#destructive thoughts win and I will say: I'M GONNA SLAP HIM. NOW.
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fifthnail · 2 months ago
OHHHHH THIS IS SO GOOD🩷 look at dat booty right there. Neurons activated
Bro this is incredible, the work done was magical. I love this art like my life. Thank you very much for this trade, I hope to do it again!😉
Ily very much 💓🐐
Art tarde for @fifthnail jejeje I love u bro……….
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airmaginept2 · 5 years ago
Petals from a rose
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prompt: Y\N and Yoongi break up, but they have a pet and neither of them want to give it up. Then they spend a few days each with the pet separately. But it kinda helps them get together again … or not.
 pairing: Yoongi x female reader
words: 1.2k
summary:  prompt: “don’t you miss me ”
genre: angst
Suggestion of songs to listen to while reading  this:
spotify’s playlist:
Navigation Playlist : Petals from a rose (here)
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“ Rolling up my sleeves 'Cause my heart is yours to keep Begging on my knees Please don't cut the strings You're a kamikaze On a mission of self destruction You love the word maybe It's killing me “
- Petals from a rose ( Kyle Reynolds )
Y\n hear someone knocking. She couldn’t stop her heart to beat fast when she saw him standing up, dressed casually with his long sleeves shirt and flip-flops, looking like he doesn’t sleep in days.
- Hi. – she said looking at anywhere but his eyes. - Hi, y\n. I’m here to pick him. -Yeah.. hum.. he’s ready! – she open the door leaving space for him to enter. Dexter raises his ears at the moment he heard Yoongi’s voice. - come here boy, come! – Yoongi said, slapping his tights to call the dog. - are you sure you want to take him to your house today? He is really messy.. – she said relying on the wall, trying and failing in not look at him and how pretty he was. Yoongi was trying not to think much about all that was going on. He really loves her, and they had broken up less than one month. All the kisses, hugs, encouragements, laughs and other stuffs were over. No more of her coming to his practice’s, no more yelling and cheering when he was rapping . No more snuggling together and cuddling while watching a movie. Nothing. All because of him. He was the one who broke up. “I know she’ll end up hurt, so I’m gonna do this now, before I mess her life even more than I already did. ”- yes.. I’m sure. – he said shortly leaning over to pet the dog . – I’ll drop him here from two days, okay? - Fine by me. They both let the silence settle down in the room. Yoongi was the one to start talking again while got up. - You look really nice. Are you doing fine? –he looked right into her eyes. y\n felt the rage raising in her chest. She tried to breath and calm down before answer him, but “what kind of stupid question was that?”. She missed him like hell and cried every night remember the moments they had together. “He just woke up one day and decide that he doesn’t need me anymore. What am I? A joke? Someone so disposable that he just decided I wasn’t good for him anymore? And telling me that was because he doesn’t want to see me hurt in the future? What the hell this even mean? ” - what do you think Yoon? Do you think I'm okay? Look at me, closely. – her voice was high now. She was losing it. -I.. didn’t.. I’m.. - you know what? You told me that you didn’t want to see me hurt in the future, but guess what? IM HURT NOW! Every time I wake up I reach for you … but you’re never there.. cause you’re gone. Cause you CHOSE to leave. What we had didn’t mean anything for you, right? - of course it meant something! - it clearly don’t Yoongi! What did you break up then? I don’t understand! - You’ll never win with me, Y\n. She didn’t say anything. He continued. - is the life you want? Not being able to do nothing freely, like walking in the streets, not be able to post a selfie without receiving hate comments, not being able to walk feeling safe afraid of someone following you and taking pictures every damn time? - all I wanted was a life where you were part of. It was like a knife in his stomach. He felt the same and maybe even more. “Can’t she tell that this is killing me?” - don’t you miss me? – she said starting to cry. - i’m sick and tired of missing you, Yoon.. I can’t do this anymore. I thought that see you, even when you broke up would do me some good, but it didn’t. it just reminds me that I’m not enough for you. Not enough for you to try. You can’t just show up like this anymore. I can’t do this. She was bursting into tears now, trying to hold her own sobs. - y\n.. – Yoongi hold his fists closed, trying not running and hug her. - I'm feeling stupid crying like a baby in front of you.. “fuck it”, he thought while started to walk towards her. - Come here .. Hey, don’t cry. – he pulled her to his arms, stroking her hair – I’m so sorry. i know i messed up. you mean everything to me. I don’t have anything if I don’t have you. I’m hurting like hell.. I.. – his voice disappeared. She continued to cry. - I know. – she said