#do you guys recognize the song? it's from a filipino band
ghostykapi · 2 years
chaeyoung + angst 👀
what if I (never) told you I had fallen?
chaeyoung & idol!fem!reader // angst
y'all when I said I want to scribble scribble I didn't expect to write ANGST for my biAS (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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when training for your debut since you were a teenager, all you've ever knew about everything else that wasn't school related or idol related was absolutely useless to you. even relationships with others seemed so pointless to you. amongst the teenagers who still seeked love among their goals, all you did was place that love into your training.
even in the company that you stayed in, that helped you make a debut, had more freedom regards to their artists' love lives. you were one of the few who had choose to not bother with that and threw themselves into work.
it had taken years for your members and staff to finally let you do other things aside from work. they had enough of it after seeing you walk out of the studio, finally burnt out of creative juices and work.
still you can't stray away from art, even if it's not in the form of music. so you had taken a liking to visual art, where you would walk in art galleries to simply admire the work or take pictures of nature.
this led you to her, your first taste of what it was like to fall in love. son chaeyoung
you had bumped into her when you were on your way to get a tattoo for the first time. you both were surprised to know that the tattoo parlor that she frequents is the one you're going to.
"you want to go together?" she had asked you that day, her infectious grin also making you smile "we can even get some food afterwards if your down for it!"
then your meetings with her, planned or just by pure coincidence, had become more frequent. from seeing each other at the han river to movie nights at your place. the more she came by, the more you continue to slip
it came to a realization on a chilly night, right after your practice you had requested the company driver to drop you off at your favorite ramen shop. it barely took a few steps out of the van for you to see her inside, talking to a random man.
you didn't know what the disturbing emotion was stirring up in your chest, but you had pushed it down and took a seat far away from them. hoping to sheild your eyes from seeing her acting too happy with him but still seeing them in the corner of your vision
you had already figured out that she was on a date, from the way he had been complementing her to the way her hand found his and mindlessly fidgeting with his fingers. it was all in the body language and you hated that you can still see it in the corner of your eye
it was when you finally managed to finish your meal and get out, that you realized what you felt and why you felt that way. it had made you scared to the bone, this new revelation changing your life.
it had brought you to nights where you lie down in bed, questioning if it was worth it to at least confess. it had brought you days of practice where everything is on auto-pilot, quite not trusting yourself to be there properly in the fear of messing up the steps. it brought concern from your members, questioning if you were trully ok, even if the light in your eyes was mixed with conflict, dispair and fear.
where this feeling had brought you new things, it had also left a hole in your heart. you knew you didn't have a chance with her ever since you saw the date at the ramen shop.
you had quite convinced yourself to try and move on. when you did try, she had always managed to find a way to bump into you, throwing you off track every time.
it was getting tiring, and you heart couldn't take it anymore. still, you were quite the stubborn person. so even if she came by your place, to ask for help to get a gift for her boyfriend, you couldn't say no.
"unnie" you groaned, your eyes finally giving up on you for looking at your phone for so long "please let's brainstorm later! my head hurts from thinking too much"
"please y/n/n!!" chaeyoung pouted at you, trying to get you to stay on the couch to help her search the net "this is really important to find a gift tonight"
you let out a dramatic sigh, this girl really knows your weakness huh
"fine" you couldn't help a smile take over your face as she did a small cheer "you owe me a good some son chaeyoung"
"I do y/f/n" she smiles at you. you swear this is the smile that's gonna break you "i just hope he's gonna like whatever I give him"
you barely see her this worried, so even if you dislike the man, you weren't blind to see how much she trully loves him.
"chae" you gently remind her "he's your boyfriend, your lover. he would love anything that you give him, just remember to trust your gut and make it a bit personal ok?"
she scoots over closer to you, and despite feeling your chest tighten, you give her a hug to try and ease her worries.
"you are son chaeyoung" you tell her, letting your mind say a portion of its true thoughts and a fragment of your feelings "you don't need a fancy gift to show him how much you love him, all you just have to show him something you know that's of your love and that he can chrish. he loves you chae, with gift or no gift"
she hums in appreciation for your comfort and pulls away, and even just for a silly little moment, you let your mind think that she was yours, even just like this. even just for a bit
"you always know what to say" chaeyoung says, now she's holding your hands and you know she had a hold on your heart as well, even if she doesn't know "I'm still surprised to not see anyone pursue you at all"
"what can I say" you smile, letting the words get in your head "maybe I'm just better off single"
because i can't handle it if it's not with you
"don't say that" she frowns, the softness of her voice reminding you how much you love to hear her talk "you'll find someone"
"maybe" you give her a smile and an empty promise "you'll be one of the first to know if I do, I promise"
in the next comeback, your group releases a new song, and chaeyoung questions if you were lying to her. seeing you on her phone screen, in an interview, explaining the last chorus of the song.
"what if I told you I had fallen?" (oh, nevermind.)
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aanbibiha · 1 year
"Friendship found in a fandom do last long"
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It's been months now since I bacame a fan girl to this PPOP boy band named SB19. I can't believe myself that I'm going to like this band at this age. I'm in denial at first because I wasn't sure If I really like this band. I find myself rewatching their old videos and songs that I can't sleep knowing that I will missed one of their videos or updates about themeselves and their concerts and tours. I watch them grow. I will never forget the first time I saw them on youtube, they sing MAPA at the stage but this one guy caught my attention because he was crying while singing his lines that was KEN, that song is all about their parents (MA,PA) that this time they will pay back all the sacrifices their parents made. Their songs are the best taglish song I ever heard in my entire life. The wordplay, ironic, symbolization, desriptive, figure of speech, metaphor and many more that I can't describe. I noticed everyone who like SB19 they are all humble and the desire to protect the boys from anything that can harm them especially all the bashers and haters. And I think I'm one of them now. I'm wishing and hoping that I was with them since day 1. I am so proud to be a filipino because of them. I hope one day people will recognize that kind of talent and pure hardwork. These individuals are self made. Look at them. they're my inspiration. They saved me and give me hope to this cruel world. Thank you #SB19 you guys are the best boy band in the whole world.
