even the first bite, her heart races as her own hands make the bottom bun let out the sweet smell of cooked bread and the large patties of meat quickly sizzle in front of her nose and eyes, their pupils being outlined by colors swirling, this burger alone being what she needs. No wonder the salad and small bars didn't work, she thinks. She needs her meals to be as big as her worth.
She shoves the giant burger into her mouth, moaning at only half of the goodness engulfing her mouth before squirming in place as the dense meat and perfectly seasoned surface forces another moan and another large bite, leading to bits of meat and ketchup spilling from her swollen cheeks as she chews, nearly choking on it all. "Mmmmm-hmmmp!?" For a moment she has to focus only on the food and breathing. "Hk- hullk! *GUUUUUUULLLLLLP!*" She shuts her maw to swallow it all at once, her mouth finally clearing as her throat slightly hurts from the amount but not enough to stop her eating the next burger the same way or stuffing the various cake-pops into her needy mouth. She can't stop eating as much as she can't stop sweating, flabs and masses of fat now hanging over her once perfectly fitting pants and top, trapping her already naturally hotter body heat inside her to only make the already musky heft of herself getting worse while her nose only focuses on the scent of food.
Taura speaks with her mouth full of food, mumbling her words, "Ohh- h-hot dog-ss!" It becomes hard to speak in her craving, her head trying to slide its way to the back of the fridge while she gets into her knees, neglecting the now tightness of her clothes. "I- need! Little bit more!" She feels her belly still bloating, it being strongly difficult and different to try reaching her now plump arm before she goes the extra inch! *Shhhhhhrrrriiiipppp!* The sudden ripping of her pants and panties sends her forward, the fat of her thighs now being freed to show their size of mattresses and their warm softness of pillows. Though the impact to the floor also breaks her top, her panties popping off with a *snap* as her top rips to let her fatty breasts free against the cold floor of the fridge to leave her naked.
Though her hand has the hot dogs, and that is swell!
"Yes, yes, yes!" Taura gets out of the fridge, obese enough to make the floor shake before so quickly, all the processed foods being perfectly made for weight somehow, before pulling out a hot dog from the plastic wrappings before heating it up in her hands and eating it by sucking its tip down softly with her now steamy mouth of gluttony.
The door slowly opens, Rain going inside her home. "Taura! Guess who lost a single pound! You'll never- OH SHIT!" Rain saying that gave her shivers. She rarely curses, but Taura has taken up her whole kitchen floor, sleeping with a bratwurst hanging half way out of her mouth that is covered in drool and ketchup and bits of food, her size being much than the bunny she once called out as it blobs across the whole floor. "Taura? You o-"
The jackalope is frozen by the sound of her giant stomach, most likely filled with whatever was in the fridge and closet, now groaning for more somehow, making the hyena squirm in her sleep. "You know what- I can help." Rain gulps before getting napkins, softly rubbing Taura's fatty head as well as the folds under it, making sure her friend isn't so dirty at the very least while also giving soft rubs to her body during it all, her fingers always finding her musk and in large amounts too. Though her sensitive nose can catch it everywhere, Rain pushing her nose into Taura to sniff her clean after rubbing parts of her body with a soft towel of warm water and soap, somehow finding a pleasure in the smell of harsh body heat and the ninety-nine point nine germs she deals with.
The rabbit hugs her gut, kissing it ever so slightly before her hands push into the fat, rubbing through its thickness and layers, making sure to even reach the muscles below that very much still show a particular strength in their firmness. "I can't believe you thought that this was- like- unappealing." Rain looks at her own gut, patting it lightly. She is chubby, but Taura is- something else, something that makes Rain's hands stim along the wooden floor as she lays down with her blobby friend for seconds at a time.
"Why am I doing this? C-can I do this?" She blushes and laughs giddy. Rain tries to climb up her while she sleeps, laying upon the fat and feeling Taura slightly shake before resting her large, flopping ears neat her belly button, their large openings for hearing being squarely on the soft surface to hear the muffled moving of digestion, their liquidly noise filling her ears as much as they fill her head. Rain feels her fur rise, getting onto its tips as her fingers shake of our joy or pleasure or whatever it is before her legs jolt, hopping against the sea of fatness to make ripples. Rain feels guilt at listening in without asking, but- the sounds don't let her go, eventually making the needy jackalope bit her lip before rubbing against her friend as if she was a bed with little, held back moans.
With each large digestion, each grand *sploosh* or *gurgle*, Rain feels the body expel heat lightly to the edges of Taura's tummy, the layers of fat being so warm and her fur so soft. For a moment Rain even wonder how hot the insides of her are at this point considering they will need to digest for a while, perhaps the whole day even. "I- I should get going." Rain hops off of her, trying to ignore her legs wobbling at this sight alone, then getting to cooking with lightly wet panties before Taura wakes up just a half hour later to the smell of something sweet.
"Food?" Taura sniffs the air from the ground before Rain looks down at her.
"Yep! Food! I made something that helps me out on my cravings. Hopefully it can help you too."
"O-oh~" Taura tenses before swallowing air seemingly, then blushing a deep red under her fur.
"Yeah, you were passed out when I came in. You alright?"
"Y-yes, just f-ull and b-loated."
"Hard to talk too?" Taura nods yes with a pant before Rain also asks, "Have you burped?"
"H-huh? No..."
