#danny vc well this is embarrassing......i spent most of my life being wrong. im not gonna add existing in a smoking area wrong to the list
outself · 8 months
continued — @baritalias
ring finger and thumb pinch the bridge of his nose. nestled between his middle and fore fingers, the burning tip of his cigarette almost nicks his fringe. he'd use his other hand but that one is preoccupied with holding his drink, long digits stretched out like a claw around the rim. "it does matter!" he sighs. hand tears away from his face, pointing his cigarette at danny, like he's done something wrong. "who said that? and why'd ya listen? honestly it's like, the only fuckin' thing that matters. especially t'me. i can't go to sleep at night knowin' i'm wrong!"
ok, now he feels shy. ' i think my mom... told me that, to be honest. ' danny mumbles, sort of trails off after that and ducks his head into his crossed arms on the table between them. he loves when there's seating in the smoking area. they always seem to have the heaters taped up above them and danny feels like he can hide away in them from the world (or hover under the eye line of standing smokers), but not so much the person who's sitting there across from you when you feel like you've embarrassed yourself a bit by repeating a cradled view you hadn't yet reassessed. but by his same view, was he really wrong to accept his mom's platitude as fact in the first place? danny peers out from his just above his elbow. something in him feels too childish now. sitting in a smoking area, smokeless, which definitely feels more wrong than right which he suddenly decides he cares about. ' can i take one of those actually? '
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