#dark or light/always shining bright | Harmony Lightfox
[@familylightfox | From here!]
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"...well...that hurt..." Bless groaned, rubbing at his head as he sat up. The destruction from his fall wasn't anywhere near as severe- he'd had the presence of mind to dig his hands into the metallic ground, resulting in a loud, angry screech as metal was abruptly ripped up yard-by-yard. It had awoken several mobians in the currently-sleeping city, and yet not one dared leave their shiny hotels and ironclad homes.
Moonlight and floating streetlamps served as illumination, alongside blaring holographic signs detailing the upcoming World Grand Prix. Bless glanced around, emerald hues searching the carnage for any sign of his supposed attacker... Only to pause as he realized there was a strange glow coming from below. He glanced down, eyebrows furrowing as he noticed a circle of green light- pulsing in time to his heartbeat. It wouldn't be quite so strange if it didn't seem to originate from under his fur.
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"Crap..." He breathed in. The male stood, emerald hues flicking about. Most of the street was undamaged- the only sign of destruction were the holes he'd torn into the ground, alongside the massive dent where he'd finally come to a stop... By hitting a building. He didn't recall doing that- he barely recalled the hit of the object itself, before he'd been sent tumbling!
Bless' eyes finally landed on several items scattered nearby- his emergency ring, his phone, and a small bit of birch wood he was going to carve in his free time... Now broken solidly in two. He snatched his phone- just barely dodging a bullet as it fired off.
"Wh-?" He may have been slower in his werehog form, but the mobian was no less swift as emerald hues dilated, snapping upwards. Slick, silver-and-white frames hovered overhead, gunmetal gray barrels leveled in his direction. A strange light in his chest, and now robots that had guns trained on him..
He had an idea what was going on. He had to find Node- he had to warn Volt and Harmony. His world wasn't safe right now.
"Return the Ark of The Cosmos."
"The Ark of the what?" Ark of The Cosmos?... "What's that?" The machines... Merely floated, their engines thrumming.
"Return the Ark of The Cosmos. You have ten seconds to comply."
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At least he'd be safe. That was the one thought that kept Node from screaming, even as they'd fallen to the ground, clutching their own arms tight as panic wracked their mind.
"Stop, stop stopstopstop...!" Node's bitten claws dug into their fur. Unlike Bless, they'd had no emergency ring on their person- and they'd taken damage as a result. Their clothes were cut up on their back from crashing through so many trees, bruises littering their arms- but that wasn't what made them afraid.
No, their mind was running entirely on autopilot. Their plea rang through the forest, echoing up the road of destruction their body had cut earlier in the night. They were too deep to think, just trying blearily to focus on their own arms around their body. They had to get up-- they had to find out- what was going on--
That maelstrom in their head screamed otherwise. Their hands were pressing into their arms, trying to find reality. They were searching for a grounding wire- anything to keep them rooted. They were here. They were alive. Bless had to be alive- he had to be- Volt and Harmony would get him out-
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galaxies-unknown · 2 years
[ @familylightfox​ || Asked...]
🎁🎁 cuz Harmony and Volt wants to know what to get Bless and Node.
[Send 🎁 for my muse to reveal something they’d like for Christmas.]
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“I’ve been running low on incense lately, and it’d be nice to have a hanging board I could put my wood-carving tools on when I’m not using them...” The hedgehog hummed. “...and I know it’s kind of expensive, but...a flower in glass would be cool. I’m a bit worried it might break though, considering how I seem to get into misadventures every other year or so.” He chuckled, scratching the side of his head and not quite making eye contact, emerald hues glancing to the wall instead.
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“Lemme check my list...” Node pulled out their phone, trying to avoid eye contact. They did this every year- started their list in September, because they knew if they were asked in December, they’d forget anything they wanted. This... Skipped the embarrassment for them. “...an art desk, but that’s heavily expensive so no. More mechanical pencils, anything moon/nighttime related...ah--” They paused, looking up from the list. “...I probably have too many already, but another necklace’d be nice?”
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“No such thing! Just like how there’s no such thing as too many chilidogs~.” The hedgehog’s words were met with a groan, and he grinned back at his partner. “--but anyway. Guess that’s a few things we’d want for Christmas!”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
“Hey…. Ummm… There’s…” Volt paused and looked to Bless and Node almost sheepishly as they sat by the campfire back behind the Inn. “There’s something I wanted to show you..”
