#cuz i don't want to come out the gate swinging
hi idk if this is a weird ask to send but. i love your stuff and i think you should include more piss in it
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Oh. Ok.
But like, what kind?
Like animalistic monster marking their property, completely inhuman and acting on instinct? Or like, non-con turned dub-con, fucking their beloved dumb, covered in sweat and spit and slick, until the protagonist accidently relieved themselves because they're too dick drunk to care?
Obviously there's also extreme degradation, human toilet kind of thing, but with extreme non-con like that I don't often believe the perpetrator is a yandere, because just from what I've seen, it's often very hateful, angry, but if you want this send me another ask with a specific idea, idk maybe it'd work for a sadistic character ❤️
Also, I know this isn't everyone's cup off tea, but it isn't that strange I promise. If anyone reads this and feels judgemental, I want you to know:
If you like when women squirt in porn, you have a piss kink 😘
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theblueflower05 · 2 years
Part Two. Eclipse
Summary: After a heated argument with Lo’ak, Y/N and Kiri embark on a life threatening adventure. Neteyam races against time to save them.
Word count: 6k+
Warning: Violence. A little blood & gore but just a lil bit. Descriptions of parental pressure that may be triggering.
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When my heart just burst like a glass balloon,
I let it fly too high and it shattered to soon.
I was the wrong damn girl in the wrong damn room.
I broke my glass balloon. I let go of my glass balloon
- Hermit the frog, Marina.
The forests of Pandora are never still.
They're always bustling with life, in constant movement. Dancing. Breathing. A fan lizard makes its way across the overgrown flora, slow and steady. Unassuming-
“You snooze you lose”
A loud screech followed by a chorus of giggles echos through the trees.
The poor fan lizard never had a chance, is knocked clear off its path as four pre-teens , a tornado of movement and sound, fly by. Swinging from branch to branch without a care in the world, the poor creature erupts into a spinning rainbow right before colliding with the moss covered floor.
No matter, nothing matters as the four of you make your escape from the village as you so often do.
Kiri hot on your tail, Lo’ak at the helm. Spider swinging from vine to vine, holding his own despite his much smaller frame. The vivid cobalt stripes that you’d painted on him days prior still stained his skin.
The trees lessen and then thin out as Hell’s Gate comes into view.
The fortress is big, and ugly. All concrete and overgrown plants. The last remnant of the sky peoples bases, it had definitely seen better days. Since it had been abandoned over a decade ago and left to the few trusted humans it had kind of gone to shit. Scientists are great at discovering, exploring. Maintenance? Not so much.
“Wanna play some ball?” Lo’ak asks as he makes a beeline for the basketball courts. You love humans strange games, they’re useless- but their fun. Just your cup of tea.
“No, I’m gonna go check on mom” Kiri’s already leagues forward, headed towards the entrance. Barely paying any attention to her brother.
“Awe come on- it’s not like she’s not gonna still be there later. Plus we know that Norm’s keeping her plenty company” Lo’ak and Spider giggle at his jab and Kiri throws a glare over her shoulder.
Your teeth dig into your tongue as you fight to keep the smile off of your face shrugging before heading in after her.
“Not you too Y/N. Man, you guys suck. Who’s gonna play with me?”
“I'm right here, cuz” Spider exclaimed, huffing up in exasperation.
Their height difference is laughable.
The Avatar designed basketball to big to fit in Spiders hands, the last time the four of you had played he’d taken it straight to the face, his nose so broken that it never really healed right. The entire court looked like a crime scene and Max had scolded all of you.
You had to remember Spider’s human body, and it’s limits, even if he didnt want you too.
The smaller human steals the culprit of a ball from Lo’ak’s grasp and begins to dribble circles around him and Lo’ak as always, defies any kind of predestined rules.
The labs are a familiar alien. All beeping neon buttons and sterile white surfaces. Monitors filled with images you don't quite understand, no matter how many times they’re explained to you. Since the first time Kiri had brought you here, you’d been perplexed. An obsessed fascination. You liked learning new things, you liked chatting with the friendly humans.
And you liked visiting Grace.
Kiri’s mom is in one of the back corners. Submerged, a bio-tank holding her. Cradling her something like a womb. She looks peaceful, you assure your friend. Whatever dreams she’s stuck in must be good ones.
“Hi mom” Kiri whispers, her five fingered hand pressing gently against the glass. You watch her, let her run through the process of her carefully cultivated routine. She likes to talk to Grace, fill her in on everything that’s happened since the last visit.
You think she’d have a better chance of making connection a connection at the tree of souls but you keep that fact to yourself.
“Hi Grace” You place the bracelet that you’d made for her on the tank. “Kiri ate shit at the watering hole the other day. You would’ve thought it was hilarious”
And you never knew Grace, never would, but who wouldn't think Kiri faceplanting during wash day wasn't funny? If you were stuck in slumber, you’d want people to tell you jokes.
The scientists are cool, and you make your rounds. Handing out the little bracelets you’d made them. You’d just about gotten human measurements down, but they still did hang a little awkwardly off of their gangly wrists.
No matter. Doctor Kelsey is a Zoologist who had been good friends with Kiri’s mom, and had taken the initiative to teach you how to read.
Sky people letters were simple in composition, but confusing in structure. That doesn't stop you from keeping your nose buried in the books she offers. You like the vividly colored picture books better than the black and white chapter ones but to each their own.
“Hi Y/N” Doctor Kelsey greets, laughing as you reach into the cloth knapsack that you’d toted along, giving her back ‘The Lorax’, in exchange for another old semi tattered book from her library.
