#cw youtube type “prank”
rwac96 · 2 months
Wake Up Prank (RWBY Shitpost)
*Weiss Schnee was enjoying her beauty sleep...which was about to be ended by Ruby & Yang*
Ruby: *facing her Scroll, hushed tone* "What's up, peeps! It's your girl Ruby, and we're gonna wake up Weiss. She's having her 'beauty sleep', and we'll wake up this lazy, entitled princess." *turns to Yang* "Let's go wake her up." *lifts up Crescent Rose and switches it to scythe mode*
Yang: "Yeah, on 'Go'." *uncocking Ember Celica*
Ruby: *gets into position* "3...2...1..."
*Ruby & Yang kicks down the dorm door, the latter's hair igniting*
Yang: "GOOO!!" *opens fire on Weiss' books* "WEISSCREAM!!
Ruby: "WEISS!!" *slices a portrait of Winter in two*
Weiss: *wakes up abruptly* "Wha--AAAAAHHH!!"
Ruby: "WAKE UP!!" *twirls her scythe, decapitating the small statue of Nicholas Schnee*
Weiss: *horrified* "WHAT?! BROTHERS!!" *ducks to avoid gunfire from Yang's gauntlets* "STOP!!"
Yang: "GET HER LAMP!" *punches the object*
Ruby: "FUDGE THIS HEAD-STATUE!!" *slices the bust of Klein in two*
Weiss: *enraged* "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!"
Ruby: *chops up Weiss' copy of 'Rules of Finance* "WE'RE WRECKING YOUR CRUD! WAKING YOUR BUTT UP!" *swings her scythe, slicing off one of the legs of Weiss' bed*
Yang: "FUCK THIS PICTURE!!" *tears up a framed picture of Neptune*
Weiss: *screams of unimaginable but justified rage*
*Blake was down the hall, her feline ears picking up the chaos taking place obviously from the dorm room*
Blake: *exhales* "I should've stayed in the hotel room with Sun."
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For the situation fanfic ask, could you do Rise Leo for 1. Touch starved/cuddle curse? I love the way you characterize him
This is very kind of you to say!!! Thank you so much!!! So sorry for the delay. I am trying my best to get better at not overthinking one shots, but I still tried my absolute best! hope you enjoy!
Slight CW for issues with eating enough food and language.
In all actuality, the curse should have been funny.
Like, this wasn’t a case of the jelly bones, or his hand being on fire. It was a case of The Cuddles, with the title capitalization and everything.
At least that’s what it said on the pamphlet the receptionist at the mystic clinic told him. Didn’t even need to see a doctor for this. Leo had just gotten got by a couple of yokai kids playing a prank. He hadn’t even been the target! All he had done was jump in the middle of some good natured mystic roughhousing and kinda ruined the mood. It had looked like serious bullying to him! Like they needed a hero!
“Okay…” Leo droned out, bouncing on the balls of his feet to try and ease the ache of something that kept growing through his body, “But shouldn’t I still, like, see the doctor for the cure or whatever?”
The literal Secretary Bird Yokai gave him a blank stare and droned, “The cure for The Cuddles is cuddles. We do not have those kinds of doctors around here.”
“Look, kid. I remember hearing about you and your brothers from Hueso. You guys are already the hugging types. You’ll be fine. Now, please, get outta here so I can go on my break.”
So Leo did leave. But not to go home.
Because the night before, he had exchanged some words with his beloved, egg-headed weirdo of a twin.
Donnie must not have been getting a lot of sleep or something, because it seemed to have come out of nowhere. It wasn’t even like Leo was home that often, and yet he found Donnie ready to explode in his room the one time he had been in there for the past few days.
They had exchanged words about… something. Leo was already tired, and the curse was making him uncomfortably itchy and chilly. It had been all, “You need to rest,” or “You need to eat” and stuff like that. The specifics blurred together with talks he’d been waving off with his other family members.
But the point was that the argument ended with Donnie yelling,
“I can’t trust you to take care of yourself!”
That was the part Leo remembered crystal clear. That made him grind his teeth and force his body away from those who might give him the cure for this.
He’d show Donnie. He’d take care of this all by himself.
Day 2
Since Leo had gotten cursed and informed of the curse close to midnight, he decided to go ahead and call it the end of day one. Sure it hadn’t been a full 24 hours with the curse, but it had marked the end of that day. It made sense if you just thought about it like how Leo was.
And midnight was the perfect time to run around the city doing patrol again. The human city this time. Thankfully, the Hidden City was doing just fine this long after the invasion. And he kept his promise to Mikey about taking a break from patrolling NYC.
Break time was now over, so back to work.
The curse didn’t even make it that hard. While he was running and jumping, his mind was too focused on everything he was doing. Taking in all the sensory input to try and find someone else in danger. Kinda like how he felt better when he was sick if he watched a YouTube video while playing a video game. Too much else going on to think about yourself.
And he was able to help. Like, there wasn’t as much mutant crime going on. And the human stuff had, like, humans to help out with that. Leo couldn’t provide any more help than a firefighter or an EMT could in those situations usually. But he still kept a lookout, just in case.
