#dance of dragons 2.0 is the name of the war i guess
Roasting the Yugioh rivals' hair
Haven't done this in a while, time to roast more characters, going from least absurd hair to most absurd hair. (For the record, I like all these characters at least a bit so take this with a grain of salt, I went really in on some of them)
1 Seto Kaiba
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All the money in the world from stealing your rich daddy's company and you still can't find time to make your hair look different from a depressed Kuriboh?
2 Jack Atlas
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Dang, that cheese looks good enough to eat. Mind cutting me a slice? Hey! Can you hear me? Oh shoot, he's wearing earbuds! He can't hear me!
3 Jun Manjome
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So what's it like having a giant dancing emo spider on your head? Blends in well with the rest of your emo suit. Your aesthetic crashes and burns like the thunder you name yourself after :)
4 Roa Kirishima
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For a jerky self-absorbed diva boy who hogs the spotlight, your hair is surprisingly underwhelming. I mean come on, only one bland colour? No accessories? How do people even see you onstage? I guess it looks like a malformed star if you squint?
5 Reiji/Declan Akaba
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Damn, going gray at 16? Illegally drafting yourself and other younger children into war must do a number on the psyche. And how do you find time to style it like the diamond studded swimming pool you likely own when you're in the middle of this war?
6 Ryoken Kogami
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Oh you wanna know if I like your hair? Wouldn't you like to know, marshmallow boy. Maybe quit styling it like a sloppy white Christmas tree with cat ears and maybe I'll take you seriously.
7 Zwijo Zir Velgear
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Hey uh, you wanna stop growing your hair out? Think you've got enough now? Your hair is so long I had to get an awkwardly cropped image to properly show it off. Are you trying to be the alien general version of Rapunzel? Or does your hair have a mind of its own and that's why parts of it are sticking out like hungry yellow and purple snakes?
8 Kaito Tenjo
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Styling your hair like a crown doesn't make you a king, unless you're the king of being a douche nozzle obsessed with dragons. Though really, with that pointy top, you look more like an angery fairy than a dragon.
9 Revolver 2.0
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Rev, this is worse. You get that, right? You could have made your hair look however you wanted, without the limitations of the real world, and you chose to look like a gun toting old man in a shitty superhero costume with pointy rocks protruding from his head? And what is going on with those red spikes? Do you eat your marshmallow hot dogs so sloppily that the ketchup from them got on your ears? Chill out and go get stoned or something, good god.
10: Revolver 1.0
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......jeez dude how much ketchup do you get on those hot dogs? And why'd it take you more than a whole season to wash it all out?
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gojuo · 2 years
I heard many people say that if the showrunners were good writers they would definitely make aegon and rhaenyra parallel each other. And tbh it's such an interesting take , because that would flesh out the conflict and make it very grey as it should have been. Also the fact that syrax is yellow and sunfyre is gold and you know... Gold and yellow are very similar so i think it's an interesting detail from GRRM. So what you think about this ? If u have given the chance to write their dynamic and how they parallel each other, how will u do it? I'm curious
Syrax and Sunfyre couldn’t be more different to be honest 😭 Syrax for starters is useless and lazy, never went out into battle, never hunted for her own food, forgot she could fly and breathe fire, essentially letting the mob of KL kill her, her one and only kill is Joffrey, etc. etc. She was worthless and did nothing during the entire Dance, mirroring her rider I guess 😭😭😭 Sunfyre contrary to that was a much younger dragon who DID ride out into battle, who DID hunt for his own food (balanced diet of other dragons, grand maesters and princesses #healthygainz), who has THE most dragon kills, who was horrifically injured but still kept on fighting kept on surviving who refused to die all to find his way back to Aegon and to help him achieve his goal of killing Rhaenyra, WHO SHOULD HAVE DIED TEN TIMES OVER BUT REFUSED TO ALL FOR AEGON BC SUNFYRE KNEW HIS BELOVED RIDER NEEDED THAT MONSTER DEAD AND HE COULDN'T LEAVE THIS WORLD BEFORE HE MADE SURE SHE WAS GETTING DIGESTED 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Also exactly mirroring his rider...
