#des' monthly star wars rant returned
stark-illerbase · 6 months
Male star wars fans, that see you praise or enjoy any part of disneyverse star wars and then immediately resort to; "oh you must love rey """""skywalker"""""" you fucking fake fan you lap up everything disney gives you and enjoy all this WOKE shit their putting in my asian-inspired anti facist movie" are so FUCKING WEAK
Not only could you not be FARTHER from the truth (I hate the sequels, rey as a skywalker, and we probably share many opinions about why the sequels tread all over what came before and are a disservice to the franchise. But that does not mean I boycott everything disney puts out and claim that its woke for including women and POC in leading roles.)
But you are claiming it like its some "gotcha moment" against people who DO enjoy the sequels. Like...? They're not for me but acting as if someone liking them, invalidates every other opinion they have on star wars is so fucking stupid???
Theres a minute long trailer for The Acolyte and some of y'all are already shitting on it and claiming its going to be awful for the WRONG REASONS.
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