Harmony had only glanced over at her father from where she was roasting a marshmallow, offering him an encouraging tail wag. Something he took to heart and closed his eyes. A spike in Chaos Energy within him all the warning before his body morphed and shifted into his larger form. Blackened sclera greeted them as he opened his eyes and ducked his head, ears folding by almost shyly.
“Remember how I mentioned being part Black Arms…”
The two had glanced cautiously to one another at those words, wondering if perhaps he was about to reveal some massive, damaging secret- something that would forever change their view of the hybrid. They figured, with words like those, this would be something that might even break the trio apart... But they were ready to hear, to listen, to understand.
Bless blinked for a moment, his tail trying to start a wag even as he forced it to still. His eyes narrowed, mouth forming into a thin line. Node's reaction was for their jaw to drop, eyes staring straight at the hybrid as he revealed this new form to them. Together, the two probably looked like a truly horrible reaction- eyes narrowed, mouth agape... It would be little wonder if Volt were concerned, even afraid.
But all that would change with one question.
"..... Why didn't you tell us about this sooner??" Bless expression softened as he hopped over the fire with ease, landing on the other side and offering the now-fluffier hybrid a hug. "I'm supposed to be the fluffy one of the group, Volt!!" His voice was incredulous, but the smile on his face spoke miles otherwise.
"...so fluffy..." Node murmured. They didn't jump nor teleport, instead their mouth finally closing before it formed into a smile, and then a faint laugh. "Guess you're not!"
"Shhhhh!!!" Bless grinned. "HE'S FLUFFY!" It would seem that was all the two really cared to focus on. They weren't stating it, far from it- but there was a truth in the way they were dealing with this moment. Neither had brought up that it was Black Arms DNA, that that was even involved. Silently, Bless shot Harmony a second of an inquisitive look- she'd known about this... And hadn't told them?
Well.. Volt did seem shy about it... And it was DNA from an enemy, so it was understandable he wouldn't be forthcoming... Although it hurt just a hint that he hadn't told the duo sooner, Bless and Node could relate, to a degree...
"Have you been shy about this or somethin'?" Node quirked an eyebrow. "... Don't get why, but lemme say this-"
"YOU LOOK SO COOL!" Bless interrupted. Node merely sighed, shaking their head as they gestured to the werehog.
"As he said." Their smile was only gone for a moment. ".... Now c'mere-" And they were on him. Both of them. It would seem neither had any qualms with his Black Arms form. "--FLUFFY!"
It would seem he'd earned a nickname from the two.
.... Volt, I am so sorry--
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reflections-of-mobius · 5 months
[ @familylightfox | Liked for a Dark Gaia/Tenebrosity starter!]
Ten had been wandering through the desert. Ever since her conversation with Murk, she had been remaining within this expanse of sand and wind. It wasn't the most enjoyable- even if this wasn't her main vessel, it still felt strange to go so long without a sentient mind to feed off of- to channel the fear she embodied. She tilted her head, tail fluffing as a ring suddenly popped into the sky- spinning into existence.
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"Don't see that every day!" And she was circling around it- bright blue eyes flashing as the strange Chaos Energy swirled and twisted. The goddess hadn't seen anything quite like it- she could nearly swear it had the ingredients of a teleportation spell from one of those Chaos Gates- but she wasn't certain. Not certain, that is, until she had turned to face the front- spotting something entirely different on the other side. She blinked- staring at the strange sight.
"Woah..." She could sense it- the world had been cut, then temporarily sewn- stretching across the very edges of her reality and into another. On the other side, there was a mobian- she looked rather stocky, muscle-bound- with quills that ended in light blue puffs of fur, and a frame that reminded Ten of a rather familiar blue blur...but only in the nights when she had been lost in her rage. "...is this some kind of gate...? Hello, there!" She waved to the mobian on the other side with a grin.
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reflections-of-mobius · 10 months
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@familylightfox asked:
It was time to start decorating the Inn. Something that many of the residents helped with as much as they could around decorating their own homes and shops. So it wasn’t all that surprising when Royce was hanging things in entryways with how tall they were. And it just so happened they finished the mistletoe hanging just in time for Node to enter the room. Volt turned at the jovial snickers and smirked himself before giving a whistle to get Bless’ attention. “Rules are rules, Liebe.” As if he would pass a chance to close the space between them and place a lingering, and promising, kiss on his partner’s lip. “Your turn Bless.” From the porch a sound of ‘bleh’ came from Harmony. Followed by snickering from two of her teammates. A certain canine might have worked up the courage to put a nose to the teen’s cheek in affection when Royce had held up another over her head.
[Unprompted. | Accepting!]