Anyways this is about the dragons but dragons do resemble their riders so I feel like this would also be their dynamic. They’re just too different. Both in the book and in the show. In the book Rhaenyra is hungry for violence and makes the declaration of war first, she never cared for her siblings (always calling them her half-siblings), was gleeful when they died, when she was young in court she made fun of them along with Daemon to entertain herself, etc. Aegon in contrast had to be convinced to take up the crown, he says “What kind brother steals his sister’s throne?” (paraphrased, I don’t have the passage with me right now) when Criston tried to persuade him (RIP Kingmaker Cole, one of the most butchered Greens on the show), insinuating that he had resigned himself to being unwanted, only being convinced to ascend the throne himself because him and his entire family would have to be killed in order for Rhaenyra to have a smooth succession, etc. etc.
In the show they obviously tried to soften Rhaenyra’s canon ass personality bc they need their Daenerys 2.0, but then again, she was also beefing with her little 2-year-old brother on his birthday????? Like.. “No one is here for me,” she cries but they are at her baby brother’s birthday party ????? I’m fucking crying why was this grown woman so upset people were celebrating Aegon’s birthday, as if she herself didn’t get birthday parties every single year too 😭 Anyways show!Rhaenyra is less bloodthirsty and deliberately awful, but she still makes the declaration of war first, she still beefs with her baby brother, she still never makes an effort to get close to them (evidenced in the Driftmark episode), all in all she still doesn’t see them as family.
If the show was in my hands, I would have never whitewashed her character (bc she would be the antagonist and Alicent/Aegon the protag so lol) so if it was up to me, I would have had young Rhaenyra trying to bond with Aegon, but failing miserably because of her own feelings of doubt and insecurity of her position. And also, because Daemon is grooming her and slowly turning her against her siblings because he has his claws in her bc in my version of the show, Daemon would be the unequivocal villain of the series, serving no one but himself, not even Rhaenyra. Remember that he was starting with grooming her when she was 8 years old after being named heir. He, being as self-serving as he is, would have more chance of getting close to the throne as Rhaenyra’s King Consort than being uncle to King Aegon. (He doesn’t give a shit about her, he just cares about her power & title.) So Daemon would be poisoning young Rhaenyra against her siblings and since she would be feeling isolated in her younger years, fearing that her father would replace her with Alicent and their kids, it would be just way too easy for Daemon.
I think what I would do is that because of the big age gap between Rhaenyra & Aegon + Daemon always all up in her ear + her fucking off to Dragonstone for most of Aegon’s life, I would have had their characters be paralleled (Rhaenyra is loved by their dad and is the heir and has all his attention vs. Aegon is loved by the court + has better PR and Rhaenyra fears her position will go to him). Any interaction I would have them do would be extremely strained and filled with vitriol and resentment and bitterness, but I think what would be best for them is their interactions not being face-to-face but mostly through ranting about the other behind their backs. Aegon, whenever the family believes he’s fucked up and the frustration becomes too much for him, he’d just be like, “Who the hell cares what I do? Father only sees sister anyways/Sister-who-is-more-of-a-stranger-to-me is the one who will inherit everything that should have gone to me so why even bother?” etc. etc. such moments of vulnerability. For Rhaenyra, we would have such moments when she’s younger and Aegon is newly born. As a girl who’s lost her mother, who’s watching as her father is with a new wife, she would feel like she and the memory of her mother is getting replaced by Alicent & Aegon, and the fear of losing her only family (her dad) to someone that is not her and then also losing the inheritance her father gave her to someone that is also not her would make her a young and insecure girl, feeling isolated (perfect moment for Daemon to begin his grooming) and extremely hostile towards Aegon. As they grow older, Rhaenyra would see how Viserys cares so much for her and loves her whereas Aegon sees none of it, so she would be feeling vindicated and rub that in his face, only showing him apathy and spitefulness whenever they brush shoulders in passing. But what do I know, I’m just some girl writing fanfiction... Instead, the superior CondalHess are going to have their first and last interaction be when he kills her 🙃
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mneiai · 5 years
Targaryen Succession Crisis
I had someone ask me, again, why when given a chance I always make Jon the rider of Viserion and not Rhaegal.
I don’t think he’ll ride Rhaegal in the books because I don’t think he’ll be a main part of the succession crisis.
So, backstory for the Targaryen succession and why it matters for the books:
After Rhaegar’s death in battle, Aerys declares Viserys his heir
We do not know if that removed Aegon (and Rhaenys) from the succession or not because we don’t have a precedent.