What good he ended up being able to do was this:
-Portaled some drunk dudes back to their dorm when he saw them trying to unlock their car. -There were these two dudes who had been yelling really loudly at one another. They ran off in opposite directions the moment Leo stepped into view. -Gave a tourist directions to the M&M store in Times Square (even though it hurt his soul to help anyone get to that waste of space.)
Which. Not the most impressive Hero List of the night. The only thing he could really count as heroic-heroic was when he stopped an actual fight-fight at a late night bus stop.
Granted, the way he did that felt a bit embarrassing. When he tried to catch the dude who got shoved, they both ended up falling. Leo was the only one with a bloody nose and a scraped cheek, while the other two would be brawlers scrammed the moment they realized an actual i-r-l mutant was there.
Because of that, Leo decided to call it a night. The sun was coming up, so it was time to start day patrol.
He stopped by home to get the stuff he needed to stop the bleeding. Humans were already scared enough as it was. Looking like this wasn’t going to score him any more charming points.
So Leo pulled the ice pack of random assorted veggies that no one ever used out of the freezer, and sat down at the kitchen table to get to work patching up his main talent.
But he should have grabbed a coffee on the way over there, cause his mind completely skipped over how Mikey was also asleep at the table. Little dude woke up with a jolt the moment Leo sat down and realized he wasn’t alone for some reason at 6:33 AM.
“BWAH!” Mikey woke up with a jolt, “Leo! You--What happened?!”
“I fell,” Leo simply explained while treating his wounds, “But what are you doing here?”
“Cause you said you weren’t going to patrol the city tonight!”
“Yeah, I took a break that’s what I said and that’s what I did.”
What he expected was another worried Mikey who would hover around him and ask a million questions like any of the answers would be “I will shatter like a dropped mirror in ten seconds.”
He underestimated the power of a sleepy Michalangelo. His baby brother groaned in annoyance loudly enough to wake the entire lair and the city block above.
“You know that’s not what I meant!” He accused, reaching across the table to grab the hand Leo was using to press the cold pack into his recently bandaged cheek and
Now that Leo wasn’t doing anything important, there was nothing to distract him from the Cuddles. And it was the contrast that made everything feel that much more intense.
That even though the hand Mikey was grabbing was holding the ice pack, it felt so much warmer than the rest of his body. That that hand was the only part of him not aching and shivering. As if he was completely submerged in ice water that could also have you feeling itchy, and his hand was the only thing above water.
It left him wanting to climb out of this hole and cling to his brother. Let his body feel relief and peace. Mikey was still talking about how Leo lied to him as the slider reached out for a hug
“No need, Michael. Apparently, Leonardo can take care of himself.”
He dropped back into the hole of ice water willingly.
Leo forced himself out of Mikey’s reach and turned to give Donnie his most pleasant “fuck you” smile.
“That’s right,” Leo responded, “I take much better care of myself than the dude who consistently gets four hours of sleep a night.”
“Says the only one of us who is actively bleeding at the moment.”
“Oh, am I? I see you have your battle shell on at dawn again. You didn’t sleep in it all night again, did you?”
Leo batted his eyes while Mikey turned his ire to the dum dum moron named Donatello. Even blew the two of them kisses as he announced how he was now going back to bed, like someone who could take care of himself.
And he was going back to bed. He had left bed a few days ago, and now he was going back to bed. Proving his point that he was by far the more responsible twin and that the others should be on his side and that he was the one who was owed an apology.
Even if he didn’t get any sleep because he couldn’t stop shivering. This was fine. He was hugging his pillow and that should count.
Day 2.5
No sleep and four hours later, Leo was out looking for something hot and fast to eat in the kitchen.
Normally, he’d be making coffee in this kind of extreme exhaustion. But the machine had already been stolen to the lab of an evil-fucking-mastermind. So, that was off the table to go and try to fight for that back. Not worth having to go and talk to someone so stubborn.
Tea wouldn’t give him the caffeine shakes he needed, but he also couldn’t drink a refrigerated energy drink with how cold everything was. The kind of cold that made him want to curl up under the heat lamp with his full winter gear on at the bottom of a turtle pile or--
So that was how Raph found him microwaving two monster energy drinks at ten in the morning. He didn’t deserve that weirded out look. It wasn’t like they were still in their cans anymore. Leo remembered that after three seconds of his own personal lightshow.
“But, why?” Was all that Raph asked.
Leo shrugged, “Want a hot energy drink. You want some too? I might be on to a new thing here.”
And that got Raph to laugh, which did a decent job warming Leo up from the inside out. Would have probably completely thawed him out if it weren’t for the stupid curse thing.
He’d let the curse be permanent if he could keep making Raph laugh and not worry.
He was worried though. Clearly wanted to say something and kept stopping himself in the middle of it. Eventually, the slider gave him a noogie and kept on walking while he told him to keep it to just the one drink.
It was because the dude kept walking, that he didn’t see Leo’s whole body turn to follow him before stopping himself. This was good. That’s what Leo wanted to have happened. Excellent.