Node had been helping about with decorations, as had Bless. The hedgehog's speed usually would have made it all a breeze, but he took his time- not even a hint of tearing winds appearing as he put up each decoration with care. Winter was nice- but the holidays were what Bless personally enjoyed about the dark, cold months...that, and all the excuses to cuddle his two partners to 'keep them warm'. No other reason, none at all...
Node had also been helping, though they were mostly doing the 'running'- so teleporting about to get what anyone needed throughout. They'd gone to the kitchen to sneak a quick treat (sue them, their sweet tooth was eternal)- and hadn't quite realized that Royce was setting up the mistletoe. They blinked as they heard Volt's voice, tilting their head slightly before the thought struck them.
"Huh?--" Bless' attention turned to the two mobians. In a moment, emerald hues had snapped to the mistletoe, then Volt's smirk, then Node. He couldn't help the bit of a smirk that began to cross his own face, realizing what was coming a moment sooner than the fox.
Winter. Mistletoe. They looked up for a moment, hazel hues catching on the specific plant that hung up high. That was when Volt had captured their lips, with a small tilt of the chin and a lingering kiss that had Node's heart skipping a beat in their chest. They'd only just begun to return the kiss when Volt pulled away. It took every bit of willpower they had not to release a quiet whine, for want of the kiss to be prolonged.
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"....I..." They'd need to be more careful going under doorways all winter, it would seem. Or less.- But they weren't about to say that little tidbit aloud. A nice, light blush had come to rest on their face, causing Node to try to hide their cheeks with their hands.
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"Doooon't mind if I do~." The mobian sauntered over, an arm slinging around Node's waist- before drawing them in for a kiss, lips momentarily locking on the already-flustered fox's. There was a faint, high-pitched squeak from them as Bless hummed, his kiss lasting far shorter than he'd like...but not before turning his attention to Volt. "Now, I think someone else's under the mistletoe, too~." He ensnared Volt with a chuckle, before planting another smooch, this time on the hybrid. It lasted just as long, with the hedgehog relaxing by the faintest visible margin as he tasted one partner's lips after the other. Only when he'd had his fill (for the moment) did he pull away with a grin.
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"Heh...make fun of it all you like, but you're just as bad as we are~." Bless teased Harmony with a grin. The teen was still younger and hadn't done quite as much as the adults had...but he was no less certain that her love for Buddy was just as strong as his love for Volt and Node. That held especially true in his eyes when the mobian nuzzled his girlfriend's cheek. "Camera-!" He almost shattered the sound barrier, taking off in the split-second Buddy was nuzzling Harmony- and coming back with a (semi-literal) flash.
Now that was perfect.
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Node's head had bumped Volt's arm. It would seem they were now slightly hiding behind the hybrid- far too flustered from back-to-back kisses from both their partners.
"Bless-!" Harmony yelped.
"You want this camera, you'll have to take it~...!" And he was already bolting off with a gleeful cackle.
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"....love you..." It was a very faint whisper, meant for two sets of ears only. The holidays were still being prepared for...but there was no doubt the festivities and joy that the season brought was alive and well in the Inn.
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galaxies-unknown · 2 years
[ @familylightfox​ || Asked...]
Harmony had wasted very little time in running over and all but tackling the large werehog to hug him. Her reddened muzzle buried in his chest fluff as much as she could. With her teammates right behind her, it was easy to see something was wrong and Tangle spoke up. “Somebody took Mr. Volt.”
“it had t’ be his creator…” Harmony mumbled against the fluffy chest.
((What a way to start the new blog))
[Unprompted! || Sir, sir stop killing me please I am but a humble rancher goddamnit- XD]
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“Harms-?” He’d gone to ask, confused as he’d seen the reddened muzzle and the wet droplets forming on her eyes, opening his arms even as she barreled into him. Bless was stunned. He had known Harmony for a while now- and crying... Crying wasn’t something she really did. Not when he’d seen her, anyway... So to have her now, shaking, hugging him as if he were the last refuge... He was more than a little on edge.
He gently wrapped his arms around her, worried about what could have Harmony of all mobians on the verge of tears... Whatever it was, it couldn’t be good- the smile he’d initially sported dropping instantly into a concerned frown was her friends- presumably her teammates- came up. They’d probably been chasing her... He stiffened, a sharp pang of terror flying through him. It landed deep in his chest, transforming in a moment from panic to rage.
Someone had taken Volt...
