#default|i am duma's faithful servant
indumasname · 4 years
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“...I fail to see where love or any semblance of a blessing exists in a people who were left to starve or die by the hands of those who were supposed to protect them.”
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indumasname · 5 years
sharena bestows upon celica..... the finest feh replica plushy known to askr..... it is even to scale!! ' anna and i worked together on this one, it was tough making sure it felt just as soft as the real deal, but i hope you find that it is! '
Celica squeezes once. Twice. Rubs her thumbs against a hopefully faux texture of the real thing... and stares.                                              What a... soft, fluffy thing that's in her hands.                     To its additional merit, it doesn’t stare back at her either. Not like......
There’s a strange urge to... place it upon her head. And a stranger confidence to be certain that it wouldn’t fall off.                                       What silly thoughts. Especially since she’s vaguely aware that The Call normally ringing in her ears isn’t responsible for this compulsion.                           Yet, it is that knowledge that allows her to follow it without further trouble. “I... don’t think the real Feh would...... appreciate my handling of her,” she replies. “It is, however...... —quite soft.” 
Celica frowns briefly. While the plush covers in her accommodated lodgings certainly had the same texture... Surely there was something she had touched before... something she once had possession of... that had the same amount of pleasant fluffiness as this?
                      Ugh. How vexing.                                                    But another recollection for another time.
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“... Nonetheless, thank you— and Lady Anna both— for... this thoughtful gift,” Celica says, the light smile returning onto her face. “Perhaps you shall both receive something in return from me in the future. Hee hee...”
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indumasname · 5 years
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Celica brushes her fingers against her bangs so they won’t get stuck behind the headband.
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indumasname · 5 years
For a moment, she has to gather her thoughts-- to determine whether or not the sage heard Celica's request correctly. It is one thing to hug someone so renowned-- it is another thing entirely to do that for the same person, but one whose air reeks of dread only found in those caught in possession. Naeva's arms eventually move to bring Celica into a gentle, motherly sort of embrace, yet they remain lightly trembling for a handful of moments. After all, the girl could kill her so easily like this.
 I got really annoyed by having to constantly edit the formatting of my posts so I moved this reply here, thanks for understandi
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indumasname · 5 years
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“......” She should be happy... she should... be happy.
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indumasname · 5 years
FEH!Verse - Timeline of Events
(last update 08/04/2019)
As I place continuity very highly on the list of what I look for when writing, I've decided to make this post of events that have contributed to my Celica's character development and would be considered the main canon.
This timeline will detail a shortened summary of important threads that have occurred and have been well-documented either by myself or others whom I’ve interacted with; as such, links to these events will be provided more or less in chronological order. While some have already been threaded out, I am readily open to the option of revisiting the idea with another iteration of the muse involved; however, it would be considered a branch of the timeline and will be indicated as such. In the event that this branch continues to be its own thing, I'll consider making a separate post to detail it out in the same way I have here.
Because this timeline coincides with events that occur in the in-game main story*, you may also consider this a wishlist of sorts or a rough guideline of where you might want to write a thread with me. In fact, points that have been bolded are open ideas where potential threads may happen and I highly encourage you to privately discuss with me, whether through IM or Discord, on how to proceed; otherwise, just send an open ask regarding the aforementioned idea!
That said, if you're not caught up with at least Fire Emblem Heroes: Book 2 and don't wish to be spoiled, you probably shouldn't look past the cut. *The main story is defined as the lines of dialogue from the Main Story tab and from the Forging Bonds events that have occurred. I generally consider the Paralogues, Tempest Trials, and Grand/Bound/Legendary Hero Battles as non-canon depending on the storyline, but if you want to make sure, just message me!
Through the forced alliance with Múspell, Veronica summons Celica during Book 2, Chapter 5 in an effort to track down and kill Fjorm, the Summoner, and the Askr trio on the run in Nifl. Celica is defeated in the encounter; however, as those who are on the run find themselves with few allies, the Summoner decides to bind her to their command. Given her... unique state, adjusting to the castle life and its surroundings will almost always be an interesting encounter.
In her time on Zenith, she experiences odd dreams of being trapped in a strange mirror world where she believes herself to be a proper member of the Duma Faithful and meets vaguely familiar faces amid strangers. Through her time spent here, she eventually regains clarity of herself and her memories of Alm; however, the dreams come to an abrupt stop as the dream world is destroyed, and the events that occur in her time there become but a distant dream as it should be, and her clarity dissipates along with it.
