#do i enjoy a date and kissing the homies? yes ofc!!!
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atsumusc0ck · 4 years ago
i wanna join your 200 event xD my fave hq chara is Akaashi (ofc who else 😅) our ship name is AnShi (💗💙) i am an INFJ-A who loves to read book with music on. i don’t casually talk with anybody unless i know them or were close... talkative online, definitely silent offline 🤣 i’m a certified pluviophile and seleniphile 💕💕💕💕 congrats on 200 once again!!!!! ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
Did I have to google what the INFJ-A personality type was? Yes
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How you met: you’re interning where Akaashi works, you bump into eachother and spill coffee all over his hard work edited copies for the next big project. You spend the next three hours helping him reprint and occasionally retype papers for him and organizing. It took 3hrs cause he kept panicking about needing all these papers by the end of the day! These revisions took him an eon! You end up working together a lot after that uwu
Song: Mi Negrita - Devendra Banhart
- he loves to twiddle your fingers when he’s thinking
- late nughts together sipping homemade coffee
- the only sounds are soft music and the sound of pencils against paper
- he kisses your knuckles a lot
- kisses your nose yes yes
- just soft kisses here and there
- squeezes your hand as an “i love you”
- admires you so much
- enjoys quiet time together doing your owm things
- always asks about your online homies
- rests his head on you when he’s tired
- tries to hide when he’s blushing
- when he laughs? Oh when he laughs
- able to understand eachother without words
- library dates and sharing headphones? Yes please
- he would 100% make you a playlist
- or two...make that seven
- greets you with a kiss on the cheek
- randomly professes his love all the time
- if he’s sleepy he does lil grabby hands for cuddles
- prefers to be the big spoon
- loves when you rest your head on his chest
- when he tops man
- it’s a fantasy world of pure pleasure
- doesnt talk much aside from the occasional praise
- grunts a lot and has soft delicate moans
- way more rough and agressive when under the influence
- sex with him takes awhile
- lots of foreplay to make you feel good
- the type to finger you while driving home after an event
- when he bottoms oh man
- the kinks come out
- he’d definitely be into wax play, and other sensory related kinks
- leaves marks on you wherever the sun won’t see
- likes to bone when he’s overthinking, it takes his mind off things
- likes to cum in your mouth, bonus points if you swallow
- although he doesnt talk much he has great bedroom communication and set in stone safewords
- buys you lots of soft and delicate lingerie
- has his own too, lace briefs? Silk boxers? Lovely
- makes you tea for aftercare and checks in a lot
- make out sessions always turn into something more no matter what
- just always
- higher sexdrive than expected
- subtle exhibitionism, too scared of getting caught to take it too far
- makes GREAT use of his long fingers
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pockpop · 6 years ago
to fall in love | kim taehyung
➢ summary: to genuinely fall for someone is a beautiful thing
➢ request: could you to a scenario about taehyung dating a black girl? Like maybe just a cute date and how it would be in real life? Like k army reactions. And the love and hate and everything and how he feel in love
➢ genre: boyfriend!taetae, poc reader(ofc),fluffy fluff fluff w/ just a lil angst and I guess suggestive in some parts(?),cliche shizz cause why not
➢ a/n: lmao it’s long homie like longer than I was expecting but I hope this was close to what you were asking for and I hope you like it
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part one | part two | part three
how you met was pretty cliche to say the least.
taehyung wasn’t having the best morning. he missed all six of his alarms and already half an hour late to a meeting with a designer he was working with. rubbing his sleepy eyes, taehyung told his driver to give him five minutes to get his drink.
rushing into the cafe, his drowsy brown eyes didn’t see you as you trying to rush out, running late yourself. you had midterms in less then twenty minutes but you needed your daily dose of caffeine or you wouldn’t survive the exam.
you didn’t see taehyung until it was too late. turning away from the counter too fast you hit a hard chest, your caramel macchiato going all over his brown trench coat and your white blouse. “oh shit! I’m so sorry!” you curse, not looking up into the eyes of your victim as you notice the huge stain all over his clearly expensive clothing.
you quickly turned back to the counter and snatched up napkins and began trying to dab out the coffee in his coat but you ceased all movement when he spoke.