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“....his creator, you say?” It wasn’t really a subject that came up much- something Bless had noticed Volt was rather touchy about. So, he’d done his best to steer away from the topic. It was better to let old wounds heal than rip them open, after all... But still, at least now, he had something to go on... Not much, since it wasn’t even a name- but it was better than no clue whatsoever.
But, even as his rage soared, burning like the lava of the underworld inside his chest... The girl who had all-but buried herself in his chest fluff, even just her presence, was pulling him back to logic, to sanity. Right. He shook his head, trying to throw off the resurgence of an old urge... Right now, Harmony needed him... And he would do his best.
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“....we’ll find him, Harmony...” He gently patted the hybrid’s back. A breath in. “...are you gonna be okay?...” He doubted she would. He wouldn’t be, if someone stole one of his mothers... But panic would get neither anywhere... No, they had to find a way to get Volt back... After he calmed Harmony down, anyway.
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reflections-of-mobius · 4 months
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@familylightfox asked:
Fluffhog pounce attack! Harmony was in a mood and tonight was a perfect night for a wrestling match in her opinion. Of course she waited until her dad was out in a spacious enough area to do so, but he’d only get an excited howl before she struck.
[Unprompted? | Accepting!]
Bless had had one of his better nights...he was idly twirling a small seed between his fingers, humming to himself as he stepped between the trees. The soft crunch of his spiked shoes digging into the soil, the feeling of the plants all around him...their faint hummings, nearly alive with life...
It was calming.
Of course, that hadn't stopped his ear from twitching as he heard an excited howl from a certain fluffhog- several sensations assaulting him at once as he was slammed to the ground with a grand 'HARM-OOF-?!'.
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"OHO! If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!" He had no intent of going all out- but it was still fun to scramble with Harmony, trying to overpower his daughter. Harmony definitely had the advantage in wrestling- she actually knew a good chunk of the moves she was using, while Bless was running on instinct. The dust flew up around the two as he laughed and tumbled with the fluffhog.
It took several minutes, but eventually, Harmony had managed to pin him. He was held in such a way that much movement might hurt his scars, but he was sure the kid wasn't aware. He lowered his muzzle in defeat, another chuckle escaping him.
"Alright, alright...! You win..." He waited until Harmony was off of him...before diving in for another attack, knocking her to the ground. "--Or do you?!"
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reflections-of-mobius · 5 months
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@familylightfox asked:
It was rare to see Harmony on the back porch, leaning against the railing by herself. Her eyes were watching the clouds in the sky, lost in her own thoughts. At least until her ears turned at the approaching footsteps. Emerald eyes turned and she smiled with a wag of her tail before settling back in. “Buddy had his final exam today so I’m waitin’ for him t’ finish and then we’re goin’ on a hike.” The calm around them was comfortable as the teen tilted her head to one side sheepishly, speaking softly. “Can I ask ya somethin’ nom? When did ya realized ya loved pa and dad?”
[Unprompted. | Accepting!]
Node had just finished a drawing, their hands smudged with pencil lead that had managed to work its way into the fur between their right pads. They grinned lightly as Harmony glanced back their way- their walk remaining at its current speed until they were on the railing beside her- hands moving to rest atop its surface.
It wouldn't surprise Node if Buddy had. The kid had a good head between his shoulders- even if he seemed to lose it when it came to impressing Harmony, specifically. Their tail wagged slightly from side to side- but they left out the teasing comment that had crossed their thoughts. This moment...felt like it could benefit from soft comradery, not playful teasing to their daughter.
One of Node's ears flicked, hazel eyes flickering over to the teen.
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"...I'unno...it wasn't any one moment that stood out to me, like a bit in a show where you go 'oh my God, I love this person'...it was just...gradual." Node shrugged their shoulders. "...I realized one day, that Bless and Volt...make me feel safe,...and loved...and then I realized another day, they make my heart flutter...and another, that I wanted to keep them both happy, and safe...and it just slowly snowballed." Node chuckled quietly.
"...but I guess if you want a specific moment...I was just sittin' on the couch, n' your pa was whittlin' away at a block of wood, n' your dad was strumming his guitar...and...I realized, 'I want to spend the rest of my life with them'." A certain sparkle had entered their eyes, even as their vision slowly fell to the garden below. Memories of getting Volt and Bless drinks while they set it all up echoed in their mind- causing them to smile faintly.
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"...so...fine, I guess I had that lil' movie-moment, but...it wasn't anythin' big." They grinned lightly, moving their elbow enough to tap Harmony's arm. "Give yourself time. If y'haven't experienced it yet,....I'm sure you will, one day." And they had one guess as to who it'd be about. But-- they'd wait and see.
