#didnt expect this to be done tonight but here it is
whomturgled · 11 months
#feelin like a big lonely loser tonight teehe ^__^#thought maybe i had plans but then not n everyone else i asked didnt answer or had plans w other ppl too#n i had suggested a plans with stef but she never rlly confirmed or denied but i figured not plus im kinda sick now too but#also called her just to be like hi n i miss u bc idk im SICK n i hate being sick n the way she sounded was weird AaagghGGHHHHH#n im just now realizing maybe she also ended up doing plans w other ppl#just feels like nobody likes me i GUESS which is dramatic but . aagggghhghgh#to be fair a bit of a 180 from i love u so much lemme say it 50 times last night to i call her n say ilu n shes like uhh ok haha#anD I FEEL LIKE EVERYONES GIVING ME RLLY SHORT ANSWERS N LIKE#but i dont know if i have the energy to give a lot of. energy. ?? to expect it back? but its like#an endless cycle of feel bad so less energy or want to bug less so then deserve less in return anyway so feel worse#its kinda feeling like isolation time which i havent done in a hot minute but i tried so hard to get out of it but like . for what yknow#i got to talk to some ppl some more n meet some ppl but at the end of the day i still feel alone n alien teehee#but maybe im just bejng dramatic bc sick. and rsd with the Tones and ppl having Plans With Others#like its perfectly reasonable to have forgotten or just idk had better options or maybe bc i didnt say anything sooner buT . IDK. 😔🥺#im sick n i hate being sick n i want someone to take care of me ugh#instead i just kinda sat here. played some OW. got mad at OW. ordered pizza to engage in basically food self harm LOL n watched some#of a show ive been meanjng to watch. jts neat so far. but yeah now i just feel like shit i guess#idk how to like. not be insane. or like. ask ppl for like. idk. reassurance or smthn or. share feelings. without feeling like i am.... bad#for doing so or itll end poorly or its excess or burdensome or unreasonable. bc it kkinda is unreasonable but idk not entirely ig yknow#and i really need to shower but i especially dont want to now that i ate food bc id rather die than look at myself naked but yea#YEAH. IDK. i feel. like shit. and garbage. and i can almost see this as being the turning point to me sabotaging my ownnpotential future#whatever ive been slowly building that i just. end up giving up now.#god i wanna call stef or pidge or someone n... ig not even talk abt this bc i dont wanna be a bother but. just hear ppl. u_u#feel like i am wanted in the world slepflsjhggbjwjr#It's My Blog I'll Use It As A Diary / Thought Organizing Thing If I Want To !!!!
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mayearies · 1 year
SPIDERMAN CLASSIC …. miles morales ⟡
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… ꒰ঌ ໒꒱
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#MILESMORALES brooklyn’s one and only spiderman!
⟡ genre: fluff | warnings: platonic/romantic pov, implied aged up જ⁀➴ note!: first time actually using miles as a graphic wow also hype up my 1610 fics more damn
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the large metal doors shut behind you as the music became muffled. your makeup was nicely done, your dress beautiful, but not for the one it was intended to be seen by.
yup. you got stood up at prom.
he was this guy you liked, you considered a friend. and he stood you up. the grey message from your screen illuminated on your face as you leaned against the alleyway. you were disappointed, yeah. but nothing to cry about. the thing to cry about is how humiliating it was.
you left after a few drinks, you friends toning down your sadness. but it didn’t last long. you just wish-
well, this was a surprise. here laid infront of you was the infamous spiderman who saved your city every day. or spiderman 2, most people called him. the only thing different was he was wearing a suit with a bowtie and flowers. and it matched your dress. coincidence? also he was upside down. that’s normal.
“yeah! that’s me,” he rubbed the nape of his neck “sorry, is it weird to see me out of character like this?”
“more or less. why are you so dressed up?”
“long story short— i’m finding a prom date last minute.”
that was both true and a lie. the boy behind the mask was finding a prom date last minute, yeah, but it was purposeful in a way. you could have swore he was younger. he sounded like a freshman or sophomore to you.
“um.. yeah. that’s all im really in for. what are you doin’ out here? arent you cold?”
“a little. i got stood up tonight by my date. sucks, huh?”
he nodded like he didn’t know. you didnt hear it from me, but, that was no mistake. he webbed the guy to a nearby alleyway a few blocks down. apparently he had been that pickpocket going around all throughout this week.
a win is a win in miles’ eyes.
“…would you like to be my date? you can say no of course i was just asking-!”
“that.. would be nice. amazing, actually.”
his lenses went wide, taking up most of his mask which was pretty cute. underneath, he could feel his face warming up. and not because he was upside down.
“yeah! then i can brag to my friends how i went to prom with spiderman or something, it would be fun.”
“.. would you go with me if you knew who was under this mask?”
“mmm. depends. you seem sweet. my parents say you’re a jerk. you know, that week that rhino destroyed my dad’s car and blamed you? i saw the whole thing so i thought different.”
his face was heating up more, definately not because he wasn’t right side up.
truth was, miles may have been stalking you for a while. he liked you a lot but was too shy to directly confront you, so he watched from the sidelines. found out everything you liked. everything you loved. he just wishes he was a part of that list.
“also, you sound familiar. have we met?”
“what? nonononono- i’ve never seen you in my life!”
“uh huh.”
you did wonder who was underneath, now. you never suspected it would have been someone you knew, but the drastic change in tone once he dropped the fake deep voice made you wonder.
you wanted to pull his mask above his eyes to see if you did know him, but he waved his hands at the point where it reached over his nose. he seemed like a really shy guy, despite him being the hero of brooklyn.
you hummed in contentless, “well, my friends might hear an earful from me about this encounter. and how i’m going to be dancing with the savior of new york. so thanks for that, spidey.”
you gave him a small kiss on the cheek and he froze, fully expecting a kiss on the lips. peter told him about this whole ‘spiderman kiss’ thing and he wanted to try it. its how he won over mj, after all.
even if it didn’t turn out the way he hoped.
“didnt expect that?”
“absolutely not!”
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afterwards notes: rewrote this twice also hype this up wtf
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©hiimayee loves you !
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Reader is on the phone with her guy friend and Pablo is jealous and want attention and stares at the reader and tries to hug the reader all the time and she pushes him away and he’s sad and then she’s done and him being sad and moody like a little child and in the end he just smashes his face in her chest and want attention and is whiny and like a baby
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"Amoooor!" Pablo yelled plopping himself on the couch besides you as you showed him to be quiet since you were on the phone.
"Lo siento..Quién es?" he asked and you whispered the name of one of your best friends form Uni who btw is one guy Gavi hates with passion. He says that you spend too much time together and that he is definitely "thought about you naked" to quote him.
"What does that cabrón want? It's almost midnight!" Pablo said and you placed your hand on his mouth so your friend doesn't hear the insults leaving your boyfriend's mouth for no reason.
What you didn't expect was for Pablo to start kissing your hand and when you pulled it away he groaned moving closer promising to stay quiet if you let him cuddle with you so you folded.
"No, for sure..if you need any help with it let me know" you were talking about his attempt to ask your friend out on a date but Pablo hated that you will spend even more time with him to help with whatever the hell he needed now. Pablo was getting so jealous although he would never admit such a thing!
Pablo started to kiss your neck sucking on your sweet spot mischievously but you pulled away giving him a death glare.
"You promised, cariño.." you whispered and he smirked up at you starting to move his hand underneath your shirt.
"I promised to be quiet nena..can you be quiet when I touch you like this huh?" he was cupping your breasts but you quickly got to your feel sitting on the sofa all alone focusing on your call.
Pablo was agitated grabbing his phone and scrolling through TikTok while you finished up your call in peace. He was so adorable when he was behaving like child hehe
"Alright, take care and I'll see you tomorrow at school!" you said hanging up and putting your phone away before moving to sit back besides your boyfriend who was ignoring you on purpose.
"Really Pablito, using my silent treatment against me?? Come on cariño, the call wasn't that long.." you said kissing his face but he still didn't say a thing although he desperately wanted to let out his frustration.
"Why is he calling you this late at night!? Is he your second boyfriend or something!?" Pablo couldn't stop himself and you giggled at his jealous reaction. Didnt this boy know you were head over heels in love with him??
"He's not my boyfriend..because my boyfriend is un campeon de La Liga..and he is España Golden Boy...and he is the most handsome guy in Barcelona..and" you spoke while kissing from his face to his jaw and neck suddenly stopping your movements.
"And?" he said making you chuckle and look up from his neck to meet those beautiful eyes that melted your heart.
"And the love of my life.." you finished sitting up and Pablo smiled wide forgetting all about his previous frustration before leaning in and putting his face into your chest leaving sloppy kisses while you ran your fingers through his messy curls.
"I just want cuddles amoor.." Pablo whined and you kissed the top to his head shaking yours with a smile on your face.
"You're mi bebé Pablito" you said to his cute pout kissing his nose and then pecking his lower lips playfully.
"I'm a man princesa!" he said making you chuckle in response.
"But you want to be mi bebé tonight, don't you?" you raised your eyebrows and he folded nodding his head and nuzzling his face into your neck.
"Don't tell anyone..." he said not liking anyone but you knowing about his 'soft side' since he was known as Mr. Tough Barça Midfielder out there while in here he was your little bebé Pablito...<3
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hellsgreatestfaggot · 9 months
Dom!Abby x Reader : Abby eats you out until you cum …
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warnings: Slight Sadomasochism, forced stimulation, degredation, Hate-sex, fingering
*disclaimer* this is like the third smut fic ive ever wrote so erm it might be a little bad! anyway if you want to skip directly to the porn look for the ‘‼️‼️‼️’ ! leave suggestions and enjoy
It was the brisk morning of april 12th. You were walking alone in the mountains of what used to be the quiet, dainty town of los osos, California. You were on the road for 3 weeks, travelling from seattle to the coast. Trying to find the people who the WLF had made some sort of weird deal with. it wasnt easy, you were supposed to be traveling with someone, but you felt like you didnt need her. you could handle a mission on your own, right?
what irked you more was that your almost-was partner was your competitor. Abby Anderson. she’d been nice to you, she considered you two to be close, but youd eventually had grown jealous of her. her physique, her skillful way of getting the job done, her attractiveness.. yet still, even in your jealousy, something made you wish you could…was it be like her? be with her? be friends with her? honestly you didnt know and you could care less. she was the least of your problems.the leaves crunched underneath your boots, but then suddenly you heard a noise which made you stop dead in your tracks. “What the fuck made that noise?” you thought to yourself, slightly intimidated. You turned around to see a tall woman with a bulky figure and a leather coat, staring back down at you. you jumped back, not expecting someone to be behind you, but a wave of relief washed over you as you realized it was just Abby.
“Suprise”, said a low voice. “What the fuck Abby you scared me half to death?” “Sorry bout’ that , i didnt mean ta’ scare you.” she said with a laugh. “Whatever lets just get this shit over with.” you huffed. you hated her, hated the way she followed you, hated her smile, hated the way she stood behind you like some kind of bodygaurd. she practically towered over you. you needed to get it out of your system, you needed to desperately. you wanted to fuck her, but not nescesarily in a loving way, you wanted it to hurt. deep down you knew it was wrong to feel that way, she just made you angry. shed always been loyal and kind, maybe thats the reason you were still somehow drawn to her.
