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callofthxvoid · 1 year ago
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Please welcome AMIRAH SHEHADI (SHE/HER) to Huntsville, WV. They are a 23-year-old RESIDENT who lives in TOWN. You may see them around working as a PRINTER AT HUNTSVILLE DAILY. Poor unfortunate soul. We'll see if they survive.
quick facts
Title: The Lancer
Name: Amirah Genevieve Dasai Shehadi
Nickname: Ames, Amy, Ami
Date of Birth: June 10, 2000
Age: 23
Place of Birth: Jakarta, Indonesia
Hometown: Huntsville, West Virginia
Languages: English, Indonesian, Javanese, Lebanese Arabic, French
Faceclaim: Jihane Almira Chedid
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Dating Reagan Emerson
Myers-Briggs: ISTP - The Virtuoso
Enneagram: Type Four - The Individualist (4w3)
Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Occupation: Printer at Huntsville Daily
Role: Gatherer
[+] assertive, imaginative, protective, honest [-] attention-seeking, overbearing, condescending, vain
Character Inspirations: Mermista (She-Ra), Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY), Cornelia Hale (W.I.T.C.H.), Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf)
Amirah was born in Jakarta to an Indonesian mother and a Lebanese father, who had met some time after both going through amicable divorces with their first spouses—bringing their children from those marriages into their family. For the first few years of her life, Ames and her older siblings travelled extensively with their parents before moving back to the United States when she was six years old. They chose to settle in Huntsville, mainly to be close to the Lovejoys, who were old friends of theirs.
When Ames started showing an interest in beauty pageants, her parents were initially skeptical but ultimately supportive, paying for dresses, dance classes, and driving her to pageants out of town regularly. She had a couple of titles under her belt when all of that came to a crashing halt due to the paradox hitting when she was almost twelve years old. While saddened, she immediately redirected her energy into other interests and extracurricular activities, in particular illustration—eventually starting her own graphic novel featuring herself and her closest friends as a band of superheroes.
After graduating from high school, she got a job at the local paper which gave her access to their printer (it's her, she is their printer). Most of her time not spent at work or with her friends is now spent working on her book, which she mostly distributes digitally to her friends as well as anyone else who wants to read it, with the occasional print copy of certain issues gifted to various Huntsville residents whenever they serve as the inspiration of a recurring character. It isn't the life that she wanted, but she is doing her best to make it one that she enjoys, in spite of their circumstances.
Her graphic novel series is called The Phantom Guardians and features a main cast of five based on the Five-Man Band trope: Spencer Holmes as The Leader, Izzie Lovejoy as The Heart, Satine Hicks as The Big Guy, Riley Alson as The Smart Guy, and herself as The Lancer. She started writing it after Riley passed as a way to help her cope with the grief. In her story, Riley retired from being a hero and went on to chase her dreams, while the remaining four carry on her legacy.
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telkomuniversityputi · 24 days ago
DHCP: Mengenal Pengertian, Fungsi, dan Cara Kerjanya
Memahami DHCP: Sebuah Hikayat Teknologi dalam Jejak Digital
Bayangkan sebuah kota kecil yang damai, di mana setiap rumah memiliki alamatnya sendiri. Alamat ini bukan sekadar tanda, melainkan penentu kehidupan: siapa yang tinggal di sana, dari mana surat-surat dikirim, ke mana kurir membawa pesan. Dalam jagat dunia digital, alamat ini dikenal sebagai IP Address, dan sang arsitek yang memastikan setiap perangkat memiliki alamat adalah protokol bernama DHCP.
Apa Itu DHCP?
Nama lengkapnya adalah Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, sebuah istilah yang mungkin terdengar rumit bagi sebagian orang. Namun sejatinya, DHCP adalah kisah tentang efisiensi. Ia hadir untuk menggantikan kesibukan manusia yang tadinya harus memberikan alamat IP secara manual kepada setiap perangkat di jaringan komputer. Bayangkan jika setiap ponsel, laptop, atau printer di sebuah perusahaan harus mendapatkan alamat satu per satu, seperti membagikan undangan pesta. Betapa melelahkannya!
DHCP bekerja seperti seorang penjaga pintu yang bijaksana di sebuah pesta besar. Ketika seorang tamu datang, penjaga pintu ini segera memberi mereka tanda pengenal—alamat IP—dan memberitahu mereka ke mana harus pergi untuk menemukan makanan, tempat duduk, bahkan ruangan bermain. Semuanya berlangsung dengan lancar dan otomatis.
Fungsi Sang Protokol
Tak sekadar pemberi alamat, DHCP juga memuat perangkat dengan segala informasi penting yang mereka butuhkan untuk berselancar di dunia digital:
Subnet Mask, sebuah petunjuk batas wilayah di jaringan.
Gateway Default, seperti pintu gerbang yang menghubungkan ke dunia luar.
DNS, sang pemandu arah yang tahu ke mana harus mencari informasi.
Ia juga memastikan tak ada dua perangkat yang berbagi alamat yang sama. Sebuah konflik alamat IP dapat menyebabkan kekacauan seperti dua surat yang tiba di satu rumah. Namun, dengan ketelatenan DHCP, masalah ini hampir mustahil terjadi.
Bagaimana Ia Bekerja?
Di balik tabir, kerja DHCP adalah tarian indah empat langkah:
Discover – Ketika sebuah perangkat menyapa jaringan, seperti mengangkat tangan untuk bertanya, "Apakah ada yang bisa membantu?"
Offer – Sang server segera menjawab, menawarkan alamat dan pengaturan jaringan.
Request – Perangkat pun berkata, "Ya, saya menerima tawaran itu."
Acknowledge – Dan server mengangguk, "Alamat ini kini milikmu."
Semua ini terjadi dalam hitungan detik, seperti dialog singkat antara dua teman lama yang saling memahami tanpa perlu banyak kata.
Kelebihan dan Kekurangan DHCP
Seperti setiap tokoh dalam sebuah cerita, DHCP pun memiliki kekuatan dan kelemahannya sendiri. Di sisi terang, ia membawa efisiensi, menghemat waktu dan tenaga, serta memastikan jaringan bekerja tanpa hambatan. Namun di sisi lain, jika servernya terjatuh—seperti seorang pemimpin yang kelelahan—maka seluruh jaringan bisa terganggu.
Jenis-Jenis DHCP
Ada DHCP berbasis perangkat keras, seperti router yang berdiri gagah di sudut ruangan. Ada pula yang berbasis perangkat lunak, tersembunyi di balik layar server. Ia bisa bekerja untuk jaringan lokal, atau bahkan membentang hingga ke ranah publik melalui ISP.
Ingin menguasai DHCP dan meningkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam pengelolaan jaringan? Bergabunglah dengan PTS Terbaik di Indonesia dan pelajari protokol DHCP secara mendalam bersama para ahli. Daftar sekarang untuk mendapatkan ilmu dan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan dalam dunia jaringan!
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inoklinik · 1 month ago
Sistem Informasi Terpadu untuk Klinik di Jawa Barat Pilihan Cerdas InoKlinik
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Manajemen klinik modern membutuhkan solusi digital yang andal untuk mengoptimalkan operasional, meningkatkan efisiensi, dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan pasien. InoKlinik hadir sebagai sistem informasi manajemen klinik berbasis teknologi yang dirancang untuk mempermudah pengelolaan klinik di Indonesia, khususnya di Jawa Barat.
Fitur-Fitur Terbaik yang Ditawarkan oleh InoKlinik
1. Pencatatan Data Pasien yang Terorganisir
InoKlinik membantu klinik menyimpan data pasien secara digital dan aman. Semua informasi, termasuk riwayat kesehatan, resep obat, dan hasil pemeriksaan, dapat diakses dengan mudah melalui satu sistem.
2. Pengingat Jadwal Otomatis Melalui WhatsApp
Klinik sering menghadapi kendala pasien yang lupa jadwal kunjungan. Dengan fitur WhatsApp otomatis, InoKlinik membantu mengurangi hal ini dengan mengirimkan:
Pengingat jadwal kunjungan.
Pesan ulang tahun untuk menjaga hubungan personal.
Informasi promosi layanan kesehatan.
3. Laporan Keuangan Detail dan Transparan
Pengelolaan keuangan menjadi lebih mudah dengan fitur laporan terperinci. InoKlinik mencatat semua transaksi klinik dan menyajikan laporan yang membantu analisis performa bisnis secara mendalam.