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reflections-of-mobius · 7 months
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@familylightfox asked:
After one exhausting day of training, Harmony made it to the couch in the lobby before flopping down and across the lap of Bless. If ever there was a sign that the teen was comfortable it was the fact that she was already out by the time Volt lifted his head from his ledger. “Hope you’re comfy love, cuz she ain’t gonna budge.” With a quick snap of his Polaroid, there was one more picture to add to their family scrapbook.
[Unprompted. | Accepting!]
Bless blinked, emerald hues softening as he finally caught sight of the teen in his lap. He'd been idly carving away at a bit of wood- still unsure just what he would make it into- when he'd felt the sudden weight and warmth of Harmony resting across his legs.
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"I was just getting there, handsome." He chuckled quietly. He'd heard the Polaroid go off, glancing up a moment later to catch the hybrid with the camera in hand. "Actually...I think Harmony just gave me the perfect idea of what to carve." Carving took time and care- and given that the teen seemed like she'd be out for a while...it was the perfect opportunity to make a small wooden look-alike of his daughter.
"Though, whether my legs'll be awake by the end of it...who knows." He grinned towards Volt for a moment, brushing a hand gently along Harmony's fur before settling in for his newly-selected task.
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reflections-of-mobius · 7 months
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@familylightfox asked:
Tangle and Whisper were quietly snickering when they entered the kitchen. The two teens seeming to hide a secret that only they knew about. But one look into the living room gave away what had them giggling.... It would seem Buddy and Harmony had fallen asleep on the couch during the movie and the fluffhog was very comfortable laying against the fluffy red chest as she did so.
[Unprompted. | Accepting!]
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Bless had tilted his head, seeing the rather quiet gigglers and hearing the movie from Harmony and Buddy's 'date'- though even calling it that once had turned Harmony as red as a tomato. The werehog was more active to check out what was going on than his partner- silently lumbering towards the door. His massive frame somehow made no noise as he finally came across the adorable sight of the two teens, finding a subconscious smile attempting to worm onto his face. Adorable.
He paused, feeling something vibrating right beside him- and just a little under.
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Node was shaking, quite visibly, a hand cupped over their mouth to prevent a single decibel of noise from escaping. They vanished, but a quiet squeal from upstairs was probably telling enough of the fox's reaction. They were like that with every couple that let them, in the village....even moreso with the daughter of their boyfriend, and Harmony's not-boyfriend-but-totally-was.
"Heh..." Bless glanced to the two teens with a grin- before lumbering off with a wink- only to return a few moments later, his phone in hand. A silent photo was taken and sent to both his partners, before he finally decided to let the two enjoy their rest- but not before glancing to Tangle and Whisper. "Do you guys want the photo too?"
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reflections-of-mobius · 9 months
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@familylightfox asked:
Harmony had barely contained her excitement as he waited for all three adults to be seated together. Her father knew something was up when she didn’t bother to voice her opinion on him giving both of his partners a soft kiss. But maybe it had to do with the presents she set in their lap. Immediately she plopped down on the floor in front of them, fiddling with her fingers as the gifts were unwrapped. Volt immediately had a smile on his face as he turned the ceramic mug, Best dad on the side. Bless had one with #1 Pa, and Node had Awesome Nom. She did her best to hide the red to her muzzle with a smile, tail wagging behind her. “Happy Christmas.”
[Unprompted. | Accepting!]
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"Harmony..." Bless' own voice was quiet as he pulled out the mug. His smile grew beyond his control, refusing restraint as he slowly rotated it. It was even blue- his favorite color. But the mug itself wasn't what made Bless' smile an uncontrollable thing- no, it was what the mug represented. He chuckled quietly, before reaching out to hug the fluffhog. "C'mere!- Get a Christmas hug!" He joked lightly. He had pulled Harmony close, squeezing the teen as tightly as he dared- doing his best to hide the faint mist gathering in his eyes.
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Node was cradling the mug close to themself, the yellow coloration nearly making them grin- even as tears tried to form. Okay. They hadn't expected something like that this year- and it was enough to make the fox mobian cry.
"...Harmony wins...everyone can go home..." It was a jest, of course, but Node was trying to wipe away their tears. Chaos damnit, why'd they get this emotional over it...? Maybe it was just because Node wasn't that great when it came to positive things in their life. Maybe it was because they tried so hard to detach themself..but it was impossible, when it came to their partners-- and their adopted daughter.
