#cute animals and was literally so wholesome to see getting silly and having fun with her female colleague and animals
wild-wombytch · 11 months
I don't know if any of you gyns care, but in case you do, I'm sharing the free routine I've been doing on top of my modified workout (since my legendary -and sadly not recorded- asphalt-diving injuries) :
It's in French, but I think it's perfectly doable by just looking at her moves. The main things she insists on anyways are to keep your stomach/abs hard, hips static when moving upper body and back flat. You can also add weights. And if your cervicals/neck hurt, you can support it with your hands as long as you engage your abs and not neck while raising your upper body for the floor workout part.
It's just standing for most part, so it keeps my knees, arm and ankle safe. It's beginner level. If it's too intense, you can pause. There are more intense free workouts on this YT channel with different coaches if you wanna check, it's just that this one hasn't wrecked my injuries afterwards yet and helps me to gain/maintain muscles while still recovering.
And if you do this and/or other routines multiple days a week and have the proper food intake, you should definitely gain muscles. I shit you not, I'm on this YT channel in the first place because I saw an elderly woman like, a month ago, who had a literal six packs and she told me was just doing 3 videos like that per week for 2y when I asked her about this sorcery. Eldery women have some Lore™ to share!
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 11 months
So I’m in a silly goofy wholesome mood, so take some hc’s of the states essentially being adult children :]
*gives you a cookie and some hot cocoa*
-a while ago, the regions all had a treehouse making contest (since they have the woods as a backyard) and it’s safe to say that they all won :3
-during the fall, some of the states will rake up the leaves into piles to jump in them cuz it’s fun and silly
-^*cue Alaska picking up Texas and throwing him into a pile of leaves, and Florida doing the same to Louisiana. Meanwhile Washington’s dying in the background cuz allergies are a b!tch :( *
-they will all have full on games of tag, like one state will tag another and say “Tag! You’re it!” and then literally everyone present will drop whatever they’re doing and run like their lives depended on it.
-^this usually ends with a bunch of tired out states, and that means…. MOVIE NIIIIIGHT!!
-Movie Nights are a thing and they 100% happen a couple times a week.
-every single state has a stuffed animal that is one of their favorite things ever (Even Gov. His is an eagle 🥹)
-Nerf battles. There are nerf guns LITERALLY everywhere. The statehouse has turned into a round of Call of Duty multiple times and it will happen several times more. (Poor Gov has gotten himself caught in so many nerf battles 😭 Mans just wanted his damn coffee 😭)
-Half of the fighting that happens amongst the states is actually play fighting.
-Household Hide’n’Seek is a thing and NY, RI, LA, and TX (he’s a bendy straw and has no joints okay-) are the champions.
-full on snowball battles whenever it snows a lot, and those usually end in movie nights and hot cocoa :)
Now individual (sorta) hc’s:
-Alaska and Texas play fight/wrestle on the daily, and they can be rougher with each other since they are bigger states. Though they know to stop if one actually hurts the other (Alaska is extra careful sometimes though cuz Texas bruises really easily and he’d rather not be murdered by the south in various gruesome ways-)
-New York LOVES play fighting. He will legit just come up behind someone and playfully punch, shove, or headbutt them and those that are close to him know that he wants to play 🥺 Tho sometimes it’s taken the wrong way and someone actually gets hurt- surprisingly it’s usually NY that gets hurt cuz he wasn’t expecting his opponent to ACTUALLY try to genuinely fight him 😭 And then he’s just left there to be like-"What’d I do 🥲”
-sometimes Texas will jokingly use Louisiana as an armrest when talking to somebody, which sometimes makes Loui bite him, but Loui sometimes also just deals with it or just clings to or cuddles Texas’s arm.
-Texas 100% squeals like a little girl whenever he sees a cute animal, and I DEFY you to tell me otherwise. Like- I can see him walking into the statehouse and someone will say hello and he’ll just say "Hi". Y’know, like a fvcking robot. But the moment an animal walks into the room, he’ll be like-"*le gasp* Awwwww!! Hi Mar!!! Who’s a good boy?? You are!!~” (Mar is one of NJ’s dogs btw).
-CT, MA, and NJ will all gang-cuddle their little brother, and will 100% laugh as NY tires to squirm his scrawny ass outta there
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bluelolblue · 5 months
Beach and forest headcanon for Santino and John
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When Santino prefers chilling and walking on the beach and John maybe has a slight preference for the forest walks.
Santino would complain about all the bugs in the forest, tho. If he sees a spider, he's turning around and leaving without John, but John leaded the way, and Santino wasn't paying attention, so he doesn't know how to return, he needs John for that. "If you pick up that spider, you're never touching me again. Ever." I'm having way too much fun with Santino being scared of spiders. He'd describe them as "disgusting creatures with too many legs."
The mosquitoes. Santino's cursing in Italian and English at them. He hates mosquitoes. John is literally so patient with him and kills mosquitoes he sees that are near him. And he's overall patient with his complaints because "he will calm down eventually." It's the way Santino is, and John accepted him like that. In fact, he finds it cute.
A way to distract Santino is to point out a deer or any other animal. Since it's not every day they go to the forest, it's nice to see a deer, squirrel, fox... like it actually makes Santino happy. He's taking photos of them, too. He loves animals but no bugs.
Meanwhile on the beach, Santino is calm and chilling. John can finally relax and not have to worry about a spider getting near Santino. The wasps, tho. But Santino is mostly quiet, inhaling that sea smell of salt and it's a nice fresh air. They both enjoy this a lot. Going swimming together, walking on the beach, just chilling on the towel as they snack, drink and talk. Getting ice cream together and making sexy jokes when the ice cream gets on their sides of their mouths or anywhere. And Santino always makes that joke first because it's him.
I almost forgot! Santino helps him put on the sun cream since John kinda burns easily while Santino gets a nice tan. Ofc he's Italian, it's no problem to him. Getting that vitamin D (and another vitamin D 🌚). No, I'm keeping this wholesome.
Anyways, I thought of this few days ago but now I got really inspired to write it down. So have this silly headcanon :3
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atamascolily · 11 months
princess tutu rewatch, episode 3
I love the non-linear approach to Ahiru's situation at the beginning - we still have more or less the conventional magical girl format, but we piece it together after the fact.
however, instead of a cute animal, Ahiru gets her powers from a ghost literally haunting the narrative. Oof.
love how the book she's supposed to balance on her head is the exact one she needs.
Apparently, he's just "Drosselmeyer", one word, like Prince or something.
Ahiru: "The prince shattered his heart to seal away an evil raven, but I'm giving all the shards all back to him, so he can feel again! I'm sure this won't have any unintended consequences like releasing the raven or whatever!"
Ahiru, being a duck, rolls with all the weirdness around her like water off a duck's back, lolololol
Mytho: "I have no idea what's going on, ever, I just need someone to tell me what to do and Rue and Fakir are the only ones who'll actually do that." Poor guy. I feel so bad for him. At least Fakir seems concerned for his well-being--Rue just wants a puppet boyfriend who will tell her how great she is.
a restaurant in the middle of the woods! This is not suspicious at all, nothing to see here.
oh my god Fakir is riding around on a HORSE to find Mytho, because OF COURSE HE DOES
Ahiru: "Don't you think it's strange that all the food at this restaurant is cold and gross?" Mytho: "I have no idea what counts as normal, sorry."
Drosselmeyer's hat is simultaneously silly and ominous, like everything else about his character design
Mytho: "I will literally keep eating until you tell me to stop." Ebine: "Great! I've found the perfect partner for this unhealthy co-dependent relationship!"
Princess Tutu: "Mytho, get in your magic beanstalk cage and go to sleep." He does, because as we've already established, that's his current defining character trait!
everyone gets a flying boat!! the symbolism!!!
I love this show because Princess Tutu doesn't fight anyone ever, they just dance and talk about their feelings and it's so wholesome
GOD, Drosselmeyer is such a DICK!!! He KNEW Princess Tutu was fated for tragedy and he DELIBERATELY DIDN'T TELL AHIRU what she was signing up for because he thought it would be fun to watch. Really making Kyubey look like a master of informed consent here.
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writer-ylstr · 2 years
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Okay, lets just talk about this AMAZING movie for a second. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, I’m talking about Puss in Boots and the Last Wish.
This was a really good movie!! DreamWorks better keep it up, their movies have been improving! The animation has SKY ROCKETED!!
Below is SPOILERS!!
So please beware.
(Watch the movie if you haven’t!!)
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Part i: The villain
It was so refreshing to see a fairly interesting villain. I’m talking about Death. He was super interesting, instead of carrying that big staff that the Grim Reaper has, he carries like two? I’m not sure what that weapon is called… but it was interesting design choice. His whistle always gives me shivers. Like literal chills. The fact that Deaths goal is just to get Puss into the right state of mind and he’s trying to say “Hey, theres more to life than just this.” It really makes me feel happy that there wasn’t a really long fight, instead he leaves when he realizes that Puss has already gone into that state of mind and decides not to use the wish.
Now lets talk about Goldilocks and the three bears.
They’re a really interesting family. I love the fact that instead of the bears fighting and arguing with Goldi that they’re her real family— they actually respect it and help her get the wish. I also love that Goldi decides that “Screw it, I’m gonna help my family.” Its just so wholesome!! I love their character as well! (Before you say that their not villains or whatever, just not I put them in here just as a neutral.)
Okay last and not least Big Jack Horner.
The fact that his intentions have no backstory or what not. He’s just a silly villain who wants control over magic. He even says that he had loving parents and a pie business that he was supposed to take over. He’s also very refreshing to see as a villain, and theres not as much backstory to him.
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Part ii: The Main Characters
First of all, lets talk about Puss.
Puss’s song has been stuck in my head for days ever since I saw the movie. I don’t mind but its just there. Anyways, after rewatching Shrek 2 after watching the movie, I realized they added so much backstory and depth to Puss. I also rewatched half of the first movie of Puss. It was quite okay. Its fun to see that now Puss is called a ‘hero’ in the beginning of the movie, and he takes pride in it. But soon after he’s been attacked by Death— he knew that he was likely to die. He ended up retiring. But until he met Perrito and Kitty— he realized he didn’t need all those lives to enjoy life. He’s a pretty interesting character.
Now— Lets talk about Kitty!
Kitty was in the first Puss In Boots movie, I think shes an original character? I’m not sure. But she is sassy, fun, and very sarcastic. Her backstory is tragic, the fact she has trust issues, it all adds up. Kitty is a very interesting character and I hope to learn way more about her. Kitty is definitely ONE of my favorites. She is pretty cool character.
He’s so cute!! If I could have a dog like that, I want that dog NOW. Perrito is one of my comfort characters and seeing him cheer up Puss just makes me feel so sad and it makes the scene wholesome at the same time. I love Perrito, he doesn’t know his backstory is tragic because HE IS SO DANG WHOLESOME AND OPTIMISTIC!! I love him!!
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Part iii: Conclusion
Overall, this was a pretty good movie. 10/10, it has the best humor I have heard since Shrek. The censored swearing is just perfect. I love the movie, it was super good. DreamWorks is doing really good with movies! If they do come up with a Shrek 5, it BETTER be good. Can’t wait to see DreamWorks future projects!
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carpisuns · 3 years
Hello :)
You always give the best recommendations.
Do you have some Adrinette and Marichat recs (art and writing)?
Fluff and happy endings are very appreciated.
Thank you! (I hope you are well) 🤍
Oh thank you 😌 I pride myself on enjoying good things djdjdk
i've recced a lot of these before so sorry alksdfja they're just so good! also sorry i aways go overboard with recs lol I CANT HELP IT, PEOPLE MAKE SUCH GOOD THINGS THAT I LOVE
this list ended up very long so I’m putting it under a cut fjdjdm
adrienette fics:
golden (like daylight) by @anna-scribbles — FAV FAV FAV literally so exquisitely written, gorgeous prose, lots of nuance and it all ties together to perfectly at the end HNNNG it has some Angst but it’s also very soft and the end is so fluffy💜💜
more than words by @zimtlein — another current fav, ongoing wip!! adrienette fake dating, angst but also lots of humor and shenangians (pre reveal pre relationship)
Operation Mega Sleepover by @smellerbeee — literally the purest sweetest adrienette friendship ever 😭(pre reveal pre relationship)
Comfort Food by Reiaji — GORGEOUSLY written adrienette bonding thru cooking lessons 🥺(ft. reveal)
the right side of his face by @hamsternamedmarinette — i just really love this, it's well written and i think it shows their relationship in a beautifully nuanced way 💜(pre reveal pre relationship)
new marinette by @rosekasa — this is a marinette memory loss fic so it's so sad but it has a perfect happy ending, dw! (alizeh also has tons of fluffy adrienette oneshots so check them out too!)
the roses still bloom by @botherkupo — this one is sad but so sweet and pure i just 🥺🥺🥺 platonic hurt/comfort, pre-reveal
Make It True by @ominousunflower — prpr closet makeout alkjdfasf
Plaggatouille by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights — peak adrienette shenanigans + cute reveal!
Short-Circuited by @mikachu-chu — this fic has such cute chaotic energy hdjdjd I love it. ft that one Electric Love tiktok trend 👀
Photograph by @sha-nwa — this one makes me cry but it's still fluffy just like.......bittersweet 😭(post reveal, established relationship)
marichat fics:
the way i loved you by @sha-nwa — FAV, ongoing wip that owns my entire mind!!!!! painful but so so good and beautifully written 😭
a lie for a lie by @botherkupo — I always gotta rec this one, Kim’s a fantastic writer and this is one of the first things I read in the fandom and it’s still on of my favs! Marichat fake dating (kim also has tons of other amazing marichat, check out all of it lol but Glad We’re Friends is so sweet and I’ll Be Your (Wing)Man is hilarious)
spark by @zimtlein — marichat tinder fic that starts out silly but evolves to be more angsty and it's like a delicious slow reveal aaa
home is where your wifi connects automatically by @zimtlein — cute marichat reveal!