You walked with her for ages, talking about all sorts of things, from the mission, to your love life, until you stumbled upon a few houses just around the top of the mountains. “Its getting kinda late, why dont we stay here? just for tonight, well be back on the road by morning.” Abby asked, her Greenish-blue eyes looking you up and down, before meeting her eyes with yours and smiling gently. “Yeah sure..whatever..” You replied, desperately trying to ignore the cocky smile on her face.
Abby knew something was wrong. she couldnt quite figure out what it was? was it because she came anyway? Nah, she knew youd eventually need her. you both stepped inside one of the houses, making sure it was clear for the night. inside there was a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom. kinda wimpy for a house but nonetheless it was better than nothing. You sat on the couch while abby took off her bulky jacket, revealing a almost see through white tank top. it flattered her muscular body perfectly. You felt your cheeks heat up, and started squirming, trying to adjust yourself without her noticing. But of course she noticed.
“Whats wrong, sweetheart…” she said calmly. “are you tired…? or do you just want sm’more?” she giggled. You tried to laugh it off but she sat next to you, grabbing on your thighs subconsciously, which just made you feel horny. You let out a sigh, thinking to yourself if you were really about to let her fuck you as if you were some sort of prostitute. yeah you totally were. A shiver ran down your spine as her cold hands traced over your thighs, your body yearned for her touch. “Lets make this quick, what do you say princess.?” She said in a low, raspy voice. You didnt wanna wait anymore, eagerly ripping your clothes off. itd been way too long since youd been touched, and maybe a hate fuck was what you needed?
She parted your thighs, removing your underwear which exposed your throbbing cunt. She could practically smell your exitement. Taking one finger and in one swoop, grazing over your heat. you Gasped, looking down at Abby, who just as you made eye contact buried her face into your sopping wet pussy. Her skilled tounge Lapping ferociously at your clit, Brought you close in a matter of seconds. just as you were about to finish she pulled away, a string of spit connecting the two to eachother. “Whyd you stop?” She glared up at you. “Stop fucking squiriming, Slut.” She grappled at your thighs holding them still, and immediately went back to eating you out. You felt tears well up in your eyes, you grabbed her hair, shoving her face even deeper, and grinding on her , desperate for any friction you could get. Her muffled grunts becoming more intense and focused as she inserted 2 fingers inside of your aching hole. “ahah..a-bby..” was all you managed to get out. you felt your orgasm approaching rapidly, Bucking your hips up, crying out for her to keep going. “Hnh…f-faster…a-ab-by..m’gonna cum…”
She looked up for a moment at the mess she was able to create, huffing under her breath, “fucking whore. cant get enough.” and diving back down, her tounge swirling on your sensitive bud. Your high hit you like a ton of bricks, and you came all over her face, exhausted. but she didnt stop, she kept going, forcing you to take the rest of her rough licking, riding out your orgasm. when she finally stopped she made eye contact with you and licked your juices off her fingers, and kissing you, forcing you to taste yourself. “good job princess… you did so well.” She planted a kiss on your neck before giving you her jacket, and cleaning up the mess you had made. you laid on top of her, and found yourself secure in the knowledge shed be there when you awoke.
i want to ride abbys face
This was pretty fun to write, leave some ideas or tips pretty please🙏🏽🙏🏽
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sunnyfoxsstuff · 1 month
Hello! Hi! Im quite happy tonight lol between @shadowfuka here's the draw of Ghost shi qingxuan!
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Be the judge buddy >;p i hope y'all like this little Fanart i made of my own fanfic! With that imma hop onto the fanfic!
Chapter 4: meeting again
Xie lian, hua cheng and shi qingxuan all shared their deserved diner
After this they went to sleep, hua cheng and xie lian sharing the same bed again it obviously became an habit while on the other hand shi qingxuan was in the guest room however he could not find sleep imediatly so he stared mostly outside looking at the nature around and falling asleep beside's the stair's of the front of puqi shrine,
In the morning the Sun ray's woked shi qingxuan up he wasnt really hungry but he decided to prepare breakfast for xie lian and hua cheng he wasnt expecting any special reaction about it from hua cheng he was more doing it for his friend as a part of pay back for his past help he had offered, not too long After xie lian woke up walking toward's the kitchen to shi qingxuan
XL:"i could've made breakfast y'know you dont need to work or do chore's around" he said feeling a bit awkward
SQX:"pff-" waving his hand "dont worry about it and i wanted to Cook breakfast since you two were still asleep i didnt wanted to bother" he said smiling looking for a minute at his friend before putting his attention back on the food he was cooking
XL:"how-..how does it feel?"
SQX:"huh?" Confused by the question his Friend had just asked
XL:"like uh- yknow? Dying and being a Ghost like- how did it felt? How do you feel?" He said smiling awkwardly
SQX:"since when did you figure it out? But i suppose i cant really hide it well yet, and didnt you asked hua cheng that? He's a Ghost even better he's a Ghost king" he say's joyfull as his usual self extending his arm's up making dramatising gestures
XL:"no i didnt asked him i usually dont it feel's kind of awkward and personnal to Ask someone 'bout their death" fidgeting with his finger's looking down a little
SQX:"hm well i suppose i could tell you, however my death wasnt really tragic unlike other people's that either die saving someone or on war or protecting someone you should know you said it yourself that i was sick gotta admit it felt like torture staying back there sitting and not being able to properly digest my food like literally! I couldnt even move!" He say's a bit annoyed about it "i was already slow because of my limbs which by the way dont really hurt anymore cant deny the pain is still a tiny bit present i dont know why or how so i keep the bandage's just incase who know's but as for my death, first my injuries were pretty Bad and barely had even healed of course and seccond i suppose the illness got me.." he said pausing for minute
A silence fell for a little while, while these minute's xie lian was preparing the bowl's for their breakfast seeing that shi qingxuan was almost done
XL:"i wish i had came back and picked you up" he said with a sad tone
SQX:"naaaa! I didnt even feel my death i just closed my eye's one morning After waking up and..poof! I was a soul!" He say's with a brighter tone bringing the rice and putting some in each bowl's not really filling his enough
XL:"sooo you didnt feel anything?" Tilting his head
SQX"nope! Not even a pinch!" Saying proudly putting the vegetables on the rice with an omelette
XL:"why did you became a Ghost then? You're not one to want vengeance and your brother is-" he shutted his mouth before saying one more word
SQX:"yeah well i thought i would pass on After all there was nothing else to do but,.." he paused thinking about that moment for a minute until he got snapped out of his thought's
XL:"but?" He said looking at shi qingxuan who's smile had wore off because of his thought's
SQX:"i saw a black silhouette looking at me with golden eye's" he say's seriously "you're probably thinking i imagined it but i didnt" he stopped seeing xie lian wanting to speak and without loosing a second he exclaimed what he was thinking
XL:"wait! So you're saying, black water sinking ship"
XL:"the one that traumatised you and killed your brother!," he exclaimed louder
SQX:"yeeesssssss i mean my brother was kinda going insane obviously but i still love him of course he'll always stay my ge'" he answered
XL:"why would that one person Come see you it's odd" he paused thinking with his usual thinking pose while hearing hua cheng waking and sitting at the table too and shi qingxuan starting to munch on his food
HC:"it doesnt look like what you usually Cook gege" he said looking at xie lian snapping him out of his hard thinking
XL:"oh!- yes, that's because i didnt made it shi qingxuan did he didnt wanted to bother us since he woke up before us" smiling at hua cheng finally taking the bowl and eating it without any more word's hua cheng on the other hand looked like a kid a picky eater toying a bit with his vegetables even so he still ate a little bit of it since xie lian seemed to appreciate the food
However soon enough hua cheng felt a stare and looked in the direction of shi qingxuan raising an eyebrow looking at his bowl seeing that he was empty, he tried to ignore the stare of this..New ghost but he couldnt shake it off and put down his chopsticks turning his head to shi qingxuan which had now a side smile and he started glaring back, not giving up shi qingxuan continued his stare and with that they continued their stare glare fight while sometimes breaking it to answer xie lian
In the morning shi qingxuan went off in the forest wanting to explore while hua cheng insisted that xie lian stay's and pass Time together, soon the afternoon came shi qingxuan was coming back while hua cheng was displeased with the presence of a so said 'ghost king' he looked more like a angry fish to hua cheng's eye's, xie lian however tried to make him at home but he'd refuse to enter puqi shrine as to not get more debt from hua cheng
Hua cheng and he xuan were kinda bickering seeing who would Snap at who first like a competition, when suddenly someone got Heard from a far sounding like as if they were running back
SQX:"your highness look what i got!-" he'd exclaim happily to then stop straight infront the three of them seeing he xuan up close again made him feel, fear, with a mix of a bit of happiness and didnt quite know how to act
Xie lian came toward's his friend continuing his talk "what is it what you got?" He answered as if to change his thought's
Shi qingxuan looked at xie lian for a little and then openned outer robe a bit a little white bird peeking his head out
XL:"he look's adorable! You shouldnt take animal's like that though he's a wild bird!"
SQX:"i do what i want" saying proudly "beside's he's the one that came on my shoulder he was cold so i putted him in there" petting the bird's head
He xuan just observed he didnt know why hua cheng asked him to come and seeing qingxuan standing right there wasnt feeling right, he was sure to have seen him die that day, that morning
Suddenly hua cheng coughed a little bit only to bring the attention to him "he xuan i asked you to come because thi- his highness's 'friend'. Wanted to see you dont make me do it twice." He said with a strict tone grabbing xie lian bringing him inside not wanting to deal anymore with these two he had already beared shi qingxuan's presence long enough he had even dared to cook breakfast instead of his highness saying that he was pissed would be an understatement
Both of the ghost's stared at the door that had been slammed shut right infront their nose, they both felt awkward not knowing how to start the conversation something qingxuan was usually good at, for once he xuan started talking first
HX:"so you're not dead?" Talking with the same monotone tone as before
SQX:"actually- i am-" he answered awkwardly fidgeting with his finger's
HX:"qingxuan" he sighed crossing his arm's "why are you here dont tell me it was to see me because as far as i can tell your body is against being near me." He said coldly not looking away
and he wasnt wrong qingxuan's hand's were horribly shaking he still tried to hide it by putting his hand's behind his back and smile a forcefull smile he didnt know why he couldnt just smile right now, "well i thooought we could probably start over? Our friendship, i wanna get to know you" he exclaimed with a bit of a shaky voice
HX:"sure." Still cold still monotone no change's "but i dont recall you having a home"
SQX:"i'll build my own house we could share it!-" he said determined and bold while the bird flew off back into the wild where he belong
He xuan take a sigh before walking off with an instant shi qingxuan was right behind him following
SQX:"he xuan where are you goooiiiiing!? Wait for me!" His bad leg betraying right on that moment falling face flat down on the dirt
He xuan stopped and looked back amused at the sight but keeping a neutral face, walking back toward him handing out a hand as to help him get up shi qingxuan accepted the help of course a bit embarrassed about falling down like toddler that barely knew how to walk
HX:"your leg isnt healed isnt it?" Looking down at the Bad leg that qingxuan was keeping up
SQX:"uhm, well it depend on the time sometime's it does hurt sometime's it doesnt" he answered to then saying lowly "i didnt thought it would hurt right now, its embarrassing it was fine until now"
HX:"you Can walk or do you need a stick?" He raised an eyebrow looking at him
SQX:"i'd rather die than keep a walking stick by my side!" He exclaimed with a pouting face
HX:"..you are already dead idiot" slapping gently qingxuan's back head
After a little while of fighting and chatting which was as usual only qingxuan talking he xuan made a teleportation array to a nice spot and offered qingxuan to live in a small but big enough house that had been abandonned there,
He wasnt much of a builder so he agreed and so their journey together started.