We also don’t know how the general populace would interpret this–did it disinherit Aegon and Rhaenys or did it just move Viserys forward, as having a boy for a king is still better than having an actual baby?
The closest answer will actually probably come from if anything happens with Robb’s will and Rickon and/or Bran come back to Winterfell–ie, Jon was declared heir because the other heirs were unsuitable, but now what made them unsuitable (their supposed deaths) isn’t a factor. If they are still thought of as Jon’s heirs (ie not disinherited), that could be an answer for the Aegon and Rhaenys situation.
We also don’t know what Aerys passing over Aegon and Rhaenys meant for Jon. Assuming he’s somehow legitimate (which we also don’t know and seems unlikely tbh), would it be that Aerys disinherited all of Rhaegar’s children, just his children with Elia, or something else?
Viserys therefore technically had a stronger claim than fAegon (or Jon) and he declared Daenerys his heir
But it was the Mad King who switched the succession, most loyalists were fighting for Rhaegar. Would they even pay attention to Aerys doing that?
Viserys also didn’t know that fAegon existed–how would that change things? Aegon, if not disinherited because Viserys just jumped the line, would be Viserys legal heir in many people’s eyes.
Daenerys flies a black dragon. There is a green dragon still available for a rider.
We were told a Dance 2.0 is likely
In the original Dance, King Viserys declared his daughter Rhaenyra his heir, even though most people thought his brother Daemon should have been his heir. When he later had sons with his second wife, he still kept Rhaenyra as his heir, but people (the family of those sons and their allies) were upset about that and thought her brother Aegon should have been heir.
Rhaenyra was on Dragonstone when her father died and Aegon was placed on the throne despite her being the heir (they actually murdered some people who spoke out about it).
Rhaenyra’s side of the struggle were called the Blacks. She was Viserys’ declared heir.
Aegon’s side of the struggle were called the Greens. They said he was the heir because he was the next male in the line.
Jon was almost certainly a stand-in for fAegon in the show.
They didn’t put fAegon in the show, but the succession crisis is most likely a major part of ADOS.
It’s unlikely that Jon would be named Aegon in the books. Aegon was dead by the time Jon was born, so it could have been that Rhaegar was absolutely obsessed with having a son named Aegon or that Lyanna was trying to honor Jon’s dead brother, but it’s unlikely.
(Technically if Jon was named Aegon it could be a throwback to the first Dance, as Aegon III lived at the same time as Aegon II, and had been named Aegon by Rhaenyra and Daemon presumably to fuck with Aegon II. If Jon is somehow Dany’s heir but not fAegon’s, the symbolism is still a stretch but I guess.)
Jon and Dany’s relationship did a 180 after the reveal of his parentage, which made no real sense because Dany should have been happy to have more family and Jon could have said at any time that he was, say, having an identity crisis or he couldn’t deal with fucking his aunt, or whatever, and probably gained himself more time instead of a resentful Dany.
Varys just immediately decides, after supporting Dany for a while, that Jon is the better option. In the books, Varys has been supporting fAegon the entire time–he will be on fAegon’s side vs Dany.
Marriage as an option was immediately dismissed. In the books, aunt/nephew incest is not really a big deal, especially among Targaryens (the Rhaenyra mentioned above ended up marrying her uncle Daemon eventually and Aegon III was their son).
Which means that marriage had to be off the table for another reason–like Dany not believing fAegon is a real Targaryen (there was a prophecy about a “mummer’s dragon” that fits fAegon) or Dany getting to KL and finding out fAegon, who was possibly disinherited, is trying to usurp her position as Viserys’ heir, and refuses to just be his arm candy queen.
Jon is unlikely to actually take part in a succession conflict
An annulment is unlikely to have happened, especially if Rhaegar was going behind Aerys’ back, but more than that most people agree Rhaegar either took Lyanna as a second wife (legally or not) or planned to just legitimize Jon once he himself was king. Yes, by this point it was known Elia couldn’t have another child, but it would have probably taken years to actually do anything if an annulment was on the table.
An annulment would almost certainly not have removed Aegon and Rhaenys from the succession, there’s only one historical example of such a thing in Western Europe and it was Controversial.
