#didn't wanna give them one of the souls in the actual game cuz idk
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meat-pvppet · 2 years ago
You have acquired the Grieving Soul. ... It seems as though happiness has eluded you throughout your life, leaving you to question if there's something inherently wrong with you or those around you. Sure, you have felt the occasional joys of this world, yet the cheerful faces of people around you feel out of place, as if they don't comprehend the pain that resides within you. It begs the question: don't they experience the same anguish? The weight of your existence, combined with the burdens of others, weighs heavily upon your chest. However, you needn't bear the entire world's grief alone. It is not your sole responsibility. Yet, time and again, you willingly shoulder the sorrows of the world. You always find reasons to mourn and grieve within this world. It's as if you were destined from birth to carry the immense sorrow of humanity within your compassionate little heart, soaking it all in like a sponge, but it only seems to multiply the more you take on yourself. Perhaps this is how you punish yourself for not experiencing enough suffering, for an unknown sin that eludes your understanding. Surely, you have done something to warrant this life, no? Is it possible that you perceive your own existence as despicable? Perhaps it is, perhaps it isn't. Whatever the case may be, you try your best to at least conform to those around you. Keep your sorrow to yourself as there is enough of that going on around you. The world could do with less of that, wouldn't you think? It's a delicate balance you have set for yourself on your own accord, through your own actions. A special brand of torment of your own creation.
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transmascaraa · 1 year ago
assigning different genshin chars to plavi orkestar(blue orchestra) songs!
characters: lyney, wanderer, kazuha, heizou, xiao, venti, gaming, furina
author's note: alright i wanna do something before i do the 6 reqs that i have. i'm from bosnia and i love ex-you music, especially plavi orkestar so this is kinda a self-explanatory thing lol anyways you can search for the lyrics online and then translate them or something because i just think that they fit these chars so yeah🤷‍♂️
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• Lyney - puteru puteru
i think this one suits him cuz like it's about thinking you're not all that good to your lover, although... "puter" means "butter" so you're basically calling the one you love "butter" and yes that doesn't make sense. but i think it suits him, see the lyrics and you might get it lol
"ja sam tebe prvi poljubio, ja sam tebe svemu naucio." (i was the one who kissed you first, i was the one who taught you everything.)
• Wanderer - nisam je probudio
alright. let me just translate the name "i didn't wake her up" and it suits him imo. not looking at how all the songs are with fem prns unfortunately but just at the lyrics. there's also lines like "majko, zasto me nije cekala?" and more, and "majka" means "mother". he's like asking his mother why didn't "she" wait for him etc etc the lyrics really explain him if he lost you or smthn help i would cry rn this fits him so much actually in the chorus the lyrics are "ako si me voljela sto me nisi povela" translating to "if you loved me, why didn't you bring me" as in like why didn't you bring him to death with you or something
"majko, da li znas, jos sam sam." (mother, do you know, i'm still alone.)
• kazuha - ne mogu ti nista osim srca dati
"i can't give you anything other than my heart" and i think it's so accurate for kazuha frfr. the way that it's sung is just so kazuha-coded imo especially when the chorus says "uzmi ili ostavi" when talking about his heart and it means "take it or leave it" and i think that he's just like thatttt he would accept it either you loved him or not because he's still ready to sacrifice his everything for you even though you may not love him cuz the lyrics are also "preslab da te zadrzim, prejak da ti oprostim, morat cu da prezivim." aka "too weak to keep you, too strong to forgive you, i'll have to survive" and for some reason i imagine kazuha singing that
"ne mogu ti nista osim srca dati, osim svoje ljubavi." (i can't give you anything other than my heart, other than my love.)
• Heizou - zarazi me svojim poljupcem
a lot of their songs are about tragic love yes so just take the angst lol back to heizou. now it's "infect me with your kiss" and it's canon because i'm the mole under his right eye. it's basically about begging for one last kiss and rejecting to believe that you left him. also in the chorus there's also "i prenesi, duso, tugu na mene" meaning "and pass, darling, the sorrow on me" also another thing i wanna say, "dusa(duša but i don't use the čćšđž in my language cuz i'm lazy)" means "soul" but when talking to a loved one or someone it can also mean "darling" so yeah. help i love this song sm
"sanjao sam nocima, da ti ljubim vrat." (i dreamt for nights, that i was kissing your neck)
• Xiao - sava tiho tece
"the Sava flows quietly" and the Sava is a river on the border between bosnia and croatia. and xiao doesn't really show emotions all that much but i think that this is what his brain would at least be like. really sad cuz he has to leave you aka you have to leave him. "zadnje nam je vece, draga. postala si dama." means "it's our last night, dear. you became a lady" and i think it suits him idk tho
"vec je meni, dal ces moci, poslije mene, ljubiti." (instead, it's to me, if you will be able, to love, after me.)
• Venti - kad si sam, druze moj
now honestly i had two ideas in mind. either this, "when you're alone, my friend" or "bolje biti pijan nego star" (better to be drunk than old) and let me tell you. if you're looking for a sad love song, see "bolje biti pijan nego star" but if you just want a good angsty song to relate to, i recommend this. "da si nista onome, ko je tebi bio sve." is "that you're nothing to the one, who was everything to you" and something tells me that he relates to that. love this song and i love venti too sooooo ("pio-ne pio" is basically "drink or not drink" without the "or". that's how we sometimes say stuff lol)
"hej, pio-ne pio, voljet cu te ja." (hey, drink-not drink, i will love you.)
• Gaming - sedam
basically "seven". yes, the number. 7. it talks about how without you, 7 days lasts like a day to him. also that eternity lasts for 7 days for him without you. i think it suits him, honestly. he wants you, but can't have you anymore, so he's mostly talking about his day/days and how they pass, always mentioning how it's not the same as before.
"cini mi se ljubav da je to..." (it seems like love to me...)
• Furina - sacuvaj zadnji ples za mene
STOP I IMAGINE FURINA DANCING TO THIS. IT FITS SO MUCH FHSHBSS "keep you last dance for me" and it's canon cuz i said so. "ma makar bio lazni, zagli me nocas, draga, najbolje sto znas." translates to "even if it's fake, hug me tonight, dear, the most you know" and it's basically like you're planning to part from her. i imagine this song tho YOU singing it to her. despite the first person male prns. still, i love the idea of it. "za mene vrijeme vise nema vaznosti, nije vazno ko je kriv." is "for me time doesn't have importance anymore, it doesn't matter who is guitly." i want to cry at every single word in this song because it's so much for furina. i can't listen to it without thinking of Focalors' last dance plssss it's so sad and it fits her so muchhhh
"kisne kaplje padaju po prozoru, mozda ce ti suze sakriti." (raindrops falling on the window, maybe they'll hide your tears.)
help it took me an hour and a half to make this.
i love it
i should stop obsessing over this lmao nobody is gonna understand me unless they understand the song/lyrics
i hope you liked it nonetheless
i want to do this again(i will sometime)
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