#day spa in Virginia
Trans Ladies Spa Social @ Azure Dream Day Spa
Hi ladies, Azure Dream Day Spa has invited us to a Trans Ladies Spa Social on Saturday, April 29 at their beautiful, new location in Arlington, Virginia. Enjoy appetizers, drinks, and live music and receive complimentary consultations for laser hair removal, electrolysis, and beauty treatments. My wife, Giselle, and I look forward to seeing you there! A quick testimonial: I recently learned…
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
Helena, the most exhausted teacher ever (snippet):
Helena came home from school, hoping Charlie had made dinner like she’d asked. Reports were due in 3 days and she still had comments to go on half of them, there was a drug ring in Coventry she wanted to check in on that she frankly suspected to be operated by the Genovese Sicilian mafia family trying to bust into Gotham, and Barbara had made noises last night about an upcoming undercover op over the weekend with Jason Bard to investigate employee conditions in a LexCorp manufacturing plant in West Virginia.
She needed a full night’s sleep. She needed three weeks off and a spa trip. She needed five minutes to herself.
The house smelled of pasta sauce. Charlie was vibrating near the door as she came in, looking ready to scream. “He won’t tell me what he wants or go AWAY, Helena!”
Why. Why did she decide to dedicate her life to dealing with children. She was the only heir to the Bertinelli fortune, she was probably the third richest person in Gotham, and for some reason here she was. A teacher, foster parent, vigilante, member of the Birds of Prey, reserve member of the Justice League, and, as she walked into the living room, adopted big sister and confidante to one of the biggest terrors in Gotham.
Red Robin was sprawled out on the most comfortable couch in the apartment, boots hanging over the arm, a laptop propped on his stomach. Helena could see the remnants of a packet of honey roasted macadamia nuts sitting next to him that she swore she’d hidden at the back of the pantry out of Charlie’s line of sight as a reward to herself for finishing reports.
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sequinsmile-x · 1 year
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Stained Glass Windows - Chapter Twenty Eight
Life was complicated, but they wouldn't have it any other way.
Hi friends!!
As always, thank you so SO much for your love for this version of them. It means the absolute world to me because I love them too. And I keep thinking of more and more things to do with/to them so this could end up being like 100 chapters if you all continue to want to read it <3
Please let me know what you think!
Words: 3.3k
A full list of warnings for the fic can be found on the Series Master List and will be updated as we go along.
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
She finds herself watching the clock. 
It wasn’t something she usually did but a day full of paperwork, plus the promise of a weekend away just her and Aaron, had made the day drag. It made minutes feel like hours and hours like years. 
As soon as it’s 5 pm she feels her shoulders relax as she thinks to herself that she might try and convince Aaron to get her some fast food before their drive to their hotel. 
“You desperate to get out of here, Em?” Derek asks, and she smiles as she turns in her chair before she stands up.
“I’m excited for a weekend away.” 
He smiles as he stands too, shutting down his computer. “No Jack this weekend?”
She shakes her head and she stands up, ready to pack everything on her desk away for the weekend, “No, Haley has taken him to spend time with her dad this weekend, so Aaron and I are taking advantage and going away,” she smiles at the thought of it, “We’re not going to have a whole lot of time to do that soon.” 
“Where are you going?” 
“Atlantic City,” she replies, “It’s a Sin to Win weekend,” she leans in closer and speaks a little quieter, well aware her fiancé wouldn’t thank her if anyone else overheard, “I sin, Aaron wins.” 
His eyes go wide and his eyes flick to her bump, “Really?”
The look on his face makes her suppress a laugh, the need to mess with him almost making her tell him about the time she did take Aaron to Atlantic City, but she decides to tell him the truth.
“No, you idiot,” she says as she finally laughs, “I’m almost 24 weeks pregnant, we are going to a spa and a hotel in Virginia Beach for the weekend. I have a pregnancy massage booked and then we are going to have a lot of sex.” 
“Ew, gross Prentiss,” he replies, and she laughs at the look on his face, the way he shakes his head as if he was trying to dispel the thought completely. He looks her up and down, smiling at the question he’d clearly been thinking all day. “What’s the dress all about, anyway? Not your normal office wear.” 
She looks down at her outfit, smiling at the red dress she’d decided to wear that morning. Her cheeks flush when she remembers the way Aaron had looked at her when she walked out of the ensuite, his eyes wide as he took in the way the material was snug around her bump. She was struggling a little bit with the changes to her body, how it no longer felt like her own at times - so much of what she could and couldn’t do dictated by the baby, but it seemed to make Aaron even more attracted to her than usual. His hands always reached out for her in a way she knew wasn’t just because he desperately wanted to feel the baby kick. 
He wanted her. All the time. And she wanted him too, the need for him constantly thrumming under her skin. 
She smiles at Derek, her hand drifting to her stomach, “I’m still refusing to wear maternity pants unless I have to,” she replies, only half lying, “That’s what the dress is about.” 
He smirks at her, but any conversation is cut off as JJ walks past, “Have a good weekend JJ,”
JJ winces and holds up a file, not stopping walking to Aaron’s office as she responds, “Sorry.”
Emily sighs as she watches her friend walk into Aaron’s office and hand him a case file, their conversation muted.
“There goes my beach house rental,” Derek laments, sighing as he turns back to his desk to pick up his go-bag. 
Emily sighs, “And my non-refundable booking at the spa.”
Derek raises his eyebrow at her, a smirk spreading across his face, “Didn’t you just buy a house for $3 Million? I’m sure you can take the hit.” 
She rolls her eyes at him and opens her mouth to curse at him, but Aaron cuts over her, already out of his office and walking down the stairs to the bullpen.
“JJ will brief you all on the jet,” he says, walking over and picking up Emily’s go-bag, ignoring her usual protest that she could carry her own things and the accounting eye-roll, “We need to get going, we have a missing co-ed we have a chance of saving.” 
They nod, the importance of the case not lost on any of them, and head towards the elevator. 
“Where are we going?” Spencer asks, his hands in his pockets.
“Tallahassee,” JJ replies, and Emily groans. 
“Florida? Oh man, the heat is going to suck.” 
Derek nudges her gently with his elbow as they all get on the elevator, “I don’t know what you’re complaining about, you’ll be sat in an air-conditioned precinct the entire time.”  
She feels annoyance flick in her chest even though she knows that he’s joking, that this type of lightheartedness had always been part of their relationship, but she finds herself in less and less control of her reactions and emotions. 
“How about you have a baby living inside of you Morgan, and then we’ll see who’s complaining?” She says, raising an eyebrow at him as a challenge. He wants to argue with her, she can see that, but she can see JJ shaking her head at Derek out of the corner of her eye, and he stops, simply nodding in response. “That’s what I thought.” 
When the elevator reaches the first floor they step out, and she feels Aaron just behind her, his familiar scent overwhelming her, “You don’t have to-”
“If you tell me I don’t have to come, I’ll yell at you too,” she says, turning her head to look at him and all he does is nod, a response he had learnt was the safest fairly early on into her pregnancy. 
