#dale really feels he doesn't belong anywhere... :(
industryhbo · 1 year
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Could I please order a number 5 with Thomas, extra smooches? I just love the thought of a smol s/o beating the shit out of someone for this huge mountain of a man-
 Of course, I would fight most anyone for these men and I am always down to give Tommy boy more loving. I guess he’s a fan favorite right now. So I'm gonna make Thomas younger. In the movie I think he's 30 but I'm gonna make him 19 which puts this in the 50's. I'm setting this back in time because some other guys in town would be making fun of him and you'd be the one to stand up for him. I hope that makes sense. Anyway here's a protective reader and loves of kisses after for you my dear friend.
Warnings: Violence, strong language, blood
Thomas had the day off and you knew you wanted to spend it with him. You two became friends as kids and started dating when you were 15. Your parents never approved of you loving him on account of his facial deformities and the fact everyone thinks he's a bit slow. The boy just can't talk, doesn't mean he isn't smart. You packed up some food for the two of you and took him out to this lovely little park no one usually goes to. Thomas doesn't like being around a lot of people and you don't push it. The most you'll do is take him into town for a little bit while you run into a store.
You set up a blanket, put out the food and popped open some sodas for the two of you. People always give him weird looks for his mask but you could care less about what he wears. Sure he’s a huge man but he’s real sweet if you get to know him. Despite what most of his family’s like. “So Tommy my daddy went out to New York for a trip and he brought me back these sweet pair of shoes and some sweet pants. They’re this lovely purple color and I can’t wait to wear them out in town. He talked all about the big buildings and the busy streets. Oh and there’s this underground train that goes all over the state and take you places. It’s so neat.” Thomas has a smile on his face as he listens to you talk about his trip. He loves hearing your voice. 
“Would you wanna go there some day? I can take ya. Daddy said there’s all kinds of people there. There’s this part of it called Chinatown full of Chinese people. He saw people with bright pink hair and tattoos and I’m sure no one would bat an eye if they saw you. You’ll fit right in.” You take a sip of your soda and Thomas thinks for a bit. As long as he comes back home he’ll go anywhere with you. He nods and your smile grows. “Oh that’s wonderful to hear. I’m sure you’d love to see the world, but I promise we’ll always come back. I know how important home is to you.” He nods and writes something down in a journal he brought with him. He often writes things on paper if he has something to say to you. ‘Home is very important’ it says. 
“Of course Tommy. But as long as you’re with me I’ll be at home.” You grab his hand and give it a good squeeze. The moment is broken up when you hear a truck pull up. You look over and see trouble. Danny, Oliver and Dale hop out. These guy are trouble. You and Thomas stand up and Danny has a wicked looking smile on his face. 
“Guess the freak shows in town this week boys.” His friends laugh and you cross your arms. 
“How about you beat it Danny. We don’t want some spoiled brat to ruin our day.” Tommy is getting nervous. You give him a ‘I can handle it look’ and go back to Danny. 
“Wow the little freaks toy wants to talk shit? I know you don’t have the guts to back up that tough talkin.” He takes a step towards you, you take one towards him. 
“His name is Thomas. Maybe if you took a bath once in awhile you’d be able to hear me. If anyone’s a freak here it’s you.” His smile only grows and you can tell he’s really enjoying himself. 
“That thing shouldn’t have a name. It belongs dead on the table in the slaughter house it works at. You morons should leave town and save everyone some trouble.” You feel rage bubble in your chest. 
“We’ll leave when you stop fucking your sister. Everyone can hear you at night pumping away. Oh and let me tell you she says I’m way better in bed then you ever were.” Danny’s face goes red and he punches you straight in the nose. You stumble back a bit and feel warm blood pour out. You see the smug look on his face and you’ve had it. You jump on top of him and the two of you exchange blows on the ground. Small rocks and broken glass tear at your body while you try to pin him down. He hits your face and chest over and over and you hit him back. You get him good in the eye and on the lip. The last blow comes from you when you hit his jaw so hard a tooth is knocked loose. 
