#dinah can't entirely blame her
itachi86 · 4 months
i mean cayden james forced black siren to kill vince
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Can't sleep, just gonna summarize an old fanfic idea that I never wrote but I'm still fond of and I had a lot planned. Simurgh attacks instead of Leviathan, the entire fic takes place in the quarantine zone.
It was gonna be sort of shuffling around points of view to show all the people affected, but the main character would be Lisa who would second trigger after Coil's base collapsed and killed Dinah, which led to Taylor blaming herself and attempting suicide. Her new power would essentially take away her ability to analyze anything but people, but now she can tell pretty much everything about someone and figure out how to get them to do what she wants. She manages to save Taylor after the attempt and slowly nurses her back to health, and because she's incredibly shaken she absolutely never talks to Taylor without controlling the entire conversation with her power to have it go how she wants. Extremely overprotective, obsessed, and manipulative, which leads to Taylor being overly dependent on Lisa.
Labyrinth is also having a terrible terrible time! She was already having a bad day, and the Simurgh's song pushed her over the brink to just have no control over her powers. While they attempt to calm her down so they can get out of the city with her, Elle accidentally kills Faultline and Newter, and has a fun little mental breakdown over it. Gregor eventually calms her down and comforts her, but with the guilt over killing two of her closest friends she's constantly having worse days than she ever has, with her power's altering of space expanding to a range similar to the size of Taylor's bug control. Entire swaths of the city, unusable when she's there, while Gregor just keeps trying to help her get better because he's a lovely person.
The PRT tries to use some of Bakuda's bombs on the Simurgh when the fight starts going to shit. A direct hit turns one of her wings to glass, and it fell off her to the ground. She dodged the next bomb, telekinetically tossing it aside and boosting its trajectory with some tinkertech to send it flying out of the city. Thanks to the Simurgh, the bomb lands directly on and instantly kills the Butcher all the way over in Boston, which lets Bakuda instantly break out of the transport and make her way back to Brockton Bay for revenge (and also for the tail end of the Simurgh fight, she drives her off), even more insane and murderous than before.
The Travelers are understandably having a bit of a terrible time dealing with all this. Noelle went apeshit and forced her way out of the base, which is what led to it collapsing and killing Dinah (and Jess, who is too sane for all this), and she began touching all the capes she could find to get clones to fight the Simurgh with. She makes everything worse, although the fight was already going poorly, and now that the fight is over there's still dozens of evil clones running around locked inside the dome with everyone else. The quarantine zone is being much more tightly patrolled since the Butcher and a ton of clones are in there, so the Travelers are forced to stay there for now. Luke leaves the group pretty early, he was looking for an excuse to do that in canon anyway. They do need massive amounts of meat for Noelle, and the butchers and supermarkets run out quick, so Krouse persuades Noelle to start eating people he kills for her. I wasn't sure if he would hide the source or if Noelle would know and still get convinced to eat it, but either way it would be a bucket of fun. Mars finally musters up the will to leave the group after that, which leads Noelle to get even more deranged.
Pretty much, the two major forces in the city are Echidna and the Teeth, and they create enough chaos that people not on either side can't really just get by peacefully. Labyrinth, Gregor, Lisa, Taylor, and a few others all band together in a third group thats just trying to survive and support each other. Taylor insisted they try to help feed other people trapped in the zone and Lisa talked her into believing that was a dumb idea.
Parian stuck around in the city to try and help get her family out, and is now trapped in the increasingly violent zone when she really doesn't want to fight. Unfortunately for her, she's forced into the Teeth, who figure out she can do some wacky stuff with skin. Bakuda takes an interest in her when she realizes telekinesis plus bombs is pretty fun, occasionally threatening to die in front of her to always be in Sabah's mind. Eventually Sabah escapes the Teeth and joins Tattletale's crew, where she swears off any and all violence no matter what. Mars is also there doing the same thing, they're both just sick of capes and all it entails. They want to be normal and happy and not deal with their friends eating people or being forced to flay others. Eventually this buds into a romantic relationship, and they find genuine comfort and love in each other even with such a horrible environment. Sabah teaches Mars how to sew, and Mars teaches her how to dance, and neither of them thought they really loved those activities anymore, but when either of them watch their girlfriend learn and smile and love those things it feels like their passion for the arts has just been completely renewed. They're happy together.
So then Bakuda comes after Sabah to get her back and Mars incinerates the Butcher by accident while trying to protect her girlfriend. Woooo.
