#dean has feelings and I'm sick of nobody caring for them
lutawolf · 2 years
Between Us Episode 2 Commentary and Review
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We start this episode with Team entering his room. He seems to be having a slight mental breakdown. Oh! loving the flashbacks, give us the goods. What the fuck did Team google though? Protection? If you've already done it just go with it and enjoy? Is he freaking out over the gay sex or that he did a one-night stand. Both me thinks. Poor baby is dealing with a double whammy. As my daughter would say "Get Fucked." In this case, he literally did.
Look at Win being thrilled. He likes that he was marked. That smile. Ha! Who you are calling kid, kid. Meanwhile, Team is telling all his friends that he is sick. More likely, his ass isn't feeling well.
Nerd boy and Manow moment!
Here comes Win to ruin that moment, though. He wants to know where his boy is. Look at this lack of respect for their moment. He is too busy getting alarmed over Team being sick to even know that he is scaring poor Manow. Daddy mode activated.
You can run Team, but you can't hide! He really went to close the door on Win! How rude! I love it, though. 🤣🤣🤣 He was concerned, Team, can't you tell. Isn't it written all over his face. 👀👀👀 Love the bratty attitude that Team is throwing at Win, but he gonna pay for that. See, I told you. Look at that gentle correction. He is caging him. Team immediately shows submission by saying Hia! Win rewards him with food.
Team is not fully giving in though. He is still showing attitude, just softer now. We are seeing a lot of back and forth that I'm really enjoying. "Just eat the damn food." If you pay attention though, we are seeing a much softer Win compared to before. He is showing a much softer side to Team than before and in comparison, to what others get to see.
Ha! Team just now figuring out that Win shouldn't know where he lives. The answer is registration paperwork, and Dean helped! 🤣🤣🤣 Omg! I love these coconuts so much. They have such an enjoyable Brat Tamer and brat relationship.
Win saying that it's him taking responsibility. Such a good Dom Daddy. Oh, look at Win using the word, Destiny. Guys... Win already knows what he wants. Look at that smile at Team when he says, "What destiny? More like Karma that led me to you." I think he is good with that Team.
The A, B, and C gang are such coconuts. Yeah, it's because of you that he had gay sex. If you only knew, but I thank you for it.
Win got questions, and you can't hide from them, Team. Notice he is keeping to the Hia, though. So hot. Nobody believes you were just feeling lazy, Team. Look at Win being blunt. That's a mark of a true Dom. Love it. I really love the bluntness and communication. He is asking questions and making statements when needed to get clarification. He wants to make sure that Team enjoyed that night. Teams defense is to run, though.
He might be giving brat mode, but he is keeping it respectful. Even the arm grab isn't bad because he is still talking respectfully. He is being pushed up against a wall, though, and he doesn't like it. Win lays it out. Look how he is watching Team's face. Notice he is unbothered by Team pushing him out because now he knows it's just Team needing adjustment time. Why is he so unbothered? Because subs are allowed to set boundaries too, and Team needs his. Now that he knows it really isn't an issue about him, he's good.
That deep breath that Team takes in. He cares for Win. He is just inexperienced and clueless. Look at Win telling him to mind his business. Love this because you see the clear contrast between how Win treats others and how he treats Team.
Parents don't look happy with Waan. I'm not sure what is going on here yet. Bitch don't talk to your wife like that. Oh, T-Rex heard it all and we know who T-Rex is. T-Rex now knows Waan's identity too. We are getting a lot of side couples this episode. T-Rex got some feelings going on already.
Look at Win grabbing his moment. He knows what he wants, and he is going to get it. Red and Blue again. Love it. I adore how in Until We Meet Again, we were dealing with a couple that are already established soulmates. Those who had already created a destiny for themselves for each life here on out. With Win and Team, we are seeing the beginning of that. How that type of relationship starts, molds, and is created.
Back to them fighting over the car ride. "We are going to the same place! Be generous!" "An heir to a resort like you is worried about gas?" That should tell you something Team, but I get it, you don't have the experience to understand if he is playing or not.
I'm really glad they aren't recapping everything with Dean and Pharm but giving us new elements. The Trio! Spill your guts to Pharm. This friendship really reminds me of the coconuts mafia. Love Manow, love so much. This friend group is all sneaky.
Team hands over some desert to Dean that's from Pharm. Dean seems to be confused as to why Pharm didn't do it himself and look at this brat just ratting out his friend. Look at Win being jealous sadist. Love it. Talk back and get punished. You got what you deserved, Team. See the arm grab around Team's neck. How many of you have seen that out in public, and it made you so uncomfortable, but it didn't even register here? There is a huge difference between a Dom doing it with vs. an insecure abusive dick. There is a whole different body language to it. While Win has Team hooked, Team could actually easily get away if he wanted. He is whining for the fun of it. There is plenty of space, though.
I loved Dean's little smile. Now we are watching them eat breakfast together, and Team is observing Win's habits. The seasoning comment is important because remember he bought Team a meal with lots of spice. Team observed that who does this for a sick person. So, one might assume that Win bought what he likes. However, we learn here that Win when choosing his own food doesn't do spicy. Team is from the South, where they put a shit ton of spice. It's Team who is used to spice and likes it.
Look at Win trying to slip in that ownership and Team not having it. Again, Win is simply amused. Look at T-Rex outing Win. Win is just being a good guy. Nah, Win isn't going to out either of them till Team is ready. Though he would likely make it clear that they are together if it were up him. Do you see the difference in how he talks to Team vs. T-Rex, even though T-Rex is a friend. Then, look at him opening up Team's bottle. Now Win his opening up. Look at him calling his brothers stupid. I'm dying. I've been known to feel that way about my siblings for sure.
Opps, you stepped on a mind field with that one Win. He sees it, though, and doesn't push. I totally see Win being that bad boy type. Oh wait, because he still is. Love, love the communication that Win is giving. He knows Team isn't ready, but he is, so he is showing all his cards. You are going to deny seeing them when you see them during swimming. I'm so dead. And the Sadist strikes. "But the tattoo below the swim trunks, only you have seen it." That smile at making Team shy. Haha!
This friendship trio should be interesting, too. It's such a contrast to the sub trio. Ha, don't talk about his man. Win knows what he wants. Then bam, we are back in the swim locker room. Win pushed too hard, but Team is letting him know. Support? Is this how we support these days? I need some support. Oh no, I don't need a drink. Fucking product placement. Yes, a kiss. Sweet!!!
Everybody going to try and get their mack on. These fucking coconuts. Manow how many times you going to sigh. These two are such dorky cuties. Win is staring some daggers. That smile from Win when Team said he had to wait on a friend. Abso-fucking-love-it!
Look how easily he took Win's hand without thinking. Oh, a command. "Kiss me." Team with his one foot up. So, fucking cute! Once again Win gives Team the choice to follow him. Which Team easily does. Tell me that slam against the locker wasn't hot! Who else rewound? Just me 👀👀👀 Damn these two know how to bring the chemistry. Don't think that Win is annoyed. You would be mistaken. See how tender that kiss is. He isn't even pushing until Team gets it out. Now he can reassure him. Win values communication. Doesn't matter when. Because look at how more invested Team is now that he has had reassurances. More communication, love it!
Yup, that's definitely two Doms going at it. Even if Team is submissive in their relationship, that doesn't mean there won't ever be a leak through. It just depends on the relationship and what is allowed. If you watch, though, Team's hands are loose while Win's are in control.
This episode was so good! I can't wait for next week! Hope you guys enjoyed this!
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sunnyie-eve · 7 months
3 | Can't Do It
Series: The Benefits 
Paring: Coriolanus Snow x OFC Plinth!
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: small death
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As the two were out headed to the academy finally, Aurelia spoke up to Coriolanus, "I still can't believe you did all that. Normally you aren't the type of risk taker."