I have my own people created by SB19 and that fandom called A'TIN.
We are the people behind them. We create group chats, pages, accounts to support the SB19. These people of mine are not just about being a fan girl but we support each other especially our daily lives and even our private lives. I will never trade this kind of friendship even though we just met online and we have so much plans and dreams for each other. We admit that we have our own kind of being a fan girl we're rude but we're so witty and smart at the same time but It's all began in that moment where we support and voted SB19 for a billboard fan army 2023. That very day our lives changed.
We all have so much in common. I haven’t personally met them but it was so fun to have conversation with them. We wish everyone nothing but happiness in life that someday we will look forward to be together in a concert and get drunk and make our lives worth living. As I think of them I'm in awe. I wont last a day without chatting them as if we're in an intimate relationship. I love every second with them fantasizing, delusional or what we call delulu! Hahahaha. I love this feeling. I will never forget.
I think that's all.
I will get back to this post and tell more about our lives and how we will meet personally someday.
Thank you!
M A H A L I M A x M A H A L I N A
This is all my experience I know no one will listen and take time to read my posts but I love every detail of it.
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comrade-meow · 4 years
“Me love you long time” is a phrase often used when referring to foreign Asian women and sex. It may or may not be explicitly associated with illicit sex but the clear underlying message is that the Asian woman’s role is to sexually serve the man. She is to be docile, unassuming, exotic, and demure — yet wildly sexual and uninhibited. A woman with “slanted eyes and creamy yellow thighs” (lyrics from “Asian Girlz” song) to be tamed and devoured by the white man.
If you ask anyone younger than 30 where the roots are from the line, “Me love you long time," you’d probably get a blank stare. They may think it’s just broken English from an Asian woman who is truly trying to express genuine affection to someone in English.
The reality is that this phrase, “Me love you long time” is not “I love you” coming out awkwardly in an Asian accent. Instead, it’s a phrase popularized by Stanley Kubrick’s 1987 movie, Full Metal Jacket, where the line itself is taken from the scene where a Vietnamese woman propositions herself to two American GIs.
The movie’s objective was in capturing the essence and impact of the Vietnam War based on the experiences of a U.S Marines Corps platoon. The term has since become a popular part of the American lexicon spoken with limited insight into the past or a desire to ignore the realities of the present.
The scene unfortunately speaks the ugly truth about collateral damage in wars, especially U.S. military occupation overseas in Asian countries. The first major American White sexual imperialism occurred during the Philippine-American War (1899-1902). The Filipinos fought against being colonized by the U.S. but 250,000 lost lives later, they succumbed to the might of America’s military.
While the actual war only lasted three years, there were insurrections and rebellions along the way that kept a large number of American soldiers stationed on the island for more than a decade. Slash-and-burn techniques swept across villages as the country lay in waste. When the soldiers tired of wreaking havoc on the land, this same imperialistic mentality to conquer shifted to the local Filipina women who they referred to as “little brown f**king machines powered by rice.”*
Filipino women were viewed as so subservient and subordinate, not only to White men but also to White women, that U.S. soldiers sexually denigrated them in a way they would never have treated their spouses or other women back home. “Filipina sex workers, for example, frequently report ‘being treated like a toy or a pig by the American [soldiers] and being required to do ‘three holes’ — oral, vaginal and anal sex.” *
It was this American colonialization period during the turn of the 20th century that gave rise to today’s notorious sex entertainment industry in Asia. Sex and prostitution sprang up to cater to the American military amidst the backdrop of political and economic plight, despair, and poverty where a man could have “a girl for the price of a hamburger”.*
A few decades later, during the Vietnam War, this only intensified as the conflict took a long and brutal toll on the U.S. military and the American psyche back home. But on the battlefield, the mind of the fighting soldier must be protected and preserved at all costs, even at the cost of Vietnamese or Thai women and girls. Consequently, several military bases were stationed in Thailand to shelter up to 70,000 American GIs at any given time for “rest and recreation." “With pervasive disregard for human rights, the military grimly accepts and recognizes access to indigenous women’s bodies as a ‘necessity’ for American GIs stationed overseas."*
If the sexual oppression was to end with the conclusion of the Vietnam War, it’d be relegated to an abomination from the past. But today’s flourishing sex tourism industry in Thailand (and other neighboring Asian and SE Asian countries), should be a reminder of the remnants of Western imperialism (American and European) and military presence overseas. It is “far from being a thing of the past, but is a lived experience of many."*
Millions of tourists from Europe and the United States visit Thailand specifically for its sex industry alone (65% were single men in one study).* So while political Western colonization is absent in the Far East, it is still physically rampant in the pants of many Anglos. The desire to sexually possess, conquer, and at times humiliate a subservient Asian woman permeates our culture.
It may start off as an innocuous joke without much introspection or resistance from others; the joke then turns into a more pernicious modern-day imperialistic mentality of sexual conquest witnessed recently by the music video, “Asian Girlz” by the band Day Above Ground.
In their interview with TMZ, the band refused to acknowledge the racism inherent in their lyrics let alone how it could be perceived as such, “We didn’t expect it to be such a backlash.” Its lead singer says, “It comes from a good place” and “I don’t understand” of why this is inappropriate.
Beyond bewilderment, the band members were defensive saying, “We’ve all had close relationships with the Asian community, Asian people. There’s guys in the band with Asian women. It’s just, it’s hard to believe we’re getting this kind of backlash."
Northern California Attorney Sunny Woan and author of the abstract, “White Sexual Imperialism” tells me how this is another example of how covert racism appears in mainstream America, even if it’s under the guise of music or other forms of entertainment. “Here we have the irreverent trinity that is racism, sexism, and imperialism. The question to ask is why did the band decide on Asian women? What does it tell us about the underlying, prevailing politics of white male and Asian female relationships, even today in the 21st century?”
Woan is also the editor of Kartika Review, a national literary arts magazine that publishes Asian Pacific Islander American fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, and art. She has heard many people, particularly Asians, tell her not to take a music video too seriously. But she says otherwise. “If we treat it like it’s nothing, then we are being complacent to racism, sexism, and here most pertinently, the repercussions of cultural imperialism.”