Imma stop here i feel like i wrote longer than usual! However i loved writing this chapter my creativity just kept flowing lol x)
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niqosblog · 8 months
Gretchen Wieners is 100% Queer: An Analysis
Spoilers for the 2024 Movie!!!!
Analysis under cut!!!
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Exhibit A: Her One-sided Crush on Regina
Her solo song (What's Wrong With Me) is very much just a love song. The lyrics are very much blaming herself for her just because she loves Regina too much to blame her. It's a song of unrequited love, and how she is fully aware she's being used. But she won't do anything because it's the Regina George.
If you're still unconvinced, here are the lyrics of Gretchen's song compared to Aaron's (Regina's ex boyfriend) song:
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As you can see, the lyrics are very similar. Aaron sticks to Regina because he actually likes her and wants to impress her. Guess what Gretchen also does...
Not only are these musical numbers back to back on the soundtrack, they are about the same person and their relationship with the singer. This could be pure coincidence but I do have other points to make besides the songs.
Such as this scene:
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In the actual show, Gretchen is actually flattered by what Regina said. And she actually takes it to heart. The only reason why she told Regina about Cady's crush on Aaron was because she was slowly replacing her, and she got jealous.
Exhibit B: Jason Weems
Before we start, this is about their toxic relationship which I do not support and I'm only using for an example. And if you try to argue that they aren't toxic and are just a couple that has a lot of playful banter. The 2024 movie changes her love interest as she sees Jason as sleezy.
Gretchen likes Jason in the movie and that goes for the rest of the adaptations by Tina Fey.
But why?
Jason always cheats on her and hits on any girl he sees. Yet Gretchen keeps going back to him. It's assumed that he only does this to make Gretchen jealous. But he already has her wrapped around his finger, so why bother. Maybe he's just good at pleasing her, but that's not the case.
In a deleted scene in 2004 Mean Girls, Karen and Gretchen have a conversation about Jason. Gretchen saying it's 'the night for [her] and Jason' for Karen to say that they've already done it twice. But Gretchen says that tonight she's going to 'like it'.
This means, the two other times they've had sexual interactions she didn't like having it with him. And why she didnt like it goes unexplained. This ties back to Regina. Like Regina, Jason ignores Gretchen a lot. Much as far as to step over her at Cady's party in the movie when she falls to the floor while drunk. Yet Gretchen still craves attention from him and expects calls and texts back.
She has only shown this behavior toward Jason and two other character. Those characters are Regina and Cady. She yearns for Regina's attention while she's queen bee. When she and Karen go to another room, Gretchen asks to be let in. This leads to the 'What's Wrong With Me' musical number. She loves being with Regina and treasures every little interaction, even if it's through a door.
Now, when Cady is queen bee, she does the same thing. She asks her to make plans so they can hang out. And when she refuses, she uses Cady's crush (Aaron) as a reason to make plans. She's desperate to hang out with Cady and is at her every beck and call.
This could just be Gretchen sucking up to authority, but it's still very similar to how she is with Jason, her on-and-off boyfriend.
Exhibit C: Her Questionable Relationship With Karen
In every adaptation, Gretchen seems to always have a positive relationship with Karen. Which is the only character within the Mean Girls universe she has a positive relationship with (unless you count the Walmart ads as lore and consider her husband to be a character). They have many scenes to the point that TV Tropes considers them to be 'Heterosexual Life-Partners'.
But from what we know, the two don't have a set love interest. Unlike Cady and Regina who are Betty and Veronica to Aaron's Archie. Their onscreen relationships go as follows from the movie-musical-movie musical
Gretchen: Jason (movie), no one (musical), Kevin (movie musical)
Karen: Seth (kind of), no one, unnamed theater boy
These two do not have a set relationship with boys. Guess which other character this applies to.
Janis Ian or any other variation of her last name.
Janis was only written as straight once. In the 2004 movie with Kevin G. The other adaptations however...
In the musical, her sexuality is left ambiguous but she's single by the start and end of it. And BWW, her Broadway actress, says that she played Janis as queer. Then in the 2024 movie, she's a canonical lesbian and takes her girlfriend to Spring Fling. Meaning that Janis' relationship adaptations looks like this:
Janis: Kevin, no one, unnamed girlfriend
This is very similar to Gretchen and Karen's adaptations relationships. And when we consider how Tina wrote most of these adaptations we can conclude that Janis was at least queer when she first wrote her. And the same should go for Gretchen and Karen.
And the musical and 2024 movie put some interesting moments between them.
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This isn't even the half of it, I've heard they've done a gay thigh touch in some productions.
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Mind you, the second photo was during Spring Fling after dumping Jason.
As you can see they don't exactly have a straight relationship. Not to say they both are gay and should have been canon in the 2024 movie hahahahaha.. But the two have very obvious chemistry and love each other. Whether platonic or romantic.
And in an interview, Avantika, Karen's 2024 actress, says that Karen is pansexual. And from this analysis, we can say that at the very least Gretchen is some form of queer. Whether it's bi, pan, unlabeled, or even if you headcanon her as lesbian and think of Jason as her beard.
At the end of the day, it's your decision to believe me or not. But it is 3:09 right now (sorry for any typos), and I've been meaning to make this post ever since I saw the 2024 movie in theaters.
Remember, this is all analysis through a queer lens. You can still think of her as straight, or think of the adaptations having different sexuality. I don't want to force what I think onto anyone that they don't believe in. This is just a post by a silly gay person.
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genmaichafan · 6 months
Hello hello bestie, I heard you wanted some writing requests so here's one! <3
Vampire Donna/fem!reader but it's professor Donna >:) Maybe this particular student needs tutoring but oopsie, they're failing because they're so distracted by Donna or something XD Something short, have fun with it <3
I KINDA ENDED UP FORGETTING YOUR PROMPT… ANYWAYS small thang under the cut. 030 its short and sfw
You always considered yourself a decent student. Turning up early. Asking and answering questions. Doing the homework, as well as your part in group work. Paying attention.
On the contrary this particular professor of yours has you acting strange.
You do turn up early and you most certainly do pay attention, albeit not on the work, but the rest has flown out the window.
today: donnas was wearing a tee-shirt and cardigan with the long sleeves rolled up her toned arms.
this ascended you into dreamland for the rest of the class, where you just seemed to doze off into donnas brown hues, which would occasionally gaze back at you softly, even if for a brief moment.
Class was a cinch, but leaving felt like a 100 mile walk between your seat and the door.
“Please” you thought to yourself. “Don’t let this end just yet.”
something must’ve heard you because:
”[y/n]?” Donna called to you, her raspy voice called out from the crowd.
perking up you stammered out your answer.
“Yes professor?”
Hearing her say your name made you feel fuzzy inside.
“Can you please stay after class? Alone.”
”yeah of course.” You answered nonchalantly trying to keep cool.
‘Everyone cleared out pretty quickly today.’
Normally there would be people who asked her many questions, but she made quick work of them today. Simply waving them off with a sentence and a flick of her hand. It would make you think she truly had a way with words.
Donna was a kind soul but there was a suaveness to her that [y/n] couldn’t place.
You just chocked it up to her being an older woman.
“[y/n]” donna called out to you once everyone had left. Her cold hands absentmindedly touching your arm, guiding you to a chair next to hers. For the first time you truly processed the emotion on her face that she looked at you with today.
you awkwardly laughed as you felt you knew the question that she was going to ask.
”are you okay? Am i doing something wrong?”
The first half maybe you expected, the second half hit you like a meteor. Gawking a bit You hastily answered in haze.
she blinked. Then blinked again. Cheeks tinging with purplish red before she broke out into a giggle causing you to do the same.
You probably couldn’t be more obvious about your affections, but donna didnt seem to mind. Her eyes pushed up from the lower lids as her cheeks raised into a small smile.
”ah. It seems I have misjudged the situation.” Seemingly relieved.
”your grades were slipping but only in my class. I thought I had been doing something wrong but I guess I was mistaken.” Donna leaned back into her office chair, Lounging back at a debonair angle. Arm propping her head up from her desk. Legs crossed. Shirt starting the ride up her stomach.
[y/n] eyes couldn’t help but catch the skin on her stomach which made your face flush. You were pretty much caught red handed but you had no idea what to say.
your brain practically disconnected from its source.
donna on the other hand was eating your reaction up. Her eyes became lazy and her smile toned down into a smirk.
before she broke the silence.
”would you like to come over to my place tonight la Mia preda?”
The use of Italian was not uncommon for her.
nonetheless you couldn’t help but get this sinking feeling about saying yes.
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vsyrworld · 1 year
i rrly need a quick fluffy post monza charlos fanfic so here is my shot (turn out its not quick but anyway)
rated : m (bcs of they kiss a lot)
tags : sleepy cuddle and kisses, singapore as core memory, not beta read so sorry bout error.
♡ enjoy ♡
carlos is so so done. so freaking wasted as he could only sprawled on his bed, lying there like a death log. feet cramp, shoulder aching, body hurts everywhere. and finally after a dreadful weekend, enormous laps of attacking and defending rewarded by a worthy podium, is an ecstasy but not for long as he has to spare his social energy for boring long ass press interview and celebration. at least the last one is another reward.
he thought.
if isnt because of that stupid thieves out of nowhere, he already eating his dinner out, have a drink that charles had promised him through interview and the bad thing was charles also already texted him, "matee! lets have a drink together tonight!!", he read and left the chatroom opened, and then his watch accident, ran his breath out then the police -- oh merde, charles must be waiting him at bar or atleast his response and yet- carlos told rupert to skip a dinner and call it a day.
the other bad news is, if he is too tired. he couldnt sleep. and tifosi are still out there whatever the chantng or lullaby they are doing-- its actually nice and heartwarming-- but he needs sleeps. constantly nagging by the anonymous hands, scents, crowds making him dizzy. he lost sense of familiarness. then he remember this week, they didnt film anything about c2 challenges. carlos hadnt had a chance to annoy charles because they are cramped in a big crowd, people here people there --
his phone ringing stopping carlos from circulating haze thought
lazily, or more pricisely, fatiguely, reach his bed side stand and swipe the call without minding the caller id,
"carlos?! you okay? where are you now?" carlos stunned in silence but his lips form a smile, cahlos
"hey" he turned his body to lay down on his left side. the phone is on top of his right ear, as he dropped his own hand to matress, "sorry" he speaks slowly, his energy already depleted
"forget it, the important is you are ok." charles' voice smoothing right to his ear.