“I’ll make sure to get your pregnancy pillow from the trunk of the car.” 
Her chest fills with love for him, warming her from the inside out. She leans forward to kiss his cheek, a quick thing she wouldn’t usually allow herself whilst they were still at work, and smiles as she pulls away. 
“You’re the best baby daddy in the world.” 
He groans, closing his eyes and shaking his head at her, “Please stop calling me that,” he says as they follow the rest of the team, “I’m your fiancé.”
She feels nothing short of relief on the jet home. 
Part of it is because of the air conditioning, the heat and the humidity of Florida something she was glad to be leaving behind. Mostly she was happy that they’d been able to save someone, something that felt like a rarity. A young girl was going to get to go home.
And a baby had been left without parents. 
The thought of it makes her sigh as she rubs her bump before she reaches for a pretzel, enjoying her winnings from her poker game with Spencer. 
“I still can’t believe you won,” Spencer says his eyebrows furrowing as she continues to eat the snacks in front of her. 
“You’ll get over it,” she replies, smiling at him, “Besides, we both know you would have given me the snacks anyway.” 
He smiles and nods in confirmation, and Derek and Aaron walk over to join them. Emily shifts over to sit next to the window so Aaron can slip into the seat next to her. His hand immediately lands on her thigh, squeezing the muscle beneath his palm. He’d been keeping close by, even more so than usual, since the team returned from rescuing Rebecca. Emily knew it was mostly down to the fact that the dead, recently pregnant, unsub had made him worry even more about her. And that watching a newborn, parentless, baby get loaded into an ambulance would make him worry about their baby, even though they were perfectly fine. Emily smiles and places her hand over his, squeezing it tightly as a silent promise that they’d talk about it when they get home.
“Are you done winning all of Reid’s snacks, sweetheart?” Aaron asks, sneaking a pretzel from the pile in front of her. She slaps his hand playfully and shifts all her snacks closer to her side of the table. 
“Hands off, these belong to me and Nugget” she says, her smile turning into a yawn and then a groan, “Fuck I’m tired.”
“That’s only going to get worse sadly,” JJ says as she and Dave walk over, both of them sitting on the bench seat, “I was exhausted in the third trimester.” 
“That’s why I’m going to start staying back at Quantico with Pen when I hit 28 weeks,” she says, shifting in her seat in an attempt to get comfortable. 
“Just over four weeks to go,” Aaron says, failing to sound casual as if he wasn’t counting down every second. He’d miss her, he’d miss spending basically all his time with her, but he knew he’d feel better once she was staying back at home. He looks at Emily who raises her eyebrow at him, shaking her head subtly to let him know that she could see right through him. 
“Pen is going to make such a fuss of you when you stay back,” JJ says, smiling at her, “I remember when I was having Henry she kept me fed and watered like I was a pet she was looking after.” 
They all laugh and Emily can just picture it. Weeks of Penelope doing her best to look after her as she tried to not get annoyed by her friend's coddling.
“Well she’d better not get too used to it,” Dave adds, “Otherwise she’ll miss you when you start coming back with us after your maternity leave.” 
Emily is grateful that she doesn’t physically react beyond squeezing Aaron’s hand even harder than she already was. They had a point of not telling the team about her plans to move elsewhere in the FBI after she had the baby. Mostly, she had wanted a chance to get used to the idea first herself. She knew it was the right thing to do, that it was what she wanted to do, but she also knew she would miss this. She would miss spending time with the family she’d found in the most unlikely of places. But now she was used to it, she had total peace with her decision. 
She just hoped they would too. 
She looks at Aaron and their eyes meet. She loved that they could always say so much without words at all. That all she needed from him was a small nod and a half smile, one of his dimples appearing on his cheek as understanding and affection flash in his eyes. She smiles and looks back at the team, grateful as Aaron starts to rub his thumb back and forth over the heel of her hand.
“Actually,” she says, blowing out a slow breath, “I won’t be coming back.” 
She watches as her words sink in and looks of confusion pass over her friend's faces, all of them stunned into silence. 
“You’re not coming back at all?” 
She looks at Spencer and hates the sad look in his eyes, and she smiles at him, “I’ll come back to the FBI once I’ve had my maternity leave, but not to the BAU. I’ve been talking with the counterterrorism unit and the homicide unit,” she explains. The silence that follows feels awkward, thick in the jet around them, so she carries on, “It means hardly any travelling if any at all and a better working schedule, so I’d be able to be home a lot more often with the baby than if I came back.”
“You never said anything,” Derek says, furrowing his brows, “We see each other every day.” 
“We can’t both be away all of the time,” she says, “It’s just not feasible.” 
Emily looks up at Aaron and widens her eyes slightly, silently asking for help. He nods and smiles at her before turning to look at the team, his smile slipping away as he looks at them sternly in an obvious attempt to intimidate them into not asking too many questions.
“We spoke about it just after we found out Emily is pregnant, and we decided it was best if she was the one to leave the team.” He explains. He’d offered to do it, and whilst she loved him for it, she knew it wasn’t the right call. Not yet. He was the BAU, he was the thing that held them all together.
“You thought about leaving?” Dave asks, looking at his friend in disbelief. 
“One of us has to,” Emily says, “Look at what happened today. That baby has no parents, he’s not even a day old and he has no one. I’m not doing that to my kids.” 
“Kids?” Derek asks, sitting back in his seat with his arms crossed over his chest. 
“Jack. This baby,” she smiles thoughtfully, “Any others that might come along,” she shakes her head and shrugs, “And I was raised by a mother who put her career before me, and I refuse to do that to my children.”
That was at the centre of it all. She had promised herself for years, since she first knew she wanted children if the right guy at the right time came along, that she would be her mother. She had never come first. It was always the job. Or keeping up appearances. Or alcohol. Never her. 
She wasn’t going to do that to her children.
“I still do it,” JJ says, an edge of defensiveness to her voice, “Do you think I’m putting my job before Henry?”
Emily sighs, closing her eyes to give herself a moment to centre herself before she looks at JJ, “Of course not, but Will has a different job and isn’t sat next to you whenever you fly to wherever the hell it is we’re going,” she clears her throat in a failed attempt to try to push back the emotion she can feel climbing up it, tears that she can’t control flooding her eyes.
JJ sighs, her irritation fading away as she sees Emily is getting upset, “Em-”
“No, I’m fine,” she insists, taking Aaron’s handkerchief as he passes it to her wordlessly, “It’s the fucking hormones, I cry at everything. Just ask Aaron.”
They look at him and he nods in confirmation, “Sergio laid his head on her bump the other day and she cried because it was cute.” The team chuckle and a little bit of the tension in the air dissipates, “This is our decision, it’s Emily’s decision,’ he says, smiling as she leans her head against his shoulder, seeking out his comfort in a way she usually wouldn’t in front of the team, “You don’t have to like it, but you have to respect it.” 