Raph kept moving away from him. Awesome. Opening the fridge and letting out the cold air that Leo could swear he could feel from all the way over here. The room seemed to keep getting colder and colder while Raph rummaged through their deli meats.
Leo willed himself to stay right there and watch the numbers count down for his incoming hot drink. Because if he pushed Raph to hurry up and close the door, then he was not going to let go of the big guy who everyone knew felt like a furnace. And Leo was proving to Raph that he could take care of himself almost more than anyone else. Even Donnie. But proving it to Donnie was important for spite and winning, while proving it to Raph was important for like, the world.
Regardless, the slider didn’t let himself move. Just hugged himself while watching the numbers countdown to zero. Raph said something, but Leo was currently too busy burning his tongue on this hot carbonated curse from hell. He almost spat it right back out, but forced himself to keep chugging the weirdly syrupy and steamy beverage. And because of mystic bullshit, it didn’t warm him up.
Stupid mystic whatever with it’s stupid stupid. Fine.
It could keep him from getting warm, but the caffeine should still be kicking in soon. That would get rid of the cotton in his head and the general blegugh feeling weighing him down. Now he just needed something solid so he wouldn’t get the no-food-shakes too badly and--
Raph’s hand was on his shoulder. Leo jumped so violently that it left just as fast as it appeared. There, thankfully, hadn’t been any time to get used to the warmth.
The two of them stared at one another, blinking in confusion before Raph pointed at the family sized frozen pizza, “Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you. I was asking if--uh--Are you going to be staying long enough to have some?”
“You’re good, dude,” Leo responded automatically, feeling that same sinking feeling of shame whenever Raph apologized for anything these days, “I should have been paying attention--”
“It’s cool. Makes sense that a drink like that would fry your brain.”
“What? Nah, it’s the… best? I was actually just about to make myself another?”
“Pfft! Raph has never seen your poker face be so poor for anything!”
To try and prove his point, and also double down, Leo quickly tried to chug the remaining half of the new radioactive ooze he had made. It showed that what Draxum had done really wasn’t special. He could do it in their underground kitchen no sweat.
And the end result of his bravado had him burping uncontrollably and feeling like he might throw up. Leo was making some very concerning burping noises into the sink while he listened to Raph howl with laughter behind him. It was the most Leo had made him laugh since the invasion, and the sound was like an auditory heated blanket. It was warming him up from the inside out.
That was also because, he realized, Raph was rubbing his back. The way he used to do. Like back when they were kids, or back in the old lair, or when Raph still genuinely liked him.
It was so close to being a hug, and its effects were addictive. Raph’s large hand rubbing across his upper back left a warm feeling in its wake. Just like with Mikey, it made every other part of his body colder by comparison. Like he had splinters all over his body, and Raph had removed them only around his shoulder blades.
“You okay?”
The hand paused in its movements, and Leo almost whined with protest. And realized he was practically hanging onto the sink while his legs had gone weirdly boneless. Who knows how long it had been since the Burps from Hell had stopped, and he had just been standing there. Letting Raph rub his back like there weren’t a billion and one other things Leo should be doing at that very moment.
He couldn’t remember what a single one of those things were, but he knew they existed. The first step was taking a biiiig step away from his very confused big brother. And--aw, shit, the Raph Chasm was back. C’mon, Face Man.
“You got me!” Leo made himself laugh, so Raph wouldn’t be able to see him shiver, “Yeah, that was a bad idea! I’ll go--uh--get something at a bodega or something! I can--yeah! Whoops! Enjoy that pizza!”
“What’s this? Nardo isn’t staying for lunch? Shocking.”
The words got Leo’s mind to go sharp. That was good. Sharp could cut through the cold, and the uncomfortable ache and weirdly itchy feeling that was growing. Like someone had replaced his skin with sandpaper and snow.
Leo walked past his two brothers with a, “Just saving more for you guys! Everyone knows Donnie’s gotta eat! I leave him in your guys’ capable hands! Tah-tah!”
And left for patrol.
Patrol was fine. He ran around and helped people.
He was going to, once he stopped stopping every other rooftop to catch his breath. It wasn’t even like he was winded. But he couldn’t get in the zone like he could last time. And nothing big enough was happening to help keep his attention--
Which was GOOD. It’s not like he wanted bad things to happen to anyone. The city had been put through enough thanks to him. So, this was ideal. It was just his job to keep running around, checking the police alerts, and be there for others when--if he was ever needed. That would be the good thing to do.
So he tried not to feel too much relief when he heard some boaters had gotten themselves stuck in the middle of the Hudson. He could go and save the Coast Guard a trip or something.
It was simple and easy. Portaled to the river. Find the dudes who needed saving. Reconsider his plan to just put a portal under their boat. It could land weird and break. So Leo decided to portal himself over. He’d land on top and portal everyone to safety. It made more sense on how that would work in his head. In his head, doing that would keep everyone happier with him. That meant he was doing good. Which meant
And Leo didn’t stop to consider that the boat was made for specifically two kayakers. So when he landed his big mouth on it, the dumb plastic thing immediately capsized and dunked them all in the stinky river.
