#didn't except to see storymode on net so early
cienie-isengardu · 5 years
MK 11 story
Since  there are already MK11 storymode / cutscenes out on net, of course I couldn’t help myself and watch. For now, this is more like chaotic rambling than any serious meta, but I really need to get all the emotions out so, beware spoilers:
Things I like and/or wish were more exploited
RACISM/SPECIESISM IN OUTWORLD what always was a big part of storyline but rarely were talked or pointed out. We see this with Tarkatans, who were always treated as animals / slaves / beneath the Edenians or other Outworld cultures. I liked how Kitana and Jade (who in MK9 called/treated Baraka like dog) changed - or at least started changing that. The fact princess Kitana and Baraka worked against Shao Kahn reminds me one of old MK comics, what only adds points of awesomess.
Also, I freaking love how MK11 gives Outworld cultures so much details. Tarkatans (among them females too), people of Kotal with their masks and painting and all. SO GREAT! Oh, and the people watching fight in arena, cheering all the bloodness and not giving any fuck who will win and become the new khan XDDDD
Scenery. Everyone is So Beautiful. Also, nice to see old arenas, including Shang Tsung’s Island :3
KUAI LIANG AND HANZO HASASHI’S TEAMWORK :3 :3 :3 I just can’t! I love it so much. The way they work in sync with each other and their banters, SO BEAUTIFUL ;3 Also, people’s reaction at seeing them / hearing about them on good terms. So much fun! My favorite little things is their meeting before mission to destroy Cyber Lin Kuei and Sub-Zero making sure Hanzo is looking in right direction to see entrance he is actually talking about XD
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ALSO, KUAI LIANG AND CYRAX. Cyrax once again breaks my heart :( Please, someone let him have his human body again! I wish there was younger, human version of Cyrax then, if just to see the epic scream match between him and Cyber Sektor XDDD Once again, Cyber Cyrax proved he never should be in command of C.I. Project; give him a free will for like few seconds, and he will be willing to blow up all cyborgs including himself :(
I’m gonna tell more about Sektor, Noob and Frost while rambling about things that irked me more or less, but let me tell you this: I start think my meta about Sektor and Bi-Han’s relationship may be actually valid thing. Also, all of them are right now the trio of black sheeps of Lin Kuei which makes this little scene
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quite... heartwarming? Taking care of each other - even if just for pragmatic reasons - hits me hard cause no one really care now for Frost, Sektor and to some degree, Noob (Kuai cares, sure, but in story mode he says they share the same blood but are not brothers) :(
OLDER JOHNNY! God, I love this version of his character :3 Also, the way he deals with his younger self :D :D :D :D
Generally, I liked very much all the interaction between younger and older selfs and all family feelings :3 This reminds me MK movie (1995)’s quote, how Mortal Kombat is not about death but about life and hell yeah, MK11 brings a lot good emotions.
Wonder what happened to Erron, to change so much from his younger reckless(?) self to more calm, loyal(?) to Kotal self. Even Johnny pointed something along the lines.
For once Raiden does not fuck up stuff and his relationship with Liu Kang ends on good terms. Nice.
Kung Lao’s remarks! Haha, I missed his sense of humor. Shame there was no Jinn to share sarcastic humor...
The talk about Cassie kickings Shinnok’s ass cause she has some magic in her while Jax/Jacqui needed to use magic item to beat godness makes me wonder how Jacqui is doing, the normal mortal between all those fighters with special powers (Cassie & Johnny and their magic, Takeda & Kenshi with reading minds and so one). I wish we could see more about this.
Here are things that irked me more or less.
The inconsistency between games.
I know, messed up timlines and all, but for example, Sektor as Grandmaster and his supposed crimes. Destroying Shirai Ryu & having deal with Quan Chi wasn’t Cyber Sektor doing, but his father, the Grandmaster from Sub-Zero Mythologies. I don’t like how Sektor is now blamed for stuff he wasn’t in position(?) to do back then. He is messed up evil, but please stop making him a scapegoat for everything that went wrong with original Lin Kuei >_<
Wasn’t Jax already out of military in MKX?
I’m not sure about Kotal’s backstory too, the supposed Shao’s betrayal and being given to Shang Tsung, as “ laboratory rat”. I’m pretty sure MKX gave different story, in which he was Kahn’s loyal general once who simply put Outworld’s good over serving Mileena.
Also, the thing that pisses me off for good is the whole Jax’s wife died so he can’t deal with grief and/or wish Jacqui did not serve as soldier so he is working (for some time) for Kronika. Eh. I’m so dissappointed with this one. Killing older!Sonya does not help the feeling but frankly, why not use Sonya’s death as motivation and have two combined tragedies/family dramas into one, since Briggs and Blade-Cage are one big family? I mean, Kronika was talking about Jax’s fear that something bad will happen to Jacqui on duty which makes sense, because this connect the game to previous one and all. But it makes me sad there is little connection to Sonya’s death. Okay, maybe I need to rewatch the cutscenes to get better perspective about this plot.
MK11 in my opinion also lack the great friendship between Cassie and Jacqui seen in previous game. I get it, really, there is so many stuff happening and both girls have family crisis to deal with and all, but there is something off about their relationship and that upsets me a lot :(
The treatment of Noob Saibot, Sektor and Frost. The first two were in game solely to be beat down while the way everyone give up on Frost so fast makes me really sad. I’m supposed to believe that Kuai wish to redeem his brother (in Sub-Zero’s ending) but does not think twice about Frost? His precious student? Not to mention that once again Frost plays the villain. I wish there was second Frost to stand up with her mentor against Cyber Lin Kuei/Kronnika. Or at something that could judge how much her claims is delusion and how much truth. Did Kuai really failed her so much? :(
Also, where the hell is Smoke and Sindel? The dead queen at least was mentioned by Kitana and Shao Kahn and, if I remember correctly, wraith Jade. While there is no mention of Smoke??? :( Okay, there is, but in intro. Thanks Noob, for once you were uselful XD
Frankly, the lack of Takeda is also something I wish was changed. His presence would add a lot weight to discussion between Scorpions, what makes Shirai Ruy. The younger version felt those new students of grandmaster Hasashi aren’t worth (cause no real blood ties to original clan members) while Hanzo disagree. Takeda, as an example of great skills and loyalty to clan/Hanzo could be nice addition. Lack of Jin upsets me too :( And Syzoth :( :(
And this is really minor thing but why the hell Noob Saibot would tell Jacqui and young!Jax his former name? Like, fine, Jax knew, but why he didn’t just call himself Sub-Zero? What would made much more sense.
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