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How would Ram react to Det Life Ax?
He would NOT like that
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I’ve been seeing sooo many amazing media characters from wolv//erine or detl//arune and wanted to dip my toe into the water….
Hellooo!! Sorry for my haitus, however it won’t be ending too soon :(
I had to re-move to a new apartment, my new apartment flooded, and my uni has been dragging me through the mud. I make so much art, but sitting down and drawing for myself has become a challenge 😭
Hopefully I can be more active soon, and finish up that drive I left a few months ago. However, I did make this little piece… :) 🤍
#mpreg#mpreg art#preggo kink#pregnancy art#belly k!nk#cw mpreg#mpreg animation#mpreg birth#trans mpreg#cw labor
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1st June, 1940. Three Avro Ansons of 500 Squadron were attacked near Ostend by 9 Bf109s, splitting their formation. The aircraft of P/O Phillip Peters fought a running battle which saw the fighters driven off, with two claimed as destroyed. Peters then completed his assigned patrol alone before flying back to base at Detling.
1) Airfix artwork of the engagement. Phillip Peters was awarded the DFC, while gunner LAC Lewis Smith and navigator Sgt Deryk Spencer (operating an additional beam machine gun) received DFMs. Their aircraft was the only one to return to Detling, with just four bullet holes. The other two Ansons had landed at Manston, one being badly shot up, with its gunner fatally wounded.
📷 airfix.com
2) A preserved Avro Anson at Duxford now wears the markings of Pilot Officer Peters’ aircraft. Luftwaffe records suggest that one Bf109 force landed near Dunkirk and was written off, its pilot being injured. The German pilots misidentified the three Ansons as Blenheims, and claimed to have shot one of them down.
📷 IWM 2010.20.1
@ron_eisele via X
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#CloudGrab captures on two different at sunrise and sunset looking out in the morning at Detling Hill and in the evening at Kemsley Sittingbourne - 15-16.03.20 🌅 (5 takes) 💎
#cloudgrab#landscape#sky#clouds#original photography#countryside#sleepingwell’s photos#skygrab#sunset#cloudcore
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Okay, Detling, I know you haven’t started paying the fucking bills to be slamming doors in my precinct.
The hell is your problem?
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It was going to be a quiet day in at the Detling household, Sophia’s evening of drinking the previous night left her feeling especially hungover and sprinkling the darkest reveal of conversations with Toby on top of that was giving her a major migraine. All she wanted to do was sleep and laze around on the couch. Saturday meant her brother wasn’t spending his day at the school, instead, it gave the siblings an opportunity to adjust to the next steps of their nearly mended relationship. Soph managed to slunk out of bed in the early afternoon, spending a good amount with her head stuck in the toilet before entering the kitchen where Toby was kind enough to make her something to eat that wouldn’t cause the young woman another vomit spell. She somehow choked down the food miraculously mess-free, deciding that was the most she was planning on doing that day other than lay on the couch with the television on.
Sophia’s ears caught the sound of the doorbell ringing, figuring she required a good stretch now that the hangover passed. “I’ll get it.” She rose from the couch cushions with a load groan and tossed the blanket in Toby’s lap before taking her time making the way over to the door, barely peeking through the side window like she normally would. It was likely someone coming to sell them something, their mother always donated a small amount even while she had little to give if the charity was fighting an important cause. She turned the knob, letting the door swing open to reveal two men and a woman wearing what appeared to be hospital scrubs. “Hi, can I...help you?” The female visitor looked her up and down with a seriousness, “Sophia Detling.” Soph raised a brow with confusion, so the woman continued, “I’m afraid you’ll have to come with us. It’s better if you don’t resist.” Sophia turned her head to immediately call for her brother, “Toby-” Before she could finish her statement, however, the two men stepped forward and grabbed each of her arms before giving her a small yank. “What are you doing, let go of me! Toby!”
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(2024-08-24 to 2024-08-26) Military Odyssey A three-day multi-period living history show held on August Bank Holiday weekend at the Detling Show Ground in Kent. The show is packed full of living history displays bringing two thousand years of history into one place.