“How’d you like this one?” She chats as she digs through her collection
“It was very sad. They had no trees, no animals” You explain, a deep frown maring your features as you recount and retell the story you’d read. “This is how your planet is, no?”
You remember Jake telling a story about Earth. A dying star.
“Pretty much, the book was definitely supposed to be an analogy for Global Warming and mass consumption issues. Good job for picking up on that Y/N, you really have been excelling. I’m gonna give you something a little harder. If you have any issues with it, Kiri will help until you can come visit again”
She hands you a thicker book and you sound out the golden rod letters of the title.
“Pet-her pahn?”
“Peter Pan” She corrects good naturedly “I think you’ll like this one, it's about a boy that never wants to grow up”
“Are you sure you don’t want to give this to Lo’ak instead?” You deadpan and Doctor Kelsey lets out a peel of laughter.
She reads the first couple chapters out loud to you and Kiri before having to return to her work. You both listen, ears twitching with interest. You pack the fragile book safely into your knapsack before you leave.
It’s nearing eclipse and you know you really should be getting home- instead you sit crossed legged on a step, your face twisted into a deep scowl.
You spend more time at Hell’s Gate than you should, your parents remind you of the fact often, but you love it here. You can make the trek home in your sleep.
Which is why you’re less worried about the waning sunlight. More concerned with the words that had just come out of Lo’ak’s mouth.
“You guys could never do it, and not even because you're girls. Ma’s a girl, lots of hunters are. You’re just wusses” He taunts, chest all puffed out.
He’d been like this, ego inflated to the nines since he’d come back from the mountains a few days ago, actually in flight this time. A wriggling yelping Ikran below him and air of self importance that he just couldn't seem to shake.
Scratch the fact that you and Kiri had just handed him his own ass at H.O.R.S.E.
“Didn't it take you like three times and a concussion to tame your ikran?” You sneer and Spider lets out a huff of a chuckle, coughing when Lo’ak side eyes him.
“It was only two-” He starts and Kiri shakes her head, cutting him off quick.
“It can't be hard if you were able to do it. I mean, think about the Tayrangi, in their clan even the children ride. It wouldn’t be that hard to go up to the mountains and claim one”
Somehow it ended up like this most days. Kiri and Lo’ak on opposing views. Bickering until your ears hurt. You and Spider innocent on lookers, casualties of war as you alternated whos allegiance to pledge. Well Spider did, even if Lo’ak was right on the money and Kiri was dead wrong you’d stand beside her.
“Yeah so? We aren't coast people. I bet you couldn't even make it up the mountain. You’d shit your pants before you even tried. What would you do Kiri? Try to hug your ikran into submission” His words are laced with condescending laughter.
You shouldn't take it so personally, Lo’ak can be a dick. He doesn't even mean to be most of the time.
But it hits a sensitive raw nerve in your chest, the same one that had been hammered endlessly for years. To be a hunter, you have to ride. To be a hunter, you have to train. To be a hunter, you have to want to be one, right? You can't run away from it at every turn…
“We’re gonna have to do it eventually” You grit out.
“Yeah, sure” he drawls out the ‘e’ “I think you should probably just stick to your beadworking. You know, things you’re actually good at”
In the blink of an eye Lo’ak is drenched in what remained of your banana fruit juice, you’d emptied the canteen right in his stupid face. He blinks in surprise, his mouth falling open, tail going ramrod straight
“You’re such a douchebag” You hiss. You don't completely know what that word means, but you’d heard the sky people throw it around a handful of times and knew that it was nothing good.
“You head straight for the forest without another word. Face hot and eyes stinging.
“Why would you say that?” Kiri glares at her younger brother who looks completely shocked, ears flat and mouth open.
“What? Tell her that she’s good at something? That’s the last time I try to be nice, shit. Grandmother just re-braided my hair” Lo’ak moans as he he rakes his hands down his face, over his chest and through his hair. He’s already sticky.
“Dont be so dense. That wasn't cool and you know it” She sighs, before following you.
“Girls are psychotic” Lo’ak laments, and Spider just shakes his head.
“Yeah, totally”
The forest has already started to glow, the path home bioluminescent which just makes your furious steps even faster. You didn't want to get in trouble with your parents too. They already weren’t going too be thrilled about you ditching babysitting duty to go hang out at the ‘cursed place’
“Wait up!”
You huff and clear the jump between branches in a clean swoop of a jump.
“Come on! Dont be mad at me I didn't do anything!” Kiri exclaimes jumping after you and nearly running into your back as you stop dead, waiting.
“I'm not mad, okay. I'm just-” You shake your head with a sigh. Not wanting to speak the words in your head. “Come on, we need to get home”
“Its okay to be mad at Lo’ak. My dad is, like, all the time” Kiri tries to soothe as the two of you continue your route.
“I can't be mad at someone who was only telling the truth”
“That wasn't the truth. That was him trying to pacify himself over the fact that he didn't get it first try like Neteyam”
Your stomach flutters when Kiri mentions her eldest brother, as it always does. You ignore it like you always do.
Pushing on further, faster, until the twinkling warm lights of the village come into view. They’ve already started preparing for the night and you need to start preparing for the earful you’re about to get.
Your heartbeat goes tense and anxiety creeps up your spine, your tail flicking in rapid jerky motions.
Kiri doesn't pry, she never needs to. She lets you huff and puff and stomp all the way back home, knowing that you’ll spill.
You lean against the bark of the trunk, your arms crossing over your chest as you look at your friend. She stands in front of you, expectant but not forceful. Already knowing whats bothering you, you’d vented about this particular issue so many times in the past.
