#delta also gets looped into the stupid tasks with reed pretty often but that's a whole separate issue lmao
bokatan ยท 2 months
For the Fallout asks: 3 and 17 for Reed, Mercy, and Delta?
[ fallout prompt ] @kyber-infinitygems
3. What is their SPECIAL?
Reed: S: 8 P: 4* E: 9 C: 6* I: 7* A: 7 L: 2
* Status effects: reduced PER on left side due to partial hearing loss, reduced PER/AGI & weapon accuracy when he's not wearing glasses, and he has either +2 PER or -2 PER/CHR/INT based on mentats usage.
Mercy: S: 6 P: 7* E: 5 C: 4 I: 10 A: 9 L: 7
* Status effects: -3 PER in brightly lit environments due to vision changes from ghoulifying, +3 PER in dark environments due to a secondary mutation that caused her to develop tapetum lucidum.
Delta: S: 10 P: 5 E: 9 C: 4 I: 10 A: 6 L: 4
Delta's an earlier gen synth and isn't affected by chems or other consumables, so they don't receive status effects from using these items.
17. Do they have a job? How do they make a living?
Reed's in the BOS for the majority of his storyline and he does odd jobs as needed. He also has a tendency to just take things(especially if it belongs to someone he has an issue with- and yes, that does include the Brotherhood and their supplies depot that he's given complete unsupervised access to) so he can typically get caps or whatever else he needs in some manner or another. He's kind of the type that you can just throw some form of payment at and he'll do basically whatever you want without asking questions, so it's not hard for him to find ways to get by.
Delta's a junk trader and they work with robotics on the side. A lot of their income is from doing repairs & upgrades, and they frequently sell robot parts & mods(plus the occasional power armor parts and mods, and relevant scrap- they're a great source for copper, aluminum, circuitry, fiber optics, etc).
Mercy's primarily a drifter, when she's traveling her main sources of income are from gambling and the occasional odd jobs(courier work, bounty hunting, etc). She typically claims to be a doctor when she's staying somewhere longer term and will find work at a nearby clinic or hospital. When she opts to settle down in the Commonwealth for a while, she sets up a clinic and starts getting into more of the specialty services she's been doing under the table rather than strictly basic medical care- so things like implants, unique meds/chems and syringer ammo, occasionally piercings, and more ghoul-specific care(induced mutations, treatments to help with ghoulifying and issues caused by it, etc etc) that's built off of her personal research projects. (Most of her income's from gambling though, if we're being real)
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