"Well, I wanted to show her I care about my tribute. After all, I took your advice." He glances over at her as they walk side by side.
"I didn't tell you to get into the truck to be taken off with them. I sure as hell didn't tell you to take me with you." Aurelia laughs as they enter the academy.
"But you are a risk taker, Plinth. Might I add, you got to show off Wovey and how she's just an innocent shy girl." His words causes Aurelia to grab his arm to stop him from keeping walking to class.
"Are you okay? Are you feeling well?" She places the back of her hand in his forehead to check for a fever.
"I'm completely fine, Auri. Why do you think I'm sick." He laughs removing her hand.
"You aren't yourself this morning. What have you done to the Coriolanus Snow I know. Agreeing my tribute is an innocent shy girl... you would never talk about district people like that." She eyes him not knowing if she should be cautious of him.
Snow didn't know how to respond to her. She wasn't wrong whatsoever with what she was saying. It was all a hundred percent true about him. He couldn't care less.
"Maybe you're rubbing off onto me, Auri." He slightly lies but tells the truth a bit too.
She doesn't respond to him so she just walks off heading to class with him following behind her. Entering the class everyone but Highbottom looks at them.
"Your little excursion was in violation of about five Academy rules, Mr. Snow, Miss Plinth. Chief amongst them, endangering a Capitol student." He says keeping his eyes on what he was working on.
"What? Who? Aurelia?"
"Both of you. I'm moving for the Gamemakers to disqualify you both as mentors immediately." He adds so the two look at each other at their seats.
"If I may, you said we had to get our tributes right preform, not that we had to stay away." Aurelia speaks up.
"I'll add insubordination as well."
"Hold their hands, introducing them to people, you both make it look as if we're one and the same as those animals." Arachne looks over at the two.
"Coriolanus and my sister didn't show those people anything they didn't already know." Sejanus speaks up, "That the tributes are human beings. Just like us. That's why nobody wants to watch the Games. It's because people know deep down that winning a war 10 years ago doesn't justify starving people's children, taking away their freedoms, their rights."
Dr. Gaul ends up coming in speaking up about with Coriolanus and Aurelia did saying they were good at games. And that the games would continue because of their performance at the zoo.
She ends up asking what are the games for so Snow says what he thinks while Aurelia shook her head, "My question to you is why have them at all?" She asks so Coriolanus looks at her telling her to stop with his eyes.
"My sister is right. Are they right to have in the first place?" Sejanus adds.
"You two have a problem with my Games?" She asks so Sejanus goes off on her about how they're just kids who had nothing to do with the war. "Miss Plinth, do you have anything to add to your brother's words?"
"They're innocent kids who had nothing to do with the war. Hell, if anyone was to fight to the death, I'd rather have guilty adults that are criminals do it. But that's not your way of thinking is it?"
"Perhaps the Capitol students are ill-suited to be mentoring tributes. Perhaps the Game's time has passed." Highbottom speaks once again.
"Dean Highbottom is wrong. My classmates, too." Coriolanus speaks ups so Aurelia looks at him, "Maybe Sejanus and Aurelia is onto something here. Maybe we should be viewing those tributes as human beings. I mean, you saw those kids in the zoo, they just... they just wanted to get to know Lucy Gray. If we need people to watch, we should be letting them get closer to the tributes before the Games. To make the stakes personal."
Aurelia then nods her head at him, there was the Coriolanus she knew.
"Who will watch the Games if they care what happens to the tributes?"
"Honestly, everyone would." Aurelia hated to admit it but that's how people were, "If they thought the tribute they cared about had a chance of winning."
"People need someone to root for and someone to root against. We need them to invest. And if we bend a few Capitol laws, we could even have them place bets." Snow adds which kills Aurelia's soul.
Place bets on people like a horse race? Or any race at all. Rooting for someone wasn't bad but rooting for someone to lose their life was terrible.
"I'd like you to write up a proposal of these thoughts tonight, Mr. Snow." Dr. Gaul tells him so Clemensia speaks up saying that they were class partners so she had to be apart of it.
Dr. Gail laughs at her, "It'll be an interesting test." She starts to leave then turns back around, "Miss Plinth, I expect you to help Mr. Snow. You have a way of making people care about things." She adds then leaves the class.
For lunch in line Sejanus kept staring at his sister, "What do you want? I don't agree with Coriolanus on placing bets on people." She huffs taking her full tray.
"Are you going to help him still write the paper?" He follows her to go sit down.
"I don't want to." Aurelia speeds up going to take a seat.
"You trying to fatten that poor girl up so you can finally start taking bets?" Sejanus makes it to the table.
"You think they'll give those kids a scrap if we don't give them a reason to do it? How do you think your tribute will have a chance if he can't eat?" Coriolanus tells him so he takes a seat.
"He was our classmate. Back in 2. He and Aurelia were closer than the two of us." Sejanus tells him so Coryo looks at her.
"My first kiss." She confirms what he thought.
"It's not your fault it's him." Coryo tells Sejanus.
"See, I know. I'm so blameless, I'm choking on it. My Father bought him for me, you know, at the Reaping, just so he could show me that I could never go back to 2. But being Capitol is gonna kill me."
"So do something about it." Coriolanus takes more of his sandwich to put away for Lucy Gray.
"Quite the rebel."
"Oh yeah. I'm bad news." Coryo tells him.
"Yeah, he's the one who came up with the idea to get in the truck with the tributes. I didn't plan on doing that." Aurelia does the same with food to take to Wovey.
After school a few mentors went to the zoo to see their tribute. Wovey took the food from Aurelia and thanked her. As the two were chatting Marcus went over to them, "What are y'all trying to do?"
"What do you mean? I'm being nice and caring. You know how I am." She gives him a dirty look since he ignored Sejanus.
"Well you've been in the Capitol for some time so you can change."
"I haven't for your information. Do you want something?" She holds out some food for him but he walks away.
"You know him?" Wovey asks her.
"Yeah, we used to be classmates before I moved here." Aurelia sighs looking over at him sit alone.
Suddenly Brandy and Arachne start screaming and Brandy stabs Arachne in the throat with a broken bottle she was teasing her with.
"No, no, no!" Coriolanus rushes over and Aurelia goes to help as well. Yeah she hated her but she never wished death upon her even if she deserved it.
"Oh, shit." Aurelia says as she gets in her knees seeing how the bottle was.
"Somebody help us, please!" He calls out and the peacekeepers shoot at Brandy.
As they shoot both Aurelia and Coriolanus duck down but he moves from Brandy to cover Aurelia before he's dragged off along with her. Sejanus stood alone looking over at Brady no longer breathing before looking over at his sister in the distance.
At home that same night their father refused to talk about what happened at the zoo, "I'm just glad you two are okay." Their mother looks at her children.
"Coryo cover Aurelia when they started shooting to make sure she was out of the way." Sejanus tells her.
"Is that true?" Their father speaks up.
"Yes." Aurelia nods her head playing with her fingers. "Ma, is it alright if I go by Coryo's house? To check on him?" Aurelia asks.
"That's fine sweetie. If it gets too late just stay the night there. I'm sure they have plenty of room for you."
Going over to Coriolanus place, Tigris opens the door then automatically pulls her into a hug, "I'm glad you're okay."
"Thank you, I just wanted to check up on Coryo."
"He's in his room." She lets her in so Aurelia goes to his room knocking on his door before walking in.
"Just wanted to see how you're doing. I mean she died right in front of you." She walks over taking a seat in his bed.
"I feel like it's my fault. I suggested we get closer to them."
"It's not your fault. She did it to herself. She was playing/teasing Brandy like she was an animal in a cage. You remember how some of them wanted to kill you on the truck. They hate us and you can't push their buttons. They know they have nothing to lose since they won't be going back home after the games." Aurelia gets up to go stand next to him.
"Grandma'am thinks they're all rebels and that's I'm lucky Lucy Gray didn't poke my eye out when she could."