"hm" he hummed in agreement. already closing his eyes.
he heard a chuckled from other line, "do you want me ...um..."
carlos smiled as his hand mindlesly caressing the empty spot beside him,
"dont wanna get up. too tired" he said truthfully. the bed is already swallowed him half of his body and soul,
"okay" charles said. carlos didnt expect anything so he doesn't hang up the phone.
but he knows charles will come anyway,
thus when his hotel room door closed with a soft thuds, and his arms streched into a cold empty spot is finally, finally, now replaced by a slender warm figure.
carlos with eyes closed, instinctively wraps the body and pulling him so his chest against charles' chest, legs tangled each other, a warm laugh land on his sleepy face
"is this how you greet me, hm? mister ministary of defence? pole sitter? podium winner? or hm a superhero who chasing down the thieves around the street hmph--"
carlos shuts him with long deep kiss, with the very last energy he had. his hands welcoming him by smoothers down the softness of hoodie charles' wears. it is so warm and cloudy. charles fresh scents is a lily, musky vanilla. sweet and calming makes him dropped his lips into charles juncture neck.
"wrong," he replies and left a warm kiss on charles exposed skin. "it's your lover." finally. a familarness.
charles breathed out as his finger massaging carlos hair softly. "hi to you too, mi amor"
they take their own time respectively, trying to gain and mapping each other body again after a full weekend constantly dealing with stranger sweats, sticky skin.
"miss me?" charles said into carlos thick hair. he loves when charles does that.
he opens his mouth to answer but then his wicked mind does something else,
charles let a sudden moan as carlos nipped and sucking charles neck slowly, open mouthed, "ca- ah, carlos, wait" the way charles gripped carlos hair's is so addicting. its soft but firm, delicate but sensual. carlos cant get enough from it.
carlos grunts and continue licking the spot, "you said you tired, ah-" charles didnt even finished his sentence because their hards-on rubbing against each other and carlos circling his arm on charles wait, trying to get the friction
but carlos is tired, so the movement is painfuly slow thus creating a consistent gap of moan from charles. "you menance" charles said between moan as he chin up carlos so they are facing each other.
"open your eyes you idiota" carlos slowly blinking his eyes to find charles hazy gaze straight at him with such a fondness.
carlos breath into his face and decide to gives him a eskimo kisses. the one that he and charles likes to do. its ticklish but sweeter than lips kisses.
from carlos hooded eyes, he bring his palm to caressing charles' cheek, "tired. sorry" and eyes flutters to shutting again
charles laughs like a lulabby to him, "okay okay. so don't rub on me. let save it for the morning" he exchanged the kiss by rubbing his nose to carlos cheek and back again to carlos' nose, then he stayed there.
"charles" he said after a moment with, of course, the tifosi singing at outside
"tell your fans to shut up please"
charles giggled then smacked carlos biceps that hugs them close, "hey that's rude to say like that!" carlos didnt mean it but he really really need a quite and good sleep. really, he let out a dissapoint grunt
charles shifted his head to see beyond carlos shoulder, at the closed curtain window, luckily they couldnt be seen from outside. "they are not my fans, carlos"
another nose rubbing, "its ours"
carlos smiled at charles statement as his mind start day dreaming about monza podium celebrations. he is enchanted by the prancing horse.
"si, but i really need a quite moment." carlos hummed,
charles doesn't answered him, only shifted his head closer to him then flushing their forehead together. breath rising constantly with each other, trying the best to focusing their breathing rhythm and so the tifosi chant become a soft background sounds.
"charles" carlos said again between the time their chest expand.
"i'm here" a slow long exhale drawns out from both of them.
as both of them inhaling the oxygen, carlos closed the gap by placing himself to charles' lips with a soft kiss. charles , slow but reassuringly, sealed them with pulling carlos closer and they start to exchanged some languid kisses. it was a simple peck then turns into a french kiss somehow, back again to calmer one and ending it with their most favorite kisses all the time, the one long deep kiss.
to have charles lips against him, and their nose flushed into each other cheek. carlos kissing him raw and breathlessly until the air in his lungs sucked all out, charles not wanting to apart from carlos' lips, cluthed his hand to carlos' tshirt, and other one is settle down at spaniard cheek to trails carlos face up and down. thus, carlos answered it by tighting his waist grips.
they pulled out together in a loud exhale, "god i love when you do that" charles giggled and bring their nose kissed each other affectionately.
carlos grins widely with his eyes still closed. he rubs charles' in agreement.
"carlos i have an idea"
"what is that?"
"lets go to singapore a couple day quicker than others"
charles statement successfuly makes carlos' eyes open. he analyze charles expression but none other than a soft private smile he gives him and there is a longing, like a want feeling, a desire and a permission for spending a time together outside racing schedule
"you want to flight early?" he reassure charles again, afraid it's might his delulu scenario since his brain is not working properly.
"us. i want us to ..." charles dimples appear as he bites his lips nervously,
"to what?" carlos raised his eyebrows
"you know, do what couple do?" he said shyly
carlos swear he melted against the bed sheet ever more, "date then?" he gives charles a kiss on his dimples.
which create a soft giggle, "you can say that"
"yeah" carlos brings his hand into charles' nape and goes into his cheek where the dimple is rested. he really really want to feel him all.
singapore, a perfect runaway country. is not monza, is not charles' monaco and it is also not carlos' malorca. it's their singapore.
"yes, i like that" carlos said again this time between the kiss.
"yeah?" charles is caressing his eye bag. smoothing them like a butter, making carlos purrs
"yes and then we can make love there too" he grins teasingly and a hand smack on his chest making him laughed.
"you are really what max said, naughty" charles rolled his eyes, "but yes i guess we can"
"in the pool?" he pushed again, eyes glint with a mischieve, "pool sex?"
"oh my god cahlos, stop!" charles put his own hands to covered his well redden face.
he chuckled seeing charles flushtrated so he dropped a kiss on charles' hand, whispering a "carino" against the slender fingers.
"if is not singapore..." carlos trailed his voice down as charles opened his hand and settled it down into carlos' cheek. A circular hand motion drifting him to sleep,
"if is not because of singapore, i wouldn't be here with you" he said before closing his eyes
he doesn't have to see charles expression, he already know it by all of his heart
so he doesn't protest when charles tucked him down, resting his chin ontop of carlos head, wraping his arm protectively as carlos felt a drop of forehead kiss
"let's sleep and get out from here"
with that, carlos finally get his best sleep in that day.
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Otis B Driftwood x Reader || Excerpt
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Nasty Pimp: *Tries to put hands on you* Otis (Who is nastier): 💥!🖕🖕🏒!🔨!🔨!... 🩸.. 🩸.. 🩸...
Warnings!!!!: The setting is a nasty home-brothel, the main characters are you, Otis and a gross pimp called Ritchie Fat-Tits McCoy, and uh- oh yeah, genitalia mutilation. I think that covers it.
"Hey- what do you we have, here?"
"Otis!" You cry, relief flooding through you as you slip away from the guy (Ritchie 'Fat-Tits' McCoy, brothel owner and yours and Otis' and the others' host for tonight's night of depravity) and jumping up from the couch which you're pretty sure is the home to some feral mammal by the smell and the... movement. Otis' dark, heavy-set eyes follow you carefully and non-too-happily as you get behind him, where you feel safe, before roaming down to Ritchie again.
"... So? Y'gonna answer me?"
Ritchie does not understand the peril he is in right now, grinning lazily back at Otis. "Aw, mate don't be like that. The bitch and I were just talkin'- You cant blame me for gettin' a few feels in too; What can I say?" His eyes float over to your thighs shifting in his mammalian infested couch to make his bulge more comfortable. "I'm an animal."
Your lips form a firm line, your eyes hardening as you look away; Feeling sick.
... Otis gives a huff, almost a chuckle, a sound that could almost denote pleasantness if you didn't know him well- or even not so well- or you didn't just look at his face. You don't need to look at his face, because you do know the bastard well, but you can picture it; An evil sneer dragging his face apart and a murderous sparkle in his dead-eyes as he glances around the room . "... cant blame you, huh?? Ehh, well... "
"No harm no foul- Didnt even get my fingers wet." Ritchie shrugs, still not getting it. He is two seconds from irreparable brain damage, or losing his nut sack- if he's lucky. "Just c'mon, siddown with me and- hey, Cass! Grab us 2 warm beers, and don't you fucken spit in them again yeah? Not into that, no- I'm not into that fucken shit!"
You watch as Otis' eyes flicker to a broken hockey stick, just one of the useless, dank trash-things thrown around in this shit-hole; The edge sharp, jagged and dipped in some dark mystery liquid. Casually, he picks it up and you peer around him to catch a smirk on his scary face. Oh, no.
"Ritch, you have got some balls on you." Otis comments, hitting one palm with the end of the hockey gently; Testing its durability.
"... huh?"
Then there was screaming. Blood curdling, all-consuming man-screaming. With one calculated and yet savage thrust, Otis has forced the infected, jagged end of that old broken hocket stick directly into Ritchie's bulge. And its like something popped, because with a crack and a squish, there's suddenly blood, everywhere.
You just stand there, eyes wide and frozen. You were expecting it, but its still horrible.
After twisting the jagged wood in his groin, Otis yanks it out and drops the weapon off to the side; Every movement methodical, and tired. Almost like he didn't even take joy in what he's just done, he just felt like it needed to be done. Eyes flickering over to him, you reach for his arm and wrap you arms around it, almost in a traumatised trance.
He allows you to curl around his arm, but his attention is still on Ritch- writhing and hands twitching towards the bloody, meaty mess. Still screaming and yelling.
"What can I say? Heheh." Finally, a genuine grin slips across Otis' mouth. "I'm an animal, Ritch! We're all just animals, right?" Suddenly the smile's wiped off his face again, as you watch; Your fingers tighten on him simultaneously. He truly is, completely insane. "Cant fucken blame me."
Ritchie doesn't say a damn thing, though you aren't sure he could if he wanted to. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch sight of both Spaulding and Baby sighing and dropping whatever they were doing; Ready to go now since Otis ruined the fun. While all the blood in his body seems to gush out of the filthy bastards privates and he grows sickly pale, Otis shakes you off his arm abruptly, just to throw it over your shoulders, instead, pulling you warm into his body. He smells and theirs old and fresh blood alike soaking his shirt, but you're used to it. And you're happy to have your freak wrapped around you, protecting you, making you warm.
"C'mon now, sweethart- I'm sure we can find somethin better to do tonight." Turning you both, Otis starts towing you out of the gross little home brothel. "See ya, Ritch. Have a fucken night."
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missrandomdreamer · 4 months
🐻 for Leanna & Buggy? :D
AHH Thank you! This is such a cute prompt! Thank you so much for the ask! I got a bit carried away and it turned out a bit longer than expected XD but I loved writing this so much! Thank you again!
The Best Prize~: Buggy and Linnea
warning: possibly some innuendos that's it :P
note no editing was done just literally sat down and started typing and didnt look back lol
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The summer night was warm but the soft breath of the sea made it just right as the local village's carnival was just starting to pick up. The Buggy Pirates had landed earlier that day and were enjoying the festivities including their fearless leader Buggy himself more so now with a cotton candy haired woman on his arm. The Buggy pirates whispered among themselves, wondering who this woman was but they were all a bit to afraid to continue questioning their captain, after Mohiji got an earful from Buggy. "Captain Buggy sir, why are we going back to this island again? We were just here -does it have something to do with-" The pet tamer was immediately met with a look mix of anger and embarrassment from the head clown.