“At least he got it, eventually. Didn't get himself killed like so many have before him- Kiri I don't know how I'm ever supposed to do that. My parents-” you choke on the word parents, have to swallow up the word vomit “My mom wants me to start really focusing on training and I just-”
“Don't want to?” Kiri offers.
“Completely suck at it. Everyone keeps telling me that it’s gonna get easier, it's in my blood, but I’m not a warrior. I don’t feel it, you know. I just want to read my new book, and make a necklace with those stones we found at the river. And gossip with the girls'' You sigh because why can't it be so easy?
“I think you’d be a great village gossip, we should ask my father if he can make that your official title”
You laugh in spite of yourself and your soured mood “It’s not funny. I'm never going to be what they want me to be. There's no way I’m ever going to be able to tame an ikran. He’s right”
“You don't really think that”
“No I really do. Im pretty sure I’d break my neck trying. I fall of direhorses all the time”
“You can also hit a moving target with your eyes closed. You don't have to be good at all things, all the time Y/N. It’s impossible” She reaches out to pat your shoulder.
“Try telling my mom that '' You sigh, and bring your hands to face, covering your eyes as you talk “I just don't want to disappoint everybody when I’m not able to do it. When I’m not able to complete my Inknamaya and become this great warrior they keep talking about. They’ll all come up to watch me get eaten by my own ikran”
“Would it be easier if they weren't watching?” Kiri offers solutions.
Probably so, but she knows how your family is. You remind her of the fact.
“What if we tried without them…if you didn't feel like you needed to perform, maybe you wouldn't be so in your head the whole time?” Kiri always has the worst plans. Seriously. But this one tops the cake.
You pull your hands from your face to glare at her incredulously. “You’re not serious”
“Why not? Tayrangi kids do it while they’re still in diapers, they don't have any training for it- they know what to do in their hearts. The great mother guides them through it”
“Kiri. Absolutely not”
“Think about it, cause I have. Even before tonight with my stupid brother. Tsaheylu is sacred, we know how to make it from the moment we’re birthed. It doesnt need to be browbeaten into us, we don't have to do it everyone else's way. My mother made the bond with a palulukan! And my father with Taruk? Who taught them how to do that?”
You shake your head because she’s far too good at convincing herself that her asinine ideas aren't exactly that.
You’ve seen the way the forest interacts with her, you know how special she is…but this would certainly get you both killed. Thirteen is young to make the bond with an Ikran anyway. Even the highly skilled, trained and ready warriors have trouble with it.
You're shaking your head, arms back tightly crossed over your chest, about to go full older sister mode when there's a rustling in the nearest tree.
Two sets of ears twitch, focused on what's coming-
“Lo’ak? Kiri?- There you are!”
Neteyam swings in from above, lands gracefully on his feet in front of you.
His amber orbs scan quickly over you both, apprising and slightly annoyed and your stomach does its tell tale flutter. Having him so close, tall and looming never does good things to your weak, wanting heart.
“You do realize that you were supposed to be home hours ago- it's almost eclipse. Mom and dad are pissed, he would have come out himself if Norm hadn’t radioed in that you all we’re using Hell’s Gate as a playground again”
Neteyam sounds every bit his role. Future clan leader, semi disgruntled older brother.
“It's not even eclipse yet, there's still light” Kiri is reaching, it's all but dark out. “Right Y/N?”
“Right? We definitely had a quarter hour left at least, if anything we’re right on time” You nod, catching her line of bullshit and rolling with it.
Neteyam pinches the bridge of his nose. “Your parents are upset too Y/N. I wouldn't use that line with them if I was you”
The anxious flick of your tail comes back full force “Like really upset? Or just- a little bit?”
His deadpan face tells it all. “Where is Lo’ak?
Another shuffle in the trees, leaves and smaller branches swaying. Lo’ak appears, obviously behind. He doesn't land nearly as gracefully as Neteyam.
“I’m right here bro, chill out” Lo’ak’s eyes meet yours briefly and you huff, still upset clearly.
Your nose is high in the air as you turn away. If you had to get scolded, you’d do it with some kind of dignity- and he could fuck right off.
“What is all over you?” Neteyam questions his brother from behind you, plucking at his one of his younger brothers sticky braids.
Its an accumulation of things, your mother tells you. She doesn't scream, but the tongue lashing is no less intense. No, if anything it's worse. You can't look her in the face.
Its an accumulation of things, she tells you. It’s your disregard of your duties, who would have watched your little sisters had an Aunt not volunteered to do what you should’ve. You are to watch over them while she’s partoling and you know that.
It’s your training, or lack thereof. You can't get better if you don't put in the effort. If you don't focus.
“It’s this streak of immaturity , Y/N. You are not a childling anymore. By the time I was your age I was helping feed our community, I had found myself within the people. I want that for you- and you disappoint me at every chance”
Your ears are plastered to the side of your head the entire time, your tail wrapped around your calf. You take it wordlessly, blinking furiously at the tears because you can. Not. Cry.
“Are we done?” You croak and your mother looks like she might cry herself. Instead she nods and you sprint as quickly as you can away. Only when she can't see your face do you let the tears roll fast and hot.
It's later in the night, laying with your family on your cot. Staring at the star filled sky that you recount your mothers words.
Disappoint me.
You disappoint me.
Somewhere, somehow, Kiri’s get mixed in.
What if we tried without them?
To tame an Ikran, you have to go where the Ikrans are.
This was known by all. You’d heard stories of how tedious the journey was, but as you make it yourself, you realize that all before you had minimized its nature.