4. Sistem Manajemen Stok Obat yang Efisien
Fitur manajemen inventori memungkinkan klinik memantau ketersediaan stok obat dan perlengkapan medis secara real-time. Notifikasi otomatis akan dikirimkan jika stok mendekati batas minimum, memastikan operasional tetap lancar.
5. Keamanan Data Tingkat Tinggi
Keamanan data pasien dan operasional klinik menjadi prioritas utama. InoKlinik menggunakan:
SSL/TLS untuk enkripsi data.
Algoritma hashing untuk perlindungan informasi sensitif.
Captcha untuk mencegah serangan otomatis.
Kemudahan Teknologi untuk Klinik Modern
1. Kompatibel dengan Perangkat Pendukung
InoKlinik dapat digunakan dengan berbagai perangkat kasir seperti:
Printer struk (Thermal EPPOS dan Epson TMU 220).
Printer kwitansi ukuran A4.
Barcode scanner dan cash drawer dari semua tipe.
2. Akses Jarak Jauh dengan Sistem Berbasis Cloud
Sistem InoKlinik memungkinkan pemilik klinik untuk memantau dan mengelola operasional dari mana saja menggunakan koneksi internet. Dengan minimal bandwidth 3 Mbps, semua data klinik dapat diakses secara real-time.
3. Pelatihan dan Dukungan Profesional
Tim InoKlinik memberikan layanan konsultasi dan pelatihan kepada staf klinik untuk memastikan pengoperasian sistem berjalan lancar. Dukungan teknis tersedia untuk membantu instalasi dan pemeliharaan.
4. Update Fitur Gratis Selama Berlangganan
Pengguna InoKlinik berhak mendapatkan pembaruan sistem secara berkala. Update ini mencakup peningkatan performa, perbaikan bug, dan penambahan fitur baru.
Persyaratan Sistem untuk Penggunaan InoKlinik
Sistem Operasi: Windows 10 atau lebih baru.
Prosesor: Intel Core i3 atau lebih tinggi.
Server Teknologi:
Arsitektur: x86_64.
CPU: 4 core (Intel Xeon Gold 6230 atau setara).
Manfaat Utama Menggunakan InoKlinik
Efisiensi Operasional: Mengintegrasikan seluruh proses klinik dalam satu platform.
Kepuasan Pasien Lebih Tinggi: Pengingat otomatis meningkatkan pengalaman pasien.
Keamanan Maksimal: Data pasien dilindungi dengan teknologi mutakhir.
Kemudahan Pengawasan: Akses online memudahkan pemilik klinik untuk memonitor bisnis kapan saja.
InoKlinik adalah solusi terbaik untuk klinik di Jawa Barat yang ingin meningkatkan kualitas layanan, efisiensi operasional, dan keamanan data. Dengan fitur lengkap dan dukungan teknis yang handal, InoKlinik siap membantu klinik Anda berkembang lebih maju di era digital.
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trendingreportz · 7 months ago
Chelates Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Chelates Market Overview
Chelates market size is forecast to reach US$7.5 billion by 2027 after growing at a CAGR of 4.2% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Chelating agents are organic compounds that link metal ions to form ring-like structures called chelates. A chelate is formed when a polydentate ligand bonds to a central metal atom. These ligands are called chelants, chelators, chelating agents, or sequestering agents. Chelation is useful in applications such as providing nutritional supplements, in chelation therapy to remove toxic metals from the body, as contrast agents in MRI scanning, in pulp processing, as cleaners and detergents, in water treatment to assist in the removal of metals, and in fertilizers. The most widely used chelate is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid commonly called EDTA. It is used in detergents, liquid soaps, shampoos, agricultural chemical sprays, contact lens cleaners, and cosmetics. The growing need for water treatment is expected to drive the chelates market during the forecast period.
COVID-19 Impact
The COVID-19 pandemic affected every industry. The pandemic affected the pulp and paper industry to an unprecedented extent. It accelerated existing trends and turned other parts of the industry upside down. On account of awareness of hygiene and sanitation practices, the demand for paper towels, toilet paper, and wipes skyrocketed leading to shortages. Business Insider reports that the US saw $1.45 billion in toilet paper sales in March 2020, and experienced an 845% increase in demand from 2019. Lockdowns and stay-at-home mandates resulted in store closures and banning in-person dining in restaurants which resulted in a boom in e-commerce and food delivery sectors. This resulted in great demand for packaging products. While packaging and other paper products surged, printing did not farewell. Work-from-home and online classes resulted in lower demand for paper from the education and commercial sectors. The absence of office printers and the switch to digital meetings drastically reduced paper consumption. The availability of e-books and e-papers led to low demand for newspapers, books, and magazines. Thus, the ups and downs in the paper industry impacted the chelates industry.
Report Coverage
The report: “Chelates Market – Forecast (2022-2027)”, by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the chelates industry.
By Product: EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid), Green Chelates (MGDA (Methylglycinediacetic acid), GLDA (Glutamic acid N,N-diacetic acid), IDS (Imminodisuccinate), and EDDS (Ethylenediamine-N,N’-disuccinic acid)), DTPA (Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid), Sodium Etidronate, Sodium Gluconate and Others (Phosphonates) (ATMP Aminotris (methylenephosphonic acid), DTPMP Diethylenetriaminepenta (methylenephosphonic acid), HEDP Etidronic Acid, PBTC Phosphonobutane Tricarboxylic acid, and PAPEMP Polyamino Polyether Methylene Phosphonic acid)
By Type:  Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable
By Grade: Liquid Grade and Solid Grade
By End-Use Industry: Agriculture (Fertigation, Foliar Spray, Seed Dressing, and Others), Pulp & Paper (Bleaching Wood Pulp, Stabilizers, and Pulp Processing), Food & Beverage (Beverages, Dressings, Sauces and Spreads, Canned Vegetables, Canned Seafood,         Pickled Products, and Others (Pie Fillings, Colour Additives)), Industrial (Enhanced Oil Recovery, Scale Removal, Water Treatment, Corrosion Inhibitor, and Others), Healthcare & Pharmaceutical (Contrast Agents, Nutritional Supplements, Pharmaceutical Preservatives & Stabilizers, and Others), Personal Care & Consumer Products (Cleaners, Detergent, Cosmetics, and Others), Textile and Others
By Geography: North America (USA, Canada, and Mexico), Europe (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Russia, Belgium, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Rest of APAC), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and Rest of South America), Rest of the World (Middle East, and Africa) 
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Key Takeaways
Asia-Pacific dominates the chelates market, owing to a large proportion of agricultural lands and increasing agricultural practices in this region. According to Invest India, India’s agriculture technology to attain $24.1 billion by 2025.
Chelation is a process in which a polydentate ligand bonds to a metal ion and forms a ring. The complex produced by this process is called a chelate, and the polydentate ligand is referred to as a chelating agent.
Green chelates or natural chelating agents are also known as biodegradable chelating agents. They were formulated as an eco-friendly and highly efficient alternative for the two most frequently used chelating agents, nitrotriacetic acid (NTA) and EDTA.
The major opportunity for this market is high research spending to develop eco-friendly products that are cost-effective.
Chelates Market Segment Analysis – By Product
The sodium gluconate segment held a significant share of up to 20% in the chelates market in 2021.  Sodium gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid formed by the fermentation of glucose. Sodium gluconate chelates and forms stable complexes with various ions, preventing them from engaging in chemical reactions. It forms stable chelates with divalent and trivalent metal ions such as calcium, copper, iron, aluminum, and other metals. It is also an excellent humectant. These properties contribute to the use of sodium gluconate as a high-performing chelating agent, sequestrant, processing aid, humectant, and corrosion inhibitor in a variety of applications. The outstanding property of sodium gluconate is its excellent chelating capability, especially in alkaline and concentrated alkaline solutions which surpass all the other chelating agents, such as EDTA, NTA, and related compounds. The use of sodium gluconate has increased in food applications where it works by inhibiting bitterness. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified sodium gluconate as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and its use in the food industry is permitted without limitation. Owing to its non-corrosive, non-volatile, non-toxic, non-odorous, and readily biodegradable nature, sodium gluconate is set to dominate the chelates market during the forecast period.
