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oc interview meme~
The rules: Answer the following questions as your OC of choice.
I chose Ari. The thing is, Ari hates talking to reporters -- if you hit on the right topic you might get an impassioned rant out of him (see: that scene in ME2 where Shepard starts listing all the ships that went down at the battle of the Citadel), but generally he’s pretty tight-lipped and brusquely Professional. So for this meme I sorta imagined him in like a semi-formal environment where he’d be more comfortable, like maybe if one of his friends was interviewing him or something... I’ve put too much thought into this, whatever!!
1. What’s your name?
Ari Shepard.
2. Do you know why you are called that?
I never got the opportunity to ask.
3. Are you single or taken?
Pretty sure it’s common knowledge that I’m married. The krogan guests at the wedding wanted to eat the reporters, but my husband said no.
4. Have any abilities or powers?
I used to run into stuff really hard for a living. Not sure how much of a talent that counts as, but they keep putting me in the news vids anyway.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
Hey, Kaidan told me about that while we were watching Star Trek once! Really not sure I count, though. I’m just some guy. And not fictional.
6. What’s your eye color?
7. How about your hair color?
Blond. Well, black. Usually somewhere in-between that.
8. Have any family members?
Sure, lots. My semi-successful diplomacy career did very little to prepare me for family reunions at the Alenko commune.
9. Oh? How about any pets?
We have a dog. Laika. Her adoption papers told me she’s the goodest girl in the whole galaxy. She’s a purebreed, I--we needed a dog with a certain temperament, you know, they’re very carefully vetted. But she’s not spoiled. OK, I can feel my husband rolling his eyes at me: she’s spoiled. But only because she’s earned it. Kaidan named her.
I have a lot of fish, too. They’re more high-maintenance than the dog, believe it or not.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.
Uh, sitcoms. People on public transit who look at me funny. Reporters, especially if they try to bug me when I’m with my kids. Seriously, cut that [redacted] out. Distance. Uh, politicians--heh. I could go on.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
You know, I’m an alright cook. I make a mean pot of soup. Yukagejang is a big comfort food in my house--it’s an old recipe. I usually make a big pot for the kids if Kaidan has to go away on business, but then he’s sad because he doesn’t get to have any. Heh. I grow a lot of the vegetables myself, too.
I have a music collection, too. Physical media. Very old-fashioned, but I lost a lot of my files some years back, and some of that stuff I was never able to find again! That haunts me. There was this one Batarian band... anyway, I’ve been hesitant to add more to it because our home is slowly being overrun by a frankly unsustainable number of kids.
(Editor’s note: Commander Shepard and General Alenko have two children.)
12. Have you hurt anyone in any way before?
I beat Garrus at a sniping contest once. I don’t think he’s ever forgiven me for that.
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
I feel like answering this would violate some sort of military doctrine or Council non-disclosure clause. I really don’t need the Spectres after me - I’m married to one, and that’s bad enough.
14. What kind of animal are you?
Well, my name means “lion.” I’ve never given that one much thought, but the recruitment posters got a lot of mileage out of it.
Something I heard a lot during the Reaper War, and the aftermath, was that people felt like caged rats. Or their culture’s equivalent. That the Reapers were treating us like filthy little vermin to experiment on and then exterminate. But, you know, I’m from New York, so I’ve always known that rats are mean little [redacted] and that they can absolutely bite back.
15. Name your worst habits?
...I’ve been a smoker most of my life, so I guess my worst habit is that I’m too damn persistent to give up on anything.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Well, my husband is the only human Spectre. Pretty cool gig, right? Very inspiring of him.
...I think Captain Anderson was the first person whose respect I honestly wanted to earn. That was near twenty years ago, and... that hasn’t changed.
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
I’m gay. If you’re trying to ask me out, formal inquires can be sent to General Kaidan Alenko, c/o the Garneau Academy of Biotics, Vancouver--
Kiddos, if you’re reading this ten years from now, that was a joke. Also, don’t you have anything better to do than read old interviews about your dad? Finish your homework.
18. Do you go to school?
I’m self-taught with most things. That sounds more respectable than a straight “no,” doesn’t it? I guess this is where I would I say I went to the school of hard knocks, if I was someone who wasn’t funny. Got some pretty remedial tutoring when I joined the Alliance, but that’s about it, unless you count ICT -- which, actually, yeah, I think ICT should count.
19. Ever want to marry and have any kids one day?
I already did. Didn’t think I would, honestly, but here I am. Life takes you weirder places than you’re even capable of imagining.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
There’ve been a few. I appreciate the sentiment, but... heh, actually, no, I don’t.