If Leo hadn’t already been keeping what Donnie had described as, “a worryingly tight grip on his swords to the point the action could be considered to be anal retentive personality” then he might have lost them. But, he didn't lose them, and he had cleverly responded with “haha, you said anal.”
The point was. Leo didn’t lose control of himself or his swords and was able to portal both the kayakers to safety.
But the boat. The dumb, stupid, probably expensive boat, went zooming down the river at an annoying speed.
Fine. Leo was a great swimmer. He’d find their stupid boat so they’d be fine and not regret not waiting for the Coast Guard or taking an impromptu swim. Cause Leo would get the boat, and not make their lives any worse. Cause these were good actions which meant he was doing good so he was being good so he was good.
That’s what he told himself when he would take a breath, and watch the cloud of mist appear. Because who goes kayaking in February? Dumb, nice, well-meaning tourists who didn’t know how badly Leo--
There it was. The stupid boat. He portaled it back to the tourists who were already being helped out by actual heroes that wouldn’t have gotten them wet or their boat almost lost. Getting professional care from dudes who knew what they were doing, and not putting on an act the entire time.
Leo portaled himself to a random rooftop and shivered. That was becoming annoyingly recurring. But now with the stupid shit curse and the stupid shit water he was freezing and cold and he wanted to go home but that’s not what taking care of himself would look like. He didn’t get a hug cause--
Wow. That. The thought made him weirdly emotional. Leo didn’t get a hug. He could still have hugs from his family before this curse. But, what if it never got broken? That would mean that--
Deep breath. It wasn’t about him. He’d show them. Show Donnie. He was fine. He was good. He was a good brother and a good turtle-person and WOW HE WAS COLD.
Pit stop. He’d keep doing patrol after he dried off. Go home and--
His stupid portals weren’t working. They were taking him to random places again. Started doing this whole annoying routine again after the invasion, and this was probably the worst time for that to happen. Which was great cool and fine and
Warm. Finally.
Yes, he still ached and itched in an annoying way that he could feel down to the marrow of his bones. And he was still freezing, but was warmer than before and he would take it. So he just stood there. Even though if he did stuff like, grab a towel he could dry off faster. There was no way he was taking one step away from whatever was this warm.
Aw, c’mon.
Leo had portaled right in front of Hueso’s oven. The oven that the skeleton needed to be putting in a fresh pie right about now. Leo only wished a little bit that he could just climb in the brick oven alongside the ‘za but, that probably would just create more problems down the line.
“S-S-S-S-S’UP!” He forced himself to yell out after an annoying amount of stuttering since his teeth would not stop chattering! It was so over the top! This kind of stuff was only supposed to happen in cartoons!
And that got Hueso to put down the pan and aw c’mon, Leo didn’t have time for this! Neither did the skeleton! That’s why Leo hadn’t really come here since that one time to prove he was okay! They were both busy! Busy being good!
That’s what Leo was trying to explain, in a much cooler way of course, before Hueso stopped him by putting his hands on both of Leo’s shoulders.
It wasn’t exactly like how it had been with Raph and Mikey. Probably something to do with lack of flesh or not? But the relief was still instant, even if not as intense. Like he was finally allowed out of the cold, even if the freezer door was still open. The whole thing made him want to reach out and hug
“Yeah!” Leo shouted, interrupting whatever Hueso had been saying, “M-M-My bad! I’m going right now--”
“You sit down right now or so help me I will--!”
Didn’t have to shout. Going back to the cold and the ache with the itch seemed doubly bad than if he had just stayed in it.
So, malicious compliance. Leo sat down right there on the floor. Or, like, fell to his hands and knees. Point was, he was being good and following the rules. Crawled over to lean against the wall while he waited to hear what else Hueso wanted from him.
This wasn’t so bad. In the grand scheme of whatever, this was nothing. Leo was just uncomfy. There wasn’t anything physically wrong with him.
Which is why it didn’t make sense when Hueso asked, “What is wrong?”
“Ha,” Leo laughed, forcing long and even breaths, “You should--You should ask that to Donnie the next time you see him… Moron hasn’t been taking…taking good care of himself. Never sleeps, never eats, and he’s impossible to talk to.”
That’s who was really bad at taking care of themselves, and had the audacity to try and project it onto Leo. He had enough about himself he was trying to fix, thank you very much! But, he was doing it! Donnie was the rude dude with attitude who was trying to stop his cool self improvement journey or whatever. Throwing stones out of his glass house, only to bounce off of Leo’s totally cool impenetrable house.
And his words didn’t seem to be helping Hueso at all. Okay. Desperate measures.
“I also got a bad case of the literal Cuddles, if you can believe it.”
That time, his words made everything click together for Hueso. And the skeleton gently leaned down and enveloped him in such a nice hug. It was so nice, that it really made all the parts of him that weren’t feeling as nice suck even more. Like, what?
Like how to distract yourself from one pain with another. This hug was taking just enough away from him to leave Leo wanting to cry or run or something. The impossible feeling of feeling worse while doing better.