The video has since gone viral, receiving more than one million YouTube hits. Woan believes the song went from conception to post-production because no one spoke up against it; a cumulative consequence from men with a Eurocentric and narrow framework of relational dynamics between Asian women and White men. “It probably started with one a-little-bit-offensive-but-not-awful quip one band member made; everyone laughed and said ha-ha that’s funny. Probably no one, least of all the Asian female model involved or the supposed bandmate of Asian descent, spoke up and said, ‘Hey, look, that’s not funny’.”
In one word, she blames this music video on complacency — intellectual complacency from the band members but also complacency in the form of aloofness and indifference from the greater Asian-American community. If Asians truly want a voice in America, then they must learn to use it. Otherwise, complacency will one day lead to normalcy.”
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rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
Tagged by: @wayhavensmasonsbitch (thanks 🥰🥰🥰)
Tagging: @mahariel-theirin @arcaneraven @pralexa01 @alfenvii @brightningstar @ree-chan @themohawkhelmet @deephologramcollector-stuff @percival-19 @ezzimezzi @phakefysics @winterjoyss @screeeeam @tehgu @elxsiqn @minii-mint @shamelessfestpeanut @ottomatonic @luuuusa @welpiwelpwelp - a lot are from the TWC!!! group chat, hope you guys will do it too, this was really fun to do
Name/nickname: Real name's Meg, no established nickname, rlly just onlyhereforinteractivestories 😂
Gender: Female
Star sign: idk about that? if this means zodiac sign then it's Capricorn ♑
Height: 5'0.... FLAT
Time: 7:48 pm from where I am
Birthday: January 5
Favorite bands: TOO MANY TO MENTION! Off the top of my head, I'd just give All Time Low, Pierce the Veil, Mayday Parade, My Chemical Romance, The Maine, Neck Deep... I could go on 😂
Favorite solo artists: AAAAA tbh i don't really have one. Maybe just local artists but idk if anyone here would recognize them 😢
Song stuck in my head: Wannabe by ITZY
Last movie: Murder Mystery
Last show: Friends ❤️ (im comforted by it and im using this series to help me drift off to sleep)
When did you create this blog: i thinkkk last year? Or the year before that? OMG i dont even remember 😂
What do I post: Memes and other stuff, primarily for Wayhaven Chronicles ❤️ sometimes I also post about anime
Last thing I googled: genshin impact lost riches seelies (i thought each have their own bonus, turns out it's just accessory)
Do I get asks: Nah
Why I chose my url: cuz srsly I just got to tumblr because of The Wayhaven Chronicles and other hosted games and COG's. But now lmao even the other content's great 👌
Following: 31
Followers: 92 (im still shocked by the number 😂)
Average hours of sleep: I'm guessing 5-6 hours 😢 college is stressful
Lucky number: prolly just a fave number , which is 5, cuz it's my birthday 😂
Instruments: I know how to play piano, guitar, ukulele, bass guitar, flute... But I'm NOT really good in playing :') i played keyboards once in a band tho but I'm still not really set on my skill
What I'm wearing: shorts and a tank top, cuzzz tropical country lol
Dream job: Generally, I want a career focusing in environmental conservation. So I chose chemical engineering, and hopefully one day I would be a chemical engineer✨
Dream trip: Greece, cuz of the game Assassin's Creed Odyssey ❤️ andddd New York
Last book I read: If you're asking for a "book," then a chemistry one 😂. Kidding aside, the last novel I read was The Tale of Two Cities
Favorite food: Legit, too many. My ultimate faves go from American to Italian to the local cuisines here, but if I have to pick hmmm, PASTRIES (which is still vague lmao)
Nationality: Filipino! Other Pinoys here, hello sa inyo ❤️
Favorite song: AAAAAA this is the question I'm dreading to get 😂 If I REALLY have to pick, then Wonderwall by Oasis
Top three fictional universes: The Wayhaven Chronicles, Boku no Hero Academia, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What's something you couldn't live without, other than the obvious? It’d be very hard to have to get by without my glasses. I’d technically survive, but I’ll have to get used to bumping into things a lot and never recognizing anyone unless they’re right beside/in front of me. What's something that will always cheer you up? Dogs. Real life dogs, photos of dogs, videos of dogs, stories about dogs, etc. Who's had the biggest positive impact on your life? My orgmates. They made me happy when I needed it the most, called me out when I needed the help, and idk I’m just happy whenever I get to see them. I can’t recall a time where I felt like it was a chore to spend some time with them. Do you wear flip-flops during the winter? Sigh...moving on... What was the last thing you said out loud? I asked Nina to help me bring Cooper and his stuff up to my parents’ room; specifically, I asked her to bring his food and water bowls.
What's something that irritates you to no end? Backhand compliments. An uncle once congratulated me for getting into my dream school but ended his sentence with “are you sure you don’t wanna go to [2nd top university in the country, (which I also passed the day before)]? You’ll fit better there.” This was like two days after I found out I got into UP, so I was still on cloud nine. I don’t know how my face contorted after that but I wasn’t pleased.
Honestly, do looks matter to you? Yes, but not as much as personality and intelligence. When was the last time you had a girls/guys night out? Not sure. I just have nights out in general; I never plan out gender-exclusive hangouts with my friends. Do you still watch kiddie movies/tv shows? Sometimes, when I get in the mood to. It’s not something I feel the need to do regularly. What's your worst habit? Never learning my lesson and being careless just because everything is going well. Best way I can illustrate this is when a couple of a months ago I started getting regular headaches because I’d sleep at 3, 4 AM – I addressed it by giving myself an earlier bedtime. When the headaches went away and I started feeling better, I went right back to sleeping late lol. Procrastinating is a good example too; I’ve submitted work early occasionally and it’s satisfying as fuck, but I never learn for the most part and stick to doing stuff at the last minute. Do your parents call you by any embarrassing nicknames? No. Byn is a nickname, but I don’t find it embarrassing. Do you have road rage? Yeah but there have to be certain conditions for me to get to that point, like once I’ve seen enough stupidity on the road and I can’t take it anymore; when I’m tense about something; or when traffic has been standstill for too long. Is there a certain word that you always forget how to spell? Not really. I know my spelling pretty well. Are there any books in your room? Which ones? Yesssss but it’s mostly because I owned a lot of books as a kid and I’ve thrown none of them out. My book collection is sorely not updated because I stopped reading as I got older. Do you take too many surveys? I wouldn’t say I take too many, especially considering the fact that I used to take like 7-10 surveys everyday back in high school. I do take them regularly. Write some lyrics from the song you're currently listening to: "You know I’m always coming back to this place, you know I’m always gonna look for your face.”