You and Kiri had taken direhorses out in the early morning under the guise of foraging for berries that you had spotted a week before when visiting the lab. They hadn't been ready to pick then, somehow your Grandfather buys it. Sends you out with a kiss on the forehead.
You're glad your mother is out hunting, she wouldn't have been such an easy sell.
It was early, when you’d left. The sun just rising. Now it is high in the sky, shining brightly as the two of you ride as far down the path as you can go on horseback. The path is narrow and carved into the face of a steep cliff. Rocks crumble away, you soothe the gentle beast beneath you.
Kiri seems to be doing the same for you. Turning back to look at you every few minutes.
“How do you know where we’re going?” You’d questioned her when she’d offered to lead the way.
“I just know. Eywa will show us”
To anyone else that might have not been enough. You follow her eagerly.
The direhorses can only take you so far- before its time to climb.
And climb you do.
The two of you scale the floating mountains none too fast. Its treacherous unstable ground, the wind shifting the terrain with every breeze and you never quite feel like you have your sure footing.
You’d grown up in hometree. They say it isn't as large as the one that your parents grew up in, that the sky people destroyed, but it still towers high. You’d ridden on the back of your mothers ikran, you'd climbed to the top of lovers Peak to watch the great colors in the sky.
You were no stranger to heights, but as Kiri jumps, and latches on to a weak looking vine in mid air you hesitate. You stop for a moment, and look below you.
All you can see are clouds, misty and white. So high up that you can't even see the ground.
“Come on, Y/N!” she calls for you and you gulp. Breath through your nose and take the leap.
The journey is laborious, and feels like it lasts forever. By the time the two of you make it to the entrance of the mouth of the cave you are both covered in sweat, panting profusely. Your arm muscles scream at the intense treatment. You reach a hand out, sweeping through one of the waterfalls that seem to fall into nothing.
Rub the cool liquid on the back of your neck.
It was hell to get to, but the mountain of the Ikran is beautiful.
They fly in the hundreds here, screeching and circling each other in the sky, sweeping from mountain to mountain. Their breeding grounds lush with waterfalls and fungi.
Looking down, down through the gaps of clouds you can see the forest below. It looks so small and and far away. Your stomach lurches, you feel like you’re flying already.
“We made it. I can't believe we made it. Thank you great mother” Kiri whispers, her hands clutching her chest.
“Don't thank her quite yet, we still haven't gotten through the hard part” You remind her- because its there. Looming just out of sight.
There is only a moment to catch your bearings, before you settle in on what you came for.
“We can still go back” Kiri offers. She has to. You don't have to do this.
You shake your head. “No, we can't. We came all this way and I’m never climbing this mountain again”
It’s through one of the waterfalls, the sound of rushing water filling your ever twitching ears as you pay close attention to your footing on the narrow, slippery ledge. It’s white noise, the first peace you’d had since the start of your climb.
“How will we know if an Ikran chooses us?” one of your peers had asked during training and Jake had smiled. All to canine.
“It’ll try to kill you”
You fist the bolo rope you’d brough until the leather digs deep into your palm as they come into view. All of them, dozens. Ikrans of all colors and sizes are seated at what looks like a basking site. They slowly become aware of the outside intrusion, and then its eyes. So many of them. All focused on you and Kiri.
“How are we gonna do this?” You whisper to her, heart pounding in your throat. Adrenaline rushing protectively through your veins.
“I’m not sure yet” She replies very unhelpfully.. Of course It goes the way all things go with Kiri.
She doesn't seem as scared as you are, she steps lightly around the winged creatures, whispering all the while. You’re glued to your spot, still not far from where you’d entered. You’d seen your friend do a number of weird things, unexplainable things. But this…was something else. She approaches an Ikran. And it doesn't try to kill her.
No, the mostly chartreuse creature cocks its head at her. Skittish and unsure. You’re too far away to hear what she's saying but Kiri keeps whispering. Talk to it, as one does a child. A smile on her face, her arm outstretched and welcoming.
“Kiri don’t!”
You’re trying to figure out how exactly you’re going to explain a missing arm to her family when she takes a hold of her que, and simple as anything, connect it to her ikrans.
The gasp you let out leaves your throat sore.
You’re confused. Cant believe your eyes. You’re still in disbelief when she takes flight, the green and silver of the wings sparking in the high alkaline sunshine. Kiri soars through the air- making a wide turn, and coming back to where you’re still rooted.
“How did you do that?!” Your voice breaks and your eyes are wide as saucers.
“I asked her if she wanted to be my friend!” Kiri hollers back. Completely serious. “You can do it Y/N! You’ve gotta, this is amazing! She yells “You’ve got this!”
And you want it, so badly.
You want to be in the air with her, you don't want to go back to the village riding her coat tails and reeking of defeat. You have to do this, you square your shoulders,
“I’ve got this!” You reply, even though you keep thinking about Lo’ak’s unconscious body on the back of Neytiri’s ikran the first time he’d tried this. He’d been knocked unconscious, head bloody and his mom had had to carry him home.
It is glaringly apparent as you take the steps that your friend had just made, that this is not going to go the same way for you.
Where the banshee’s seemed to be at peace with her being here on their territory they reacted completely differently as you approach. Wailing loudly, scattering. Hostile and ready to strike.
They didn't want to be your friend.
Everytime you get close, they take off, jumping ship. Taking to the skies.
Until one doesn't.
Perched on a rock, the creature looks at you with a sharp turquoise eye. Only one, the other is scared, disfigured from past battle. She’s huge and dark purple. So dark she looks shiny with it, the orange, green and magenta splotches on her skin give the appearance of an oil slick.