"Lucy Gray is nowhere near that type of person. She doesn't seem like that type of girl." Aurelia disagrees with that thought.
"She told me to use her before she can use me." He looks at her.
"Again she didn't seem the type. Coryo, don't just use her. Help her and believe in her." Aurelia says they sees he had paper out and a pen, "You're already starting?"
"Yeah, I've had some thoughts after everything..." He sighs then looks back at her to see her with tears in her eyes, "Lia..." He pulls her to sit down in his lap as she starts to cry.
"I can't do this."
"Yes, you can. You can do about anything. I know you." He rubs her back.
"No, I can't watch someone die that I have to look after. I hate this." She tries to calm down so he wipes her tears away.
"As much as it sucks, Aurelia. At least you aren't in their place."
She knew he was completely right so she stops crying trying to relax then makes eye contact with him, "Don't look at me like that. It makes me feel small." She laughs wipes more tears away.
"You are small." He pitches her side and she suddenly remembers she was sitting in his lap starting to feel odd.
"I should get going." She gets up.
"Let me walk you to the door." He gets up as well and walks with her, "I'll see you tomorrow." He opens the door for her.
"Yeah, good luck on writing the paper."
"I'll just say you didn't feel well so you couldn't help me write the paper. Plus I know you want nothing to do with it." He says causing her to smile.
"You know me so well. Thank you, Coryo." She turns to leave, "Oh, an idea for the paper... a good thing for it. People can send gifts to the tributes to help them. The ones they have hope for." She adds before leaving and he was going to stop her but Tigris called for him
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yourelivingwrong · 4 years
Distract me, please.
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Dean Winchester x Reader
Fluff, Smut, Friends to lovers
Warnings: graphic injury description, near death experience, swearing,  sex as a coping mechanism? AU where Supernatural characters deal with emotions in a healthier way.
Word count: 4198
Hello, welcome back! Thanks so much again for the reaction to my first fluffy fic (which you can read here), here’s the next:
“CAS!” you yell as your swing open the door to the bunker. You desperately glance around the map room, and scream louder with desperation in your voice “CAS WE NEED YOU NOW!”
You turn to run back to the Impala but Dean’s already here, staggering up to the doorway with Sam slung over one of his shoulders, blood everywhere, body slack in unconsciousness.
“CAS!” Dean yells in a deep, panicked baritone, but the angel has already entered the room. 
Shock flits across Cas’s face as he takes in the scene before him, and he asks “What happened?” before running up the stairs to help the two of you bring the younger Winchester in safely. 
“Ghoul took a knife to him” you pant as you struggle to manoeuvre Sam down, “We couldn’t shoot it -”
Dean interrupts you, “Can you fix him?” he barks aggressively.
Cas presses his palm to Sam’s forehead “There’s still time,” he confirms “I can heal him”.
Dean takes the brunt of the weight and gets his brother onto the table. Red pools from Sam’s abdomen through the shirt of yours that’s tied tautly across the wound - there’s too much blood, and the only thing keeping you from losing it is the adrenaline, and Dean taking your hand, squeezing it tight, eyes not moving from Sam’s limp body.
Closing his eyes, Cas presses two fingers to Sam’s forehead and a warm light envelops him, seeping through his body. Dean winches as Sam’s body tenses, visibly rising from the table as Cas works his grace. After a moment, it fades, and Sam’s body slowly relaxes. Removing his hand from his forehead, Cas peels the shirt off Sam’s stomach to check the wound: the skin is smooth, untouched. 
“He’s healed” Cas says, looking back at you and Dean. “He’s sleeping, but he’s healed”.
You exhale a loud breathe you hadn’t realised you were holding, letting your head fall back as a wave of relief floods through you. 
“Thank you Cas. Thank you”. you say sincerely, placing a palm on Sam’s shoulder and squeezing it. You can’t bring yourself to think of a life without him in it.
You turn back to face Dean, and see he still hasn’t broken his gaze with his brother’s now sleeping form. His face is somber, stony even, and you know him well enough by now to guess at what he’s feeling: guilt. Your heart breaks for him - you’re all too familiar with Dean’s ever consistent self-blame, and right there in that moment, you commit yourself to an evening of caring for him, now his brother has been taken care of. He needs it. 
“I’ll get Sam to his room,” Cas says with understanding, reading Dean’s face in the same way you are. You smile back at the angel appreciatively, then pinch Dean’s crimson stained sleeve and tug it carefully to get his attention.
“Come on,” you nudge him gently, “Let’s go patch you up”.
┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈․° ☣ °․┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
The two of you sit in silence in Dean’s room, him on the edge of the bed and you knelt in front of him.
Dean remains still as you ease the flannel off his shoulders and begin to clean the blood from his arms and neck with a wash cloth. It colours the water a dirty shade of red when your rinse it in the bowl at your knees, and once you’re done you move onto taking care of Dean’s own wounds.
He flinches slightly when you run an antiseptic wipe across the graze that runs above his left eyebrow. “Just a little more” you assure him quietly, trying to soothe him. Dean says nothing in response - you know that in some twisted way, he thinks he deserves this pain for failing to protect Sam. Pulling apart a packet from the first aid kit, you delicately smooth a wound closure strip across the mark, using another to secure it. 
“All done,” you announce, balling the empty packaging in your hands and standing to drop it in the basket resting by the door, “I’m just gonna go wash my hands and grab you some tylenol. I'll be right back, okay?”. He nods, but still can’t bring himself to engage with you any more than that.
You smile sadly at him, then duck out his room.
For the first time this evening, you take a minute for yourself. You kick your boots off and leave them by the door, then peel your own over shirt off you and throw it straight in the trash before washing your hands in the bunker’s kitchen until the pink stained water runs clear down the drains, then you scrub your hands hard for an extra few moments to really rid Sam’s blood from your body.
Pulling a cloth from a hook and leaning back on the counter, you process the day and make sure your head is in the right place for the rest of the evening. Almost losing Sam was.. a lot, and you’re glad to have the purpose of caring for Dean for the night. Oh, Dean…
God, being infatuated with Dean Winchester sucked at the best of times, knowing that he could never feel the same way; but it was worse when he was in pain and there was almost nothing you could do to take it away from him. After years of friendship you knew how his self-loathing worked, and you’d slowly been coaxing him out of his toxic-masculinity to feel more comfortable sharing how he was feeling. He was still resistant: you don’t think he’ll ever truly change his ways, but him just allowing you to be with him when he feels at his lowest is huge progress. It made you care for him even more.
You take a deep sigh, shake it off and grab a bottle of painkillers from a cabinet and a bottle of water from the fridge, then head back down the Men of Letters corridor to Dean’s bedroom.
You let yourself in, closing the door behind you and crossing the short distance to the bed. Dean accepts the pills with a shaky hand as you sit next to him. His shock is fading, but he swallows them down, and placing a hand on his arm you tentatively ask, “How are you doing?”.
Face still forlorn, Dean shakes his head to himself “I always screw things up”.
“Dean.” you say softly, making sure he meets your eyes. “It wasn’t your fault”.
One tear drops from his eye to run down his cheek, ““If I’d just been there a second earlier…”, he all but whispers, and he crumbles, ducking his head down to hide his face in his chest.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” You murmur as you take him in your arms, one hand cradling his head and the other wrapping around his broad shoulders. “I’ve got you”. 
Despite the progress Dean’s made in opening up, he’s never let you see him like this, gently crying in your arms. You’d think all of you would be used to the near death (or full death) experiences by now, but the fear of seeing those closest to you come that near to never returning is unparalleled each and every time. You hold Dean back tightly, and you realise that you’re needing the comfort almost as much as he is: tonight was a close scare. A really close fucking scare. Dean breathes raggedly into your shoulder as you stroke his back softly, and after a few minutes you can feel him calm down in your arms: he’s stopped shaking, and his breathe is getting steadier.