He watches as they all nod, and they fall into a silence that is significantly more comfortable than the one from a few minutes before. Aaron watches as Dave stands and reaches over the table to take a peanut, but Emily hits the back of his hand before he can even touch one.
“Hey,” he exclaims, making a point of rubbing the back of his hand even though she hadn’t hit him hard enough for it to hurt, “What’s your problem?” 
“Those are her snacks,” Derek and Spencer say at the same time, and the team all laugh. It makes Emily smile and reassures her that even though everything was going to change, it would be fine. 
Emily snuggles around her pregnancy pillow, her hand on her stomach as she tries to get comfortable. She smiles as she hears Aaron downstairs in their apartment, dishes clattering against the kitchen counter as he gets her the snack she asked for. 
“Daddy is getting us some ice cream,” she says, rubbing circles on her bump, the material of Aaron’s t-shirt soft under her palm, “Although, he did make me agree to have salmon and greens for dinner tomorrow so I’m sorry about that in advance.” 
She smiles as she feels the baby move, much sharper than she was used to, as if it was responding to her, and then she freezes as she realises she’d felt it with her hand too. She sits up quickly, her hand pressing even harder into her belly.
“Oh my god, did you just kick for real?” She asks, and she feels it again, making her laugh to herself, the sound catching on a sob in her chest as she quickly gets out of bed, “Aaron,” she yells, not wanting him to miss this after he’d spent weeks with his hand all but glued to her belly so he could feel it, “Aaron.” 
She’s already in the hallway when she hears him respond, yelling her name back, dishes hitting the counter with force as she hears him running. When she makes it to the top of the stairs she pauses, smiling when their eyes meet. He’s already halfway up them, his eyes wide as he looks her up and down.
“Emily?” He says, “Are you ok? What’s happened?”
She feels a pang of guilt when she realises she must have scared him and she places her hand on his cheek when he makes it to the top of the stairs. He looks her up and down, as if she could have potentially injured herself in the few minutes he’d been downstairs. 
“I’m ok,” she says, smiling widely at him, “We’re ok.” 
He sighs, resting his forehead against hers, “Jesus Christ Em-”
“Nugget kicked. Properly,” she says, taking his hand and placing it on her stomach, “I didn’t want you to miss it.” 
“You felt a kick?” He asks, the panic in his eyes replaced with joy, both of his hands on her stomach as they fall into silence as they wait for movement. 
“Come on baby,” Emily says, “Kick for Daddy.” 
She watches as Aaron waits, his patience unending, and she feels sighs in relief when she feels it happen again. A sharp kick from her insides that she knows Aaron has felt too when his eyes go impossibly wider. 
“Hi Nugget,” he says, his voice thick as he kneels down in front of Emily, his face level with her bump, “Hi.” 
Emily smiles as she runs her hand through Aaron’s hair, and her cheeks ache with happiness when he looks up at her, his eyes shining. She wipes her finger under his eye, catching a tear as it falls, and she chokes out a laugh. 
“I love you,” she says, her smile shaking, “I love you so much.” 
Aaron stands, ignoring the pull in his back and knees as he does so, and tugs her into a fierce hug. “I love you too, sweetheart,” he kisses her temple, “I love you.” 
She pulls back from him and kisses him fiercely, tasting his joy on his tongue as she buries her fingers in his hair, holding him in place. She presses her forehead against his when they pull away and she smiles when he chases her kiss. 
“Do you still want your ice cream?” He asks, his hands drifting up the back of the t-shirt she was wearing, and she shakes her head, “You’re not hungry anymore?” 
She bites her lip before she kisses him again, her smile wide, “Not for ice cream.”  
Tag list:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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houzdini · 24 days
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ★ ── 𝓡𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝓦𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 ̟ꜜ₊
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝗂 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝖻𝗈𝗋𝗇 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌, 𖤩
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝖿𝖾𝗆𝗆𝖾 𝖿𝖺𝗍𝖺𝗅𝖾, 𝗉𝗈𝗅𝖾 𝖽𝖺𝗇𝖼𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖼𝖺𝗉𝗂𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗆. ˖ ݁ ˓ 🐎
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀basics ★ connections ★ starters ★ stats ★ nav
euridyce meilyr de argavieso whitmore was born on the cusp of winter and spring , on march 10th , in the small , melancholic town of merrock , maine . the daughter of giunone de argavieso , a renowned spanish fashion designer , and remington whitmore , heir to the powerful whitmore dynasty built on naval industry and maritime trade , riddy's childhood was far from idyllic . although her family was prosperous , their mansion was marked by tension and conflict . riddy , the fifth of six siblings , grew up amid the chaos of her parents' deteriorating marriage and the eventual departure of her mother when she was almost six . this abandonment left a lasting scar , driving euridyce to excel in her studies as a means of escape . she won a scholarship to harvard , where she pursued a degree in economics and later an mba , determined to build her own legacy away from her family's shadow . now , returning to merrock , euridyce is ready to forge her own path , independent of the wealth and influence that shaped her upbringing .
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ★ ── BASICS ̟ꜜ₊
◟age : twenty-six years old [ pisces sun , cancer rising , & taurus moon ] .
◟education : graduated in economics with an mba in entrepreneurship .
◟occupation : financial analyst for an investment firm in boston & ceo of harmonia retreat & spa .
◟gender & pronouns : cis woman , she / her .
◟sexuality : pansexual , demiromantic .
◟status : in a relationship .
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ★ ── HEADCANNONS ̟ꜜ₊
riddy starts her day with a meticulously prepared cup of matcha latte. this ritual is essential for her, providing a calm, focused start to her day.
despite her serious demeanour, riddy has a hidden passion for painting. she often spends late nights in her minimalist studio, using deep blues and moss greens to express the emotions she struggles to articulate.
riddy has a carefully curated collection of vinyl records, mostly consisting of classical music and jazz. listening to music on her vintage turntable is one of her few indulgences.
although she grew up surrounded by her family's maritime legacy, riddy prefers to sail alone. the solitude of the sea brings her a rare sense of peace and clarity.
riddy has a quiet fascination with the night sky. on particularly difficult nights, she’ll drive out to a secluded spot by the coast to gaze at the stars, finding comfort in the vastness of the universe.
riddy’s handwriting is impeccable, a reflection of her disciplined nature. she keeps a journal where she meticulously notes her thoughts, plans, and reflections, written with the precision of a calligrapher.
she wears a vintage perfume that once belonged to her grandmother, a scent that blends subtle floral notes with a hint of spice. it’s a small but significant connection to her family’s history, one she keeps close even as she distances herself.
riddy is a devoted reader of virginia woolf, finding solace in woolf’s explorations of identity, introspection, and the passage of time. to the lighthouse holds a special place in her heart.
on rare occasions, when she feels the need to exude extra confidence, riddy will wear a bold scarlet lipstick. it’s a stark contrast to her usual understated style, serving as armour against the world.
hidden away in a drawer, riddy keeps one of her mother’s old sketchbooks. though she rarely looks at it, the pages filled with fashion designs remind her of the mother she never truly knew and the creative spirit she inherited.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ★ ── TRIVIAS ̟ꜜ₊
likes : minimalist interior design / morning runs / herbal teas / documentaries / puzzle games / botanical gardens / antique books / art house films / handwritten letters / classical architecture .
dislikes : small talk / bright, artificial lighting / unplanned interruptions / public speaking / overly sweet foods / social media / crowded events / cheap, mass-produced items / being micromanaged / inauthenticity .
hobbies : floristry / letter writing / antique hunting / yoga and meditation / baking / photography / calligraphy / botany / tea blending / art collecting .
dumb skills : whistling classical tunes / speed reading / origami / identifying perfumes / lipstick art / memorising constellations / instantly assembling flat-pack furniture / ambidextrous writing / perfect parallel parking / spotting forgerie .