When it comes to dating, what's your preferred age range? 0-1 year. When was the last time someone gave you a weird look? Continued the next morning, lol. I was dancing in my seat over dinner last night because the fried chicken we had was super good, so my mom looked at me strangely. Do you like to cuddle? Only with a significant other, and an animal if they’re willing to cuddle. Do you like the band Cartel? I don’t think I’ve heard of that band yet. Do you play any instruments? No, but I’m always wishing I could. Do you ever blare the music in the car and dance like an idiot? I used to do that when I drove to and from school. It’s the only time in the day where I’m not working and I’m alone, so I allow myself to let loose. Though I gotta say, most of it is recorded because I always have a dashcam on HAHAHAHA so I definitely have some footage I don’t want getting aired in like my funeral or something. Do you like playing in the rain? When I was a kid.
What's something you miss? Going to the mall is a big one. Anything unpleasant coming up soon? The worst thing I can think of is the first anniversary of Nacho’s passing. It’s not till September, but when I think about how March literally feels like yesterday September doesn’t seem too far away anymore. If you had a pet moose, what would you name him? Probably the name of another animal, like Cow. I’ve seen other people name their dogs the names of different animals and it has always sounded so hilarious to me. Do you often hold back what you really want to say? If it’s gonna make me look unnecessarily blunt and hurtful then yes. Are you currently wearing any jewlery? Nope. What was the last gift you gave to someone? Cooper, for Father’s Day. It was my mom’s idea but I helped chip in with the graduation money I got from one of my aunts. Do you decorate for Christmas? (If you celebrate it, that is.) We do. I’ll probably put a tree and some stockings up once I live alone, idk, just so I don’t feel too lonely. Are you hungry? A bit, but it’s manageable. On that note, I miss continental breakfasts. I’ve been having Filipino-style breakfast for months and I really would just like a goddamn croissant or bread rolls with butter for once, lol. When was the last time you went bowling? Sometime in September and October last year. Can you whistle? Yes. Is there a certain genre of music that you just can't stand? Country. Are you allergic to anything? Nope. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two. I lay my head on one and hug another. If I don’t have a ~hug pillow~ it takes much longer for me to fall asleep. You've just won a free vacation! Where do you want to go? Covid restrictions hypothetically put aside, I’d love to go on the New York/Texas trip I initially planned as my grad gift. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? I have a good relationship with my dad. But it’s not like I feel comfortable enough to tell either of my parents any of my secrets. What's your favorite thing about yourself? Gabie likes to tell me “you’re too selfless, you don’t have to help everyone” in sort of like an annoyed tone because that’s exactly what I do lol - help anyone, even if I have to go out of my way or even if it’ll inconvenience me to do it. But I love it about me. I like when I get to make people go home with one less issue on their shoulders. Do you have any health problems? Scoliosis. Have you ever had a near-death experience? Almost smashed into a car that suddenly braked while I was going 50, 60 kph. Are you extremely picky when it comes to guys/girls? That’s what demis essentially are, lol. Do you ever listen to classical music? It’s my last resort when I’m studying and no other music is helping me get focused. What was the last concert you attended? Paramore. What's a movie you'd like to see right now? (Old or new) Ammonite, it’s an upcoming film with Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan. Do you take life too seriously? Most of the time. I just find it necessary that way. When was the last time you were truly scared? This weekend when my mom watched a jumpscare with the sound on, so I heard the loud demon scream that came up in the end. What's the funniest trick you've ever pulled on anyone? I don’t like pulling tricks because I don’t like them pulled on me. The most I’ve done is take Gab’s phone and pretend with her that it’s lost. Do you like orange juice? I’ll drink it if it’s served for free, but I wouldn’t buy one for myself. Do you own any skinny jeans? Yes, nearly all my jeans are skinny. Do you have a diary/journal that you frequently write in? You’re looking at it. When was the last time you had a good workout? November, back when I still had that intense PE class that made me work out for an hour every Wednesday and Friday. Do you like your eye color? I find it too common but I’m not actively complaining about it. I don’t feel the need to change it. When was the last time you played with Play-Doh? Two or three years ago at a cousins’ place. One of them was still a baby then, so the toys they had around were clay and kinetic sand and stuff. What's something that you think people waste too much time on? Fighting on Facebook comments lol Do you think they should outlaw talking on your cell phone while driving? They already have, at least here. Are you embarrassed to burp or fart in front of your friends? For the most part. I’ll burp only in front of Angela and Gab. Do you like peanut butter cookies? Yesssssss, but I don’t get to have it a lot. :(
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saturnsovereign · 8 years
All of the questions!!!!
crush asks
uhh shit bro but aight - i love talking about my gf :)
1: Do they drink coffee?
yup, but like mainly frappucinos
2: Are they left or right handed?
mainly right handed but she can use her left hand. she’s like ambidextrous
3: How do they do their hair? Facial hair? (If they have it)
she usually has her hair down
4: What’s their favorite animal?
i’m gonna take a guess and say doggos? idk i haven’t really asked
5: What is their relationship status?
um… not single? like the complete opposite of single XD
6: What is their favorite band/singer?
um idk i know one of her favorites is Christina Grimmie?
7: Are they more a cat or dog person?
doggo but i think she wants a cat
8: What does their laugh sound like?
like an angel that came down to heaven to bless us with her presense
9: Do they know multiple languages? Which ones?