Moving to run a hand down his face quickly, Dean changes his position to wrap his arms around your waist in return, holding you firm in his arms. From this angle your face is buried in the crook of his neck, and you can feel his heart beat against your own chest - you inhale his familiar scent, all aftershave and gunpowder, and the warmth of his body makes your beat race to match his. 
Dean moves his head slightly as if to face towards yours, then seems to change his mind and stay holding you tight. You tenderly turn your head to his to reassure him, assuming he’s holding himself back from saying something, and are taken aback when suddenly you’re face to face with him, only an inch apart.
His nose brushes against yours, and after a second’s pause, Dean softly presses his lips to yours. 
The kiss takes you totally by surprise. To have his gorgeous, pink lips on yours almost renders you stunned - it plants butterflies in your stomach immediately, and for a moment you lose all brain power, able only to relish in the sensation. As soon as you’re compos mentis enough to start kissing back, a little voice in your brain tells you to stop.
“Dean-“ you whisper against his lips, reluctantly pulling away. 
Focused on your lips, he murmurs “I just need to be with you,” before ducking back in for another kiss.
You’re really not sure what’s happening, and dumbly sputter out a question, “Are you sure?” 
His green eyes meet yours, “Distract me Y/N,” he breathes in his husky voice, looking up at you, pleading “Please.”
You resist again, “Dean, honey,” you whisper, gently, “Not that I haven’t wanted this for.. ever, but I feel like I’d be taking advantage-“ he silences you by putting a finger to your lips.
“Please Y/N,” he looks dead into your eyes, “We can talk about it later, I swear. Right now I just need to bury myself in you and forget about it, ok?” he’s being open, and honest - as you gaze back into his eyes, it’s almost as if you can see how much he means it.
You try to process that for a moment before ultimately whispering “Okay”.
Dean responds immediately, threading his fingers into your hair and crushing his lips against yours.
He’s kissing passionately, and almost immediately everything fades away: the room, the evening, the emotions. All that’s left is Dean’s mouth on yours, your body held tight against his and the taste of him on your tongue. A tiny voice in your head recognises this is finally happening, and before you can think it through you’re climbing into his lap, resting a knee either side of his hips and hearing him groan low in his throat at the closer contact. 
His tongue slips in your mouth and even after all your years of imagining, this is more divine than you ever could have fantasied. You mould together, a perfect fit, and when Dean’s hardening cock experimentally rolls up into you a choked sound escapes you that would ordinarily have embarrassed you, if you didn’t see how much it turns Dean on.
“Goddamn Y/N, I’ve wanted you for so fucking long” he moans into your mouth, punctuating the last two words with an another, firmer thrust. Heat is flooding to your lower stomach, and you can feel your panties getting wetter with every moment - you’re desperate for him to be closer, to make you moan under his touch until you can’t take it anymore.
You catch his eye through fluttered lashes, and boldness takes over, “I need to feel you Dean,” you say in breathy pants. He sucks your lower lip beneath his teeth and it bites it gently, growling in response when you moan.
Dean holds your head firmly as he rolls the two of you backwards onto the bed, leaving you now laying side by side, never pausing his needy kisses. He toes his boots off before he moves to hover on top of you, swinging one leg in between yours so that his thigh is pressed right against against your cunt and god, you’ve never been so aware of how frustrating clothes are.
Luckily, he’s reading your thoughts, and he steadily unbuttons your jeans and pulls them down your thighs. He barely breaks the kiss, and when they bunch around your ankles you help him out by kicking them off, leaving you in just your thin, black panties.
Dean runs a warm, rough hand down your side and pulls back just enough to watch you tremble at the touch. He trails his fingers across your thighs, touching everywhere except where you need him most and you whine in frustration.
“I’ve been wondering how sweet you taste for a while now darlin’,” he confesses into your lips, taking two fingers to run a delicate trail up the centre of your panties and making you buck up and gasp, “And I’m not about to hold back any longer”. 
He presses a quick kiss to your lips and moves down your body, trailing more kisses down your torso as he goes. When he reaches your panties, he hooks a thumb under the fabric either side and pulls them from under your ass, leaving you bare to him, your wetness already pooling.
“God you are so beautiful” he says under his breathe, sounding like he’s saying it more to himself than he is to you. Your heart swells, then he leans in almost all the way - his warm breathe dances over your pussy and the anticipation of him finally touching you is almost too much. 
He licks one stripe up your clit, unable to hold himself back and you inhale sharply, fire spiking through your body. Dean settles himself comfy on his chest, then snakes his arms up around your hips to pull you to his waiting mouth.
His mouth at your pussy is… unreal.  He’s attentive, literally feeling you out and observing your reactions to assess what really gives you as much pleasure as possible and it’s making you lightheaded. When he presses his mouth fully to you, giving your clit a sloppy kiss and dragging his tongue slowly up from your dripping cunt your back keens off the bed and you make a high pitched whine unlike any sound you’ve ever made before, feeling as if you’ve died and gone to heaven. Dean smirks into you, repeating the action to bring you closer to the edge of ecstasy.
You desperately raise a head to look down your body at Dean eating your pussy, and the sight you’re met with is without doubt the sexiest thing you’ve ever witnessed: his eyes are closed, eyebrows tight and raised at the centre in pleasure as he devours your pussy. His chin is glistening in your wetness, and he’s softly rutting his cock against the mattress, genuinely loving every minute of eating you out.
“Damn sweetheart, you taste so good” he mumbles into your centre, curling his tongue inside you in a way you didn’t think was possible. You collapse back on the bed, reaching down to desperately hold his head while your eyes flutter shut, your orgasm already fast approaching.
You stutter “Dean, fuck - I’m c-lose already"
His hands grip your thighs ever tighter at your words, and he becomes frantic, “Give it to me princess,” he growls, voice muffled as his mouth works desperately at bringing you over the edge.
You’re not usually one for terms of endearment but there’s something about how the pet name drips off Dean’s tongue that, combined with his tongue at your pussy and his lips suckling on your clit, sends you spinning over the edge and coming hard with a ungodly moan. You see stars behind your eyelids as your orgasm floods your body, your hands twisting into Dean’s dirty blonde hair and riding it all out on his face.
Dean watches you with dark eyes as you fall apart, soaking in every inch of you and licking you through it as your writhe on his tongue until your legs are shaking and your thighs are closing, forcing him away from you. You shudder in the wake of your orgasm, struggling to catch your breath as he kisses your thighs and up your body until he’s face to face with you once more.
“Fuck me Y/N, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” Dean groans, lunging forward for a hard kiss. You taste yourself on his him, and reel at how sensual it is as his body presses back firm against yours. Your hands reach blindly to pull take his shirt off, and once he’s thrown it from the bed you wrap your arms around him and roll him onto his back. You kiss,
then begin to slowly move down his body.
“Woah sweetheart,” he says sincerely, beginning to raise himself up on his elbows, “I’m really not expecting you to do that for me,”
“You really think you’re the only one who’s been dreaming of how you taste?” you quip with a small smirk, pressing one hand flat against his chest to lower him back down. You struggle with his belt buckle and he quickly intervenes to undo it and his fly, so eager for you, and you can tug his pants down to reveal his muscular thighs, perfectly framing the thick cock straining against his boxers.
You’re a little taken aback - he’s bigger, and thicker than you were expecting. You almost tentatively reach out to free him from his underwear, and swallow when you see him bare in front of you. Dean’s cock is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, and even after your orgasm you feel your pussy ache with need for it. Wrapping a hand around the base, you hold him as you lick one slow, teasing stroke up his length, barely even making contact with his warm, throbbing skin. 
Dean throws his head back in response, biting his lip as you smirk and repeat the action, looking up at him with hooded eyes, “Son of a bitch Y/N, you’re driving me crazy” he moans, looking back. You smirk at his reaction, then in one fluid motion take him into your mouth and swallow him down until he’s hitting the back of your throat.