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ★ ── PETS ̟ꜜ₊
◟marmalade, a maine coon cat with orange and white fur, was found by riddy as an abandoned kitten near one of merrock's old docks. she rescued him and brought him home, finding in him a quiet and comforting companion. marmalade is independent but has a strong bond with her, often following her around the house and sitting beside her as she works or paints.
◟thistle, a rescued greyhound, was adopted by riddy from a shelter in boston. she felt a connection with the slender dog and his melancholic gaze, seeing something of herself in his reserved and graceful nature. thistle is calm and gentle, enjoying long morning walks with her and spending afternoons lounging on a cosy bed in her office.
◟willow, a bright yellow canary, was a graduation gift from her grandmother, grandma whitmore. willow’s soft singing fills euridyce’s home with a sense of life and joy, reminding her of her grandmother and the family ties she still holds dear, even as she seeks her independence.
◟scout, a scottish deerhound with a wiry grey coat, was a spontaneous adoption from a local breeder. euridyce was captivated by his dignified yet gentle demeanour, and his calm, quiet presence quickly made him a cherished part of her life. scout often accompanies her on evening walks by the coast, his steady pace matching her contemplative stride.
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blech · 4 months
Simulating Natural Lighting the 1940s Way
How do you figure out whether the camouflage scheme you're planning for a cooling tower is going to work? Well, the Second World War camofleurs (a shorter term than "camouflage officers") had a tool, as recorded in Josh Cole's article regarding concealing infrastructure on the site dedicated to Colin Moss, a Suffolk-born painter, draughtsman - and camofleur.
The more complex concealment schemes were tested on scale models in the Rink in Leamington Spa. As Colin explained … “You worked on a scale model and … there was a turn-table which you could put it on and a moving light, which represented the sun, and you got up on a platform, which was about the height that a bombing pilot would come in at, and turn the thing around to see how it reacted to different times of day.” Journalist Virginia Ironside (daughter of camoufleur Christopher Ironside) memorably described the Rink as “a giant studio” where “artists slaved away over enormous turntables on which they had constructed models of factories and aerodromes, lit by ever moving moons and suns attached to wires”.
To me, this is a delightfully analogue solution.
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glassbxttless · 2 years
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Hi! Here is where all of my older work and characters I no longer write for will be linked! Note, that I DO NOT write for some of these characters any longer but I wanted to keep them up to share! For characters I do write, check out my writing rules page!
This content is 18+— Smut is indicated with *
**as of 03.27.23 this list is still being updated**
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Dad!Clyde // one , two , three , four
Kiss Me Again
Help Me Get Rid of This Asshole
All Day, All Night*
Wedding Date*
After Shower Special*
See You at Home*
Ohio Bound*
Mother’s Day
There Ain’t No Skiin’ in West Virginia
Kitty Eatin’ at the Duck Tape*
Mama Bear’s Spa Day
A Quick Dip
Just a Gallon of Milk
Someone Borrowed*
Hey Bartender
Do You Mind?
Showering in Adoration*
As You Grew, So Did We*
Talking Body*
Tongue Tied
Becoming a Dad
Pretty Please?*
Banana Pudding*
Earn It*
Call Me That Again*
I Want to Spend My Life with You
What Do You Think?*
Holiday Party*
Mark You Mine*
Truth or Dare*
My Girl*
Daddy’s Good Girl*
“I’m Sorry, Sugar.”*
Hiking to the Falls*
Your Parents’ House*
Our Marriage Story
Did You Eat?
Happy Holidays
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nathanxcline · 2 years
closed starter for @romanatticusbeckett location: spa
One of the best parts about the island was the freedom a lot of them had been granted in their work. Back in Virginia, Nathan was catering solely to the guests. But here, he was allowed extra time at the end of each shift to take care of the staff members. A lot of the boys that worked at the Haus had physically demanding jobs one way or the other and they needed to stay in top shape to take care of guests themselves. The Kings understood that, and that's why Nathan was granted these two hours a day for staff appointments. Even though he didn't see as many as he would have liked, since most staff membered were occupied with the guests come evening, he was happy that they knew they could come to him.
When the boys around reception let him know that his staff appointment today had been taken by one of the dancers, he was elated. He hadn't worked on any of the dancers yet and the thought of making new friends alone excited him along with the idea of what kind of body he would be getting his hands on this time. He was changing when the door opened, taking off a shirt he'd gotten massage oil on during his last appointment. He swung his dark eyes toward the other and instantly felt electricity in all the right places. He was gorgeous. "Hey, I'll be with you in just a minute." He tossed his dirty shirt to the side to deal with later, turning to look at his guest without bothering to put anything else on.
"You must be Roman. I'm Nathan." A pause. "I hope you don't mind. I don't have anything else to put on and since you're my last appointment, there's not really a point in running all the way back to my place to get a clean one." He would just think of it as good fortune on Roman's part.
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spaandlaserctr · 2 months
Ever wondered why Botox is everywhere these days? And if it might be right for you? 
Millions of people are turning to Botox to achieve a more youthful look, but is it just a fad, or a real weapon against wrinkles and how long does botox last? We've got the answers! 
Click to learn more and see if Botox belongs in your beauty routine and what not to do after botox! 