English, Spanish, and she knows multiple Filipino dialects
10: How old are they? How old are you?
She’s 16, I’m 18, but we’re like maybe a year and a half apart
11: One word that describes them.
Nerd or Puppy
12: Do they have any pets?
un fluffy marshmallow doggo named Nerf
13: What is their favorite TV show?I know Bones is one of them
14: What is their favorite movie?
idk, babe what is your favorite movie?
15: What car do they drive?
black nissan leaf
16: What ethnicity and/or nationality are they?
half white, quarter mexican, quarter filipino
17: Where did you meet them?
technically I first met her in my creative writing class in middle school
18: What was your first meeting like?
She was one of the cool kids and she intimidated me.
In high school, I remember that I was working on marching rifle and she came up with one of my other friends to the field and went up to mama while she was teaching me something and I recognized her from middle school. I'm pretty sure she was trying to hide from me it was kinda cute tbh
19:  What is their zodiac sign? Are your signs compatible?
Virgo, everyone says it does
20: What month is their birthday?
She is an August baby
21: What is your favorite outfit on them?
When she has nothing on… heh. lesbian lumberjack
22: Are they good texters?
she texts like me in that she responds right away or it takes her 3 hours
23: Your favorite feature about their appearance.
Her eyes, I can get lost in them so easily
24: Your favorite thing about their personality.
She tries her best and she’s a total goof even though she says I am and like basically everything else about her really
25: Do they make you laugh?
She’s the one that can make me laugh when nothing else can
26: Do you make them laugh?
I try my best
27: Are they good huggers/ kissers?
oh god yes. yes to both
28: What is your favorite “flaw” that they have?
she cannot, for the love of god, not swear
29: Are they nice to strangers?
yes unless they don’t believe in equal rights?
30: What is the funniest thing they have ever said?
ok ok there's a lot but my favorite is "Let’s turn off the lights so that the judges can’t hear us drop" 😆
31: Saddest?
That she didn’t matter and that she was a disappointment 😔
32: Weirdest?
idk i know there is a lot of weird ones but I can't think of them off the top of my head
33: Cutest?
Her to me: "I can't believe you said yes" (why tf would i say no?)
34: Ever dreamt about them? What happened in the dream?
I remember dreaming in to kiss her but like I face-planted on my pillow and woke up. That’s like one of the few dreams I do remember
35: How tall are they? How tall are you?
hhhhh. She’s 4'20 I’m 5'2
36: Do they have a booty?
she dooooooooooo (she’s very cheeky 😉)
37: What are their hobbies?
She likes gaming, I guess reading and writing, watching shows and sports, and like maybe doing guard if you consider it as a hobby?
38: What are their talents?
Practically anything she puts her mind to, but like she's has hella good memory, really good at multitasking and she has so many skills under her belt
39: What would your dream date be with them?
Getting to do stuff alone while I can spoil her and not have to worry about avoiding anybody
40: Does anyone know about your crush/love?
Practically all of my friends, sorry i can't contain my gay ass
41: What do you guys have in common?
we first bonded over bisexual buddies and it just took off from there
42: Do they go to the gym?
yup and it shows too 😏
43: Do they go by their given name?
No, she goes by a shortened version of her birth name (Isabella makes her sound like a spicy Queen 😆 and Bella means beautiful which is hella accurate)
44: What is their favorite color?
orange and black
45: How far apart do you live from them?
About 2.5 miles away… it’s walkable
46: What song reminds you of them?
Holy by PVRIS, Say you won't let go by James Arthur and then practically any love song
47: Do they listen to a lot of music?
yup and her music taste is so much better than mine
48: What do they smell like?
soccer and conditioner 😆
49: If they were in a book (protagonist or antagonist or supporting character, up to you) how would the writer describe them?
I sent her multiple asks before we really started dating if you wanna read it its on her blog
50: How often do you see them?
Almost everyday
51: The last text/ message they sent you?
you bite into it all it all CUMS out 😉😉😉
52: The last thing they said to you in person?
I love you
53: What is the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you in front of them?
boi everything about me is embarrassing
54: Do they have any tattoos or piercings?
55: What color are their eyes?
dark brown
56: What is their clothing style?
It makes her look straight unless she really tried not to look straight. Also: black
57: What is one thing that makes them really special?
She’s so strong and she’s gone through so much and yet she’s still a wonderful person and I just can't help but be so proud of her
58: Will you tell your crush your feelings?
… i mean I think she already knows? (it would be kind of awkward if she didn’t know considering we're dating...)
59: How long did you know them before you started falling for them?
I’ve honestly always thought she was beautiful but like I didn’t start falling for her until the prank... and like when i did fell god I fell so hard
60: Was there a defining moment when you knew you liked them?
When I was in my house out of town and I had gotten a message from her and my ex-bf that I was trying to get back together with and I realized I was way more excited about opening her messages than his…
61: Do they have any quirks or habits?
Her nose does that cute wiggly thing and like she doesn’t like her food touching and when she’s concentrating she often has her tongue poking out of her mouth
62: What “most likely” superlative would they receive?
Most likely to roast your ass
63: Which romcom or TV couple reminds you of the two of you together?
idk just think OTP yeah? like the tol and the smol, the dark hair to light hair, etc.
64: How do they look shirtless?
65: When was the last time you saw them?
a few hours ago at school
66: What is the weirdest thing about them that you find attractive?
idk if you call this weird but i find it cute when she pulls swears out of her ass
67: What is the sweetest thing they’ve ever said to/ about you?
that she considered me as one of her best friends
68:  What shoes do they wear the most?
either converse or vans
69: Making out with them: hot & heavy or sweet & slow?
depends on the mood tbh but when we're in full make out mode and people aren't in the room, its hot and heavy
70: If you were/ are dating, what would you do for them on Valentine’s day?
heh she'll find out tomorrow
71: Have you ever cried over them?
72: Has something they did/said to you ever make you cry?
73: What makes you think of them?
nerdy references, memes, gay stuff, marriage
74: Do you have any inside jokes with them?