"Shut up you buffoon!" A floating hand charged Mohiji poking him square in the nose. "We came back to the island because my sources happened to have found out some important secrets for us."
"Sources sir? Is it that gir-"
"Silence!" And that was the end of it. As soon as the ship had reached the port of the small island, Buggy had given vague instructions for the crew to take it easy all the while keeping an eye on the ship and his treasure while he bounced off the boat, heading straight into town just as the carnival crew had been setting up for the carnival that night.
So that brings things back to the night of the carnival where Captain Buggy had his arm hooked with the woman with cotton candy hair. The woman held his arm gently and sparkling blue eyes looked up at him, making the man blush brightly. "Now Buggy, I'm not keeping you from your duties am I?" her voice was soft and gentle when she questioned him.
Buggy looked down into the sky blue eyes of the woman beside him, a nervous grin spread across his face as he turned his head away and scoffed. "Of course not! Those bumbling fools can take care of things. I promised I would take you to this carnival and I am keeping that promise, Linnea." He turned to her slightly, shyly looking at her.
Linnea smiled, leaning her head on his arm, causing a shiver to run up his spine. "You shouldn't call your crew bumbling fools." she rubbed his hand again. "But thank you for coming out here with me tonight. It's just like when we first met." she laughed a bit, another blush ran up Buggy's features, "Well except now I get to enjoy the festivities instead of be a part of them."
Buggy hummed a response, taking in a big breath letting out slow, "Yeah~" his voice gave a little squeak, face crimson just thinking of when they first met: his arms around her, there faces so close, the spot light upon them-no... no need to get more flustered then he already was. He shook his head, clearing his throat, he needed to be cool-cool as a cucumber.
He glanced back at Linnea whose eyes were now roaming the carnival games, head lifted from his shoulder (much to his disappointment) Though he saw her eyes light up when they landed on a carnival game with rather cute pastel stuffies. "Oh Buggy, we should play some games, I think I want to try to win something for Fay. She would just love one of those little teddy bears." She pointed a delicate finger to a ring toss game where many little teddy bears and bunnies were displayed behind the counter.
Fay was Linnea's daughter from a previous relationship to which Buggy wish he had the pleasure of meeting so he could beat the man to a bloody pulp. Linnea had left the man and now it was just her and Fay, at least for now. Buggy wanted to change that...soon.
Buggy got out of his thoughts and nodded, a large smile on his face. "Linnea you know just as much as I do those games could be rigged. How about I just ," he detached his hand and moved its fingers. "Just make one or two of those prizes disappear." Linnea turned to him with a knowing look, and booped him on his red nose.
"Now Buggy, I want to win it fair and square...well as fair as I can. Maybe these ones wont be rigged?" Linnea murmured the last part to herself. Linnea, ever hopeful, wandered over to the game with Buggy shaking his head but trotting behind her but not before appreciating the view of her backside as it swayed slightly as she walked. He blushed furiously before shaking his head nearly off just as he joined at her side. Linnea placed some berry into the large man's hand who ran the carnival game. Buggy didn't like sinister grin the man was giving his Linnea, so Buggy gave them man a scowl, perhaps letting out a bit of a growl . The carnival man straightened up immediately. Linnea was completely oblivious. She picked up one of the colorful rings then moved her hand parallel to the bottles, she squinted-eyeing a bottle before tossing the ring. It clinked off the soda bottles and fell to the floor. She frowned and she attempted again, but failed. Buggy saw her eyebrows furrow: again she tried but she failed. Linnea was about to go to her purse to get more berry but Buggy stopped her with a gloved hand. She looked up at him curious, Buggy just gave her a cocky grin.
"Let me, you know I am quite the shot. I never fail to miss a target." he winked at her playfully causing her to snort, with a little blush.
The clown just chuckled and gave the man some berry before getting his own three rings. Buggy puffed out his chest, closed one of his eyes, stuck his tongue out causing more giggles from Linnea. He let his hand float before him,(the man nearly fainting behind the counter) bobbing up and down a bit before he then released the ring. Linnea watched the ring fly through the air before it landed perfectly around one of the farthest glass bottles.
The carnival man's mouth twitched, recovering himself from the sight of Buggy's hand detaching itself from his body he called out, "Winner! You may choose your prize." Buggy grinned at Linnea, she gave him a slow clap but she was smiling.
"What prize did you want for Fay?" the clown asked, his voice softer than usual. Linnea blushed again and pointed to the brown bear which the carnival man retrieved and handed it to the cotton candy girl. Linnea thanked the man timidly before turning to Buggy with a shy smile,
"Thank you Buggy, that was very sweet of you. Fay will love this."
The clown grinned puffing out his chest again, "Of course I'm sweet, I'm the sweetest clown around." Buggy waved his finger at her, "I told you I had a good aim and I have two rings left. How about another prize?"
Linnea opened her mouth to decline but Buggy was already tossing the rings, he landed both of them perfectly.
"Winner!" The carnival man shouted albeit this time a tad more weakly. Before the man could even ask what prize he wanted, Buggy with his detached hand snatched up a pink rabbit and a small plastic ring. The man was going to argue but Buggy shot him a look just as he handed Linnea the bunny plush, before pocketing the ring before she could see it.
"A prize for you, doll face." Buggy declared, that cocky grin still turning up his lips. Linnea took the pink rabbit stared at with wide eyes before holding it close to her chest. Her cerulean eyes looked up to Buggy with the most affectionate look. She took Buggy's hand and before he could utter a word she dragged him away from the game to a quieter part of the carnival. Buggy's face was pink, and that cocky grin he had on now turned into a nervous smile. "Linnea where are we going?"
She didn't answer at first just gave him a small shy smile, causing that shiver of excitement to run rampant in him one again. Buggy followed along after her until Linnea brought him down to the pier. The soft glow from the carnival their only light castes an array of colors on the dark water below. The young woman let go of his hand before she reached her arms around his neck and placed a kiss right on his lips. Buggy eyes widened but eagerly kissed her back, his gloved hands traveling down her back to bring her closer to himself.
The two broke the kiss after a moment, Buggy looked down at her speaking first, his voice a little squeaky, "Ah what was that kiss for? All I did was get you a silly old rabbit. Not that I'm complaining at all but-"
"It was your prize." she whispered shyly looking up at him, arms still around his neck. "I thought you might deserve one too."
Buggy was burning up now, his face was the color of his nose. "For-for what?" he stammered.
Linnea just smiled and kissed his nose, "For being so sweet, winning those prizes for me and Fay." She kissed his nose again, another noise escaped the clowns lips, "For taking me out tonight and well...spending time with me. I've missed you Buggy." Buggy gulped down something, a spare hand moved the collar of his shirt away from his neck.
"Ah well, it's nothing really." he stuttered looking away pushing back loose pieces of his sea blue hair.
"It's not nothing. I mean it, I really appreciate you Buggy." Buggy met her eyes and he just about melted into a puddle on the pier. Linnea's pink and blue hair danced around her face as she looked up at him with those pleading eyes. She wanted him to understand how much he meant to her. She was never good at speaking or trying to get her words across but she really did mean it. "Thank you Buggy." Linnea moved to hug him and Buggy just about jumped out of his skin. He shut down his nerves for the umpteenth time before hugging her back, awkwardly.
"Well you're welcome." His tone returning to that soft shy one. He gave her a little kiss on the top of her head. He wanted to say something more but he couldn't, not yet. Linnea hugged him tightly once more before they broke the hug now the two of them flustered and shy. There was an awkward silence for a moment:
"Um perhaps...would you like to go on the Farris wheel now?" Linnea asked timidly, hugging the stuffed bunny to her chest.
"Ye-yeah I would love to." Buggy answered once more putting out his arm to her. Linnea took his arm again and they both walked back to the bright lights of the carnival. She once again let her head rest against his arm, letting out a soft relaxed sigh. Buggy smiled softly at her. With his free hand he felt the plastic toy ring in his pocket, the last of the prizes he had won for her. He wanted to ask her-ask her that important life changing question he should have done it on the pier but..he was to nervous..but he would ask her. He would.
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bridgyrose · 7 months
I kind of want to see more of that Yandere!Cinder thing you did
(I didnt expect to go any further with it, so... here we are)
Ruby walked through the Beacon halls, swearing she was in a haze of sorts as she continued to make her way from class to class. Faces seemed blurred as she passed by the other students, voices practically muffled as she continued through the day, only really able to focus on the professors for each class. It was almost like she wasnt herself. 
Ruby’s heart practically jumped as she heard Cinder’s voice, relaxing a bit as she still saw her as clear as day as she felt Cinder embrace her into a hug. “Hey Cin.” 
“Want to train after classes?” Cinder asked. 
“O-oh, sure,” Ruby answered, watching as the other students seemed to avoid her. Even with unclear faces, she could still see them turn away. “I-I dont exactly have any plans anyway right now.” 
“Not even with your team?” 
“Yang and-” She went quiet as she tried to figure out a way to answer Cinder, not even sure of what her teammate’s names were anymore. She couldnt see their faces, couldnt remember names or voices, but she knew she had a team. They were there every night, even if they did avoid her. “Yang and the others will be fine if I’m not around. I dont have any plans with them tonight once I’m finished with homework.” 
“That’s great!” 
Ruby put up a nervous smile as she rubbed the back of her neck, fingers rubbing over a still healing spider bite. There was something about the sound of Cinder’s voice that felt… off… to her, but she still couldnt quite place why. There wasnt anything malicious about her excitement, even if Cinder seemed to have a death grip on her hand, nothing out of the ordinary with how cautious she was as other students passed by, always making sure to keep her away from others. And yet, it all still felt as if there was something glaringly wrong with her. 
Cinder’s smile dropped to a look of worry as she pulled Ruby close. “Everything okay?” 
“Y-yeah, lost in thought,” Ruby answered as she pulled away from Cinder to get to class. “I’ll see you once classes are done, alright?” 
“Of course.” 
Ruby smiled a bit as she walked into class, sitting down near her team. Her smile fell as she listened to them speak amongst themselves, voices still muffled as she tried to pay attention to Port’s class. It wasnt til class was half over that she realized her breathing was starting to become more shallow and her arms had started to shake. 
“M-may I be excused?” Ruby asked quickly as she raised her hand. 
Professor Port sighed, but gave a small nod. “Be quick.” 
Ruby rushed out of class with her semblance and made her way to the nearest bathroom, nearly collapsing against the sink. Sweat dripped down her face as she took a few deep breaths to calm herself, eyes practically flashing as the light shined on them until the room was filled with a bright, silver light for a brief moment. 
As her vision cleared, she saw a small string of grimm ash and smoke leave her through the healing spider bite. Once she could move again, she splashed some water on her face to wash away the sweat, arms still shaking as she took a few breaths. Once she felt  calm enough, she started to make her way back to class, nearly pausing as everything seemed clear again. Faces that seemed blurry and voices that had been muffled could be heard clearly again, though names still seemed to be missing as she made her quietly into class. 