It knock’s the wind out of him and he gasps, one hand reaching out to grab at your arm as you begin bobbing your head up and down, focusing hard on keeping your throat as open for him as possible. It takes him a moment to be able to react, and by the time you’re coming up for air panting he’s desperately gathering your hair in his fist to hold back before you sink back down his length.
His cock is heavy against your tongue, and you swirl it as far round his length as your can, hollowing your cheeks, so desperate to make him feel so damn good. You sink lower again, eyes watering as you concentrate on taking him as deep as you can but suddenly Dean pulls you off his cock with a satisfying pop, leaving you whining in protest. 
“God Y/N I want so bad to fuck your throat until my cum is spilling from your pretty lips, but I gotta be inside that warm pussy of yours, and that’s not gonna happen if you keep going like that” he grunts, pulling you up the bed roughly and pushing you onto your back.
Your head falls at the foot of the bed and he leans to fumble through his bedside drawer for a condom, and you take the opportunity to rid yourself of your vest and bra. His eyes rake over you in lust as he spreads your legs open to hug his hips, pumping his cock and shifting up on his knees to line himself up to your pussy. The strength he used to move your body has made you that much wetter, your desire for him to fuck you almost desperate.
Cock firm in his hand, Dean moves in and brushes his tip against your wet folds making your breath hitch in your throat at the sensation. You’re definitely desperate now, and you rock your hips up so that his head drags along your pussy, melting at how exquisite it feels.
“Gonna make you feel so good Y/N..” he mutters just before he slowly enters you.
Your jaw falls open as Dean’s cock fills you up inch by delicious inch, his pace devilishly slow as you stretch to accommodate him. He feels impossibly bigger inside you than he did in your mouth, all your senses are alive and everything is Dean, Dean, Dean. Once he’s full seated inside you, he whistles a breath out through pursed lips and whispers “god fucking damn”.
Already he’s slowly pulling himself out, and when just his tip is inside you he drops his torso down to lean over you, then looks you in the eye. Your lips meet for one desperate needy kiss, then he snaps his hips back up into you and buries his cock home in one thrust making you scream out in pure pleasure.
Dean sets an unforgiving pace immediately, gripping your hips as your legs drape over his thighs and you’re vaguely aware that you’re chanting a series of please, yes, fuck, Dean, more, so fucking good…. Your words spur him on, and his cock swells at seeing you so undone under his touch, all his, moaning and panting just for him. He runs his palms up your sides to cup your tits, bouncing with his thrusts and he bites his lip, cursing loudly.
Your bodies aren’t close enough, and Dean pulls you up abruptly, bringing you flush against his body as he moves with you. He’s is all hands, clutching onto you and grabbing at your head as he thrusts up into your sweet pussy like it’s the best thing he’s ever felt, his cock dragging over that sweet spot inside you with a relentless intensity. You claw at his back, definitely leaving scratch marks and suddenly it’s all becoming too much - you can feel another orgasm looming.
“God Dean don’t s-stop, fuck I’m gonna come” you whine, voice stammering as he fucks up into you.
“Come with me baby- fuck, come with me” he grunts, his brow screwed up as he tries to hold on to let you finish first, “Come around my fucking cock,” he begs.
The band snaps and you fall apart, your pussy fluttering around Dean as you call his name out in what sounds like a sob.
“Jesus fuck Y/N, goddamn” he all but growls, his hips staggering as he shoots his load inside you. You have never, ever come this hard, and he pulses his cock inside you even while he’s coming to drag your high out for as long as possible.
You cling onto each other as you ride your orgasms out, half out of fear of passing out at the intensity of it all. You collapse back on each other, sweat slick skin on sweat slick skin and for a moment, all you can do is just stay on Dean’s chest, panting and regathering yourself as the two of you lie there, entangled in each other.
Dean breaks the silence after a couple of moments: “Holy fucking shit” he says, with a small laugh, hand resting on the small of your back.
“That’s what I was about to say” you chuckle back between pants, breath still stabilising.
Dean kisses the top of your head, gently pulls himself out of you and discreetly discards his condom, immediately leaning back to tuck you into his arms. Your pussy is still pulsing, and you bask in the aftershocks of your orgasms as Dean presses kisses to your head.
“Let’s get some sleep” he murmurs, shifting you so that your back is flush against his warm chest. He envelopes you, and you feel contentment radiating off of you. There’s silence, and you almost think Dean has fallen asleep until he clears his throat softly.
“Thank you, Y/N” he says sincerely.
His words hang in the air for a moment before you respond. “Always” you whisper.
Dean hesitates for a moment, uncertainty wavering, then whispers low, almost under his own breath:“I love you”.
It’s confessed so quietly, so fearfully, that you almost don’t catch it. Your heart is pounding, and you gently turn onto your back, moving to look him in the eye. The fluttering in your stomach feel like it’s going to explode out of you as you whisper back, “I love you too Dean.”
You move together in synchronicity to kiss - a new kiss, delicate, almost chaste and full of deeper meaning. Dean cups your jaw lightly in one hand, and the tenderness of it makes your heart surge with love. You’re so excited to wake up and have this night be real come the morning.
“Rest now”, you say against his lips, taking a hand to stroke his hair. He nestles into you, arms wrapped around your waist and holding you tight. 
You hold Dean, running your fingers softly through his scalp until he drifts into a peaceful sleep. A small smile is fixed on your face as you watch him, and it’s not long until you succumb to a deep sleep as well.
This one just kept on adding to itself - phew. I’m gonna need a minute.
Thanks to my gorgeous Supernatural tag list: @deandreamernp​ @eunomiasloane​
Let me know if you’d like to be added!
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Sam Winchester: Running Away
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Pairing: Sam W. x Reader
Pov: Reader/Sam
Warnings: Panic, anxiety, being scared, mature content, talk of sex, Sam, inner thoughts
Summary: With Y/n and Sam only being together for a short time, when Y/n learns she pregnant she freaks thinking every bad thought about the things that could go wrong.
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: This is Dominant Sam I'm talking about here, but also a protective Sam. This is for band--pyschos 1.5 followers bingo writing challenge.
Square: First Child
Sam Winchester Master list
Main Master List
TagList: @sweetdetectivequeen @wonderfulworldofwinchester @band--psycho
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So, maybe I've been with Sam for a few months, but it's not that big of a deal. We're just a once in a blue sorta thing. Sam and I yes live together alongside his brother Dean, but I don't mean that Sam and I share a bed you know.
Okay well, maybe we do share a room. We share a comfy large bed when a hunt goes bad, or Sam wants to release some tension. We go and let go of our bodies' tension. Together we let everything go, and we sort of become one.
Sam is a giant teddy bear, but when he's had enough put onto his shoulders he needs someone to ground him, that someone for right now just so happens to be me. Bad hunts turn into long, fast, and hard nights.
Nights when Sam drags on, his large hands wrapped my throat pinning me down to the fluffy bed. My nails leaving red marks down his muscled back. His hips snapping against my cervix, his lips leaving bruises on my skin.
The way he'd snap his hips into me as I rode into him. In moments like these Sam was my cowboy, and I was his baby girl. The loud grunts and moans that echoed off the motel, or bunker walls were the most amazing sound to my ears.
The sound of our skin slapping together, and the dominant nature of Sam, his almost animalistic way of fucking me. I wasn't a virgin when I met Sam and Dean, I wasn't a virgin when Sam first came to me with this idea of friends with benefits.
But even without being a virgin, taking Sam for the first time. That made me feel like I had died and came back to life. I know saying that seems probably very odd, but Sam there is something about him that makes him so fucking... fuckable.
The moment that I came down from my high and he laid on top of me, trying his hardest to not lay all his weight on me, I reveled in those moments. Was this what it was like to fall in love with someone?
