#dhr oneshot
noxmalfoy · 4 months
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writetimewrongmuse · 16 days
Sugar Quills and other Cheap Thrills
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Returning to Hogwarts for his eighth year had been a bad idea.
Draco had known it would be.
He’d expected jeers of “Death Eater” at every meal. He’d expected to be cornered in every nook and cranny, every secret alcove that was only truly a secret to Filch. 
He’d expected to be punched, jumped and pummelled until he was bloodied and blue.
He’d expected to never make it to the end of his eighth year, and perhaps that was the reason he had returned to the hallowed grounds. 
To pay for his sins in blood and misery.
What he had not expected was to be brought down by a bushy haired witch that loathed him, a set of plump pink lips, and a strawberry sugar quill currently wrapped between them.
Merlin, fuck.
His first foray into her mind was inadvertent. 
His gaze had locked with hers just as she had opened her lips wide, and sucked in the delicious treat with a resounding “swoosh”, her gaze indecently bored and impassive as she peered around the empty library, before returning to her book. 
(A horridly boring and aptly named tome titled Wicked Witches & The Wonders They Wielded in The 14th Century.)
Yet that one moment was enough for him to get a glimpse.
A glimpse of him, in her mind, as she continued the sinful dance of her tongue—only not on a sugar quill.
He couldn’t have run out of the library any faster. 
He couldn’t have come any harder, later that night.
He couldn’t have pondered the fine line between hate and lust any more than he did the following many weeks.
The next time he looked into her amber hues, both warm and mercilessly teasing, was less inadvertent. 
She sat across The Three Broomsticks, a delicious foam of butter beer on the corner of her lips as she spoke to Noble Saviours One and Two, and Three–Longbottom was sitting far too close beside her, and Draco did not like it one bit. The grin that played on her decadent lips said she very much did.
He wondered which of the three he’d find in her mind on this occasion.
Gods he really was looking to hurt himself, because if it was the  ginger-fxck, he would have to Obliviate himself.
It was not Weasel. 
If he had found her lips to be sinful earlier, her tongue was utterly depraved. 
She licked up Draco’s (not him, the other Draco—the him he was now jealous of) thigh as her fingers teased into the placket of his trousers. 
Trousers, Draco was quick to notice, he was wearing right this very moment. 
With a gentle tug she pulled his trousers back as Draco’s fingers moved to wrap into her hair, her glorious curls perfect for all the ways he wished to grip it, tug it, yank—OH FUCK NO!
That was not an accurate representation of him and his assets—and he had every intention of filling that void for this ill-informed swot.
The only problem was, what could he possibly say?
“Say Granger. I know I’ve said horridly hideous things to you over the last eight years. But here’s the thing, I also breached the sacred temple that is your head, and whilst I was very much invading your privacy, I came across so many erotic visuals about you and I, that I have not thought of anything else for months. Wanna shag for real now?”
Draco knew he was attractive, and much sought after—but the only attention the witch was likely to give him in response was a swift kick to his heir-maker.
Which was not all too bad? 
“Might even feel nice.” He said to his textbook. “If it’s her doing it.”
No, no, no. He needed a plan—a legitimate excuse to broach any conversation that could revolve around the words lips, you, me and / or shag.
“Granger, what chapstick do you use?”
“Excuse me?”
It was perfect. Quidditch Finals were right around the corner, and nobody but the swot cared that also meant Final exams were also around the corner. Well, her and him—but he was also only in the library to try and woo this witch.
Woo her for what exactly?
Well he didn’t have all the answers.
At this point it would be a true miracle if his every answer for his N.E.W.T.s was not ‘Sugar Quill’ or ‘Hermione Fucking Granger’ or ‘That’s not what I look like Granger.’
“Malfoy.” Granger huffed. “What do you want?”
Ah fuck.
“About fucking time.” Hermione huffed. “And what chapstick do I use?”
“That’s the best you could come up with after six months?”
“Hey!” Draco groaned as she pulled him into the stacks. “It’s a valid question.”
“It’s an asinine question.”
Her lips were on his before he could ask her how she knew he had pondered his opening line for six months—and Merlin it all to Hell, she tasted like a Strawberry Sugar Quill.
The kind he loved.
No! The kind he had liked. Because nothing quite compared to the taste of the treat on her tongue.
Her tongue roved down his neck as his hands wound into her hair, her curls soft and heavy. Simply perfect to wrap his hands around and pull her lips back up to his.
“Prefect’s bathroom? Or right here?” He murmured between kisses.
“Fuck the bathroom.” She said, her fingers already pulling him out as she got down on her knees in front of him. “Mhmmm.” She said looking up at him, her eyes brightening with mirth as her thumb brushed him with a gentle but firm stroke.