Madame Snare by @jettiebettie — possibly my fav marichat fic ever aaaa such a good, in-character, canon-compatible exploration ft adrien (detransformed) acting as chat who is pretending to be a female model asflkadsjf i cry it's perf
Loopholes by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights — I don't think I've recced this before but it's such a cute and sweet marichat reveal! (also check out Tali's other marichats bc they're the best,,,I will mention Charcoal Lines but literally they're all my fav haha. ok also read Tastes Like Dirt. And Your Kitty. And The Wrong Balcony. Screw it all of them!!! dhsjsm)
Ladies’ Choice by @smellerbeee — this has been a fav for a long time, she just gets them and I love Kim’s writing 😌
where timing is kind to us by @deinde-prandium — this one is so sweet I just really like it 🥺 they’re nerds and they’re in love
A Breath of Fresh Air by @trashcatontherooftop — I’ve reces this a bunch before but it’s such a perfect wholesome brand of marichat dancing that like bt platonic and romantic!! wip
these are more like drabbles but they're so delicious i wanted to include them as some Tasty Tidybits
and i never saw you coming by @bugabisous — marichat fluff
i feel you holding me (tighter, i cannot see) by @botherkupo — marichat angst
This one is adrienette and marichat so it deserves its own category haha but How to Be a Hot Mess by @botherkupo is so cute and fun!
as for art!!!! here are some of my fav adrienette and marichat pieces :) these artists all have tons more amazing content so I highly recommend checking them out!
umbrella scene by @jascurka
adrienette sleepover by @anna-scribbles
post-reveal adrienette by @sweet-childhood-dreams
ML Amalie by @shishitsunari
Adrienette Phinbella by @inkshila
adrienette cuddles by @leviaana
umbrella adrienette by @nokkiart
Weredad animation by @bugaboo-n-bananoir
cute marichats by @thechatsmeow
marichat movie night by @queenlypirate
marichat sketch dump by @eona-art
midnight spaghetti by @cat-saturn
reverse crush animation by @miraculouslylazybug
marichat dating by @sabertoothwalrus
grocery store marichat by @matchalaatte
marichat cooking by @zivazivc
comfy marichat by @secondlina
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alleunwalk · 3 years
tokyo revengers idol au hcs part 3 that no one asked for AGAIN here’s part 1 and part 2 to get a better understanding.  this is what the members would be doing alongside their idol promotions+ what they would post on social media  toman tbh these guys are all just so damn funny on their own that they would constantly be invited to comedy variety shows. maybe perhaps doing something similar to seventeen or wanna one where they even have their own variety show on youtube (ie. seventeen’s-going seventeen series or wanna one’s show on mnet)  mikey-he would post basic food pics like of his parfaits or taiyaki but also it’s rare because he’d constantly forget his password. however on important days he’ll post long emotional and sentimental posts that hit you in your feels thanking his members and fans always. he also has a youtube channel posting random funny vlogs. draken- he has his own personal soundcloud to upload solo mixtapes/songs feat diff members. posts photos of his bikes and different tattoos he would be getting. responds with 1-2 words to fans during fansigns or ig comments but like mikey, once in a while, will also write heartfelt posts thanking everyone.  baji- his ig feed is filled with animals + dance practice vids. also has his own soundcloud too. trolls his members by commenting on their stuff. “delete this u ugly mf no one wants to see this”.  takemichi- very chatty, (sometimes too chatty where he’ll end up accidentally spoiling their next album info) and interactive on social media to his fans. tries his best to respond to most comments or ama ig stories questions. posts a lot of selfies and photos of his members. king of fan service.  chifuyu- beautiful photos of the sky a lot on his ig (in canon he wanted to be a pilot :,) ) along with cute soft selfies. (which baji and kazutora troll and comment being like “damn....u ugly AF!” “lmao stop pretending to act cute u loser”  kazutora- his ig is filled with pure chaos. just pics of him catching his members slipping (sleeping photos where they’re drooling or have their eyes slightly open or making ugly faces behind the scenes). also has photos of cursed memes and memes made by fans. he’s a literal enigma.  mitsuya- very wholesome ig photos- lots of photos of his family, group photos, sometimes cool artsy edited selfies. occasional photoshoot photos.  hakkai- ig is filled lots of #ootd photos and occasional photos from his modeling or acting gigs (he’s the visual, duh!) gets a lot of sponsorships from big brands.  pah-chin: has a joint youtube channel with peyan. they do silly challenges but will sometimes post dance videos (feat. baji) since they’re the main/lead dancers. fans love him because of his “matter-of-fact” responses that are funny without even trying. (example- fan comment: omg i love u guys soooo much u guys are the best in the whole world!!!<333 toman OUTSOLD!.  pah-chin: idk about best in the world but we’ll just take “the best in our neighborhood” for now i guess. thanks.”)  peyan: joint youtube channel with pah-chin. at fan signs mikey has to warn him to chill out cuz peyan will accidentally yell and scare fans without meaning to, but he’s just really excited to meet his fans is all ^_^   angry: posts a lot of wholesome photos like mitsuya (selfies with smiley) and writes a lot of motivational sweet captions cheering fans up and reminding them to always be happy :,)  smiley: joint youtube account with angry. smiley does a lot of prank videos and angrys just usually in the back like  🧍‍♂️... he also does tiktok- he would be doing all the dances, memes, and trends.  inui: ok hear me out, i mentioned before inui has similar vibes as cha eunwoo so i’d figure his ig would give the same vibe as his (iykyk). since he’s the other visual he would be getting a TON of acting and modeling gigs. idk why but i feel like inui would be a great actor (his facial expressions during tenjiku arc, the range!). actor of the year. gets a lot of skincare commercial deals too. 
black dragons shinichiro- photos of bikes, cars, and photos where hes pretending to do a cool pose but his members (+mikey) would troll and comment “LAME!!!!!” “why tf do u look like that?” “hey leader, it’s not too late to delete this now bestie :)” does fun ig lives. on variety shows as a joke his members tease him there as well. really great at fan-service and pulls the whole “pretend boyfriend” scenario with fans (the delusional fans are gonna act up if he keeps this up...).  taiju- (if shinichiro did not exist in this au OR if you wanted both in the group) photos of him at the gym, photoshoot photos.  inui- similar to if he was in toman, his ig would just be a lot of cool and cute photos of him from behind the scenes of dramas or photoshoots. a soft visual king. occasional selfies with koko and bike photos.  kokonoi- has a personal youtube channel but he would be Drowning in sponsorship videos all from high-end designer brands. he’s just casually flexing that PPL in his vlogs. ig feed is a lot of #ootd photos or pics taken with inui. him and inui would be makeup brand ambassadors or faces of brands (ex: like jennie from blackpink represents chanel). in this case kokonoi would be the face of fendi (he wears fendi slides in the manga cover) and inui would be the face of jimmy choo (his heels in the manga cover looked like jimmy choo but i could be wrong.. but u know what i mean) 
tenjiku  izana- pretty leader has a very artsy ig feed. extremely photogenic like inui. has photoshoot photos and candid pose photos. acts in dramas time to time (gg second male lead syndrome).  kakucho- posts gym or dance practice videos on his feed but he posts rarely because he’s just too busy or forgets he actually has an ig. loves commenting on takemichi’s posts “haha no wonder ur called baka-michi!” as a joke.  kanji- posts gym photos but it’s rare because he always forgets his password.  ran- the other visual. he would be modeling for high-fashion brands and go on runway shows. also definitely gives off actor vibes (he would be constantly casted in dark action movies hahaha). loves giving fan service.  rindou- in contrast to his brother, rindou when it comes to fan service, he loves trolling fans. also he’s really good at drawing a line between fans (y’know, keeping the delusional ones in check...which means he ‘friend-zones’ them but it’s for their own good tbh idols need to remind people their boundaries). has a youtube channel where he just posts random dance practice vids and occasional vlogs. also comments under his brothers ig posts “you look stupid af in this wtf”. on variety shows people find their brotherly banter hilarious.  mutou- posts gym photos, also really awkward selfies (he doesn’t know what his angle is lmao). another member who also reminds fans of their boundaries and keeps it real. (sanzu always likes his photos though and hypes him up in the comments).  sanzu- shy baby. constantly following mutou around. posts a lot of cute selfies and random pics of shogi stuff (he tags mutou in it of course). during fan signing/autograph sessions they love putting cute headband props on him like this or this. 
bonten because this group’s concept and aesthetic is mysterious, mature, artsy, gloomy, and dark they will take this concept to the grave. (minus a few exceptions) they are invited to variety/talk-shows but never make an appearance because they want to keep the air of mystery around them. (it’s a good marketing technique).  mikey- does not have any social media. he does have a private account to lurk around but no one knows what it is.  kokonoi- has a youtube channel but it’s locked and you have to pay to get into it. posts super short vlogs and teasers. thats it. (the ultimate scam! but their fans love them too much to notice). lots of sponsored #ootd posts on ig.  kakucho- he would be modeling ONLY high fashion brands and high end editorial places. his instagram is just his exquisite and expensive modeling photos whether it be candid backstage photos from shows, candid runway walk pics/vids, pics of diff photoshoots you name it. doesn’t really comment much.  ran- visual. similar to kakucho- modeling ONLY high fashion brands and editorial places. instagram is filled with modeling photos but also some artsy scenery pics he took.  rindou- posts short artsy dancing clips (like modern dances in black&white filter) on ig.  sanzu- since he’s the other visual, he also posts a lot of his modeling/acting photos on instagram. also pretty chatty (he’s the exception) on social media and loves teasing and trolling fans. posts with a lot of random cute emojis on everything. “just ate lunch and now im off to practice hehe 🍜🍇🤟💃🤠🧚‍♂️💞🦋” no one really knows why he uses random emojis but it’s just endearing lmao.  kanji- no social media at all.  akashi- manager....or if you made him the rapper in this au then he too would also not have any social media. 
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ramblinseahorsey · 2 years
Top 10 fandoms go
Hmm, rating fandoms as a whole can be difficult, since ppl usu think of bad things first when they think of things memorable that have happened in fandom, and I'm no different in having that bias when I think about fandom. The squeakey wheel gets the grease and all! Instead of mentioning the fandoms themself, I'll ramble and will tell u my fav shows, games, movies, and books that I am technically a part of the fandoms of! Or, am adjacent to enjoying the stuff, dunno how involved, if at all, ya gotta be to call yourself a part of a fandom, or just, an enjoyer of the media in question.
These aren't in order of how much I like them, just top ten of each. As is obvious, I am a simple basic gal who's eternally a sucker for animation, happy endings, kids content, and to be completely honest, a lot of popular stuff. Opinions and personal taste, it's ok if ya completely disagree with me on anythin!
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1 The Iron Giant-Excellent writing, excellent humor, very moving. Watched it like 7 million times as a kid, have it memorized. Will never get sick of it!
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2 Cats Don't Dance-So sweet, simple and darling, great music, characters, everything. I love sappy found family, love the animation, also have the whole movie memorized, not just the songs, everything, though Tell Me Lies is what I'm most likely to sing to myself
3 Kiki's Delivery Service-Good cheer me up movie, encouraging, delightful, timeless
4 Atlantis: The Lost Empire-One of the most quotable movies ever, every character is just so dynamic for what little screen time they get
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5 Raggedy Ann and Andy:A Musical Adventure-So, so so cute and innocent, and some of the best animation you'll ever see
7 The Cat Returns-Funny as heck, uplifting and lighthearted
8 Howl's Moving Castle-Literally every good thing anybody's ever said about it, unexaggerated, I usu don't go for romances but Ghibli just does it right
9 How to Train Your Dragon-Clever, well paced, bangin music, fun, eye pleasing, technically better than the books, but man I wish they'd kept the original plot and made it a tv series
10 The Secret of Nimh-Gorgeous, well paced, whimsical, classic Don Bluth majesty.
11 Scooby Doo and the Alien Invaders-Really fun, very nice dialog, feels more "real" than a lot of scooby contents dialog ever felt, without being crass, yknow? Like, they're still the same nerdy goody two shoes meddling kids, but at the same time, it's got that same smooth, natural feel only Zombie Island, Witch's Ghost, and Where's My Mummy really shared, typical friend group banter and well meaning teasing like Daphne sticking her nose up at Velmas taste in men, Crystal trying not to sound judgey (and failing) at Shaggys name being Norville. Cute, silly romance, good pacing, I'm totally not biased by nostalgia or anything no sir
Books (I haven't read book in awhile outside of school cause no attention span, so bare with me here, lots of nostalgia skewed choices
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1 Holes-Literally perfect. Blessed with one pf the few ever actually good and accurate movie adaptations, but the books still better. Such astoundingly good writing. Got me emotional. The sequel Small Steps is great too
2 How to Train Your Dragon-The whole series tbh, amazing plot and characters, better than the movie series plot honestly, but no where near as funny, very clearly set to the humor of 3rd grade boys, some poo jokes and the like, not for everybody. I like kids content, lol, will forever mumble "I'm a jellyfish in a skirt" to myself
3 A Series of Unfortunate Events-Whole series, Quirky, clever, strange, sad. Exactly what you'd expect from the pen name Lemony Snicket. I love his random tangents nsskjcsjdj
4 Bunnicula-Whole series, but especially Bunicula Strikes Again, very funny, wholesome series, very quick read, can't recommend enough. My favorite book series ever.
5 The ABC Mysteries-Gonna call myself out here, only Agatha Christie book I've ever finished, I'd usu just watch the show with my parents, lol, which is also quite good. As clever as you'd expect from the great Hercule Poirot.
6 The Hobbit-Dad read it to me when I was very very teeny so it barely even counts, IM GONNA READ LOTR ONE DAY I PROMMY I JUST GOTTA GET MY BRAIN WORKIN THOSE BOOKS INTIMIDATE ME. What I do remember was quite nice though, love the ragtag group teasing Bilbo.
7 Do dogs in general count as a fandom? Lol, I love to peruse this giant Dog Encyclopedia I got when I was 10 at Christmas, gives dog biology, histoey, care,, and breed knowledge, lists every single breed and its possible colors, needs, size, past use, whether good with kids, etc. I love Labrodoodles. They never look real, even in person.
8 Howl's Moving Castle-Everyone is extremely sassy all the time, it's awesome
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9 Redwall- Really immersive, transports you to a different world well, also read Mattimeo, always liked the birds, if the old timeyness or the 5000 sequels intimidate you I suggest the show, it's more relaxed dialogue wise but despite being a kids show, it doesn't skimp on the on screen(? dang memory) deaths, so be careful.
10 Bone-Full series, Graphic Novels, quick, thrilling reads, some ducktales vibes, a beautiful fantasy epic, but most memorable for the great humor and characters. The world might end but Smiley cannot be darned.
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1 Undertale-One of the most amazing subversions of not just video game storytelling, but storytelling, period. Your choices have a consequence in Undertale, and it makes the characters feel real in a way many games can't. All you take for granted as instinctual game logic will be called to question in Undertale. The concepts of family, forgiveness, choice, loyalty, identity, Undertale does not let you escape anything without making you think. Nothings wrong with more relaxed games where you can just thoughtlessly be a little evildoer without much consequence, or at least not consequences emotionally, but if that's the only kind of game you'll like, Undertale isn't for you.
As powerful as the games story is, and the tension that haunts you for replaying despite its immense replay ability, the game isn't too somber, it is very, very funny, and very hopeful, depending on how you play it. Love the puzzles, but beware if bullet hell games stress you out. Also, there are themes of suicide within the game, so trigger warning for that, and child death.
2 Wandersong.-A pure delight. One of the most happy, hopeful games you'll ever play. Brightly colored and lovingly made, like Wander Over Yonder, there's a new color pallete in each area. It's gorgeous to look at, and some of the most fun gameplay ever. A very forgiving game, doesn't ever send you back very far if you mess up, not a game to cause stress. The singing and dancing is endlessly fun, the love in the details is boundless, you'll never believe it was made by only three ppl.
Very good story too, it can get serious at times, with talk of war and death, but it never pulls down the sense of hope throughout the story. The game may seem simple at first, but the story has some very interesting twists I didn't see coming. Wonderful characters, wonderful songs, wonderful everything. You get to play a bard and save the world, what's not to like? You will spend ALOT hours just dinking around in this game, it's great.
3 Hollow Knight-On the opposite end of excellence, Hollow knight is almost Wandersongs mirror, equal in enjoyment imho, but opposite in every way. It also will also give you countless hours of entertainment, and is very emotional and wonderful, but in an extremely melancholy way. While there is joy here and there, this game is very dismal, and not to be played of you are not ready for many characters to get sad ends. It also is not very forgiving, you will need to be patient to beat this game, and very skilled to see extra story bits, or willing to just youtube some cutscenes, lol. Very good atmosphere, if Wandersong feels like a joyous pop up book bring to life, Hollow Knight feels like a beautiful collection of detailed oil paintings.
4 Smile for Me-Not too difficult, not very long, nice eclectic cast of characters, very adorable, with some sprinkled in sinister. Also I'm just so in love with how the characters talk. Not just the goofy sounds they make as they speak, but the bonkers things they say, everyone's weird and I love them.
5 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky-The power of friendship man. It just never gets old. Very good writing, both in script in plot. A LOT of story too, lots of twists and turns, mysteries and revelations, and your only halfway done when the main story's done. Incredibly living, earnest story, really puts a smile on your face. The partner is the biggest sweetheart. Also, you get to be a pokemon!!! Heck yeah!!!
6 Wind Waker-Absolutely amazing, everyone knows it, lots of game play, amazing artstyle unique for a zelda game, with very expressive characters, good humor and countless side quests, your very own boat. A good time.
7 Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility-Nostalgia def coming in big time with this one, but it's just so cute man, you build rainbows ride ostriches and can get married and have 5 pets and go mining and buy a big ol rancher hat. Live off the land and say there there in a cutsey voice when you pet your cows. Makes me happy.
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8 The Dog Island-Why does everyone always act so surprised that the plot of this game is so dang good?? People have been writing stories about animals dealing with the concept of death for forever, why does this one shock them? Besides, it is one of if not the most lighthearted stories on this list, you get to pick your dog breed and go on a magical adventure to save your sibling in an adorable fantasy world! Its very fun and laid back, it's got great music and characters, no gender locked items, and while sniffing will need to be done throughout the whole game, there are plenty of other game mechanics, fishing, bug catching, races, etc. Petasi is perfect in every way and we don't deserve em.