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Chelates Market Segment Analysis – By End Use Industry
The personal care and consumer goods segment held a significant share in the chelates market in 2021. Chelates have a unique property- they can form soluble complexes with metal ions. They can also capture and transport the ions away from areas where they are not needed. This enables them to remove dirt and scale, soften water, and boost cleaning action, making them essential ingredients for cleaning products. Soaps and detergents react with the mineral deposits in hard water and form soap scum and scale in dishwashers which over a period of time accumulate and can degrade the appliance. According to EcoPure, over 85% of the USA has hard water. Calcium and magnesium are the two most common contributors to hard water. Hard water, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), refers to the amount of dissolved calcium, magnesium, and other minerals found in water. Chelating agents are widely used in domestic cleaning products to prevent calcium and magnesium ions naturally found in water from forming soap scum. There are many chelating agents, but EDTA and citric acid are two commonly found chelates in cleaning products owing to their cost-effectiveness. In cosmetic formulations, metals promote oxidation reactions, impair the foaming properties of surfactants, and potentially cause discoloration. Chelates bind with metal ions and play a crucial role in the stability and efficacy of cosmetics. Thus, the personal care and consumer goods segment is expected to hold a significant share in the chelates market.
Chelates Market Segment Analysis – By Geography
The Asia-Pacific region held the largest share in the Chelates Market in 2021 up to 35%, owing to the agricultural industry and water treatment practices in the region. China accounts for approximately 12.9% of the cultivable land globally. According to FAO, China is the largest producer of various crops, including rice, wheat, pears, peaches, potatoes, lettuce, cabbage, and other vegetables. In India, agriculture is the backbone of the economy. India is the leading producer of millets, pulses, ginger, okra, bananas, papayas, mangoes, lemons, guavas, and spices (except cinnamon). The FAO and UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)’s 2021 Asia and the Pacific Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition pointed out that 1.8 billion people in the Asia-Pacific region did not have access to adequate food in 2020 – an increase of almost 150 billion in just 12 months. In order to get on a better track, food security is one of the most critical issues at hand. One way of achieving this could be by increasing yields and promoting healthy plant growth. Chelates play an important role in agriculture as it increases the efficient use of fertilizers and nutrient availability at the root level and in particular increase the mobility of nutrients such as potassium and phosphorus. The United Nations projects that by 2025, half of the countries worldwide will face water stress or outright shortages. By 2050, as many as three out of four people around the globe could be affected by water scarcity. Although Asia is home to more than half of the world’s population, it has less freshwater 3,920 cubic meters per person per year. Hence, water treatment is of paramount importance in the region. It is anticipated that countries such as India, China, Singapore, Indonesia, etc. will make improvements in water treatment processes. Therefore, the growing need for chelates from agrochemicals and water treatment is driving the chelates market in the region.
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Chelates Market Drivers
Growing Need for Water Treatment
Water treatment is done to improve water quality. Water treatment has relevance as worldwide water demand is constantly under pressure due to the increasing world population and a globally improved standard of living. With the increasing urbanization and economic development, the current water supply is unlikely to satisfy the ever-growing demand. It is estimated that about 3.4 million of the world’s population die every year due to deprived access to clean drinking water. According to the United Nations, nearly one-third of the world’s population lack access to safely managed drinking water services. Due to the scarcity of this natural resource, it is important to reuse water and use it for other industrial purposes such as cooling, cleaning, etc. Hard water contains high levels of metal ions such as calcium and magnesium, which impact the performance of many products. Removing metal ions is therefore a key part of many industrial and domestic processes that use water. Softening is an important technique commonly used to remove hardness which is performed by the addition of chelating agents.  Hence, the growing need for water treatment acts as a driver for the chelates market. 
Development of Green Chelates
Some chelates are poorly biodegradable and affect the environment. Natural chelating agents are biodegradable products used mainly for washing, surface cleaning, detergents, and home care purposes. GLDA and MGDA are green chelating agents that are the best replacements for phosphates in most cleaning applications and they outperform alternatives like citrates, gluconates, and zeolites because they form stronger bonds with metal ions. They combine excellent performance with a superior ecological profile since they are readily biodegradable and largely biobased. The core ingredients used to manufacture green chelates are derived from biological and renewable sources such as beet sugar and corn sugar. GLDA was developed as a cost-effective, green alternative to the two most frequently used agents, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and nitrotriacetic acid. The development of green chelates creates an opportunity for sustainable products and thus acts as a driver for the chelates market. 
Chelates Market Challenges
Environmental Impact of EDTA and Phosphonates
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a well-known chelating agent and has numerous applications in various industries. EDTA is a chelate ligand with a high affinity constant to form metal-EDTA complexes to sequester metal ions. In general, EDTA has a low toxic impact on both humans and natural environments. There are some concerns, however, about its poor biodegradation in conventional wastewater treatment plants and natural environments, and its effect in mobilizing heavy metals from solid phases to pose a risk to groundwater. EDTA behaves as a persistent pollutant in the environment, enhancing the mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals. In natural environments, studies detect poor bio-degradability of the ligand. Phosphonates are also known to be poorly degradable chelates. The phosphorus in phosphonates serves as a nutrient, and the deposition of large quantities of phosphates in lakes and waterways induces excessive growth of plants and algae. This excessive growth depletes oxygen and endangers aquatic life. As a result, phosphonates have been discouraged around the world. Biodegradation tests with sludge from municipal sewage treatment plants with HEDP and NTMP showed no indication for any degradation. An investigation of HEDP, NTMP, and DTPMP in standard biodegradation tests also failed to identify any biodegradation. Such concerns over certain chelates can prove to be a challenge for the chelates industry.
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Chelates Industry Outlook
Product launches, acquisitions, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the chelates market. Chelates market top 10 companies include:
Akzo Nobel N.V.
The Dow Chemical Company
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Nippon Shokubai Co. Ltd
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Recent Developments
In November 2020, BASF’s Care Creations launched a highly stable chelating agent, Neutrol MGDA for personal care applications. Neutrol MGDA is suitable for various fields of application: from shower gels and liquid soaps to shampoos, styling products, baby cleansing products, skin creams, and toothpaste.
In January 2019, Nouryon signed a deal with Itaconix for bio-based polymers for the detergents market. Under the terms of the agreement, Itaconix will produce and supply polymers with chelating properties that Nouryon will market to customers in household, institutional, and industrial detergent and cleaner applications. 
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tsasocial · 9 months ago
ITCPE 2024: Digital textile printing machine exhibitors preview
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According to a report released by IDC, in the third quarter of 2023, the revenue of China’s digital textile printing machine market exceeded 66 million US dollars, an increase of 17.2% year-on-year. This significant growth indicates a positive growth trend in the demand for digital printing equipment.
ITCPE: Guangzhou International Textile, Clothing and Printing Industry Expo
As technology continues to advance, digital printing equipment is set to offer images of higher resolution and a richer color palette, resulting in more detailed and lifelike printed products. The Guangzhou International Textile, Clothing, and Printing Industry Expo (ITCPE), taking place at the Poly World Trade Expo in Pazhou, Guangzhou from May 20-22 this year, will host numerous high-quality companies specializing in digital printing equipment. These companies will showcase the latest processes and technologies. Let’s anticipate their contributions together.
Part of the digital textile printing machine providers in ITCPE 2024
The exhibitors are arranged in no particular order.
Guangzhou Zhenfeng Digital Technology Co., Ltd — Booth: T002
Adhering to the business tenet of "honest operation and professional service", the company strives for survival with quality and development with credibility, and protects customers in production and operation. The company respects talents, advocates technology, and has a young team that keeps pace with the times and blazes new trails!
Look forward to working with you! Create resplendence together!
HOPETECH DIGITAL CO., LTD (HOPETECH for short) is a high-tech company which integrates development, manufacture, sales, and service. Since the company was founded, HOPE people have established a long-term developing strategy of building up a world-top brand in the industry. From the principle design of equipment to the landing of technical solutions, and then to the selection of spare parts, the company has always been adhering to “Hope lies in quality, to create value for customer” business philosophy and quality-oriented standard.
As a pioneer in large-scale industrial digital printer application, HOPE started business from the research and development of electronics hardware and software. After more than 20 years of unremitting efforts and development, we have provided thousands of high-speed industrial digital printers to the market. Besides China, our customers cover many countries and regions such as India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Pakistan, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, etc. We have accumulated rich experience in digital printing application.