Would Sam really want that? Would I be enough for Sam?
Months it went on like this, bad hunts or just wanting to let go. It went back and forth. The deal that we held, was for the both of us, and usually, we needed each other at the same time.
Bumping into each other, cute moments. Moments when I would try to put more effort into it. I learned real quick that Sam had a thing for lace and the color red. Something about the way it felt against his hands, or how it looks against my skin tone.
Nothing's more special than having your boy toy pull off your lace panties with his teeth while he makes direct contact. Again there was that dominating nature of Sam. Sometimes my mind would float to what it would be like with Dean, but I would be very much slapped out of that thinking when Sam would snap his hips into me and ask me 'who do you belong to?' or 'Who owns your body?'.
This of course in my world would only last for so long. Something always had to go wrong. So wrong that everything that I had worked for wasn't worth it. Wasn't worth it, if I would just be crashed in the end. I didn't think any wrong could come from fucking my best friend in a way.
Because that was Sam and I are.. were. We are friends, best friends, who know everything about each other, who know when the other is about to have a break or the other needs space. What happens when Sam finds out about this.
This is a normal fuck up that be taken care of. This is my fuck up, this fuck up is huge. He won't want to stay. No, see I've ruined this for the both of us.
What happens if Sam. What if? That's the big question stop overreacting. You've spent time with Dean, ask your question then act, not the other way around. You need to actually find out if your pregnant.
'pregnant' "FUCK" I said out loud rather loud, louder than I should have said it. "Y/n you okay?" I outside the bathroom door. Panicking I slipped the pregnancy test into my sweater pocket. "Yep, I'm super," I said and unlocked the door, slipped by Sam. Smiling before I casually walked away from him. Panicking on the inside.
"what am I going to do?" I asked myself under my breath. "A Winchester baby, a baby, my baby," I said hushed under my breathe. A tap to my shoulder pulled me from my very important inner monologue.
"Y/n, what's wrong with you?" Sam said wrapping his hand around my shoulder. Mouth left gaped open. "Y/n?" Sam repeated, just my name this time made everything worse. The echo of Sam's voice grunting and moaning my name as he comes down from his high.
"Sam," I said looking up at him. These were moments that I said he was a huge teddy bear. Worry crossed his handsome face. "Y/n what's wrong?" Again he forced his first question.
"Nothing Sam. Just let it go." I said tapping his hand on my shoulder. There was a look of upset confusion on Sam's face. "Y/n don't you dare pull away from me, especially after what we have together," Sam said as I walked away. I stopped and thought about it. 'Don't pull him into it, you just take care of it.' I just kept walking.
I made sure that the pregnancy test was really correct, by going to a doctor's office. "You're about six weeks along." The doctor said. More panic. More anxiety, more questions, more thoughts. That drive back to the bunker I was fighting the idea of leaving.
If I just left, what if I just didn't come back. 'No go back and try to hide it, say you're sick, hide in your room. You won't be able to hide it for long' Sam will question you, Sam will notice, he'll notice your body change, he'll notice everything Y/n.
When I got back Sam was waiting for me in the library. "Where were you Y/n?" he asked me as I passed by him "I was out," I said passing quickly. Trying to stay away from him, the closer I am to Sam the harder it is to not tell him the truth. The grip of his hands around my wrist is so powerful, so strong.
"Stop running away. I just need you Y/n I thought..." Sam paused looking down at my body and then to my wrist. "Sam let go of my wrist. You're hurting me." I said ripping my arm from his grasp. Stomping away and down the louder echoing bunker hallway.
'LEAVE' 'No stop he's right you made a promise, a deal.' "Stop" Fighting with myself was the worst of all of this. You can't run away from yourself. No knock at my door, but I wouldn't have known. I had taken a nap my thoughts clouding my mind. Waking up to a quiet bunker and a note stuck to the coffee machine. "Y/n whatever is going on.
That's what I'm here for. Please baby girl. I don't know what to do. Shoot me a message, or even text Dean. Just let me know you're okay." Signed Sam. Yet another wave of new thought, new emotions. I want to stay, but it wouldn't be good for either of us. Nobody benefits from this.
A normal hunts take Dean and Sam about a week tops so with the letter that Sam left behind I can only imagine that Sam is pushing Dean to hunt a lot faster. Get the hunt over and done with come home and figure out what is wrong with me.
I say I've got two days tops before the boys get back. To toggle with the idea of leaving. Two days doesn't seem like enough time, but I need to not trap them in a situation like this. Sam doesn't need to have another thing on his shoulders, Dean doesn't need the worry or the panic. Of a Winchester baby.
Taking a long walk around the bunker brought memories alive in my mind's eye. The great, the good, and the bad. Most of them included Sam. The night he asked me to start this friend with benefits or the wild night that he took me on the book-filled library table. He fucked me in the middle of the wide open.
Would it be bad to say that I fell in love with him from that moment? He made me feel like the only girl in the world. A few spots in the kitchen early morning breakfast being made, and in the garage washing whatever car Dean would let us wash.
'You need to go' Memories pinging in my head. Hitting all the corners of my head. This is the most stressful thing I've ever had to do. There's a baby inside of me now, every choice has to be for this little one. This choice was for Sam and for this little one.
My hand laid on my still flat stomach. I wish that I could feel Sam's hand on top of mine, or watch his face. But that wouldn't be a good idea and I know that.
"They're going to a Winchester in and out," I said walking past Sam and Dean's rooms. I think I'll just have to write a letter to Sam, a sort of backwards odd way of responding to his letter.
This letter will just be my goodbye. "Hey Sam, by the time you read this I'll be long gone. Let me explain. I'm pregnant, with of course your child. We never got the chance to talk about being parents, never got the chance to even have a normal relationship. Sam, I fell hard for you, so hard that I don't want to hurt you. I know you most likely aren't ready to be a dad, so yes I know I'm taking that choice away from you. I am making so many mistakes and I don't want to be a burden on your shoulders or even a burden on Deans. They'll find out about you, they'll be nosy like you, be hardheaded like you, defy me like you defied your father." I wrote out pausing to let my shaking hand take a break.
"Cowboy, I'm running away, because Sam that's the only thing I know how to do. Don't you dare think... Don't you dare ever for a second think that I don't love you, or that this baby won't grow up knowing who is, who knows maybe I'll come back... I love you, Sam, I love you cowboy."
I read over it once and then twice, Dean stood over my shoulder. His hand lying still against my blade. I swiped the pad of my thumb over my Y/n nicely small handwriting. "Sammy?" Dean questioned. "Hmm?" I hummed fearing my voice would give too much away. "What did she write?" He asked, "Y/n wrote that she's pregnant, and she is running away afraid to put the burden of my child on my shoulders and on yours." I said continuing to look at the page in front of me.
"Dean we.." "I've got you, Sammy. We'll find her bring her home and you wife her up." Dean said, grabbing my bag and racing back to the impala. "She's on foot, and most likely hasn't made it very far, I'll call Charlie, you call her," Dean said, whipping out my phone it tumbled in my hands landing on the footwell of the front seat.
Pulling it out it came with pictures, pictures of the three of us. Sitting on baby's hood, her in the middle of the two of us next to her. I could see it now, a baby Winchester, sitting on her lap and taking that picture all over again.
"Sam, Charlie says that she's gonna try her, see if we can sort of trick her into going with Charlie until we can get to her and bring her home," Dean said.
"Yeah let's hope she wants to come home," I said the mix of different emotions and feelings shoring through me, I felt the revive of the impala's engine. 'There's no running away from the Winchesters.'
Completed on: 05/04/2021
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sara78 · 4 years
Thank you, Supernatural
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I don't think a simple thank you can cover everything these boys have done for me, for many of us out there.
For lots of people, supernatural is just a show.
But for me and for lots of other people it means many more.
Let's be honest, this year sucked.