9 Portal 1 and 2-Duh! One of the best game series ever made! Despite the gloomy setting, it's not the kind of game to bring you down, Glados is the most character ever and you'll never get enough of her, great puzzles, great everything, the cake may be a lie but the hype isn't.
10 Celeste-A treasure that hits close to home to those with anxiety. A beautiful, emotional platformer game that may take you awhile, but is more than worth it. It's made perfectly for ppl with anxiety too, a very hard game at its default, but with all kinds of settings to make it easier so you don't have to be an epic gamer toplay it. Very touching, very good gameplay, homey 8 bit artstyle.
Tv shoes
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1 Wander Over Yonder-My favorite show ever. EVER. The animation, the humor, the characters, there is nothing this show can do wrong. Elastic, smooth, rich movement, countless gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous backgrounds, color schemes, extremely creative background characters, complete goofballs for main characters, yet you get so attached to them, take them so seriously. And the show is constantly improving throughout! Craig McCracken being an animation beast, like always. Peepers needs anxiety meds.
2 Over The Garden Wall-Dare ya to find a flaw with this series. Dare ya. Dripping with atmosphere, gets you so in love with the cast in just 10 episodes, so many easter eggs and clever foreshadowing, Gravity Falls and Steven Universe levels of you can never watch it the same way twice. Stunning voice cast, hilarious, timeless, gorgeous, I recommend it to literally anyone and everyone. Woy is my fav, but Otgw is the best, if that makes sense? Wander is glorious, but attracts a specific audience, would not make people who don't like sillyness happy, and does make plenty of more recent references. Although it doesn't rely on them, they are often. Despite the countless cultural references such as Dantes Inferno and rubber hose and the like, Over the Garden Wall will never age.
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3 Infinity Train-Insane levels of creativity, boundless opportunity in its amazing setting, and uses it to its fullest. An emotional rollercoaster, always keeping you on the edge of your train seat, amazing character designs, and even better writing. Not the funniest show on this list, but some of the most clever humor, if that makes sense. Wanders cancellation hurt a lot too, but that ending felt a lot more solid, while Infinity Train didn't leave on a cliffhanger, all the questions it left with drive me crazy, esp when Owen wanted 8 seasons. You should still watch it tho, each season can stand on its own, although the ways they connect are awesome, like that ever present darn cat. No, I shall not grace her with her The, cause even though she's amazing I'm mad at her.
4 OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes!-One of the funniest shows on this list, if not the funniest besides Wander and Gumball. Like Wander, it's very wholesome, like Gumball, it starts off just sweet, but gets way more unhinged as the series goes on, and the writers really start to realize what they can get away with, not in a dirty way, but in a, can we pull this insanity off in 11 minutes and not fry anyone's brain? Not as cynical as Gumball, just shares the memey fast paced meta humor. When a joke falls flat, which is rare, like Gravity Falls, you barely notice, cause a new better joke is already happening. Good story, good characters, the cancelation is sad, but doesn't leave you hanging or anything.
5 Sym-Bionic Titan-CANCELLATION VERY MUCH LEAVES YOU HANGING OR ANYTHING. Freaking amazing series, but get attached at your own risk, plot does NOT get resolved. Great action, characters, humor, typical awesome Genndy Tartakovsky extreme facial expressions, cute romance.
6 Gravity Falls-What can I say that hasn't already been said? Amazing characters, mystery, suspense, very rewatchable, all around loved. Had a lot more fat jokes in it than I remembered though, very disheartening.
7 The Amazing World of Gumball-Laugh your self silly humor, gets better as the series goes on, doesn't let the cynicism ruin the show or its surprisingly wholesome moments, endlessly creative and a treasure visually, right when you think there's no way they can break the 4th wall in a way they haven't already, they do, plot sneaks up on ya once in awhile. Like We Bare Bears, it's mini arcs, not a full length plot, you you can watch out of order, but I don't recommend it.
8 We Bare Bears-Charming and dear to my heart. Usually a good comfort show, but once in awhile feels come and punch you in the gut. Great characters, humor, nice rainy day show.
9 Ducktales-Francisco Angones, one of the main writers on Wander, has done it again, him and Matt Youngberg made a modern masterpiece, one of the most well rounded shows I've ever seen. No bad episodes. The writers are huge nerds for the old series and comics, esp the comics, and it shows! It's insane how many characters they're able to bring back without hurting the plot. So much happens, and it all fits so seamlessly. Constant nods to old duck artwork, a cohesive mixture of the entire Duckverse (marvel wishes), goof troop, dark wing, tailspin, the life and times of scrooge mcduck, Donald's diary, rescue rangers, gummi bears???? EVERYONE IS HERE!!!!! Amazing animation, quick, smart humor, superb plot, and as always, a great series puts its focus on its characters. Would suggest to anyone oddly enough, never strays too far into silly or serious to be for one group, like Gravity Falls or otgw.
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10 and of course, as you saw coming if you've so much as glanced at my blog, STEVEN UNIVERSE!!!-Where do I even start. I can not begin to express how this show gets my emotions. How much I think about the characters every single day. Rebecca Sugar writes emotion like no one else. Everything feels so palpable, so close to your own heart, the characters are vastly interesting and complex, and the cast is just full of richly fascinating and morally grey characters, like, actually morally grey, not edgy anti hero who wants everyone to die and who's few connections are killed off for shock before you even got attached to them. Characters who's actions are understandable but not excused, characters who live a story full of hope, that declares you can break the cycle of abuse, you can find love, even for yourself.
This is gonna sound like a pretty darn crazy take, and just to remind, this is all opinions, it's okay if you disagree, but I think Steven Universe is the best written show out there besides Otgw. I mean it. The realistic writing of kids, the honest writing of trauma, the amazing pacing (which, anyone who's ever been ticked off by CNs stupid scheduling or doesn't like "filler" character development episodes will kick and scream at hearing given any praise), the natural, charming dialogue, down to the awkward pauses, dad jokes, soft humph of someone picking something up, leaves out no details that could keep you from feeling a part of Steven's Universe.
I think a lot of the hate the shows writing gets for anything other than season 5s ending (which would have felt a lot less rushed if CN let Rebecca have more seasons like they wanted, I'm still mad about the chest CN), comes from people equating not making them happy personally as written bad.
A lot of people suggest SU to friends applauding it as a space war drama, but they fail to mention its also very consistently a comedy. If you don't like comedy, if you don't like sillyness, you won't like su, I'm sorry. You can't just watch the plot episodes and feel satisfied, the characters development and drop fed foreshadowing is what makes the emotional and plot pivotal moments really hit. Episodes that seem filler besides character bonding to get you attached to them turn out to be VERY important later. A cherry picked Universe has no punch. If you don't like su season 1, it's nothing wrong with you or the show, it's just not your genre. The only problem with season 1 is Cat Fingers and Frybo being so close to the beginning of the show, quite the tonal whiplash.
I never understood people saying season 1 is bad but future is good, the whole show is an unapologetically weird lil comedy, future is the only season as crazy as season 1, as the show always follows Steven's mental state, and he's as lost as he was with his powers at s1. People don't realize it's not the humor thats the problem, the show just doesn't usually meet their preferred angst level. I hate the sentiment a shows only well written when it's sad. If you don't like sillyness, this show isn't for you, and that's fine! But if you do. Holy Moly. There will never be a show like Steven Universe. It has a depth I cannot describe, the only way you can fully take it in, is to watch.
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seodami · 4 years
Our story | LSM
Part 2
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This is our story. From the day we met till the day we part. Black on white, our most precious moments, never leaving us. I love your forever.
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Genre: Fluffffff
Warnings: none
Word count: 2271
Pairing: Idol!Lee Seokmin x fashion student reader
Note: Here is the second part and I have to say I really enjoyed writing this, imagining how easy and funny it must be to talk to DK :)) what would I do to talk to him once :’) Enjoy!
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Our story Masterlist | MASTERLIST
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You both were frozen in your tracks for a moment, you still panicking about what to say or do and him wondering why there was a stranger in his kitchen.
Seokmin hadn’t been feeling well since yesterday evening so since he was feeling even worse this morning, Seungcheol and his manager wanted him both to stay home for at least today until he felt better. He wasn’t exactly keen on staying in an empty apartment alone all day, especially when he wanted to be a part of their schedule. It often made him feel lonely and miss his members. It was stupid honestly, he thought. He saw them everyday and often needed his alone time at times, but he still felt so empty without anyone around.
He was still sleeping when he faintly heard the doorbell ring. Yet he thought it was just in his dream. But when he soon later slowly woke up due to noices from the kitchen, Seokmin wondered if their aunty might have come and would make him a warm soup for his sore throat.
So with still messy hair and puffy face, he made his way over to the kitchen with tiny steps, just to be greeted by a strange face of a girl he never saw.
“O-oh my god. I’m so sorry. I thought no one was home?” You stuttered out totally embarrassed to actually be caught. That was your doom day. Dokyeom found the rambling rather endearing, yet he cautiously made his way over to the kitchen aisle, you were working on.
It took you by huge surprise how handsome and cute this man could look at the same time. Were all idols this pretty?
“Uhm... hi... I don’t want to sound rude but I really... have no idea who you are.” The boy a few feet away from you came to an halt. His voice was a tad hoarse and he sounded a bit sick. He let out a shy chuckle, clearly feeling somewhat uncomfortable in this situation.
Little did you know, the little voice in his head was laughing at him how ridiculous and ugly he must’ve looked with his bare face right after bed. Seokmin had always had his insecurities about his body or face. He never seemed to fully like the way he looked. He would cringe so much looking back at his old childhood pictures, when he had a few pounds too much on him. It just never dawned him how his fans would call him handsome. Most of the times he would just smile and thank them but never really accepting their compliments, thinking it must be the good make up or the stylish hair. Yes, that must be it.
And now standing in front of a pretty woman, he felt it in every fibre of his body and it made him unbelievably uncomfortable.
“Oh... Right... I am Oh Jangmi’s daughter. Nice to meet you.” You quickly muttered, not daring to look him in his eyes for more than a second. You bowed as you typically did, seeing him bow as well.
“Oh aunties daughter? She told us a lot about you. Nice to finally meet you. I’m Dokyeom.” His uncomfortable face was immediately replaced by the brightest smile, you had ever seen. You swear, in that moment, your heart melted in an instant. You heard your heart beating loudly in your ears, unable to grasp this mans beauty. Never ever have you seen such a dazzling smile in person.
“Is aunty not coming today?” He asked curiously leaning against the other side of the aisle. He was way too close for your liking. And you were definitely still panicking. This man was more than gorgeous.
You shook your head, noticing his hoarse voice. “No unfortunately s-she broke her foot on the way here and went to the hospital. So she... asked me to step in for her. She will be coming tomorrow again though.” You completed your sentence while only taking short glances at the male in front of you, who was giving you 100% of his attention. You were more than flustered.
A worried expression replaced his smile. “Oh no... is she alright?” Your heart made a small jump.
You nodded with a small smile, fiddling with potato in your hand. He noticed and hummed. “Do you need help cooking? I mean... I’m not the best but I can chop vegetables without chopping my fingers off I guess.” He smiled at you once more. If he would keep smiling like that, you swear, you wouldn’t be able to see tomorrow.
You let out a small giggle, still denying his offer. “Ah no... it’s fine really. I’m just making jajangmyeon. And you sound like you’ve caught a cold so I won’t be bothering you with doing anything.”
You quickly placed the potato in your hand on the cutting board and started slicing it into small cubes.
“Yeah I actually did. It’s not really pleasant to be honest.” Dokyeom said before caughting in his elbow as on queue.
“Wait a second. I’m gonna make you a tea. I’m a pro in dealing with colds, trust me.” You insisted, already reaching for the water boiler to fill it up with fresh water.
“Thank you. You really don’t have to though.” He giggled coughing again.
“No I want to. I’m sure you will feel better after this tea. I made it every time my siblings were ill.” You smiled at him, feeling already a tad more comfortable with this man, you literally just met.
Seokmin took a seat in one of the high chairs on his side of the kitchen aisle while watching you chop the vegetables. He noticed how soft your hair looked like, falling gently onto your face. He took his phone out to check his messages. There were just a few from his manager about their usual schedule and some silly messages in their group chat. He softly giggled reading through all of them, wondering how he even got friends like this.
You couldn’t help stealing short glances here and there at the beautiful man, noticing how he swept his fluffy bed hair with one hand out of his face. Something about him was immensely attractive and you couldn’t pinpoint what exactly it was. But hell no, you were not going to develop a crush on a man you literally met one time. Nope. All idols would probably have this effect on you, right? They weren’t idols without a reason.
Soon enough you finished Dokyeoms tea with a last pinch of fresh mint leaves and handed it over to him with a smile. He thanked you, white teeth showing and crescent eyes forming. Melting, definitely melting.
“Wow... It’s very good.” He carefully slurped from the warm tea. You sent him a bright smile, deep down thanking your tea making skills you’ve even improved thanks to your job at the café. That was definitely a pro from working there.
“I sometimes work in a small café, so I had plenty of time to practice. I probably could make you every drink you want.” You laughed while taking out a frying pan to avoid his interested eyes following your every movement.
His laugh mused in with yours. “I always wanted to know someone, who could just magically let all the drinks I wanted appear in my kitchen. Thank god I stayed at home today.”
You both were pleasantly surprised how easy talking to each other was. There was a spark of fun in your conversation, which you both couldn’t get enough of. There weren’t many people you knew, If any, who you just clicked with so easily. It was definitely weird but you liked it.
“The food will still take a bit so you are free to make one more drink wish.” You chuckled, glancing over at Dokyeom leaning his head in the palm of his hand.
A genuine smile was displayed across his lips. “Mhh I have to think, this is a very important desicion, I don’t want to make a mistake.” You both snickered in unison. My god, how were you getting along so well with him?
“Alright, you still have exactly 28 minutes and a half to decide.”
“How generous, I will think about it.” His smile was even brighter now, it was impossible not to smile. There was just something about it that gave you an enormous serotonin boost and transformed you into one of these giggly anime Highschool girls. The bad thing was, you didn’t even remember acting that was after experiencing such a rush of being in his proximity. You liked it more than you could have imagined.
However, this was just the starting point of your wholesome conversation this day. It all just came so naturally, you nearly forgot to keep cooking. Seokmin on his side felt incredibly happy compared to his usual happy demeanor. He truly enjoyed your back and forth conversations and he felt greatly satisfied, seeing a bright smile or hearing you laugh because of his comments. It was at times like this when he remembered how much he missed talking to new people, especially when the two of you were obviously on the same wave length. He kept forgetting that he probably shouldn’t talk that much when he was sick but he just couldn’t stop, even if you mentioned it more than three times already. He enjoyed it that much.
You two talked about funny stories of your mom, ridiculous ones of the other members (you really wouldn’t have expected an idol group to be this funny) and also about your own interests, hobbies and families. You snorted when he told you how their trio Booseoksoon sang one of their songs at his sisters wedding in order to make the married couple kiss. The more you got to know each other, the more you forgot how time actually flied.
He even begged you to stay and eat with him when you finally finished cooking, which you hesitantly accepted after seeing his pleading puppy look. What did you get yourself into?
While eating, you told him excitedly about your new fashion projects, you were working on. He was more than hooked listening to every detail. He always loved it when people told him about their passion and he could clearly see that this was yours with how vivid your eyes were beaming and how big your smile grew. It secretly increased the warmth in his heart more and more.
It was the same look he had on his face as he told you about his fans, their next album preparations and the amazing concerts all around the world. You just loved listening to him, even though you both probably finished eating since over an hour already. Sitting so close to him while looking at his dark shining eyes made your brain just automatically foggy.
It only was when your friend and roommate Minji called to ask where you were for your groups project meeting, that you realised how long you actually let yourself swaying in Dokyeoms presence. You were already over half an hour late to your meeting.
You quickly told her you were on your way and hung up, while carrying the plates to the sink. Seokmins sad eyes followed you as he stood up to help you. “You have to go?” He asked immediately, now standing next to you, taking the plates out of your hands, while towering a good piece over you.