We dedicate to apply new industrial digital printing technology into textile industry, and have promoted a variety of specifications of multi-pass & single-pass textile digital printers, which can meet needs of different production process and productivity. Today, the HOPE people, who take quality, service, and innovation as principles of development, will spare no efforts to meet new challenges, create a brighter future of HOPE, provide fresh new digital printing experience to the customers and accelerate the digitalization of textile industry.
Wuhan Yili Electronic Co., Ltd — Booth:T011
The Headquarters has more than 350 employees, Manufacture and sell over 30000 sets electronic systems to digital inkjet market. XENONS lanuch at least 2 new products to the market every year. Continoue to provide better solutions.
In 2016, Xenons. group split its production line to different sub-brands: Xenons, Yilijet, PDJET, Coltex, Veedo etc. aim a better improvement.
Xenons Europe, Xenons Brasil, Xenons India.. more and more branches are running there for a better service.
Zhejiang Boyin Digital Technology Co., Ltd. — Booth:T3003a
Guangdong Baocai intelligent Technology Co., Ltd — Booth:T007
Over the years, Guangdong PO-TRY has continuously absorbed advanced digital printing technologies at home and abroad, and has joined hands with South China University of Technology to build an industry, academic and research incubation base for digital printing technology. Through continuous innovation and development, the "PO-TRY" brand has always been in the forefront of the industry. At the forefront of the digital printing market.
The main products include thermal transfer printers, tape direct-injection printers, heat transfer printers, leather mesh belt printers, UV crystal label printers, and supporting printing consumables. It is widely used in digital printing in textile and clothing, home textiles and home furnishings, label printing, shoes, hats and bags, 3C electronics and other industries, such as polyester fabric thermal transfer printing, cotton and linen fabric direct printing, T-shirt and other garment direct printing, home textile printing, leather Printing, crystal label printing, 3C electronic product printing, etc. The products are exported to domestic and foreign markets, covering more than 100 countries and regions in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.
Baocai promptly provides customers with high-quality digital printing equipment and mature application solutions that are environmentally friendly, efficient, and worry-free after-sales. It not only provides customers with professional consultation and comprehensive technical support, but also provides more business opportunities for enterprises and individuals. and broad industry development space. While business is developing, in line with the purpose of "integrity, mutual benefit, and win-win", we always provide customers with "high-quality, low-cost" solutions. As the company's foothold and development direction, we continue to create value for customers.
The company actively responds to the national "double carbon" policy of green environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction, and strives to continuously innovate through technological iterations and updates, helping traditional enterprises such as textiles and clothing, home textiles and home furnishings to transform into digitalization and intelligence, and promote the high-quality development of the printing industry.
Nanjing ORIC Digital Technology Co., Ltd. — Booth:T010
As always, our company has won the praise and support of new and old customers with the purpose of good quality, reasonable price and good reputation. With advanced technology, excellent quality, good reputation and high-quality service, we have established a stable supply relationship with many merchants, which is well received by the majority of customers. ORIC is committed to promoting the printing industry towards a greener, more energy efficient and more futuristic direction.
Shanghai Hexuan Industrial Co., Ltd. — Booth:T3003b
Our business is built to address present issues while expanding new applications in the digital print industry. Thus, our primary objective is to deliver innovative large-format printer solutions with sustainable profitability for our clients.
As a technology-driven company, our vision is to be at the leading edge of cultivating the latest developments in the world of industrial printing evolution. With the customer at the forefront of our efforts, we aspire to launch lasting trends that will lead the print industry forward.
1.SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS -- Advancing Innovative Research
EXPERT SERVICE -- Customer Satisfaction
Guangzhou Xin Flying Digital Technology Co., Ltd. — Booth:T019
DTF is the latest popular digital printing process in recent years. The main process flow in this period is printing - shaking powder - drying - pressing. Compared with traditional DTG, DTF does not require spraying of pretreatment liquid and reduces the pretreatment link. Compared with screen printing, printing does not require many complicated steps such as plate making and film production. The DTF method can not only break through the limitations of DTG and heat transfer printing, but can also be widely used, such as: it can be applied to pure cotton, polyester fiber, wool, nylon, Lycra, cotton and linen, denim, silk and other fabrics. It can be said that DTF is the "universal printing machine" in the clothing industry.
Henan Yindu Digital Co., Ltd — Booth:T006
The company has developed from the initial thermal transfer banner machine to digital sublimation printer ,DTF printer and dozens of wide format digital inkjet printer . Our brand AUDLEY , MYCOLOR, WORLDCOLOR,HANCOLOR and YINSTAR have achieved rapid growth in market sales. Our domestic agents are located in 34 provinces and cities . The products are exported to dozens of countries and regions such as Europe, the United States, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.
GuangDong SaHe Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd — Booth:T014
As a well-known brand in the industry, "Xinkeda" equipment manufacturing factory-Guangzhou Xiaozong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. authorized dealers. Always focus on the field of digital printing and dyeing, adhere to the digital front of printing, committed to be the leader in the textile digital printing and dyeing industry. The company adheres to quality, professionalism, integrity, innovation as the business philosophy, for the majority of customers to provide efficient, worry-free after-sales service and a variety of printing process applications with the times. Insist on providing high quality service to customers, grow together with customers, mutual benefit and win-win!
At the same time, SaHe is an enterprise with great development potential, young, passionate, dynamic, innovative spirit, in the digital printing industry for more than 10 years of elite team to provide a strong support for the development of the company. The company has set up the most popular thermal transfer printing, white ink (DTF) hot painting, leather printing and other departments to serve different customer groups. "I know what you need." In order to serve remote customers more efficiently and professionally, Sanhe also has offices in South China to meet the needs of customers in different regions, so as to achieve professional, timely, high-quality and efficient.
SaHe is a team worthy of the trust of customers and friends, choose us is to choose professional, quality and success!
Our company has many years of practical experience in DTG white ink direct printing, coatings, reactive printing, mass production, and mature supporting solutions. Let customers avoid detours and help customers win greater business opportunities. Based on the South China market, we have successfully established long-term and stable cooperative relationships with many partners and enjoy a very high reputation among our customers. It has successfully held more than 30 trade fairs, and its equipment has been exported to more than a dozen countries and has been highly recognized by customers!
Our company has always adhered to the business purpose of "providing simple, practical, cost-effective products to customers and helping customers make profits!" We look forward to common development and win-win results with you!
Guangzhou Elephant Digital Printing CO. LTD — Booth: T023
Guangzhou Fourstar Electronic Technology Co., Ltd — Booth:T3004
As a high-precision intelligent printing overall solution service provider for fast fashion clothing and textile industry,our company provides customers with complete solutions including training and guidance in equipment operation, software design, process knowledge, color adjustment, and management process. We assist domestic and foreign customers to generate benefits quickly.
At present, our company's business has covered all parts of China and abroad. We have many agents at home and abroad, for example, the America, Australia, Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Japan, Brazil, Russia, India, Bulgaria, Italy, etc.We welcome all customers around the world to establish great business relationships and share success together.
Guangzhou Sangong Digital Technology Co., Ltd. — Booth:T3009
Sangong digital to "service first, brand, integrity management" principle to provide customers with high efficiency, cost-effective equipment and consumables solutions, the company continues to expand the scale, to service customers have developed the original design department, equipment production workshop, equipment testing workshop, digital printing processing center, sample workshop to provide customers with fast and convenient services. Set up Fujian, Shanghai, Yiwu, Keqiao, Zhili partners, established Guangzhou Sanmu Manufacturing, Shenzhen Sanong company, establish a more thorough service radius, bring high efficiency, high quality service to customers.
Sangong digital, worth your choice of business partners.
LEAF — Booth:T047b
LEAF products are renowned not only for their innovation but also for their outstanding printing quality and stable performance. The overall solutions provided by LEAF encompass advanced printing equipment, high-quality inks, printing films, hot melt powders, software, and technical support, offering customers comprehensive digital printing solutions.
During the exhibition, LEAF will conduct live demonstrations and interactive experiences at its booth, allowing attendees to firsthand experience the exceptional performance and innovation of LEAF products and solutions. Additionally, LEAF's professional team will engage in in-depth discussions and collaborations with customers and visitors, sharing insights into industry trends and technological developments, and offering the best printing solutions to customers.