Ready to chat with experts of botox injections in Virginia Beach?  Contact The Spa and Laser Center in Virginia Beach, Suffolk and Norfolk today
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ledenews · 4 months
Josh Resignalo: Playing the Game Within a Game as a Wheeling Miner
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There’s no such thing as a beaten path in arena football, and Josh Resignalo knows that fact now after all the headlines during his 17 years in the business. “Oilers Add Resignalo as Offensive Coordinator” … Sugar Skulls Name Resignalo Defensive Coordinator” … “Resignalo Named Head Coach in Cape Fear” … He’s been a Cobra, a Hero, and a Grizzly, too, and he’s well aware each town, venue, and fan base offers varied challenges to overcome before success – on the field and especially at the ticket office – can be achieved. And now, he’s in Wheeling, and Resignalo’s Miners franchise is the fifth mutation of this indoor football product to compete in Wesbanco Arena. And, despite an undefeated record (6-0) and an in-game staff that’s mostly local, Resignalo – a husband, a father of two, and a resident of Mount Airy, N.C. – continues working the crowd here in the Upper Ohio Valley in hopes he’ll soon see more fans in the those stands as the American Arena League playoffs approach. Resignalo first moved to the East Coast as a U.S. Marine stationed in North Carolina, and he later married his bride. As a California native, what do you like most about living on the east side of our country? Honestly, most places are not that different other than the prices at the grocery store. I miss California, but I don’t really miss living there. I’ve been in North Carolina since 2000 when I was stationed at Camp Lejeune as a member of the U.S. Marine Corps. What are the three major differences between regular football and arena football? First, the obvious difference is the size of the field. It’s about half the length and width of a regulation outdoor field. It’s literally the size of a hockey rink with turf instead of ice, and there’s no glass but there are pads on the dasher boards. The speed of the game is much faster. Playing 8-on-8 vs. 11-on-11 is different, and in arena, we have three offensive linemen, three wide receivers, a running back, and the quarterback. On defense, we have three defensive linemen, two linebackers, and three defensive backs. The fan interaction both during the game and after the game, is much different. One of our players can literally high five fans and engage with them during the game, and after the game, fans can come down to the field and meet the players in person, get autographs, and take pictures along with the dance team and our mascot Cole. "Coach Res" lives full-time in Mount Airy, North Carolina where he and his bride are raising their children while operating a full-service salon. What is it about business that makes sense to you? For indoor/arena football teams to be successful, you must treat the organization like a business. It’s not about the football, but more-so how you approach the community. At the end of the day, community partner dollars (sponsorships), and ticket sales help make the team successful and last year after year. So, it’s important to be involved in the community. Now the product on the field is important because we are a football team, and winning is one of the main ingredients to success at the ticket office. What would it take to have you and your family move to Wheeling, West Virginia? Well, there are a lot of factors involved in a big decision like moving. My wife and I own a business back home, a full-service salon and spa called Salon Resi, so, we’d have to figure out that. My wife also sings in a Hall of Fame beach music group called The Catalinas. She loves music, so the music scene here in the valley and all the way up to Pittsburgh is a definite plus in the equation.   I would very much be interested at some point, and if taking over a high school or a college program – or being a coach in a program – would make that decision a much easier one for me. For the past 17 years, Resignalo has been involved with arena football in some form and in several cities before coming to Wheeling. What has surprised you most about the people of Wheeling West Virginia? The people, for sure. The people of Wheeling have been very welcoming so far. From building the team, to creating lasting friendships, the people have helped me in a big way. Plus, getting linked back up with a good friend and former high school football teammate in Matt Porter has been awesome. It’s something I could have never planned. Being able to do what I love is very important to me, but to also build something pretty awesome with a good friend who loves football, too, is a true blessing. Read the full article
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Home Remodeling: Which Room to Renovate First?
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So, you’re staring at your home, itching to make some changes. Ever wondered which room you should tackle first for a remodel? A good starting point can not only transform your living space but also add value to your home. Let’s see which room deserves your attention first.
Setting Priorities for a Home Remodel
First things first, every home and homeowner is different. Your family’s needs, your home’s current condition, and your budget all play critical roles in this decision. But, let’s get into some universal truths and tips to guide you.
Kitchen: The Heart of the Home
Why start here? Well, not only is the kitchen the heart of the home, but it’s also where you’ll see significant returns on your investment. Kitchen remodels can be a game-changer. In areas like Home Remodeling Danville, a sleek, functional kitchen can significantly boost your home’s market value.
Quick tips for a kitchen remodel:
Focus on functionality and flow.
Update appliances to energy-efficient models.
Consider open shelving for a modern touch.
Bathroom: A Close Second
Following closely is the bathroom. Whether it’s the master or a guest bath, revamping these spaces can dramatically improve your daily routine. Plus, in places like Home Remodeling Walnut Creek, a luxurious bathroom can be the deciding factor for potential buyers.
Bathroom remodel essentials:
Waterproofing is key.
Invest in quality fixtures.
Maximize storage without compromising on style.
Living Room: Make a Statement
Your living room is often the first impression of your home. It’s where you entertain guests and relax after a long day. Giving it a facelift can not only elevate your home’s aesthetics but also its functionality.
Enhancing your living space:
Upgrade lighting for ambiance.
Consider durable yet stylish flooring.
Integrate smart home features for convenience.
Bedrooms: Your Personal Oasis
Lastly, don’t overlook the bedrooms. While they might not offer the same ROI as kitchens or bathrooms, your comfort is priceless. Especially in master suites, where upgrades can turn a simple bedroom into a retreat.
Bedroom remodeling tips:
Prioritize closet organization.
Select serene color schemes.
Incorporate eco-friendly materials for better sleep.
Your Home Remodel
It takes a reliable partner and a well-thought-out plan to start a home remodeling project in areas like Home Remodeling Richmond, Virginia. To guarantee that your renovation not only fulfills but surpasses your expectations, a house remodeling contractor in California can offer priceless guidance and construction services.
How to choose the right contractor:
Find people who have experience and knowledge in the area you want to develop.
Read reviews and look at examples of past work (portfolios)
From the start, make sure there is clear contact and openness.
What are you going to do? Would you start by remodeling the kitchen or the bathroom to look like a spa? Whatever you decide, have fun remodeling!
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momental · 6 months
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On April 6, 1984, the space shuttle Challenger embarked on its fifth voyage, STS-41C, with a five-person crew consisting of Commander Robert L. “Crip” Crippen, Pilot Francis R. “Dick” Scobee, and Mission Specialists Terry J. “TJ” Hart, James D. “Ox” Van Hoften, and George D. “Pinky Nelson. The seven-day mission involved deploying the largest and heaviest shuttle payload up to that point, the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF), and retrieving, fixing, and redeploying the malfunctioning Solar Max satellite. This mission exemplified the ability of the ground teams and astronauts to successfully navigate unexpected situations.
Image captions: STS-41C crew (clockwise from bottom left) Commander Robert L. Crippen, Mission Specialists Terry J. Hart, James D. “Ox” Van Hoften, and George D. “Pinky” Nelson, and Pilot Francis R. “Dick” Scobee. STS-41C crew patch. Challenger’s payload bay for STS-41C.