“it’s-it’s fine” a deep voice responded and you looked up, gulping as you saw his face. with his face mask pulled down, you recognized him as kim taehyung, a member of bts.
“oh no no I’m so sorry!” you hit your forehead,”can I mess up anything else? oh my god,” to your surprise taehyung let out a laugh, confusing you,”it’s okay really. look uh I’m running late but if you meet me here later on tonight, like 6 ish? you can buy me a coffee,”seeing your eyebrow quirk up he quickly added,”for ruining my coat of course.”
smiling a bit you were speechless on what to say next but peeking down at your watch, you realized you were extremely running late. “oh crap.” you groaned and ran out of the coffee shop, leaving taehyung without an answer.
in a clean outfit and little more careful this time, taehyung entered the coffee shop again. his brown eyes didn’t have to search around long before they landed on you. you had found a seat towards the back of the shop that still had a good view of the street. he approached slowly, taking in your appearance.
sure, taehyung had seen his share of girls all around the world, kissed plenty of them too but something about you.. maybe it was the way your skin seemed to glow even in the dim artificial light or how collected and classy you looked just sitting there. he was drawn to you he knew that but he couldn’t figure out what it was.
when taehyung sat down in front of you, you glanced at him, your eyes apprehensive at first. pulling down his face mask, you were still confused on why a man like him wanted to meet you like this.
“since we haven’t exactly formally met..I’m taehyung.”
you shook his outreached hand, surprising him with your firm handshake.”y/n...I ordered for you by the way, hope you don’t mind.”
taehyung smirked,”your money, do what you will.” you broke into a smile, shaking your head, “you right, you right.”
the coffee arrived - caramel macchiatos which taehyung had expected - and he watched as you happily thanked the barista and took a long sip. taehyung watched you for a moment before he followed your motions and took a sip of his drink. it was strong yet there was this sweetness at the same time, you smiled when you saw him take longer sips.
“do you like it?”
��maybe..”he murmured drinking a bit more. “but tell me, I’ve been coming to this cafe for years but I have never seen you before.”
you shrugged,”I just moved here a few months ago to study abroad, finish up my studies here and this was my first time coming to this shop.” you smiled again and taehyung couldn’t help but smile back, he liked the way your face lit up when you smiled.
“oh so you’re a college girl? hmm and you’re studying what exactly?”
“you’ve got a lot of questions for me.” you stated and taehyung genuinely looked confused.
“I thought that’s what you ask on a first date? ask questions and get to know the person.”
you began to laugh; a loud and carefree laugh that had taehyung’s stomach dancing with butterflies.”I wouldn’t call this a first date especially since this seems more like a ‘sorry I ruined your coat’ kind of date you know?”
taehyung nodded,”fair enough,” grinning at you, he leaned back in his chair.”fine I’ll take you on a real date.”
your first date with taehyung was ice skating. but you weren’t actually that good. he helped you tie up your skates and held your hand to guide you easily onto the ice.
“oh god,”you murmured as you tried to stay steady, holding his hand with a death grip. taehyung’s laughter had broken through the air alarming you,looking over to him you could see he was struggling as well.
“I’m not good at this either! let’s learn together.” you watched as this fool tried to skate off but fell flat on his ass only seconds later. you tried not to laugh but he was already laughing at himself.
other couples were eyeing the both of you oddly as you went around the rink falling all over the place and just laughing your asses off. though it was cold and you were freezing, the cold didn’t matter since your cheeks hurt badly from all the smiling and laughing. you were enjoying yourself and having the time of your life.
you both hadn’t succeeded in learning how to skate perfectly but you both could get around when holding on to each other. afterward, he took you to get hot chocolate and let you have all of his marshmallows when he remembered you saying you loved them in your hot cocoa.
your bodies were in a lot of pain and definitely bruised up but it didn’t stop you both from running around town and having fun together. you had never been to an arcade in Korea yet and taehyung went in thinking he was gonna be teaching you how to play some of the games but you impressed him with how many times you beat him.
once you both were bored of the arcade and taehyung was tired of losing, you went for a late dinner.