Whether or not Jon is legitimate, fAegon would still be seen as coming before him in the succession (obviously all references to fAegon as such is assuming people are at least willing to pretend, if not believing, that he’s actual Aegon), so at most Jon would be fAegon’s current heir, but he would have the lesser of claims of the three.
Jon is hardly the sort to fight a war against humans just to take a throne in the South. The only reason Jon would want the Iron Throne would be for the War for the Dawn, so if that’s already over when Dance 2.0 starts, it doesn’t make sense for him to be fighting for himself as king.
Jon has also spent his whole life being emotionally abused because of the idea that he could usurp his trueborn siblings. He has a huge amount of issues about this, still, that come up multiple times across the books. Unless he had solid proof fAegon wasn’t his real older brother or he did something absolutely mindboggling awful (unlikey, fAegon is a little impulsive and full of himself, but not a monster), he would never usurp him.
And, after all of that, I actually have to conclude with: The Targaryen succession doesn’t actually matter.
As Renly himself says, it was conquest that was the main force behind Robert taking the throne. It was conquest that had the Reach supporting Renly despite him not really having much of a claim.
The Targaryen’s lost the throne and they’re both (all) relying on their name power to garner some support, but which one comes in which order doesn’t really matter. It’s which one of them takes the throne and holds it that matters.
fAegon is already taking over the Stormlands while Dany hasn’t even started heading to Westeros, a lot of people believe that fAegon will take KL and Dany will show up after that. Placing fAegon as both the later-season-8 Jon and Cersei in regards to Daenerys’ conquest.
This leads to the idea that either fAegon is somehow responsible for KL burning (perhaps through JonCon starting a greyscale outbreak) or that Dany, when she arrives and finds out the “mummer’s dragon” is on her throne, ends up burning KL.
But it will matter to Daenerys and fAegon, which is why any of the above needs to be discussed.
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mebongster87 · 6 years
GOT Season 8 lineup
So the official Wikipedia page of GOT Season 8 has this list of episodes with the writers and directors for each episode and I am sooo hyped.
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Looks like David Nutter of the “Red Wedding” and “Cersei’s Walk of Atonement in Mother’s Mercy” fame will be directing 3 episodes while Miguel Sapochnik of “Hardhome”, “Battle of Bastards”, and “Winds of Winter” fame is doing 2 episodes and the series finale is being helmed by D&D.
Based on what we know so far..I have some broadstrokes of what we might expect. This is just pure speculation.
According to Entertainment Weekly, Episode 1 will mirror S01E01, Robert’s Arrival scenes with Dany and her retinue showing up at Winterfell.
I am hoping that Jamie Lannister will probably arrive before Dany does because that will give rise to huge drama and surprise on D and Tyrion’s part to see Jamie at Winterfell without the Lannister army in tow and who knows maybe Jamie would've already sworn himself to the Starks by then. 
Episode 2 is being written by Bryan Cogman, Captain of HMS JonSa!!!!
Like if Jon does not get to know about R+L=J in Episode 1, I could totally see it happening in this episode. Who better to write all that JonSa angst, if not good ol’ Cogman!!! 
A tenner says that Jon and Sansa will have an angst-filled argument and may end up admitting feelings for each other...oh my shipper's heart is really looking forward to this episode, especially because the next Episode 3, I think, is going to be the battle against the Army of the Dead. If GRRM and D&D were always planning on depicting JonSa as the epic love story of ASOIAF and GOT, then having Jon and Sansa admitting their feelings to each other before the battle, would seal the deal for GA and the readers. I think. Not only will it fulfill a lot of romantic tropes where the hero goes off to war after promising his love to the heroine and vows to come back for her, but I believe that Jon doing this will hit the nail on the coffin of the red herring romance of Jon and D (just my personal opinion).
Episode 3 is being directed by Miguel Sapochnik, so I think he will do the major battle scenes. Episode 3 is probably going to be the fight against the Army of the Dead. 
Some non-war action will also happen here and I am guessing that if there is any truth to those kidnapping rumors then this episode could be where Sansa’s kidnapping by the Golden Company takes place.
Episode 4 will have David Nutter back at its helm, and I dunno, this episode just smells of “treason and betrayal” when shits going to hit the roof and D goes fully dark and breaks bad! This episode may be the set-up for the “Dance of Dragons 2.0″ to follow next. KL might burn in this episode, if not the next one.
