#dark circkles
galedekarios · 2 years
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i wanted to let myself think about gale’s redesign a bit and now that i’ve speedrun the game up to a certain point, here are my thoughts on it since larian asked for feedback:
what i like
the new hair looks very good. i like the slightly tousled, dishevelled look. i can see gale being stressed over his condition, worrying, running a hand through his hair, thinking, so that makes sense to me. another thing i like are the greying strands. i’ve been trying to put them into my art whenever i draw this character and it always has been a personal favourite headcanon of mine.
his colour palette is warmer again, the extreme darkness in him from patch 7 is gone. i always thought he looked much too cold and dark in patch 7: his hair, his eyes, the beard, the extreme dark circkles. returning to his warmer colour palette is a welcome change. gale, to me, is a kind and gregarious character so to see that reflected in the colours again in patch 8 is great.
the addition of the tattoo is a nice touch. i can only imagine that it’s possibly something magical to keep the netherese orb at bay. it’s a neat detail and i love the design of it.
the overall facial tweaks are something i can live with if larian is working on trying to adjust them. the face looks quite different in the screenshot, yet when i played the game and saw it animated, it still looked very much like gale. i can see it being a bridge between gale’s original model in the game and his key concept art.
what i don’t like
the beard looks awful. it changes too much of his overall face shape from a more rounded face to a more square one. it looks extremely unrealisted in-game, almost as if it were painted on. it also deviates too much for me, personally, from the key concept art and what gale used to look like while also leaning too much into generic male video game character-looks for me. 
the earring feels extremely out of character for gale to me. even putting aside his backstory, i can very much see him as a mystrian wanting to have a symbol of his goddess with him, yet it has too much of a rogue-ish zevran or awakening anders vibe to me in a way that gale just doesn’t have. again, this is just my opinion, but i feel like a nice ring or amulet would make more sense for him. 
the removal of his moles and lessening the intensity of his scars is another thing that i, personally, don’t like. they gave his face a lot more character. i don’t understand why this was something that had to be changed. i liked how imperfect gale’s skin was, fine lines, blemishes, moles, scars and all.
in the end, after nearly two years of getting know and becoming attached to a character, i find it very jarring to change his appearance so profoundly. i realise the game is in early access, but i think a change like this should have happened earlier if it need to happen at all.
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symptoms-existence · 2 years
what have you been listening to?
The Repos, Urban Blight, Social Circkle, Seattle’s New Gods, Big Eyes, Dark Thoughts, and Milk Music
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PPOYH Request: Taking care of Jimin when he's sick
This one-shot takes place in the 'Paw Prints On Your Heart' universe, based on a hybrid fanfiction I made. To understand this request, you can read Paw Prints On Your Heart here!
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You open your eyes when you feel someone shake you slightly. "Hm.. Jimin.. I wanna sleep.." You say, your eyelids feeling heavy as you speak. You blink a few times to get the sleep out of your eyes. "Did you have another nightmare?" You ask. Jimin having nightmares isn't something uncommon, although they are getting less, since living with you.
"Y/N.." You hear Jimin say. His voice sounds raspy and dry, it makes you look at him. "I-I don't feel so good.." He says even more quiet.
You pop yourself up on your elbows and study Jimin's face. It's dark in the room, but you can clearly see his face is pale and a thin layer of sweat covers his features. You slowly place your hand on Jimin's forehead. "A-Ah!" You say as you retract your hand. "You are burning up!" You sit up as you watch Jimin fall back onto his pillow, his breathing heavy.
"But I feel cold.." Jimin says, a small cough escaping him.
"You must be getting sick.." You say softly. "Let me get you some water and some medicine." You say as you throw the covers from your body and basically jump out of bed.
You grab a glass from the top shelf in your kitchen and turn on the water, filling the glass. You yawn before staring at the clock, seeing it's only 2 in the morning.
Suddenly you hear a sound from behind you. You look around and see a glimps of Jimin rushing into the bathroom.