2020 for me started empty. I would wake up every morning with emptiness in me, because one person I really looked up to and loved with all my heart, my grandpa, suddenly died in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything but watch. Even though everybody thought I bounced back from that really fast and adapted to it, it was just my very well built mask. I didn't want them to know. That maybe wasn't the right thing to do, since I for sure wasn't the only one mourning, but I just got used to throwing out masks and smiles whenever it was a bad day because they usually wouldn't understand why am I upset and would tell me to stop being a crybaby.
The fact that I lost my grandpa who was my father figure, who raised me up and was the only one who ever supported me and had my back, tore me apart. I was aware I will never go and spend summer breaks in village with him, I will never be able to watch "Only fools and horses" with him on TV.
It just couldn't settle.
And then, the Corona virus happened.
Let me be honest, school and certain people in it helped me with mourning. A lot. Being able to focus on schoolwork, studying, projects, it took my mind of for a brief time. But then, we were all of a sudden closed in our houses because of this whole situation and I didn't thought it was going to be this painful for me.
I was always thinking "Meh, I rarely went out anyways, I got used to being home" but the fact that I was back in the apartment where my grandpa died, and the fact that I woke up every morning and went to the living room to see an empty bed and a turned off TV, instead of him sitting there, reading the newspaper while waiting for a certain TV show on the TV... It didn't feel like home.
I closed in my room. Most of the days I would spend by trying to figure out everything about school, who's using what platform etc. Soon enough, my mother, a nurse in city hospital, told me that she will be transfered to work on a Covid part of it.
I didn't really think it would change anything, but hell, was I wrong.
Every day, she would come pissed from work. She would scream at me, yell at me, blame me for whatever happened in her shift, blamed me for everything that wasn't in my power.
Listening to constant hate from her never had such an impact on me. She would usually do that but grandpa would always be there and talk to me. My mom would usually go to my grandma to see her and talk to her about her troubles at work, but she couldn't risk going to her place, so she decided to obviously, yell and scream at me, thinking I don't bother because I never showed it.
She would just randomly slam the door of my room open and start telling me I'm a terrible daughter, that I don't want to do anything, that I'm useless, that people will never love me, that I'm stupid etc. Those words now started to settle down in me and started piling up. Day by day, the pile became bigger and bigger and I was in a darker place than ever before.
I didn't talk to anyone about it. I didn't want to bother and others had problems too, much bigger then this one.
I was really desperate. I needed a way to get out.
One of those days, I called one of my good friends, and asked him to tell me something that he likes to watch, or to play. I needed a run from reality and I decided to find it in a video game or a TV show.
That's where supernatural came.
April 5th, 2020.
Just when I thought this year would never get better, it did.
I tested the waters with the pilot - he told me that I would like the show since I was a fan of The X Files and Scooby-doo. He was right. It took me one episode, and Dean's famous "Dad's on a hunting trip. And he hasn't been home in a few days" to get me hooked.
Every day, I would turn on the show and would run away from reality. Every time it all became too much, I would watch them. Soon enough it felt like home. Those boys going around the country, hunting, having each other's backs, it really was unique and interesting to see how well they worked together.
As the show progressed and the boys went more mature, I started feeling better. I wouldn't have dark thoughts, I wouldn't feel empty anymore. Even though I could never talk with them in person, their presence helped me deal with my grandpa's death and my mother's sick obsession of blaming me for everything.
Sam and Dean taught me to stand up for myself. That's what I did. I stood up for myself and told my mother to stop being such a fuss and blame me for whatever happened to her on work because I'm no God (Chuck now 😂) and I'm not controlling anything. She was at first pissed when I talked back to her yelling but soon she stopped as well. I don't know where did she take out all of that anger and I honestly don't care. As long as it wasn't me, I didn't care.
Sam and Dean taught me that nobody really dies. Well, those boys never seemed to stick to that title. But the ones who did, as for example their dad, mom, later on Bobby, Jo, Ellen, Ash, Crowley, Rowena, Jack, Kevin,... You shouldn't think about how you lost them, about how you will never get to see them again. You should remember and cherish the moments you got to spend with them, and to be grateful that you were able to spend time with them. I started watching at grandpa's death from another point of view. Instead of missing him, I remembered him. Whenever I felt that feeling of empty, I would take our photo album and watch our photos together. I would read my old diary entries in which I wrote about how he took me to a fair and bought me a gigantic burger. Instead of tears, I would smile and be happy for being able to spend the time of my life with him and was grateful for making me who I am.
Sam and Dean taught me that family don't end with blood. But it doesn't start there either. I started taking better care of my friends, tried to talk to them more, ask them more often how they felt. I knew how bad I wanted someone to ask me that when I was in a bad place and I knew someone would appreciate that. But as well, I opened up more to some of them. It really felt nice, knowing that they don't care that you're broken and that they are more than ready to help you deal with whatever you need to.
I binge watched the whole show in about 4 months. I watched the boys grow up, and so did I. I learned so much from them, I loved them for who they are, I cried and laughed with them, I was scared and happy with them, I would stay up late at night just thinking about Dean and Sam and whatever they were dealing at the moment or rant to my friend who never even watched the show about how much I love Castiel for being who he is.
Also, I fell in love with the actors. Jensen, Jared, Misha, later on Mark Sheppard, Alex Calvert,... I laughed for hours when watching their panels, comic-cons and other interviews they did. I learned about the always keep fighting campaign, and much much more.
I was happy to be in this fandom.
And so, I want to thank them for giving us the opportunity to watch Sam and Dean's adventures. I want to thank Jensen, Jared and Misha for sticking with the show for years, for giving us a ticket for the most wild and exciting ride that will always be a great, bright memory in our lives.
You guys left a legacy behind, a big legacy. As long as there's us out there, you will never be forgotten. The show will never be forgotten as long as there's people to remember it and talk about it, write fanfictions about it, re-watch it, laugh about it.
The show might be ending, but what it's left behind, that never ends. This family the show has built, there is no other like this one. There's no other Fandom like ours. This fandom is much more than just a fandom. This fandom is also a place where everyone is welcome, there is no judgments, no hate. This fandom is a family. A legacy. Not much shows can say that they've left a legacy behind. Right?
As much as I am sad the show's ending, I'm happy it happened. I'm happy I got to see 15 seasons of it, knowing many shows don't make it past 10. I'm happy I got to see Team Free Will kicking names and taking asses.
So, don't cry because it's over. Smile, because it happened. Part of a journey is the end, but then, nothing really ends.
Carry on... ❤️
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vivithefolle · 6 years
Can you rec some Ronarry fics? (Preferably long ones?) Sorry if I'm annoying you.
You’re not annoying me at all, Anon! :D Thought I’m super frustrated because I’ve read one very long fic that has Ron searching for Harry, who has amnesia and ran away to America (and is gay but nobody knew that) and Ron realizes he’s in love with Harry and the fic has about 30 chapters and it’s on FFN but I can’t find it!! x_x
Sooo… I didn’t find that many long fics but I can give you a long list of them if you want?
Beautiful FriendIt took six years for Harry to learn something in History of Magic.This one. Oh my lord this one… it’s short, but it’s amazing. It’s full of lovely lively details and Harry’s description of Ron is… aaaww.
Life DrawingDean watches, and sees something unexpected.Again, the descriptions! My lord the descriptions, and also you will relate very much to Dean if you’ve ever worked with pencils.
Something They Can Barely SeeHarry has no idea how to tell his best friend he wants more that friendship. He’s pretty sure this would be hell of a lot easier if he knew for sure how Ron felt about him.This one is plenty cute. Ron is adorable and Harry… Harry’s trying his best. :’D
Our Inner BeastsLater, Madam Pomfrey would tell them that both Bill and Ron were going to survive. But she had no idea what the effects of a werewolf bite, when the werewolf was still in human form, could do to their behavior.Okay, who’s up for writing more Creature!Ron fics? Seriously. Someone do some more of those. Here we have Ron as a werewolf, aggressive, feral, self-loathing… doesn’t matter, Harry loves him.