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"I'm pretty sure Harmony won, yeah." Bless snickered, finally letting the teen go. He plopped back onto the couch to nuzzle Volt, just as Node decided to take their turn in glomping the teen. It would seem Harmony wouldn't be escaping this Christmas without a few hugs- and more than a few shed tears.
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"....thank you, Harms." Node murmured before pulling away from the teen, sporting a wide smile. "...but Christmas ain't over yet- though y'certainly started it...with one helluva gift." They chuckled softly. An ear flicked, their tail swishing back and forth. They definitely had a new favorite mug...
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reflections-of-mobius · 9 months
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@familylightfox asked:
Often times it was four teenagers around the coffee table, but today was only one. Buddy had taken up the space to work on something with a few of his tools. Red ears flicked at approaching footsteps and he scrambled to try to hide his work before it was seen. But he’d been caught red handed and scratched at the back of his head when spying the two Mobians looking at him. Turning the project around, it looked like a picture frame. Except the image in it was of the four teens, and it moved as if a video. “D-do ya think Harmony will like it? For Yule?”
[Unprompted. | Accepting!]
Bless and Node had just been getting ready to go get a few groceries for dinner when they'd spotted the teen working, two pairs of eyebrows sliding up in curiosity. They'd grown accustomed to Buddy dropping by more and more often- but it was still a surprise to see the teen having turned the coffee table into a work space for his latest project.
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"Woah...." Bless had seen a few video-frames before, but they had never been personally crafted. He watched as the image looped back, emerald hues sparkling as the four teens in the 'video' moved about. "...I think she'll love it, Buddy." He chuckled, moving close enough to offer Buddy a soft pat on the back. He had noticed one of Buddy's hands just behind the frame...and the image stopped moving as Buddy's hand pulled away. Interesting...
"Woah-!" Buddy stumbled slightly at the weight, but managed to right himself rather quickly.- He adjusted his glasses, eyes flickering towards the two mobians. He was glad the picture frame had been on the table and not in his hands.-- But his face heated up slightly at the blue one's assurance. "Y-You're sure?"
It moved Bless that the teen was thinking of his girlfriend as Yule moved closer and closer. Like others around the village, he'd become a little more secretive, these past few weeks...after all, he had his own presents to craft.
"As sure as I can be."
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"Y'made it for Harmony,- and I don't think there's anyone out there she cares more about than her friends n' family....and especially you." Node hummed. It was a bit of a relief to see that Buddy was already so far along in his own project... They couldn't begin to imagine how Harmony would react, but they had faith she'd enjoy it. After all- they knew how much her team meant to her. "...I agree with Bless- I think she'll love it..." They glanced at the frame, before their eyes flashed to the red mobian. "...only one way to find out though, right?"
A moving picture of Harmony, Buddy, Tangle, and Whisper... Yeah, they were pretty sure Harmony would be happy. Regardless of it requiring actual touch or no...it was an incredibly thoughtful gift- one they had no doubt Buddy had poured a lot of hours into.
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"We'll keep Harmony away from here until you're done, alright?- We got groceries to run, anyway...and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens on Yule." The hedgehog may have had a small (read: far too big) investment in Harmony and Buddy's relationship....and now, he had a little bit of gift-giving to look forward to beyond just his own...though he did enjoy seeing everyone's reactions to all their presents, he'd be keeping a slight eye on that exchange.
"Good luck, lover boy." He let go of the tall mobian teen, grinning slightly. "I'll be rootin' for ya." With that, the two adults were off- ready to stall in case they came across Harmony while out. But now, there were additional thoughts in each's head...even as they stepped away from Buddy and allowed him to return to his work on the picture frame. It nearly looked done, and Yule was still a few days away...
Getting things done ahead of schedule for the win!
Buddy was left, feeling his face heat up at the final comment that had been ringing in the air. His eyes flickered back to his picture project, adjusting his glasses one more time and taking in a slow breath. He needed to keep Harmony from finding this too soon...!
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"....I hope those two kids end up workin' out...."
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"If they're anything like us three, they will...don't'cha worry, Nodesy."
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reflections-of-mobius · 10 months
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@familylightfox asked:
Were there four teenagers huddled around the coffee table in the Inn, yes. Yes there were. Were they staring at a piece of paper in the middle, again it was a yes. “What about Bibi? I heard someone call their parent that once.” Buddy offered, but Harmony still had her arms crossed and only tilted her head to the side. “I dunno. I dun think they’ll like that one.” She huffed softly as Tangle scratched it off the list, then looked to the teen. “Have you asked them? I mean I’m pretty sure they’ve gotta have a preference, ri…-” All conversation stopped as they heard footsteps, looking up to see Node. Harmony was quick to grab the paper and stuff it into her bandana. “Hi Node! Did ya need somethin’?” Harmony was acting as casual as one could… and failing miserably
[Unprompted. | Accepting!]
