#day 8 2022
mochiwei · 2 years
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Day 8: Vessel
Available here!
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vox-anglosphere · 17 days
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corpsentry · 3 months
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edited my pants
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yuttikkele · 2 years
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day 30: cheesy pickup line
since i post all my inktober to instagram where my homophobic mother watches over me, i did straight agent24, unheard of! i know! but i took a step back and was like, “agent 3 is on T” so there you go. afab agent 3 is trying to appear more masculine because they dislike gender. mission accomplished: it’s still queer!
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star-scrambled · 2 years
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so 😁😁😁 i’ve been playing a game
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blue-eli · 2 years
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Ink October day eight: Vivarium
An enclosure, container, or structure adapted or prepared for keeping animals under semi-natural conditions for observation or study or as pets; eg an aquarium or terrarium.
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
A Christmas Rose
12 Days of Christmas: Day 8
Part Two: A New Years Kiss
Plot: When you show up at 221B Baker Street with a Christmas gift for Sherlock Holmes, you are surprised to learn he has something for you as well.
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Gn!Reader
A/N's: Obviously this is during the Victorian Era, so Christmas is celebrated a bit differently, so I didn't mention much about the holiday in general. Also idk if lavender roses were a thing in Victorian times, but go with it.
Words: 1.5k
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As you stopped in front of Sherlock's door, you took in a deep breath. The wrapped box was held behind your arms as you stood nervously for a few moments.
Taking another breath, you quickly knocked, not wanting to lose the courage you had. After a few moments of hoping he'd answer quickly, or not at all, you heard the door lock click before the door opened.
Sherlock, upon seeing you looked at you with mild surprise before looking past you, you assumed to see if Enola was accompanying you.
Most times you saw Sherlock, she was with you. She introduced you when you ended up helping her with a case. Now you were her friend, and, even got along well with Sherlock. You were of course, head over heels for the detective, but you assumed he had no feelings for you.
"Y/n." Sherlock greeted with a smile "What a pleasant surprise, do you need help with something?" You could see a soft hint of concern in his gaze, before his eyes dropped down to the box in your hands, hidden somewhat behind your back. You saw his brow quirk in curiosity.
"Oh, no, I'm fine, I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"
"No of course not, please come in." Sherlock pulled the door open for you to enter, and you felt a jolt of surprise. You weren't sure if he'd even let you past the doorstep.
Walking into his apartment, your eyes cast over the wall plastered in case information. Not letting your eyes linger, for fear he may not like it, you turned and smiled at him.
"I wont take up much of your time, I just wanted to bring you this."
Handing out the box for Sherlock to take, you saw him look from the box to you in confusion "For me?"
You nodded and smiled "Yes."
"What for?" He asked softly as he took it from you.
You titled your head softly "Well it is Christmas, more or less." You smiled, Christmas was still a few days away, but it was close enough.
Sherlock looked at you and you saw his lip quirk into a soft smile "Ah, yes. Christmas." You saw him look over to his desk before he looked at the box "This is quite fortuitous, as I...have something for you as well."
You felt your heart leap in your chest. You kept your voice calm though you were confused, and surprised.
"You do?" You voice came of softer than you meant and you were sure he noticed.
Walking over to his desk, he pulled out a small object from the drawer, before walking back to you and handing it over.
It was wrapped in brown parchment paper and tied with a gold ribbon. You couldn't imagine Sherlock wrapping a present, but the thought made your chest feel warm.
"Thank you Sherlock." You said with a soft smile as you looked down at the book. "You didn't have too."
"Neither did you." He added on with amusement.
You looked back up and smiled, shrugging your head.
"Am I allowed to open this?" Sherlock asked with a quirked brow.
You nodded with a smile "Yes."
You watched as he untied the ribbon that had been holding the box closed. It was long and thin, and you were hoping he would not be able to deduce what was inside.
As he slid open the lid, and you saw the way his eyes widened a bit, you felt a jolt of excitement.
