Shoulder Dip or Collapse Shoulders shrug to indicate uncertainty, but can you also identify when the shoulder dips, deflates, or collapses?   Pay close attention to the exact timing and context of when the left, right, or both shoulders drop lower than baseline.
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Accurate Body Language Tips to Detect & Decode Deception:
Head Tilt, Social Smile, Eye Block.
Head tilt and smiling are friendly gestures, but prolonged closed eyes is a “hot-spot” clue that the person may be blocking out unwanted stimuli and may not like what’s going on in the moment.  
Just because you see a smile, doesn’t mean that all is well.
Like pieces of a puzzle, cluster the clues of several body language gestures together to get a greater sense of the picture.
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Get to the Point. Watch the hands for emphasis.   When finger pointing and air chops are congruent with the words said, then the finger and hand gestures are illustrative exclamation points to emphasis important points.
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Ask Only One Simple Question. Keep trigger questions short, sweet, and simple.
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Flip it!   Improve your odds to detect and decode body language. 
How well can you …
✅  Spot the Lies
✅  Get to the Truth
✅  Avoid Costly Mistakes?
Comment below on how would you rate yourself on detecting and decoding deception.  
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