The Alm whom she met in the dream world is summoned to Askr, though most of her memory regarding those events and her time before being turned into a witch remains forgotten. Despite the initial hostilities and an awkward moment or two, she begins to grow close to Alm once more and steadily regains some of those memories back... as well as discover a bit more of how Duma’s influence affects her. Though it seems the boy from the village remains a stronger anchor than even the Summoner, other Heroes who may be drawn to her might pique her interest as well, whether because of her current nature or because of knowing the girl she used to be.
... A strange pendant, reminiscent of the one she had given to Alm a long time ago, comes into Celica’s possession. She discovers it houses a terrible creature that often brings up the worst of her memories when worn, and decides to keep it hidden in her room.
Valentian New Year passes; as does Alm’s nameday. In the case of the latter, Celica decides to avoid interacting with him for the day as to not further trouble him.
The events of Book 3 begin to unfold. Unfortunately, this is also around the time that a maddened Duma pushes his influence onto Celica and the terrible thing bound to the pendant and coerces her to burn down much of the castle and its surroundings, particularly the gardens. Thankfully, this only seems to last for a day at most.
Celica tries to make amends for the aforementioned events by cleaning up or repairing what she can of what was destroyed. She handles it about as well as one might expect of her. Furthermore, the Summoner has suggested to some Heroes that she should be watched over in case it might happen again.
Celica’s nameday arrives. While she hadn’t remembered it, someone certainly did. She also seems to recall something from a dream that feels a little too real, but like much of her state as Duma’s puppet, it’s probably just a figment of her imagination, right?
In payment for a selfless act done quite some time ago, Reyson offers to sing a part of the Galdr of Rebirth to her in return. Somewhat miraculously, she feels a peace and clarity that she hasn’t felt in a long while. ... It probably won’t last long, though. Those normally uncomfortable with her rather negative aura or nature may find her a little more approachable than usual. (Thread in progress)
The Røkkr Sieges begin. While Celica is deployed to either face the Røkkr head-on or assist a squad in defeating one, the creature inhabiting the pendant she hid away escapes and, in sharing her emotional and mental state whilst on the battlefield, attacks a certain Hero who pushes his questions a little too hard. Those who were dispatched alongside her or were the ones being assisted might not find this a pretty sight to behold on either end... maybe the Summoner can check up on her.
During one of the instances Celica is sent to help a Røkkr squad retreat, the one she happens to cross swords with bears a terrifyingly familiar face. Though her efforts in aiding the squad are successful, the encounter leaves her deeply disturbed; enough that she seeks to isolate herself more than she usually does. Thankfully, someone other than the Summoner still looks out for her. However, those dispatched alongside her, or who witnessed the brief sortie in retreating, or even the Summoner might find it easier to talk to her once she pulls herself together. (Thread in progress)
Reyson approaches Celica after a somewhat distressing and rage-inducing event on his end. What it is she does not know, but she decides to return a previous favor and attempts to soothe him by humming a song from her still-hazy past. (Thread in progress)
[ Plotted idea to be revealed ]
A particularly sorrow-inducing topic gives Celica and Reyson the opportunity to brood together. Seriously, THIS is how she’s managed to bond with someone?
In wishing to assist Alm, she lends a hand by acting as a bouncer for his and Reyson’s establishment, The Pirate Heron. ... It’s strangely successful.
[ Plotted idea to be revealed ]
[ Plotted idea to be revealed ]
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indumasname · 5 years
While the vestal expressed it's deep apologies for its failure as loudly as it could to its Master, the pendant did not return to Her hands upon it's disappearance from the previous owner, it seemed to be nowhere to be found. ... Or, at least, it's what the vestal would have liked for others to think as it sulked in the hearth of it's Master's room, pendant hidden around the lumber, flames not even lit.
…It was               difficult… to ignore the profuse apologies billowing in her head. Particularly since
                       —fire and ashes and the irresistible compulsion to buRN IT ALL BURN IT ALL—
                               this isn’t exactly the reaction she expects from such an outcome.
                A cold hearth to which Celica kneels before…… is much more welcome, though. But is pity better than fear? She isn’t so sure.
Her hands grasp the logs and a gentle flame sets them— and the pendant— alight. Neither she nor it would be harmed— It would see to that, she knows.
                                                              What she doesn’t know is if the intent behind the warmth would be easily grasped. …After all, what sort of person in their right mind… would burn someone in order to placate their worries?