She’s nothing like the pretty, feminine ikrans you’d so admired growing up. She’s fierce and terrifying and for a moment you think that there's no way she’s choosing you.
“Oh shit” you hear Kiri, distantly.
The ikran opens her massive jaws and lets out a roar that shakes you to your core.
“It’ll try to kill you” Jake had answered the question. Training young hunters to the best of his ability “And you’ve gotta call their bluff”
You muster a fierce hiss, even though you feel anything but, and then its on.
Lightening quick, chaos ensues. A tangle of limbs and wings. You can't wrap your mind around what's happening, there’s no room for any other thoughts then make tsaheylu. You have to follow your body, trust it. But it's so hard when something three times your size is struggling against you, trying to take any chance it has to kill you.
“Make the bond!”
You get the bolo wrapped around its gnashing jaws and chalk it up to pure luck. In the next moment one of it’s wings expands violently, throwing you back. Luckily not straight over the edge, but against the rough rocky wall opposite.
Your head connects with a sickening thud.
Your world goes dark, the pain on the right side of your face excruciating and your ears ringing from the impact. Or is that Kiri screaming? You force yourself to collect your bearings, forcing up onto your knees. You can taste metallic in your mouth and your head feels too heavy for your neck to hold.
A flash of purple brings your eyes back to focus.
The ikran is going to take flight, her wings outstretched. She’s going to leave and you’re never going to have another chance. You’re going to have to ride back home bloody and defeated. A loser who never should’ve tried. You’re going to disappoint your family, again. You won't be able to bring this glory to them-
You didnt come this far to go back empty handed. You weren't going to get in trouble for nothing.
The ikran takes off disappearing over the edge.
And you jump off the cliff behind her.
Jake is making his rounds, there’s so many of them now a days. He checks in with Mo’at, runs perimeter. Takes account of his people, and wonders if the imposter syndrome will ever fade. Tuk is still just young enough that she sticks to his side like glue.
“Daddy, look at this!” “Daddy, what’s that!”
A part of him wishes all of his children were still 5 years old. Still thought he hung the stars just for them. Instead he barely knew where they were anymore. Teenagers are still teeangers no matter what planet they’re on.
He does mental intake- Neteyam would no doubt be leading training. Kiri off somewhere with Y/N, and Lo’ak was hunting with Neytiri so for once Jake didn't need to worry about him.
Everything was fine. Everything was great…so why did he have this gnawing feeling in his gut that it wasn't?
It’s okay, this is why he’d given his family coms, so that he could check in whenever he wanted to.
He touches base with Neytiri first, her and Lo’ak are fine and he better not mess up her shot again.
Then Neteyam, he’ll be on stand-bye if needed.
“Kiri, I need your six. Over” He’s met with dead silence. He tries again, and again only for the same result. And that’s not normal. Kiri, at this age, will usually reply with some sarcastic smart ass quip. Captain dad, she calls him.
She’s never gone radio silent. And Jake’s gut has never lead him astray. Something’s wrong.
Tuk is pulling on his hand, taking his ear off but he’s sinking into a place he knows all too well- he can't panic. His brains not hardwired for that, too many battlefields, too much experience.
“Neteyam? When was the last time you saw Kiri, over?”
The first place he looks for his daughter is with Y/N, the two are practically conjoined at this point. You aren't to be found at your hut, but your grandfather tells him that the two of you had gone gathering. Bubble berries, its their season but the timing doesn't match- if his daughter had left this morning, she’d be back by now.
Jake’s in full military mode, furiously barking out orders.
A search party needed to be dispersed. Now. He’s gathering his men when Vitany, your mother touches ground. She’s confused, and then she’s fearful. He can see his own emotions mirrored in her eyes. She’s a great warrior, one of his best. She’d fought beside him for the last decade. No fear, heart of a lion. That all tends to go out of the window the moment your child is involved.
“Ma’ Jake!”
As Neytiri and Lo’ak land, having raced home from hunting at the news- his wife looks much the same. Terrified, confused. Shooting off question after question, where can they be? Where do they start?.
He’s about to take flight- to follow the search party.
“Dad!” Its Neteyam, and along with him he’s toting Spider. A gentle but firm grip on the younger, smaller boy's shoulder.
“What’s going on? What is it?”
“You need to tell them what you told me” his eldest son urges the human boy “Right now”
Jake’s always felt for Spider. A kid misplaced forever on a planet not his own. With people who could never and would never see him as anything but an alien.
All eyes are on him.
“It was uh, it was like a week ago. When they came to visit Hell’s Gate. We all got into it about ikran riding and how Kiri and Y/N weren't cut out for it. Kiri said that she could do it a different way like the Tayrangi Clan did, and Y/N just got really pissed at Lo’ak and left-”
“Is this true?” Neytiri looks to Lo’ak who hangs his head. But nods in agreement.
“What are you saying?” Jake presses, because he needs a solid answer.
“I think that they might have gone into the mountains. To try and tame ikrans” Spider finishes and Neteyam lets go of his shoulder, his hand slightly shaking.
“No” Vitany gasps horrified. Her daughter isn't trained enough. What the human boy just spoke of is certain death, she's on the back of her own ikran within seconds, taking off as fast as she can.
Racing towards the breeding grounds. Neytiri is hot on her trail.
“Neteyam, I need you with me, let's go!” Jake calls for Bob, high pitched bird sounds, and the beast lands at his feet, ever loyal. Looking at him, Jake remembers just what it took to tame him-
“Not you” He bellows, already mid flight. Catches his youngest son gripping his reins. Lo’ak protests, his eyes watery as the weight of his actions weigh down heavily on him.