The fox had been wandering the Inn, unsure what to do with themself. They'd been healing at a steady pace, but the cabin fever had long-set in... They'd probably need to take a walk around the village pretty soon- lest they go wild seeing only the garden and the cabin's interior. They ran a hand through their hair with a small sigh. Maybe they could get away with it if they went with Harmony...but they didn't want to ask her for the sole purpose of escaping the Inn.
“What about Bibi? I heard someone call their parent that once.”
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An ear flicked. Buddy...? They didn't know the teen was visiting the Inn- if they had, they might've tried to at least give him a wave when he entered. What was the best 'natural' way to drop by and just acknowledge the other's presence...
“I dunno. I dun think they’ll like that one.”
Harmony. Node knew her voice like the back of their hand. They quirked an eyebrow. For a moment, they wondered if they were listening in on a conversation they had no right to. Hazel hues shrank minutely at the thought that they were eavesdropping. By nurture, Node was a quiet and reserved mobian- to the point that they had a tendency to sneak up on others because they were always trying to mask their presence.
That was probably why, despite being on the stairs...they had yet to be detected. But- they couldn't afford to eavesdrop. It was rude, even if the conversation had caught their ear...the fox exhaled softly, forcing their internal Chaos Energy to flicker off of them like a soft vapor- purposefully taking a step that caused a rather loud thunk to reverberate.
“Have you asked them? I mean I’m pretty sure they’ve gotta have a preference, ri…-”
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They hadn't known what the conversation was about, but it was easy to sort out when they spotted the fraction-of-a-second tuck Harmony did. There was a bonus to having a speedster as one of their partners- it made high-speed maneuvers a bit easier to detect, even if the mobian had no way to stop them. They could see that all eyes had turned their way. Wait...they'd...heard the term 'Bibi', bef...ore...
“Hi Node! Did ya need somethin’?” Harmony's unease could just about flatten someone. Node blinked as the thought struck them.
Bibi. They'd researched gender-neutral terms for 'parent' a year or so ago, in case Bless and them ever adopted...and perhaps, they'd nearly been tempted to ask Harmony if she'd ever care to call them as such- but they weren't willing to push it. After all, Harmony was her own mobian- so they had elected to wait until (if at all) the teen wanted to ask...about such a thing.
They could practically feel their heart melting in their chest. Node wasn't one to cling to much- but it was a private wish that Harmony might come to see them in such a manner, one day. They'd held out denial that the team was just coming up with terms for someone else in the village, but Harmony's sudden demeanor change all but shattered that illusion.
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"I-I was jus'- lookin' for somethin' to do. Didn't realize y'had friends over, Harms." They nodded to the others, though their movement was a hint wooden. They breathed in, trying to relax themself. Harmony and her friends...had they really....been trying to sort that out? "...I'll be off- might see if Volt needs any groceries picked up, later....lemme know if you want to come with, alright?- Any of ya. Help's always nice."
Though they missed carrying everything they could on their own...that wasn't something they could get away with in the village, at present. They were making their way towards the kitchen, not even glancing back as they tossed a term over their shoulder- they were pretty sure they'd break down into tears (whether from joy or nerves, they weren't certain) if they had to face all the teens with their next sentence.
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"....I'm a little impartial to 'Non', 'Nom', and 'Nad', personally...." Shit, their eyes were starting to glisten. She saw them that way? She wanted to give them- that kind of honor---- "---Lemme know if you wanna come with, later!" They all but vanished into the kitchen. The teens blinked for a few moments.
"....I guess...that answers that?" One offered with a sheepish grin. They'd all been caught absolutely red-handed.
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reflections-of-mobius · 11 months
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Volt’s gonna sneak a quick kiss to Node’s cheek while handing off an energy drink and snack while he can. A second kiss if given to their ear before moving on to playfully kiss Bless’ shoulder and pass off the other snack and drink he’d been holding. All before taking a seat on the couch with them while Harmony popped in a movie. She made herself comfortable on the floor with her teammates, but they were surrounded by pillows and snacks. “Harmony found this one on her adventures with her friends. What was it called again?” “Spaceballs. ‘S supposed t’ be a spoof o’ the movies Unca Jerard hates cuz they ain’t accurate.”
[Unprompted. | Accepting!]