Guangzhou Kuyin Digital Equipment Co., LTD — Booth:T3016
Guangzhou Juli Digital Technology Co. LTD — Booth:T013
Dongguan Youchuang Intelligent Machiney Co.,Ltd — Booth:T3038a
Our company has built a complete service system, from mold opening, machine installation and commissioning, to production technology training, raw material supply, and one-stop service.
At present, the main equipments of our company are: Automatic dripping machine, Intelligentized tunnel furnace, intelligentized oven, intelligentized silicone heat transfer label machine etc.;
The machines are sold to major cities in China, and exported to the United States, Mexico, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Poland, Ukraine, Serbia, Russia, Brazil, Peru, Australia, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey, Iran, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Israel and so on countries.
The company's future development direction is to create an unmanned workshop in this industry and promote the intelligent development of the industry.
Guangzhou Siheda CNC Equipment Co., Ltd. — Booth:T028
Our factory has an independent and clean production workshop, which covers an area of over 3000 square meters. Located in Guangzhou city, which is near Guangzhou and Shenzhen port, it benefits to transport for global customers.
Focus makes professional, professional makes extraordinary.
Focusing on digital printing industry, we keep up with market new trends, develop new technology and cost-effective printers, is one of the leading producers of D T F printers, U V flatbed printers, Eco solvent printers, U V inkjet printers, etc. Besides that, we also export accessories and consumables like print head, ink, which can be widely used in textiles, plastic sheet, metal plate, acrylic sheet, wood board, leather, glass, phone case, ceramic tile, etc. Adhering to the concept of making the most of a man’s talent and happy working, our development vision is to become the world-leading printing solution provider.
Make printing simpler and cost-effective is our mission.
The stable product performance and multi-functional applications not only help us to win the domestic market, but also the global clients. Our products export to all over the world such as Europe, North America, South America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East region and Africa, etc.
We sincerely welcome friends from all over the world to establish a long-term cooperate relationship.
At the exhibition site, there will be even more high-quality companies from the textile and garment industry showcasing traditional printing equipment, dyeing equipment, laser cutting, and fabric accessories. If you also want to understand the latest information and technology in the industry, then you must not miss the ITCPE!
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market-spy · 11 months ago
Decoding the Dynamic World of Inkjet Coders: A Rollercoaster Ride in Market Trends
Fasten your seatbelts, inkjet enthusiasts! We’re about to take a thrilling journey through the exhilarating twists and turns of the Global Inkjet Coders Market. Hold on tight, and let’s explore this billion-dollar rollercoaster.
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The Market Prelude
In 2022, the Inkjet Coders Market entered the scene with a bang, flaunting a cool USD 1.63 Billion. Fast forward to 2031, and it’s projected to skyrocket to a whopping USD 2.64 Billion, boasting a CAGR of 5.52%. Impressive, right? But let’s not get too carried away; there’s more to this story.
Riding the Waves of Growth
The inkjet coders’ popularity isn’t just a random surge; it’s riding high on the back of various industries. From food and beverage to pharmaceuticals, packaging, and manufacturing, these coding maestros are leaving their mark everywhere. They’re not just adding barcodes and expiration dates; they’re like the rockstars of product information.
Inkjet Coders: The Chameleons of Printing
What makes these inkjet coders steal the show? Versatility. They can dance on various substrates — paper, plastic, glass, and metal. It’s like having a printer that’s not picky about its dance floor. Need something on your packaging? These coders got you covered!
Market Snapshot: Where are We Headed?
Global Market Size: From a modest USD 1.63 Billion to an ambitious USD 2.64 Billion.
Largest Segment: Continuous Inkjet Coders (CIJ) leading the pack.
Fastest Growth: Drop-on-Demand Inkjet Coders (DOD) racing to the top.
Growth Rate: A not-so-humble 5.52% CAGR.
Regional Rollercoaster
North America, Asia Pacific, Europe — the battlegrounds for inkjet supremacy. Let’s take a look at who’s flexing their coding muscles.
North America: The reigning champion with a 70% share, as the US and Canada engage in a coding face-off.
Asia Pacific: The underdog stealing the show with a skyrocketing growth rate. Watch out for those emerging economies making a splash!
Inkjet Coders Unveiled: The Types
Continuous Inkjet Coders (CIJ) and Drop-on-Demand Inkjet Coders (DOD) take center stage. It’s like choosing between a speed demon and a precision artist. Decisions, decisions.
Inkjet Coders by the Numbers
Continuous Inkjet Coders (CIJ): Going from 18 to 25 in the billion-dollar race.
Drop-on-Demand Inkjet Coders (DOD): Steadily climbing from 17 to 24.
Others: The mysterious third wheel, always in the mix.
The Drama of End-Users
Food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, packaging, manufacturing — who’s stealing the limelight?
Food and Beverage: The perennial favorite, adopting inkjet technologies like it’s the latest diet trend.
Pharmaceuticals: Strict regulations, serialization, and labeling demands make inkjet coders the unsung heroes of the pharmaceutical stage.
Dynamics at Play
Drivers: The Heroes
Stringent Regulations: The unsung anthem demanding accurate labeling and traceability.
Product Traceability: Keeping tabs on goods like an overprotective parent.
Restraints: The Villains
High Investment: The upfront cost playing the villain, especially for smaller businesses.
Expensive Consumables: Ongoing costs, like a never-ending saga of ink and maintenance.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/inkjet-coders-market
The Avengers of Inkjet Coders
Who are the powerhouses in this coding universe? Let’s meet the superheroes behind the scenes.
Domino Printing Sciences
Videojet Technologies
Linx Printing Technologies
Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG
…and the list goes on.
Recent Developments: The Plot Thickens
Domino Printing Sciences opens a new subsidiary in Indonesia: Expanding their empire like true conquerors.
Danaher Corporation unveils Veralto Corporation: A new player in the coding arena, ready for action.
Trends: The Fashion Show of Coding
Sustainability: Inks going green, aligning with eco-conscious consumers.
Digital Printing: High-res, variable data — the supermodels of the coding runway.
Industry 4.0 Integration: Because even inkjet coders want to stay ahead in the tech game.
In Conclusion
The inkjet coders market is a pulsating ecosystem, with trends and dynamics shaping its destiny. From stringent regulations to the quest for sustainability, the inkjet saga is far from over. So, buckle up, coding enthusiasts — this rollercoaster is only getting started!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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sqinsights · 11 months ago
Decoding the Dynamic World of Inkjet Coders
Fasten your seatbelts, inkjet enthusiasts! We’re about to take a thrilling journey through the exhilarating twists and turns of the Global Inkjet Coders Market. Hold on tight, and let’s explore this billion-dollar rollercoaster.
Tumblr media
The Market Prelude
In 2022, the Inkjet Coders Market entered the scene with a bang, flaunting a cool USD 1.63 Billion. Fast forward to 2031, and it’s projected to skyrocket to a whopping USD 2.64 Billion, boasting a CAGR of 5.52%. Impressive, right? But let’s not get too carried away; there’s more to this story.
Riding the Waves of Growth
The inkjet coders’ popularity isn’t just a random surge; it’s riding high on the back of various industries. From food and beverage to pharmaceuticals, packaging, and manufacturing, these coding maestros are leaving their mark everywhere. They’re not just adding barcodes and expiration dates; they’re like the rockstars of product information.
Inkjet Coders: The Chameleons of Printing
What makes these inkjet coders steal the show? Versatility. They can dance on various substrates — paper, plastic, glass, and metal. It’s like having a printer that’s not picky about its dance floor. Need something on your packaging? These coders got you covered!
Market Snapshot: Where are We Headed?
Global Market Size: From a modest USD 1.63 Billion to an ambitious USD 2.64 Billion.
Largest Segment: Continuous Inkjet Coders (CIJ) leading the pack.
Fastest Growth: Drop-on-Demand Inkjet Coders (DOD) racing to the top.
Growth Rate: A not-so-humble 5.52% CAGR.
Regional Rollercoaster
North America, Asia Pacific, Europe — the battlegrounds for inkjet supremacy. Let’s take a look at who’s flexing their coding muscles.
North America: The reigning champion with a 70% share, as the US and Canada engage in a coding face-off.
Asia Pacific: The underdog stealing the show with a skyrocketing growth rate. Watch out for those emerging economies making a splash!
Inkjet Coders Unveiled: The Types
Continuous Inkjet Coders (CIJ) and Drop-on-Demand Inkjet Coders (DOD) take center stage. It’s like choosing between a speed demon and a precision artist. Decisions, decisions.