“Dad, please”
“You’ve done enough”
Neteyam spends most his life in flight, since he had passed his rite of taming Atanzaw(lightning) years ago, he never wanted to touch ground.
He felt most himself in the sky. Free, lost to the vastness of the wind. He’d take any hunting, scouting or perimeter control shifts he could get his hands on, as long as he could fly.
It's an unusual feeling, being on ikrab back and having his stomach tied into knots. Being so worried that he can barely breathe.
He has to keep his mind clear to keep Atanzaw flying straight, piercing through the clouds like a bullet. He can't imagine his sister mauled to death or her best friend thrown to her death. It is too much.
He let his guard down, he knew he needed to help keep a closer eye on his siblings when his mother was hunting and he let his fucking guard down.
Kiri and Y/N we’re always running off, but never far. He could always track one’s movement by the other’s. Keeping an eye on Y/N had become a part of his routine, and he’d slacked.
Y/N hadn’t shown up for training and he should’ve known something was wrong- but she’d been off all week. Upset at something that was none of his business to uncover. Overworking herself, walking away from friends that she’d usually spend her time chattering with.
He’s better than this. He’s going to be Olo’ekteyan someday, how is he supposed to keep the people safe if he can't even keep his sister safe? He’s wallowing in could’ve, would’ve should’ve’s when he hears a scream.
Neteyam banks against the wind, using all his strength to pull himself and Atanzaw in the other direction. Towards the screams, towards where his sister and her friend we’re undoubtedly in imminent danger.
He doesn't get shocked much, and when he does, he’s always able to hide it. Able to handle it enough that no one even noticed.
His mouth hangs open and his ears point straight at the sight that greets him.
No longer is the sky filled with screams, but with girlish giggles. Yelps and ikran caterwauls.
Kiri and Y/N do barrel rolls around each other, in hysterics as they play in the clouds. Both of them sat atop their respective ikran- not dead. Not dying. But frolicking, like schoolgirls. Like they didn't just give the village a collective fucking stroke.
Neteyam is angry, furious even. But more so, he’s impressed. That combined with the shock is a potent mix in his system and he can help but let out an incredulous laugh. Somehow the two of you were not only alive, but flying, bareback. Had climbed the Hallelujah mountains alone, and tamed ikran.
You were both in so much fucking trouble.
A|N: Okay I know the story is lacking Neteyam right now, buttttt I just needed to get through with the set up. All of the rest of the chapters will be very Neteyam x Reader heavy.
Also- I read an article that said this is how Kiri bonded with her Ikran in the comics? And thought it was rad. I had to roll with it.
Please comment and tell me what you think! And what you wanna see in future parts! More interaction will always mean quicker updates.
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coolbeanzeaglbones · 13 days
Fanfic chapter, the one with Eagleclaw.
The commander was sorta mad. Oh, no one messes with one of his friends and gets away with it.
Ugh, the nerve!
Luckily, they knew where Eaglebones’ mom lived, as they had all gone to the funeral of his father like in their first year of being in the Aquabats.
They had insisted on going, despite Eaglebones basically pleading that they didn't, as he was sad and didn't want them to see that.
The logic was that their mother probably, and that was a huge probably, knew where Eagleclaw was.
They pulled into the gravel driveway and walked up to the house, “But what if she doesn't know?” Crash asked, “Well, then we lie about our intentions and just say Eaglebones is fine, then I don't know.” He knocked on the door and waited.
About two minutes passed and the door opened. Now, eaglebones’ mom was a nice lady she just didn't…look nice.
She looked mean, but when she spoke, you instantly knew she was a kind lady trapped under a mean face, “Oh hi, this is…unexpected, won't you come in?” She opened the door fully and allowed them to walk in, “Where's my son?” She asked, as only the four Aquabats walked in.
The commander already had a lie ready, “Oh we um…are just dropping in because we're looking for your other son, but Bones isn't with us today because we went to the professor's and he said he didn't feel good soo….” she nodded and said, “My oldest son is in the living room, he stopped in to visit me, can you believe it?”
She said this as they emerged in the living room to see Eagleclaw, on the couch, sipping tea.
Ricky's hand was clenched into a fist at his side. The commander was the best at de-escalating a situation, “Hello Eagleclaw.” The commander said, a false smile in place on his face.
Eagleclaw smiled at him, “Where's my brother?” He asked innocently, like a child lying about something they thought was funny, but would get in trouble for later. The commander's smile turned more to a clenched jaw, “You know, he felt sick, so he couldn't come.” They all sat down as a unit on the couch.
Eagleclaw was smirking at them before changing his expression to one of concern as his mother walked back in, “Now I think I have to talk to my son alone, so why don't you guys go outside and, I don't know, go out back.”
The Aquabats knew proper etiquette, so they did as they were told and went to the backyard.
They had a swing set from many years ago. It had two swings. So, forgetting the entire situation, they kinda started trying to see who could get to the swings first.
Crash literally picked Ricky up and swung him at the other two, not enough to hurt them, just enough to make them step back.
It was safe to say that they got to go on the swings. The commander pouted, “I wanted to go on the swing.” He whined.
He continued like that for a few minutes before Jimmy had enough, “Commander, we can take this time to discuss the situation, and plan.” The commander groaned, “I hate planning.”
“But he's right, we need a plan. I mean, we have to get the name of the poison out of Eagleclaw.” Said Ricky. Crash stopped swinging for a second and picked up a leaf, contemplating it in his hand for a second, “Jimmy, do you have your knitting needles?” That question caught Jimmy off guard, “Yes, why crash?”