The crew for the mission, initially named STS-13 but later renamed to STS-41C, was announced by NASA in February 1983. Crippen, the only veteran amongst them, had previously flown as the pilot for the first shuttle flight STS-1 in April 1981 and was in training to command STS-7 in June 1983. The other four crew members were all selected as astronauts in 1978, The STS-41C mission marked the crew's maiden voyage into space, with two primary objectives outlined. The first was the launching of the Long-Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF), overseen by NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. The second objective was to retrieve, repair, and re-release the Solar Maximum Mission (Solar Max) satellite, under the management of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. Additionally, a student experiment observing the behavior of 3,300 honeybees in zero gravity took place in the spacecraft's middeck. Crew members Crippen and Scobee were primarily responsible for operating the shuttle and carrying out rendezvous and proximity operations, while Hart was tasked with deploying the LDEF using the shuttle's robotic arm, the Remote Manipulator System (RMS). Nelson was to use the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU) to secure Solar Max, enabling Hart to grapple it with the RMS and place it into the Flight Support Structure (FSS) in Challenger's payload bay for repairs by Nelson and Van Hoften. The success of STS-41C was aided by techniques and hardware tested on earlier shuttle flights, including the first shuttle spacewalk on STS-6, the SPAS-01 rendezvous and proximity operations on STS-7, the PFTA test of the RMS on STS-8, and the MMU test flights on STS-41B.
Left: The structure of the Long-Duration Exposure Facility before the installation of the experiments. Middle: Launch of the Solar Maximum Mission in February 1980. Right: Schematic of the Solar Max satellite.
At the time, the LDEF was the largest and heaviest object ever launched by the shuttle, weighing 21,400 pounds and measuring 14 by 30 feet. The satellite housed 86 trays filled with a variety of materials and structures for 57 different experiments run by 194 principal investigators from around the world. The plan was for a later shuttle mission to retrieve the LDEF after 9-10 months in orbit. The Solar Max, launched on Feb. 14, 1980, was designed for retrieval by the space shuttle for servicing or repair. Unfortunately, it suffered an electronics failure in September 1980 and had to rely on its magnetorquers to maintain attitude, limiting its data collection capabilities. If repairs proved unsuccessful, astronauts could return Solar Max to Earth in Challenger's payload bay.
Left: The crawler transporter departs Launch Pad 39A after delivering Challenger. Middle: On launch day, the STS-41C astronauts walk out of crew quarters to board the Astrovan for the ride to Launch Pad 39A. Right: Challenger rises into the sky.
Challenger made its first successful shuttle landing at KSC on Feb. 11, 1984, ending the STS-41B mission and setting a new record of 55 days for the shortest time between touchdown and the next launch. After refurbishment, Challenger was mated with its External Tank (ET) and Solid Rocket Boosters and returned to Launch Pad 39A on March 29. Liftoff happened on schedule at 8:58 a.m. EST on April 6, with Challenger carrying its five-member crew into the sky. Control of the flight was handed over to Mission Control at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, led by Flight Director Gary E. Coen and his team, including capsule communicator John E. Blaha.
, the launch was closely monitored in all its aspects. The STS-41C executed the first direct ascent to orbit, using the shuttle's main engines rather than relying on the Orbiter Maneuvering System (OMS) engines. The External Tank (ET) reentered over the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii, producing a brilliant light show as it disintegrated. A later two-minute OMS burn adjusted the orbit to reach Solar Max’s 290-mile altitude - the highest of the shuttle program at the time. The astronauts then opened Challenger’s payload bay doors, deployed the Ku-band high-gain antenna for communication with the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS), activated the Flight Support System (FSS) and tested the Remote Manipulator System (RMS).
Left: STS-41C astronaut Terry J. Hart lifts the Long-Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) out of Challenger’s payload bay. Middle: LDEF shortly after release. Right: LDEF recedes from Challenger.
On the second day, the main activity was the deployment of LDEF. After unlocking the latches securing LDEF in the payload bay, Hart operated the RMS to lift it straight out. LDEF was then released and the shuttle backed away slowly. LDEF assumed a stable, gravity gradient orientation. To prepare for the next day’s spacewalk, astronauts Nelson and Van Hoften began their prebreathe, breathing pure oxygen, while Crippen reduced the cabin’s pressure. Due to a configuration issue, Nelson and Van Hoften had to repeat the prebreathe activity. They also ensured their spacesuits were ready for the spacewalk, while Crippen and Scobee began maneuvers to reach Solar Max.
Left: STS-41C astronauts James D. “Ox” Van Hoften and George D. “Pinky” Nelson prepare for the first spacewalk. Middle: Nelson flies the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU) from Challenger to Solar Max. Right: Nelson prepares for the first docking attempt with Solar Max.
Mission Control during the first STS-41C spacewalk as NASA astronaut George D. “Pinky” Nelson flies the Manned Maneuvering Unit to the Solar Max satellite.
On their third day in space, the Challenger crew had narrowed their distance to the Solar Max satellite to just 320 miles. The engineers at Goddard Space Flight Center prepared the satellite for interaction with Challenger by powering down its instruments and enabling its communications system. They also disabled its attitude control system, allowing the astronauts to control it without resistance. The crew first observed Solar Max from a distance of 600,000 feet and proceeded to close in.
Astronauts Nelson and Van Hoften prepared for the spacewalk with assistance from fellow astronaut Hart, as Challenger neared Solar Max. Jerry L. Ross served as the capcom during the operation. The spacewalk commenced as the astronauts switched their suits to battery power and Crippen and Scobee halted Challenger 140 feet away from Solar Max.
Upon exiting the airlock, Nelson and Van Hoften began testing the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU), with Nelson wearing the unit and installing the Trunnion Pin Attachment Device (TPAD) with Van Hoften's assistance. Hart then prepared the Remote Manipulator System (RMS), ready to grapple Solar Max. Nelson flew the MMU to familiarize himself with its operation before starting a 10-minute flight to Solar Max.
However, Nelson's attempts to dock the satellite using the TPAD were unsuccessful, causing Solar Max to wobble. Running low on maneuvering gas, Nelson returned to the payload bay. The crew then tried to capture Solar Max using the rolling grapple technique with Hart operating the RMS, but this also proved unsuccessful. After several failed attempts, the decision was made to pause the operation. Goddard activated the magnetorquers to regain control of the spacecraft while Nelson and Van Hoften ended their shortened spacewalk, which lasted 2 hours 38 minutes.
The crew distanced Challenger from Solar Max to station keep overnight. The plan for the next day involved a second rendezvous attempt and using the RMS to capture Solar Max, with Nelson and Van Hoften performing repairs during a second spacewalk.
The STS-41C crew captured remarkable Earth observation photographs, including shots of the Texas Gulf Coast, Panama, the Richat structure in Mauritania, and circular irrigation in Saudi Arabia.
The Mission Control team decided to delay the rendezvous with Solar Max by a day, adding an extra day to the mission. Meanwhile, engineers at Goddard managed to slow down Solar Max's tumble and charged its batteries by pointing its solar arrays towards the Sun. The crew's activities were focused on the honeybee student experiment, the large format camera, and observing Earth.
Image: Terry J. Hart grappling Solar Max during orbital night and maneuvering Solar Max to the Flight Support Structure in Challenger’s payload bay using the RMS.