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ax. ax i need life bone bros you dont. understand. ax. acks.
DetLife bone bros so small
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Being Real
I just want to chat that I been hating tiktok more and more. I feel as if I can't be myself on that soical media. But sadly I don't know how to grow my tumblr account. Hey I'm at least trying.
Tiktok just drains the life out of me and I hate it. I honstely want to detle my account and just pot on tumblr only.
Feel as on tumblr I can be more me and open.
If anyone has any tips on to grow my tumblr account please let me know.
Thanks and love ya guys.
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28 May 1940. 806 Naval Air Squadron pilot Midshipman A. G. Day from RAF Detling, achieved what was probably the sole confirmed victory of the Blackburn B-25 Roc, shooting down a Ju-88 near Ostende.
@ron_eisele via X
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State of play with Mr Sleepingwell… was tired as my adventures went on longer than planned. Got chips at my usual at Teynham then drove on to Sittingbourne which had above average traffic hence I drove towards Murston… it was okay until the base of Detling Hill and motorway was queued all the way to the junction (accident on M20 I guess) so drove from Maidstone down A229 then took back roads to Beneden/Rovlenden and hit up Tenterden making use of the gas station for snackyroos then drove to Appledore and that’s it really. Didn’t shoot anything though.
Decided to maybe start another Rise Of Kingdoms account but with a fundamental rule of no spending and keeping that Minamoto icon (he’s a pay commander) and might well blog (making a new side blog for gaming) about my progress in all of the games I’m playing. There will be a FollowFriday but might make a new graphic.. all is well 🤘
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Adu Alroch Alrodi Arsale Ati Attu Awi Cainton Cemolli Cerl Ceruli Cerulone Ceruloni Cessendre Cethironi Chentel Cherlis Cherlutti Chluí Chroste Chrostil Chrostilli Chrostoen Chrostoeni Chrostoni Chrostushi Chrostut Cleadi Cleadoe Cleadoni Cleori Clere Clíminci Clímint Culhy Culitti Cultun Cureloi Curiy Curone Curonni Cyrol Cícoli Cídroc Cíloni Dart Daston Demoin Denmer Denoil Denoilli Denoìli Denuhirt Derl Derlhionw Derod Deron Deroni Derstin Detle Detron Detye Dilshoni Dinos Dinosi Diron Dirston Dleas Dleas-sitir Dodoir Doene Doidroch Doitir Doitiroch Doitroch Dumonocai Duneld Dunred Dylen Eadriy Eanast Earocd Earuri Earíloi Earíloin Edilhiod Edili Edroen Edroin Edult Eleon Elhirt Elimendre Elimendri Elimos Elmat Eloci Elone Eloni Elron Eltrid Eluos Elwon Emeloe Emendoni Emil Emiloe Emíloi Endrie Endries Endrí Endríi Enne Enneloisi Enni Ennilode Enniloisi Ennilosi Ennimeroi Ennis Ennocd Ennoi Ennìs Ennílocai Ensner Entun Entuoni Erlitti Ermon Erndt Ernead Ernuld Erthar Estrod Hahirt Hanaitti Hantir Hanu Henneh Henni Henniluri Hens Hereld Herhere Heruld Hestoen Hestosti Hidy Hiet Hiete Hiline Hillmath Hilmat Hilmath Hilne Hilni Hinidodt Hinlemon Hinro Hinroitti Hinuôt Hiodimeroi Hiodo