“Everything okay, Rubes?” Yang asked. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” Ruby answered back in almost a half mumble, only now realizing how far away she sat from her team, three chairs between her and her sister. “I-I guess I’ve been in a bit of a funk today.” 
Weiss rolled her eyes at Ruby. “So now you want to talk to us.” 
“You can be a bit nicer to her,” Blake said in almost a hushed whisper to Weiss. “She clearly has something on her mind.” 
“That doesnt mean she had to ignore us.” 
Ruby went back to listening to Professor Port, taking notes as the haze around her seemed to slowly lift away, a few names coming back to her as she listened to her team. Though, her mind started to wander as she tried to find a few ways to explain what had been going on with her. A haze that clouded her mind, only able to focus on a few people enough to see them clearly, to hear them, only for others to think that she was pulling away or pushing them away by ignoring them. 
With a heavy sigh, she wrote down Cinder’s name in her notes, circling it a few times as she quietly wrote a small question under the name. 
What did she do to me?
15 notes · View notes
icey--stars · 1 year
Born For Tragedy: Part 14
Series Index
She was tragedy. Nothing except death, fear and pain followed in her wake. When she was young, she was beaten. Now she’s the one doing the beating as an assassin. A mysterious stranger comes to her, paying an absurd amount of money for her to kill Beron Vanserra, and protect the eldest son until the job is done. She stumbles across a story much similar to her own, and knows what must be done.
a/n: so, tbh, my motivation for this story has been dying (with less than 2 chapters to write? why brain) but im going to try and power through it and write the ending. anyway, figured id update yall lol i have up to part 17/20 finished, just gotta get 18-20 finished 😔😔
also ill be honest, i didnt expect the route this chapter took despite having it outlined. i just let it go lmAo and it turned out pretty good i think?
finally, im on vacation all of today (this is queued lol) until thursday so i won't be able to respond to your lovely comments until then! nevertheless, i hope you enjoy :D
↢ 『 ☾ 』 ↣
When Valda awoke, she practically launched herself out of the bed, breathing hard and eyes blown wide as she remembered what she had to do today. She had to get out now. She wouldn’t be caught dead in front of the High Lord of the Night Court. He’d snap and she’d be bloody mist.
So she quickly reached for the clothing she had on hand– all black and strapped on the weapons she’d had strapped on her for the ball.
There was a knock on the door as she finished the last tie on her boots and she practically leaped out of her skin.
“Come in,” Valda called, standing to glance around her to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything stupid. She’d winnow to her little hideout and gather most of her materials in the bags there and then go to Redwood and complete her task there before she came back to the House late at night.
“I’ll be honest, I thought you would still be asleep,” Eris drawled from the door.
Valda turned to look at him, already outfitted in fancy court attire. “I won’t be caught dead with that monster around,” she growled.
“Rhysand?” Eris asked. “I suppose that’s an accurate way to describe him.”
Valda felt near catatonic still being in the Forest House with Rhysand on his way. “I’ve got to leave, I’ll see you later tonight-”
“Wait,” Eris called as she moved past him.
She paused for a moment to turn back to him. “What?”
Eris smiled softly. “Stay safe,” he said. “And Rhys isn’t supposed to be here until noon. He’s only here for the afternoon. You’re okay.”
Valda nodded, taking one deep, calming breath. She felt more focused.
“Also, I think you’re forgetting a letter on the bedside table,” Eris pointed out.
Valda perked up and turned back before groaning. “I’m a dumbass,” she said as she retrieved the unmarked letter. Just a wax seal kept it closed, and even that was just black with no imprint. “Right, see anything else I’m forgetting?”
“I think you’re good to go. I’ll see you later,” Eris replied. “Stay safe.”
“An assassin’s life is never safe,” Valda said before she walked out the door. She marched herself out of the House, sneaking past servants before she was freed from the building.
A swirl of shadow distracted her and she narrowed her eyes as she walked down the side of the House. Then she saw a male. An Illyrian with hazel eyes and blue glowing stones. Valda held her breath as she recognized the shadowsinger of the Night Court. Fuck, she thought. She had to warn Eris about the spy who seems to not have noticed her yet, but also not get caught. This male, she knew, was a spymaster and an elite one at that. She didn’t want to get caught here, which might prove difficult due to a literal shadowsinger being here..
The male turned suddenly and Valda tensed, shoving her magic over her head like a hood.
The shadowsinger’s blue jewels, siphons, all seven of them, glowed threateningly. “Reveal yourself,” he ordered.
Valda glanced at the window to her right briefly, remembering a door that led into the room just around the corner and could be locked very easily. It might lead her directly into the guard’s lounge but she had no choice here.
Valda didn’t waste a second and turned and ran.
The shadowsinger didn’t shout but she heard crunching behind her on the leaves.
She opened the door, slipped through and then shut it. She turned the knobs for all three locks there. Then she turned toward the empty broom closet, glanced at the window beside the door where the shadowsinger was currently staring at her before sprinting down the hallway connecting the broom closet to the guard lounge.
As she barged into that room, there was a flurry of motion, but she got past them and continued sprinting as fast as she could, heading for the High Lord’s suite.
“It’s an assassin!” One guard screamed.
Not for Eris, she growled to herself as she gathered her magic. You should be more worried about the Night Court crony behind me.
“ERIS!” She yelled loudly as she barged past a group of servants. “GET OUT HERE ERIS VANSERRA!”
A familiar face finally popped out of Eris’s old room. The same place she’d left him. Her room now.
“What?” Eris asked. “What happened? Why do you have 10 guards chasing after you?”
“ASSASSIN!” The guards screamed.
Valda panted for a few seconds before managing to get out the words she needed to. “Shadowsinger. Night Court. Spying. Ran to warn you.”
Eris’s gaze hardened.
“Stop,” he ordered the guards barrelling down the hallway. “She’s not an assassin. She’s my spy.”
The guards paused. “Well why’d she come through the damn broom closet of the lounge?” One guard asked.
“Be more worried about the Night Court shadowsinger on the Forest House premises,” she growled.
“Secure the area,” Eris ordered. “Everyone on high alert and guards at every corner. Inside and out. Report any signs of shadows to me directly.”
“Yes sir,” the guards said. “If you’re sure those shadows aren’t a danger.”
I internally winced. I couldn’t take these off. My cover as Adira would be blown a bit too early.
“Not at all,” Eris replied. “Now go.”
Valda panted for a few more moments before chuckling. “Well that wasn’t the plan.”
“Where was he?”
“West side,” Valda managed despite her dry throat. “Mostly invisible because of those shadows, but armed with all seven of those damn siphons. Very clearly spying.”
“Did he say anything?”
“Wanted to know who I was,” Valda coughed out. “That’s all. I didn’t do anything.”
“Sir!” A servant came running, holding a paper. “A message from the Night Court.”
Eris hummed and took the letter, tearing it open.
Valda peered over his shoulder curiously.
I see you found my friend. Tell me who yours is. I’m coming earlier than planned.
- Rhysand
Eris scoffed. “His mind powers are truly interesting to navigate,” Eris mused. “It seems Azriel was here and Rhys told him to do it. Now he wants to know what kind of Night Court High Fae I have here.”
“I need to leave,” Valda cut in. “Just tell them a short story about Adira. It doesn’t say when he’s going to be here. I need to leave.”
“And if he finds you?” Eris asked. “Azriel is likely still near.”
“Once I’m out of the damn wards, I can winnow wherever I want and get my actual materials,” Valda said. “I’ve been chased before. I know what I’m doing.”
Eris tensed a little before sighing. “I’ll glamor you until you’re out of the wards. Walk with you.”
“Fine,” Valda allowed, despite not needing it.
Suddenly, she felt a heavy blanket of magic wrap around her and she stood up straighter, humming.
“So that’s an invisibility glamor? That sucks,” she joked.
“Careful, you can still be heard,” Eris warned and began walking down the hallway.
Valda quieted, stalking in the wake of Eris’s footsteps. Eris sent off a few more orders as they walked, but made it outside. She felt a dramatic increase in the magic of the air and sucked in a breath.
It smelled like burning.
“I’m just strengthening the wards,” Eris whispered. “Meant to do it today before Rhys appeared, but it seems Azriel has taken advantage of the ones my father left.”
Valda didn’t reply, but inwardly wondered how much stronger Eris would be in comparison to Beron if his wards were that weak.
The end of the wards came soon and Valda reached for her magic.
“Stay safe,” Eris told her sternly. “And come here if you get attacked. No matter what.”
Valda briefly nodded, wondering if Eris could see through the glamor briefly before she winnowed straight to her hideout.
She felt the glamor slip away and took a few deep, calming breaths in the wake of the morning’s events.
That shadowsinger better not fuck around with her when she manages to get Eris to let her winnow through the wards. She could snap and he’d be gone.
“Right,” she muttered to herself and scanned the little treehouse before she began rapidly packing things into a backpack. Mostly weapons, some clothing and some other random materials. The treehouse was clean in a matter of 20 minutes.
Not wanting to linger, she pulled on her hood and winnowed to the general location she knew of Redwood. She’d only briefly walked through there for some food while on a brief scouting trip, but it was enough to get her close enough.
She squared her shoulders and marched toward the town, locking her darkness away under a veil inside of her. The town started out as a few stray wooden cabins, but quickly grew into a thriving residential area before she made it to the market square.
There were people talking everywhere and she saw many interesting signs.
A few were calling for Eris’s death and a few in celebration of Beron’s. A very diverse opinion of the lower class so far. Someone suddenly tore down one of the posters for Eris’s death and she blinked as she beheld the small, dirtied boy who’d just plucked it down.
A lord was in the center of the chaos, yelling loudly and dressed in all sorts of finery.
“He must be stopped! He didn’t even search for the assassin who killed him! Eris must be killed!”
“Get him!” A peasant female screamed. “Put him behind bars! Eris is spreading good!”
Valda wasn’t expecting this level of chaos already. Damn, she thought. It wasn’t a riot, but it was more of a mob against the lord of Redwood.
Valda pulled one of the males at the back to the side who’d been yelling briefly and asked in a kind, curious tone, “What’s happening sir?”
“This lord thinks he can call for the death of our High Lord!” The male shouted.
“You like Eris?” Valda asked.
“Of course! He’s lowering taxes for us and paying us more! My family isn’t starving anymore! And this lord thinks he can take it all away from us!”
“Well that’s certainly not fair,” Valda agreed. “Does this entire group like Eris then?”
“Yes!” A female beside the male piped up. “Eris is our savior. For once the farmers and merchants can live in peace!”
Valda grinned. “That is a wonderful thing.”
“Who are you?” The male asked.
“Oh, I’m a messenger for Eris,” Valda said. “The High Lord was looking for some feedback on his new laws. It seems that it’s held high in the hearts of the lower class.”
“Hell yeah it is!” The female shouted, grinning. “You tell that male he’s doing good that’s long since overdue.”
Another person who’d looked back rushed to speak to Valda as well. “My daughter, my daughter! The High Lord has saved my daughter from starvation. He’s-” The rest of what they said couldn’t be heard over more and more people vying for Valda’s attention.
That was all she needed before she winnowed onto a nearby roof, cloaked in darkness in the shade of a large tree.