Running with the Wolf, Loving the Mansnapshots of Harry Potter’s life with a werewolf boyfriendFollow-up of Our Inner Beasts. Someone heard our prayers and gave us more Werewolf!Ron, and it’s as wonderful as it sounds.
What HappenedThat’s just the thing, though. He doesn’t know what happened. He can’t pinpoint a single event where everything suddenly made sense. There was no epiphany or choir of angels or aligning of stars, or any of the other rubbish Parvarti goes on about in the Great Hall. There’s no one moment when he realized, “Oh.”Ron and Harry’s friendship, only it’s not just friendship. The last line will make you want to put on some epic music.
Follow The Butterflies“Why did it have to be spiders?” Ron moaned. “Why couldn’t we follow the butterflies?” Harry privately agreed with his best friend, but if there was anything Hogwarts had taught him, then that if he didn’t do something, no one would. “I promise the next time we have to follow anything, it will be butterflies.”Harry and Ron’s friendship again, with more butterflies thrown in the mix. It’s just as perfect as it sounds. If you don’t ship Harry/Ron, this fanfic might just change your mind.
Sonnets of Magical InterferenceHarry receives some strange notes about his love life, or lack thereof.By the end of that fic, you might just cheer for a very controversial character.
HeavenHarry’s heaven includes Ron.Features Ron being emotional over a movie, Chinese takeout, and Harry being a sap. What more could you ask for?
Harry Potter And The World That Went Bloody Insane“I know something you don’t know” is, apparently, the essence of Harry Potter’s love life. Harry’s certain that the world has been reading one too many romance novels, but then, Harry’s always been a bit oblivious.Featuring Protective!Attentive!Caring!Ron and Oblivious!Harry in their stinky flat and everyone shipping Harry/Ron. It’s awesome.
Check MateHarry questions his dreams, Ron has a scary one of his own, Hermione and Cho plot, and Seamus and Dean obsess.Harry’s subconscious has lots of funny ideas. Ron is ridiculously cute. Might be a bit difficult to read because of FFN’s shitty formating for line breaks.
On The OutsideHarry doesn’t think there’s much point to his being gay. He can’t have regular sex, he can’t have children, and he can’t tell his best friend he’s in love with him.Ron is utterly adorable, do I really have to say it? Why, yes, yes I do.
Newton’s LawFor every action, there is an equal and opposite reactionCheck out this author’s other Harry/Ron fics. I especially like Brass Ring; in the meantime, have a rather in-character reaction of Hermione and Ginny finding out about their ex-boyfriends dating. Hey, not my fault if JKR doesn’t know how to write strong female characters without making them abusive.
Sleeping BeautyThe most gen ever retelling of Sleeping Beauty.Who cares if it’s gen, it’s amazing. Harry sleeps, Ron is wonderful, and ants get colorful.
The Complexities Of Muggle MachineryHarry bought a refrigerator. Then it was a microwave. Then a blender. Thursday was the coffee brewer. Ron really liked that last one.Ron is absolutely, heart-stoppingly, adorably cute and pretty much just like I imagine him to be around Muggle things. Harry’s lucky.
After the cupcakesThey never really talked about it but they are each other’s world. And perhaps a lazy Sunday morning is as good a time as any to finally say something.Utterly sappy and fluffy and you know me, I was mostly there for Harry’s description of Ron. It didn’t disappoint.
Sing Your LoveThroughout the years they’ve lived together, Harry has always enjoyed Ron’s singing but lately he’s been picking up hidden messages in his flatmate’s song choices.Do you like Ron singing? Do you like Ron dancing? Do you like Ron crying his heart out over an emotionally oblivious Harry? Well in that case you’ve found the perfect fic!
Snakes & LaddersAfter the final battle with Voldemort, Harry intends to get on with his life. There’s just one problem; he was supposed to have died when he confronted Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest and now the Other Side is trying to collect him. But in the space between his ‘death’ and the victory celebrations, Harry’s fallen in love… and he’s not going to give up his second chance without a fight.A complicated premise, a complicated tale, a very worried Ron, a very determined Harry, an entirely unwelcome Severus Snape coming from beyond the Veil, all leading up to an epic confrontation in the Other Side. Who knew the afterlife had a court?
Now, it’s time for… TEH SMUT! D:Every story below this text will have MATURE CONTENT. Shoo, children, shoo!
Partners (last chapter gets NSFW)What if the girls hadn’t come in just then?  What course of action would Harry, in his desperate frame of mind, have latched onto instead?This fanfic made one of my most desperate wishes come true. For those who don’t know me, I’ll just tell you that Cinderella isn’t a matter of gender.
Scars (warning: mentions of self-harm)Ron is embarrassed of his scars, and Harry might be able to help.Ron is his terribly self-loathing self, but at least Harry is there to remind him of what we Ron-lovers know: that he’s loved and beautiful.
The Matchmaker (contains sexual mention)Sir Nicholas has never had a couple like these two…Nearly-Headless Nick ships Harry and Ron. So does the entire Gryffindor House. All in all, just what we need.
Exploring The Spectrum (NSFW at the end)Ron wakes up to find he can only see in a single colour.Very interesting mystery and clever use of a forgotten plot point. The resolution is basically “sex solves everything” but otherwise it’s a great story.
Hug! Hug! Kiss! (second-to-last drabble is NSFW)Ron loses Harry in a foreign land. In other words, Harry accidentally joins a Japanese boy band.This story is ridiculous, confusing, crazy, and absolutely hilarious. No existing celebrities were harmed.
Just Another Teenage Epoch - Ron Weasley, 1999 (NSFW at the end)Ron wants to be an Auror, and he wants to not grow up, and he really wants other people to stop kissing Harry.The classic mistletoe tale! Ron is not amused at all. It’s okay, we’re rooting for him (and Harry is, too).
Trapped in Winter (NSFW at the end)Harry and Ron have an argument. When Ron goes to storm out of the room, he’s frozen in time, and when Harry touches him to see what’s the matter, they’re both transported to a snowy winter wonderland.A surprising premise that leads to a confused, hurt Ron and a tight-lipped Harry, and of course, to Harry/Ron. Pretty nice!
That We Might Be Exactly Like We Were (warning: graphic self-harm, realistic depression, themes of suicide)'Everything just takes me back, to when you were there…’This author pretty much nails what depression is like. She also has several other Harry/Ron fanfics that are written just as expertly as this one, but be forewarned, they tend to deal with very upsetting topics as well. Sadly, I could see her version of Ron existing in the canon we know.
Slow Slide (get out) to a Better Place (warning: abuse and r*pe)Harry told himself that everything was fine in his relationship with Ginny, at least until he couldn’t lie to himself anymore. And by then, he thought it might be too late.  Fortunately, he has two very good friends who will always be there for him, one of whom might eventually be something more.Downside: Ginny fans should NOT read this story. Upside: contains Vivi’s most beloved ship, Romione + Ronarry.
Prelude and Fugue (NSFW in the middle)It took over an hour, from the time Harry arrived at work, for him to realise just how different today actually was.The “Groundhog Day” loop is wonderfully done, you can actually feel the weariness building as Harry wakes up and notices it’s still Monday, bloody Monday.And Ron is absolutely adorable - yes, I’ll say it every time!
Princes of Maine (NSFW at the end)Harry wakes one morning to find an abandoned baby on his doorstep. Little does he know that this is only the beginning of his most challenging adventure yet: parenthood.You want Harry as a single parent and not knowing anything about babies? You have it. You want Ron as a competent Healer who’s sick of Harry’s shit and determined to get answers as to why his best mate is a wreck? You have it. You want Harry/Ron? What are you waiting for, dive in!
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