“tae, stop trying to feed me,” you complained as he held up yet another spoonful of soup to you. he pouted,”but it’s romantic! stop ruining the vibe!” not being able to resist his cuteness, you let him feed you but only laughed when he got mad that you wouldn’t feed him.
to make up for it, you gave him a kiss on the cheek that had him blushing so hard.
not before long, the night had come to an end. you had your last midterm the next day and lots of studying to do and he had practice. like the gentleman he is, he walked you to your door and before he let you go inside, he gave you the sweetest kiss. for a moment he lingered, his eyes closed as he took in the moment before he smiled shyly at you and let you go inside,finally. but you guys texted the rest of the night. not even going to bed until really late.
many dates followed that before he would spend his days just laying under you talking aimlessly about life and the stars.
he’d spend nights at your apartment helping you study but you’d usually end up learning girl group dances together for fun or fooling around. he was always excited to see the new protective styles you did with your hair and would be your extra reminder for wash day. always pretty sad when he couldn’t be there to help you.
you were always introducing him to new r&b songs because his voice singing them made them ten times better and he came to really love ginuwine and keith sweat, always singing ‘nobody’ in your ear when you made love.
sometimes you’d catch him just staring at you and when you called him out on it, he was always saying stuff like “our kids are going to be so beautiful,I’m calling it.” he adored everything about you and though he had found himself falling hard for you, he was scared to be the first to admit to it.
“stop moving butthead,”you teased spreading the rest of the charcoal face mask on his face. taehyung pouted but let you finish,once you did, you kissed his little pout and wasn’t surprised when he smiled. “there, happy now?”
“yes cause now I’ll be just as flawless as you.”he said fixing the bonnet on his head, giggling you stood up from the fuzzy carpet of your bedroom floor to go and wash your hands. he quickly followed you, clinging to your waist as you washed your hands.
you had been together for almost four months now and you hadn’t even told your friends that you were seeing someone. you didn’t mind keeping your relationship a secret for a while. you were in the middle of getting your bachelor’s degree, you had internships while he was also doing back to back tours.
as you dried your hands, taehyung moved to sit on the counter, his puppy dog brown eyes staring at you aimlessly. moving to stand in between his legs, he rested his arms on your shoulders to pull you as close as possible.
“what’s wrong pookie?”
he fake gagged at the nickname making you giggle,”if you ever call me that again, I swear I’ll leave you,”
you snorted,”I’d like to see you try.” taehyung narrowed his eyes at you but leaned down to peck your lips in response.
“anyway...after you go get your hair done tomorrow, I was wondering if you were ready to meet the boys? they want to meet the girl who has stolen my heart.”he nuzzled his nose to yours but you pulled back a bit to fix the smudged aloe on his nose.
“you know it takes hours for my hair to get done right? it’s not like some hour wash and straighten, hun. and meet the boys? sure they aren’t gonna flip when all this chocolate walks through the door?” you said doing a little twirl between his legs. taehyung smirked, leaning down to smack your ass, his smile grew when you squealed and hit his chest.
“okay fine, the day after tomorrow! and they better be chill because this chocolate is all mine. they are lucky I am even considering letting them meet you. but they complained about me hoarding you away.”
you rolled your eyes,”don’t worry babe, nobody is gonna try me, I doubt that anyway..”
he was genuinely confused,”why?”
“because even though you think I’m all attractive or whatever, your members..may not see me the same.”
“because of your race?” when you stayed silent,taehyung’s expression became serious which was quite funny with a green face mask on and one of your bonnets on.