Jon comes back from the battle and loses his marbles when he finds out Sansa has been taken captive. Plans on going to KL to bring back Sansa, Cersei demands he bend the knee to her in exchange of Sansa. Dany accuses Jon of treason/betrayal by willing to go over to the enemy side (D considers Cersei her enemy).
I think this conversation will mirror Jamie and Cersei’s conversation from the Dragon and the Wolf episode of Season 7 when Jamie decides to finally leave Cersei and head North. Jamie being a foil to Jon and Cersei being parallel to D. Both committed incest within the same season, and I think if D is pregnant then that would mirror Cersei being pregnant as well. Cersei accuses Jamie of treason and siding with his enemies and I can totally see D saying the same to Jon. Cue “treason for love”!!!!!
In terms of Political Jon theory, I think it will be ousted by episode 2 at the most to the Starks and maybe Bronze Royce. However, there is no way I see this getting out to D’s camp, because that will jeopardize her help in the battle against the Army of the Dead. Jon and the Starks cannot afford to let that slip. However, the truth will come out and that will probably happen in episode 4. The fact that Jon a) pretended to bend the knee, b) is the trueborn son and heir to the IT, and c) probably does not love D, and d) is ready to drop her like a hot potato to go to KL to bring Sansa back and may end up having to bend the knee to Cersei (for real this time) will be enough to trigger full-blown meltdown of D (and the GA in general). 
(*Grabs the popcorn and sits back!!*)
Episode 5 may be “Dance of Dragons 2.0″ directed by Miguel Sapochnik, so expect battles. This will probably see Jon, the North, and Jamie fighting D on Drogon and her armies of Dothraki and Unsullied. Jon on Rhaegal (probably) vs D on Drogon (greens vs blacks), Jamie vs Tyrion, Theon and Yara vs Euron....
Remember what Shireen said in S05E09
Shireen: It’s the story of the fight between Rhaenyra Targaryen and her half-brother Aegon for control of the Seven Kingdoms. Both of them thought they belonged on the Iron Throne. When people started for declaring for one of them or the other, their fight divided the kingdom in two. Brothers fought brothers. Dragons fought dragons. By the time it was over, thousands were dead. And it was a disaster for the Targaryens as well. They never truly recovered.
Well, we will finally get to see DoD 2.0 in Episode 5. D and Tyrion and Euron may end up dead by the end of this episode. In almost every season of GOT, a big death always occurs in the penultimate episode of the season. It would be right cheeky if D&D name this episode “Meltdown”!!lol
Episode 6 is the Series Finale and will have D&D directing it and I would love for it to be called “A Dream of Spring”, where we will most likely get to see the aftermath of a war-ravaged Westeros. Jon and Sansa will be crowned King and Queen of the 7Ks, with Jamie Lannister as the Hand of the King.
The more I think about Jamie, the more I feel like it would be fitting for him to be the last surviving Lannister to carry his family name into the new era. Given what Tywin wanted for Jamie was to fulfill his legacy by becoming the Lannister heir and being the man Tywin always wanted him to be, Jamie realizing this would also echo another father’s legacy through his children. Sansa and Jon realizing Ned Stark’s legacy would mirror Jamie realizing Tywin’s legacy but in a much more positive and reconciliatory light. I could be wrong, but I think given that a Stark-Lannister Conflict, instigated by Littlefinger’s machinations, delved the realm into full-blown war, I could totally see GRRM going for a Stark-Lannister Coalition to defeat the real enemies and unite Westeros and usher in a new spring post-Battle for the Dawn. I think it would be fitting to bring the story to a full circle. 
Again, these are just simple speculations on my part. Would love to hear what do others in the JonSa fandom think?
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fortunatelylori · 5 years
Thoughts on the importance of the colour black and green in regards to the Dance of the Dragons and possibly tDotD 2.0? Tyrion’s eyes in the book are black and green. The colour green doesn’t bode well for D. Green is Rhaegal’s colour which the dragon named after Jon’s biological father
Hey, nonnie!
Firstly, I apologize for the long wait on this. Real life sometimes gets in the way of me being as productive on tumblr as I would like. 
Honestly, in light of the spoilers we just got, I’m very hesitant to issue thoughts on just about anything concerning this show because, while I still firmly believe in the main theories that we have been discussing within the Jonsa fandom, I’m starting to think more and more that the execution of said plot points will leave me more than slightly dissapointed. 