Pulling out the long cane, he gently ran his fingers along the slick black almost porcelain surface. Grabbing the hilt of the cane, he unsheathed the sword that had been hidden inside.
His eyes drifted to you and you smiled "I know your's was broken last week when you helped Enola and I."
He had a soft smile on his face as he looked back down at the cane. There were delicate hand-carved markings on the handle, and along some of the blade. And he noted the small engraving of his initials as well. His smile widened as he looked back at you.
"Thank you Y/n, this is more than I could have asked for." You smiled and shrugged your head again "It was the least I could do. You did save my life after all."
Sherlock smiled as you shrugged your head, it was a common quirk of yours, he noticed. It was often when you were uncertain, or bashful that you did it.
Smoothly sliding the blade back into the cane, he tested the balance. It was impressively made "The craftsmen who made this is very talented, and takes great care in their work."
"Thank you." You said sofly and his eyes shot up to meet yours.
You shrugged again, "My father taught me at a young age. Though it has been a while since I made something like that. I'm glad that you like it."
He smiled and there was a glint in his eye you could not decipher "You continue to impress me Y/n." You felt your heart jolt at this. His eyes flicked down to the object in your hands "Though I'm afraid my present may be much more underwealming now.'"
You smiled and shook your head "I don't think so. Every gift has at least an ounce of important thought in it, and that makes it important no matter what."
He smiled at your words, he really did admire how you saw the world. Gesturing at the object in your hands, you realized he wanted you to open it.
Gently removing the ribbon and unfolding the paper, you saw that inside was a thick, yet small book
It was embroidered with various flowers, and had a hard fabric cover. Turning it over, you smiled as you read it. "The language of flowers."
"I recall overhearing you mention to Enola that you were interested in flowers, and their meanings when you learned of our mother's unique way of communication."
You looked up at him with a bright smile, and he felt his chest tighten at the sight.
"It's wonderful Sherlock thank you. I didn't even know where to being to find a book like this, and I did try."
He smiled, glad you liked the book. He felt his heart start hammering in his chest as you fiddled with the pages. He wasn't sure if he was ready for you to find what he left inside.
Hearing the clock chime on the wall, your eyes shot up, and he could tell you had stayed longer than you had meant.
"Oh dear." You said softly as your eyes met Sherlocks "I have to go, I'm late."
He smiled and nodded his head "I understand"
You turned and went to the door, Sherlock followed swiftly grabbing the door and opening it for you. As you stepped out, you turned back and smiled at Sherlock, holding the book to your chest.
"Thank you Sherlock."
He smiled and nodded his head "And thank you Y/n." Remembering something he stood up a bit straighter "I assume Enola, invited you to the New Years Eve party Tewksbury's family is holding?"
You nodded "Yes, I will be going."
He smiled and nodded "As will I. So, I will see you there then?"
You were surprised at this "Sherlock Holmes attending a party? How intriguing." You joked and he smiled.
"Yes, well, there is something there that will make it worth going, no matter my distaste for parties."
You wondered what that meant. Perhaps a suspect in the case he is working on will be attending?
Saying your goodbyes, you began heading down the street quickly. Aware you were running late, you couldn't help but begin to flip through the book again. You smiled as you did, excited to begin reading through it.
Noticing something in the pages, you opened the book, and stopped in your tracks. Within the book, was a small dried and pressed lavender rose bud. Gently picking it up, you stared at it In awe. It was such a rare color of rose.
Did Sherlock put it in the book on purpose, for you to find?
Looking down at the page, you saw it was left on the page about roses. As your eyes skimmed the page, you spotted the entry about purple roses. Reading the passage, you felt your breath hitch in your throat.
A lavender, or purple rose, means enchantment, wonder, and love at first sight.
Certainly Sherlock didn't leave the rose in the book. Perhaps it was owned by someone previously? Though, the rose didn't seem that old. And you did notice the way his eyes kept glancing down at the book as you fiddled with it. Did he know it was there?
