#dezel redesign
mollydastoertchen · 2 years
Also since I think the question is quite funky you get a survival scenario: You and the five last OCs you designed (must be new, not old babes that got a polish/redesign/new form) crashland in the middle of nowhere last thing you remember seeing from above were miles and miles of a sheer endless forest and high mountaintops. You are surrounded by dense tall trees that reach so far in the sky that you can barely see the top of their crowns and there are so many that the light barely touches the ground. In the distance you hear the quiet murmuring of a stream, but curiously enough, this is the only thing you hear, no birdcalls, no rustling of little critters flitting around. It's definitely too quiet. You need to get out of these woods and try to find your way back to civilization. How much / how little is your crew and you fucked and would you make it alive out of the endless forest? How. (if you feel like it u could include scribbles of character reactions in there :D)
I really thought about including some sketches to illuminate better, buuuut my uncreative brain was too low to come up with anything nice xD
So here it goes! My most recent 5 OCs are: Nathan, Dezel, Willow, Chris and Tucker - my whole furry gang so to say.
And we'd be fucked.
First of all, none of the boys, and neither me have great survival abilities. Nathan can steal and sneak and thats about it. He knows how to live in a rough world, but he's not fit to really survive in the wilderness. Tucker is waaaay too clumsy to go hunting, Chris might be a bit of help but he would be a very anxious wreck in a scenario like that. Dezel is a smart cookie, he'd absolutely save our asses multiple times when the rest of us goes out to eat the dangerous berries. And Willow? Well, he's good at exploring stuff and he has a bachelor degree in physics and biology. Chances are he can help us out with a bit of the flora and fauna of the place. And me? Oh, I'd be ballin my eyes out like a toddler. I#m not physically healthy enough to survive such a scenario for sure. Maybe, if Willow would be so kind, he'd carry me everywhere so my feet and hip and back dont start to randomly explode.
But yeah. We'd kind of awkwardly and unprofessionally stumble around, probably get the idea to climb a tree and see if we can spot something from further up, and then go back to stumbling around. Chances are, the forest gets lit up, hoping that a forest fire attracts help. (Also I'd nearly die at that thought because of my severe phobia of open flames.)
Thanks for askin :') I need to make a survivalist OC now I think lol.
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khytal · 3 years
have you played zestiria??? tales of the rays incorporated the armatization system of zestiria. Sooo some characters can be fused with a summon spirit.(centurion in Emil's/Ratatosk's case)and have a mystic arte with them. Sorey has one both Lailah and Mikleo (obv choices), Rose has with one with Dezel.
Cress has one with Origin (wielder of the Eternal Sword)
Emil and Ratatosk have one with Tenebrae :p
Lloyd has one with Gnome.
Did I mention that with those armatization, they also have a redesigned version of their default outfits?
ohhhh that's cool (for the record i've played abyss, xillia 1/2, zestiria, and vesperia. and arise of course. i watched symphonia and its sequel a long time ago)
i think i tried playing rays when it first came out and i didn't really vibe with it back then, but now i'm actively playing like 5 gacha games so tacking on another would be too much haha
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wildhybrid · 7 years
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Final commission in queue complete!  It’s Tales of Hearts meets Tales of Zestiria, Kor Meteor merged with Dezel to form an imperfect armatus of sorts.  Had a lot of fun with this one, especially in redesigning/stylizing Kor’s Soma for the blade wings.
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