But enough doom and gloom, let’s get to your question: 
I think it’s important to give a bit of a background to why the colors of black and green are significant to this series and how they relate to a possible war between Jon Snow and Daenerys Targareyen. 
It all goes back to the first Dance of Dragons, which is the name of the war for succession that broke out between Aegon II and his half-sister Rhaenyra over their father Viserys I’s throne. The factions in that war were called the Blacks and the Greens, based on the color of the dresses Princess Rhaenyra and Queen Alicent Hightower (the king’s second wife) wore to a great tourney held prior to Viserys I’s death, with Rhaenyra in black and Alicent in green.
This event as the entire Dance of Dragons occurs prior to the start of the A Song of Ice and Fire series, of course, and we only know about it from stories within the narrative as well the faux-histories materials that GRRM has put out since the start of the series. 
However the Dance of Dragons is, perhaps, the most pivotal moment in the Targareyen rule over Westeros. Prior to the Dance of Dragons, the Targareyens were as powerful as they would ever become, with more dragons and dragon riders than the world had seen since the fall of Valyria. Once the Dance of Dragons ended, their dragons, and as such the main source of their power, were all but wiped out which ultimately led to the dynasty crumbling during Robert’s rebellion. 
Through out the current series, we have several call backs to these colors, with the most notable one being that Drogon, D*ny’s preferred mount, is black while his brother, Rhaegal, is green. As you mention in your ask Rhaegal is named after Rhaegar Tarageryen, D*ny’s oldest brother and also biological father to Jon Snow. It’s also important to note that D*ny names Rhaegal after the brother she’s never met directly because of his green color, due to Rhaegar dying on the “green banks of the Trident”. 
So not only are 2 of her dragons associated to the colors of black and green but GRRM actually connects Rhaegar to green as well, which I assume is foreshadowing for Jon eventually riding Rhaegal as well as Jon representing the color green in opposition to D*ny’s black. 
Another tie-in to Dance of Dragons is the fact that D*ny’s youngest brother and the only member of her family she has a relationship with is Viserys, which I can’t help but connect back to Viserys I, who is the guy who essentially started  the Dance of Dragons by deciding to name his daughter his heir but not actually secure her throne past his death. In a way, D*ny’s brother sends D*ny on a collision course with Jon by marrying her off to Drogo and then being kind enough to die, thus seemingly clearing D*ny’s path to the throne, for her only to be met by her oldest brother’s son as a rival contender. 
Green is also indicative of trechery in D*ny’s chapters so she is obviously set in opposition to this color. Which makes Tyrion’s eyes being black and green all the more interesting, now that he’s on his way to join D*ny’s faction. 
The combination of black and green actually stretches far beyond that with Tyrion, since there’s mentions to these two colors in almost all of his chapters. If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say it’s because Tyrion will end up playing both sides in the war. 
It’s important to note that book Tyrion isn’t as honorable or well intentioned as he is in the show. On the contrary, he’s getting darker and darker with every book and his narrative trajectory points to him becoming more and more like his father, Tywin, who famously played both factions during Robert’s rebellion and only picked a side once it became clear that Robert was winning the war.  
Tyrion might have actually already kick-started the Dance of Dragons 2.0 when he sent Young Griff, presumably the oldest son of Rhaegar and his wife Elia Martell, to Westeros. I doubt D*ny will take well to that and Young Griff, while not a Targareyen in my opinion, exists in this narrative to serve as a cautionary tale to Jon, in the same way that the Tarlys execution does in the show. 
So while things are rather clear in D*ny’s story line between her preferred dragon being black and green having negative connotations in her story as well as the Targareyen sigil being red on black, things aren’t quite as simple when it comes to Jon. 
Because on the surface, Jon has stronger connections to the colors black and grey, than he does to green. Grey is, of course, the predominant Stark color, the House Jon associates with and desperately wants to be a part of. Black, on the other hand, is, of course, the color of the Night’s Watch. Joining the Night’s watch is commonly referred to as “taking the black”. 
But thinking in terms of the Dance of Dragons, the assassination of Jon Snow becomes even more nuanced because Jon faces the greatest betrayal imaginable, delivered by his Black Brothers. This event will undoubtedly force Jon to shed the color black, just as he did in the show. On top of that, you can look at the conflict between Jon and the Night’s Watch as a precursor to his eventual conflict with D*ny. 