He notices everything, he would have seen it in the book if it had been left their by someone else. And he would not leave it if it did not hold that meaning for him as well.
Looking back down the road, you debated going back, but decided against it. You were already late. You would see him again, if not before the New Years party, then there. You would ask him there.
xx End xx
Sorry for the abrupt ending, but I do plan on making a part two to this around new years (hopefully)
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Cavill!Sherlock Holmes Taglist: @multifandomfix-recs
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nonetoon · 2 years
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Caught-On-Tober week 2!
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Happy 1 Year to the tumblr sexyman finale showdown that killed the queen
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diathadevil · 2 years
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Day 3 - Inspire
Ahiru ONLY gives Bardic Inspiration in the form of puns.
(This comic is part of my Ptutu DnD AU! They’re early in the campaign here, around level 4-5 in the party.)
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breezy-cheezy · 2 years
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Whumptober Day 4: DEAD ON YOUR FEET 
Hidden Injury | Waking Up Disoriented | Can’t Pass Out
Maybe not quite on the theme but the spirit of it is intact :> Diluc needs rest. Sometimes that means those who love him need to take it into their own hands 😔
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duskyashe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day #8
[masterlist] [part two]
Prompt found here
It was summer break, and Danny was lost in the Infinite Realms. He wasn't too worried, now that he'd officially been crowned the High King, his subjects had mostly stopped attacking Amity Park, and he was eager to finally get some exploring done now that he could take a break. Jazz, Sam, and Tucker knew Danny was, his parents thought he was spending the week at Tucker's, and he had Clockwork's promise that Danny would make it home by the end of the week no matter how long he was stuck in the Realms, so he was golden. The only thing he'd forgotten was the map of the Infinite Realms that would tell him where he was and how to get back home, but he'd been working with Wulf on making his own portals, so if he really needed to, he had a way out.
But that was just in case, for now, he was just having fun being lost. There were so many things to see and places to explore! Like where he was exploring currently, it was this old gothic theatre with surrounding alleys, there were hidey-holes and hidden storage rooms, and there was an old fashioned elevator floor, this place had everything!
"Martha, there seems to be someone here," a man's voice came from around the corner ahead of him. Danny froze, not sure what to do. W-was this someone's haunt?! It didn't look occupied when he first found it!
"Oh, the poor dear! I thought Bruce had put an end to theatre shootings, though?" A woman, likely Martha, responded. She sounded genuinely worried and confused as to why he was there, and that... That gave Danny pause. Because that wasn't the normal reaction of a ghost whose haunt had been intruded upon.
The man sighed. "Martha, dear, you know he prefers to go by Batman when wearing the cowl. I've told you before, we should respect our son's wishes."
Their son is Batman?! Does that mean Batman's a ghost?
"I know, I know, but Thomas, that's not the important part! There's someone in the theatre when there shouldn't be! What if they're hurt, or lost, or confused? We need to help them!" Martha exclaimed.
Danny took an unneeded breath and floated forward, a sheepish grin on his face. "Uh, hi there," he said, giving a small wave. In front of him were two gothically dressed ghosts, one male and the other female. The woman, Martha, was wearing a dark green and black striped ball gown, a line of golden buttons decorating the front of the bodice. Thomas, her partner, was wearing a matching green overcoat with black trim, and a matching pair of black dress pants and dress shirt, with a classy top hat, golden buttons, and cufflinks to finish the look. They both had black hair and glowing blue eyes, and both had a small golden bat pinned to their chest above their hearts. They both seemed surprised to see him, maybe they expected him to be hiding somewhere deeper in the theatre?
Martha seemed to come to her senses before Thomas, and was soon hovering right in front of him, pale fingers ghosting over his face and arms with a concerned look on her face. "Oh, you're just a child! You poor dear, you must be so confused! Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking? You certainly don't feel like one of ours, were you visiting Gotham when you died?"
Danny leaned back slightly, flustered and unsure what she was talking about. "I, uh, I've never been to Gotham? I was born and raised in Amity Park? I-I technically died there, too, but that's a bit of a story. Um, what exactly do you mean, I don't feel like one of yours?"