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"Heya, Funke." They weren't able to reply with a kiss of their own, but their tail did swish- running along Volt's leg for a moment as they accepted the energy drink and snack. They teleported- for a moment appearing close by, daring to kiss the top of Volt's head before reappearing on the couch with a small grin. They couldn't resist...
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"Spaceballs, huh?" Bless chuckled. He was leaning against the couch's armrest, eyes flickering towards the television. "Thanks for the snacks, V." He sat upright for a moment, nuzzling the hybrid's cheek with a soft hum. "If the movie's half as good as the company, I'm sure we'll all love it."
He grinned lightly. A spoof off of another movie series...? He had a guess, but nothing the werehog would state out loud, for the moment.
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"I don't think my dad ever showed me that movie, but I have a few alternates..." Node shook their head. "...I'll block out the memories- I wanna experience this myself." They could go either way- but right now? Node wanted to make a memory or two of their own. Hazel eyes flicked between Bless and Volt on either side, a soft whine on their tongue. "Oh c'mon, stop stealing all th' smooth vibes...!"
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"Hmmmm...." Bless glanced towards Volt, the two mobians sharing a momentary look...before their voices, for the first time, combined in unison.
"Nah." This was met with a quiet, playful whine from Node- eyes flicking back and forth between the two. But neither seemed to move on their stance, so Node dropped it pretty quick- a playful smile momentarily flashing across their face. All the lights had been dimmed, the screen glowing, the smell of popcorn and snacks in the air...
"I'm starting the movie, guys!" Harmony tried to warn- if for no reason more than to get the adults above to actually focus on the screen instead of each other. Bless settled his apple juice and popcorn, while Node took that last moment to crack open their energy drink...but not before sneaking one last kiss to both their partners. Their tail flicked between each, eyes on the screen as the opening of Spaceballs began to roll.
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reflections-of-mobius · 11 months
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@familylightfox asked:
Harmony flopped across Bless’ lap that evening, a smile bright and wide as she held up the wrapped gift. “Happy birthday.” Inside was a handmade scarf for the winter. Hunter green with designs of flowers and leaves along the bottom. All crocheted by the teen herself. “Dad said yer present from him is gonna have t’ wait till bedtime.” The face she made said it all about the older hybrid’s plan for spoiling his partner. “Also he went out shoppin’ t’ pick up all the stuff he needs t’ make yer favorite dinner.”
[Unprompted! | Accepting!]
It had been a great day- a mixture of worlds and events, runs with friends and games with allies...and Bless wouldn't change a moment of it for the world. A soft smile seemed to be permanently etched onto his face, replacing the signature cocky smirk he was world-renowned for.
"Woah- really?" Bless accepted the wrapped gift with cautious hands, gaze flicking from the teen to the unknown box. He didn't want to shake it, for fear of breaking whatever was inside...but the instinctual urge to shake the box was nearly overwhelming. His claws easily ripped through the wrapping, opening the present to reveal the nature-style scarf. He found his smile growing, emerald hues flickering the teen's way.
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"....thank you, Harms." His hands slowly traced along the material, careful with his claws to not cut the fabric. "Guess I have somethin' to wear in the winter, now!" Something personal. He wrapped the scarf around his neck, a finger tracing the edge of some of the flowers, before he began to pet Harmony. After all, she was in his lap- it would be rude not to.
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"Guess he really plans to end the night with a bang." It had been spoken a bit faster than his mind could comprehend- but he was able to bite back the snicker. "Thanks for letting me know,- but for now...I think I'd rather spend some time with my favorite teen." He grinned. "Careful, you and your dad are gonna make me feel spoiled!"
A soft laugh escaped him at the thought, even as he continued to chat idly with Harmony- waiting for when Volt would return with the ingredients for dinner. Chili dogs were by far his go-to for celebrations and the like... And he wondered for a moment if that was precisely what Volt had gone to get- a recipe for the hedgehog's nearly-multiversal love of chili dogs.
But that thought was as brief as any other, drifting between his thoughts as he sat there, Harmony laying on his lap, speaking idly with the fluffhog. No- what was on his mind was something that, year after year, he found himself grateful for. A present that the others couldn't quite package, no matter how hard they tried.
His birthday was nice, and all the presents and games were fun, but...
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He was just happy for the memories he got to share.
He was keeping the scarf all the same, though.
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"Oh, heck yeah!" Bless had heard Harmony's howl- and he couldn't resist joining in kind. A massive breath filled his lungs, puffing the werehog slightly. Emerald eyes closed for but a moment, before---
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