The mob’s attention refocused on their original goal.
As she relaxed her shield of darkness when she wasn’t spotted, someone spoke to her from the left.
“Eris’s messenger, huh?” A male asked.
Valda jumped, balancing on the top of the roof with an unsheathed dagger in her hands.
“Hey, hey, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he placated. “Chill out man. I was curious.”
Valda narrowed her eyes before settling back down. “Yes, what of it?”
“What’s your name?”
“Classified,” Valda replied on impulse. “Yours?”
“Same,” he chuckled. “Tell me, why were you here?”
“I had a task that’s none of your business.”
“So you’re reporting to Eris tonight then?”
Valda was suspicious of this male. Very, very suspicious. “You don’t need to know what I’m going to do tonight. Leave me alone.”
“Hey, I didn’t do anything,” the male said, using a hand to use a placating hand gesture. “I was just curious about one thing.”
“Who killed Beron?”
Valda’s jaw snapped shut. “An assassin,” she ground out. “Goodbye.”
She winnowed away, farther into the forest. She’d gained the information she needed anyway. Now she just had to wait out Rhysand’s visit until night came.
Waiting seemed like it took forever, but she left the letter on the edge of the Autumn Court with a quick winnow. So it wasn’t all wasted. It just felt that way.
While she waited, she watched the Forest House from the outside before catching sight of those damn shadows within the meeting room. Then she left, resolving to hike through the red, orange and yellow forests instead. Only one person on horseback decided to attempt to question her on why she was there, but she merely swiped a dagger from her thigh and held it visibly while explaining to the person that she wouldn’t tell them and could stay where the hell she pleased. They left. Valda couldn’t help but chuckle a little. People were sometimes too easy to scare.
For a brief second, the thought that Eris wasn’t scared of her flashed her mind. Eris wasn’t afraid of her like the others were. And that little thing felt so prized to have with her.
When the moon hit its height for the night, she finally dared to return to the Forest House.
However, she saw a lot more guards than usual, which wouldn’t have been a problem normally, but some were dressed in black, which wasn’t typical. It was suspicious.
An entire group of black dressed people suddenly darted around a corner and a guard pointed briefly towards them.
Shit, she swore. Invaders? Assassins? Who are they?
She needed to know and needed to stop them. So she threw her pack into a tree and stalked forward, unsheathing her curved blade from her back and holding it tightly in her right hand.
Valda watched the group of enemies grow larger. The guards were mostly unaware of the gathering forces. Valda lunged forwards over the short fence, feeling the wards slide over her. No winnowing out now, she supposed.
“What was that?” One patrolling guard asks his partner. “Did you see someone-”
“Who are you?!” The other yells in my direction.
She holds her breath and stays still behind the bushes.
“Call backup,” one mutters. “We don’t know whether it's an assassin or not and Eris demanded full coverage of anything suspicious.”
“You go, I’ll watch.”
Valda internally growled in frustration. Back up for her and not the group of enemies where the group was almost thirty!? Damn it.
She carefully manipulated her power, placing a small sound barrier between her and the guard before covering herself in the darkness of the night and leaping out of the bushes, onto the grass. Not wanting to waste magic, she removed the sound glamor and lowered her darkness to the ground, knowing her black clothing was enough to cover her in the less lit area.
The enemies now stood tall and faced the Forest House. She saw a glowing magic start at the fingertips of one of them. Fire, she recognized. Autumn Court? But-
A huge fireball was shot at the building. The guards shrieked but Valda ran forward. She covered herself with a magic shield and then took down one person- then a second before they noticed her.
All of them jumped at her. Valda grunted as flame hit her shield from all sides. It wasn’t as bad as Beron’s, but it was wearing her down fast from all the winnowing she’d done for the day. It was fucking midnight. This was insane.
“Get them all!” One guard shouted.
Shit, Valda thought. She was lumped in with the black clothed people. That meant literally everyone was against her. Damned idiot, she thought to herself. She was an idiot. A complete and utter moron.
She yelped as someone shoved against her shield. The tiniest trickle of fear began to boil in her stomach. She’d long since taken her fear and buried it down into the depths of her soul, but she’d fucked up. Badly.
She drowned the area in pure, rolling darkness and escaped the people that caged her in even as swords clanged and people screamed in pain. She threw her darkness around herself as she leaned against a nearby concrete pillar, groaning.
One- no… three people came running at her with a sword swinging. She rolled to the side just in time, unable to muster the energy to shield against a sword. Maybe fire for a while longer but this… this was getting too close. She still had more than 20 people to get out of the area and she was too close. Not as close as Beron had brought her, but too close for comfort.
A dagger was thrown at her and embedded itself in her thigh as she stood. Valda groaned, fear flooding her senses more strongly now. She needed to get out. She’d messed up.
She shoved a shield of darkness around her again, using their lack of senses to her advantage but then-
“IT’S THE SHADOW!” Screamed one guard.
Valda swore.
People sprinted for her as they unified temporarily against her. Motherfuckers.
Fear edged her senses as she turned and sprinted for the end of the wards in a desperate hope to escape. She could winnow somewhere. She could-
Another dagger embedded in the back of her shoulder and she screamed, falling down. The fear was endless now.
But then there was silence.
Silence wasn’t normal.
She turned, possibly thinking she was dead, but then she saw flaming auburn hair and nice court clothing. Then a deep blue fire in the palm of Eris.
Eris, who stood between her and her attackers.
Eris, who was willing to go against his own guards to do that.
Eris, who was protecting her.
“Funny,” Eris drawled. “I’m pretty sure half of you aren’t supposed to be here.” He glanced at the people in black. “And the other half is chasing after… who?”
“She’s the Shadow!” One screamed. “Kill her!”
Eris glanced back at Valda.
“Guards,” Eris commanded. “Shackle those dressed in black and take them to the dungeons for questioning.”
One went toward her.
“Not her,” Eris growled, the fire in his palm glowing even brighter. That growl sounded possessive, protective and downright aggressive.
“But High Lord-”
“Leave the assassin alone,” Eris snarled.
The guard reluctantly turned back.
Within seconds, the enemies were locked up. Not one of them had tried to run, which surprised her to be honest. It meant they’d had some other goal in mind.
Eris finally turned back to her, leaning down onto the balls of his feet. “Valda,” he said gently. “I’m going to take you to the healers-”
“Why?” She interrupted him.
Eris blinked. “What?” He asked, confused.
“Why did you protect me? In front of everyone?”
Eris opened his mouth, but hesitated. Then a piece of her chest yanked. A string connected to her heart. It yanked so hard she almost lost the minimal balance she had and stabbed her shoulder even worse than before.
Then it glowed golden.
Valda then felt emotions that were foreign to her. Fear, hope, and something along the lines of must protect.
She knew what that meant. Any fae knew what that meant.
“You’re my mate,” she whispered.
Eris didn’t breathe in.
Her eyes widened and she felt unbelievable terror fill her and she suddenly turned and sprinted for the wards.
Eris called after her but as soon as she was free- she winnowed away.
She landed in the frozen wastelands from her training, running for the entryway she knew all too well. A place she went to fear unafraid, because she was forced to not be.
That terror in her chest wasn’t fear for herself anymore though.
The dread was for Eris. This… mate bond would interfere with everything. And she would hurt him. She could never go near that male again. She would not let him get hurt. She must not.
As she stood in that same throne room in the Masters’ Underworld location where she killed them all.
She shivered as she leaned down to remove the dagger poking out of her thigh and then from her shoulder. No danger from either of them. They were not ash nor ash coated. She healed quickly and set out to make a plan.
A plan to protect her mate and to keep herself away.
↢ 『 ☾ 』 ↣
TAGLIST (see post for getting added)
@bunnymallowo, @officiallyunofficialperson, @margssstuff, @rebloggiest-reblogger, @inpraizeof, @graciereads, @eos-princess, @imma-too-many-fandoms, @mali22, @sassybluebird, @bubybubsters,
25 notes · View notes
saffronwritings · 1 year
Pretending - Ghostface 
A/N: Hi I actually liked this one, I didn't proof read or anything, so enjoy this little fun blurb I did about Ghostface from DbD (danny because i love him) before he gets put into the fog.
Triggers: Drinking alcohol, stalking, yandere vibes, mentions of killing, cursing?
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There was something thrilling about the hunt; if there wasnt then what would be the point of the chase? Danny loved the chase more than anything. The screams, the terror in his victims face as they knew he was the last thing they were going to see. There was no morally grey here; just pure pleasure in the plunging of the kill. You were his latest prey - his latest muse in all the pictures he took of you.
You had no idea he was like a ghost around every corner of you. You didn’t know how he watched your every move from the elongated reading sessions to when you were too drugged up to feel anything at all. Something about you screamed out to him in ways that was new to him.
He always desired the kill, but he never desired a person before. 
Danny was lured into you the first time he stepped into the bar that connected the two of you. You had no idea, as you were probably on your third or fourth drink, as Danny watched you from a formidable distance. He watched as you tossled your hair and had a little flirt with the bartender. It was your way of getting free drinks to get your mind off whatever it was you were trying to escape.
His eyes burning a whole into your chest and undressing you with his eyes; a desired burning deep in him that had not been ignited for years. The way your lips curved to the glass you were nursing as if it was the last thing you were going to drink drove him insane. Usually he was better behaved. Usually Danny would walk away because he knew what happened when he got too close to his victims. Usually you’d be dead by the end of the night.
Yet, he let himself slowly drift over to you. One shadow passing into another. He waited until you eventually made your way onto the dance floor and lost yourself in the beat of the music. All you were missing was a dark mysterious stranger to slid in behind you and grab those hips of yours and whisper dark nothings into your ear. Which is exactly what Danny had planned on doing, had another stranger not had already done so before he could get to you.
Jealousy raged through him as he watched the strange dig his dirty little fingers into your curves where his hands should have been. He had half a mind to slip into the darkness and somehow lure the man to his death. However, you had dismissed yourself from the stranger and waddled on over to the bathroom. This was like clockwork, which was why Danny had moved over to the bar. 
This was the third time you had done this small little routine tonight. You had a drink or two, chugged down a water, flirted with the bartender (for potentially another shot), squealed when a song came on that you knew, you got onto the dancefloor, danced for the song and then ran to the bathroom. Rinse and repeat like clockwork. He had to guess that was your advantage to not getting too attached to anyone here. A small bladder with lots of water and alcohol.
You had sauntered back out of the bathroom, readjusting your dress when you thought no one was watching (Danny was), and fluffed up your hair as you reapproached the bar. This time, you happened to notice Danny’s presence is the addition you weren’t expecting. Tall, dark, and extremely handsome was a mixture for disaster. Your friends were always telling you that you needed to let loose sometimes and have a little fun; but you didnt know they didnt mean him of all people. 
“Good evening.” Danny let out in a smooth tone that sent chills down your spine. “Good evening.” You responded in the same, both being awestruck by this handsome man and by the alcohol clouding your thoughts. Danny let out a chuckle that sent your cheeks into a fiery burn. (Another thing to thank the alcohol for.) “I’ll have whatever he’s having.” You said to the bartender, pointing briefly to whatever Danny was drinking. This made him raise an eyebrow to you and make his smirk deepen. 