Our inside jokes eventually become outside?
75: What is the most you’ve done with them physically? (hugged, kissed, cuddled etc.)
um all of the above and more
76: First impression of them?
i thought she was cool but i was intimidated by her
77: Have they ever caught you staring or giving them glances?
hehe ye
78: Have you ever caught them?
79: How long can you be away before you start to miss them?
1 minute
80: Do they wear glasses?
her nerd goggles look cute on her
81: Do your friends approve?
basically all but one and that one's now not really my friend
82: Would your parents approve?
um idk cuz we're gay and they don't know i'm gay
83: Do you think their friends/ family would approve?
i don't think so :(
84: Do they have a nickname for you?
i'm a dork and her flower cowboy
85: Have you ever thought about the spending the rest of your life with them?
oh yeah definitely
86: If you had kids together, what would you name them?
...Is it bad that I'm more ready to name our doggos instead of our kid?
87: What is your favorite scenario between you two that you’ve made up in your head?
we have a place of our own and like everything is peaceful and like we can cuddle whenever we like
88: What is your favorite interaction that has actually happened?
Every interaction? idk its hard to pick
89: If they were free tonight and wanted to hang out with you, where would you take them/ what would you do?
My bed and take a nap with them
90: Are they pretentious/ snobby/ picky about anything? What?
Um they don't like some foods? idk if you'd call that picky tho
91: Do you guys have the same political views?
92: Do you guys share the same religion?
we were both raised as christians I believe but its not really a big thing in our lives
93: Do you think they would reject you if you asked them out? Why?
Maybe? idk she might be busy
94: Are they the type of person who would come help if you called them in the middle of the night?
Yes considering she needs to sleep earlier (or at least take a nap)
95: Have you ever fantasized sexually about them?
96: Do you think they would make good parents?
We're raising our guard kids rn and she's been a pretty good mother
97: Have you ever had an argument with them?
I traumatized her with a cupcake and frosting bc she wouldn't admit that she was smart
98: Do you already know which piece of their clothing you would make ‘yours’ if you were dating?
I like her sweaters
99: L'esprit de l’escalier is the French word for when you think of the perfect response after the conversation has already ended. Rewrite a conversation between you and them, how it went and how you wish it had gone.
um idk? like I wish I had told her I thought she was beautiful long before we started dating?
100: How many of these do you think they could answer about you?
Most if not all of them
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dwighthawker5-blog · 7 years
Why Do Guy Just Vanish? 5 Reasons Why Male Immediately Disappear.
PHOENIX (Wire service) - An Arizona girl was actually penalized to fatality on Monday for killing her 10-year-old cousin, which was actually locked inside a small storage space can as punishment for taking a Popsicle without authorization. On Web page 6, our company highlight the functionality from our North American region, which includes American Female in our Northern American department, which includes operations for the U.S. and Canada. Within this contemporary century, interracial marriage in between a foreign guy as well as a polish female prevails. As a result of this, it would not be impossible for these females to become excellent or even excellent welcoming better-half who may create any type of home too welcoming for any person. Have a good sense of individual care - shower every early morning, use an aroma that satisfies you, shave regularly. The man later on told the adolescent to sleep around with the lady however he set and also declined up to rest at the rear of the truck. He presumably diced off the target's hand along with a falchion, following which individuals present overwhelmed him just before he might strike the woman any type of even more. Eventually I offered a trip to a juliett-fitportal.info Lithuanian female listed below that asked me regarding possessing children in Norway: exactly what are actually the perks and also etc Arachne had included that she was a better weaver in comparison to Athena and had actually even tested the siren to a competition, the end result which was actually that the girl received become a crawler. If you've recognized this lady for pretty time that has to be tackled even more tactically, as confessing your soul while your still working from her can produce traits unpleasant if she does not like you back likewise. Although marriage to cousins prevailed good enough in his time, marital relationship to such a young women was not.
Possibilities excellent that she, and many various other iPhone popular music lovers, utilize GuitarToolkit, BeatMaker, Pianist, and Chromatic Receiver to generate their songs monitors. No text message, simply a gal with a mystical smile awaiting me. In little printing, the label, which I circled. Your little lady will certainly head off to sweet desire journey along with these cute Merida pyjamas and also nightgowns. To Amanda Wulff and also Timothy Bibeau from Southbridge, a lady called Kasney A. Bibeau. Properly if you wish to make your lady even more thinking about you after that make an effort the adhering to 10 ways and also see how your relationship goes coming from there. Acrush goes against the grain in China's still-evolving music business, where girl bands are industried as pleasant youthful factors to interest a male audience. You ought to be utilizing online forums straight now if you definitely desire to locate one excellent lady design picture after an additional. As soon as you pick an excellent dating agency as well as a Russian lady to date coming from that agency, that is very important that you get to know whether you are actually dating a proper female as well as whether that female likes you. And also perform ya understand what she utilized that credit for, a Tattoo design. oh no, it is actually not good for mother and also daddy since that was just the start from the event. That generally gets this volume of time for your ex lover man to become aware that she is actually certainly not the woman for him which he has actually aimed to move on very swiftly. My little girl is bests in her social studies class due to the fact that she loves historical myth, to which she was introduced numerous years ago by the various United States Lady doll set. Releasing both offensive and defensive approaches, like a great regulation football team, can aid obtain our company to the goal series from a pleasant as well as secure retirement. This is actually certainly not simply the western individuals which want complying with a Filipino lady.