You get off of him, your face and body bloody and bruised. Blood is pouring out of his mouth and you see the tooth laying on the ground. Thomas quickly rushes over to you and checks your body. God he’s so worried about you. You watch as he stands up staggering. Dale and Oliver help him up, boy is he pissed. “You’re gonna pay for this you fucker!” He shouts at you. 
“Just go ahead and leave before you get your shit rocked again mother fucker.” You nose is still bleeding and your cheek is busted. Thomas holds you close to him as the three of them get back in the truck and leave. Oliver flips you off as they drive away. Once their gone Thomas turns to look at you again. “I’ll be fine we just gotta clean me up. Let’s go back to your house ok?” He nods. You stand on your toes and give him a kiss on the cheek of his mask. You clean up the picnic and put a cloth you brought to your nose. You can feel it start to swell. Once you get back to the house Thomas takes you straight to his room and looks over you again. He plants kisses all over your face and hands, making you notice your bloodied knuckles. “I got him good huh Tommy. That’ll teach him to mess with people.” 
He fetches a bowl of water, a rag and some medical wrap. He cleans up your cuts and wounds and wraps them up. Once your hands are wrapped up he kisses them all over again. “Tommy look at me please.” He looks up at you and you cup his face. you start to give him kisses all over his forehead and cheeks and a few on his leather lips. He sits on his bed and moves you on his lap. You cuddle into him and he lays down, you resting on top of him. All the pain washes away as you lay their with you amazing boyfriend
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thewhiteladyofrohan · 3 years
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series masterlist / add yourself to my taglist
Character’s name: Heidi (hi-dee), daughter of Bain.
Meaning of name: nobility, or of noble birth.
Birthdate: December 31, TA 2956. The story takes place when she is 20 years old, in the year TA 2976.
Height: 5 ft and 4 in, or about 163 cm.
Body: She has an angular, dainty body, and her face is heart-shaped with a widow’s peak. She has lovely, dark-chocolate brown eyes and her skin tone is sandy beige with a cool pink undertone. She has a small mole on the underside of her chin along with one at the right crease of her nose. Her smooth, straight, black hair reaches a little way past her shoulder blades. She prefers to keep it in a simple braid down her back but doesn’t mind styling it for formal events. Heidi usually doesn’t wear jewelry, but you can always see her wearing a pair of simple pearl-drop earrings.
Greatest fear: Her greatest fear would have to be feeling trapped. She hates feeling as if dinner parties and dressing up is all she is meant to do.
If granted one wish, it would be: If Heidi was granted one wish, she would want to travel to anywhere in Middle Earth, but mostly to the kingdom of Rohan. She loves to hear the stories of horse-lords and how they travel on their powerful steeds to long distances; she wishes she could be as free as them.
Current location: She currently lives in Dale along with her father, Bain, and her older brother, Brand. Bain is the king of Dale which makes Heidi a princess.
Favorite color: Emerald green and bright yellow.
Favorite literature: I feel like Heidi would really enjoy something romantic like Pride and Prejudice but also something as adventurous as Percy Jackson.
Most prized possession: The pair of pearl drop earrings that used to belong to her mother. Those earrings are a family heirloom.
Hobbies: She likes to read books and ride her horse.
Optimist or pessimist? She's usually an optimist but people mistake it for innocence.
Introvert or extrovert? She is introverted with people she doesn't know but opens up easily to those who are closest to her. However, she knows how to hold a conversation when diplomats from other kingdoms come to visit.
Daredevil or cautious? She is usually cautious, though she wishes she could be a little braver.
Closest companion: She can always depend on her handmaiden, Marte (Mar-tah), but if she is not around, Heidi can be seen with her horse, a black stallion named “Beau” (pronounced “bow”).
*There are some differences between this story and the original one that takes place in The Hobbit. In this story, Smaug is slain the first time he comes to Erebor, meaning there is no quest to retake The Lonely Mountain. Smaug is slain by Bard. Although Bard was Bain's father in the original story, in this version Bard is his ancestor from almost 400 years ago. I’m basing this off of facts from the book and spinning it a little.*
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