Inkjet Coders by the Numbers
Continuous Inkjet Coders (CIJ): Going from 18 to 25 in the billion-dollar race.
Drop-on-Demand Inkjet Coders (DOD): Steadily climbing from 17 to 24.
Others: The mysterious third wheel, always in the mix.
The Drama of End-Users
Food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, packaging, manufacturing — who’s stealing the limelight?
Food and Beverage: The perennial favorite, adopting inkjet technologies like it’s the latest diet trend.
Pharmaceuticals: Strict regulations, serialization, and labeling demands make inkjet coders the unsung heroes of the pharmaceutical stage.
Dynamics at Play
Drivers: The Heroes
Stringent Regulations: The unsung anthem demanding accurate labeling and traceability.
Product Traceability: Keeping tabs on goods like an overprotective parent.
Restraints: The Villains
High Investment: The upfront cost playing the villain, especially for smaller businesses.
Expensive Consumables: Ongoing costs, like a never-ending saga of ink and maintenance.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/inkjet-coders-market
The Avengers of Inkjet Coders
Who are the powerhouses in this coding universe? Let’s meet the superheroes behind the scenes.
Domino Printing Sciences
Videojet Technologies
Linx Printing Technologies
Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG
…and the list goes on.
Recent Developments: The Plot Thickens
Domino Printing Sciences opens a new subsidiary in Indonesia: Expanding their empire like true conquerors.
Danaher Corporation unveils Veralto Corporation: A new player in the coding arena, ready for action.
Trends: The Fashion Show of Coding
Sustainability: Inks going green, aligning with eco-conscious consumers.
Digital Printing: High-res, variable data — the supermodels of the coding runway.
Industry 4.0 Integration: Because even inkjet coders want to stay ahead in the tech game.
In Conclusion
The inkjet coders market is a pulsating ecosystem, with trends and dynamics shaping its destiny. From stringent regulations to the quest for sustainability, the inkjet saga is far from over. So, buckle up, coding enthusiasts — this rollercoaster is only getting started!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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leonalfari · 1 year ago
About Denny Ja: Art Revolution with Technology: Re -painting by Frida Kahlo's work
In the world of art, creativity and innovation continue to be an important aspect that changes the way we see and appreciate the work of art. One of the contemporary artists who has combined art with technology is Denny JA. In this article, it will be discussed about how Denny JA revolutionizes art with technology through his works that reflect the beauty and uniqueness of Frida Kahlo's work. Denny JA is an Indonesian artist known for his ability to combine traditional arts with modern technology. He has created unique and interesting works using various tools and technologies such as computers, printers, and other printing machines. One of Denny Ja's latest projects that has attracted attention is the re-painting of Frida Kahlo's works. Frida Kahlo is an iconic artist from Mexico who is known for his paintings depicting his suffering and feminist thinking. Denny Ja tries to reflect the works of Frida Kahlo with a different approach using modern technology. In the process of re-creating the works of Frida Kahlo, Denny Ja uses digital imaging techniques and image manipulation. He studied every detail of Frida Kahlo's original work and tried to reflect it back with high accuracy. With the help of technology, Denny Ja can display the hidden colors, textures, and details in the Frida Kahlo painting. In addition, Denny Ja also combines other modern technology elements into his work. For example, he uses a projector to project the original image of Frida Kahlo on his canvas. Thus, it can create interesting effects by combining original paintings with digital elements. Denny Ja also uses 3D printing technology to create additional dimensions in his work. He scored several elements of the original work of Frida Kahlo in the form of three -dimensional, adding a new dimension to the painting. This provides a unique and interesting visual experience for the audience. However, Denny Ja is not just re-presenting the works of Frida Kahlo with technology. He also tried to interpret the message contained in each of these paintings. Through his personal touch, he tried to express deeper meaning and associate it with the current context. In some Denny Ja's works, he combined Indonesian culture elements with Frida Kahlo's paintings. For example, he added traditional Indonesian motifs to the background of the iconic Kahlo Frida. This creates a unique blend of Mexican and Indonesian art. In this way, Denny Ja tries to express universal concepts about the beauty, suffering, and human life that is relevant for anyone wherever they are. He combined the cultural wealth of two different countries to create a deep and diverse impression on his work. Denny Ja's courage in combining art with technology has received broad recognition. His works have been exhibited in various art galleries in Indonesia and also abroad. He has inspired many young artists to dare to experiment with technology in their art. In this digital era, technology continues to evolve and art also follows his footsteps. Denny Ja is a concrete example of how art can revolutionize by utilizing modern technology.
Check more: Denny Ja: Art Revolution with Technology: Re -Painting the work of Frida Kahlo
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syahrira-dinda · 1 year ago
Explore the potential of the author through government support: Denny Ja's view
Introduction In the current digital era, the world of writing and writing is growing rapidly. Many people who have the talent for writing but have not received the right support to develop their potential. Therefore, it is important for the government to provide adequate support to writers so that they can explore their potential to the fullest. In this article, Denny JA's view will be discussed regarding the importance of government support in exploring the potential of the author. The importance of government support for the author In Denny JA's view, government support is very important for the writer. The government has a crucial role in creating a conducive environment for the development of the author's talent. Government support can be in the form of easy access to education, training, and resources needed to hone writing skills. In addition, the government can also provide financial assistance or grants to writers who have the potential so that they can focus on developing their works. Support in the form of education and training One form of support that can be given by the government is through education and training. The government can provide educational programs specifically for writers, both in the form of workshops, seminars, or courses. With adequate education and training, the writer can learn about good writing techniques, the use of the right language, and the marketing strategy of their writing. This will help the writer to improve the quality of their writing and make them better prepared to enter the world of competitive writing. Support in the form of resources In addition to education and training, the government can also provide support in the form of resources needed by the author. For example, the government can establish a library that is complete with a collection of books and references that are useful for the author. In addition, the government can also provide easy access to technology devices such as computers, printers, and the internet. With these resources, the writer will be easier to do research, write, and spread their works. Financial support and grants In Denny JA's view, financial support is also very important for the writer. Many writers have potential but do not have enough financial resources to develop their works. Therefore, the government can provide financial support or grants to potential writers. The grant can be used for the cost of education, purchase of writing equipment, or other expenses related to the development of papers. With this financial support, the author will be easier to focus on developing their works without having to worry about financial problems. Conclusion Government support is very important in exploring the potential of the writer. This support can be in the form of education and training, resources, and financial support or grants. With this support, the author will be easier to develop their talents and produce quality works. Therefore, the government needs to pay attention to the importance of this support and provide concrete steps to support the writers. That way, Indonesia can create a generation of writers who have the potential and be able to produce proud works.
Check more: explore the potential of the writer through government support: Denny JA's view
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ervinafindy · 1 year ago
Art Revolution: Denny Ja Re -Painting Andy Warhol's Painting with AI Technology
In the world of art, technology is now increasingly integrated in creative activities. One of the artists who uses technology to create works of art is Denny JA. He re -painted Andy Warhol's paintings with AI technology and presented an art revolution that attracted the attention of many people. Before explaining further about Denny JA's creative process, we first need to know Andy Warhol. He is a famous artist from the United States who became an important figure in the POP art movement in the 1960s. His most famous works are the Campbell Soup and Marilyn Monroe painting series. These paintings use wigraphy techniques that allow Warhol to produce works mass. Andy Warhol's work affected many artists, including Denny JA. Denny Ja was inspired by Warhol's creative activities that tried to make art as a very popular object among the wider community. However, Denny Ja wants to go further by utilizing AI technology to create his work. Denny Ja's creative process begins with choosing one of Warhol's paintings that he will paint. He chose the Marilyn Monroe painting because this choice has a strong symbolism among the people. In addition, this painting is also the most famous work of Warhol. After choosing a painting, Denny Ja uses AI technology to re -create an image into a painting. This process involves several stages, including scanning original image, data processing with AI, and printing using a special printer. In this process, Denny Ja uses Neural Style Transfer (NST), which is an AI technique that allows users to transfer the painting style from one image to another. By using this technique, Denny Ja can combine the style of Warhol's paintings with unique elements in his own work. After the printing process is complete, Denny Ja then gives a final touch to the painting. He added more alive colors and highlighted certain elements of the picture. In addition, he also added a personal touch by signing his work. The art revolution presented by Denny Ja has a big impact on Indonesian art. He tried to develop more advanced pop art by uniting technology with creativity. Through his works, Denny Ja has proven that AI technology can play an important role in creating new and original works of art. However, this also explores a new dimension of art, namely the matter of ownership and creative autonomy. Can AI's work created by artists be considered an original work of art, or is it only a mold of an algorithm? What is the matter of intellectual ownership rights and the rules for using data in art that uses AI technology? These are some questions that might need to be discussed later on. In terms of ethics, the use of AI technology in art also raises questions about the validity of the use of data and copyrights. In the process of creating works of art with AI technology, what is the rights of artists and what does the AI program itself have? However, the presence of AI technology in art also opens new opportunities. In addition to making more original works of art, AI can also help artists in making art. For example, AI can help artists in choosing the most suitable colors or run more complex visual data analysis. In other words, AI technology can be a very useful tool in art. However, we also need to consider the ethical implications of their use. In the midst of technological advances, artists must also maintain their creative autonomy and maintain the integrity of their work. In the context of pop art, the art revolution presented by Denny Ja is an important part of the development of contemporary art. He succeeded in combining elements of pop art with AI technology to create original and classy artwork. Thus, his works make an important contribution in the development of art in Indonesia and also expand the boundaries that exist in the art of pop itself. Through his works, Denny Ja has proven that Pop art is still relevant and able to evolve in a digital era like this.