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purplesurveys · 7 years
What’s your favorite nail polish that you own? I don’t use nail polish. I move my hands around too much and anything I put on my nails would get chipped in an instant. What’s your favorite play by Shakespeare? I never enjoyed taking up Shakespeare in high school. I guess I was most engaged when we studied Macbeth, though. That or Hamlet. What’s your favorite recipe that takes less than 15 minutes to prepare? Homemade pizza. We were taught how to do it in preschool–hotdogs, mayo, ketchup, cheese on white bread then pop it in the oven toaster. I haven’t had it in like a decade just because I’ve never had time to make them, but it’s the best thing that takes less than ten minutes. It’s such a preschool recipe but since I had it so many times as a kid, it’s comfort food to me. What is the smallest thing that made you embarrassed or anxious? Ordering in restaurants, asking for help at a store, talking on the phone, asking questions, people looking at me. Anything can make me anxious really, so long as I’m thrust in the spotlight. You’ve just written the most annoying computer virus ever made. What does it do?  I used to have the world’s most annoying virus on my ancient laptop. It used to type down random Vietnamese texts on its own. Like I could be watching a YouTube video and it would make a group of Viet words show up on the search bar. If I had to wish something on my worst enemy it would be that.
Did you ever attend a wedding that was a complete disaster? Fortunately no. Filipino weddings aren’t as dramatic as the horror stories I’ve heard in other countries. What is something that you were surprised you were able to do?  Dunno. Keeping a magna cum laude standing to this day is one of them though. What movie surprised you with how good it was? Wonder Woman. I never go to see blockbusters, much less superhero films. That one was a pleasant surprise. Is there anything you’re stressed out about? Yes, but I’m on Tumblr right now to de-stress so don’t remind me. Satan decides to make a new Hell for the lesser sinners where everything is mildly inconvenient. What would you expect to find there?  Ads. Lots and lots of annoying, unskippable ads. Think the Fifteen Million Merits episode of Black Mirror. Which persistent myth/misconception annoys you the most?  Can’t seem to think of any now... What’s the last video you watched on YouTube? I think it was a snippet from The Return of Superman, the Korean show with dads taking care of their kids. Do you have any extensions on your web browser? No, I don’t download third-party programs onto my Mac now since I want to keep it as clean as possible. What is the most bullshit sounding true fact that you know? The fact that mammoths were still alive when people were building up the pyramids. That or people before the 1800′s had no idea what dinosaurs were. If you were to create your own candle scent, what would it be? I don’t know. Cookie dough? I’m sure that’s been made already. Have you ever bought food online? I always have my food delivered online because I could never call them up. Are there any foods that you avoid eating? Yes. Any kind of fruit. What Oreo flavor is your favorite?  Just the regular ones. What G-rated joke always cracks you up? They’re all in Filipino so nobody would understand anyway. If you won free food and drinks for a lifetime to a restaurant of your choice, which restaurant would you choose? Vikings. It’s this huuuuge buffet restaurant so I would always have a variety of choices. What comedic sound effect would completely ruin sex? All I could think of is Mario screaming “YAHOO!” so that. Do you think they should have made a sequel to Nightmare Before Christmas where they explored the other holidays?  I’ve never seen that movie so I don’t know if it would be a good idea or not to extend it. But I know I wouldn’t want, say, Love Actually to be turned into a Halloween or a New Year’s movie, that’s for sure. What is your favorite holiday?  Halloween even though it isn’t a holiday. Do you ever make playlists? Yeah, for certain moods. I have a playlist for when I drive my car with Gab in the middle of the night and a playlist for when I’m sad, to name a couple. Do you think you could create an entirely new font?  No. I’m so not creative. Sour gummy worms or plain gummy worms? Errr I guess sour. I’ve never had a gummy anything that tasted plain. What songs have you been listening to a lot lately? Dua Lipa’s Homecoming is SOOOOO good. It’s a breath of fresh air from New Rules, which is becoming overplayed to an extent that I don’t particularly enjoy. What was something that looked easy but turned out to be hard?  Being an adult.  Ever been in a talent show? How many times? What did you do? No, because I have no talent that I could at least show off to an audience. :/ Ever try out for the talent show and not make it? Did you cry? Well not a talent show, but I did try out for the school newspaper. I got through the first cut, but not in the final one. I did cry; it had been my dream to be in that paper since I was in fourth grade (they only accept high school students.) I never tried out for it again and instead became part of the editorial board for the yearbook when I was a senior. When that was happening, the paper was begging me to pick them and work for them...too bad. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever cried about? Nothing. That’s the stupidest thing I had ever cried about–I literally cried over nothing. Do you like peanut butter?: LOVE IT. Put it on/in my pancakes, my cookies, my cakes, my cupcakes, my chocolate bars, and on my kare-kare. Peanut butter is life. What about marshmallows?: I fucking hate marshmallows. How do you roast your marshmallows?  I don’t even eat them. Do you eat s’mores?:  Sometimes. That’s really the only time I get to enjoy marshmallows. What’s the best brand of chocolate?  Reese’s, Twix, and Maltesers. Do you own a disco ball, or know anyone who does? No. Gabie sure deserves one, though. She’s stuck in the 70′s. Own a lava lamp? I don’t but I did want one when I was like 14. Own any sort of glow-in-the-dark room accessory? No. I have glow in the dark sticks and bracelets that I got from concerts, but they’ve long faded by now haha. Ever faked an orgasm?: Never. If I couldn’t have one I’ll just let my girlfriend know and snuggle instead? Done something illegal to your car?:  No. The car wasn’t bought under my name, so if I did anything stupid it’ll be my dad who answers to that and I don’t want him to kill me. Own some type of work out machine? My mom owns one but I have no idea what it does. Ever pooped a weird color besides brown, green, or orange?: No. Are you quickly getting grossed out?  Not at all. Think a drum player for a band is hot?: I don’t find them hot, but I always found anyone who could play drums cool. Do you tend to like male or female bands better? I like bands with music I could listen to better. What scars on your body do you have? One near my eye and another on my pinky toe. Ever did something sexual in public? Sure. Do you like the taste of squid or eel?  Yep, we live on seafood down here. Ever date anybody in middle school?: I didn’t. No joke, as a grade schooler, I thought I wasn’t supposed to develop romantic feelings for anybody until I was at least 25. I just thought it was an adult thing. What was your first date like? I’ve never been on a getting-to-know-someone date...my ‘first date’ was literally the first date I had with Gab, since I went straight to asking her to be my girlfriend and never really courted her hahahaha. It was beautiful. We went to a museum and had a nice Italian dinner and had a sleepover in my house where we played video games (well she did) and had pizza delivered. It was the purest thing. What about your WORST date? Ugh. That Shakey’s date was THE WORST. It was our last date before we broke up and also my last resort to get through to her, after I realized that she was distancing herself. Everything was my treat and it was because her birthday was coming up...I felt like shit when I learned it wasn’t going to fix anything anymore. Share a really embarrassing moment?  Driving out of the gas station and nearly entering the highway when I didn’t even wait for my change :(( The gas attendant had to run after my car, since I was basically driving away from around ₱400. That’s a week’s worth of lunches, and it would have sucked if I was able enter the highway immediately. Did you like to get dirty when you were little? Nah. My mom hated it and wanted me to stay clean, so it got passed on to me. Do you find the show Family Guy absolutely hilarious?:  There are some scenes that are funny but ultimately, it’s not my humor. Most jokes just fly over my head since they’re too political or too pop culture-y for me to recognize them. Own anything that has to do with dragons or unicorns? I don’t think so. Believe in mermaids/mermen?:  Nope. What piercings do you have/want?: None anymore. What tattoos do you have/want?:  Also none anymore. Hate needles. Which is cooler - pink or purple?: Pink.