On the fifth day, the astronauts began the second rendezvous with Solar Max, bringing Challenger within 40 feet of the satellite. Hart successfully grappled the satellite on his first attempt using the RMS and moved it to the rear of the payload bay. This marked the first in-orbit capture of a satellite for repair. Hart then unlatched the RMS and stowed it for the next day's spacewalk. President Ronald W. Reagan congratulated the crew on the successful capture of Solar Max.
Images: Astronauts George D. “Pinky” Nelson and James D. “Ox” Van Hoften replacing Solar Max’s attitude control system module and the main electronics box of one of the satellite’s instruments. Nelson inspecting Solar Max from the end of the Remote Manipulator System.
Images: During the second STS-41C spacewalk, James D. “Ox” Van Hoften flies the Manned Maneuvering Unit in Challenger’s payload bay. Terry J. Hart lifting the repaired Solar Max out of Challenger’s payload bay and Solar Max departing from Challenger.
On the sixth day of the mission, Scobee assisted Nelson and Van Hoften in preparing for their second spacewalk to complete all the planned repairs on Solar Max. They successfully replaced the satellite's attitude control system module and installed a protective manifold for the X-ray polychromator instrument. The final task involved replacing the main electronics box of the satellite's chronograph polarimeter instrument, a task completed in an hour. Nelson also identified a thermal button as the cause of the TPAD's inability to latch onto the trunnion pin during the first spacewalk. The spacewalk ended after 6 hours 44 minutes, making it the longest Earth orbital spacewalk at that time. Nelson and Van Hoften spent a total of 9 hours 22 minutes outside Challenger. Overnight, engineers at Goddard checked the satellite's systems before its release the next day.
Left: Astronaut James D. “Ox” Van Hoften examines the honeybee student experiment. Right: The STS-41C crew members sport customized shirts, celebrating their successful mission on Challenger’s flight deck.
The following morning, Solar Max was released and the shuttle was navigated away from the satellite. The astronauts held a press conference to discuss their successful first repair of an on-orbit satellite, while wearing shirts that read “Ace Satellite Repair Co.”. The remaining day was spent preparing Challenger for the subsequent entry and landing, with tasks including stowing unneeded equipment and testing the orbiter's thrusters and control surfaces. The two spacewalkers stowed their spacesuits and Hart stowed the RMS, equipment that proved crucial to the mission's success.
The STS-41C mission ended with a successful landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The Space shuttle Challenger, having completed its satellite deployment and repair mission, had orbited the Earth 108 times over 6 days, 23 hours, and 40 minutes. On their final day in space, the astronauts prepared the spacecraft for reentry. Despite initial plans to land at the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) at Kennedy Space Center, poor weather conditions led Mission Control to opt for the California base. Upon reentry, the spacecraft was exposed to a brief period of ionized gases, causing a communications blackout but offering the astronauts a spectacular light show. Once back on Earth, the spacecraft was transported back to Kennedy Space Center atop a Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, a modified Boeing 747. The astronauts then returned to Houston to reunite with their families.Shortly after the deployment of Solar Max, engineers at Goddard got to work activating the satellite's instruments. The repaired systems functioned flawlessly, and within three days, the satellite was already gathering scientific data. After a comprehensive 30-day checkout, Solar Max was fully operational once more. Although the satellite missed the 1980 solar maximum, it collected invaluable data as the Sun went through a solar minimum and neared the next maximum in its 11-year cycle. By the time the mission concluded in November 1989, Solar Max had returned 240,000 images of the Sun’s corona, logged over 12,000 solar flares, detected 15 deep-space gamma-ray bursts, and even observed Halley’s Comet as it passed through the inner solar system in early 1986. Initially planned for retrieval after 9-10 months, LDEF remained in space much longer due to a series of payload shuffles in 1985 and the tragic Challenger accident in January 1986, which resulted in an extended grounding of the shuttle fleet. It wasn't until STS-32 in January 1990, after 57 months in space, that LDEF was finally returned.Explore the STS-41C mission further with a [crew-narrated video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BETwxIOUtAc) or dive into the experiences of [Crippen](https://historycollection.jsc.nasa.gov/JSCHistoryPortal/history/oral_histories/CrippenRL/crippenrl.htm), [Hart](https://historycollection.jsc.nasa.gov/JSCHistoryPortal/history/oral_histories/HartTJ/harttj.htm), [Van Hoften](https://historycollection.jsc.nasa.gov/JSCHistoryPortal/history/oral_histories/vanHoftenJD/vanhoftenjd.htm), and [Nelson](https://historycollection.jsc.nasa.gov/JSCHistoryPortal/history/oral_histories/NelsonGD/nelsongd.htm) as they recollect the STS-41C mission in their oral histories with the [JSC History Office](https://www.jsc.nasa.gov/history/).
Source Link: 40 Years Ago: STS-41C, the Solar Max Repair Mission
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tanningspava · 6 months
Navigating Bridal Beauty: Finding the Right Tanning Spa Near Me
For brides-to-be, achieving the perfect glow for their big day is a top priority. When it comes to getting that flawless tan, finding a reputable tanning spa near me is crucial. These establishments offer a range of services tailored specifically for brides, ensuring they achieve the radiant complexion they desire for their wedding day.
In the bustling coastal city of Virginia Beach, brides have access to some of the finest tanning salons VA Beach has to offer. These salons boast experienced technicians who specialize in bridal tans, providing personalized consultations to determine the ideal shade and application method for each bride. With their expertise, brides can rest assured knowing they'll walk down the aisle with a natural-looking, sun-kissed glow.
Aside from selecting the right tanning spa, brides can take additional steps to ensure their tan is flawless. It's essential to schedule the spray tan appointment at least a few days before the wedding to allow the color to fully develop and any adjustments to be made. Additionally, exfoliating and moisturizing the skin in the days leading up to the appointment can help ensure an even tan application and prolong its longevity.
By choosing a reputable tanning spa near me and following these tips, brides can achieve the perfect glow for their big day. With a radiant complexion that enhances their natural beauty, they'll be ready to walk down the aisle with confidence and grace.
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corduroyinn · 6 months
Unveiling Elegance: Top 5 Wedding Venues in Picturesque West Virginia
Nestled amidst the rolling hills and scenic beauty of West Virginia, lies a treasure trove of enchanting wedding venues waiting to host your special day. From historic estates to rustic barns, each venue offers a unique blend of elegance and charm that sets the stage for a truly memorable celebration of love. In this guide, we will unveil five of the most exquisite wedding venues in picturesque West Virginia, ensuring your big day is nothing short of magical.
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The Greenbrier: Timeless Luxury Amidst Mountain Splendor
Tucked away in the Allegheny Mountains, The Greenbrier stands as a testament to elegance and refinement. This iconic resort boasts a rich history dating back to the 18th century and offers an unparalleled setting for couples seeking a luxurious wedding experience. Exchange vows in the lush gardens surrounded by vibrant blooms, or choose from one of the opulent indoor venues adorned with crystal chandeliers and exquisite decor. With award-winning cuisine and world-class amenities, The Greenbrier promises a wedding day filled with sophistication and charm.