Check more: Art Revolution: Denny JA Re -Painting Andy Warhol's Painting with AI Technology
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sillykoalalight · 1 year ago
Revealing the Wonders of Technology: Denny Ja Re -Painting Masterpiece Andy Warhol!
Technology not only brings various innovations and conveniences in everyday life, but can also be a tool to reveal beauty and extraordinary works of art. This was proven by the famous figure in Indonesia, Denny JA, who managed to re -paint one of the masterpieces from Andy Warhol with the help of technology. Andy Warhol is one of the famous artists known for his unique and interesting work. One of his very famous works is "Campbell's Soup Cans" produced in 1962. This work is 32 paintings from the soup cans with the same brand of different colors and are displayed in the design of uniform boxes. This work became very popular because it highlighted excessive American marketing slogans and a picture of consumerism in American society at that time. Denny JA sees Andy Warhol's work as a challenge, because studying his work and style will be very interesting. However, Denny JA who is also a doctor in the field of communication decided to re -paint this work with the help of modern technology, namely 3D printers and digital paintings. Denny Ja uses a 3D printer to print the same soup can model as in Warhol's work, from a durable plastic material. After printing the 32 cans, he then painted each can with a digital painting technique using a tablet. Denny Ja also chose the right paint color to be able to display a unique and attractive Warhol style. The process of making this work takes a long time, because each can must be painted manually using precise digital techniques. However, the end result is really stunning. The work produced by Denny Ja really replicated the original work of Andy Warhol in detail and precise. Using technology in making art is not new, but for Denny Ja, this takes Warhol's work to a higher level. The original Warhol work is produced in an era that is different from limited technology. However, by combining modern technology and classical artwork, Denny Ja succeeded in creating a new masterpiece that combines two different worlds. Denny Ja hopes that his work can inspire many people, especially for artists and innovators. He believes that technology can provide convenience and efficiency in creating extraordinary works of art. However, he also stressed that technology cannot replace human creativity and ability to create unique and stunning works of art. For Denny Ja, art is a form of communication that allows us to express and communicate through visual language. With the right technology, art can take a more dynamic and innovative form, and provide new experiences for the audience. Re -painting works of art is a form of technological and artistic advances. With the help of modern technology, artists can create works of art that are even more beautiful and precise compared to the original work. This gives a new possibility for artists and innovators to expand the boundaries of art, and explore all possibilities. Revealing the magic of technology and art is a fun thing, and Denny Ja's work managed to prove this. The creations of modern technology and classical artwork can create extraordinary works and combine two different worlds. Hopefully this can inspire many people to create new ones and take art to higher levels.
Check more: Revealing the magic of technology: Denny JA Re -Painting Masterpiece Andy Warhol!
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radexpertturtle · 1 year ago
Combination of Creativity and Technology: Denny Ja Re -Painting Andy Warhol's Famous Work
Andy Warhol, an iconic artist known as his pop art art style, has inspired many artists around the world. One of the artists inspired by Warhol's works is Denny JA, an Indonesian artist who combines creativity and technology in re-painting Andy Warhol's famous work. In an increasingly advanced digital era as it is today, the use of technology in art has become increasingly common. Denny JA uses modern technology, such as digital image processing and 3D printers, to create unique and innovative works of art. He has successfully combined expertise in painting with this modern technology. One of Andy Warhol's famous works that Denny JA re -painted was "Campbell's Soup Cans". This work is one of the world's famous Masterpiece Warhol. Denny Ja decided to re -paint this work by combining the typical Warhol art style with 3D printing technology. The process of making this painting begins with the scanning of the original image "Campbell's Soup Cans" using digital image processing. After the image is processed, Denny Ja uses a 3D printer to print each part of the painting separately. Then, the parts are arranged and combined into a whole painting. Through the use of this technology, Denny Ja succeeded in giving a personal touch in painting the work of Warhol. He is able to create a new dimension in art, by combining his creativity with modern technology. As a result, the "Campbell's Soup Cans Cans" re -painting that he created has a distinctive nuance of warhol, but still displays an innovative touch from Denny Ja. In addition to re-painting "Campbell's Soup Cans", Denny Ja has also continued his experiment by re-painting other famous works of Andy Warhol. He has tried to re -paint "Marilyn Monroe", "Elvis Presley", and more. Through 3D printing technology and digital image processing, Denny Ja is able to produce paintings that combine the uniqueness of Warhol's style with its own creative touch. This work has received broad appreciation from artists and art fans in Indonesia. Through the combination of creativity and technology, Denny Ja has succeeded in creating unique and innovative works of art. He not only painted Warhol's famous work, but also managed to add a new dimension to it, making him a work that felt fresh and relevant in this digital era. Denny Ja's works have also been exhibited in various art galleries in Indonesia and abroad. Gallery visitors were fascinated by the innovation and uniqueness displayed in Denny Ja's paintings. His work has proven that the combination of creativity and technology can produce interesting and influential works of art. In this case, Denny Ja also hopes to inspire Indonesian young people to combine traditional arts skills with modern technology. He believes that creativity must continue to develop and adapt to technological developments. By combining the two, artists can create works that are not only beautiful, but also relevant to the times. The combination of creativity and technology in art is not only limited to paintings. Digital art, installation art, and interactive art have also combined creativity and technology in an interesting and innovative way. Denny JA is just one example of an artist who uses this technology in re -painting Warhol's famous work
Check more: Combination of Creativity and Technology: Denny JA Re -Painting the famous work of Andy Warhol
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inoklinik · 1 month ago
Solusi Digital untuk Manajemen Klinik Jawa Barat InoKlinik
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Manajemen klinik yang efektif memerlukan dukungan teknologi canggih untuk mengelola pasien, operasional, dan laporan keuangan secara terpadu. InoKlinik hadir sebagai solusi sistem informasi manajemen yang dirancang khusus untuk klinik di Indonesia, termasuk wilayah Jawa Barat, dengan fitur lengkap yang mendukung efisiensi operasional dan peningkatan pelayanan.
Fitur-Fitur Unggulan InoKlinik untuk Klinik Anda
1. Pengelolaan Data Pasien yang Praktis dan Akurat
Sistem InoKlinik memungkinkan staf klinik untuk merekam, menyimpan, dan mengelola data pasien secara terpusat. Semua data dapat diakses dengan mudah, mulai dari riwayat kunjungan hingga hasil pemeriksaan. Proses pendaftaran pasien juga menjadi lebih cepat dengan antarmuka yang user-friendly.
2. Pengingat Kunjungan Otomatis Melalui WhatsApp
Fitur CRM pada InoKlinik memungkinkan klinik untuk terhubung lebih dekat dengan pasien melalui pesan otomatis WhatsApp. Klinik dapat mengirimkan:
Pengingat jadwal kunjungan berikutnya.
Ucapan selamat ulang tahun.
Informasi promosi atau acara kesehatan.
3. Pelaporan Keuangan yang Transparan dan Terperinci
Modul laporan InoKlinik dirancang untuk memberikan data keuangan yang lengkap dan akurat. Klinik dapat melacak pendapatan, biaya operasional, dan transaksi lainnya dalam format laporan yang mudah dipahami.