“I see now why you took offence with my imaginings.”
“You’re A Legilimens.”
“Takes one to know one.” She said as her lips wrapped around him with a delirious moan.
“Gods, fuck, what have I gotten myself into?” Draco groaned as his eyes fixated on the way her lips curved around him.
She hummed, before releasing him with an obscene pop.
“Scared, Malfoy.” Hermione grinned up at him as her fingers continued to stroke him. “You’ve only a glimpse of what I have in mind.”
“If I have to die, Gods, please let it be at the mercy of your lips.” Draco groaned, as she slowly sucked the utter life out of him.
Written for Day. 6 of DHRMonth – "Legilimens."
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damsel-in-mistress · 1 year
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"Three things happened simultaneously: His left hand shot out to grasp the intruder’s wrist in a death grip, he realised who the intruder was, and the Stupefy died on his lips. Brown eyes open wide with surprise, brow furrowed, mouth ajar in a soft gasp, Hermione Granger stood before him."
When Draco's world is misery and dread, Hermione happens upon him in Myrtle's bathroom. None of them could have forseen what this will lead to.
one-shot, 8k
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Another One-Shot!
Hidden in Runes (2987 words) by quillandpotions Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Original Hogwarts Professors Additional Tags: Hogwarts Era, Hogwarts, Students, Studying, Tutoring, tutor!draco, War? What War?, Rating: PG13, Fluff, Developing Friendships, Friendship Summary: When Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, struggles in her favorite subject, Ancient Runes, she reluctantly accepts tutoring help from her long-time academic rival, Draco Malfoy. As weeks turn into months, their shared study sessions evolve from tense interactions to an unexpected friendship. Amidst the whispered rumors and shared laughter, they uncover a deep understanding of not only the subject they're studying but also each other. As they navigate their complicated academic rivalry, buried feelings emerge, resulting in an unexpected bond that hints at a potential for something more. This unexpected friendship and budding romance throw them into a thrilling journey of self-discovery, mutual respect, and emotional growth.
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“You saw me leave and you followed? We haven’t seen each other in 16 years and you just, what, decided to follow me to our old snogging spot for old times sake?”
“I… uh… no. Ok I’m sorry, Hermione… I just wanted to say…”
“Yes? What do you want to say to me?”
Hi reader,
Posting this here because I have recently rekindled my Dramione obsession thanks to booktok and want to share some of my work. Read the above if you love adult Hermione/Draco reunions, long lost love, heartbreak and 'living in the fantasy', even just for one night.
Always love to hear from you if you enjoy my work :)
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so-scarlett-maroon · 1 year
Draco Malfoy and the Magic Wand
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Even as Draco stepped through the Floo, he had a hard time believing what he was walking into: The new home of Pansy Parkinson and Hermione Granger. Sure, they’d bonded during their eighth year, and alright, he had to admit that even he was now on fairly good terms with the Gryffindor crew, but those two living together still felt very surreal. He dusted the soot off of his shoulders and looked around. The housewarming party was already in full swing. Neville and Luna were taking Jello shots in the kitchen, Harry and Ginny were facing off against Ron and Daphne in a game of quidditch pong in the dining room and Pansy was draped across a settee telling some story that had half the party enraptured.
But really there was only one person he was trying to locate, and he hadn’t spotted her yet. He walked further into the apartment, surreptitiously looking for gorgeous, golden-brown curls. After a few hellos, as he walked through the quite lovely flat, he finally spotted her. Or rather, heard a familiar, infectious laugh that led him to a smaller sitting room near the entrance to the home. She was standing, glass of wine in hand, next to Fred and George. What had those two said to make her laugh like that? They were both a good head taller than Hermoine, and they seemed to be crowding her. Draco didn’t like it one bit. He was certain they were looking down her dress, leering at her incredible breasts.
He wasn’t leering. Never. Draco Malfoy was a man of refinement and class. The two ginger buffoons were leering, while he was appreciating.
He’d never seen her in anything so tight or short before. He made a mental note to send Pansy some flowers. Pansy’s emerald green dress hugged Hermione’s hips and he found himself wishing she had reason to turn around…
“Hey, Draco!”
He jumped a bit, startled by the greeting.
“Hey, Theo”
“Were you mooning over your little Gryffindor again?”
“No. And shut up. And keep your voice down.
"Theo chuckled and pulled him into the kitchen for a drink. He poured them both two fingers of Fire-whiskey over ice and soon they were discussing last night's match between Puddlemere and the Harpies.
“Draco, dear!” Pansy called from the settee where she was still holding court. “I need to reapply my lipstick, would you mind going up to my room and grabbing my purse for me? I can drop the wards on the stairs for you."