21. What are you most afraid of?
I think the benefit of having survived a major war is that we have the option to not let fear run our lives anymore. That being said, I’m afraid of the usual mundane stuff. I don’t think it’s very interesting to hash out.
22. What do you usually wear?
I think I dress pretty practically. Durable clothing is great if you’re in the military or are just being assaulted by two toddlers daily. And if you buy everything in monochrome it always matches... Kaidan’s mom really hates that.
23. What one food tempts you?
Anything spicy. Spicy noodles. There’s this great noodle stand on the Citadel we still eat at, but they’re not paying me for an endorsement and I don’t want people crowding me out, so you can figure out the name yourself. It’s the ultimate hangover cure. Not that I would know.
24. Am I annoying you?
Yes, but luckily I’m too polite to say anything.
25. Well, it’s still not over!
I’ve got a hungry dog at home, you know. And two children.
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
I spent the first part of my life totally penniless, so it’s weird to say I’m towards the higher end now. It is something I try to be mindful and make good use of... it’s just nice not to have to worry about feeding or clothing my kids. Beyond that, a lot of it goes to various charitable causes. And, well, my husband’s hair gel budget.
27. How many friends do you have?
Too damn many, honestly. You ever tried hosting a party for dozens of people with dextro/levo options, biotic-proof furniture, and enough room for multiple krogan? It’s not easy!
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
You haven’t lived until you’ve tried Mom’s--Kaidan’s mom’s--apple pie. But luckily I married her son and not you.
29. Favourite drink?
Coffee and red wine. Water. Whiskey isn’t bad either.
30. What’s your favorite place?
I’m boring now, so I’ve come to appreciate quiet places and being alone. Well, alone with my family, but they don’t count.
31. Are you interested in anyone?
I would not voluntarily wear a three-piece tuxedo and invite a bunch of people to gawk at me telling a guy I love him unless I was really, really interested.
32. That was a stupid question…
Just a bit, yeah.
33. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
There’s something about lakes that still kind of skeeve me out. I’m a city boy, so I always feel like I’m going to step on a leech or something. The ocean is nice, though, I grew up on the water. You couldn’t swim in it unless you wanted radiation poisoning, of course, but it was nice to look at. The beaches here on the west coast are pretty fun and not majorly toxic as far as I’m aware.
34. What’s your type?
I guess I’ve always dug the tall dark and handsome thing. Don’t tell Kaidan that, he’s obnoxious enough already.
35. Any fetishes?
Nothing I could talk about in an article my kids might read one day while avoiding their homework.
36. Camping indoors or outdoors?
I don’t think camping “indoors” is really a thing. That’s just staying in a house. Come on, don’t say you’re going camping if you’re going to be a lazy [redacted] about it.
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“People Need to Realize That Having Credit Cards Does NOT Equate to Being in Debt!”
Welcome to the next installment of our interview series where folks share their thoughts about Big Travel with Small Money!
Miles & Points Interview: The Sterling Traveler
Adam blogs The Sterling Traveler to teach others how to “travel inexpensively without going cheap.” You can check him out on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram.
Touring the Hudson River
How and when did you start collecting miles and points?
Traveling has always been a part of my life. I don’t actually recall my first flight, but I know the thrill of flying became something I looked forward to. The idea of flying around the world, exploring new places, taking in the culture, the food, and the sights, has become a passion of mine.
In my mid-20’s I had an opportunity to travel Italy. It was my first solo trip, and I was excited! It was this trip that cemented the need for more adventures in my life. I had officially been bitten by the travel bug. The only thing holding me back was the expense!
I have always been financially aware, ever since obtaining my first credit card at 18 years old. The responsibility of maintaining my credit was important, as was the ability to get to explore the world I so longed to see. By learning to earn miles & points, I found the perfect recipe.
People often ask me about how I collect my points and miles, but I feel that the terms “collect” holds meaning different than what I am actually doing. I prefer to say I earn, and most importantly use, my points and miles! Learning how to earn rewards wasn’t as difficult as some may think.
About 5 years ago, I heard about the potential to get points and fly for less, and it intrigued me. I started reading blogs about others who were doing exactly what I wanted to do. These blogs taught me how to utilize my cards to gain the most rewards. I was instantly hooked, and have been earning my miles and points on everything I buy!
From the Top of The Phoenician in Scottsdale, Arizona
Why did you start your blog? What’s special about it?
Traveling is not just the experience of going somewhere – it is the ability to gain knowledge of new and familiar places and cultures. And to share those experiences with people I care about.
After one of my adventures, I met up with my dad to share some of my experiences. After recounting a story, my dad asked: “How did you manage to do all that without paying a ton of money?”
It was then that I told him about the credit cards that were allowing me to travel without the stress of breaking the bank. As I spoke about this, I realized how earning miles & points had become a passion of mine!
