#dha werda verda a'den tratu. manda'yaim kandosii adu=we are the rage of the warriors of the shadow. the first noble sons of mandalore
blackat-t7t · 2 months
The first Mandalorians were the Taung species, and the Taung were originally native to Coruscant
I think that could be a fun jumping-off point for an Eldritch Coruscant Guard story
Something to do with an Old God of War, maybe, and spilt blood that finally, finally drips low enough to touch the barren earth, far below the layers of glass and steel and concrete that stack on top of one another, like layers of rock hiding fossils from different ages
Taung blood. Impure, because there are no pure Taung anymore; yet Taung nevertheless, for some of the genes persist within populations in Mandalorian space, hiding in people that are otherwise Human (also called Zhell, the other species native to Coruscant)
A God of Change Through War, whose eternal adversary is a God of Sloth, Consumption, and Stagnation. And what else would such a war god see in corrupt, complacent senators?
The Force is clouded on Coruscant, smothered by the Sith darkness spreading like plague over the planet. Even the Jedi, who are called "the Force make physical", can't fully sense it though the fog. But gods are contained within the Force, as all things are, and they aren't so easily obstructed. The struggle between light and dark is a war too, neverending. The war god may care only for battle and bloodshed, may not care which side is victorious, but the Force tilts everything towards balance, and the Sith Lord has pressed it too far.
Old ghosts of Taung Mandalorians long gone- the Dha Werda Verda themselves- prowl the surface of the planet, far below the vaunted skyscrapers. They appear to other warriors- other Taung- other Mandalorians, linked to them by the universal soul of the Manda- and whisper to them of glorious battle: kote, darasuum kote.
The words are a chant that all clones know, like they know the beating of their hearts: one of the few pieces of Mandalorian culture Fett deigned to share with them. One of only a handful of songs given in its original form, in Mando'a, without the words twisted out of true to fit the clones' service to the Republic. The clones of the Guard never learned the true Dha Werda Verda chant. That was a privilege reserved for the Nulls and Alphas, and the commandos favored by Mandalorian trainers. But they heard it, in passing; heard the beat, even if they couldn't make out the words. And now when they wake from dreams with those words ringing in their heads- Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu, Manda'yaim kandosii adu- they know the meaning in their bones.
The god, the ghosts- they're reaching up from the planet's surface, though the levels of construction piled like layers of stone, like ages of time; feeding on blood and blaster smoke and all the traces of war. They're wrapping their claws around the only beings they can touch and urging them to fulfil their destiny: to go to war.
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