hold his shirt tightly. - You don’t have to say anything. I know. He continued to hug her. He tried to feel everything he could, not knowing if this will happen again. - I’m drenching your shirt. – she said smiling. - I don’t mind. You’re crying because of me. This is the least I can do. y\n stayed holding him, listen the beat of his hair, inhaling his scent. This wasn’t right. They couldn’t keep doing that. “It’s not fair making him have to deal with me, keep seeing me. This is broken both of us”. Yoongi gave a little space to look at her, checking if she was okay. y\n looked directly to his eyes, she wasn’t crying anymore. - I forgive you, Yoon. –she gave him a little smile. - you’re my favorite person in the world and I love you. He kept listening. - But you and me know we’re wasting our times.. and this is not fair to the both of us. it’s time for things to change. Heaven knows I want to marry you and have little Min Suga’s running in our house.. - she tried to keep smiling but the tears were coming. - I can see right through you. I can see you broken too. And suffering. And I know that ‘cause there wasn’t a single time in our relationship where I was hurting that you wasn’t hurting too. You are and always were compassioned. And I admire this in you so, so much Yoon! Yoongi started to cry. He knew where she was trying to get. In his minds he knew that was the best for them, but his heart, sould.. Dammit his whole body said otherwise. He was loosing her. - i don’t want to do this anymore. I can’t. He was crying louder now, holding his sobs with his hands. She started to cry too, but none of them touch each other anymore. - I have to let you go. I love you enough to let you go. Yoongi covered his hands, crying louder. y\n was still crying but couldn’t watch this, so started to gather Dexter’s things and putting in his little bag. She offers the hand to Yoongi looking in his eyes. - you should go. Yoongi took the bag unable to say anything. He just took Dexter and walk towards the door, y\n walking right behind him. He turns to face her before leave. - I love you so, so much Y/N. I’m sorry.
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chronicallylatetotheparty · 4 years ago
Two Gods, One Braincell Ch.3 Heavenly Bonds
Bold of you to assume my friends and I won't smite you.
Kagami blasted another group of demons with a bolt of lightning. Zooming higher into the air she saw Adrien's wall of green flames blocking off the exit into the lower valley. Where the mortals' village lay exposed.
Adrien himself was a speck in the distance. Only her dragon eyes could pick him out. With a sweep of her tail she sent a gust of wind towards two demon archers. Making them tumble off the cliff they aimed from.
A growl escaped Kagami's throat. Where were the protectors? Surely a horde of this size would warrant-
Suddenly, a glowing green hexagon appeared directly in Kagami's path. Forcing her to turn sharply. In the next instant a red fireball crashed against the other side of it.
"Hey there, goddess! Long time no see!"
Blinking in surprise, Kagami saw a god standing on a smaller hexagon than the one that had protected her. He wore green, shell-like armor and carried a shield. Short, dark brown hair contrasted the golden glow of his eyes.
"You're late," Kagami scolded Nino.
"I got held up!"
Setting a stance like a javelin thrower Nino formed another hexagon and launched it into the trees below. There was a demonic yelp and then a new tree popped out of the canopy.
"Well, that takes care of that fire-breathing jerk." Nino dusted his hands. "So ungodly."
"There are significant enemy forces," Kagami pointed out. "I suggest you summon backup."
A teasing smile spread across Nino's face. "Oh? The great Kagami calling for reinforcements?"
Not for the first time Kagami was grateful dragons couldn't blush. She was nine tenths sure he was thinking about all the times she rushed in without a plan. "We could always let Adrien handle it."
A dreamy look clouded Nino's features. "Mm, I haven't seen my god let loose since he punched that demon king in the face last millennium..." Shaking his head, Nino slapped both cheeks lightly. "N-nope! This mountain range is supposed to stay a mountain range for the next hundred thousand years. There is no crater scheduled anytime soon!"
"Then you better hurry up!" Kagami called over her shoulder as she zeroed in on another batch of demons.
"Goddess is still so impatient." Nino shook his head fondly as he pulled out a bright red strand of hair. "Monkey King, I summon you. Lend me your aid!"
Nino blew it in Kagami's direction, glowing as it went.
Deciding that she didn't want to start a forest fire with her lightning -she didn't have control over flames like Adrien did- Kagami shifted. Instead of her usual kimono she wore armor of a different style than that of Marinette and Nino.
Concentrating, Kagami pulled out her sword. A tsurugi forged from her mother's own fang, instilled with Tomoe's unyielding nature. With a single swing there was nothing left of her target but ash and the smell of lightning.
"You get to be a monkey! And you get to be a monkey!"