“You need a hug, and a long one by the sounds of it, by someone you are closer to. By someone you yourself want a hug from.”
His laugh in response to that was not wet.
“Your hugs are always nice. And we’re close, aren’t we?”
Hueso nodded, “Yes, sobrino. Now, eat something and go hug your brothers.”
Grateful to get away from all that wonderful warmth, he stole a slice from a fresh pie and portaled away with some clever joke he couldn’t remember.
And instead of landing in his room like he planned, he fell face first onto the sewer floor. Only managing to keep ahold of his swords, and not the nice gift slice. Great. Cool.
As he walked home, he debated if he should get something else to eat first. And then he thought about if the others had eaten.
Raph and Mikey were really good at making sure the other one ate. Which had been especially important post invasion. Raph had gotten more sensitive to certain food textures, and Mikey’s appetite had been shot. They held each other accountable and worked together to make sure the other stayed fed.
And Donnie…
Well, he also had another food texture to be crossed off his list. That was fine. So did Leo, even if he would never admit it. None of them would be craving calamari ever again.
Donnie benefitted from having Raph and Mikey around. They were a good influence. Even if they couldn’t get Leo to eat as much as they liked, that was fine. Leo was taking care of himself. His twin was the one who needed taking care of. Once he admitted it, everything could go back to the way--
No. He couldn’t think like that anymore either. Things would never go back to normal. Where it was non stop fun and goofs. Because the world was dangerous and they could end up dead if Leo didn’t take it seriously.
But, he could still have fun. The world was worth fighting for. He felt like he cherished and appreciated his family more than ever before, if that were possible. This new normal was fine, as long as they were all together while Leo worked on doing good.
… Was this good? Walking home alone in the sewer, feeling like he was going to freeze solid with every step?
Or, what if he never got home? That he was just walking forever in some sort of stupid purgatory cause he really did die in
“Wow, welcome back. You’re looking good.”
“I know I’m looking better than you are,” Leo responded on autopilot, “Cause you, once again, don’t look like you’ve slept in days.”
“Yeah? Well at least I don’t smell like--Wait, what happened to you?”
Leo didn’t remember when he shut his eyes, but when he opened them, he was under the intense scrutiny of the one and only Donatello with his dumb goggles. And, most importantly, a hand grabbing his arm to keep him from moving.
Something something data points, every time Leo got even the smallest kind of embrace or whatever, it was going to be worse when it stopped. That was a fact his brain was screaming at him now. To shake off Donnie and get it over with. Cause it was only going to get worse before it got better. So rip off that bandaid and jump into that portal before Casey loses his nerve--
“--and what kind of mystic bullshit happened here?! Damnit! Nardo I swear--”
“Oh? You don’t know?” Leo scrambled for a purchase on this possible moral high ground, “Wow! Then it sounds like since I do know what’s going on, I can take care of it myself. Since you don’t know what’s going on. So you can’t help.”
Maybe it had been too mean, by the look that put on his twin’s face was anything to go off by.
But, it got Donnie to yank away and take all the relief with him. Leaving the curse or whatever to redouble.
And, the dude didn’t even really say anything. Just walked away. Slamming a door somewhere.
Cause Leo was taking care of it. This was the good thing to do for… someone. Eventually. Probably.
Day 5
Leo didn’t really remember Day 4.
Vaguely, he remembers shivering in bed. Trying to will himself to move. And then Splinter was checking his temperature and--
If the pain doubled with every released almost hug, then so did the relief. The sensation did not make him cry, but he was ordered to stay on bedrest while he got Purple.
Ha. Jokes on him. Donnie knew now that Leo could take care of himself. The only thing he hadn’t done was admit it out loud.
So, before Splinter could come back empty handed, he’s pretty sure he went on patrol again. Maybe somewhere. Hopefully still New York, since that’s where he had the most hero make-up work to do.
He was just so cold.
That was the worst part. He wasn’t hurt or dying. Wasn’t anywhere near that. And he couldn’t even keep his eyes open; he was shivering too hard. Every step felt like he was moving through air made of fiberglass.
No idea how long he was walking until he remembers sitting on the rooftop edge. Trying to block the wind. There wasn’t supposed to be wind in space.
His phone was buzzing. There wasn’t supposed to be cell service in space either. He remembers watching a documentary on that one time with his family. And there was no way his phone wasn’t just rubble by this point either.
But when he pulled it out of his pocket, there it was. The screen wasn’t even cracked. There should be some sort of humor to that, cause like
Leo always had a cracked phone screen, and he knows his shell must be severely cracked right now. How is his phone going to survive this but not him? Is he really not made of tougher stuff than that?
With numb fingers, he answers one of the calls. It might be Raph’s. Hopefully it’s Raph. He’ll be able to keep everyone safe and--
That was Raph's voice. Or, no, it was Donnie’s voice? No, it was everyone’s voice. They were all talking over one another. Or something. But
Leo was where he was supposed to be, while they were they were supposed to be. The only way for him to do good. So he was good. Just like them.