4. Manajemen Inventori yang Efisien
Dengan InoKlinik, manajemen stok obat dan perlengkapan medis menjadi lebih terorganisir. Sistem akan memberikan notifikasi otomatis jika stok hampir habis, memastikan klinik tidak kehabisan barang penting.
5. Keamanan Sistem dengan Teknologi Terkini
Keamanan data menjadi prioritas utama InoKlinik. Sistem ini dilengkapi dengan teknologi seperti:
SSL/TLS untuk enkripsi data.
Algoritma hashing untuk melindungi informasi sensitif.
Single Sign On (SSO) untuk meminimalkan risiko login ganda.
Captcha untuk melindungi sistem dari serangan otomatis.
Teknologi InoKlinik untuk Klinik yang Lebih Profesional
1. Kompatibilitas dengan Berbagai Perangkat
InoKlinik mendukung perangkat keras seperti:
Printer struk EPPOS dan Epson TMU 220.
Printer faktur ukuran A4.
Barcode scanner dan cash drawer semua tipe.
2. Akses Sistem Secara Online
Dengan koneksi internet minimal 3 Mbps, pemilik klinik dapat mengakses sistem InoKlinik dari mana saja. Ini memberikan fleksibilitas bagi pengelola untuk memantau operasional klinik tanpa harus berada di lokasi.
3. Dukungan Penuh dari Tim Profesional
Tim InoKlinik menawarkan layanan konsultasi untuk memahami kebutuhan spesifik klinik Anda. Selain itu, tersedia pelatihan yang membantu staf klinik mengoperasikan sistem dengan optimal.
4. Update Fitur dan Maintenance Berkala
Selama masa berlangganan, pengguna InoKlinik akan mendapatkan pembaruan fitur secara gratis. Tim pengembang secara rutin meningkatkan performa dan menambahkan fitur baru sesuai kebutuhan pasar.
Spesifikasi Sistem yang Disarankan
Sistem Operasi: Windows 10 atau lebih baru.
Prosesor: Intel Core i3 atau lebih tinggi.
Server Teknologi:
Arsitektur: x86_64.
CPU: 4 core (Intel Xeon Gold 6230 atau setara).
Manfaat Menggunakan InoKlinik untuk Klinik Anda
InoKlinik membantu klinik meningkatkan efisiensi operasional, mengurangi biaya, dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan pasien. Dengan sistem pengingat otomatis, risiko pasien melewatkan jadwal kunjungan dapat diminimalkan. Hal ini secara langsung berdampak pada peningkatan kepuasan pasien dan stabilitas pendapatan klinik.
Sebagai sistem manajemen klinik yang inovatif, InoKlinik menawarkan solusi lengkap bagi klinik di Jawa Barat yang ingin meningkatkan kualitas layanan dan efisiensi operasional. Dengan fitur-fitur canggih dan dukungan profesional, InoKlinik adalah pilihan terbaik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan klinik modern.
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david843346 · 1 year ago
4D Printing Market to Grow by a CAGR of ~40% during 2022 – 2031
Research Nester published a report titled “4D Printing Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2031” which delivers detailed overview of the global 4D printing market in terms of market segmentation by material, end-user, and by region.
Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth indicators, restraints, supply and demand risk, along with detailed discussion on current and future market trends that are associated with the growth of the market.
The global 4D printing market is anticipated to attain a CAGR of ~40% over the forecast period, i.e., 2022 – 2031. The market is segmented on the basis of end-user into aerospace, automotive, clothing, construction, defense, healthcare & utility, and others. Out of these, the automotive segment is anticipated to hold a substantial share over the forecast period owing to the higher accuracy provided by 4D printing technique in less time and cost, for manufacturing small complex parts of the vehicles.
The global 4D printing market is estimated to grow on the back of growing adoption of 4D printing amongst various end-user industries. 4D printing is a relatively recent technology, which is similar to 3D printing, however, it uses precise geometric codes unlike 3D printing. The 3D printed object can self-transform into another structure under external stimuli, such as, submersion in water, or exposure to heat, pressure, current, ultraviolet light, and others. Moreover, the higher accuracy that can be achieved by 4D printing is expected to boost the market growth.
On the basis of geographical analysis, the global 4D printing market is segmented into five major regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa region. The market in the North America region is anticipated to gain the largest market share throughout the forecast period owing to the increasing technological advancements in the region, along with the high implementation of 3D technology.
The research is global in nature and covers detailed analysis on the market in North America (U.S., Canada), Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg, NORDIC [Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark], Poland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Middle East and Africa (Israel, GCC [Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman], North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa). In addition, analysis comprising market size, Y-O-Y growth & opportunity analysis, market players’ competitive study, investment opportunities, demand for future outlook etc. has also been covered and displayed in the research report.
Increasing Adoption of Advanced Technology to boost the Market Growth
4D printing uses the same techniques as 3D printing through computer-programmed deposition to create a three-dimensional object, capable of changing form under environmental stimuli. The growing adoption of AI, 3D printing, and digitalization across various industry verticals is anticipated to encourage the market growth.
However, high cost of 4D printers and printing material are expected to operate as key restraint to the growth of global 4D printing market over the forecast period.
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global 4D printing market which includes company profiling of Materialise NV, Dassault Systèmes SE, Organovo Holdings, Inc., ExOne Co., Autodesk, Inc., 3D Systems Corporation, Stratasys, Ltd., Hewlett-Packard Company, SLM Solutions Group AG, and ANSYS, Inc. The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of the global 4D printing market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.     
Request Report Sample@ https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-3981
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trendytechreviews · 2 years ago
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aboutbdgcom · 2 years ago
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Ditjen Dukcapil Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kemendagri) menyatakan tidak akan lagi menambah persediaan blangko e-KTP. KTP elektronik nantinya akan diganti menggunakan digital atau Identitas Kependudukan Digital (IKD). . Hal itu disampaikan Dirjen Dukcapil Zudan Arif Fakhrulloh dalam Rakornas Dukcapil 2023 bertajuk 'Digitalisasi Adminduk untuk Kemudahan Layanan Publik dan Pemilu 2024' pada Rabu (9/2). . Zudan mengatakan kebijakan itu merupakan solusi asimetrik sebagai langkah bijaksana menggantikan penerbitan e-KTP yang masih banyak dikeluhkan masyarakat. . Zudan pun mengungkap tiga kendala yang dihadapi Kemendagri dalam pencetakan e-KTP. Kendala itu adalah pengadaan blanko KTP-el yang mengambil porsi cukup besar anggaran Dukcapil, kemudian harus pula menyediakan printer dengan ribbon, cleaning kit, dan film. . Belum lagi, kata Zuldan, masalah kendala jaringan internet di daerah. Menurutnya, saat ada kendala jaringan pun, pengiriman hasil perekaman e-KTP tidak sempurna. Alhasil, lanjutnya, KTP tidak jadi karena failer enrollment dan perekaman sidik jari gagal karena tidak terkirim ke pusat. . Selain itu, pemekaran 11 kecamatan, 300 desa/kelurahan terutama di daerah otonomi baru (DOB) di Papua juga menurutnya menjadi salah satu kendala. Karena itu, Pemerintah memutuskan untuk mengganti e-KTP menjadi KTP digital. . Zudan menjelaskan, Dukcapil menargetkan sebanyak 25 persen dari 277 juta penduduk Indonesia menggunakan IKD tahun ini. Target ini juga berlaku bagi Dinas Dukcapil di 514 kabupaten/kota di Indonesia. . Pendaftaran aplikasi IKD, harus didampingi petugas Dukcapil. Sebab, pendaftaran ini memerlukan verifikasi dan validasi yang ketat dengan teknologi face recognition. . Sumber: Detik.com Foto: Halokrw/Google . Follow, like, komentar dan tag temanmu untuk ikut bersama kita guys! - #bdg #aboutbdgcom #aboutbdg #bandung #beritabandung #allaboutbandung #like4likes #bandunginfo #wisatabandung #jalanjalanbandung #explorebandung #jelajahbandung #pemrpovjabar #kotabandung #kabupatenbandung #kabupatenbandungbarat #bandungjuara #viralbandung #seputarbandung #infobandung #infobdg #infobandungraya #explore #ektp #ktpdigital #kemendagri https://www.instagram.com/p/CojN9p5rrgf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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