The god jumped from one opponent's head to another. Whacking them with his ruyi jingu bang, which was indeed turning them into monkeys. He wore only pants and a golden circlet as a crown. Brown fur accented his muscular body in contrast to the fiery hair atop his head.
"Kagami!" Kim exclaimed, just noticing she was there. His tail wrapped around the sword arm of his current mount and made it punch its owner repeatedly in the face. "Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself! Heard you got in trouble with the council! Ha ha! Nice!"
"Kim," she greeted. Kagami didn't know if he was praising or teasing her, likely both. Such was the friendship of a trickster deity. "Didn't you mess with one of Alix's prophecies again?"
"Yeah! It was great!" Kim leapt straight into the air just as his mount's allies reached him. Weapons clashing in the space he just vacated. Swinging his staff in a circle as he fell Kim turned all of them into monkeys at once. "She was so mad!"
Flipping through the air, Kim got a gleam in his eye. "Say. How 'bout we pick up where we left off?"
Casually dusting the demon sneaking up behind her Kagami felt a grin forming. "Whoever gets the most enemies wins?"
"You know it!"
Quickly dispatching the remaining demons in their immediate area they split up. Kim calling a cloud to carry him and Kagami shifting back into her dragon form.
Scanning for more enemies, Kagami did a double take as she saw a fire-breathing dragon with leathery wings chasing a horde of demons. Her ears twitched as they detected the faint tones of a flute. So, it's her is it?
Locating the source of the music was child's play. Kagami silently shifted behind the goddess as she was preoccupied with her illusion.
Nine tails denoted the fox's age. She wore an orange coat of fur which Kagami knew was actually the goddess's own fur. Dark hair flowed down her back, the ends fading to the same shade as her tails. A flute half as tall as its owner shaped her spell.
"Really, Alya?" Kagami demanded. "A western dragon?"
Alya jerked in surprise. "My gods, Kagami! Don't scare me like that! Oh, hells." She hurriedly played a tune so her illusory dragon wouldn't disappear.
"You could've chosen anything else but no. You had to choose a western dragon." The nerve, the betrayal!
"Aw, c'mon goddess. Y'know dragons are terrifying!"
"Flattery will not appease the storm of my anger!"
Rolling her eyes Alya placed her arm on Kagami's shoulders. "Listen, I know you don't like the drakes-"
"Selfish, smug little horders think their nonsense riddles are so clever. Most of them cannot even speak!" Like her mother always said: An eastern dragon's wisdom was divine! You'd be lucky if a western dragon didn't eat you after waking up from a centuries long food coma.
"Right, right. But in my defense they're perfect for instilling panic into large groups." Alya waved at the fleeing demons to illustrate her point.
"... Your technique does appear to be effective," Kagami admitted reluctantly.
Sensing an opening Alya pounced on it. "Besides, you're always saying how we should never give less than our best. I'm just using my talents to their fullest."
Kagami knew Alya was appealing to her sense of pride. As a fox, Alya knew how to be sneaky. In more ways than one. Still... "I suppose I cannot fault you for that."
Nine tails twitching in excitement ruined Alya's air of nonchalance. "Goddess, I knew you'd see it my way!"
"No doubt." Kagami pointed toward an outcrop of stone. "Direct the enemy there."
Alya grinned. "You got it, goddess."
Working together they cleared the area and joined the others. Kagami was only mildly surprised to see Nino had summoned Marinette. She was, after all, a fellow war goddess.
"No fair!" Kim cried out, absently bashing his opponent. "You had help!"
"There's plenty for everyone, Kim!" Marinette's yo-yo cut like a razor. Demons bursting into pink sparkles whenever they got too close.
"You go, goddess!" Alya struck enemies with her flute, turning them into foxtails.
Nino mostly sent shields to block fireballs and arrows. Expertly directing his hexagons. But he was also distracted by a certain god.
Adrien moved with feline grace. A longsword wreathed in shadows cutting down every demon in his path. Instead of his usual robes he wore black armor with glowing green designs on it. Two cat-like eyes stared from his breastplate in imitation of the ones in his head. A sharp toothed grin spread across his face.
In short he was gorgeous. And she wasn't the only one to think so.
"Stupid deity of destruction," Nino muttered. "Why's the god gotta be so beautiful?"
Kagami nodded appreciatively. "Half the time he's using that innocent face to get what he wants. The other half he doesn't even realize how attractive he is."
"I know!"
"You think that's bad?" Alya shoved a demon onto Kagami's sword. "My goddess has literally weaponized cuteness!"
Pausing, both Kagami and Nino looked at each other. It wasn't outside the realm of possibility for a creation goddess.