Clockblocker was trapped under some rubble he froze so it wouldn't crush him, unable to escape and forced to stay there as the song droned and his power lasted the full 10 minutes. He swore he'd rather die than let the Simurgh twist him, but he kept freezing the rubble for almost an hour until someone else trapped in the city saved him. Riddled with guilt and self loathing, he wants to be mean to Taylor but she's just kinda pathetic with how much Lisa wrapped her around her thumb so it falls flat.
Theo is getting groceries when the sirens go off and Purity just fucking leaves him behind, same trigger and power as canon. Rip bozo.
There would be a giant showdown between Butcher Sundancer and Echidna. They were best friends and both of them have been twisted by something inside them into beasts who are trying to tear each other apart. At this point with all the fighting like half the city is rubble, and Tattletale + friends are caught in the crossfire of clones and bombs and fire and are desperately trying to get out. Noelle doesn't have perfect control of her clones, and eventually one lands a lucky shot and kills Marissa. Now Echidna is the Butcher, woooo.
She gives up having reason, she's just on a rampage now. She attacks Lisa's group, and they escape but she gets Taylor inside her, eventually Lisa coordinates an attack where Ballistic launches the glassified Simurgh wing at Noelle, Theo grows a bunch of hands out of it inside her to lock it in, and Clockblocker freezes it so she cant escape without dying. I think I just liked the symbolism of it being the Simurgh's wing and I completely forgot that she can teleport now. Whoops. Doesn't matter.
Noelle escapes, and is fucking them up. All is lost, but Scion appears and stops her because like, that's what he does. He completely atomizes her. Nothing but golden light left. Even the people inside are gone, including Taylor.
Lisa loses it and goes on a five minute power-assisted rant where she verbally eviscerates Scion, says she hopes it still hurts that he's alone, says he's worthless, just destroys the little bastard in a grief induced rage. She doesn't even care that her power told her he'll kill everything one day if left alone, she just wants to take out this rage on him. Scion kills himself after 5 minutes of Lisa tearing into him, its implied this was the Simurgh's end goal or whatever, Lisa saved the universe and she doesn't give a shit, Taylor is gone.
So she does the logical thing and kidnaps Taylor's Echidna clone, ties her to a chair, and warps her mind with constant conversation with the end goal of getting her Taylor back. Her power tells her the entire time that this isn't Taylor, it's someone who looks like her but can only hate, and she doesn't give up. I think it works out for her, Contessa owes her a favor now and helps her out with getting Taylor back from something that was never her. This shit was bleak and needed a happy ending. There were even more plotlines I never touched on, I had plans for everyone who made it out of the city too, but this is long so I'm just gonna post now.
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florietiae · 7 days
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and john's laughing now, properly so. can't help it, really. grin hitched at his lips. wide and brilliant.  ❛ come on now. haven't even made the pitch yet, love. ❜ still, he supposed he couldn't entirely blame her. most people had a similar, albeit understandable response.  ❛ it's not anything too out there. i promise you. it's just a little sleight of hand. go on, then. pick a card. any you like. ❜ 
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓. two word starters. ❛ absolutely not. ❜ for dinah and john. sent from @raisedcold !
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exposing-5h · 7 years
I like how people like to pick and choose what to remember about the beginning of camren. Everyone blaming C when L started the majority of it with with tweets and pics tagged #camren. Lets no forget that one of L best friend Vero was the one that egged it on the most when c friends denied it. Even Lucy use to egg in on with Vero and they started the whole #Vercy to get attention from the fandom at the beginning. C did some stuff as well at the beginning to but u can't put the blame on her pt 1
[the rest of this is long so if you want to see it click below]
+ prt 2- dinah with the tweets didn’t help #camrenfeels and Lauren wants camila. They were all young and were enjoying the attention and to got out of control. But like everything it is now C fault and all her doing give me a break. She has denied camren multiple times but never as aggressively as L but the problem is that L is always so condescending about it and constantly brings it up so aggressively that she gets a backlash where C just ignores cause no matter what they say or do it won’t stop
lol lauren didn’t start this. she started the hashtag, which doesn’t mean she started the ship since literally all of the group’s friendships used hashtags like that for their names and acted the way they did. also, whenever people bring up camila encouraging camren, they only bring up her encouraging it, unlike how you’re trying to do with lauren’s friends. lauren dropped vero and even stopped being friends with lucy at a certain point + she probably talked to dinah about that tweet since she deleted it. also lauren stopped entirely with camren as soon as fans took it out of control + for years has straight up said it’s not real. you shouldn’t be surprised that stans feel like camila - the former larry shipper, the one who held on to camren for longer, and the one who has made pro-camren comments throughout several eras (“mine’s lauren,” “me,” “i’m the father”) - has been encouraging this ship. and since you brought up the difference in their attitudes about it, let’s not even get started on how badly shippers treat lauren in comparison to camila.
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