You nodded with a sad smile, suddenly feeling every effect he had on you even stronger.
“Yeah I’m sorry. I already stayed way too long. My group is going to kill me.” You tried joking. He chuckled, searching for your eyes.
Seokmin knew when he was interested in a person and it even was obvious for him that you sparked a deep interest inside of him after today. He just knew he wanted to see you again.
“I really enjoyed talking to you. It’s rare to have such a nice conversation. I literally forgot time.” His rich chocolate eyes met yours. “Yeah, I feel the same...” you chocked out, heart beating way too fast again. What was it with your heart today?
“Are you coming over again or...?” He asked almost timidly while fiddling with the hem of his shirt. He looked adorable. Absolutely adorable.
You sent him a shy smile, shrugging your shoulders. “Maybe... I am kind of busy this month because of work and university. But... I would love to talk to you again.” A sudden wave of confidence hit you and took even you by surprise.
A sigh of relief was heard from his side and you giggled. “Thank god. I really wanted to ask you for your phone number.”
God he really was adorable. Such a cutie.
With a grin, you searched for a piece of paper and a pen nearby and quickly scribbled your number onto it. You really had no worry about him being secretly a creep so why not.
“Here you go. Oh and I still didn’t make you your second free drink, so make sure to text me with your order.” There you both went into a giggling mess again.
“Will do. It’s all I’m thinking about.”
So after swiftly cleaning the plates together and saying goodbye and also telling him to get better soon, you made your way out of the building with such an energy, you had no idea where it came from. But you loved how you felt after spending time with Dokyeom. And you were definitely looking forward to your next meeting.
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lildevyl · 4 years
Pick Me Up Playlist
@jellymadebutler  I know you said you’re not feeling your best so here’s a “Pick Me up Playlist” for ya or for anyone needs it!
Try Not To Laugh Challenge:  This is actually backwards! It goes from 23-1 but it’s still a nice Playlist to watch!
Markiplier Makes:  This is the whole Playlist of the infamous Markiplier Makes Videos!  It’s really funny!
Among Us:  Among Us is a new game that’s out there on Steam.  You’re either a Crewmate going trying to do tasks to keep the ship going until you reach your destination or the you’re the Imposter! What happens when you get a bunch of YouTubers together for a classic Whodunnit?  Chaos and hilarity in sue!
Minecraft:  I’m not big into Minecraft but it is very funny seeing Mark and Sean play this and see what they come up with!
I Am Bread:  This is a rage game just letting you know ahead of time!  But it is funny seeing Mark rage out of the game!  But like I said this is a rage game so there is some yelling/screaming in it!
Getting Over It:  This another rage game!  It is quite funny but like I said it is a Rage Game so there is screaming and yelling involved!
Pogo Stuck:  This is a somewhat kind of rage game!  It first starts out with Bob, Wade, and Mark playing it.  But then Mark starts playing it by himself and yes there is some yelling and screaming in the videos so fair warning!
Uno:  This is quite a hilarious game series!  It’s Mark and his friends playing the online game of Uno!
Monopoly:  This a goo game series and is quite hilarious!  It’s Mark, Bob and Wade and there is one where Lixian joins!  It really funny and think you might enjoy it!
Undertale:  The best way to start you off with JackSepticeye is one of his most famous series of all time, Undertale!  Undertale is about a human that falls in the Monster World and go about it learning the Monster World while trying to get home! It’s a text based game and Jack does the voices for the characters!
Deltarune:  The Sequel to Undertale!  Or that’s what everyone seems to be calling it!  I haven’t had the chance to watch the series but I’ve heard it’s really good!
Slime Rancher:  Literally you are a Rancher raising all kinds of different slimes!  It’s really cute and funny!
Cuphead:  This is a very old school cartoon like style game.  There is some violence in it but it’s mild and no more then what actual cartoons, like Tom and Jerry and the Animatics.
Bendy and the Inc Machine:  This is a horror game but it’s not the scary!  There are some jump scares but it’s more like FNAF kind of jump scare.  So, it will be scare ya but not that much.  It’s like a cartoon horror game.  Again some violence in the game but it’s mild.  This also kinda of spawn the idea of the JSE Fan Made Ego Shawn Flynn!  Jack has a cameo in the game!
Animal Crossing:  Nice little story driven game that Jack plays on his switch.  It’s very cute and it’s a nice little game to series to watch!
Spiderman:  Jack finally gets to play as his all time favorite Super Hero from his childhood!  Spiderman!
Spiderman Miles Morales:  The next gen starts now!  With the new Spiderman!  This game is based of the movie Spiderman into the Spider verse and I can’t wait to watch it and watch this series of Jack’s!
Spyro 3: Remake:  This is a cute series of the game Spyro 3 redone for the PS3!  It’s super cute and a lot of fun!  I think you might enjoy this one!
Minecraft:  Like I said, I’m not into Minecraft but this is a nice and cute series that Jack has!  Filled with a lot of Adventure and some scary events!
Meme Time!:  A cute series that Jack started where he goes on his Subreddit and looks at some of our Memes that we did!
Luigi’s Mason 3:  I can’t make a playlist for someone to watch and not include this!  This is so cute and wholesome!  It’s all from Luigi’s point of view and how he’s going to try and stop the Ghost King and save his brother and friends!
Among Us:  I have to include Jack’s!  This is so funny with Jack and his friends!  I think you might enjoy this!
Pokémon: I haven’t watched this series yet, but I’ve heard great things about it!
 Papers Please:  This is very hilarious!  I’ve seen a couple of episodes and I think you might like it!
Animal Crossing:  I did enjoy watching Ethan play this!  It’s really funny and wholesome and I think you might enjoy it!
Slime Rancher:  I have to include this!  I watched this when I was feeling a little down during Quarantine.  It’s really funny!
This a YouTuber that I found when I went browsing for Markiplier and JackSepticeye fan-made games!  DolphinTreasureArt plays fan-made games and indie games on her channel.  Along with some Cosplays and Artwork that she has done.  Some of her Fanart has gotten in a couple of fan games!
Septiscape:  First off, this series is near and dear to my heart!  This is the first ever series that watched back in 2k18 when I first found Erin’s Channel!  This helped me get over my writers block and led to me to writing my first fanfic that I wrote in over a year!  This one is an older version but I still love it!
Jack finds himself trapped in his own mind, the Mindscape and is trying to find his way home!  Along the way he finds out the Egos that he created are more then just Egos!  But at the same time, some sort of Corruption and happening with Jack’s mind and many of the Ego’s Worlds is collapsing!
Septiscape: Livestream #HopeFromHome:  This is the livestream of the updated version of the game!  It’s about 8 hours long but you can skip some parts, especially since some of the fights can be a bit repetive but I wanted to include this one!  
Soulscape:  I can’t put in Septiscape and not give you the sequel as well!  This is the well awaited sequel to Septiscape!  After the adventures of the first game, the Egos go and try to enjoy a nice little R&R only for someone to stalking Anti and trying to take his soul pieces back!  Join Anti and the Egos as they try to figure out what it going on and help save Anti before it’s too late!  And there is really cool plot twist!
Hearts and Heroes:  This is another one that is near and dear to my heart! I will also link Mark’s playthrough as well!  Hearts and Heroes and about you the fans of Markiplier and the journey that the fans go through trying to help save people from the Monsters the haunt their dreams and to help save Mark from his worst Nightmare.  Markiplier’s Playthrough here.
Septiclands: A JackSepticeye Fan Game:  This is very funny series that DolphinTreasureArt has done!  It’s silly and goofy and it has a very weird plot but it’s absolutely one of my favorites!  It’s also on her longest series as well!
The Boss: A JackSepticeye Fan Game:  Just like Heats and Heroes is near and dear to me heart so is this game!  I’ll leave a link to Jack’s Playthrough as well!  This is near and dear to my heart b/c it’s the first JackSepticeye Fan Game that I came across.  It was on Jack’s Channel that first saw it and then I watched Erin’s.  This is nice little RPG Game, but it’s about Jack being sucked into his computer and has to try and find his way home! On the way he finds out that there is two subscribers that lost in his computer and there is a major twist at the end!
The Boss Is Nothing: His Side of the Story:  I don’t want to give away what happens in the Boss!  So, this the other side of the story of The Boss!  In the Boss, Jack comes across someone he never thought he would, so now we’re getting his side of the story and why did what he did to Jack!
Glitch in the System: Chapter 1:  This is a very special game!  It’s the sequel to The Boss!  The developers over at Sarcastic Pasta Games is working hard to get chapter two out!  Chapter one is really good and you get see Erin do some Cosplay along with some voice acting for the characters/Egos!
Septic Storm:  This is a cute little fan game that’s a bit old, but it’s a very cute RPG Game!  Join, Jack, Mark and Felix as they battle Billy to end this battle once and for all!  Only to find out that Billy isn’t the one that truly is behind this, but someone else entirely!
CrankGamePlays Fan Game: The Crank Chronicles:  This is a RPG Fan Game of one Ethan Nester CrankGamePlays!  Ethan has find himself in a distant land thanks to the help of a powerful Sorceress!  But an evil threatens the land!  With help of his two best friends Mark and Tyler, Ethan goes on a quest to help save this land and find his way home!  I don’t if the developer ever did the sequel to the this game or not but it’s not a bad game!
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vs-redemption · 4 years
who are your favorite top ten black clover characters & ships? talk about them! ~tat!
From Cindy: Hello tat! I hope you are doing well today and thank you for visiting my blog. It was really fun to write this because I got the chance to really think about the characters in depth. I’ll be honest, I’m not much of a shipper so I couldn’t come up with 10. I did my best to think of and write about as many ships and brotps as I could though.
Also, I got your other ask about BNHA as well! I have a Japanese lesson I need to prepare for this evening, but I’ll definitely get that posted tomorrow sometime!! Thanks again!!
This is very long, so I put it under a cut :)
Top Ten Black Clover Characters
Yami Sukehiro
I love everything about this guy. He’s hilarious, number one. Everything he says cracks me up and the nicknames he uses for people are gold. I like that he insults people and makes toilet jokes so casually. He comes off crass, but it’s the fact that he treats everyone equally that makes me respect him so much. He holds everyone, including himself, to the same standards. He doesn’t care about your past, wealth, appearance, gender, unconventional magic abilities or wacky personality. No matter who you are, he will call you out if you’re not acting the way you should, but will also back you up and support you when it’s needed. He’s a great leader because he treats everyone equally and is also very accepting that everyone is different.
Luck Voltia
Luck was one of the first characters I fell in love with. I don’t have a lot deep meaning behind how I feel like I do with Yami though. I just really enjoy his chaotic energy and the fact that he wants to fight people all the time. I also think his magic is super badass. His little lightning boots and gloves are so cute. I just wanna cuddle him and ruffle his hair.
Finral Roulacase
I feel so bad for Finral. This poor love starved boy doesn’t deserve the heaping amounts of anxiety he always seems to be feeling. I know he’s supposed to be the ‘perverted’ character, but compared to characters from other anime (Mineta [BNHA] Meliodas [SDS]) he’s not that bad. He tries so hard to be a gentleman by taking people on dates, complimenting them, giving them flowers, and not physically molesting them lol but they never give him a second glance. I also love his character growth so far. Watching him find self-worth beyond being just a mode of transportation, and confidence enough to stand up to his brother has been really fun to watch. I’m so proud of him and I think he’s amazing!
Zora Ideale
This guy. Haha His blunt honesty is so uncomfortable but hilarious at the same time. Like Yami, he calls people out but is somehow so much more offensive about it. I love how he just gives people unsolicited criticism and then adds injury to insult like “oh by the way, here’s a freaking stink bug in your nostril.” To be fair though, he is just as harsh on himself and will acknowledge (to himself) when he made a mistake. His backstory is also so tragic! It is seriously messed up what happened to his dad, but I love that Zora uses that trauma to try and change the word for the better by being the best magic knight he can be and also encouraging (threatening?) other magic knights to be better too. He could’ve so easily become a villain, but he didn’t and I think that’s really honorable.
Mereoleona Vermillion
Oh my god. I love this woman so much. The fact that she was supposed to be the captain of the Crimson Lions but said “nope” and then just went off by herself to live in the most dangerous places in the wild to get stronger is just phenomenal to me. I also really like that, even though she’s a royal and a member of the Vermillion family, she doesn’t just focus on her own squad. It was great when she showed up at the Black Bulls hide out and straight up kidnapped them to have them join her training. I’m just in awe of both her physical and mental strength. She was so cool when she went up against all those elves by herself. I’m not caught up with the manga, but I think I saw a spoiler about her recently and I’m very excited to find out more about it. I pretty much wish I was Mereoleona. She is my spirit animal.
Charmy Pappitson
There is a lot to adore about Charmy. First and foremost, she is an adorable badass. I love that her passion for food is something she shares with her allies and friends instead of being something that makes her greedy. I feel like Charmy is underrated because her magic is great for restoring mana, defense and offense. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t she one of the highest ranked knights in the black bulls? I also love how she gets away with a lot of shit just because she’s cute. The episodes where she straight up just hops onto the wizard king’s lap and feeds him snacks without anyone batting an eye get me every time!
Vanessa Enoteca
Sometimes I think about how Vanessa was willing to give up her own freedom just to save Asta’s arms, and how she gave up drinking for a few episodes in order to focus on a way to not only make herself stronger for upcoming battles, but the rest of her teammates as well. I like her dedication to the Black Bulls. Her thread magic is also pretty cool and I like the clever ways she’s learned to use it.
Fuegoleon Vermillion
Poor Fuegoleon is so calm and sensible compared to his siblings. I like that he’s a fair leader that makes sure to consider all angles before passing judgement on someone. He is also a dependable captain and full of great wisdom that aids in character development for important characters like Asta and Noelle. I love how he competes with his sister though, and watching them bicker in the episode where they throw a birthday party for that nun lady was silly.
How can you not like Asta? He has such a big heart and the best self-discipline out of anyone in the show. He would always rather talk things out before resorting to fighting and likes to understand the motivations behind the actions of his enemies. He is unashamed to be himself and continues to pursue his goals even when other people mock him or put him down. I also like that he is more perceptive of how people think or feel than it would seem sometimes.
Sekke Bronzazza
His personality is pretty much the worst (and I think he actually tried to kill Asta after the magic knight exam… asshole) but the way he always manages to fit “ha-ha” into his speech is so funny to me and always cracks me up. And the way everyone calls him the “ha-ha” guy is very amusing to me, especially when he tries and fails to politely correct them. I also love how he always ends up in the most random situations (in Yami’s bathroom or working for the king).
 Top Ten Black Clover Ships/BroTPs
Finral x Vanessa
I guess I just think back to that fight against the Despair guy from the Third Eye because both Finral and Venessa sort of worked together and pushed past their limits for the first time. I think Venessa is also the one that put the green in Finral’s hair, right? I don’t know. Venessa is good for Finral because he’s so insecure and she’s so supportive of other people. They’re cute together.
Yami x Charlotte
I think everyone ships this? lol Charlotte’s independence and personal strength are important to her, and the fact that Yami acknowledges and respects those traits in her makes them a great match. He also constantly encourages her to show her softer side, saying that it’s okay to lean on other people and ask for help. He could help her find balance and be comfortable in her own skin.
Asta x Mimosa
Mimosa is a much better match for Asta than Noelle because Noelle constantly needs validation and attention that she’s just never going to get from Asta. His brain just doesn’t work that way. Mimosa is content with supporting Asta with her magic as best she can, and doesn’t get jealous or competitive in the way Noelle does. Mimosa is soft and gentle which is a nice contrast to Asta’s loud and rough personality.
Yuno x Charmy
I know this is almost like a crack ship, but I can’t help but like it anyway. Like Asta, Yuno isn’t going to be the type of guy to actively pursue a relationship or be overly affectionate. This doesn’t seem to affect Charmy who seems fine with even the most minimal of interaction haha. I think it’s so cute how much she supports and roots for him when she sees him in a fight. And Yuno doesn’t seem to mind her trying to feed him and take care of him either.