Several men standing around her all offered to go in his stead, but Pansy insisted they stay with her. Draco walked over to the living room where she sat.
“Sure Pans, I’ll grab it. Just up these stairs?”
“You are such a sweetie!” she cooed. “Yes, up those stairs - first door on the right.” Then she flicked her wand, allowing him through the wards blocking the upper level.
Continued on AO3
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dramioneasks · 7 days
Hi, I’m sorry to bother you, but I’ve been searching through the tags and can’t seem to find what I’m looking for. Are there any fics where Hermione is an accomplished Occlumens or Legilimens?
Try these:
Interlude: Eighth Year by alexandra.emerson - M, 29 Chapters - Hermione is back at Hogwarts for 8th year. She’s feeling lost and finds comfort with an unlikely person, Malfoy. He’s returned to school for mysterious reasons and his plot involves Hermione, which is why he requested her as his Arithmancy partner. Malfoy is determined to get what he needs before she discovers his plot, or before he loses his nerve (again). Dark Dramione slow burn.
A Lesson in Occlumency By: makesmewonderx3 - T, one-shot - Dumbledore asks Draco to teach Hermione Occlumency. What secrets will he learn about her? And what truths will Hermione uncover from Draco? D/HR.
Obstrigillate By: tyrantsandcreampuffs - T, one-shot - In which Draco teaches Hermione Occlumency, and they both find themselves simply giving in to more than what their minds can handle. / Oneshot for dhr!challenge01. #01
I don’t mind if you don’t mind (can you read my mind?) - SultryNuns - E, one-shot - She’s miscalculated, staring at him openly, so she captures the abrupt way in which his head snaps up from his work. As a consequence, they’re now looking at each other, which is awkward, but at least he doesn��t know what she’s been thinking about. And then, Draco, usually still as a graveyard if never as quiet as one, twirls his wand again. And again. Watching her all the while, considering her. Hermione has a good sense for when she’s in danger, or an overwrought system that feels as though she always is, but either way, she slams a barrier around her mind, exerts her own graceless occlumency. He knows. And worse, he’s been driving her insane intentionally. 
Through his eyes by HCB123 - G, one-shot - Hermione wants to learn legillimency - of course she does. Draco teaches her but accidentally lets her see something he didnt mean for her to.
Seek and Find by SilverDragonGemini - M, one-shot - As part of his post-war sentencing, Draco is ordered by The Ministry to undergo Legilimency sessions to help them find any dark artifacts that may have been hidden at Hogwarts during the war. However, Draco is only willing to participate if Hermione is the one to perform the search on his mind and memories. Or: A legilimency journey through Draco's greatest hits and some of his most hidden secrets.
Legilimens - Ahimadala - E, 27 chapters, Words: 106,871 - Hermione Granger did everything she could to restore her parents’ memories after the war ended. However, in an attempt to fight her own spell something went wrong. The heroine of the Wizarding World will find herself with a very rare and uncontrollable gift, which will force her to discover shocking and embarrassing truths.
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dramionediscussion · 5 months
sometimes a line from something I wrote pops into my head like when you can't get a song out of your head, and I scour my published fanfiction to find it to ease my burning curiosity. I write for many fandoms and it's not easy keeping track of everything mentally. But recently I did this and it took me half an hour to realize the line was from an unposted fic lol. so now I'm going back to a 20k+ wip oneshot to have a rummage and write more. :) [not dhr just wanted to share if thats ok.]
Well, it's inspiring you to write more, which is a good thing!!!!!!! :)
- Lisa
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noxmalfoy · 3 months
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pacific-rimbaud · 2 years
I’m hoping you’re invited to write for dhr advent 2022 bc im never lonely when im with you is one of my favorite oneshots and i have no doubt what you’ll make again is gonna be endearing
I was! I don't know if it's endearing, but it was an honor to be nominated again and I hope people enjoy it!
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pomegrnteseed · 1 month
i think there's cause for reflecting on the "love you sm" mentality fandom spaces perpetuate at the surface level, with stories of emotional and sexual intimacy replacing or standing in for the connections we seek for ourselves. by which i mean to say - in creating worlds where such intimacy exists, by sharing explicit erotica and unmitigated heartbreak and lasting love, we think we're closer to each other than we actually are. it's a pseudo-connection, or at least far more brittle than we expect because we've shared our kinks and histories and dreams with people just like us. except, maybe they're not so much like us.
maybe it's not love we have for other members. maybe fandom communities are actually sustained by a desire to quell the anxiety and isolation of a passion/interest/hobby that few others share irl. maybe that's why we all feel the heat and hurt of the ruptures so keenly - they disturb our own sense of security.