The bartender looked over at Danny and with a frown back to you. “Are you sure?” He asked and you only firmly nodded your head. What Danny wasn’t expecting you to do was to throw the scotch back like it was nothing but water. No pucker in your face and no reaction. You must be absolutely hammered. “Well color me impressed princess. What are you trying to prove?” Danny purred, leaning closer to you. He could smell the alcohol dripping from your breath like it was honey from a comb.
He wanted nothing more than to put his chapped lips against your plump lips glossed with lip products that would probably smear with how hard he would kiss you. He wanted to ruin that makeup you probably spent an hour perfecting; mascara running down your cheeks and love bites littering your neck. When he bit his lip he dragged his teeth on his lip ring, catching your attention and making eye contact with him. “Who said I had to prove anything to you, buddy.” You smiled as you handed the bartender your card to close out your tab. You then turned away from the dance floor and left the building.
Danny was so stunned at first that he couldnt move or even breathe. Had you just rejected him? But then the gears started turning in Danny’s head. Or were you playing hard to get just like any other self-loathing female does? So he payed his tab as well to the just as confused bartender and stalked out after you. He didn’t notice you immediately, but then he caught a glimpse of your satin navy blue dress from across the street. 
You knew to run, what a smart girl after all. Danny once again bit his lip with excitement as he stalked after you from a distance. He watched you carefully as you unlocked you apartment and close the door behind you. He saw the lights go on in the main living room and with pretty sheer curtains he got the show he didn’t know he was getting. Watching as you slid the dress off revealing the little to no undergarments you had on under that sleek dress of yours. 
Danny had to tear his eyes from your body and from you before he acted on his impulses. He wanted you. Not like in anyway he has wanted something before. Before it was all about the thrill of the hunt, and in many ways this was just like that. He wanted you, and he knew he had to chase you in order to get you. So he stalked away from your apartment for the time being because he had to make up a plan to make you his. 
Danny had a specific way of doing things, and you were no different. He kept tabs on you for a week before approaching you again. He watched you go to your daily coffee shop to get your mocha latte with two creams and one sugar. He followed you when you ended up at your office for work and he waited all day to figure out what time you got out. He watched you drag your tired body to another building to do your daily yoga practice, watching your body contour in ways that were both grotesque and beautiful. 
He monitored when the light went out in your room at night and when you managed to stumble your way out of the door early in the morning. He was fond of the way you grumbled on your venture to the coffee shop, or how you would fumble with your wallet to grab your card for the cashier, or how you tried to balance your laptop bag with your coffee as you entered the office, or how you always looked dischelved after your hour of yoga. 
When it came to Friday night once more, he took a leap of faith that you would be right back at the bar where he met you one week prior. And there you were, in an even tighter dress that was made of velvet material hugging all your curves in all the right places. Danny handed his credit card to the bartender and told him to start his tab and your tab as well. 
When you walked up to the bar and went to hand your card to the bartender and he pointed you to Danny, your eyes widened. “Hello again, sweetheart.” Danny greeted you and downed the rest of his drink. “Drinks on me.” He said lifting his glass as a friendly gesture to you and as a way to let the bartender know he needed a refill. He had to be full of himself you had thought, or he wanted something. However, you couldnt help but feel the same pull that Danny had felt. 
You felt drawn to him and even though every fiber in your body was telling you to run because he was nothing but danger,  you wanted nothing more than to chase after him as well. You shrugged your shoulders, gave the bartender your first drink order (two shots of Titos and a Manhattan) and felt your nerves start to calm down.
“I’m Danny by the way.” Danny offered with an extended hand to you. “Y/N.” You replied and lightly shook his hand. You walked over to the bar stool next to him and plopped yourself down next to him with your little cocktail in your hands. “So, Mr.Tall Dark and Handsome, what brings you to a place this dark and scummy this wonderful Friday night?” You had asked him as you swirled the beverage around in your hand. Danny watched for a few moments before bringing his caramel brown eyes to meet yours. 
“I could be asking the same to you.” He replied in a dry and low tone, dripping with sarcasm and ecstasy. He screamed everything you should stay away from. The brooding look, the piercings, the dark academia clothes; everything that screamed the dark and mysterious bad boy type. “Maybe I’m just looking for some fun in dangerous places.” You replied and took a sip of your martini. 
Danny looked you up and down and drank you all in tonight. You had done your hair up better than last time. Your make-up had been done flawlessly and with precision on the eyeliner. Realization had crept up in Danny that made his desire burn even hotter than any wildfire and was threatening to consume him; you had wanted to see him again. You knew you would see him again. You wanted him to see you and your efforts. You had been playing hard to get but you couldn’t get him out of your mind like you couldnt get off his. 
A smile danced its way across Danny’s lips as he brought his drink up to throw the rest of its contents back. The bourbon had burned his throat and he felt his entire chest warm up to the sensation. You had just finished your martini when you heard a song that made you squeal on cue. Jumping to your feet, you quickly put your martini glass on the bar and in quick succession took your tequila shots. 
After getting past the initial burn of the alcohol you had grabbed his wrist and pulled him onto the dance floor. After first Danny was amused by your actions and had let you bring him along this time around. You had trusted him so easily it was terrifying. He could have easily gotten to you tonight if his bloodlust was to be quenched. However, this was a different addiction he needed a fix for. 
He watched almost in a mesmorizing trance as your hips swayed and you grinded your hips to the beat of the music. Every now and then you would glimpse over at him to see if he was still watching you. This infuriated you unbeknownst to him so he wasnt expecting you to stomp over to him, took handfuls of his shirt and yanked him down to kiss you. 
Your lips were just as soft as he had imagined and melted so well against his. He took just only a moment to process what had happened but didn’t stop himself from immediately giving into the kiss. He quickly brought his hand to your cheek and had his other arm wrapped around your waist to pull him in closer to you. “Stop pretending like you don’t want me when you clearly do.” You had said after breaking the kiss abruptly, once again shocking Danny. 
He blinked as he took what you said in and then let out a series of laughs. You had puffed out your cheeks at his reaction and he gauged this reaction carefully. He ducked down to whisper in your ear, “ That’s very bold from the girl I already planned to fuck the brains out of.”
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bismuthburnsblue · 3 months
fitting on my flora bodice tonight! heres an image of her so you have a reference for what were going for!! (and so tumblr doesnt make the fitting image a thumbnaillll)
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ive made an initial mockup from my pattern (s9653, got from a magazine!), heres the things i changed before i got to the actual fittings:
sized down from the "recommended" size (i ALWAYS find commercial patterns have way too much wearing ease for me)(i did mock it up to the guide size, but... no)
added allowance for a zip in the back (since im going to be shortening the button stand to fit the design, i figured the easiest way to make this wearable is with a zip. even if i wasnt, honestly- i kinda hate doing that many buttons)
and heres what that looks like! (im aware its a tiny bit tight around the bust, thats from my vagueing the size down, ill do that Properly when i transfer to paper) honestly im pretty happy with this- theres no fitting issues that i didnt expect from this pattern, which is a minor miracle with me & commercial patterns
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now our next set of tasks is making the actual wanted changes!!! im going to add more shaping to the princess seam lines (at the waist on the front and back to make it actually nip in there, and above the bust on the front) and the notching for the button stand. i think thats all i want to do, but ill check again, maybe with collar and sleeve on, this time! (no point adding those when im making major changes)
(i know im also going to have to figure out the sleeve situation, but thats a later problem, i think!)
i should be able to get this all done tonight, ill catch you guys for an update a little later!!
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air3d3lalm3na · 3 months
Turns out I was actually sick and that’s what I was feeling yesterday too
thank god they were ok w rescheduling at late notice
fuck. going to take all the passed day today, tonight, and then as much of tomorrow as i can be inactive for, just to recover, before work.
got to clean every day after that. most of it is done though so fuck it if he expects anything better. he did not even clean it before giving it to me (or doing the showing i went to originally) so to hell with that
see, this just illustrates how unwell/sick i am. if i can’t easily readily tell the difference between my fatigue giving me a hard time, and coming down with something i catch.
been up all day, maybe some naps/dozing. so that i could take melatonin and sleep at a normal time. insane to do given i slept not a wink but the headache didnt help matters either.
the crash seems to be already happening before even moving. i tried to put it off so that my body+mind wouldnt make me deal with burning out until i were there. fuck. got to manage it.
took off the final day of my being here just for the move. FUCK working on the same day as that.
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nightsjod · 1 year
Since your "Friends" want to check up on this blog instead of you facing up to your own actions of bringing this up and proposals for "discussion" yourself and see i actually did message you PRIVATELY like this should have been. here
you are one of the most self centered emotionally controlling and manipulative friend i have ever had. the fact you keep COUNT of every time youve "helped" me through my "Troubles" and act like i have never once done anything for you is utterly insane behavior. i am EXHAUSTED from it. you wanted to end the friendship and im simply trying to honor that. im not fighting it. there is no point in fighting because i refuse to bend over and allow you to control every fucking thing i do again and you will not give in to see your own behavior EVER.
sorry i didnt want to TRAUMA DUMP on an anon like you so much like to do and try to remain optimistic and positive on my public blog but since you want to air out my own PERSONAL LIFE ON TUMBLR which you are very much in the wrong for doing so, ESPECIALLY using it as a weapon against me, fine. and especially since you want to go into fucking discord servers to claim i was lying about getting help after your messages, and publicly trying to call me a fraud then fine. i will also be public and honest like you want.
i tried to kill myself over this. i sincerely could not take it anymore and i felt like everything fcking shattered because no matter what i did no matter how hard i tried and what i did it was never good enough for you. you could never accept that i had a full time job, i had other friends, i had my own issues THAT DONT INVOLVE YOU and my own ENTIRE life and it was NEVER good enough for you. mad at me because i "dont follow through with plans" like we arent 24 years old and i work 50 hours a week? when have u ever once texted me "lets play this together tonight. lets see a movie tonight" you didnt. you are mad i didnt make the effort for YOUR life. i DID go to therapy because of it. you want to see the hospital and medical bills ive been paying because of it? because i will. call my fucking mother and she will tell you what SHES had to go through from this because she is also done with you and you airing out every issue youve ever had on her every time youd come over and never ONCE asking her how she is doing after losing her husband. call HER and tell her i was "obviously lying" when i said i would get help.
i wasnt going to fight it. i didnt want to bend over and "Just listen and change my behavior" because i didnt need to change. i was DOING my best. friendship isnt a transaction, unlike you keeping count every time you helped me apparently i didnt bc it wasnt things i Expected returned or expected PRAISE for. i bought games for you i WANTED to play together so wed have something else to talk about other than Negative Topics because i wanted you to desperately feel better and happy with something but you COULDNT because you could not stop being obsessed with your own misery and nobody likes being around that. thats the bitter truth. so i said bye because it wasnt worth it and if ending our friendship was something you TRULY thought was the best course of action then like fine. whatever.
so please continue telling everyone you meet every day the rest of your life about the horrible bad friend you once had. who never did anything for you ever because i know you are going to. and continue to surround yourself with equally controlling people who validate your feelings. i will be enjoying my life and continuing to ignore any further messages as well. ok, bye
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