"Jimin?!" You yell as you turn around to run to the bathroom. You enter the bathroom and switch on the light. The sight in front of you breaks your heart a little. Jimin is on the floor, hunched over the toilet. His shoulders shaking.
You quietly walk over and kneel down next to him, placing your hand on his back, drawing small circkles to calm him down a little. "Hey, are you okay now?" You ask, hoping that throwing up would make him a little better.
Jimin shakes his head. "Not at all.." He says as he starts coughing again. "Everything h-hurts.."
"Can you stand up?" You ask him, standing up yourself.
Jimin nods as he slowly stands up, using the sink next to him for support. You smile faintly and flush the toilet, before turning to him. "Sit down on the edge of the bath please." You say as you see Jimin do what he's told.
You open a cabinet and look around in it, looking for some medicine. "Here it is." You say as you turn around, medicine in hand.
Jimin looks even worse now you see him in the light. His eyes are closed, he's shivering, his lips look dry, he's pale, his hair sticks to his forehead with sweat and the bags under his eyes make him look like he haven't slept in weeks.
"Here," You say as you pop a tablet out of the strip. "Take this." You put the tablet in Jimin's hand, followed by giving him a glass of water in the other.
Jimin doesn't say anything as he puts the tablet on his tounge and chucks the water down immediately after that.
You chuckle a little when you see Jimin's scrunch up his nose in disgust of the bitter taste of the medicine. You turn to the sink and grab the washcloth that was hanging over the side. You turn on the water and wait a few seconds for it to turn cold. You hold the washcloth under the cold water, looking over you shoulder to make sure Jimin is okay. He's staring at you with tired eyes and slight curiosity.
You turn the water off and turn around to Jimin. With one hand you push the hair from his face and with the other hand you softly press the cold washcloth against his forehead.
Jimin closes his eyes and lets out a sigh. "Does that feel better?" You ask.
He nods.
"Good," You smile. You remove the washcloth from his forehead and move it to his lips, whiping the corners of his mouth softly. You retract the washcloth and give Jimin a quick peck on his lips. "Come, you need to sleep."
Jimin just nods at you, a faint smile on his lips as he stands up. Wobbeling slightly as he feels all his muscles ache in his body.
"Careful," You say as you hold his upperarm.
"Sorry, I'm just feeling a little dizzy." He says, steadying himself.
You nod as you slowly let go of his upperarm when you have the feeling he's okay to walk on his own.
You walk behind Jimin to the bedroom, just in case he'll get dizzy again. You turn the lights off from the bathroom and escort Jimin to the bedroom.
Jimin walks over to his side of the bed and let's his body fall on the soft surface. He wiggles himself under the covers and let's a out sigh of content, closing his eyes.
Meanwhile, you walked over to your side and popped yourself next to Jimin, as soon as you lay down, Jimin scoots over and lays his head on your chest, his arm wrapped around your waist. You smile down at him.
"Is there anything else you need? Tea? Something to eat? An extra blanket in bed?"
Jimin opens his eyes and looks at you. Staying quiet as you ramble on.
"J-Jimin? Are you okay? Do you need a bucket?!" You panic, ready to jump out of bed to get a bucket.
Jimin chuckles. His arm holding you in place. "No, Y/N.. I'm fine.."
You calm down. "Oh good.."
Jimin closes his eyes again and he snuggles closer to you. "I just never had someone take care of me when I was sick.. I was always alone.."
Now it was your turn to stare at Jimin.
Jimin hums. "I know I'm sick.. But for some reason, I'm so happy now.."
You feel your heart going in overdrive at his words. You smile brightly and give Jimin a kiss on his hair as you warp your arms around him, pulling him even closer if that was even possible.
"I love you, Y/N." Jimin says, you hear his voice laced with sleep.
"And I love you too Jimin, get well soon."
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rubys-things23-blog · 6 years
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90′s: eye circkles, midnight drives to nowhere, falling in love recklessly, denim jackets, ripped pages in a diary, thinking about past lovers, listening to music until 3am, the dark phases of sunsets, mixtapes
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kesabella · 3 years
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