Turned out, if someone highly influential to a city or town died in either a highly traumatic or a sufficiently influential way, they became the spirit of that city or town. Thomas and Martha Wayne were highly respected and looked up to by all of Gotham before they were murdered, and while their deaths weren't exactly traumatic enough at the time for them to have become the spirits of Gotham, they did inspire their son, well known billionaire Bruce Wayne, to become the vigilante and Justice League founder Batman. Once Batman became well known across Gotham, the couple were elevated in status and the previous spirit of Gotham was relieved of their duties. A brief tangent revealed that the spirit of a city or a town had different duties depending on what their city or town needed. For Gotham, and more specifically Thomas and Martha, it was being a beacon of hope and change as well as helping their family's fight to better the city and minimize crime.
"So," Danny said slowly. "Because I'm the protector of Amity Park, does that make me Amity's spirit?"
Thomas shook his head. "It doesn't quite work like that, son. Not every town or every city has a spirit, and a city or town spirit can't be less than fully dead, unlike other powerful positions, such as the High King."
"Not to mention," Martha spoke up, "that as the High King, you can't hold any other ghostly position of power, or else the balance would destabilize, sending all of reality into chaos. As such, the oaths of the High King include the renouncing of any and all former ghostly appointments that might interfere with the balance. It's part of why the Observants never tried taking the throne from Pariah Dark, to be honest."
Danny sat there, thinking over everything he'd just learned. Honestly, he'd learned more about his kingdom, subjects, and the culture that goes with it in one conversation than he had in the entire time he'd been a halfa. "There's so much I don't know, isn't there?" Danny asked after a moment.
Thomas and Martha smiled comfortingly. "Don't worry," Thomas said as he put an arm around Danny's shoulder. "You have time to learn it all, though some of this you really should have learned before making your oaths. I'd like to have words with your guardian, they appear to have been slacking in their duties."
Danny's mind blanked. Guardian? Surely, not his parents. Though. This seemed to be another ghostly thing, so probably—"Clockwork? Or... Maybe Pandora, or Frostbite? I'm... Not actually sure who my guardian is, are they supposed to let me know they're my guardian? Also, how does that work, how does someone become the guardian of a younger ghost?"
"You don't know your own guardian?" Martha cried in disbelief.
"Danny, may I take a look at your core? I feel we'll get more answers that way, but I wouldn't want to impose," Thomas asked gently.
"Why would that be an imposition?" Danny asked.
Martha gently took his hand in hers. "A ghost's core makes up everything that is them, their likes, their dislikes, their personality, their obsession, even their bonds. To let someone look at your core is to trust them with your very soul. Never let someone look at your core unless you trust them with everything you hold dear, alright?"
Shocked, Danny nodded. There was a lot he didn't know. "O-okay, um, yeah, you can look at it, Thomas," he breathed shakily. "I trust you."
Danny did not have a guardian. He had fright-mates in the form of his liminal sister and friends, but he didn't have a guardian or really any other bonds. Thomas raged and Martha cried and the both of them begged him to choose someone to be his guardian. He was a baby ghost, halfa or not, and his core needed the support of a guardian in order to not overwork itself trying to protect him, and end up hurting him instead, potentially permanently. They cautioned him that, with how powerful he already was, his guardian would have to be quite powerful, themselves, like an ancient or a tribe leader. When Danny asked if a city spirit or two would work, they both hugged him so tightly and so warmly that he melted into the embrace, frozen tears falling from his eyes.
"So, does this make me Batman's little brother?" Danny asked with a sniffle sometime later, after the couple agreed to be Danny's guardians.
Martha gasped and put a hand to her mouth, looking to Thomas with mirth in her eyes. "Bruce always wanted a sibling, growing up," she agreed with a laugh.
Thomas smiled at both of them. "Danny even looks the part when he's human!"