They were all still yelling at him when he remembered to ask, “You guys okay?”
Donnie was the only one speaking now. Something about how he was gonna kill Leo for removing his tracking chip. But, that probably wouldn’t work with where he was now. No more satellites and stuff so. You know.
“Nardo what are you talking about? Shut up--or don’t--just tell us where you are!”
The question didn’t make sense. Didn’t they watch him? Or, did Raph have them turn away? That would probably be for the best. But, then why were they still looking for him?
“Watch you do what?! You--AUGH! I’m going to strap you down to a bed myself when I catch you--”
No, what? C’mon. They weren’t supposed to… Like, if they couldn’t get him back right away, they were supposed to move on and stuff. Not spend this much time on him.
“Let me, c’mon, let me talk to him--! Leo! Hey, you’re gonna be okay buddy! Is there any sort of signal you can give us? Or, can you tell us what you see around you?”
Leo shook his head at Raph’s voice before remembering they couldn’t hear that.
“Can’t open my eyes… hurts…”
Shouldn’t have said that. Don’t want Mikey to hear.
“That’s okay!” Mikey begged, “Just, can you tell us anything about where you are? Are you still in New York?”
He guessed a part of him always would be? What was--
“GOT IT!” Donnie screamed almost manically, “FINALLY traced his phone! MAN I am hard to track. Okay, are you in this building or on the roof? Cause it’s a big building and--”
That didn’t make any sense. But, that was okay. Donnie was smart like that. Understood things that Leo didn’t. He should have listened to them all before but. Now he was out of time.
“I’m sorry, you guys,” He whispered, “I’m so sorry. I should have listened to you--”
“Do not be sorry nothing to be sorry about--”
Donnie was demanding before Mikey must have taken the phone and asked, “Why are you whispering?”
“Don’t know how much longer… until he finds me,” Leo whispered again, “I love you guys so much. I should have listened.”
His heart was screaming at him to shut up. That last minute words like this just leave loved ones feeling sad. Should have just kept it at his cool, off the cuff hero move talk. That was nice. Wouldn’t haunt them.
They could move on and Leo hoped he would too.
There was some sort of whirl noise like it was coming from a mini helicopter. Maybe? It was a machine noise. Which meant that he’d been found in whatever hiding spot he’d been thrown into. So
“I got you.”
That led to day Five
“Nope, your math is wrong,” Donnie told him from somewhere in the turtle pile, “You were cursed for approximately forty-four hours. Not even close to five days.”
“Prebby sure ish five,” Leo mumbled, head feeling like warm mush. Like fresh mash potatoes from Mikey.
“Eww!” Mikey chuckled from somewhere directly above him, “Not a mashed potato brain!”
All Leo could do was give him a sleepy hum of confirmation.
“Okay, potato head,” Raph was somehow enveloping them, but that’s just what big brothers did and Leo learned not to question it, “Glad you aren’t questioning big brother rules. Now, take another bite.”
It was some sort of warm porridge with little strips of meat and hunks of veggies and it made Leo want to cry with how delicious it was. How it made him feel impossibly warmer and safer with every bite.
But then Raph would say that he would need to pace himself and take it away.
Right. Cause. Can’t last. Gotta keep moving on. Do good.
“You’re doing good,” Raph said, “You’re good.”
The good things come and then they go. And when they go it hurts more.
“Factually incorrect,” Donnie soothed, Leo didn’t know why he had his soothing voice on, “Life is sadly, wonderfully, far more complex than that. That’s why it is so important to have others help you… Which is something I have been neglecting to do.”
Everything was still so warm and comfortable, but,
“I wanna be good without help. So no one else gets hurt.”
His words got him another bite of porridge.
“You’re good,” Raph repeated again, “And it’s good to let us help you. Cause, you’re gonna help us too, right?”
Mikey was making some noise of affirmation, while Leo tried to open his eyes again. Now, he was only having trouble doing that because he was so tired.
“We help each other so we can take care of each other!” Mikey wiped something off of Leo’s cheek, “Life sometimes hurts, but that’s why we help one another, yeah?”
It still didn’t feel right. If anything, it felt like giving up. Letting others get hurt for him ever, wasn’t
“You saved us before,” Donnie said, tightening his hug, “And you’re right that we can’t take care of ourselves--I can’t even take care of myself. So, if you keep saving us, then we’ll keep saving you.”
“But… what if you…”
“Then you’ll save us. And we’ll save you.” Donnie repeated again, “Mikey’s right, that’s just how it works. If you’re worried about us, work with us and we’ll work with you.”
The turtle pile squeezed impossibly closer as Raph tightened his embrace, “We got each other.”
Well. If Raph said it, then it must be true.
That got him a raspberry from Mikey and a dramatic gasp from his twin.
Okay, he could do that. They’d have each other.
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kokomoneys · 2 years
Pairing : Mikey x fem!reader
Note : youtube concept on Tumblr 😆 i hope you’ll like thattttt <3
Type : fluff
Cw : YouTube intro and outro, minor you can interact 😆.