Magna x Luck (brotp)
Lucky’s personality is quirky, chaotic, and frankly just difficult to understand, so I think it’s hard for people to get close to him. He comes on so strong with the pranks and desire to fight, plus he doesn’t really know how to hold back. The fact that Magna can endure all that while also seeing Luck as a person on a deeper level than just being some spazzy boy is really wholesome to me. I think it’s good for Luck to have someone who can respect him that way without asking him to change his behavior. I do not think this would work romantically though. Magna is actually pretty sensitive and emotional, and gets pretty upset when Luck is stronger or does better than him in something. It ultimately just drives Magna to work harder, but I think that sort of competition might be bad news in a romantic relationship if he’s always feeling inferior.
Yami x Jack the Ripper (brotp)
I want their friendship! I really do. The way they go from relaxed and having fun to ready to beat each other’s asses is hilarious. And there’s literally no reason for it, they’re just like unnecessarily competitive and I’m living for it. Whether they’re celebrating at a festival, about to have an important meeting with the wizard king, or in the middle of a huge fight with a major bad guy, it doesn’t matter. They will trash talk each other and probably end up brawling. I love it.
Gauche x Grey
The episodes where Gauche had to fight with Gordon and Grey were really cool because those three are probably the oddest oddballs of the Black Bulls. I don’t know if I ship them romantically or just at friends, but the development of the relationship between Gauche and Grey has been interesting and I wouldn’t mind seeing more. Also, please give Gauche something else to obsess over besides his sister lmao
Mars x Fana
I don’t have any strong feelings for them as characters individually, but I like that they fought so hard to protect each other as kids and how they continued to fight for and protect each other after being reunited.
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honney-boy · 4 years
Zoo Day With Kiara
Pairing: kiara carrera x f!reader
warnings: nothing more than some fluffy girlfriend vibes🤙🏽
a/n: I went to the zoo the a couple of weeks ago for the first time in two years and I had so much fun! I could stop thinking about a pogues zoo day (might make a post) or Kiara and her girlfriend just hanging at the zoo. Bare with me, it's my first hc :)
Alright here it goes
Kie would definitely be the type of girlfriend to surprise you with a surprise date to the zoo
She knows how much you love animals and she just so happens to love them just as much
That's something you guys bonded over when you first met
It was definitely a trip worth while. She took the time to plan it and your day
But anyway, you guys would have been with each other the night before and she'd tell you she would be by your house in the morning
Like 8am type shit
The next morning she would text you a sweet good morning text. Something like 'good morning beautiful' and 'I'll be at your house in 15 :)’
Even though you had to get up too early for your liking, you had nothing to do, so why not spend the day your lovely and beautiful girlfriend
She would drive you guys to the docks to ride the ferry to the mainland since the island itself didn't have a zoo
She'd keep it a secret the whole time so you have no freaking clue
"Kie, can I know where were going?"
"Nope it's a surprise."
You'd give her the little cute pouty face and the puppy eyes "Pretty Please?"
She usually can't say no to the cute face, but she did this time though it was hard.
"You'll just have to wait babe, you'll love it I promise!”
You guys spend your time on the ferry talking about whatever comes to mind, probably bring up the dumb thing the other pogues did earlier that week and working up a laugh
Picutes are definitely taking!
After riding to the Mainland, you guys would have to drive a LONG while
Like 4 hours long.
You'd already have a road trip playlist ready to go and you guys would be jamming out to a mix and mingle of songs
Queen, Bazzi, Taylor Swift, Michael Jackson, p!atd, The Weeknd, Post Malone, Kehlani, Halsey, ABBA, Fleetwood Mac and more!
Even making pit stops at the gas station for snack
McDonald's Drive through for a quick breakfast or Starbucks. The choice is yours
So, when you guys first get to the zoo you're like a kid on Christmas.
Like seriously, you're filled with so much happiness you could cry because you haven't been to the zoo in YEARS, and now your wholesome girlfriend brought you to your favorite place.
It's like if you smell a certain think and it brings back old memories...seeing and smelling the place brought back some memories
"I can't believe you brought me to the zoo!”
"I planned for us to spend most of the day together here, just the two of us."
"Aw kie, I'm filled with so much emotion I could kiss you right now"
You guys definitely share a few sweet kisses 💞
And when she meant most of the day, she LITERALLY meant the majority of it.
You two would walk hand and hand around the zoo, you occasionally letting her hand go to rush over to see the animals. Or pull her along with you so she wouldn't lose you
You guys would start with all the outside animals first before going inside to the reptiles and stuff
You'll see the Addra Gazelle with it's cute ears.
Walk past the rhino exhibits, then head straight to the giraffes.
The giraffe exhibit did stink but y'all didn't let that ruin your time. Plus they were to cute for you to care about the smell.
You'd see the little baby giraffe running around chasing the geese, causing the two of you to giggle.
You'd tell her random animal facts like→"Giraffes have purple tongues." Or "Giraffes have seven neck bones as we do."
After the giraffes you guys have to walk a bit to get to the next exhibit so you walk hand and hand to the elephants.
When you get to the elephants Kie gets soo excited
Like so excited that she drags you with her as she basically books it!
When you get there there's two elephants–Asian and African–just walking around and spraying eachother
You'll tell her another fact→"African and Asian elephants are similar but different, and the way you can tell is African elephants have big ears while Asian elephants have smaller ears. An Asian elephant ears also fold downwards at the top."
Right before you guys go see the lions and the zebras, behind one of the big elephants legs there's a baby elephant hiding!🐘
uwus are FLLLYYING😩💗💓💞💕
The last time you were at the zoo a few years back there wasn't a baby elephant and now there is! You both make sure to takes pics and vids
For the rest of the day you guys enjoy being with each other, sharing sweet moments, taking more pics and videos while you see the rest of the animals. Gorillas, Tigers, Panthers, Monkeys, Polar Bears, Bald Eagles, Turtles +more
You even got to feed birds nectar as they flew around, landing on your heads and shoulders :)
At some point during the day you guys would stop and get more snacks to share (even though you had some one the way). Cotton Candy, popcorn, maybe ice-cream or a drink.
Your last stop before you leave is the Zoo gift shop.
It's pretty big with cool shirts, gadgets, toys, jewelry and stuff animals.
You don't plan on getting anything but that didn't stop you from wondering off without Kie to go find something to check out
You find weird things that you pick up but put back because they weren't worth the buy(but they toootally were)
You came across this gender neutral mood ring that you thought was sick and it looked like a wedding band so you bought it for your girlfriend for shits and giggles
After buying it you walked around the shop looking for her and see her checking out a shirt, so you go up behind her and hug her
You nearly scare her to death!🤣
"Holy shi- Y/n don't do that! I almost died."
"But you just looked so gOtDaUm huggable Kie. Also, I got you something."
Curious, she does turn around and gives you the look, remembering what you said before you guys walked in.
"I thought you said you didn't want to buy anything."
"I know but I had to get this."
You make sure you have her full attention, though you always have her attention😊
You give a little sweet speech something along the lines of this↓
"Kiara Carrera, I've known you since we were kids and from the moments you laugh at my goofy puns and stupid pick up lines when we got older, I knew we'd be great together. We were friends for a while and though we went to different high schools, our relationship never strained. When I asked you to be my girlfriend, I knew I was making the right decision, and I don't regret it. You're the best thing in my life Kie, and you're my best friend. I wouldn't change it for the world."
She would blush like MAD and smile a lot. She was used to your cheesiness, but that never failed to make her blush "Who else would put up with your crazy self? You will have me always, but you had me the moment you told me that bee pun."
"Kiara would you do your girlfriend the honor and accept this mood ring so I can keep track of your emotions and I love you because instead of stopping me when you see me doing silly things, you join me?"
And like you said, she went along with you act and held out her hand for you to slip it on her middle finger
"Now when you give people the bird they can read you emotion too."
Kie would love your little gesture and laugh at the fact that you put it on her middle finger and she would test it out on you
She'd flip you off AS A JOKE, and the color of it would be violet-pink which means she's feeling happy.
"Wow, I feel so loved!”
She'd surprise you too with a matching mood ring "I knew the kid in you would flip, so I got you one also."
She puts it in your middle finger and whether or not you give her the bird as a joke is up too you :)
And on top of that she would have bought you a stuffed animal of your favorite animal
Honestly you love this girl so much, and she makes your heart speed up you could go into cardiac arrest.
Kie definitely would have gotten the biggest hug and some kisses all over her face for that
You'd tell her how she is the best girlfriend ever the whole time you're leaving, even on the car ride back to Outerbanks
When you guys do get back to the island, the guys would ask you were you guys were at(mostly jj even though he watched your sc story)
You would keep it simple by saying you went to the zoo and boooooi
They would feel so left out because the kid in them wants to go to the zoo too!
Taglist :)
@outerbnx-stiles @letsgotothehop
Let me know if you guys want a pogues zoo day hc!
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pixiegrl · 4 years
The Monster Mash, It Was a Graveyard Smash
This was a Halloween fic for the 5SOS Halloween Fic Event organized by @ashesonthefloor! Thank you for doing this! I had alot of fun writing this fic. Shout out to Liz for editing! And Mel for being my hype woman and letting me bounce ideas off you!
The prompt was: "That's not a Halloween costume? You actually look like that??" (could be fangs, horns, wings, literally whatever supernatural element you want) Or one person has supernatural aspects and spends Halloween night with the other person. The other doesn't realize it's not a costume until they're gold/the next day/whatever you decide to do"
It’s also on ao3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27262129/
Luke is regretting his decision to tell Michael that he would get the decorations for their apartment. He only agreed because Michael loves Halloween, but he cannot be trusted to do the shopping. He’ll buy everything in the store and then will they not only have money, Luke will have to spend the whole month being terrified of his apartment and what might pop out at him. Michael is endlessly fascinated by Halloween, a holiday fairies don’t celebrate. It’s a human-made holiday, and before they left Australia and their little home clan of magic to move to New York, they’d never encountered anything like it. Even though they’ve been here for roughly five years now and have come to understand most of the other holidays people celebrate, Michael loves Halloween the most. It’s the one thing he insists on celebrating, despite Luke’s protests against it. Luke likes fall, but he doesn’t like being scared, which seems to be Michael’s favorite part. He’s been banned from decoration shopping since the time he hung a skeleton from the ceiling that caused Luke to scream and cry upon entering the apartment. 
Luke doesn’t get Halloween. It’s such a human holiday and, despite how much he likes dressing up and eating candy, he doesn’t understand Michael's fascination with it. He finds the whole thing to be too scary and overdone for his liking. 
Usually, they have enough Halloween decorations for the apartment but, in a fit of rage last year, Luke threw some of them out after Michael had left a fake spider in his bed. Which is probably one of the reasons that Michael forced Luke to go this year. It’s his least favorite thing, having to go to the store and go through the aisles to find something that Michael likes. Luke doesn’t like anything terrifying, which is unfortunately all Michael ever wants. Luke has already had to avoid the fake snakes and serial killer franchise masks just to get to the decorations.
He’s been standing in the decorations aisle for twenty minutes now, trying to decide between the scary decorations (some kind of bloody werewolf head, which Luke thinks might be inaccurate) and the cute ones (a small, smiling purple bat). He’s also partial to the black rose wreath hanging up, but he’s worried Michael will say it’s too “soft” for the scary punk vibes he prefers. He also knows Michael desperately wants to impress his new boyfriend, Calum, with their decorations. 
Luke is finally steeling himself to take the werewolf's head and be done with it when he hears a groan next to him. 
“You’re not really going to take that, are you?” The voice says. There’s an Australian accent there, which surprises Luke so far away from home. So far in New York, it feels like it’s just him and Michael and now Michael’s boyfriend Calum, who are from his home country. He turns, wondering what kind of stranger just decides to address someone in the store and is surprised by the person staring back at him. It’s a rather attractive guy, all brown curls with brown eyes and dimples in his cheeks showing as he’s smiling at Luke. Luke blushes, glancing away from him and back to the head. 
“My roommate likes scary decorations and stuff.”
“Well, it’s a horrible stereotype. How would you like it if someone hung your face up on a wall, full of teeth and blood?”
Luke wrinkles his nose. He’s never met a werewolf, but he can’t imagine it would be fun to have people think that. It’s already not fun when he and Michael meet people who automatically assume that fairies are out to trick people and con them. Luke only did that once and it was to pass a class. 
“I guess. But they are hunters.”
“Please, they’d be much more civilized than that. You don’t go around eating your meat raw and bloody do you? Besides, who even hunts to eat anymore?” 
“Well, what about full moons then? What about a transformation?”
“You mean why do werewolves have to hunt and kill? Maybe they just like playing with their friends and rough housing. They certainly don’t look like that,” the guy says, jerking his thumb towards the head.
“Well, I have to go home with something. What do you propose if you’re so against the werewolf head?” Luke asks. The guy lights up immediately, full of enthusiasm. If he was a dog, his tail would be wagging. 
“You seem like someone who would like something elegant. What about this?” He says, pulling the wreath off the rack and handing it to Luke. In this light, up close, Luke can see that there’s glitter on the edges, letting the roses sparkle in the light. Luke runs his finger over the edge, wondering if he can spell it so that the roses will be more realistic and alive, while still being wholly fake and preserved. He’s surprised this stranger was able to figure out so quickly what Luke likes, but it could be the floral shirt that he’s wearing, too.
Luke glances up, smiling gently to show his approval. The guy grins even wider, dimples deepening.  
“What else do you suggest?” Luke asks. The guy immediately starts to pull things from the shelves, babbling at Luke about how nice the various things are, small smiling bats and little arched black cats. He goes around pulling out the most objectively least scary things that somehow manage to be adorable. Luke is a little in love with this man, who’s dumping a fake candelabra into his basket, telling him that the black and gold looks elegant, but spooky. 
They stop in front of the fake animal skeletons. Luke is a little put off by the incorrect spiders and snakes. They’re not supposed to look like that at all, beady eyes staring at him. The cat draws his attention though, arched back and skeletal smile on its jaw. It looks...fun. Wholesome. Luke reaches out and pets along the back, charmed by how incorrect it truly is, little ears and all. 
“You should get it,” The guy says. Luke looks over at him, startled by how fond his face is staring back at Luke. Luke blushes, embarrassed that this guy saw him petting a skeleton cat. The guy doesn’t seem to care, simply picking the cat up and holding it out to him. 
“It’s silly.” 
“Nothing’s silly if it makes you smile,” he says, holding the cat out further towards him. Luke takes her, staring down into the cat’s little face. It smiles back at him. 
“What should I name her? Names are important you know,” Luke says solemnly. It’s a fairy tradition, after all. 
The guy furrows his brow, biting his lip a little. “Name her Petunia. A nice name for a nice cat.” 
Luke smiles, nodding. “Petunia. I like it.” 
The guy grins back at him, “Anytime. Always glad to help a cute stranger on their quest for Halloween.” 
He walks away, throwing Luke a wave and a wink. Luke blushes, staring down at Petunia. Naturally she offers him no advice in the matter. 
It isn’t until Luke gets home and has faced the ire of Michael because of the lack of scary Halloween decorations that he realizes he should have asked the cute guy for his name and number. Now, he’s never going to see him again. It’s the real travesty of the night, leaving Luke sad, followed around by a little storm cloud as he wallows in his unhappiness. 
Luke can’t believe he’s waited this long to buy candy. Usually they’re on top of it, big bags of assorted candy bought at the start of the season, ready to give out to the kids in their apartment building and for Luke and Michael to binge eat while watching movies. However, this is the first year they’ve thrown a Halloween party and they’ve mis-estimated the amount of candy needed. They still have a few weeks left, but they’ve realized that the usual two bags won’t cut it if they’re having people over and want to put it out for the party. 
Michael is busy with work all day, but still insisted that if they want to get any of the good stuff, it has to be done today. So now Luke is standing in yet another aisle of a department store, trying to figure out what on Earth Michael means by “the good stuff.” 