“Cuz if he doesn't willingly tell us, we'll have to force it out of him.” Everyone turned to him, “Well, I'm not letting Eaglebones read to you ever again.” Jimmy said.
They kept bantering for a while until Eagleclaw came out back, a smirk still on his face. He seemed to be holding something in his claws, “Hey fitness, you were always my favorite,” he handed Ricky a vial of bright red liquid, “you make sure he gets fixed, I know he's your friend.”
Then he walked out the back gate and left.
Ricky stared at the vial in his hand, then looked at the others, “Jimmy scan it.” Jimmy used his robot eyes to scan, “That's it.” The commander could barely contain a surprised laugh, “Well, that solved that, let's go.”
Little did they know, Eagleclaw was laughing, his plan falling into order.
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tornad001 · 2 months
reply to a trans woman on her post without degendering her and calling her they/them/their challenge (impossible) (how the fuck are you going to debate someone on the existence of transmisogyny and not even correctly gender her and yet expect everyone to agree with you)
i don't check for ppl's pronouns before responding. if u read the posts and come away with the conclusion that the 2 (two) they/thems i used are a sneaky transphobic tactic, im sorry to say the reality is much more banal and unintentional
i changed it tho. i default to they/them when i don't know someone's pronouns. but i honestly have very little respect for trans ppl who get actually upset when u "misgender" them with gender neutral pronouns. i think it shows a fragility of identity and a level of self-centeredness that is telling. if ur too emotionally reactive to hear a queer person use gender neutral language as a default for ambiguous circumstances, then ur too emotionally reactive to be having mature conversations with other queer folk.
i thought we were all about not assuming people's gender? but maybe that just doesn't apply to binary trans ppl? am i supposed to just divine the gender identity when it's a trans woman? i could've made the connection, username catgirlforeskin, being belligerent about the misogyny/misandry paradigm, etc. but any of that would still be an assumption. and if u want me to just look at their profile before i respond to anyone, im not gonna do that
cuz again, i have very little respect for trans people who get unironically upset at being they/them'd. thats the way i do engagement and if u think that makes me transphobic, well i obviously disagree, but ur entitled to ur opinion. i literally don't even bother correcting ppl if im misgendered irl usually. during the pandemic i got ma'am'd a lot cuz of my long hair, mask, and shawl, but how does it affect me? why should i care? i always just got kinda tickled that without even meaning to i was performing femininity well enough to bamboozle the lady at the reception desk. i think if ur performing queerness, u can't get upset if ur they/them'd. we're all for correcting ppl who misgender u here, but i think that process should be a gracious notice that that's not the pronouns u use with increasing intensity and eventually vitriol if not respected. but no, yall decided to serve up emotional reactivity from the start. i used they/them twice in the same post and didn't misgender them aside from that (cuz the rest i referenced her directly with you/yall) but rather than a "hey she uses she/her pronouns" followed by my "oh i didn't realize, ill change that", u had to come out the gate swinging with accusations and assumptions. like it wasn't even a he/him, that i can at least understand being emotionally reactive about, but for gender neutral they/them? insane, whacky nonsense. its the year of our lord 2024, be more normal
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
Rule The World With Me-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Story Summary: Ivar travel's to Kiev to escape his brothers, where he meets you and hopes that you will be his queen.
Chapter Seventeen: Prince Dir Comes to Kiev
Chapter Summary: Prince Dir comes to Kiev and asks for war and you make a decision on whether you are fighting or not.
Word Count 1,500
Warnings: none
Four days later…
For the past few days, you have been training with Hvitserk and Ubbe none-stop to get ready for Prince Dir's arrival. You know that today is the day that Prince Dir is set to arrive here in Kiev. You are nervous as to what he is actually coming here to do. Is he coming to take Igor away, or take the throne? You don't know yet. You don't even want to get out of bed, you don't want this responsibility today. 
Ivar "We have to get up, my love." He ruffles your hair in a playful manner.
"Do we really?"
Ivar "Sadly, yes." You sit up in bed, pulling the fur up to your chest, covering your bare chest. 
"Today is going to be rough, isn't it?"
Ivar "Yes, but you have nothing to fear. Hvitserk, Ubbe and myself are not leaving you or Igor's side."
"Why does this have to happen? I haven't even reached my second trimester yet and another threat arrives!"
Ivar "Because this is the life that we have to live. This is the life that we have to fight for. I know that it gets tough, especially when you least expect it. But the gods don't make you face anything that they feel like you can't handle."
"I just feel so weak right now, that's all. Just got to put on a brave face for my people."
Ivar "Things will get better, my love. Our child will live in a peaceful world, I promise you."
Hvitserk "Rough night, little sis?"
"Didn't sleep well, today's events couldn't leave my mind."
Hvitserk "I know, but today is just him coming here to talk. It's not battle day, okay?"
"Yeah, okay."
Ivar "Where is Ubbe?"
Hvitserk "talking to the guards and warriors."
Ivar "Very good. And Prince Igor?"
Hvitserk "Still in bed, I think."
Ivar "Go wake him, he needs to be ready for today." Hvitserk nods and walks off. You and Ivar walk outside to meet with Ubbe and Torvi.
Ubbe "When you swing, make sure that you never let go of your shield. If you lose your shield, you are as good as dead. Understood?"
Warrior "Yes sir."
Ivar "You teaching them to fight, huh?"
Ubbe "Yes, Hvitserk has taught them strategies and methods on how to strike so I am teaching them the basics."
Ivar "Good man. Good man."
"Where is Torvi?"
Ubbe "Talking to the shield maiden's. She is one herself."
