#dewit if you haven't yet!
corignem · 5 months
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NAME?: andy
PRONOUNS?: they/he
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: at the moment, it's mostly my muses from the walking dead-- jesus & ezekiel especially. then it's my oc sebastian belgrave & also obi-wan kenobi!
RP PET PEEVES?: it's a pet peeve/absolute ick-- people lying about who they are in order to hide from the things they've done in the past. deceiving people, fucking with their trust like that??? all bc ur a lil bitch baby that would rather hide than make amends for the things you've done?? DISGUSTANG. oh and also people that don't grasp the mutuals only concept. behave.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: oh god uhhhhhhh... on tumblr? it's been since around 2012 i think. roleplay in general is maybe a couple of years before that?? i was doing fanfic first tbf before switching over to roleplay!
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: ...dont make me choose-- honestly i need a good mixture of it all to thrive. <33 i need the depth and complexities they all provide.
PLOTS OR MEMES?: memes are my love <33 they're an easy way to get things started, to delve into different aus and timelines. but i do love in depth threads that often come from plotting. but tbf, when i say i like plotting, what i really mean is-- lets ramble abt our charas/their dynamics, lets send each other stupid tiktoks like 'dis them', lets send each other playlists and pinterest boards and all that shit, ya know???
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: somewhere in the middle ig?? i like going off on a good old ramble, and love seeing my partner do the same. i like our threads being a place where we get to explore a characters feelings and motivations etc beyond just the basics of what is physically happening. so i tend to lean more somewhere in the middle, to something that can be longer if we feel the vibes.
TIME TO WRITE?: stares into space,,, honestly whenever i have the time and energy ya know?? typically, late evening or anytime during days off from work. if i'm writing on discord, it can truly be an anytime thing bc i find that easier especially if we wanna rapid fire back and forth for a bit.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: i-- have too many muses to consider this,,, like. yeah, there's definitely some muses im so deeply attached to be i relate to them ya know?? like, comfort characters and all that. but then i have some that i look at and go 'oh so ur an idiot<33' so it's a mixed bag ig??
tagged by: @rayofsunshinc ♥
tagging: uhhhhhhhh u seein this and haven't done it yet??? dewit!!
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zoryany · 4 years
Fic Title Meme
Tagged by: @mokulule ​ and @spell-cleaver ​ !! (a while back but I’m slow at responding - thank you, tho, dearies !! <3 )
Look at the most recent 20 12 fanwork titles on your AO3 account (bc that’s all I have on there lol) and answer the questions below.
If we really wanted, I could dip into my ff.net days but. it would really take quite the demand for me to do that. I’d prefer not to think about most of those lmfao. 
For Better of Worse
Of Loyalty and Royalty
Legacies of the Chosen One
Temples and Truths
Ash and Ember
The Boy With Starlight In His Veins
Back Against the Wall
To Train the Chosen
A Solitary Mourning
Perchance to Dream
1. How many are you happy with?
I like most of them. I’ve always had such trouble with titles, so like how I feel about them changes pretty regularly, but in general, I’m happy with most of my titles. it isn’t often that I come up with a title that I consider to be brilliant, and if I do come up with one, it’s before I start writing the fic, and then I end up having to change it bc it just doesn’t fit anymore. the same goes for chapter titles, tbh.
2. How many are… not great?
I think I’m the most unhappy with To Train the Chosen but that one was initially written on a tumblr roleplay blog with no intention to give it a title. I’m also not the happiest with Temples and Truths. it just seemed to be a title that suited the story I (eventually) want to tell, and I couldn’t come up with anything more clever.
3. How many did you scramble for at the last minute?
Well... hmm. I mean, in one way or another, all of them. definitely A Solitary Mourning and To Train the Chosen. pretty sure I scrambled somewhat for Temples and Truths. and definitely For Better or Worse, I just wanted to get (part of) that one up for the fic exchange it belongs to, and that title just so happened to Work.
4. How many did you know before you started writing/creating, or near the beginning?
Ash and Ember I knew going into it, since the fledgling ideas for it were plotted out before with the help of a former writing partner of mine. Back Against the Wall was... I think early on, or at least partway through. I fiddled with a couple ideas before settling on that idea in the end, but I think the title came once I figured out where I was going with it. technically you could count Penumbra, since it’s a oneshot collection, but I do generally have a vague idea of what I’ll title the oneshot itself before or as I start writing it. the end result might not necessarily be the original idea, but I at least have a starting point.
5. How many are quotes from songs or poems?
two are song titles lol. Ash and Ember and Back Against the Wall. largely bc those songs are ones that just sort of... fit the fics themselves, and I find it easier for me to focus my writing when I have musical inspiration. the chapters in Ash and Ember are also song quotes. I blame @ladyvader23​ tho, since she likes to have songs in the notes that go along with each chapter. BATW was a gift fic for her to begin with, so of course I had to, and that method has helped me keep focused for A&E so I can’t feel too bad about it.
6. How many are other quotes?
Hamlet is a play, not a poem, so I guess Perchance to Dream counts here lol. 
7. Which best reflects the plot of the story/content of the fanwork?
probably Back Against the Wall and A Solitary Mourning, since in the former, Luke is pretty literally stuck between Vader and the wall, and he’s literally just mourning his father on his own in the latter. Temples and Truths is pretty literal as well, though I still have to write the “truths” part of it. Perchance to Dream is also pretty literal since it’s, well, about dreamsharing (as is the Penumbra oneshot called Dreams lol.)
8. Which best reflects the theme of the story?
I do like Penumbra for my oneshot collection, bc it does have that light/dark dichotomy that Luke and Vader possess. Ash and Ember, especially given the song I stole it from, reflects a lot of what is going to go down in the story to come, if not directly than for sure in an overall “character journey” sort of way. and Legacies of the Chosen One works in that it’s focused on Luke and Ahsoka, who are both part of Anakin’s legacy in some form, and even if it isn’t technically a “theme,” per se, their relationship with him and increasingly one another is the whole point of the fic. Of Loyalty and Royalty also fits really well, given the sort of tug between the royal duty Luke has and his loyalty towards both his family and Han.
9. Which best reflects the character voice of the story/POV of the story?
prooooobably The Boy With Starlight In His Veins, just bc, well, it’s all about Luke, and that’s sort of how I like to refer to him. in an entirely poetic and metaphorical manner, of course. you could also make arguments for A Solitary Mourning and Back Against the Wall, though.
10. Which is your favourite title?
hmmmmmm.... I think I’m generally most proud of Penumbra, Back Against the Wall, and Of Loyalty and Royalty. they just sorta fit the best, and even tho BATW is stolen from a song title, I still like it and how it suits the oneshot itself.
Tagging: anyone !! everyone !! please do this!! tag me so I can see! if you haven’t done this yet, consider yourself - yes, you - tagged!
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