                              “Couldn’t they just say they were—?”
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Celica withdraws and stands, pendant in hand. The fires rescind. This Thing’s lack of sense clearly seems to be getting to her. “You did what I asked of you,” she says. “You needn’t say sorry for that.”
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indumasname · 5 years
Still a little sweaty from the round she had just added to her ever-growing list of victories, the princess managed to find the odd soul who had given her the necklace that glimmered around her throat and burned in the heat of combat. "I must say, your favor has been quite helpful. A lovely little trinket, and perhaps quite lucky, too. You have my thanks." ~fairelance, Camilla ((everyone say thank u bern for Camilla, god-slayer- /smacc))
Pointedly, Celica’s been away from the raucous fanfare and cheer of a mock-tourney such as the one the other princess participates in.                                                                                                                                 …And, perhaps, given the distance and disembodied reports she receives in her dreams… it’s best she doesn’t join in, either, and remain tending to the gardens where the other finds her. “I’m aware of its usefulness,” she replies with a wan smile, “else why else would I have given it to you?”
…Yes. It had been lovely once.                                                  But lucky? …Perhaps only because it hadn’t remained on her person.Maybe the other should keep it after the events conclude…
“I would rather you save your thanks… for later. ……It might be a shame for everyone else if you happened to lose…”
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                                 —No. That would be irresponsible of her. “I only hope saying so now won’t turn your luck.”
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indumasname · 5 years
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“... ... Even songs must end.”
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indumasname · 5 years
For a moment, she has to gather her thoughts— to determine whether or not the sage heard Celica's request correctly. It is one thing to hug someone so renowned— it is another thing entirely to do that for the same person, but one whose air reeks of dread only found in those caught in possession. Naeva's arms eventually move to bring Celica into a gentle, motherly sort of embrace, yet they remain lightly trembling for a handful of moments. After all, the girl could kill her so easily like this.
It’s quite the pitiable thing, really… clinging only to the one person who should have saved her. The one person with whom she should hate for failing that, though she knows fully well where the blame truly lies for that…
She really should reach out more— there’s only so much a boy from a village and a bird on her shoulder can do.                                          …Though, trying to genuinely attach herself to the Summoner feels equally as selfish when they manage so many others already.
             So then who…?
Celica’s answer comes to her just days ago while she tended to the gardens. Granted, she didn’t mean to spy and eavesdrop on her friend and the matronly sage he approached and immediately made herself scarce after the fact, but…
               It should not strike her so odd that Alm would be quite the physically affectionate person if he knows them. Yet it does strike her that this is somehow different from that. How exactly she can neither put to words nor completely understand…So, naturally, the only way to do either of those things is to attempt to experience it herself, right?                          Still, to ask for it in the same area from where she discovered her solution feels rather rude, and so it is when she spots the older woman perusing a somewhat secluded section of the castle library that she approaches, begging pardon for interrupting the other’s solitude… before inquiring for what she seeks.
The sage’s pause is completely understandable… —and it’s hard to ignore that tremble in the arms that wrap around her. Harder still to ignore why it would occur when touching her to begin with. Princess and priestess she may have once been… Celica is neither of those now, nor is she the queen the other perhaps expects her to be. So why should a witch like her desire for an embrace that isn’t the all-encompassing, crushing grasp of the god whom she belongs to?
             ……It’s been so long… since she felt a mother’s love. Or had she imagined in some ephemeral dream that the woman known as Liprica gave her some semblance of care and affection? After all, what good did that worn pendant stashed beneath her pillow do to keep someone safe…? Just who was it that needed to be safe…?                                              Fabrication or not, Celica imagines that it must feel like the warmth existing by simply being in the arms of the other. …And as she leans her head into the embrace, form slackening ever so slightly with a sigh… perhaps that is all she needs to understand how she knew what she saw the other day.
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                          She only wishes she had this sooner.
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indumasname · 5 years
" Orders... I need.. orders. Directions. What say you? Tell me. "
Orders… ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Directions… ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Celica knows that a puppet merely needs to take control of the strings to play the part of a priestess… a princess… or even a weapon.
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ An empty vessel awaiting commands.
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ she need only…… hand them over. ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ …as an obedient servant to…
ㅤ ㅤ —but she will not. The strings are Hers to do as she sees fit, and though her eyes harden as the steel at her side…
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ  ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ she’s at a bit of a loss on how to help the other cut herself free. Perhaps even some semblance of fighting to tug back at them as she herself does right now.