Also important to keep in mind that green is, generally, a color associated with spring, rebirth and, within the context of this story, with the magic of the old gods and the children of the forest, a magic Jon already has by virtue of him being a warg. In addition to that, he has already undergone an actual rebirth when he was brought back from the dead (or will do so in the books). 
In conclusion, it seems to me that the colors black and green are placed in opposition to each other in the series and tend to signal a war of cataclysmic proportions, much at the same scale as the War for the Dawn.
 Thanks for the ask!
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deztinywarriors · 7 years
ES Spectre 2.0 Chapter 22
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mechagalaxy · 5 years
Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184: Risky Business
(By Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184)
Risky Business
The war of `46 is not far off. Compared to the war of `45 we have 4 additional clans signed up, giving us a 10th division.
Before the warfare start, Nick`s Casino offers a wager. For a modest sum of 5 Niodes, if you can correctly guess all the winners you get a payback of 80 Niodes. And, even better, if you are involved in the war you automatically get a correct win in your division.
But who should you bet on? That is always a problem, but I can make some predictions. (However, be aware of the fact that my predictions tend to generate one or two misses)
First we take a look at the clans who have arrived to slug it out. Their Name: Counted average (two lowest not included) and specialists.
Division Lineups:
Div1 ..............................……Warlock: 396 - 10, 20, 70 ...........................…….Leviathan: 385 - 30, 70 .............…….Death's Collector's: 357 - 70, 1200 Brotherhood of Arcane Dragons: 320 - 30, 70, 1200
Warlock have won the last 10+ Clan wars, and none seem strong enough to challenge them, -yet.
Here the absolut favorites have to be: Warlock.
Possible first round Matchup:
Warlock - Death`s Collector`s
Leviathan - Brotherhood of Arcane Dragons
Div 2 ......….Spirit of Bunny: 280 - 10, 55, 70 …...Death's Brethren: 190 - 10, 70, 2600 ...Northwind Dragons: 195 - 70, 90, DR Smurf Heavy Cavalry: 185 - 70
Here one could be tempted to bet on the Spirit of Bunny as they have an average way above the competition. But in the war of `45 Northwind Dragons beat them handsomely,
Favorites: Northwind Dragons
Possible first round Matchup:
Spirit of Bunny - Northwind Dragons
Death`s Brethren - Smurf Heavy Cavallery
Div 3 ............….Avengers of Bunny: 185 - 10, 30, 70 .....…….M & L: Blood Wolves: 183 - 70, 1200, 1200 The Brotherhood-BlackWatch: 183 - 70, SR, DR .........…….Slaughter House 5: 181 - 70, DR, TR
The average of the clans are pretty close here, so it comes to what recent results the clans have had. BlackWatch have been reinforced since they won Div 4 last year, and seem to be a bit ahead here
Favorites: The Brotherhood-BlackWatch
Possible first round Matchup:
Avengers of Bunny - The Brotherhood BlackWatch
M&L Blood Wolves - Slaughter house 5
Div 4 ........................…...…….Black Star Knights: 179 - 20, 70, DR ....................................…...…..Star League: 176 - 30, 70, 1200 Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows: 155 - 70, DR, TR ...............……….Black Star Lycan Rangers: 159 - 40, 70
Black Star Lycan Rangers won Div 3 last war and have to be considered as the strongest team here.
Favorites: Black Star Lycan Rangers
Possible first round Matchup:
Black Star Knights - Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows
Star League - Black Star Lycan Rangers
Div 5 ..................……..Heroes: 158 - 30, 70, 90 .........……..Alpha Legion: 141 - 30, 70, DR ......…..Death's Revenge: 141 - 40, 70, Ice ........Guardians of Bunny: 133 - 20, 40, 70 ***Raging Vengeance***: 125 - 70, SR ......…….Heroes Support: 123 - 30, 70, SR ........…...Mad Scientist.7: 121 - 40, 40, 70 .................HF: Dragoons: 116 - 10, 70, DR
Heroes got a Silver in Div 4 last war and have a level advantage.
Favorites: Heroes
Probable first round Matchup:
Heroes - ***Raging Vengeance*** Alpha Legion - Heroes Support Death`s Revenge - Mad Scientist.7 Guardians of Bunny - HF: Dragoons
Div 6 ...............…….Death's Disturbed Asylum: 115 - 70, 1200, DR ..........................................……..Phoenix: 113 - 70, 80, DR M & L: Black Cats 13th Armored Division: 113 - 40, 70, 1200 ........………………...Defenders of Bunny: 104 - 70, SR, DR .......................……..Steampunk Dragons: 101 -20, 70 ................................……...Smurf Platoon: 102 - 70, 950, 1200 ....................…………...Emerald Dragons: ..96 - 40, 70 .............................……ARMORED CORE: .96 - 10, 20, 70
This is a pretty open event. Steampunk Dragons have traditionally taken the top prize. But Phoenix took Gold in div 5 last war and have a pretty good level advantage.
Favorites: Phoenix
Probable first round Matchup:
Death's Disturbed Asylum - Steampunk Dragons Phoenix - Smurf Platoon M & L: Black Cats 13th Armored Division - Emerald Dragons Defenders of Bunny - ARMORED CORE
Division 7 ...................………….Galaxy Rangers: 93 - 70 ...................………...Knights of Chaos: 91 - 70, DR .......................…….Black Star Bandits: 85 - 70, DR, Fire ..........……..Heroes Ranger Raccoons: 85 - 70 HF: 110th Cannon Company. 1st A. R.: 83 - 30, 70, 1200 ......................….M & L: NecroManiacs: 82 - 70, 950, TR ............................…...Death's Reapers: 80 - 70, DR .....................……Dinochrome Brigade: 79 - 70, Ice
The reigning champions are the Black Star Bandits, and even if they might be some levels behind some of the opponents, they should be strong enough to secure this.
Favorites: Black Star Bandits
Probable first round Matchup:
Galaxy Rangers - HF: 110th Cannon Company. 1st A. R. Knights of Chaos - M & L: NecroManiacs Black Star Bandits - Death's Reapers Heroes Ranger Raccoons - Dinochrome Brigade
Div 8 .........................................…...…….Ronins: 76 - 70, 950, 950 ............……….....Brigade of Patrol Smurfs: 73 - 70, DR The Brotherhood-1st Kearney Highlanders: 70 - 40, 70, 950 ..............…............……….UNDERWORLD: 70 - 70 .........................................…….Renegades: 68 - 30, 55, 70 ..........................……...today and tomorrow: 67 - 70 ......…..…...Mech Point Academy"Rangers": 61 - 70 ........................…..........….……...Behemoth: 59 - 20, 40, 70
Here we have another hard to predict division. Ronins got a Bronze in div 7 last war, while the Kearney Highlanders took Gold in div 8. Rooting for the reigning champions.
Favorites: The Brotherhood-1st Kearney Highlanders
Probable first round Matchup;
Ronins - Renegades Brigade of Patrol Smurfs - today and tomorrow The Brotherhood-1st Kearney Highlanders - Mech Point Academy"Rangers" UNDERWORLD - Behemoth
Div 9 ...Heroes Light Brigade: 58 - 30, 55, 70 **Raging Vengeance**: 53 - 70, DR ..........……..Major Steel: 46 - 20, 70, DR .......JC's Rowdy Bunch: 44 - 70, SR, SR ..Arctic Warfare Bandits: 44 - 20, 40, 70 .........……MurderMechs: 38 - 30, 70, 230 .....*Raging Vengeance*: 39 - 30, 70 ….....Indo Nusa Alliance: 26 - 70, 70
Another uncertain division. Heroes Light Brigade took a silver in div 8 last war while JC`s Bunch won div 9. Given that the Light Brigade have a serious level advantage they just might win this division.
Favorites: Heroes Light Brigade
Probable first round Matchup;
Heroes Light Brigade - Arctic Warfare Bandits **Raging Vengeance** - MurderMechs Major Steel - *Raging Vengeance* JC's Rowdy Bunch - Indo Nusa Alliance
Div 10 ..........…….All Welcome: 25 - 70 ............................Karma: 24 - 70 ......Insane Clown Posse: 24 - 70 *Raging Vengeance 2.0*: 20 - 70
This division is shrouded in mystery for me. If I were to hazard a guess I would pick Karma as they have a more even level distribution.
Favorites: Karma
Possible round 1 Matchup:
All Welcome - Insane Clown Posse Karma - *Raging Vengeance 2.0*
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