Stonewall Resort: Lakeside Serenity and Rustic Elegance
Situated along the shores of Stonewall Jackson Lake, Stonewall Resort offers couples a picturesque backdrop for their wedding day. Whether you envision an intimate ceremony overlooking the tranquil waters or a grand affair in the elegant ballroom, this resort caters to every style and preference. Say "I do" amidst the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape before dancing the night away under the stars. With luxurious accommodations and outdoor recreational activities, Stonewall Resort ensures an unforgettable wedding experience for couples and their guests.
The Barns at Maple Valley Farm: Rustic Romance in the Countryside
For couples seeking rustic charm and natural beauty, The Barns at Maple Valley Farm provides the perfect setting for a picturesque wedding. Nestled in the rolling hills of West Virginia's countryside, this venue features beautifully restored barns surrounded by idyllic farmland. Exchange vows beneath a canopy of twinkling lights before celebrating with friends and family in the rustic yet elegant reception space. With breathtaking views and personalized service, The Barns at Maple Valley Farm offers couples a truly magical wedding day filled with rustic romance.
The Bavarian Inn: European Elegance on the Potomac River
Perched along the banks of the Potomac River, The Bavarian Inn exudes European charm and sophistication. This historic inn offers couples a romantic setting for their wedding day, with manicured gardens, scenic river views, and elegant indoor venues. Exchange vows in the charming chapel before hosting a reception in one of the inn's exquisite banquet rooms, each adorned with timeless decor and fine furnishings. With its idyllic location and impeccable service, The Bavarian Inn ensures a wedding day filled with elegance and grace.
Oglebay Resort and Conference Center: Majestic Beauty in the Mountains
Nestled amidst 1,700 acres of breathtaking landscape, Oglebay Resort and Conference Center offers couples a majestic setting for their wedding celebration. Say "I do" beneath the towering trees of the resort's picturesque gardens or choose from one of the elegant indoor venues overlooking the rolling hills. With its array of amenities and recreational activities, including golf courses, spa services, and outdoor adventures, Oglebay Resort provides couples and their guests with an unforgettable wedding experience surrounded by natural beauty and luxury.
Conclusion: Crafting Your Dream Wedding in West Virginia's Picture-Perfect Venues
In conclusion, West Virginia's picturesque landscapes and timeless charm provide the ideal backdrop for couples seeking an elegant and memorable wedding day. Whether you're exchanging vows amidst the luxury of a historic resort, the rustic romance of a countryside barn, or the European elegance of a riverside inn, the state offers a diverse array of wedding venues to suit every style and preference. With personalized service, breathtaking views, and unmatched hospitality, these top five wedding venues in West Virginia promise to unveil elegance and create lasting memories for couples and their loved ones. Say "I do" in style amidst the beauty of West Virginia's most enchanting destinations, and let your love story unfold in a setting as stunning as your dreams.
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thetravelvibes1 · 7 months
Indulge in Serenity and Luxury: Discovering the Best Virginia Retreats with Enchanting Jacuzzi Suite
In the quest for the ultimate relaxation experience during travels, finding hotels with a jacuzzi in the room can significantly enhance your stay. This luxury amenity allows travellers to unwind in the privacy of their own space, making any trip more enjoyable for business or pleasure. Virginia, known for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cities, offers numerous accommodations for this sought-after feature. Let's dive into why opting for Virginia hotels with a jacuzzi in the room might be the perfect choice for your next getaway.
The Charm of a Personal Jacuzzi
hotels with jacuzzi in room is not just about luxury; they're about creating a personal sanctuary where guests can relax and rejuvenate after a day of exploration or meetings. The privacy and convenience of having a jacuzzi right in your room provide unparalleled comfort and relaxation. It's ideal to soothe muscles after hiking in Virginia's scenic parks or walking through its historic towns.
Virginia's Scenic Backdrop
Virginia hotels with jacuzzi in room offer more than just a relaxing soak; they provide a scenic backdrop that enhances the experience. Imagine unwinding in a warm, bubbling jacuzzi while gazing out at the Blue Ridge Mountains or the tranquil waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Virginia's diverse landscapes are the perfect setting for a serene and romantic retreat or a peaceful solo escape.
Health Benefits Galore
Beyond the sheer pleasure of relaxation, soaking in a jacuzzi offers numerous health benefits. It can help relieve stress, ease muscle pain, improve circulation, and promote better sleep. After a day of adventures or business dealings in Virginia, returning to your hotel room and stepping into a warm jacuzzi can be the perfect way to care for your body and mind.
A Romantic Getaway
For couples looking for a romantic getaway, hotels with jacuzzi rooms are a dream come true. Virginia, with its charming small towns, vineyards, and coastal settings, provides a romantic ambience that's hard to beat. A private jacuzzi adds an extra layer of intimacy and luxury to your stay, making it an unforgettable experience for you and your loved one.
How to Choose the Right Hotel
When searching for the perfect hotel with a jacuzzi in the room, consider the location, the views, and the overall ambience of the hotel. Whether you're drawn to Virginia's countryside, beaches, or urban centres, there's a hotel that will match your preferences. Ensure to read reviews and look for photos of the jacuzzi rooms to make an informed decision about your stay.
Making the Most of Your Stay
To enjoy your jacuzzi experience, consider bringing your favorite bath salts or bubbles for an aromatic soak. Many hotels also offer in-room spa services so that you can complement your jacuzzi time with a massage or facial for the ultimate relaxation experience.
Hotels with jacuzzi rooms offer an exceptional way to enhance your travel experience, combining luxury, privacy, and relaxation. With its picturesque landscapes and historic charm, Virginia provides the perfect setting for a jacuzzi-equipped stay. Whether planning a romantic getaway, a solo retreat, or a relaxing vacation, choosing a Virginia hotel with a jacuzzi in your room can elevate your trip to new heights of comfort and relaxation. For more travel tips and accommodations that offer this exquisite amenity, visit thetravelvibes.com.
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greatfallsbeautyspa · 10 months
Unlocking the Secrets to the Best Hair Salons in Virginia
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Falls Beauty & Day Spa is among the best hair salons in Virginia. Located in the scenic city of Falls Church, it offers a wide range of hair services, including cuts, coloring, styling, and more. Known for its skilled stylists and relaxing atmosphere, it's a popular choice for those seeking top-notch hair care in Virginia.
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showbride · 11 months
Exhibitor Spotlight: Camp Bow Wow Virginia Beach
Camp Bow Wow Virginia Beach at campbowwow.com/virginia-beach offers dog day care and overnight boarding. They are the premier and trusted provider of safe, fun and individualized care for your four-legged family members, promoting happy, healthy pets and happy, healthy people! Stop by, say hello to Anthony & his team at Showbride.com’s Fall Engagement Bridal Expo at The Founders Inn and Spa on…
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