"Girl, no!" Rain pouts, leaving her place at the oven before immediately rubbing Taura belly. "Of course, you are bloated! You need to burp! Now, if you feel air come up, let it come up." Rain winks before she pushes into Taura gut, it groaning with a wiggle all over its surface before Taura feels the air rush out of her throat, filling it fully almost like food before-
Taura pants after and blushes, her eyes wide. "W-what the!? There was that much!?"
"Yep! Also see! Now you can speak without all that extra air coming out with your words."
"T-thank yo- urp!" A small amount more comes out before Rain hops away, then opening the oven to let out a tray of perfect, dense cinnamon buns, Taura looking at her get frosting and perfectly trying to make it fit onto each sweet bun.
"M-may I have some?" Taura's confidence is shot, at least like this, and she feels it as she asks for more food, feeling worse for even doing so just because she feels like it rather than being actually hungry.
"Yeah, sure."
"And Rain-"
"Sorry, I was being a bitch this morning."
"Well, thank you. Though- I'm sort of am used to comments like that. I'm a jackalope, but I'm also part rabbit and people don't take us seriously as fighters commonly for that reason too."
"That doesn't make it any better."
"..." Rain squeezes some more frosting onto the cinnamon buns, sighing. "Yeah, it- it doesn't. Though I don't want you to worry too much. I'll be over it. I know I will be. I can also try to find some spell to reverse this, get you back to nor-"
"N-no? You don't want me to not want you to worry?" Rain tilts her head.
"No! I am going to keep this fat, dummy! Wait- I'm trying to apologize; I shouldn't say that."
Rain laughs and leans down, rubbing her fatty face. "I get it. It's a force of habit for you. Also, you only call all of us dummies when you are embarrassed."
Taura yelps, immediately wanting to retort that, but- Rain is right that she is much too embarrassed now to say that. "W-whatever! I'm going to keep the fat because if you can be so cool with it, then I should be able to do the same. No, I'll do better!"
"Oh, you sure about that," Rain giggles.
"Don't laugh! I'm sure!" Rain kisses Taura's lips, making the hyena freeze up.
"Sorry, you were- really cute and are really cute now, especially with the fat."
Taura is breathless, her confidence gone. "Y-you too."
"Now, open your mouth, beautiful! You're gonna take all my cooking from now on!"
Taura snaps out of her trance, looking at Rain. "Wait!? What's the catch?"
"No catch... maybe except one."
Taura crosses her arms. "Which is?"
"Date me, and you-"
Rain blushes. "I was going to say you get all the food I cook, but if you're going to cut me off like that, maybe I'll give you double tonight!"
Taura yelps. "You wouldn't!"
"Oh, I would!" The jackalope grabs a large cinnamon bun, bringing it to Taura’s lips before she happily eats it, her tail wagging under all the fat as she chomps down on the dense rolls of cinnamon and sugar.
Taura gulps it down, drooling at the perfect savory nature of her friend's cooking. "Gods! That was amazing! I- I mean, oh no~! Don't give me another!"
"You're a terrible liar, but you'll be a great girlfriend."
Rain lays on her belly, letting Taura whisper into her ear, "I hope I can make it up to you for what I said- really."
"Dumpling-" Rain slaps Taura's thigh belly fat, making her nearly squeal at that and her new nickname. "You already have."
------ Extra! ------
The alarm begins to blare as people run away, one fox kicking the door open to rush out with a bag in hand as citizens watch in horror. "The town ruby!? Who- like- left that out?"
The fox jumps through the crowd, laughing while looking behind himself before jumping onto the cars of the road, effortlessly getting across before the cops arrive. "This is gonna sell for big time as nothing more than a shattered rock!" He laughs before someone then points to somewhere on one of the nearby buildings.
"Who is that!?"
The two shadows then jump at the same time the fox sees a nearby car, rushing to it before throwing out the driver after opening their door. "Later, sucker!" He jams his foot down on the petal, skirting coming onto the ground before he jets off into the streets, nearby avoiding the other cars. Though the two large women with masks only look at one another before nodding, one of them suddenly having the palms of their tight suit burst with explosions to launch herself into the air before using a plume of fire to propel herself forward like a rocket, the smaller woman behind her tapping a watch on her arm before a large bike suddenly forms in, her getting onto it before following in close pursuit.
"Haha! Nothing will-" *Bang! Skirrttttt!* The fox feels four pops as his wheels suddenly melt, slamming the fame of the car onto the ground before it screeches to a stop, nearly going into another intersection before one of the large women slams her giant boot onto its front, landing hard enough to force it to stop as the woman arrives on her bike, the fox getting out to see the two of them above him and blocking out his view of the sun as he panics. "Woah! We can talk this out! I mean- want some food?" One if the woman simply raises her palm, then blasting fire at his face. It's not enough to kill, but his fur is only black as he screams, "I didn't mean it like thaaaaaat!"
News cars stop in the area, many people looking at the two fatty heroines.
"May we get a name!?"
"Autograph please!"
"Step on me!"
"Are you an alien!?"
"Can you-"
"SHUT IT!" One of them yells, making everyone go quiet with a burst of heat. "First off, autographs are a big no! Secondly, we are not aliens! Then lastly-" She ignites her body under the suit, blue flames coming from all of herself. "I'm Supernova!"
The smaller woman beside her laughs before doing her own pose and glowing with gold in front of her bike. "And I'm Golden Hurricane!"
Cameras start taking pictures, the two of them staying in pose and keeping their identities sealed. "Together we're going to stop all sorts of magical villains, and first and foremost, listen to you all to do it and leave nobody behind!" The crowd cheers as elsewhere a pink vixen watches this all on TV, feeling proud as hell.
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Credits: @pedrodesenhador
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