Placing a circular barrier around them, Nino voiced their thoughts. "Uh, babe? She hasn't actually-"
"No, I was exaggerating!" Alya played a short tune that blinded their opponents with bright light. "But Marinette keeps her hair down all the time now!"
There was a collective chorus of sympathy.
"It suits her."
"I noticed, yeah."
"Was thinking about it this morning."
The other three stared at Kim.
"What? Marinette gives the best hair advice." Kim ran a hand through his fiery red hair. "This doesn't just happen."
"He's right you know." Adrien spun his weapon in a circle, clearing the ground around him, before tossing his hair. Golden locks falling perfectly back in place. He grinned and Kagami was sure his face glowed like a sun god. "Marinette does give the best hair advice."
Then he charged back into the fray. Green flames spread from his feet, burning nothing but the demons and their weapons. The unrestrained joy of a destroyer performing his sacred duty radiated from Adrien in waves.
"... I'm gonna kill him," Nino declared.
"Babe, no."
"My best friend is trying to kill me, Alya! Ever since I admitted he was aesthetically appealing! It only makes sense that I get to him before he finishes me off!"
Alya placed both hands on Nino's shoulders. "First of all? That's an exaggeration. Second, you know he just wants to be appreciated. Destroyers get the short straw when it comes to the mortals' worship."
Nino sighed. "I know, I know."
"Plus, like, if he wanted you dead not even Marinette would be able to stop him," Kim pointed out.
Again, the other three stared at him.
"What!? What'd I say!?"
"Let's just get back to the battle," Alya suggested, ignoring Kim.
"What? Oh, yeah, nope. Battle's over," Marinette informed them, suddenly appearing in their path.
"Come again?" Kagami scanned the valley and sure enough there wasn't a demon in sight.
"Aw, it's over already?" Kim slumped his shoulders before straightening suddenly. A grin forming. "Guess that means I won."
"Don't be absurd. I obviously got more than you," Kagami corrected.
"Yeah, god," Nino agreed, serving as unofficial referee like he usually did. "Kagami totally trounced you."
"Pfft, okay, sure. But I'll get the next one!" With that eloquent rebuttal Kim cupped his hands next to his mouth and hollered. "Alright, you wannabes! Where you at! It's time to go!"
A monkey screeched what Kagami assumed to be obscenities from the safety of the forest.
"Do you wanna be weeds? 'Cause you can definitely still be weeds!" Kim strode purposefully to collect his new subjects.
"Foxtail is not a weed!" Alya yelled after him
Leaning in, Kagami whispered. "Isn't it a weed, though?"
Mimicking her stance, Nino answered. "I think that's besides the point."
"What're we whispering about?" Adrien asked.
"Adrien!" Nino glomped him. Prompting the pair of them to fall over.
A laugh escaping with Adrien's breath. "Nino!"
"Are you trying to murder me? Because it feels like you're trying to murder me!"
Adrien patted his best friend's head. "There, there."
They continued in that vein a while longer. Kagami wasn't sure friendship was a strong enough word for what Adrien felt for Nino. Then again, the others insisted there was nothing more important to Adrien than his friends. Hmm.
Once the gods stood back up, letting Adrien greet Alya properly. (Why platonic kisses? Just why?) Kagami guided Nino a little ways from everyone else.
"What did I do? I swear it was an accident!"
"What? Nino, I am not mad!"
"Oh, thank creation!" Nino placed a hand on his chest as he let out the breath he'd been holding.
Kagami raised an eyebrow. "Did you really think I was upset?"
"Well, geez, what's a god to think when you put on your None-Shall-Stand-Before-Me face?"
"There's a face?"
"Yes, there's a face!" Nino squeaked in disbelief. "It shows up whenever you get an idea and won't let anyone talk you out of it!"
Kagami pressed her lips together in an effort to mask her amusement.
From Nino's deadpan look she wasn't very successful. "Out with it then, goddess. I get enough embarrassment from Adrien and Alya."
Right! "I was wondering if the relationship between you and Adrien is in any way romantically inclined."
Nino coughed. "What now?"
"I want to confess my love to Adrien," Kagami simplified, giving Nino an annoyed look. "Do you have dibs?"
Blinking several times as his mind shifted gears a grin started forming on Nino's face. "Oh, yes!"
"You have romantic feelings for him?"
"I mean no! I mean-" Nino took a deep breath. "Adrien is just the platonic love of my life- Wait, no, that's not it. There are no coupley feelings between Adrien and me!"
Kagami's lips quirked upwards. "I can see why Alya enjoys your company."
"You can keep teasing me or you can go confess to Adrien!"