Two weeks after Danny's ghostly adoption saw Danny giggling to himself as he walked up the front steps of Wayne Manor with his backpack hanging from his shoulder. He knocked politely and waited for Alfred, the butler and his brother's father figure, to answer. When he did, he took one look at Danny and smirked. "They're in the family media room, master Danny. Would you like some tea?"
Danny grinned and nodded. "You're the man, Alfred. They suspect anything?"
"Not a thing, master Danny. I shall be recording everything via the security cameras, just as the master and madam requested. Nothing will be missed. I'll bring the tea in when things have calmed down," Alfred said as he started walking back to the kitchen.
He suppressed a maniacal laugh. This was going to be awesome.
MWAHAHA!!! I SUCCESSFULLY MANAGED TO WORK IN A WAY OF ADDING ONTO THIS FICLET WITH AN ALREADY EXISTING PROMPT!ヽ⁠(⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ Now. If someone could find me the post about the spirits of cities, specifically Gotham, that'd be great. I know there IS one, cuz that's what spawned the fic "A Change in Management" over on AO3 (I'll provide a link and proper citing later), I just can't find it (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
I'm really happy I managed to finish this, because holy heck, my day was just... Really crazy (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)but it was worth it for y'all (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
Have a good morning/day/night!
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dismaidenart · 2 years
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Akitober Day 8: School Girl (Marin Kitagawa)!
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sboochi · 1 year
Omg, your Merlin/Good Omens comic is so cute. Also got such a brilliant idea! The Metatron apparently has plans for a second apocalypse and Arthur is supposed to rise again when the world needs him most. Good Omens 3 is about a second coming - the second coming of Arthur, mayhaps? 👀
The hardest thing so far about this au is trying not to make it too similar to s2 and (eventually) s3, because I decided it's set before s2 (so around 2022)! This way I can conveniently avoid those future plot points (mostly the finale. Hard to have a Fun Silly Mistery when 2/4 characters are going through mental breakdowns)
So! Arthur isn't the second coming that will happen, or another apocalypse. It's something different. Worse than those?? 👀
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Always daddy’s good girl (3) - Kinktober 8
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Summary: You are still mad at John...
Rating: lightly explicit
Kinktober Special: Daddy kink
Square 4 filled for @spnkinkbingo: Teasing
Square 15 filled for @spnaubingo​: Public sex
Square 4 filled for @j3bingo​ former @jdmorganmixedbingo 
Pairing: John Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, daddy kink, age gap, established relationship, needy John, dirty talk, light smut, unprotected sex, quickie, voyeurism
A/N: 3rd installment to: Daddy’s good girl & Still daddy’s good girl
Words: 1,3 k
Kinktober 2022
2021 SPN AU BINGO masterlist
2022 SPN KINK BINGO masterlist
Jeffrey Dean Morgan Mixed Bingo masterlist
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Another month later John wants you to join the Winchesters for a night out. The last hunt was a piece of cake and now, the boys are up to cheap drinks, fast sex, and celebrating the hunt. Or life in general.
“No,“ you cross your arms over your chest. “Forget it. I won’t go anywhere with you. You still didn’t make things up to me.”
“Doll, don’t be a brat,” John grumbles. He wraps his arms around your waistline from behind to bury his face in your hair. “I apologized. Let daddy buy you drinks and make things up to you some more.”
“Sex and drinks won’t fix that you broke my trust. You just let that guy watch us fuck. I’m not a prude, but letting strangers watch us is a hard limit.”
“I know,” he softly kisses your neck. “I’m sorry, Y/N. This will never happen again. Your man is a jealous and possessive old bastard. But I learned my lesson.”
“I don’t think you did. You only want to get laid again,” you smirk as Sam and Dean walk inside the library. “Look what the cat dragged into the bunker. Two lumberjacks.”
“Did you forgive him?” Dean grumbles. His father is in a bad mood since you forced a dry spell on the hunter. Every chance he gets, John makes sure his sons can’t get laid themselves. 
If John suffers, he won’t let his boys have fun either.
“Like hell,” you size Dean up. “Do you think I’ll just forgive him for what he did? No. Fucking. Way. John Winchester must learn his lesson.”
“What did he do?” Sam huffs as you still refuse to tell them what happened. John presses his lips into a thin line while his sons try to interrogate you. “Y/N, what did he do?”
“He didn’t cheat, right?” the elder brother presses on. “Right?”
“I would’ve castrated him if he cheated on me,” your eyes darken as John tries to kiss your cheek. “If he puts his dick in another pussy, he’s dead.”
“I would never cheat on you, baby,” John mumbles against you. “I swear. You’re the only woman I want. And the only woman I had sex with since we met.”
“Sir, can you not make things up to Y/N? You are on the edge for weeks.”
“Stop asking stupid questions, Winchester.”
Dean easily dodges your attack when you try to punch his chin. 
“No violence, sweetheart.”
“I’ll shoot you,” you grumble, “if you don’t stop asking stupid questions. What happens between me and your daddy is none of your business.”
“Boys, go and change. We will go to the bar and have some drinks. Maybe my girl will forgive me too.”
“In your dreams, Winchester.”
“Careful,” John whispers in your ear. “I’m still your daddy. If you don’t stop acting like a bad girl, I’ll treat you like a bad girl.”
“Well, maybe I should look for a new daddy then,” you wiggle out of John’s embrace.
He sighs deeply as you walk out of the library.
“Baby, I told you that I’m sorry…”
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“Just a little more,” you think to yourself. 
John is on the edge. You insisted on dancing tonight. He reluctantly agreed and now, he regrets his decision. You press your ass into his crotch and grind into him.
“Doll,” he warns. “Don’t make me lose control.”
You smirk. 
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” you move your hand behind your head to pat his cheek. “I’m dancing, daddy.”
“You’re getting me hard.”
“That’s not my fault. Maybe you should learn to control your libido, John,” he wraps one arm around your waistline to hold you against his body. John starts to grind his raging hard-on into your ass.
“You are a little troublemaker,” he purrs in your ear. “But I’ll show you how to be a good girl, doll. Daddy will make sure you know whom you belong to.”
Dean watches you turn in his father’s embrace. He chuckles as you shamelessly cup John’s crotch, making even his father blush.
“Sammy, I think we are going to get laid tonight.”
“Dean, we didn’t even talk to one of the women,” Sam huffs. “How do you wanna know that we are going to get laid?“
“Call it a hunch…”
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You watch John spread your legs roughly. He darts his tongue out while looking at your dripping cunt.
“See, I told you to not tease your daddy,” he slaps your pussy with his cock, making you whine. It’s been too long for you without sex too. “Do you even deserve my cock?”
John watches you cup your tits. “Cat got your tongue, doll? If I ask you a question,” he slaps your pussy with his hand, “I expect you to answer.”
“Daddy needs to make things up to me,” you coo. “You promised to have sex with me on the Impala to fuck with Dean.
“You really want to mess with my son, huh?”
You giggle.
“I really want to ruin his car with your cum, daddy,” you crook your finger. “Please fuck me. I can’t wait any longer.”
John grip one of your thighs. His blunt nails dig into your flesh as he teases your entrance with the tip of his cock. “I think you deserve to get fucked by daddy.”
“I do.”
“Daddy is going to give it to you. I know you have missed my cock.”
He slowly inches his way inside your dripping cunt, not giving away he has something special planned for tonight. “Fuck, you’re always so hard for me, baby.”
“Only for you.”
John hooks your legs over his forearms. He wants to control your body and make sure, you won’t move too much. “Hmm…so good and big…”
“So wet and pretty,” you chuckle at his words. “This is my sweet cunt. The one I own. No one touches what’s mine.”
You’re propping yourself up on your elbows to watch John move his hips. His eyes are glued to his cock sliding in and out of your slicked cunt. He can’t look away, even though, he wants to watch your reaction.
Little gasps and moans leave your lips, letting John know that he hits your sweet spot.
John doesn’t have to look at your face. He already knows your lips parted a long time ago and that your eyes are closed. You always close your eyes when the pleasure gets too much.
“Shit, you’re already close, aren’t you?”
“’m gonna cum,” shit, it has been too long for you. Your pussy clamps hard down his cock a few thrusts later, dragging John with you over the edge.
“Damn, babe. I wanted to go for longer,” he breathlessly says. “Fuck…fuckity…fuck. That fucking cunt of yours, doll.”
“I don’t fucking care,” you fall back onto the hood to catch your breath. “I love me a quickie on Dean’s car.”
“You’re a dirty girl.”
“You’re a dirty daddy.”
“What the fuck!!!” 
“Uh-oh. I think Dean caught us red-handed, daddy,” you giggle as John doesn’t give a shit his son walks toward his car. He still rolls his hips to ride your highs out.
“I said – what the fuck are you doing on my car!!” the hunter yells at John and you. “You can’t just fuck on my car!”
“It’s still my car.”
“You gave it to me.”
“Deano don’t be mad. I always dreamed of getting fucked on your car,” you wink at Dean. “Did you enjoy the show too, Sammy?”
“Warn me next time,” Sam shudders, but his eyes drift toward your chest. “Stuff for nightmares. Watching your father fuck your stepmother is the worst.”
“Don’t act as if there is no tent in your pants, Sammy.”
Sam's cheeks turn bright red at your words.
“How about you go back to that pretty girl you were chatting up earlier? I think she wants to ride some dick tonight…”
“You will clean my fucking car,” Dean turns around to storm back toward the bar. “I’m getting drunk to get the images of my father’s naked ass out of my head.”
“It’s a great ass,” you snicker as the brothers hurriedly walk away. “Don’t come home before you got laid. I and your daddy want to christen the bunker tonight…”
“And don’t think you will ever see my girl naked again,” John yells. “She is and always will be daddy’s good girl…” 
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years
Kinktober Day 8: Vibrators(Take Me To The Top)
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warnings/kinks: vibrators, vibrating panties, smut, public masturbation/sex, experimentation. pairings: Piccolo x Fem!Reader word count: 1.2k tag list: @beneathstarryskies, @ricflairdrip20, @witchofcustom, @loki-love, @xailem, @the-eternal-sunflower
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Piccolo’s face turns red at the implications coming from Bulma. She had asked him to test out some new vibrating massage wands, but he knew it was meant for something filthier than she was intending it to be at first. When she mentions you, he knows what that is meant to be. It’s a vibrator and it’s supposed to be used to make you cum hard.
“Come on,” Bulma huffs. “I need your help with this.”
“Why not ask Vegeta?” Piccolo retorts, and his face is even more red than ever.
Bulma laughs, “He’s an even worse prude than you are sometimes. Besides, he doesn’t need these to please me.”
“And you think I need them? Are you insinuating I can’t please her?”
It’s Bulma’s turn to blush. She tries to get Piccolo to calm down, and eventually she says that you’ll be really happy if he uses them on you. He thinks about it and his cock twitches in his pants just thinking about you cumming so hard with this vibrating wand pressed against your clit. He wants to see that more than anything, so he finally agrees to her little offer. After all, this was about pleasing you. And at the end of the day, Piccolo can agree to that. Even if it means having an embarrassing conversation with Bulma.
Piccolo decides to take you out on a date. He’s been given a discrete bag of different vibrators to test out. He finds the vibrating panties, and he smirks when he realizes the fun he could have with these. As you’re getting ready, he peeks into your room. Dangling from one of his long fingers are the silky panties in question. You’re confused by this, but you turn to face him.
“Put these on for our date.” Piccolo demands, and you blush.
“You never pick out anything for me to wear,” you begin as you take the panties from him. “What’s the occasion?”
Piccolo scratches his head as he tries to think of a way to explain it to you. “It doesn’t matter. Just put them on.”