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purplesurveys · 7 years
What's the most relaxing thing you did today? Motherfucking SLEEP. I slept from 10-11 AM and 2-3 PM today and it was the most glorious feeling. Those have been the only naps I’ve been able to sneak in all week. Do you shop at the grocery store closest to your house? Yes, we do. We have two stores that are in different locations but are the same distance from the house anyway, so my mom switches between the two of them.  Which one of your guy friends is the best looking? Uh I guess Jez. I never answer questions like this since my circle knows me to be pretty gay, but I’d pick him. What does your car smell like? Still smells quite new. Who could make you feel better right now? Miraculously I don’t need to be feeling better at the moment. Maybe because I’m answering this on a new laptop and this is the only thing I need? Hahaha idk.
Which three people (who don't have a Myspace) would be in your top friends? LOL. Don’t care for this question but funny/sad story: I was having dinner with Gabie’s family last night and we started talking about the old internet. Apparently her 12 year old sister doesn’t recognize Myspace, Multiply, Yahoo Messenger, and Friendster anymore. Times are a-changing, people. Gab and I were horrified. Have you had an epiphany lately? Nah. What color shoes are you wearing? I’m barefoot when inside the house. Which one of your friends is the most brutally honest? I think Kaira beats me when it comes to being blunt. Miracle Whip or Mayo? Whipped cream is expensive where I live and unnecessary, so I never have it. I put mayonnaise on everything. Who/What influences your taste in music the most? My friends mostly. I let them have control over my car’s bluetooth and then I always find myself listening to what they played after the ride. Do you have anything to say to your ex bf/gf? No ex. What's your favorite kind of foreign food? I like anything Indian, anything street food, anything sushi. I’m not a picky eater and WILL try everything once. Except for fruit. In what year will/did you turn 21? 2019. Who was the last person you gave a birthday present to? Gabie I think. I’m not a big gift person though, and instead I drove her out and treated her to lunch. What do you think of the person who took this survey last? I took this survey from the original poster so heh. Which one of your friends do you look most like? ??? I have no idea, we’ve never compared each other physically. Puedes hablar español bueno? No I can’t, actually. I understand very basic Spanish, and a lot of random words are recognized because we also use them in Filipino. That knowledge isn’t enough for me to be able to carry conversations, but I can sometimes understand phrases. Which day of the week do you watch the most TV? I literally only watch TV when we happen to be at a hotel, which happens like every four months. What's your favorite vegetable? Broccoli. Which one of your senses would you not mind losing? Losing any of them would be terrible. Which band do you have the most of on your iPod/music player? I don’t iPod anymore, but I listen to Paramore on Spotify a lot. Which song describes your mood at the moment? Meh, none. There are songs I feel like listening to but no song can match my mood right now. Which movie(s) do you quote the most? None. What's the closest pink object to you? My top. Do you really weigh the weight on your driver's license? I don’t. Do people??? What's your favorite non-carbonated, non-alcoholic beverage? Water. What's the most epic thing you've done so far this month? I MET GABIE’S DAD LAST NIGHT. It went REALLY well and I cannot be any happier now. Obviously it happened much sooner than we expected, coming out and all, but being accepted and immediately given a thumbs up by the only man my girlfriend has ever really loved is my biggest reward. Which one of your best friend's friends would you most likely date? Gabie. Which word do you have the hardest time spelling? I can’t think of any, but I used to struggle with rhythm. Big Mac or Whopper? Baconator. Have you ever been to an 'Adult Gift' store? Nope. What's your favorite vacation spot? I love Baguio as an ideal vacation spot, but my parents have never seen the big deal with it and I’ve only been there thrice :( What color underwear are you wearing? Green. Have you ever slapped anybody? My siblings when we were little kids, but never as like a full grown person. What's your second favorite sport? Table tennis. Wrestling comes first. What are you listening to right now? Just my electric fan on level 3, no music. Where will you be in six hours? Asleep in bed probably. What do you wish you had more time to do? I do have enough time to do all the things I need for myself, but my anxiety comes in and makes sure I hesitate from starting them. Like going out with friends - I could very well do it whenever I want, but I never want to be the one asking them out first. Going out after school and giving myself alone time - I would do it since I get out of school at 11 AM - but I can’t handle being alone. So there is that. Who was the last person to ride in your passenger's seat? Gabie, when I drove her home last night. Would you ever let anybody else drive your car? No. Gabie only if it’s really necessary, but she’s hit her car several times and my trust in her driving isn’t as through the roof these days lol. Which one of your friends will be the most successful? All of them. How old will you be on your next birthday? I’ll be 20 and I am so excited to finally get out of this decade. What store did you last shop at? Filbar’s. It’s a local store that has Funkos, limited edition comic book/TV show merch, novelty items, just about all the graphic novels and comic books you need, action figures, swords, replicas, etc. What is your absolute favorite band? It will always be an absolute tie between Paramore and Against Me!
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