"An excellent point." Turning on her heel Kagami strode toward the gaggle of gods. Eyes set on a certain destructive cat.
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! @kagamiappreciationweek2020
... I feel like I should point out that I never promised a "Plot" or anything. I promised shenanigans and shenanigans only. Any "Plot" that manages to sneak in is purely coincidental.
Tumblr: Making your own slang in fantasy settings has to be done well, otherwise it comes across weird.
Me: You make a good point! *proceeds to do it anyway*
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agentcable · 4 years ago
A/N: I wanted to edit a video like the text I wrote below. But I'm not good at editing videos. I have linked the song above. Hopefully, you can somehow imagine the scenes with the song. And I wish that the scenes fit the lyrics. Also, there are a lot of quotes from Olivia Benson. I didn't find fitting ones from the others. If there is someone out there who can edit it... I'm happy to see the result.
Tara: He walked me to my room. He kissed me on the lips. I slapped him, hard. He pushed his way in. He threw me on the bed. His hand was over my throat and I couldn't speak. He pulled my legs apart and he raped me. None of this was consensual.
Thought I couldn't breathe without you I'm inhaling
Luna: Women need to know it's okay to love our bodies, especially the parts that people tell us not to love.
You thought I couldn't see without you Perfect vision
Lakira: I don't know. Every morning I get up and I tell myself, 'You're a beautiful human, Lakira' even though my family says it ain't so, even though people stare at me like I'm some sort of puzzle they don't want to figure out. And now you're telling me you want me to stand in front of a bunch of strangers and say I was raped?
You thought I couldn't last without you But I'm lastin'
Haley's Dad: She didn't even have a boyfriend. She was at that in-between age, you know, she had crushes but music was her first love. Beethoven was her first language. She was winning international competitions at six, she was a Clive Turner finalist at ten... she was gonna be somebody, not like my wife and I who spent our whole lives in a small town. Stone: What was your relationship with her like? Haley's Dad: We butted heads sometimes. She teased me about my fingernails being dirty and me being a garbage man, but I loved her. My wife and I loved her from the bottom of our hearts.
You thought that I would die without you But I'm livin'
Benson: I've been a cop for 20 years and never in my career have I seen anything like this. She convinced herself that murdering her children and murdering her husband was the only choice.
Thought that I would fail without you But I'm on top
Evangeline: I can't go back to Ohio! [points to her stepfather] He's the one who put this baby in me!
Thought it would be over by now But it won't stop
Rollins: Did he force you? Kayla: What do you mean, force? Fin: Did you give consent? Kayla: It's not black and white. Look, I tried to say No at first, I felt like I should have kneed him in the balls, but. Fin: That sounds pretty black and white to me. Kayla: No, it's not... Rollins: It sounds like your boss raped you. Kayla: It's not rape if I say it's not!
Thought that I would self destruct But I'm still here
Girl: I'm only here because I want to face my rapist because I feel like if I can get justice maybe I can put my life back together!
Even in my years to come I'm still gon' be here
Benson: You know what I've seen is that people who have gone through unfair, horrific experiences is that they have this will. And when they get support... a chance they can not only survive but they can thrive.
I'm a survivor I'm not gon' give up
Benson: Some things, you can put them behind you... but they do change you.
I'm not gon' stop, oh I'm gon' work harder
Esperanza: I'm not gonna talk about my father. I'm a fighter. I'm not weak. Benson: Telling your story is not weak. And whatever happened, it doesn't define you.
I'm a survivor I'm not gon' give up
Kayla: Do me a favor, send the cops tomorrow during my shift. I want to see this go down.
I'm not gon' stop, oh I'm gon' work harder
Stone: I'm just used to having more evidence before I go to trial. Benson: You have the victim's word. We go to trial to give her an opportunity to look her rapist in the eye and tell her truth. Because truth heals. If you go into this because you're expecting to win, you're in the wrong place.
I'm the survivor I'm gonna make it
Benson: Thank you for coming forward. Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.
I will survive Keep on survivin'
Benson: There are always reasons for women to stay silent. But the good news is the world is changing. There's no stigma attached to coming forward. It can be empowering, heroic even.
I'm a survivor I'm not gon' give up
Benson: You're a fighter. Look at everything you've overcome. Don't give up now.
I'm not gon' stop, oh I'm gon' work harder
Beth: What's my mission, Lieutenant? Benson: To heal.
I'm the survivor I'm gonna make it
Jenna: I'm ashamed of what I did but I'm not ashamed that I was raped. And I want everyone to hear my story so that this man can't hurt other women again.
I will survive Keep on survivin'
These are their stories.
Dun Dun.
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