that's not to say that love doesn't exist, there are all kinds of love, after all. i'm just not sure that this kind of love between fandom members is enough. i think it's brittle. i think we need more robustness. and i think such robustness comes from deeper connection, which is hard to sustain across timezones, geographies, other interests, political alignments, histories, expectations, dreams, desires. it's not impossible, but in-fighting is inevitable when there are too many people bringing their own notion of normal or expected or correct to the table. too many cooks, indeed.
after all, don't our dhr protagonists often have hurdles to overcome far beyond their love for each other? it is kind of ironic to me that we are embedded in a fandom whose ship is not canon, yet we cannot possibly imagine alternative ways of connecting or building community. it's hard, i know, to look beyond the walls we find comfort in, but there's so much more to community building than being interested in the same thing. and doing it on platforms built to engender miscommunication to keep people posting (and consequently seeing the ads placed on timelines so the fat cat's pockets remain well padded) is probably not going to help matters.
like, i'm posting this on tumblr for a reason. several actually. for one, the ones who took issue with my opinions (I originally named them but logging back onto twt today reminds me it's not worth the possible backlash) back during the ai-shaming conversation aren't likely to see it unless someone sends it their way, but they blocked me so i doubt they have any interest in what i have to write. for another, twt doesn't bode well for nuance given character limits and the atmosphere on the platform being primed for defensiveness and antagonism. third, i don't feel watched over here like i did on twt. i can just post my little rambles and not care about upsetting people because really there's no one watching and that's a relief. i have no fics in me atm. i've been trying, but i don't want to give to the dhr community at large. i want to write specific stories for specific people. that's how i wrote pola's harmony bday oneshot. gifting fics for specific people feels more my speed just now. i just don't have it in me to keep fostering friendships while the atmosphere is so volatile. except for taylor. i want to write her something for sure. soon as i find my muse, there's a big monsterfucking story coming her way. and sweet sweet bee, who i feel i owe a better story than i've currently got to offer in we are to learn. maybe when i'm back west next month i'll have a little more inspiration to draw from.
anyway, i just don't think some folks really understand the fickleness of the love bandied around dhrtwt. it's not the kind of love that wants to see you grow, learn, do better. it's the kind that's merit based but the scoring system isn't clear. it's the kind that's highly conditional with unwritten rules and etiquette you best learn quick. and it's a kind of love, i've learned, that is extremely quick to sour if you don't conform to the personal ideals of a popular, loud few. personally, that's not much like the love i want to put time into at all.
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damsel-in-mistress · 2 years
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Hogwarts Sixth Year, Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Angst, Songfic, Death Eater Draco Malfoy
Summary: She wasn’t supposed to walk in on him. She was supposed to be tutoring some third-year half-wits, not catching him red-handed, clothes wildly strewn all over the floor while he was still at it.
On the bed.
With mussed-up hair and shock-widened eyes.
Unable to deny what he was doing.
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My very first work!
Potions Club (2383 words) by quillandpotions Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Professors, Hogwarts Professors, Hogwarts, dramionemonth, Fluff Summary: Professors Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy unite to rejuvenate a Hogwarts student organization. As they navigate their shared project, their professional interactions transform into personal connections, evolving from shared dinners to intimate conversations. In the process of establishing the Potions Club, they find not only a pathway to enrich their students' lives, but also a surprising love that transcends their past differences.
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schmem14 · 2 years
*** New Dramione Short short story posted!***
Peaches and Cream
“Draco licked the seam of a peach from top to bottom, staring straight into her wide brown eyes. Each bite was positively lewd, and he noted that her nostrils flared whenever the dribble of juice tracked down his chin. She flushed when he moaned, and so he increased the volume and regularity with which he ravished his daily fruit. Hermione, I could do this all day, He promised with each succulent mouthful.“
Draco develops an unhealthy obsession with peaches. (In other words, his office-mate Hermione has a very nice butt, and he can't stop staring at it.)
Rating: M Warnings: Language, sexual content Pairings: Hermione and Draco Word count: 6313
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vesperics · 3 years
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oh, when i have you dramione, professor/student, older man/younger woman, muggle au, nsfw one-shot
6.5k words
description:  Hermione may be obsessed with her professor.
read here (i would like to start sharing some writing on platforms other than twitter, bear with me as i figure out the best way to do so!) <3
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marianamonteverde · 3 years
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6 more prompts/drabbles of “Remember, the Secret is Love” are up:
7- Photography
8 - Animals
9 - First Kiss
10 - Letters
11 - Hand Holding
12 - Dreams
Each of them is a little drabble, where Hermione and Draco remember moments of their life together <3
Hope you enjoy it!
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