“whatever they think or how they view you won’t change the fact I absolutely adore you and your skin has nothing to do with it,”he paused, a mischievous look in his eye,”it was honestly that ass that copped me.”
gasping, you hit his chest once again and laughter rumbled through his chest,”baby I’m just kidding! now come give me some suga.”you scrunched up your face at him but gave him a kiss anyway.
when you went public about your relationship after a year of being together, to say the world went up in uproar was a understatement. you went from the quiet girl in the front row of the lecture hall to kim taehyung’s girlfriend. it wasn’t a title you despised but it definitely didn’t make you feel easy at first.
one day after class, after a very heated dispute with some armies who attended the same school as you, you hurried back to your apartment. you knew taehyung was waiting for you so you headed home as fast as you could,slamming the door behind you to alert him you were home. “taehyung, I can’t do this shit anymore.”
taehyung glanced up from his sketchbook in alarm. his usually smiley and goofy love had a frown on her face and her hands were shaking. “baby what’s wrong?” he stood up from the couch and walked to you but you backed away from him.
“every single day I walk out that door, it’s like vultures. people scream things at me on the street, I get death threats in my mail now, on all my social media accounts. these obsessed fan girls and fan boys remind me constantly why I don��t deserve you and that I will destroy your career!”
your chest was rising rapidly and your fists were bawled at your sides. taehyung sat on the arm rest of the couch and sighed, rubbing his eyes.“so what do you want to do? do you just wanna leave me? you wanna break up?”
you stopped pacing, staring at him wildly.
“leave you?” you said breathlessly and taehyung looked down at his lap, his hand fidgeting. you took a deep breath to calm yourself down before you kneeled in front of him, hands gripping his thighs. he lifted his head just to see you.
“why would I even think of leaving you?” you asked in disbelief and taehyung shrugged,biting his lip. you reached for his hand and brought it to your lips, kissing his knuckles.
“I don’t want to break up with you, I’m too in love with you to even think of that...I just want or wish I could handle this better or know how to deal with this...”
taehyung’s brown eyes squinted at you, a smile tugging at his lips. “you’re in love with me?”
you rolled your eyes.”babe! out of everything I just said, that’s what you got out of it?”
taehyung caressed your cheek before leaning down to capture your lips in the most passionate kiss. when he tried to pull away you just kissed him again, allowing him to pull you up to him. he wrapped his arms around you and fell back onto the couch, pulling you down ontop of him.
“we are straying from the point here.”you reprimanded trying to pull out of his grasp but he kept you secure to his chest. staring into your eyes, he ran his thumb along your plump lips.
“can we just enjoy this moment please?”he murmured, his deep voice soothing you. you brushed your lips against his, your heart fluttering as he hummed against your lips, almost whining from the lack of kisses.
“I won’t ever let anyone hurt you,ok? they can say all the shit they want but they’ll never understand us. it’s just you and I.” you nodded and allowed him to give you a open mouthed kiss, both of you still staring deep into each other’s eyes.
that night, he put on his bonnet that matched yours and helped you study for your an exam you had coming up. “tae, you don’t even have to wear that, and definitely didn’t need to buy us ones that say ‘hubby’ and ‘wifey’.” you complained as you were flipping through notecards.
taehyung gasped dramatically, placing a hand on his heart as he briefly closed his eyes “how dare you? I have to protect my hair from breakage too! my company has put these roots through too much!”
you laughed pushing him away from you,”you’re such a dork.” he hummed crawling over to you just to kiss all over your face, holding you in place so you couldn’t escape.
“but I’m your dork, now if you do good on these finals I might just have to marry you.” your smile fell a bit and he noticed,”did I say something wrong?”
“wow. the pussy so good you’re already thinking about marriage?” taehyung gasped and fell back onto the floor and began rolling around,”don’t expose me like this!”
all in all dating taehyung, falling in love with him would be easy. the support would be nonstop and the affection endless. he’s a whole ass fool and would make you a fool for him. he wouldn’t care what anyone’s gotta say, if he loves you the he loves you,if he’s down for you then he’s down for you. honestly dating taehyung is a whole ass mood
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