#daichi's last words were telling him ''I'm sorry'' before he exploded
otomiyaa · 4 months
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Sugawara x Ticklish Reader
Romantic + 06. "Could you... do that to me?" Requested by @carrie-tate for my 1K Followers Event 🌻
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Dating Sugawara was quite something. You only met him after he graduated from Karasuno High School, but from regular reunions and hangouts with his friends from his volleyball days, you knew he was the friendly senpai back then.
"Sehehenpai noooo! Gaaaahh!" You watched how the lively Hinata Shouyou ran around the park, chased by Suga who eventually caught him around his middle. Pulling him down in the grass, he then started to tickle Hinata mercilessly.
"Woah...." you mumbled, watching them. You weren't together that long yet and there were many things to discover. Still, seeing him behave like a tickle monster was something you never could've imagined. To you, he was more the gentle massage-type of guy.
"Yeah, haha," Daichi laughed, shaking his head.
"Hasn't changed at all," Asahi said.
"What, you think that graduating would stop me from doing this?" Suga with excellent hearing called out despite Hinata's hysterical cackles.
"SPAHAHARE MEEEE!" He was so dramatic, but you couldn't blame him. Your eyes were glued to Suga's fingers. The way they made an entire musical out of tiny Hinata with just little effort was just magical.
Only when Hinata could barely breathe or speak, Suga returned to your side and let you snuggle against him while you enjoyed the picnic.
Meanwhile, you couldn't stop thinking....
"Are you okay? You've been a little absent."
Oh. Before you knew it, it was already a few hours since the hangout ended, and you were at your place with Suga next to you on the couch.
True, you couldn't stop thinking about playful Suga. With you he was still very gentle and caring. You felt like you were ready for the more playful kind of relationship, but how to say it without making a fool of yourself?
"U-uh, well... I was thinking... T-this afternoon," you started, and you struggled to find the right words.
"Oh no, were you too bored? Or were my friends rude to you? I'm so sorry! I should've been more careful," Suga immediately apologized.
You quickly shook your head. "No, not at all! Just... T-the thing you did uh... To Hinata..." You fiddled with your fingers, and somehow from the look on his face, you had an idea that Suga was starting to understand you already. You were that nervous and flustered after all.
"What about it...?" Suga asked when you paused for too long. You shut your eyes and covered them with your hands too, hiding yourself completely.
"C-could eh... Could you... do that to me?" you said in a soft voice.
"....." The silence really made you want to explode!!!
"I m-m-mean n-never mind, forget what I said!" you squeaked, but suddenly you felt two hands on your sides and you tensed up instantly.
"You mean, this?" Suga carefully brushed his fingers against your sides, and you felt a giggle almost make its escape. When you only trembled slightly but didn't protest, he started to tickle you more, his fingers wiggling gently against your sides.
With your hands still covering your eyes, you felt how you started to giggle and you fell against him.
"Did you want that? If I misunderstand, please tell me," Suga said and he kissed your head. Meanwhile his fingers were now tickling you with a little more pressure, dancing playfully up and down your sides and scribbling all over your stomach.
At last you dared to move your hands down, or well, were actually forced to because you were that ticklish.
"Hehehe! Yehehes!" you laughed, squirming against him. Suga chuckled.
"Yes, you want it? Or Yes, I misunderstand?" Probably from your body language and reactions he already figured out the answer, but he still needed to tease you by making you say it.
You shook your head and continued laughing.
"No? What is it now?" Suga asked in fake confusion. You gasped when he pulled you on his lap. He playfully tickled your tummy, causing you to squirm and dance on top of him.
"Eeeehehhee! Wahah- It tihihickles!" you laughed, arching your back and almost sliding off him.
"It tickles? Really?" He grabbed you under your arms to pull you back, and immediately found out how ticklish your armpits were.
"AAHahack! Wahahhah!" Your laughter was now louder than before, especially when he finally positioned you back on the couch and climbed on top of you. In that position, he tested the sensitivity of your armpits some more.
"Hehehehe! Ahahah!" You sensed that he was still holding back compared to how he would tickle Hinata or his other friends, but still, you were happy you could be playful like this together and enjoyed the way he dared to tease you.
Eventually he stopped and held you in his arms while you caught your breath.
"I'm glad you asked," he said, and you rested comfortably against him.
"Hmm?" You glanced curiously at him, and saw the bright smile on his face.
"I've been wanting to tickle you like this, but just wasn't sure whether I could."
Ah, he was so kind. Today during the hangout with his friends, you learned he could be very energetic and playful with the guys, but with you he was just being extra careful.
"No need to hold yourself back with me," you told him with a smile.
His gentle smile turned into a smirk, and you gulped. "Really? Well thank you for letting me know~!" And before you could say another thing, he was tickling you again. Still the way more gentle version, but definitely a little more merciless than just now.
"Wahahahait- I wahahasn't- nahahaha!"
You had barely recovered from the first tickle attack and were now laughing more and louder as you suffered from his second attack. Hehe, that was definitely already more like it!!
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