Luke knows that he likes Reese’s and that Michael is partial to anything with mint in it, but Luke’s not sure what else to get. Chocolate and candy isn’t really a thing for fairies growing up. It wasn’t until Luke and Michael moved to New York that they’ve even come into contact with the stuff and he’s still learning what it is that people like. He’s got a bag of assorted chocolates, a couple packs of mint chocolate Kit Kat’s for Michael, and a bag of mini Reese’s for himself, but he feels like he’s missing something. 
“You can’t only be buying chocolate,” A voice says next to Luke. Luke startles at the familiar accent, turning to see that it’s the same guy from the decorations. Luke is dumbstruck by the coincidence of the whole thing. Here he was, sure he’d never see the man again and now here he is, standing in the candy  aisle of a Walgreens and telling him that he’s making the wrong candy choices. 
“It’s you,” Luke says, at a loss for what else to say. The guy grins, all sparkling eyes and dimples. He looks like a Disney prince. 
“I’d ask if you’re stalking me, but I don’t know if you’d be doing that in a drug store at 3pm on a Monday. How’d your roommate like the decorations?” 
“Mad that they weren’t scary. Said I ruined the holiday until his boyfriend came over and said he preferred our decorations to the other things he’s seen for the season. Now Michael can’t get enough of them. Although he keeps trying to change Petunia’s name.” 
“Well he’s not allowed to. That’s her name and it’s the only one she’ll answer to,” the guy says, serious expression on his face broken by the wink he sends Luke. Luke blushes, turning back to the candy. 
“First you judge my decoration choices, now you’re judging my choice in candy. What will you judge next?” Luke teases. 
“Well, you pick scary decorations and now chocolate. I’m starting to think you have a vendetta against werewolves.” 
Luke scoffs, trying to put on an air of disbelief. “Come on, you don’t really think werewolves are real.” 
“It is Halloween season. Anything is possible.” He grins. Luke notices his teeth look a little sharper than most people’s, but doesn’t think anything of it. 
“What else am I supposed to buy if not for chocolate? It’s a staple of the season.” 
The guy furrows his brow, turning to look at the shelves of candy. He snaps his fingers and leans down, grabbing a bag of what looks like sour gummies. He tosses the bag into Luke’s basket. 
“Oh, so werewolves don’t like chocolate, but they like candy that hurts to eat.” 
“If werewolves are part dog, they’d have chocolate allergies. Sour candy is safe and allergy free. Besides, maybe they like a little kick with their sweet,” The guy says, winking. 
Is this guy flirting with him? Luke can’t possibly be that lucky. 
“Well, I wouldn’t know anything about that. I tend to prefer saltiness with my chocolate,” Luke says. The guy grins even wider and Luke blushes, realizing it sounds a bit like a come on. 
“Guess you’ll just have to try it and see.” 
Luke turns away, grabbing another bag of sour gummies and putting it in with the others. Luke turns to the guy, ready to ask him for his name and number, when his phone goes off. He shoots Luke an apologetic look and pulls it out of his pocket, eyes going wide when he sees the name of whoever it is. 
“Sorry, I have to take this. Good luck with Halloween.” And with that he rushes out of the store, partially running to get outside. 
Dejected, Luke buys his candy and heads back to the apartment. He dumps it onto the counter, ripping open one of the bags of sour gummies to give it a try. They’re not bad, the little bit of kick at the edge of sweetness is enough to override the loss of feeling Luke’s having in his mouth after the first bag. 
Michael comes home an hour later, finding Luke moping on the couch with his candy. When asked, all Luke can say is that the universe is out to stop him from getting a boyfriend. Michael wants to know what sour gummies, something neither of them has had before, has to do with any of that. 
Luke isn’t sure how he ended up here in the Halloween store, but it seems to be where he is. A combination of needing to get away from Michael and Calum’s making out and general boredom has led him here. It’s the last week before Halloween and he’s rummaging through the remains of what’s left for costumes, combing through glittery fairy wings and bad makeup. It’s really his fault for waiting so long to find a costume for the party, but it’s not like Luke actually needs a costume at all. He is a fairy and so, understandably, he already has fairy wings to wear. He has slightly pointed ears and golden eyes and there’s glitter that goes with him everywhere. It doesn’t mean it’s not still fun to go to the stores, watch the teen girls try to look like mermaids and little kids dress up in superhero costumes. Luke just usually tries to go earlier than this because now all that’s left are the rejected costumes and the college students trying to make a mad dash to make something out of whatever is left.
Luke shifts through the fairy costumes so he can send pictures to Michael of what people seem to think fairies look like when someone bumps into him. He startles, turning around. 
The person who’s bumped into him looks to be a guy about his age, with windswept brown hair and large brown eyes. He throws his hands up in mock surrender when he sees Luke looking at him. It reminds Luke vaguely of a puppy who knows they’ve done something wrong and is trying to look innocent. He looks familiar, but Luke’s not sure why.
“Oh, I’m sorry about that. Should really be more careful about where I’m going,” The guy says. Luke perks up at the hint of Australian accent. It can’t be that same guy Luke’s been running into all over town. First with the decorations and then the candy. Is it too much to hope that Luke would meet the cute guy here? What are the odds he’d also be looking for a costume last minute? Maybe the universe doesn’t hate him after all. 
“It’s you! My werewolf decoration and no chocolate guy!” Luke says, grinning when the guy breaks into a full smile.
“I knew you looked familiar! Could never forget a pretty face like that. It seems that fate has brought us together in this horribly placed Halloween store. Ashton,” The guy says, sticking his hand out. Luke takes it gently, letting the guy shake it with far too much enthusiasm for someone he’s only met a handful of times. He really does remind Luke of an overeager puppy. Luke might already have a crush on him, with how cute and happy he is.
“Luke. Feels nice to finally be on a first name basis with the man my roommate has a grudge against now.”
Ashton laughs, a short bark of a thing. “So, what brings you to a costume store so late in the season? You seem too put together to have waited until the last minute, considering how detailed you were about the decorations and the candy.”
Luke blushes. “Oh, I have my costume. I just like to come to the stores and look around. There’s something funny about going to a Halloween store so late and seeing the chaos of it all. Besides, it can never hurt to have too many accessories for a look. Who would wait this long anyway?”
Ashton laughs, “Well, then it seems I’m the chaos you’re looking for. I managed to wait for the last minute for a costume and now I’m rushing to find one for a last minute party. Maybe you could help me?”
Luke’s a little surprised. It’s rather bold of Ashton to ask a stranger to accompany him while looking for costumes. Not that Luke’s going to turn down what feels like a date with a cute guy. He hasn’t gone on a date with a cute guy in ages. Maybe he can manage to convince Ashton to hold his hand. 
“We can certainly try. What are you looking for?” 
“I’m not sure yet. Usually I like to take a look around and see what’s left. Sometimes it’s fun, trying to make a costume out of the things people don’t want.” 
Luke is horrified. “How can you not plan for something like that? Costumes take detail and work. Why would you leave it all up to chance?” 
“Maybe you need to learn to live a little, Luke.” 
“You wouldn’t say that if you knew what my costume is.” 
Ashton looks him up and down and it feels a little like being checked out. He preens a little under Ashton’s gaze. Ashton looks up, blushing slightly when he meets Luke’s eyes. 
“Let me guess. You’ll be a princess. Or a mermaid. Since you are Australian and all.” 
Luke shakes his head, “Close, but not quite.” 
Ashton glances over at the fairy wings Luke's been looking at. “Oh! A fairy. How charming. It fits you.” 
“Are you going to be a prince? You’d make a nice companion for Cinderella.” 
Ashton laughs, “Can’t say that princesses are my thing, really. Besides, princes are boring and stuffy. It lacks imagination and adventure.” 
Luke looks around, “Unless you wanna be a prince or a superhero, it looks like you’re out of luck shopping at this place. They’re almost out of everything since, you know, it’s the week before Halloween.” 
“I know a better costume store a bit outside of the city. Why don’t we set up a day and go shopping together? Since you seem to have a lot of opinions about my outfit, it seems fitting you should help me look,” Ashton says, holding his hand out, raising his eyebrows expectantly. There’s a pause as Luke realizes that Ashton is asking Luke for his phone. For his number. 
Luke can do little else but take out his phone, unlock it, and hand it over to Ashton. He messes around with it for a few moments, inputting his number and sending a text to himself. He hands the phone back to Luke smiling. 
“There. Now you have my number. Text me when you’re free and we’ll set something up,” Ashton says, winking at Luke as he turns on his heel. Dumbstruck, Luke looks down at his phone, laughing when he realizes that Ashton put a little wolf emoji next to his name. He’s really committed himself to this joke it seems. Luke is too on Cloud Nine to think about it any further, going home to proclaim to Michael that he’s finally met the love of his life and that they’re going on a date. 
Luke has been anxious waiting for his “date” with Ashton. He refuses to call it a date, doesn’t want to get his hopes up, even though Michael has been calling it one for the last week. He’s been talking to Ashton almost nonstop since getting his number. It’s been fun, sending Ashton his daily thoughts and happenings of the day. He’d sent Ashton a picture of chocolate the other day and had gotten a little frowny face emoji in response. It’s terribly endearing of Ashton and Luke thinks it’s funny that he’s so committed to some goofy werewolf joke for the season. 
They’d agreed to meet on the 30th, later in the afternoon after work, which seemed like a dumb idea to Luke, even if Ashton insists that it’s more fun going through Halloween stores to try and make a costume out of what’s leftover. Especially because Ashton insists that the store he knows outside of the city has better things. Luke has been standing outside of the subway entrance for the last fifteen minutes and he’s starting to get nervous that Ashton isn’t coming. Luke’s just about steeled himself to give up and go home when Ashton comes sprinting down the block, stopping directly in front of Luke. He bends in half, hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath.
“Sorry. I got a little hung up this morning and lost track of time,” Ashton says, still trying to take a deep breath. He looks disheveled and winded, curls tangled around his face and brown eyes wide as he looks up at Luke. He looks like he’s doing his best imitation of a puppy who knows they shouldn’t have wrecked something and now they’re hoping to fix it by being cute. Luke would like to pretend it won’t work on him, but who is he kidding. 
“It’s fine. I was just worried you forgot,” Luke says, trying to keep his tone light and not betray his worry.
“How could I forget a date with the cutest guy to look at costumes?” Ashton asks, an earnest expression on his face. 
Luke blushes, glancing away from Ashton. He doesn’t want to admit how much of an effect Ashton has on him. He hasn’t known Ashton long enough to be this smitten. 
“We should leave now if we want to make the train in time. Your running late messed up our time table,” Luke says. 
Ashton grins. “Who knew you were so punctual? We’d better hurry, then.” 
Ashton grabs a hold of Luke’s hand, tugging him down into the subway station. Luke allows himself to be pulled along, too focused on the grip Ashton has on his hand to pay attention to much of anything else. He’s only mildly aware of swiping his Metrocard and rushing to the right platform for the train. 
They manage to make it in time, Ashton tugging them to an open seat. They collapse onto the seats, pressed close to each other. Luke is hyper aware of how their thighs are touching; they’re pressed together from shoulder to hip. Ashton hasn’t let go of Luke’s hand, instead choosing to lace their fingers together and squeeze. Luke flushes, surprised at how affectionate Ashton is with someone who is largely a stranger. 
“So, how do you know about this place? You mentioned it was a little outside of town,” Luke asks, hoping that focusing on the conversation will take his attention away from Ashton’s grip. He’s never been this smitten over someone who’s human. He’s supposed to have this effect on people, not the other way around. 
“A friend of a friend. I found out about it one year when I was looking for a costume in college and now I just keep going back. It’s nice. They always have a good selection and it’s usually stuff I wouldn’t know about.”
Luke hums. He doesn’t have very many friends here. Despite the fact that he works at a fairly nice interior design company in the city, it’s hard for Luke to make friends. He has to always be on alert about using his magic and about being too open with non-magical people. It makes him worried and anxious some days, especially when he uses his magic at work for little things. Sometimes he uses it to change the color of a couch or curtains when he can’t find the right color. Sometimes he uses it on the room he’s designing, to bring his clients peace and happiness. He’s never malicious with his magic. Despite the stories, fairies aren’t supposed to be mean. They’re mischievous and like playing tricks, but magic shouldn’t be mean. Luke just likes using his magic when he knows it will help his clients, give them everything they want. He knows it’s why Michael opened the little café he owns, started using magic blended into the food and drinks for happiness and easing worries and whatever else he thought people might need. It’s nice, knowing that there’s some way the two of them can help people. 
Ashton clears his throat, drawing Luke’s attention back to him.  
“So Luke, what do you do? You seem awfully free during the day for someone with a job.” 
“I’m an interior designer. Usually I’m working at this time, but sometimes I get a little flexibility with my schedule,” Luke says. He doesn’t mention that he might have spelled his boss a little to let him leave early so he could meet Ashton. It’s not like Ashton needs that information. 
Ashton gives Luke a once over, smiling a bit, “I can see that. You seem very stylish and put together. You would be something snotty.” 
Luke scoffs in fake offense and smacks Ashton on the shoulder, “Well, what do you do, Mr. Big Shot, that lets you leave in the middle of a work day if you’re going to tease me?” 
“I’m a lawyer. Nothing too fancy, I do copyright law and such, but it’s nice.” 
“Well, maybe you’re the fancy one with your high rise job,” Luke says. Ashton frowns a little bit before he must realize Luke is teasing. He huffs, rolling his eyes. 
They chat for a bit on the rest of the drive, talking about growing up back home and what brought them here (school it seems is the answer), and what it is they do at their jobs.  Luke’s so caught in the conversation, he almost forgets why they’re even on this trip until Ashton perks up. 
“Our stop is next.” 
“What?” Luke asks, letting Ashton pull him up to stand and tug him towards the door. Luke doesn’t know how Ashton even heard any kind of announcement from where he was sitting.
Ashton ignores him, instead tugging him towards the door. Luke grabs onto one of the poles as the train slows, still managing to slide a little bit and bump into Ashton. They’re still holding hands.
The train comes to a stop and Ashton tugs Luke out and down the street, pulling them in the direction of where the shop must be. It’s an older looking building, with a sign out front advertising the Halloween store inside. It feels lived in, a product of love and familiarity around it. It puts Luke at ease a bit, convinced there won’t be creepy statues jumping out at him here.
There’s a bell over the door that dings when they enter. Ashton clears his throat before yelling, “Kaykay!”
There’s a thump from somewhere in the back of the store and then Luke hears an excited, “Ashton?”
The girl that pops out from the back curtains is short with bright blue hair. Her face breaks into a wide grin as she sprints across the store, launching herself at Ashton to wrap her arms around him in a hug. Luke doesn’t realize until Ashton tugs his hand away to hug the girl, laughing, that he’s been holding his hand the whole time. He blushes, glancing away.
“What are you doing here? I haven’t seen you in ages,” Kaykay says when she detangles herself from Ashton. 
Ashton grins, “I’m taking a friend costume shopping and thought of your store. Figured I had to show him a proper Halloween store.”
They both turn their attention to Luke. Luke blushes under the gaze of this girl, clearly an old friend of Ashton’s. She narrows her eyes a bit, looking Luke up and down. He must pass whatever test she has though, because her face breaks into a grin and she sticks her hand out. 
“Kaykay. I own this lovely shop. You seem much too nice for our Ashton. How on Earth did you meet him?” 
“Luke. He harassed me in a store about Halloween decorations and now I can’t seem to get rid of him,” Luke says, shaking her hand. She laughs loudly, snorting slightly at the end. Ashton pouts, but there’s a look in his eyes that’s almost relief. Luke tries not to read too much into it, that Ashton’s happy that Luke and one of his friends are getting along. 
“Well, if you want good costumes this is the place. I have it all. Ashton can show you around. Holler if you need anything,” She says, bumping Ashton’s shoulder with a grin as she heads towards the back again. 
“How do you know her? Doesn’t seem like the kind of place for a lawyer to casually be at.” 
“Her girlfriend is my tattoo artist,” Ashton says, heading in the direction of what looks like the magical creature section. Luke perks up, following him. Maybe if he plays it right, he can see Ashton’s tattoos. 
Ashton rugs out a pair of purple fairy wings and shows them to Luke. They’re ornate, large and iridescent in the light. Luke’s surprised by how close to accurate they are, running his fingers along the edge of them. They remind him of his own wings as they catch the light, casting a rainbow into the ground. 