Y/n: hello guys, I hope you're doing well! So today we meet for a new video a little... special haha! BRIEF today we're going to prank my boyfriend Manjiro! You have already had the opportunity to see him a few times on my channel, so today we are going to pretend to be a girl who wants to flirt with him and everything to see his reaction! In short, I hope that the prank will go well and that it will not turn against me because there I will cry all the tears of my soul jsjsjsjs... SO before starting the video don't forget to like to encourage me, put me a little comment to tell me what you thought of this video, subscribe and put on the little notification bell !
Intro + transition
Y/n: so here we are, we're going to start the prank, hoping it will work because Manjiro I swear he's a guy who NEVER answers unknown numbers but I'm going to force and I'm going to send a photo and whatever I'm going to do my hysterical thing. Let's go!
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Y/n: bahahahaha I don't know how to flirt at all oh my god I'm super lame look at what I'm saying... let's hope he'll answer huh-
Y/n: guyyyyys he answered I stress fucking!!!
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Y/n: I speak a bit like a myth but go ahead I'm doing my best! Then I'm seriously proud of my baby look at how he answered argggh I'm dying of love.
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Y/n: it's annoying oh my god I'm dying.. Wait, I'll call him to tell him it was me hehe!
Y/n: babeeeeeee
Mikey: yes, what are you lmao, you scare me
Y/n: do you see the daughter of insta who flirted with you and everything?
Mikey: uhhh y/n you're crazy
Y/n: it was to test your loyalty my baby
Mikey: fortunately she didn't offer me dorayakis then
Y/n: BRIEF GUYS that's all for this little video, I hope you liked it anyway I liked it especially that my baby is faithful SO! Don't forget to like it if you liked it, comment and subscribe so you don't miss any of my next videos I love you.
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Spring Troupe with an S/O Who Shares the Same Hobby
A/N: I had a ton of fun writing these. Hope y’all enjoy! I’ll eventually write these for the other troupe’s as well :)
CW(s): none
❀ Sakuya Sakuma - Theatre
Sakuya absolutely adores the fact you love theatre, as it’s such a huge passion of his
He’ll definitely ask for your help when rehearsing and memorizing lines or when practicing blocking by himself. He’ll look to you for advice at times as well whenever he’s a bit stuck.
If you’re also in theatre productions, he’ll always offer to help you with the same things and will try to give constructive criticism to you too if you ask for it
He will definitely show up to all of your performances, his theatre schedule permitting, whenever you are in a show. Doesn’t matter if you’re ensemble or the lead, he’s so incredibly proud of you and wants to cheer you on
Whenever you go to his performances he’s so grateful and swears up and down he’s performances are always a little bit better when you’re there.
Be prepared to go on theatre dates; if there’s a performance he wants to see, he’ll be sure to invite you and he hopes you’ll do the same
Sakuya looked over at you, excitement written plainly on his face. You couldn’t help but smile in response. The two of you were waiting in line to see a new theatre performance that was set to premiere that day, and you were both vibrating with excitement. Sakuya squeezed your hand and smiled at you again.
“Extremely.” The line moved forward and the two of you made your way inside. As soon as you sat down and the lights began to dim, Sakuya squeezed your hand again and placed a soft kiss on the side of your face.
“Thank you for coming with me.” he whispered.
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”
The fact that he can do something he loves, with someone he loves, means the absolute world to him
❀ Masumi Usui - Music
Masumi has a passion for music and the fact you do too is just another reason he loves you
He’ll definitely share his favorite CDs with you, and even make you playlists! He’ll also create special music CDs for music he recommends or just songs that remind him of you
He starts to carry earbuds on his person so you two can listen to music together no matter where you are, and if he forgets his pair he knows you most likely have your pair on you
Sometimes, when you’re spending time together, the two of you just listen to music and bask in each others presence
He’ll share a lot of alternative rock with you as it’s his favorite genre, but he’ll listen to almost anything
Even if your favorite genre isn’t his favorite, he’ll still listen to and appreciate every song you send to him
‘Hey babe!’ you texted Masumi, ‘this song reminded me of you ♡ it’s called Same Boat by LizzyMcAlpine! It’s not your usual genre but I hope you like it anyways! (Ɔ ˘⌣˘)♥(˘⌣˘ C) ‘
Masumi read the text message in his dorm, smiling to himself. He opened YouTube and typed in the title and quickly clicked a lyric video. You were right, the song was incredibly far from his favorite genre. The song was slow and soft, but somewhat pretty nonetheless.
As the song ended he opened up your text chat again. ‘I am in the same boat ♡ love you so much’ he typed out.
‘Love you too, Masumi!’ He couldn’t help but smile at his phone once more, absolutely enamored with you.
Masumi just adores the fact he share his hobby with you, and you can understand where he’s coming from when it comes to his love for music
❀ Tsuzuru Minagi - Writing
Tsuzuru finds it incredibly helpful that you also like to write, no matter if it’s script writing, poetry, non-fiction, or stories
If you do more creative writing he’ll definitely bounce ideas off of you and have you peer review some of his work to make sure it makes sense -especially since he writes a lot of his work while practically dead-. If you write more nonfiction, he may ask for help with research whenever he’s writing a historical play or anything of that such.
