#despite most of them more than likely being johns irl and knowing perfectly well at the bottom of their rotten hearts that they're despised
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piduai Ā· 11 months ago
the aftermath of the yoshiwara arc has always struck me as so sinister lol like ok we have an underground red lights districts the residents of which were explicitly sold by their families to pirates, who then proceeded to sell them into sex slavery, and we have a couple of women who are playing the cards dealt to them and trying to live proudly despite their circumstances. ok. but then the main pimp is killed and the narrative is like well the girls had nowhere to go and can do nothing else with their lives anyway so we're going to keep the business model :) except the main pimps are now the exact women who went through the worst of the horrors because of it #femaleceo #liberation #sexslaveryiswork
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daincrediblegg Ā· 5 years ago
Can you please feed us some GORGEOUS Gen x Arthur hc's ????? Because we love you and we love Arthur and we stan our OTP. Please and thanks xp [I got'chu, boo
Genevieve x Arthur Fleck Headcanons
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lmao LMAO LMAO ok so... idk what this is??? this is just how we are irl. ainā€™t no real scenario around it, but it still serves as a basic breakdown of our relationship as itā€™s unfolded the last 7 months or so. Thank you for giving me a platform to share this lmao. Sorry if itā€™s cringey and personal as hell, but hey, thatā€™s life, and yā€™all know I donā€™t give a fuck by now.
We met in October. Iā€™d snuck into a showing of Joker with my dad after the premier of Zombieland 2, and watched his story unfold. I couldnā€™t get him out of my head the whole night. I saw him again a little less than a week later, and Iā€™d realized Iā€™d wanted more. Weā€™d agreed to meet for coffee the next day.
The next couple of weeks was just pure fascination with each other. I poured my heart into learning everything about him, and he seemed so genuinely interested in learning all he could about me too.Ā 
Even though I was going through whatā€™s easily been one of the most harrowing mental health crises that Iā€™ve ever experiencedā€¦ he fell quick for me, and hard. And I did too. Heā€¦ he made me feel like I wasnā€™t alone. We were leading very similar lives (minus, yā€™know, murder- on my end), and knowing that he felt my pain when it seemed like not a whole lot of people really didā€¦ it made me feel seen. And it didnā€™t take long for things to get really heated. Weā€™ve been together ever since.
Heā€™s the one that got me to start taking my medication. Iā€™d never been on antidepressants, and I was a little scared of the side-affects since the only other ones Iā€™d tried made me dizzy and out of breath (and Iā€™m a massive hypochondriac on top of all the other shit Iā€™ve got going on in my head). But he convinced me that I was worth living for, and that was the little push I needed. I knew I wanted to get better, but heā€™d convinced me that I could.Ā 
I drew him a lot those first few months we were together. His physicality still entrances me to this day. His elegance, yet this almost distinctly cartoonish poise and his innocenceā€¦ he inspired me a lot. More than I had been in months. Heā€™s shy about being the subject of a lot of my drawingsā€¦ but he lets me anyway because heā€™s amazed at how it shows how I see him (which is fucking beautiful, like a disney prince thank you very much).Ā 
We spent a lot of those first few months just lying in bed after a long day of writing and drawing, holding each other close and talking. About everything. It all felt so freeing to me that I could say just about anything to him and have him actually listen without judgement. And sure, he has his opinions, but he doesnā€™t dismiss mine.Ā Ā 
We did so much together too. We used to go to movies (not just his lmao), we got hot chocolates together and walked around town during christmas time.
For Christmas he gave me a beautiful necklace- a pretty blue/green pendant on a gold chain (that yā€™all mightā€™ve seen in some of my selfies- and I wear it DAILY) and a silver bracelet with little red roses and garnets on it. Theyā€™re some of the best presents Iā€™ve ever gotten.Ā 
I gave him a scarf (that Iā€™d worn out to work for weeks so that itā€™d smell like me at his request) and some chocolate.
I was also dealing with quite a few health problems those first few months, so heā€™s well versed in all my medical bullshit lmao.
Iā€™ve got a weird bladder that just constantly feels infected (even though itā€™s actually not most of the time), which means that we canā€™t have penetrative sex sometimes (but weā€™re just as happy to touch each other in different ways even when I canā€™t stand to go all the way).