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It is then that her hand draws the blade so beloved she feels undeserving to wield it, having failed to bring peace to the country it is named after. Yet still, her hand steadies as strong as her fencing stance, prepared to fight… knowing fully well that doing might draw her strings taut and tight against her grip, waiting for the singular moment to snap.
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ “You need a sense of direction? …Then arm yourself,” Celica says. “I would test the mettle of your weapon.”
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indumasname · 5 years
"I... I know it's a little late, and..." Keeping his gaze to the floor, Alm shuffles his weight from one foot to another, looking quite disheveled, some leaves still stuck on his hair and some armor. "... and..." Trailing off as if losing his train of thought, he reaches up with his left hand to wipe at what was probably his eyes, doing his best to hide that he was still crying. "... ... I could use a hug, if you... would let me." [/wrt the conversation w Rudolf]
Few ever dared to near the door to Celica’s quarters, let alone linger for so long and so hesitantly at so late a night where she could be fast asleep. Fewer still she allowed in without permission— but then again, of those people... one would still knock and ask to enter.
                                             Had it been any other person in any other occasion, this might have annoyed her. Particularly since she’s a light sleeper to begin with.So when she opens the door to see who interrupts her sleep— to see her normally strong branch of support... almost quite literally abscise in place... her irritation momentarily rescinds.
Without a word, she reaches out to embrace him with an arm. Flicks the stray leaves off his person with the other hand... and gently tugs him into her room.
...To be the kind and strong support.                                                           Strength and kindness... like the domains of the gods she once worshiped.
                                                     It is time to return the favor.
But as she now comforts... the irritation is, again, a momentary rescindment; churning well beneath the surface, though it is no longer directed at the one who disturbed her slumber....Just who or what was the cause behind his anguish? She supposes she’ll be told soon enough.
               And perhaps one of those two domains would be rightfully discarded.
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indumasname · 5 years
It's been a while, so Aibreann does what she's known for. There's a letter that slips under Celica's door, the Summoner's footsteps walking away soon after. Within the letter, it reads, "I'm not sure if I've said this as of late, due to all the shit going on, but thank you, Celica. You do a lot more for us, and me, than you may think. I have to run off to a meeting for most of the day. Hope to see you soon!! - Aibreann." There's also a flower, a blue chrysanthemum that was freshly picked.
Cakes from Reyson to lift the spirits. Flowers from Alm to speak without words. … Given the amount of people who willingly stick around her, and she to them, it’s no wonder Celica thinks this is from the latter at first, right?                                                                                                    Heh, even down to the message, she doesn’t quite realize it’s from somebody else until her eyes catch an off-word or two, and then see the hastily scrawled name of the Summoner.
She brings the flower closer up to her face. Dewed scent and shades of blue as vibrant as the skies aside, the stem still feels pliant and a little damp against her fingertips.                  … Had this… come from her garden plot? … But how quickly they’ve already grown.                         … If this is what the Summoner alludes to, though, well… there were loads of other people who spent more of their time watering the soil and wiping an aphid or three from growing buds than she.   Just what is it that she does more than the others, really? Aside from hogging all the attention of one certain villager boy,                                                                    Celica really does feel quite useless.
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Yet, she places the flower into a vase already filled with other blooms— ones that had been picked for her, and ones she’s picked for herself. Perhaps another one more and it would be enough to make a wreath.
And perhaps just keeping herself occupied… as she now leaves her room to join the nightly patrol… is enough. Just as she is equally curious of her apparent usefulness, being thanked is… enough for now.                             She’ll not disturb the Summoner for such a paltry question.
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indumasname · 5 years
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“O-oh... my thanks, Corrin. ... Tell me, do you still knit those pretty flowers in your spare time?”
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indumasname · 5 years
Gently sets his circlet on her head. They match now. 👀
The delicate filigree slides down, clipping her own diadem snug to the sides of her head and pressing her bangs against her forehead. Celica blinks once, twice before frowning at the uncomfortable pressure, lifting a hand to fiddle the thing around a little and—
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… There. It wraps around just beneath the headband, and the stray locks of her hair are free of accidentally threading through the small holes of the circlet. Granted, that might press an unfortunate pattern against her skin if she leaves it there long enough… but that’s what the bangs are for.
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indumasname · 5 years
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