If you ask him to, he’ll peer edit and review your work as well. He may not always do the best job, especially if he just finished a script
Remind him to sleep and rest! You especially understand what it’s like to overwork yourself so your reminders almost mean more to him. He’ll also remind you to rest, which is quite hypocritical but he does it because he cares about you.
You were working on the final draft of your writing project when you received a phone call. The name on the screen read, ‘Tsuzuru’. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight of your boyfriend's name.
You answered the phone. “Hey Tsuzuru!’
“Hey! I know you’ve been working on that project lately so I just wanted to remind you to go to sleep. The project will still be there in the morning and you’ll be able to work on it better after you rest.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Tsuzuru, you’re working on a script right now, right?”
“I’ll listen to your words only if you heed your own advice. You can finish the script in the morning and you’ll do better after you rest. ‘Kay?”
Tsuzuru laughed then. “Okay, I’ll try.”
“Then I’ll try as well. Love you!”
“Love you too.”
He also always hypes up your writing! He adores it so much and thinks you’re incredibly talented
❀ Itaru Chigasaki - Video Games
One of the reasons Itaru originally decided to pursue a relationship with you was because of your love for video games
He loves to recommend you games, and he’ll play any and all of the games you recommend him
You can bet you’ll have video game dates. Whether this means you backseat gaming as he uses the controller or vice versa or even playing multiplayer depends on the day.
“You have to go down!”
“No, the extra bonus isn’t here, it’s further down.”
“No no, trust me, Itaru, it’s here I’ve played this game like a bajillion times.”
“And I’ve played it a bajillion and one times.” you rolled your eyes at your boyfriend, although he couldn’t see it. He was lying on his back on the couch, and you cuddled on top of him with his arms around you as he held the controller.
“Please just at least look?” you asked.
“Fine.” You watched the playable character move out of the screen as the game faded to black. Once the game faded back in, you could see the bonus chest in the hidden room. “See! I told you!” you yelled, laughing the entire time.
“I can’t believe you proved me wrong.” he laughed too, although there was a hint of frustration in his voice. You craned your neck to kiss Itaru on the jaw.
“It’s okay, it was more of a lucky guess. Also I played this game before coming over so I could see where the hidden items were.”
Itaru will go with you to gaming stores, and will definitely use you as an excuse for being there in case he runs into a coworker. But it’s alright, as he’ll give you an apology kiss afterwards.
If you ever need help beating a game, he’ll always be there to help and give advice. And if you play gacha, he may help donate to the cause of you pulling your best boy or girl
❀ Citron - Learning New Words
Citron loves to learn new words, and if you do as well, then he’d love to learn new words with you!
He’ll definitely just flip through a dictionary with you, learning how to pronounce new words and learning their definitions
The two of you were lying on the floor of Citron’s dorm on your bellies next to each other. Between you was a dictionary.
“Letter?” you asked.
“Alright.” You found the ‘F’ section in the dictionary and flipped to a random page, closing your eyes and pointing to a random spot.
“Fas-mill?” Citron sounded confused.
You looked at the pronunciation key. “I think it’s fac-SIH-muh-lee.”
“Oh! That makes sense. Facsimile. What does the word mean?”
“It says it means ‘an exact copy or reproduction, as of a document’. So I guess, like, whenever the director makes a copy of Tsuzuru’s scripts for you guys to memorize it’s a facsimile.”
“Oh! That makes a lot of sense. Thank you!” Citron gave you a kiss on the cheek after he finished speaking.
Sometimes your dates just consist of flipping through a dictionary and learning new words. The two of you have a lot of fun, even if others may find it odd
Sometimes he’ll tell you stories from his homeland using the new words you learned even if he doesn’t always use them correctly
❀ Chikage Utsuki - Spicy Food
Chikage is so happy someone else finally loves spicy food close to as much as he does
He may ask you for help when writing his reviews, as getting a second opinion can definitely help him at times
He’ll take you to his favorite spicy food restaurants for dates and will ask if he can order for you as he’s eaten at these restaurants so many times, he practically has their menus memorized. Because of this, he has an idea of what is good and what isn’t and you’re most likely to like
Chikage had asked if he could order your meal for you and you and you had agreed, trusting him to get you something you’d like.
A plate was soon placed in front of you and you promptly decided it looked absolutely delicious. You took a bite.
“So? How is it?”
“It’s amazing, oh my god.” you responded, your mouth still somewhat full of food.
“It’s rude to talk with your mouth full.”
“Sorry,” you replied, but your mouth still had food in it. Chikage shook his head.
“Well, I’m glad you like it. I figured you would.”
Sometimes he’ll sneak extra spice into your food- whether it’s as a ‘prank’ or not is really anyone’s guess
Sometimes, as a date, the two of you will order spicy food from a bunch of restaurants and try them all, critiquing them as if you’re professional food reviewers although you could argue Chikage kind of is
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