Not long after that conversation, my dad applied for many of the same cards I had. He began accumulating his own miles and points and after his first trip (paid entirely by points!) said that I should share this knowledge with more people. I realized he was right! Even though I understood the hobby, many others did not. So I decided to create my own blog to help simplify the process and help others to understand.
In the original days of air travel, passengers traveled in luxury. Due to the changes over the years, travel has become more economical than luxurious. I believe you can still travel in an upscale manner, without breaking the bank.
Viva Las Vegas
In my blog I share how I’ve maintained upscale travel in an affordable way! It’s more than just a reference for how to get points and miles, or a typical guide to places I have seen or done. I try to weave those together, and share my experiences about traveling while incorporating tips and ideas for all travelers.
What’s the one single thing people can do to get more miles?
Credit cards are obviously what most people use to earn more miles. While I don’t feel like there is 1 perfect credit card for everyone, people should embrace using a credit card as much as possible. Even 1% cash back is better than 0% – as long as you pay off your bills in full every month!
People need to realize that having credit cards does not equate to being in debt!
What’s your most memorable travel experience?
Every trip holds a special memory for me. But I’d have to say that my most memorable travel experience was my first trip to Italy. This was my first trip on my own, and I traveled solo. I learned so much about myself and experienced many incredible moments while I was there.
I got out of my comfort zone. I was nervous to be on my own, and anxious for what might happen. It ended up being the most amazing trip of my life.
It is true what people say, the food in Italy is hands down the best you’ll ever have! This trip was all I needed to develop my passion, and I haven’t stopped traveling since!
What do your family and friends think of your miles & points hobby?
This question really depends on which family member you ask. As I mentioned above, my dad has followed me “down the rabbit hole” and embraced using credit cards. I also have some good friends who have taken on this adventure, and it’s great to have them to bounce ideas and thoughts off of.
Many friends think it is incredible what I have been able to accomplish, but they are hesitant to get started themselves. I also have a few family members that think I’m crazy (and think I’m the only one doing this!) or are intimidated by it all.
Eating Lobster in Nova Scotia
Regardless, they all support me and are genuinely intrigued and curious about my travels. It has even gotten to the point where some will hand me cash without asking when the dinner bill gets dropped off at our table, just so I can put the entire meal on a credit card. Nothing beats free points!
Is there any tool or trick which you’ve found especially useful in this hobby?
It is absolutely essential to know where your points are and how many you have. Because most of us have accounts with many different airlines and hotels.
I can’t live without Award Wallet! It makes managing my miles & points effortless. I am able to save so much time each week, and feel less stressed because Award Wallet does all the work for me.
What was the least expected way you’ve earned miles or points?
I typically don’t seek out restaurants that participate in dining programs, but I do add all of the credit cards I might use to my dining program accounts.
It’s always a pleasant surprise when I’m notified several days later that I earned miles just by eating out with my friends. Not only is it completely unexpected, but it’s one of the easiest ways to earn rewards!
What do you now know about collecting miles and points which you wish you knew when you started out?
Networking! I really did not have any idea just how important it is! There are some truly amazing individuals that have a wealth of knowledge. Like tips and tricks to enhance, increase, or improve your travel experiences and mileage gains!
I have found that people are usually eager to share what they’ve gotten away with. Just make sure you give back and have some things to share as well. The holiday spirit lasts all year long, not just in December!
At a Miles & Points Conference With Elana (From Giddy for Points) and Jon Khoo
Other than that, I honestly had no idea the breadth of knowledge that can be learned about each loyalty program. Many programs are complex, but the basics are all pretty much all the same. Don’t be intimidated – if you aren’t sure, reach out for guidance!
What would your readers be surprised to know about you?
I like meeting my blog’s readers and fellow miles & points hobbyists, near and far. Locally, I co-host a meetup every other month with a fellow travel blogger. I always share it on my Facebook page, so make sure you “like” it and sign up for my newsletter.
Any parting words?
Traveling is a passion of mine, and I want nothing more than to share that passion with others. I love showing people how they can travel, no matter their budget or life situation.
Traveling well is not as expensive or difficult as most people think. It just takes creativity. There is so much to do and see, even if you are on a budget or time constraint. Sometimes a staycation or a weekend getaway is the best vacation you can take! You just have to do it!
Adam – Thanks for sharing your thoughts on having Big Travel with Small Money!
If you’d like to be considered for our interview series, please send me a note!
Travel “People Need to Realize That Having Credit Cards Does NOT Equate to Being in Debt!” http://ift.tt/2qYspx5 via Million Mile Secrets http://ift.tt/2tm8bww
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