You can’t deny him when he demands this of you. It turns you on so much. You can feel your heart beginning to race in your chest. You snatch the panties from him and you pull them on. On the smartphone that he isn’t so familiar with, he finds the stupid accompanying app and he begins the vibrations. You gasp and squeal when you feel them.
“What the hell? Vibrating panties? This isn’t your style,” 
Piccolo laughs, “No it isn’t. But let’s make a bet. If you manage to be a good girl and not cum while we are out in public today, I’ll give you even more pleasure.”
You whine as the vibrations make your cunt throb, “Piccolo…”
He crosses his arms and gives you a stern look, “Is that a deal?”
You nod frantically, “Fine, fine!”
You finish getting ready, while Piccolo uses the app on his phone to drive you crazy. When you get into the car, he makes sure it’s on a steady but low thrumming. The vibrations on your clit are enough to drive you insane. It’s going to be difficult not to cum while out and about today. Once you get to your first destination, Piccolo turns up the intensity. And you’re trying your best not to let on that there is a vibration just keeping you right on the edge.
All day, Piccolo toys with the intensity and the speed. You manage through every single wave of it, and you do well not to cum. Finally, it’s time to go home. Piccolo is a little disappointed he doesn’t get to punish you, but he is excited to play with the vibrating wand. With the way you’ve been riled up today, he is sure you’ll cum very quickly. He begins to wonder what it might be like to have these vibrations on his cock. Maybe it’ll make him cum really hard too.
Once you’re home, you peel off the very soaked panties. You’re just begging for a little release. Piccolo smirks when he picks up your scent in the air. You’re so cute right now, all dazed and just desperate to cum. He thinks about it for a bit, making a big show of wondering if you should be allowed to cum. You beg and plead, but this only seems to spur him on even more so. He pushes you back against the mattress, and he kisses you so sweetly.
“You were such a good girl today,” he praises. “But you did give me an attitude when this day started.”
You whine, “Piccolo, please. I did exactly as you asked.”
He smirks, “Fuck you really did. I didn’t think you’d be able to take it for so long. You’re so wet,”
He lets his hands soothe down your body, and he caresses the parts he loves the most. Finally, he spreads your thighs and a grunt erupts from him as he smells your arousal. You’ve been teased all day and he knows that you’re just itching to get your release. You need it so desperately. He hasn’t seen this wild look in your eyes in so long. He wishes he could take a picture of you right now, but he knows that could be pushing it.
“Okay, be a good girl. Get on your hands and knees.”
You sigh softly, but you do exactly as he asks. “Like this?” You ask, and you look over your shoulder at him.
He pushes your skirt over your ass and he spreads your thighs. He inhales deeply a few times to really get your scent. Then his tongue probes your tight hole before it slips inside of you. You let out a strangled moan, and you almost cum immediately. But Piccolo pulls out of you before you can even properly react.
“Shh, don’t be a brat. I’ve got something special for you.”
He reaches for the bag on the ground and pulls out the magic wand. This one was meant to be the best one, Bulma had said. She wanted to make a magic wand that was better than any of them on the market these days. 
When he finally presses against your swollen clit, you can see stars in your vision. Your legs begin trembling as you cry out his name. You’re like a bitch in heat, just asking and begging to be able to cum. Your hips buck wildly and you’re panting as you start to fall off the edge. Piccolo grins as he watches you come undone. You moan his name loudly a few times as the first few waves hit you so hard. His cock throbs in his pants as he watches you cum like this.
“Good girl,” he begins to praise you. “I knew you could take it.”
Your eyes roll back as you continue to cum. It’s like an endless orgasm. The steady vibrations from the wand just keep prolonging your orgasm for a few more seconds. You’ve never cum like this; so raw and quick like that. You know it’s partly due to the fact that you’ve been edged all day.
When you finally come to, you’re trying desperately to catch your breath. Piccolo pulls the wand away from you completely and turns it off. He watches you for a few moments, and it seems like he is almost observing you.
“How about another round?”
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