#cw: hyposensitive hate
No, you fool, that's why I'm against it / the trash stay evil even after you clean them / they're basically as clean, theologically, as dog shit / you'd understand it if you'd ever seen them. / The cleaned reds are vile and hypo and hateful / Vidalat's too support the existence of Miolee / just you listen, they're elated and grateful / that children were held in red districts, and see / it as justified because they think they should live / in wide fertile lands that the real people give.
………you’re not making a good case for your side. stop comparing clean people to animal feces.
and stop insinuating that all hyposensitive people are evil while you’re at it.
and uuuuh, they like miolee for the same reason I like the idea of an entire town for browning disorders. it’s nice to live with people who get your medical stuff. chill. :/
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