“What about these?” 
“They’re lovely, but I already have my costume. Besides, we’re looking for something for you,” Luke points out, letting go of the wings and setting off further into the aisle. He stops in front of the werewolf costumes, face to face with another snarling mask. He startles, taking a step back and bumping into Ashton. 
“What about this? You keep making all those jokes about werewolves.” 
“You can’t be serious, Luke? I mean, look at it. It’s not even close to accurate. Werewolves are part wolves, they wouldn’t stand on two legs. And besides, they wouldn’t have red eyes either.” 
“You sure know a lot about werewolves for someone who claims to dislike the way they’re portrayed.” 
“I, uh, read a lot,” Ashton says, blushing a bit when Luke looks at him, raising an eyebrow. It’s adorable seeing him so passionate about something. Luke leans over, brushing a strand of loose hair behind Ashton’s ear. Luke feels so warm suddenly, this close to him, casual touches and all. He can’t possibly feel like he’s known Ashton so long, so personally, but he does. It feels like Ashton keeps sharing intimate parts of himself with Luke and Luke’s never been so taken by a human before. It’s going to break Luke’s heart if Ashton figures out that Luke is a fairy and leaves him. It’s happened before, but Luke doesn’t know if he could survive this one. 
A crash from the back of the store startles them both. Luke pulls his hand away from Ashton’s ear, blushing as he turns back to the costumes. He picks up a pair of wolf ears and sticks them on top of Ashton’s head.
“Here, you can wear these instead. Now you’re a cute werewolf,” Luke says, giggling. Ashton smiles, touching the tips of the ears. Luke pulls a wolf tail off the rack too, holding it out to Ashton. He laughs, sharp and quick, grinning from ear to ear.
“You’re really going to lean into the wolf thing, huh?”
“Well, you made all those werewolf comments. What else could you possibly be?” Luke says. He misses the way Ashton tenses slightly, relaxing when he must realize Luke’s teasing him.
“You need to get something too,” Ashton points out. He turns back towards where they came from, heading off in that direction again. Luke follows after him, stopping when Ashton picks up an intricate floral headpiece and puts it onto Luke’s head.
“If you’re going to be a fairy, you need a headpiece. It’s tradition,” Ashton says firmly. Luke doesn’t usually wear any type of floral headpiece because it feels too on the nose, but the earnest adoration on Ashton’s face as he looks at Luke might sway him. Luke nods and Ashton grins, taking the crown off his head and continuing through the store.
They walk around for a little bit, commenting on the different costumes and decorations until it’s late enough that they both realize they have to head back home. They take their purchases up the register, where Kaykay’s standing, staring at the two of them. She laughs, pointing at the wolf ears Ashton’s still wearing, clearly forgotten about. Ashton blushes, pulling them off and putting them on the counter for her to ring up and bag.
They head back to the subway and ride it back into the City. Luke’s exhausted suddenly, tired from the day and knowing that he’ll have to spend part of tomorrow setting up for the party. 
“Have fun at your Halloween party. You’ll have to send me a picture of your outfit once you get all dressed up,” Ashton says when they finally leave the subway, getting ready to part ways.
“You’ll have to show me how the wolf ears look with your whole outfit. Very Teen Wolf of you,” Luke says. Ashton laughs and leans over, placing a kiss on Luke’s cheek before turning to walk away, waving. Luke is stunned, rooted to the spot when he realizes that Ashton just kissed him. Ashton gets halfway down the block before he stops, turning back to look at Luke, red in the face. Luke waves back, hoping his face doesn’t betray how startled he feels. Ashton waves back, turning around and heading off in his direction. Luke turns around, following suit.
He makes it all the way home, still stunned by the turn of events.
“What’s gotten into you?” Michael asks, when Luke enters the apartment.
“I think I have a crush on a human.”
Michael groans, shaking his head, “You’re a disaster fairy, you know that right?”
Luke changes Michael’s hair pink in retaliation.
The party’s in full swing by nine. Luke is overwhelmed,  his apartment crammed with people and loud with music. He’s been playing host for the last few hours, but it’s simply too much for him to handle; too much energy to talk to all the people here and smile and laugh, when most of them are Michael’s friends, or people he’s met at the bakery and friends of friends and Luke has had to use too much of his charm to keep up appearances. He’d lost Michael as soon as Calum showed up to help set up, Michael happy to latch himself onto his boyfriend, covering him in glitter and laughing, giddy and excited. Calum is dressed as some kind of Devil, red horns and all, grinning wildly when he’d seen Michael’s look. 
Michael and Luke tend to take advantage of the fairy wings, working them into every Halloween costume they do. Luke tends to go classy with his look, soft fabrics and light colors, trying to look enchanting and ethereal. Michael tends to go the way of a Victoria’s Secret model, short skirts and bright colors. Tonight’s no different. Luke can see the tips of Michael’s bright green wings in the kitchen, where he’s laughing next to Calum, in his black lacy bra and matching lacy boy shorts. This year, he’s wearing a long floral printed skirt, cut high in the front to expose the lace panties, and a matching floral see-through top on, covered in small fake flowers in bright blues. He’s surrounded by a cloud of glitter, sparkling in the light and charming everyone who’s talking to him. Although, some of that could be the fact that his nipples are practically visible in the bra and that Calum has one hand wrapped around his waist, squeezing Michael’s hip whenever someone laughs too loud or gets too close to Michael. Michael doesn’t seem to mind, though, leaning into Calum whenever he does it, turning to kiss him on the cheek.
Luke is hiding in the corner of the living room, drinking whatever cider it is they have and wondering if he can hide from the crowd in his room without being rude, when he hears a whistle to his right. 
“If I’d known you would be here, I’d have brought some flowers to go with your crown,” a familiar voice next to him says. Luke perks up when he realizes who it is. 
“Ashton! What are you doing here?” Luke turns, laughing when he sees Ashton. He’s wearing the wolf ears and tail they’d bought together, a red flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up and jeans. Luke can see that Ashton has a set of moon tattoos on his forearm. He looks like a perfectly ordinary “werewolf,” smiling shyly at Luke as he gets closer. 
“Would you believe me if I said Calum’s my best friend? He kept saying he was going to a party his boyfriend was hosting and asked me to come along, said Michael wouldn’t mind. I have to say, the decorations I picked out look nice. And I appreciate the candy,” Ashton says, grinning as he shakes the packet of sour gummies. Luke blushes, laughing and glancing away. It’s charming, how committed Ashton is to the joke of the whole thing, standing in Luke’s living room, framed by the low lights as Monster Mash plays in the background. He can’t believe a human is having this effect on him; it's ridiculous. 
“Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying the party.” 
“Enjoying it much more now that I’ve seen you. I’m glad to see you’re wearing the crown. When you said you were dressing as a fairy, I wasn’t expecting this. They look so real,” Ashton says in awe, reaching out to ghost his fingers lightly over Luke’s wings. They’re beautiful, iridescent pink and purple, gold glitter shedding from them whenever Luke moves slightly. Luke’s dropped his glamour for the night, letting his ears and noses become pointer, eyes their usual liquid gold color, framed in gold eyeshadow and pink lipstick. Luke’s even wearing the flower crown, soft pink and yellow blending into his blonde curls. He thinks his wings look nice with the gauzy green tulle dress he’s wearing, covered in little fabric flowers. He’s wearing a forest green lace bodysuit underneath it, easily visible through the tulle, and nude high heels. Luke knows he looks good, miles of long legs shimmering in the light, every bit the part of ethereal fairy the storybooks say he is. Ashton looks captivated by Luke, unable to look away from his wings. It bothers Luke a little, worried that Ashton only likes him because of how pretty he looks, not because of who he is.
“They should. I paid good money for this,” Luke says, his usual answer whenever someone asks about the wings. “I should have known you’d go as a werewolf, though. Are the tattoos special just for it?”
Luke reaches out, brushing a thumb over Ashton’s forearm. Ashton shudders a little under Luke’s touch, moving his arm to give him a better view of the little red and black moons. They look like a series of moon phase tattoos. How appropriate.
“You’re very committed to your werewolf joke.”
“Yeah, something like that. I saw them in a painting once and had to get them. I’ve always liked the moon,” Ashton says, voice low, watching as Luke continues to rub his thumb over them. They’re breathing in sync, Luke realizes, connected by Luke's touch on Ashton’s skin, Ashton’s fingertips still pressed lightly to Luke’s wings. Luke wants to make a joke, turn on the charm and flirt with Ashton like he usually does with people, but he can’t find the words. He’s so captivated by Ashton and his presence, trapped in his pull. 
There’s a loud whoop from the kitchen area, startling them both. Luke pulls his hand back, gripping onto his bottle tighter as Ashton coughs slightly, tugging on his sleeve. 
“Do you want to, um, I can give you a tour?” Luke says, voice raising in question as he glances at Ashton. Ashton perks up at that, glancing at Luke.
“Sure. I’d love to see your little home.”
Luke nods, taking the last pull from his bottle, noticing that Ashton’s staring at his throat when he tips his head back. Luke puts the bottle on the table next to them, turning to Ashton and putting on his best flirty smile. 
Luke takes Ashton’s hand, interlocking their fingers and tugging him into the back of the apartment.
 “You’ve seen the kitchen and the living room already. Michael’s room is back here and so is the bathroom and my room,” Luke says. He stops in front of the bathroom door, waving his hand a little to the inside. Ashton steps in, whistling when he notices the floral shower curtain and all the other little flower accents in the room. 
“You guys really like flowers don’t you?” 
“Well, we have to have some nature in the middle of the big city,” Luke says, stepping in after Ashton. Luke closes the door gently behind him, muffling some of the noise from the party. Ashton turns to Luke, smiling. 
“I didn’t say it was a bad thing. It’s nice, sweet of you. Matches your outfit,” He says. He takes a step towards Luke, raising his hand a little as if he’s going to touch the flowers on Luke’s dress. He glances up at Luke, tilting his head in question. Luke nods quickly. 
Ashton grins, running his fingers along one of the flowers on Luke’s dress. He uses his other hand to reach up and cup Luke’s cheek in his hand, humming slightly. 
“Your ears are very impressive. I’m sure Kaykay would love to know where you found them. Your eyes are so golden.” 
“I use really good contacts,” Luke mumbles, turning into Ashton’s palm. He presses a soft kiss to the palm, hoping it will signal to Ashton that he wants to be kissed. Ashton seems to understand, tugging Luke down a little and pressing a soft kiss to Luke’s lips. 
Luke deepens the kiss, tilting his head and nipping lightly on Ashton’s lips. Ashton growls, turning them so Luke is pressed against the countertop. Ashton pulls away, nipping along Luke’s jawline and neck. Luke squirms a little, giddy and excited about the turn of events. Ashton runs his hands along the back of Luke’s thighs. Luke sighs at the touch on his legs, warm through the dress fabric, hypersensitive and hyper aware of what’s happening. 
Ashton nudges Luke slightly, obviously trying to get him to sit on the counter. Luke obliges, pushing himself up onto the edge and tugging Ashton in between his spread thighs. Ashton continues to kiss along his neck and collarbone, running his fingers along Luke’s legs, pressing under the skirt and onto his skin. Luke wraps both arms around Ashton’s shoulders, playing slightly with the curls at the base of his neck. Ashton leans up, pulling Luke back into a soft, open mouth kiss, full of warmth and the sour sweet taste of candy. 
Ashton pulls back, glancing up at Luke. He’s shimmering with glitter from Luke’s touch. His face is full of such wonder and adoration and for a moment Luke is afraid. Afraid that Ashton doesn’t like him at all, that Luke’s just used his magic to have his way and Ashton is going to leave him. 
“You’re so beautiful. I’m going to be covered in glitter forever.” 
“Well, at least you’ll have something to remember me by,” Luke teases, trying to keep the mood light. Ashton hums, running his fingers along the edge of the body suit, squeezing at Luke’s thighs. 
“As much as I love kissing you, I do tend to prefer to take the people I fancy out on dates first.” 
“Would you maybe want to get breakfast? Brunch? Something food related in the daylight. A proper date. Tomorrow?” 
Luke’s heartbeat speeds up. Ashton looks so earnest and open, glancing up at Luke bashfully. It’s so charming and endearing to see Ashton like this. 
“Of course I would,” Luke whispers, running his fingers through Ashton’s hair. Ashton grins, nuzzling into Luke’s neck as Luke laughs. 
“Wonderful. Amazing. We should get back to the party before anyone misses us.” 
Luke nods, let’s Ashton help him down off the countertop and straighten himself out. He presses a kiss to Luke’s bare shoulder, grinning when he catches Luke’s eye in the mirror. 
They venture back into the party, going off to find Michael and Calum. Luke realizes halfway through talking to them that Ashton is holding his hand, that he hasn’t let go since the bathroom. He catches Michael’s eye, who’s grinning and wiggling his eyebrows at him. Luke huffs, glancing away from him and back to Ashton. It feels right, standing here in his kitchen, close to Ashton. It feels like he was always meant to be here. He doesn’t even mind when he has to help clean up later with Michael, after everyone has left and it’s just the two of them. 
Luke changes and gets into bed, checking his phone before going to sleep, seeing that there’s a text from Ashton. It’s a little heart, message reading Good night sweet fairy. Luke blushes, but his heart soars at the idea of a boyfriend, of Ashton as his boyfriend. He knows he’ll have to explain himself tomorrow but for now, he can live in this little fantasy world where everything is perfect and no one will get their heart broken with any kind of revelation. 
Luke is nervous. Luke has never been nervous for a date before. He’s gone out with plenty of people, human and magical alike, and he’s never been nervous. Yet here he is, standing outside of the little coffee shop he and Ashton agreed to meet at, biting his lip and twisting his ring around his finger. He’s bitten his lip raw it seems, too anxious and worked up about seeing Ashton to sit still. He’s been thinking about this since last night, spent half the night staring up at the ceiling worrying about seeing Ashton. What if Ashton only likes him because Luke accidentally used his magic? What if Ashton only likes this magical version of Luke, and not Luke, who’s regular and boring and ordinary? 
Luke doesn’t know if he can take it if Ashton doesn’t like him the same way. Luke’s been known to accidentally enchant people before, put them under a fairy spell, creating love where there is none. It’ll break his heart if the spark he’s felt with Ashton is manufactured and fake. He likes Ashton so much, all teasing and bright laughs, dorky jokes and adoring eyes. 
“What’s got you so focused?” Ashton’s voice startles Luke, pulling his attention to the man who’s appeared out of nowhere. Ashton looks good, with his leather jacket and windswept hair. He looks worried as he stares at Luke. 
“Nothing. Just nervous, that’s all.” 
Ashton reaches forward, grabbing Luke’s hand. “About what?” 
Luke looks down at their interlocked fingers, blushing when Ashton rubs his thumb along the back of Luke’s hand. “Our date.” 
“There’s nothing to be nervous about. I’ve already seen your apartment and I’ve met your annoying roommate. You’ve met my annoying best friend and you laugh at my bad jokes. We’ve already passed all the awkward steps of dating.” 
“Dating?” Luke squeaks out. If he’d known they were dating, he would have dressed nicer. 
Ashton grins. “As long as you don’t order chocolate.”  
He tugs a stunned Luke into the coffee shop, going up to the counter to order them coffee and sandwiches to eat. He takes the number from the girl at the register and guides them towards an empty table. 
“So, if we’re going to date, I think there’s something I need to tell you,” Luke says. Better to get it over with now before either of them gets in too deep. 
Ashton’s face falls, “You know?” 
“Know what?” 
“About me?”
Luke pauses, tilting his head in confusion, “What about you?” 
“That I’m, you know…” 
“A big fan of dogs? You like fairy tales? You make bad jokes?” Luke asks. He’s terribly confused as to what Ashton could be talking about. Ashton’s a human, isn’t he? 
Ashton groans. He leans back in the chair, tilting his head up. “Oh my god I thought Cal would have told you both.” 
“Told us what? Ashton, what was Calum supposed to tell us?” 