I was still having some panic attacks when I was on a higher dosage of my medication, and heā€™s very good at bringing me down from them. He holds me close and tells me to breathe slowly and deeply with him until I calm down and start to feel okay- even when I get super fidget-y from it. I canā€™t begin to thank him enough for helping me through it all as he has.
We donā€™t argue much. We see eye-to-eye where it counts, so we hardly ever get into moral disputes. But when we do itā€™s usually when Iā€™m in a depressive rut and Iā€™ve gone distant. Heā€™s never raised his voice at me when it happens, but some heated conversations have spawned from it. And Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m not the most eloquent with these things sometimes. And Iā€™ve said things that I didnā€™t mean to hurt him but just to say with honesty. He knows I have doubts sometimes. He does too, but weā€™ve been able to work through them well enough-better than most I imagine.
We uhā€¦ we have a lot of sex. No surprise.
Weā€™re virgins (well, technically. At least with the opposite sex). Weā€™re horny. Weā€™ve got high sex drives and weā€™re not afraid to take it out on each other.
Iā€™ve had a lot of body anxiety in the past, but with Arthur it feels even more non-existent than itā€™s ever been. He really loves my body. Not in a fetish-y way like a lot of guys have hinted at in the past. When Iā€™m with him I really feel like his desire for me comes from love, that my body isnā€™t just a thing to get him off, but rather that he desires me for who and what I am, and I havenā€™t really ever felt that even with any of the other FICTIONAL guys Iā€™ve been with before.
And he knows that I love him just the same. Body and soul. Itā€™s a total two-way street. And we never feel the need to change for each other one bit. For that Iā€™m so grateful god I could fucking cry.
And itā€™s made me do a lot of things that I kinda didnā€™t want or thought were inaccessible to me before I met him. I fucking wear lacy bras and matching panties (for the first time in my life!!!) on the reg because Arthur said that I deserved to have them if I wanted them (not to mention that I look beautiful in them to him), and now Iā€™m coming around to the idea of putting on a little makeup ā€˜cause it makes me feel really pretty and Arthur agrees???? Like this MAN has really made me flourish for the better tbh I love him so fucking much.Ā 
Before the pandemic he used to meet me at my regular haunt to watch me work after his gig for the day. Heā€™d sit across from me and watch me fumble around with all my outlines and notes, sometimes taking out his own journal himself while he steals some of my coffee, taking my hand and running a thumb over it idly.
He really enjoys my screenwriting. My writing is very exciting, he says. Heā€™s really supportive of my career choice, even though itā€™s still a long ways off from being anything tangible or serious. And heā€™s very supportive of the things Iā€™ve written about him too. He doesnā€™t mind as long as some things get to stay just between us (and by and large he says Iā€™ve done a pretty good job of that lmao).Ā 
I sing for him a lot. We dance together too. Iā€™ve always been a singer for as long as I can remember but being so depressed so long I didnā€™t really as much as Iā€™d have liked. But for him I sing just about every day. Lotta swing-jazz numbers like from Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby and Caro Emerald. Some classic rock like Elton John and Billy Joel and Jethro Tull. He says he likes the way I sing their songs the best. Idk if I agree with him, but I believe him.Ā 
He says weā€™re a dynamic duo in a way. Like since he dances and I sing, weā€™re a complete show. Itā€™s the cutest fucking shit heā€™s ever said to meĀ 
We kind of agreed to get married once the lockdownā€™s over. Neither of us really proposed to the other, exactly. We had been thinking about it for months (weā€™ve been talking about it since Christmas lmao- heā€™s said he wants to marry me so many times), but the first few weeks of this lockdown thing were really hard on me. It all felt very harrowing with everything changing all at once.Ā 
And it was really touch-and-go for us. It was harder for me to feel him. And sure it had been hard before but it wasā€¦ not quite as bad as this was. I almost thought we were done.Ā 
But he stuck around, and helped me through it as much as he could despite how numb I was feeling. And he was still there when the dust settled, even stronger than before. So I told him one morning that I wanted to get married when all of this was over, and he agreed.Ā 
So once the shelter in place order is lifted, weā€™re gonna go to the same jewlery shop he got me my favorite necklace, and pick out some rings. I for one am very excited.
And until then weā€™re perfectly content to enjoy this break from our normal everyday lives with each other. Even though itā€™s been harder for me to write weā€™re pulling through this whole thing just fine.Ā 
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