#dáinn 'jaws' jacobsen
homicidal-slvt · 1 year
"Life Can Be Beautiful"
Part 2
Alec 'Everest' Amanzi x F!Reader x Aiden 'Vortex' Dunbar
Warnings: Unrealistic, Fluff, OCs x Reader, Love Triangle, Slight Angst, Injury, Violence, Death (No main characters die)
You were struggling to get the hang of a certain device, it kept crackling and popping and you couldn't get signal and nothing was working.
Groaning your eyes landed on Jaws who the whole time was just watching you with an extremely unimpressed expression- letting you struggle and offering no help.
"Are you serious-? What am I supposed to do with this thing?"
Over time you learned you don't have to fear the man, even sometimes sassing him which earned an intense stare down. He doesn't really speak much either.
He let out a low sigh and came towards you which made you freeze up like a deer caught in headlights- this is it. This is how you die.
He snatched the small device from your hands and demonstrated how to use it- oh... Oh he's actually helping you?
"Like this, Rookie."
His voice is deep with a lot of gravel to it, low and rumbling like the oceans depths. Eyes boring into you as he handed it back.
"Just don't fuck it up again."
And he's back to normal.... Walking off leaving you to yourself.
You were trudging through the woods close behind Vortex, occasionally hitting your head on some tree limbs and shuffling through bushes.
"Right up here!"
He called out and next thing you knew you were stood beside him up on a cliff, the view was absolutely stunning. You could see for miles from up here, the trees and even a lake out in the distance.
He was right... This was worth it.
He seated himself near the edge and patted the spot beside him, urging you to rest as well and just listen to the sound of the breeze.
After a few moments the silence was broken.
"Do you know why I really brought you here?"
He glanced over towards you while leaning back slightly, it was hard not to notice how the sun cast a beautiful glow along his skin, muscles flexing slightly as his palms flattened against the ground.
"Because I see how stressed you are all the time... Trust me- I get it but... You only live once. Sometimes we need to just get out and enjoy things."
Eyes settling back onto the horizon.
"It's easy to let it all wrap you up and bury you... But life can be beautiful too and you don't want to miss it. I could go at any moment- especially in this line of work so... I experience everything while I can."
You stared off into the distance listening to him as he spoke, he's not entirely wrong in the slightest. Life is beautiful...
Drowning in the pits of it all wasn't an option. He wanted to show you that you don't have to struggle all the time worrying about tomorrow. It's okay to let go.
He's so vibrant it's like drowning in sunshine whenever you're near him. He knows what it's like to struggle... It's okay. It will be okay.
He looked to you again and suddenly a burst of laughter from him startled you slightly.
"Sorry sorry.... It's just uh... You have a leaf in your hair."
He raised his hand and motioned towards your hair, making no moves to get any closer until he got your okay.
"May I?"
With your permission he shuffled over to you and began carefully untangling the leaf from your hair. He was so close now you could truly admire his face, the way his freckles decorated his skin like stars in the night sky.
There was even a small scar at the edge of his bottom lip you hadn't noticed before. Those green eyes of his were so- focused right now. He was trying really hard to not pull your hair.
Suddenly his gaze met yours rather than what he had been doing, seeming to acknowledge how close he was he moved back.
Flashing a bright smile he waved the leaf in front of your face in victory.
"Got it!!!"
"Thank you."
You couldn't help but chuckle a bit... Though... Why did you enjoy having him so close?
Why did you want him to be near you like that again?
Alone with Everest with the distant sound of gun fire, you could still feel the burn on your skin from nearly getting blasted by a grenade.
Your back pressed to the wall you sucked in a few deep breaths, keeping it steady and staying focused. It was muffled background noise hearing Everest trying desperately to call in to Vortex.
Please answer.
A soft sigh as you relaxed into him- it strangely didn't feel abnormal to be close to the giant of a man. He let out a low and soft hum and fidgeted with his radio.
Eyes glancing over you- your gaze lifted to meet his. It was incredible how a man so gentle and warm could be so dangerous.
His boots were stained crimson- you first hand got a view of him ruthlessly stomping a guy's face in. The weight and strength of him rendering the man to nothing... Unrecognizable crushed flesh.
Built like a mountain- sturdy and unmoving. Serene yet brutal. He can both be the one to shield you from all danger and the one who crushes any who test him beneath his feet.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
Soft towards you though... Luring you into his warmth.
"I will be."
A quiet chuckle escaped you and he simply shook his head. Your thoughts traced back to Vortex and how you all had been separated earlier... Hopefully him, Grace and Jaws were okay.
'Life can be beautiful too.'
{Yes I'm forcing y'all to interact with Jaws as well. He will be your friend whether he likes it or not LMAO}
{@sofasoap @scar-crossedlvrs @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @blingblong55 @a-world-with0ut-dr34ms }
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homicidal-slvt · 11 months
OC Incorrect Quote
Grace: There are three kinds of people... Allow me to demonstrate- THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!
*Everest grabs Saint getting up onto the couch*
*Plague shoves Vortex off the table*
*Jaws just stands there watching all this happen while drinking his coffee*
Bug: Ah... I see.
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
OC Incorrect Quotes
Vortex: Hey.... If we were in a zombie apocalypse and I became a zombie would you kill me?
Grace: Aw... Babe no. I'd let you bite me so we could be zombies together.
Jaws: That's fucking stupid. I'd shoot your head off in an instant- you would not survive.
Grace: Don't kill anyone on accident while I'm gone.
Plague: I'm not fucking stupid. I know how to kill someone on purpose.
Everest: My family is great.
Grace: My family disowned me.
Vortex: My family is a bunch of religious fanatic shit heads.
Saint: My family heavily abused me.
Plague: My families dead.
Everyone: .....
