#diinadam isn't a sideblog but its own thing entirely bc its slightly more serious but also not really
cassiusapologist · 3 years
Hi how are you doing? :) first of all i apologize if there is a link or info on your blog and i didnt see it because im on mobile but like.. what is this blog about? 😅 So much brutecass?? I love them so much, i love you so much for your art!! Thank you for existing <3 Because on tumblr there was practically nada about them so yeah im pretty much quite surprised to see so much content. But what do you focus on/what do you like and why perhaps if you dont mind? Im really curious. Also you said this was a sideblog. What is your main one? Do you have a sideblog for all your different interests? 😅 Thank you and have a wonderful day 🤗
hi! I don't have an about or post for what this blog is about, but it's basically just my brutecass sideblog! mostly I just wanted a low stakes space to post about them and chill without getting stressed out about whether or not it was fine to skip the story telling and draw them kissing or wondering if I was secretly disappointing anyone.
this is going to get way longer than I mean for it to get.
tbh, up until very recently, I didn't care much for cassius. this blog actually started with the intention of focusing on cassius and his role in brutus' life through a haunted house/gothic horror/greek tragedy framework, and it was strictly a story telling interest, but after five minutes I realized that I loved cassius a lot and there's a lot of interesting stuff happening with him historically that I had been overlooking, actually, and that's why my twitter bio says that I owe him ten bucks and a fancy dinner.
my first love has always been history: as a kid, I spent a lot of my free time reading historical non fiction texts. I don’t know how to love things halfway. if I find someone in history that grabs hold of my heart, I’ll sit in that space forever. I found machiavelli at 15, and eleven years later I still can’t shut up about him. brutus goes back further than that, and cassius occupies a similar space now. I have over ten years to catch up with on cassius lmao [as evidenced by my other blog, @diinadam, which rapidly descended into some kind of dead romans chaos]
as for brutecass specifically, it's like, oh my god. they knew each other as children. they knew each other up until they died. the part of the national's empire line that goes 'there's a line that goes all the way from my childhood to you.' the way that appian compares cassius to a gladiator against brutus as a philosopher. the dialogue shakespeare wrote between them makes me cry. I love tragedy. I love poetry. ‘for 2000 years the name of cassius has been tied to brutus.’ for 2000 years, your name hasn’t been alone. I think a lot about how they clashed and fought but picked each other anyway. brutus didn’t last the month after cassius died. he probably introduced cassius to his mother and his sisters when they were boys.
on a less serious note, I also just think they’re neat. I love a conspiracy to kill a tyrant!!
and to answer your question do not have sideblogs for all of my specific interests, brutecass is the only thing that has enough of a...... focus of interest, I guess, that I wanted to have a space separate from my main blog. 
my general history/literature/sometimes movies/part time art blog is @diinadam and my personal is @cassiusapologist!
have a nice day, anon!! 💞
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