Hionir Hiono Hionroch Hionu Hionw Hirhirt Hirmen Hirmenn Hirmoni Hirnd Hirneditti Hirnerd Hirrí Hirtrem Hirtrend Hirwon Hoende Holde Holdi Holdinerd Holme Hranu Hronotti Hudu Hulnir Hurst Híetroci Hílìni Iddiherd Idmand Idoth Ildi Ilmer Ilse Iltroidi Imme Immenail Immenailli Immiroch Imol Imoloi Imoly Inwu Iolherd Ire Irherd Iroc Irode Isthir Istilli Iweld Lac Laces Lacoi Lacoin Lacoinni Lades Laduroc Ladwon Laloe Laloi Laloin Laloitti Lass Lastoni Latte Latw Leare Leari Learinci Learint Leccailoni Leccais Lecuh Ledosleas Leitotoe Lene Lenoni Lers Lien Liencleadi Lienlac Lienluaos Lienmerc Lienmeroi Lienmochil Lienni Liennoni Lienseal Liensoirri Lientrencuos Line Linnotir Lirmeoni Liron Lirumi Lissoce Loene Loisl Loloeni Lone Loshith Lounil Luaille Luaos Luaosi Lucilyni Luechom Luhenn Luhenne Luhennis Lunes Lunethen Lurintw Lusish Lusitti Lust Lusí Luther Luïl Luïlli Luöc Lydoe Lydoi Lärnin Lätuld Líe Lírûmi Lürn
Maroil Mearoci Medilioni Melrone Melti Memomi Memomoloen Menail Mendeline Menelo Menun Merc Mercas Mercil Mercilli Merlini Mernairoti Merneriti Meroas Meroe Meroenni Meroi Meroichrostoni Meroicleadi Meroir Meroithírìsi Merone Meroni Merou Meroun Merte Merton Mertoni Methoia Metholdi Metthoes Metthoia Miderd Milron Minoe Mionred Mocdeïl Mocheile Mocheïl Mochil Mochilli Mochiloni Mochìli Molu Monne Morcu Mordu Morende Moriolli Moroem Muhemid Mune Munocai Munode Murneni Murotw Myroem Mílenoi Mílosse Nanthir Naodu Naolleami Nay Nedoe Nedoni Nehroil Nehroili Nenni Neteloi Netheloi Neíten Neïlli Nhosleoni Nihherd Niniroìri Nird Nireld Nirerd Nirherdt Nirmeoni Nirmer Nirnut Nirt Nirtradi Niurn Niurnis Niurnitti Noculeas Nocules Noculi Nodule Nolhirt Nollis None Nonitti Noreldu Nosile Nosilhir Nosìli Nritchin Nrite Nriti Nritil Nrínury Nuttloih Nuttscheld Nutttroid Nuímoi Nänthir Nírerd Nütw Olune Omilde Onnrod Onnu Onìs Orme Orìni Ose Osehille Osehilli Radulsh Rat Rechil Relinton Relsh Reltir Relíroi Remune Rendell Renisse Reonir Resheïl Reymund Reymundi Riní Riníi Rionherd Rionhuld Rirunoce Rocherd Rochinwe Roctur Rocturoe Roncint Rornonoi Roule Ruhirt Ruhirte Ruhon Rulend Rullreth Rult Rumen Rumeon Runeld Runir Rusone Rímo Rímy Rínoni Rínos Rírunocai Sasenni Sawenni Seal Sealitti Sealoni Sehoni Sehrone Semail Sendir Sendre Sendroni Sereh Sescel Sesceli Setrocd Setroci Setrocoe Shiryl Sholos Sholoss Sholosse Sholossi Sihestoen Silme Siriron Sirni Sitir Sointroid Soirri Soirritti Somun Somuni Sonmand Sonosmand Srin Srinle Stishin Stitenoe Stísheni Stíshenoi Sulenni Sunoe Sushoi Sylreon Sylristir Sylroi Síhestoin Sírironi Tehoin Tehoinni Tehroci Temere Tenny Thoirry Thumes Thírìsi Thíu Tilom Tirdonend Tlurinci Tlurint Tluroen Tomu Tone Treadi Trencd Trenconi Trencos Trencuos Trencuosi Trend Trenw Tridirocd Tridrod Troidimenn Troidroch Trotw Trídíroc Tuhoes Tum Ucíeni Uditti Udoli Ulet Ulne Uloroe Uloroir Urtrad Uscer Uthmer Uttu Uttumer Weltir Winwil Wirnhir Wirnir Woihdi Wolhilm Wolhilmone Wolloem Woltrad Wontroid Wult Wultnenn Yenn Yennocd Yris Yritti Yrunni Íloeni Ílosehith Ílosi Íludoi Ímoloi Írilyniechom Íroc Ítoinni
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