Everest: Do you guys like... Want therapy?
Vortex: Hey, Plague... No offense but uh... By any chance are you the reason why your families dead?
Plague: ....
Vortex: .....
Plague: ....
Vortex, fearfully: Plague-?
Plague: I guess you'll never know.
Saint: ....
Jaws: ....
Saint: How did you get covered in glitter...?
Jaws: I don't want to talk about it but I'm going to crush a certain someone's head like a pumpkin once I find them.
*Earlier Vortex unleashed a glitter bomb on Jaws*
Slip: There's only two of us...
Jaws: Yep.
Slip: And... You want to play spin the bottle?
Jaws: Yes.
Slip: .... There's only two of us though.
Jaws: Exactly.
Everest: I took a nap and woke up covered in tinsel and Christmas lights. Anyone care to explain?
Saint: Well... It's been a long time since I had a Christmas tree and you're tall and Vortex insisted so I let him-
Everest, standing up and being very still: Say no more. Decorate me.
Saint: W-What?
Everest: You are getting a Christmas tree even if I have to be it. I will be beautiful. Light me up, Vortex.
Vortex, giddily plugging in the lights: Got it!
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
My OCS reactions if Reader (AKA Bug) asked them the "Would you still love me if I was a worm?" Question.
Bug: Would you still love me if I was a worm?
Everest, setting his book down: Of course. I'd take great care of you too and find a way to turn you back into a person.
Bug: Would you still love me if I was a worm?
Vortex, dropping whatever he was doing: Are you kidding??? Of course I would! In fact I'd get turned into a worm too just so we could be worms together!
Bug: Would you still love me if I was a worm?
Jaws, trying to work: No. Now stop asking me stupid questions and focus.
Bug: Would you still love me if I was a worm?
Grace, tired and on her third cup of coffee: .... Dear, I have no earthly idea why you're asking me this but the answer is yes.
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
I'm going to ramble about my oc real quick because I can.
Jaws used to be gentle, he used to know how to care in a softer way.
He doesn't anymore. After so much hell eventually he forgot how.
After everything his touch is cold and calloused, words always distant as he put up walls that reach the heavens.
He doesn't know how to be gentle. He gave up on that a long time ago.
He's not warm or sweet or the one you come to when you need a soft hug or comforting words.
He cares but at a distance. Don't get too close.
He's changed.
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
"Rookie Mistake"
Jaws & Everest
Warnings: Violence, Angst, Hurt + Rescue
He sucked in yet another breath as he trudged on, some form of metal jammed into his side and blood caking his clothes. Forcing himself to not think about it.
He surveyed the surrounding area, broken bodies littered the ground like nothing more than discarded tissues. The air hung heavy with smoke and the weight of what happened.
Slip, Everest and Viper.
He hadn't the faintest clue where any of them were and every attempt at contact had been met with an empty silence. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't worried.
Slip... She got her name for a reason. She can get out of anything- certainly...
Everest is strong and determined... Definitely no slow leak either.
Viper is talented and never strays- she's loyal too. She'll find a way.
Finally his radio crackled to life with a familiar smooth voice- Viper.
They had found his location. How? He didn't know exactly.
His wrists painfully bound and face bloodied from being hit, angered Russian murmurs floating around the room. Head tilting back he simply spat out some blood, rage swirling in those deep blues.
Then he felt his heart stop in his chest, the men left the room with heavy footsteps. His eyes settling on the ginger haired woman before him- dark alluring green eyes on his face.
A deceptively soft and almost pitying expression, a sigh escaping her lips and arms crossing over her chest.
"Viper... WHAT THE FUCK?!?"
No matter the pain he still found the ability to scream, voice broken and hoarse as he snatched at his restraints.
"Take it easy."
She replied coldly while stepping back from his struggling form.
"Slip... Everest... They fucking trusted you!!! I trusted you..."
"Rookie mistake."
Those words wormed their way into his brain, his movement stilled momentarily. It was a careless mistake to trust so blindly, wasn't it?
Just because she's on your team doesn't mean she can't back stab you. Doesn't mean she can't leave you to die in a trench.
Look out for yourself.
This whole time she's never actually had your back.
The pain became more distant as he struggled to even remotely remain grounded. The only thing keeping him from giving in was his thoughts drifting to his little sister.
Just as the cold stillness was crawling up his arms, he heard yells and screams. The door being practically knocked off it's hinges.
The giant of a man was not in the best of shape himself, blood trickling down the side of his face. Hands busted all to hell and yet he was still standing, fighting and came to get Jaws out.
"Fuck... You shouldn't be here. You should have gotten yourself out-"
"No man left behind. Now come on. We're both making it out of this... You're getting home to Sarah, do you understand me?"
Jaws let out a strangled sigh as he was cut loose, lifted up piggyback onto Everest and toted out of there.
"Slip... Where...?"
"I don't know..."
Lost in it all the chances she was okay were slim. He couldn't help but hope she found a way out somehow.
One thing has stood true ever since the first time he worked with Everest, long before being where he is now...
Everest won't give up on you. Not until his or your dying breath. Hold on.
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
Change - Deftones
Carnivore - STARSET
Are both giving me Jaws vibes and now I can't stop listening to them repeatedly and going "Yep. My boy has been through it.... And it's my fault." LMAO
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
Choose which OC for my OC x Reader. Just go based off the name- so it's like a fun little surprise what their like and what the story will entail. LMAO
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
Kayce [Canine] Connolly
Catrina [Widow] Jackson
Alec [Everest] Amanzi
Aiden [Vortex] Dunbar
Althea [Grace] Bardsley
Dáinn [Jaws] Jacobsen
Arden Crowe
Etherian Crowe
Snow Moon
|October Series| ❤️‍🩹💔🩷🤍
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