"I'm going over there, see what she is telling them." Ivar agrees and watches you walk off. Ubbe sees his brother gush over you as you walk away. He ruffles up his hair and pulls his head into his shoulder, making Ivar laugh.
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Ubbe "LOOK AT MY BROTHER! So in love, what a sight!"
Ivar "Do you have to be so annoying, huh?"
Ubbe "Oh come on, you used to love it when I did that as kids."
Ivar "Yes, only because I was much smaller than you and couldn't defend myself!"
Ubbe "Yeah...good times."
Ivar "mmmm not so great." Hvitserk walks over with Prince Igor.
Igor "You are so tall."
Ubbe "Cuz I am VIKING!!"
Hvitserk "That is not why you are tall, Ubbe."
Ubbe whispers, "yes but the kid doesn't know that.." Ivar rolls his eyes and starts to laugh. 
Ivar "you ready for the day, yes?"
Igor "Yes, my king. As ready as I can be."
Ivar "Good. Don't show your fear, boy. He will use that against you."
Igor "I will try."
Hvitserk "Brother, where did Y/n go?"
Ivar "Talking with Torvi." Hvitserk 'oh's' and starts talking to Ubbe about the warriors.
Torvi "Men always think that women are weaker, but they are wrong! We are stronger!" The women cheer and point their swords towards the sky.
"Torvi is right. They think that we will lose to them, that we will not be strong enough...but that isn't how I trained you, is it?"
Torvi "So when we go into battle, will you be afraid?!"
"Are we afraid of death?"
Torvi "Then act like it! You will go into battle with your sword and shields in hand, and will destroy every man and woman in your path."
"YES!" Torvi looks over at you and smiles.
Torvi "You are a good queen, y/n."
"As are you. Thank you for giving them strength."
Torvi "You gave them strength, I just followed your lead." You smile and look over at Ivar. "You really love him don't you?"
"Of course. He saved my life, and gave me life in the process. I have to tell you, no one has ever loved me like Ivar does."
Torvi "I'd have to say the same for Ivar. Before you, he was very different."
"I know, I've heard many stories.."
Torvi "But he is much different now. You have changed him for the better Y/n. I can see a light in his eyes that didn't exist before."
"As do I, Torvi...as do I." She opened her mouth to speak but the sound of the gates opening stopped her. In came Prince Dir with some of his men. You look at Ivar and he raises his hand for you to take it. You as well as Ivar Ubbe, Torvi, Hvitserk and Igor walk into your house. You and Ivar take your seats upon the throne and you hold Igor's hand in yours to keep him close.
Prince Dir "Well well well Princess Y/n-"
"That is queen Y/n to you." He is taken aback for a moment, then chuckles.
Prince Dir "Queen Y/n...you are with child."
"I am indeed."
Prince Dir "And this….cripple is...the father?"
"He is."
Prince Dir "well, I suppose a congratulations is in order...congratulations."
Hvitserk "What is your purpose here?"
Prince Dir "My brother is dead! And it is my right to take my nephew….and take the throne."
Ivar "The throne is not yours to take here, Prince Dir." He says growling and clenching his jaw.
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Prince Dir "Actually, it is."
Ubbe "Well that is not going to happen." He says, taking a few steps forward and placing his hand on his ax.
Prince Dir chuckles, "This is my kingdom. This...was my brother's kingdom and now since his demise, I will take his place."
"You won't get it without a war."
Prince Dir "My Queen I-"
"This is MY Kingdom...this is MY king, MY husband! This is MY nephew, and I will NOT allow you to take everything I have away from me! So if you want to, you will have to go through all of us." Your army comes walking through the doors along with the shield maiden's. Prince Dir starts to panic a little.
Prince "Very well. If it has to be this way, then a war you shall get."
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Ivar "Normally….Prince Dir, I wouldn't even hesitate to take you out on the battle field. But my wife is with child-"
Prince Dir "Do you really think, that I care about that child in her belly?" Hvitserk walks up towards him, getting right in his face.
Hvitserk "If you don't take that back, I will put my ax through your fucking skull!"
Ubbe "Brother!! Not here...not right now…" he walks up to Hvitserk and puts his hand on his shoulder. "He will get what is coming to him brother. Walk away." Hvitserk growls and walks away. 
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Prince Dir "You have animals on your side don't you, Y/n?"
"Yes, but they are my animals...and you threatened their pup." Ivar chuckles and grabs your hand.
Ivar "So it is settled. We will have war. I suggest you leave before my brothers rip you to pieces and hang you outside as an example." Prince Dir's face goes pale and he slowly walks out, leaving your kingdom. You take a deep breath and grab your belly. Ubbe notices and walks towards you.
Ubbe "Are you alright?" His words alarmed Ivar.
Ivar "Baby?"
"Yes. I am fine. Just...relieved that he is gone."
Ivar "He shouldn't have said that...I will burn him alive."
"I am fighting."
Hvitserk "Y/n!"
"I am fighting. He spoke against my child, I will kill the bastard myself." Ivar hangs his head as if he is defeated. He knew that what he was going to say wouldn't change your mind.
Torvi "And so you shall, my queen."
Ubbe "We need to start a battle plan Ivar."
Ivar "Yes."
Ubbe "Brother...look at me…" Ivar looks up, "She is strong. She will be fine."
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"I will Ivar."
Ivar sighs, "Gather the people, it's time to start a plan to kill this bastard who threatens my family."
{Will Y/n defeat Prince Dir? Find out very soon in the chapters to come!}
@hvitserkmarcosource @desiredposion @youbloodymadgenius @ivaraddict @ivarthebonelessvk @ivar-andersen
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