“That we’re werewolves,” Ashton hisses out, leaning in close to Luke. Luke’s eyes go wide. He’s completely shocked. Although, maybe all the jokes now about werewolves make more sense. God, the moon tattoos are a dead give away, aren’t they now?
“I thought you knew! Not before at the stores, obviously, but at the party. When I realized Calum was dating your friend. I thought Calum had told you both already.” 
“But the decorations! The costume! Your tattoos! Wait, are you allergic to chocolate,” Luke says. The panic is rising in his throat, shock clouding his judgement, glee tinting the edges of his mood. Ashton can’t possibly be a werewolf, Luke can’t possibly be that lucky. That Ashton’s like him. 
“I mean, most humans don’t get the jokes. But I thought you would have known about it. Except you didn’t say anything so I thought you were trying to be secretive about it. And no, I’m not allergic. It's just a funny little joke Calum and I have. And I prefer sour gummies, anyway,” Ashton says. His voice is rising in pitch, worry clear in his face. 
Luke is giddy though, full of glee. This means that Ashton is magical too! He understands Luke. Luke doesn’t have to hide! Luke reaches across the table, grabbing Ashton’s hand. “I should tell you that Michael and I are fairies.” 
It’s Ashton’s turn to look shocked and confused. “A what? Like, with the wings and shit? Like Tinkerbell?” 
Luke gasps in mock offense, smacking Ashton, “Not like Tinkerbell. Do I look small to you?” 
“Bratty enough,” Ashton says, grinning. 
“Well I’m not the werewolf with moon tattoos.” 
“Hey, you’re the fairy who wore his wings as a costume. Wait..that look wasn’t a costume, you actually look like that?” 
“Of course I do! Real wings and everything. What do you take me for?” 
“My whole bed is covered in glitter just from touching you. God I’m going to be covered in glitter forever, aren’t I?” 
“Only if you play rough during your time of the month,” Luke teases. 
“Excuse me Tinkerbell, it’s very rude to ask a werewolf about that. That’s a private and special thing.” 
“Shit, I’m sorry.” 
Ashton grins, nudging his foot against Luke’s, “Nah, I’m just messing with you. You deserve it after all the glitter I found in my hair.” 
“Just for that, I’m going to make sure you’ll be finding glitter all over your body forever.” 
“Forever? Only if you promise to wear more of that lingerie.” 
Luke huffs, rolling his eyes. He lets Ashton reach over and thread their fingers together again, kissing the back of Luke’s hand. Luke blushes. 
“You’re taking this surprisingly well,” Luke says. Ashton glances over at him. 
“I mean, I am a werewolf.” 
“And me being a fairy doesn’t bother you?” 
“Should it?”
“It’s just, you know, the magic thing.” 
“Are you worried you’re enchanting me? The only thing you’ve done is enchant me with how pretty you are. Werewolves are mostly immune to that kind of thing, anyway.”
Luke relaxes a little, slumping back into the chair. Ashton grins, leaning over the table to place a quick peck to Luke’s lips.
“What was that for?”
“You’re just the cutest. I’m very lucky to have such a cute boyfriend. Make all the other werewolves jealous.”
Ashton blushes, “I mean, if you want to. I’d like to date. Take you out places, cover my bed in glitter, other things.” Ashton wiggles his eyebrows.
Luke rolls his eyes. “Werewolves are massive dorks.”
“Only for you, Sugar Plum Fairy. Only for you,” Ashton says, laughing in the face of Luke’s mock horror and outrage. The conversation ends as their server brings them their drinks and food. They go about eating their meal, Ashton just as messy as Luke thought a werewolf would be.
“You’re staring,” Ashton says, glancing up at Luke.
“Just watching you eat, looking to see if I can see your fangs,” Luke teases. Ashton rolls his eyes, sticking his tongue out.
Luke is content, though, watching Ashton throughout the meal as he alternates between trying to eat politely and then giving up and talking with his mouth full. It’s endearing, Luke thinks, getting to date a werewolf. He’s charming and funny and Luke can’t believe that a halloween decoration got him a boyfriend. He absolutely refuses to tell Michael about this part of the story.
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Melody (S.W.A.L.K) 1971 Livewatch
I have seen this movie. but not the whole thing (i got interupped the first time i watched it)... so here goes! 
movie load please
20 seconds of logos???
guitar song™
this movie is so nostalgic for no reason
Mark Lester and Jack Wild: did you mean, Oliver Twist and The Artful Dodger?
and tracy hyde shes here too
i love this movie sm wtf
can these credits end????
ok yes they can
70s film marching band scene
ornshaw drinking whiskey before band bc why not
danny is bby
mY mOtHeR dId It SiR
dannys mum is so annoying wtf
i really love tom ornshaw
run bitch run
The BB™
look at his lil face ❤
a gowdfish please
aww look at her 
“ive done all those things i wanna try something new” LIKE DRAWING TIDDIES? DANIEL
“ah a boy gave it to me at school” was it ornshaw, i bet it was ornshaw
melody girl you cant play that fucking recorder
this film has great cinematography wtf
Melody Perkins Deserves The World !!
the gang go to school
Ornshaw Gets Bullied
“the jewish boys may now leave for private study” what about the jewish girls?? there’s clearly girls in the class?? why do they have to listen to the bible
ornshaw’s porn bible
dont smoke at school kids
okay so shes peggy, why is she credited as maureen. who the fuck is maureen
hear me out, muriel is a lesbian. noone kisses for over five minutes unless youre proper horny and this bitch is like thirteen. she also says “i dont know, i never used to kiss boys”, because SHE DOESNT. shes lying because she doesnt kiss boys. shes closeted and thats whys she says she does. also, she got angry at peggy for saying she fancied a boy.
“saucy turtles make terrible bathmats, charley” okay okay jeez
ornshaws accent is everything
The Gang sneaking through the fence what will they do
uh oh danny
thats def gonna explode later
ornshaw gets kicked off the bus
but now hes on it
ornshaw and danny have such a wholesome friendship too bad melody ruins it oh wait
you’ve heared of ornshaw gets kicked off the bus now get ready for... ornshaw gets kicked out of the strip club!
you cant get a taxi!!! watch me hoe
where did ornshaw get the chewing gum from wtf
“shes always talking about people like you...” OH OKAY DANNYS MUM IS CLASSIST
“he could do with a heart attack!” WOAH OKAY
time skip to school
oh no danny’s seen melody
“we have three admirers of the dance!” ah shit
ah so maureen is the girl in green
why is ornshaw just standing there
the girl gang is hilarious i love them
Muriel Kisses A Tombstone
uh oh dannys been found out
ornshaw just yeeted his cat
i hate dannys mother sm
assembly time, an iconic part of british comprehensive school, since covid, i cant say i miss it
danny and melody !!
melody and her friend are there because plot
melody sweetie baby i love you but you cant play the recorder
this is cute as fuck
melody is babey
oh explosives time??
i just dubbed these kids ornshaw and the pyrotechnics crew and it fits
dannys parents are annoying
i quite literally hate them
melody girl are you okay
melody are you lying about getting raped
oh time skip to school
we’ve hardly seen ornshaws home life so when will we properly meet him??
god i fucking love ornshaw its mad
oh this is an iconic scene if there ever was one
“go on tom dance with her” oh the ONE TIME ornshaw is called by his first name
youre mad !!
“girls are a load of snotty nose little so and sos” ornshaw aro king
is ornshaw.. scared of women
whatddya mean i dont dance very well!?
is it bad i lowkey crackship peggy and ornshaw now
no one:
ornshaw: kicks peggy in the shin because he cant dance
“you big fat fool” yikes
danny u ok
oh it worked for once
i feel so fucking sorry for melody wtf
bb 🥺
im at the bit where melody is crying while putting on her mothers makeup 
this film is so fast were already an hour in!
ornshaw giving actually solid life advice?? are you sure this is the same movie
“you youre gonna be bloody useless!”
i literally love ornshaw so much 
time skip to school 3982903843290
wtf is a young latin scholars book
not ass latimer, arse
i hate the latin teacher
ornshaw every second: right uh erm um uh so yes sir oh uh mhm
*ornshaw and danny shoving pillows up their underwear*
“dont worry about it!!” dude hes getting spanked by the latin teacher ofc hes gonna worry about it
ornshaw and latimah
“vacate your mouth”
“because its a silly out of date language sir!!!” hes not wrong
uh oh 
what will slapping ornshaw’s ass with a dap even gonna do???
oh hi melody forgot about you
“cmon danny dont let her see you cry!” i want a friend like ornshaw man
“you can buzz off now love, tara, tooduhloo” have i said i love ornshaw? because i love ornshaw
danny dont abandon ornshaw !!
oh this is sad
danny? danny?? danny!!!??? DANNY!!?? 🥺🥺🥺
ive felt sorry for literally all three of these kids now
ah fuck now ornshaws having a mental breakdown in the school halls
danny and melody’s relationship is so innocent and wholesome 
this is literally so bittersweet, like we’re seeing danny and melody being all cute and happy but we know that back in school ornshaw is literally having a breakdown over them
im tearing up over a movie about schoolchildren in puppy love
“will you love me that long?” “of course! ive loved you a whole week already!”
“hes come to tea! his name is daniel!” melody hes not your pet
melodys dad seems so cool why was he arrested
i genuinely love melody’s dad 
melody dramatically eats toast
time skip to school AGAIN
melody and danny are out on a date having fun and its the same song playing as the scene earlier on when danny and ornshaw went off somewhere at the start of the movie, melody has quite literally replaced ornshaw
i have real tears rn 
they skipped school to go to weymouth
danny and melody are literally adorable man
“shall we get married?” arent yall like 12????
oh back to school they got in trouble for skipping
apparently the poor cast got spanked for real and like yikes
we want to get married :D
leave danny alone!
leave melody alone!
ornshaw please stop
ornshaw stop taunting him this is gonna end shittily
okay now ornshaw is literally beating him up okay
danny this is your fault for ditching him for melody sorry
top ten best anime fight scenes
latin man is back because plot
i’m sorry danny 😭😭
let melody and danny get married!
wait so if 20 is twice as old as her then shes.. ten?? i think
melody ily
“all i want to do is be happy” BABY
ornshaws unnamed friend is the true hero of this movie
is this the movie climax???
run! ornshaws unnamed friend! run!
“we are gathered here today to join this man and woman in holy matrimony.. shaddup”
“DICKS IS COMING!!!” as soon as they were getting the rings
RUN !!!!
ornshaw just threw the bible at his re teacher from the re scene at the start i love him
name a more iconic trio than melody perkins, danny latimer, and tom ornshaw, i’ll wait
“i’ll get you ornshaw!” dude how is this his fault its yours for unterupting the wedding latin man
again ouf is the true movie hero
wait latin man is dicks??? whos wannabe remus lupin then????
this just in: ouf is actually named stacey
oh god thats actually such a bittersweet ending
melody and danny trolleying off into the sunset
im actually crying like a baby rn
god that was such a good movie
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ohsh-arat · 4 years
Domestic (Head)canons
Note: ahhhh very first post headcanons/canon post of my ocs because I love them! Lowkey this helps me remember little things about them since my brain is rusty as hell (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) also there’s a lot of silly canons and some involve with reader <3
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— Kunio Omezo —
☀︎︎ As an assassin, he’s been going through missions to missions nonstop; but the thing is with him, if you text him ‘there’s no food at home’; straight up Door Dash to your front door all bloody,,, while holding bag of fast foods in hand. A mission wouldn’t stop him from bringing you food.
☀︎︎ Kunio has the habit to switch from English to Japanese when he’s frustrated. But when he’s really pissed off he would really bring out his native language and sprinkle in English in the most aggressive way (But he mostly a cool head man so no need to worry about him).
☀︎ ︎But if he ends up being frustrations or depress, he would workout or bake right at home. He tried drawing and painting but that ended horribly for him since he can’t do artsy stuff (just for experience yknow?).
☀︎ He has this habit where he would fiddle his thumbs together when he’s excited. It’s honestly cute because a cold and deadly assassin with a stoic demeanor, fiddling his thumbs just out of excitement.
☀︎︎ Highkey enjoys his hair getting all ruffled up. Just the feeling of someone just semi aggressive rubbing his head makes him oddly relax in a way. But also slow head strokes would make him melt even more (bonus if he ‘purrs’).
☀︎︎ Kunio… Oh Kunio… he has a thing for fluffy things (but in secret). Wondering where he went? Just check the bedroom and congratulation! You found him in a cocoon of extra fluffy blankets. But once he walks up seeing you stand there in amaze and awe, he would be very embarrassed.
☀︎︎ “you better not tell anyone about this...”
☀︎︎ He got himself the best voice when it comes to singing, I mean he loves to sing though he’s a little embarrassed to do it in front of others. But he’s 100% down to sing you to sleep!
☀︎︎ His skin care routine is unbeatable, he spends more time in the bathroom way more than probably any guys. He likes to make himself look presentable and just having the slightest bump would irritate the crap out of him. So if you or anyone walk into the living room seeing Kunio on the couch just sitting there his hair slicked back with those headbands and clay mask on his face; he would look honestly unfazed for someone walking in.
☀︎︎ Kunio was thinking about owning a pet but… it was proven difficult because of his job as an assassin so he subsitute that idea with a house plant instead! He owns a aloe vera plant and monstera deliciosa (Swiss cheese plant). He named them Alen (Aloe) and Wendy (Swiss) for fun.
☀︎︎ He has a very strong sweet tooth, his favorite sweets are mochi! (A bonus if they’re animal shaped mochi because it’s a very special memory connected to his mom). He could go on for days eating sweets after sweets but he rather avoid diabetes.
☀︎︎ But hey, it you like sweets as well then say less, Kunio would drop some store bought sweets from your favorite local shop or even homemade sweets from him!
☀︎︎ Kunio wouldn’t consider himself the best cook but just hanging out and cook together would make him happy. But when it comes to baking, oh man you summoned the baking god. Seriouly though, he grew up baking sweets and treats with his mom so don’t be surprised to see some cute bakery sweets come out all great looking!
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— Owen Fitzgerald —
☀︎︎ Owen a big ass cuddle bug, I mean he loves hugging people in general but just cuddling— it makes him so giddy inside (imagine a dog wagging its tail)
☀︎︎ He own one of those soft LED animal night light as a source of light for reading and having a friend as well! (His little friend is a LED Dino that can changes colors)
☀︎︎ When he was introduce to snacks like gold fish, pringles, pocky, gummy bears, etc. he became addicted; just discover a stash of snacks under his coat or even hoodies (if he switch to casual attire) and he’ll start sprinting to his room.
☀︎︎ “No! You are not taking my mini meals” *sprints off*
☀︎︎ Tech stuff obviously wasn’t a thing back in the 19th century, when he was introduced to futuristic, cutting edge technologies; it literally blew his brain into pieces (also fried some of his brain cells since explaining was covered under seconds). Couple months back when he discover Tik Tok, he can’t stop himself from being on that app and…. he accidentally got himself famous :)
☀︎︎ trashbin8 baby~ *wink wink*
☀︎︎ “🎤sawarasenai🥰kimi😸wa⛓shoujo👻na💅no✨böKù🌸Wâ🧚ÿARiçHiñ🤴BįCChī😾ńO😩oSû🚣Dà🎉YO💦”
☀︎ ︎Someone take Tik Tok away from him and don’t let him search up what the lyric mean ;nervous;
☀︎︎ No doubt Owen would be super invested in memes and will probably send either extremely wholesome or extremely curse memes at 3am because he loves you <3 (there’s no between).
☀︎︎ After spending weeks and weeks with his phone, he might have develop some a taste for lofi music. He couldn’t help himself but it really helped him read, write, or even just chilling.
☀︎︎ Talk about chilling, you would find him sitting outside on top of a roof and just soaking up the sunlight as the sun sets. Sometimes he’ll ask to join him and hey guess what, he bring snacks and drinks as well.
☀︎︎ Honestly loves tackling people for some reason (as a playful thing ofc) but he’s also ticklish as well ;eyes; if you get yourself in that situation, just tickle his waist and he’ll become a tea kettle. The more you tickle him the more he’ll laugh but also plea for mercy (and a bit of sobbing action).
☀︎︎ Tbh if you spare him... