#damian thinks it's him (while acting like he doesn't care) bc jason was his big brother first
magicofrobin · 2 months
jason will admit to having a favourite sister (barbara) but he will not admit to having a favourite brother. that does not stop his brothers from trying to guess who it is.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
I am FREE from the shackles of anon now heres my brainrot
A Krypton survives au where there's this exchange thing for Earth's most influential get shipped off to an island with Krypton's most influential for a few months. The appeal comes to Bruce, because it was either him or Luthor, and they're curious not desperate. Bruce sends two of his boys, Tim and Damian, because look. LOOK. He loves them. He doesn't love them less than any of his kids, of course. But by GOD do they need a reality check and some exposure
Immediately he sends them (Tim's excited and slightly angry, Damian's like nine and upset that his father apparently doesn't want him) he feels a crushing sense of guilt like oh my God my babies. I left my babies to fend for themselves- Damian must think I hate him, Tim'll never come home again, they must hate me-
The rest of the kids are like dad come on they're not babies, Damian'll get over himself. They can take care of themselves- it's not like they'll die, Dad, they're just being dramatic, they'll be fine.
It's excruciating because in the beginning, Damian gives clipped responses on the mandated calls and finds any excuse to shorten them, and Tim just doesn't show up. He sends written reports as a form of contact. Second month and afterwards is worse because Bruce is lucky if he even gets a TEXT MESSAGE per week. He's a literal mess and counting down the days until they're back, because they don't SEEM mad at him any more and seem like they're having fun but it's hard to tell when they barely talk to him
They come back home and Bruce is spilling out apologies like I'm so sorry I'll never send you guys away again I love you I'M SORRY. They're like "We're fine, calm down. Also we made some friends that are staying with us for a while :)"
Enter Kon-El and Jon-El (ik they logically won't exist if they hadn't been raised on Earth but IMAGINE) like, "hey! Your home is lovely and your kids are awesome and incredibly entertaining. Also here's our dad, his name is Kal and he's our adult chaperone! Have fun!"
It's love at first sight. Jason despises that this alien guy that can't control his powers fully yet and could hurt his dad is suddenly encroaching on their space and flirting with is dad. Dick's only mildly upset that he hadn't come along and found himself a Kryptonian buddy because they seem incredibly fun
Bruce's attention is split between Clark (hot, kind, clumsy alien guy that's ALSO a single father) and Tim (used to being abandoned so isn't really upset, but is definitely pulling away) and Damian (Very Vocally upset but wants to be a Big Kid because Jon's a few months older and a bit taller so he's trying to act like his world isn't falling apart)
I love that Clark is more or less a camp counsellor for troubled kids. Like yeah it really be like that *throws damian a hundred feet in the skies bc Damian asked him nicely*
WHEEZE imagine clark being like, Tim? Oh bruce he cried everyday! No yeah he wanted to call you every night and just kinda walked away from the phone last minute. Multiple times a day, sometimes. We had a betting pool.
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bonerot19 · 5 months
What are your feelings about Lost Days? Specifically the ending?
Personally I think “I don’t care about the world” doesn’t seem at all accurate to Jason’s actions. Like def unreliable narrator vibes otherwise why is he continually making his life harder.
Also the pit rage thing, people say it’s not canon but def hinted at in LD. I dislike when it’s used to brush aside Jason’s very valid anger but otherwise no strong feelings on it, what about you?
lastly, any takes about Talia and Jason’s relationship? Not the.. ending.. bits.. but other than that? I just don’t think there’s good evidence (doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be interesting to explore in fanfics ofc) that their relationship is white or black. I think Talia’s an immensely complicated person who has to continually make impossible choices in very brutal manners because of the circumstances of who she is and who she loves. As a result, there’s no such thing as ‘good mom’ or ‘bad mom’ Talia. But yeah.
I'll preface this by saying I haven't read lost days in a long while (and actually completely forgot that I had read it one point until I was reading a fic and was like......OH! FAMILIAR!) it's on my reread list, so I remember the broad strokes but not specifics (memory of a goldfish) so I can't comment on the first question rn but I'll keep it in mind on my reread after finals!
as for the pit rage - I have a lot of thoughts:
I think it can be an interesting plot device to diverge from canon - like I think it's interesting when someone has the pit amplify emotions (and therefore make it "pit rage" for Jason because he is angry). I think, in that situation, it can be a cool representation of real life intrusive thoughts and rage.
I have rage issues and trouble controlling my emotions and, sometimes, when I'm really angry, I understand the phrase "seeing red" to a lowkey scary degree. and I like it when fictional universes have magical things that represent real life things. I don't think it takes away from the real life thing, I think it acts as a analogy, making it easier to understand.
does Jason need a magical rage problem to represent his very real rage and anger issues? no. is it maybe helpful/easier to express how angry he is when you can say he's seeing green? yeah.
I like it a lot less when it's used to negate his emotions entirely or explain away his actions. (there's a lot of bad canon writing that has Jason do OOC things, so I'm chill with explaining that stuff away or ignoring it entirely) but when it comes to his return to Gotham and UTRH, I think his autonomy should remain intact. he wasn't lashing out because he was "insane" he was lashing out (and constructing a criminal empire as a teenager lmao) because he was hurt and angry and, maybe, he wanted to watch the world burn, a little bit. he wanted other people to feel the pain he was feeling bc it was unbearable. that's what teenagers are like. (if comics would stop drawing him to look 47, maybe that would come across better)
anyway - like all fanon interpretations and expansions, there are things I like and things I don't and I think it all comes down to interpretation. and I wouldn't ever condemn someone or their writing for interpreting something in a way I disagree with (hell, the more I get back into this fandom and the more comics I read/reread, the more I disagree with some of the Red Hood stuff I have written. that's fine. we're all learning and growing here)
she's so precious to me and honestly a big reason I want to reread Lost Days. the poor woman has undergone so much character assassination in canon.
I completely agree that there is no "black and white" interpretation of her. she is complex (even when canon doesn't want her to be). she is a product of her environment, she is rebelling against her upbringing. she loves Damian, she does bad things to him sometimes. she is constantly stuck between a rock and a hard place.
with Jason, I do understand why people say her relationship with him is purely transactional (she does what she does for him for Bruce not Jason) and they're probably right. BUT I really like the interpretation of Talia that cares about him. I like the idea that she did try to restore his mind and train him in order to return him to Bruce, but that she grew attached and came to care about him (maybe/probably not as a mother, but as a mentor and perhaps cool, if emotionally distant, aunt)
I do enjoy fics where people write Talia as caring about Jason like a son, that's fun for me. give him a mom. (I do prefer giving him Selina or Natalia but like, any mom that isn't Sheila will do atp)
(and yeah idk, do what you want, but Talia and Jason fucking didn't happen in My Brain. I read that and went oh, no. lol. and never looked back)
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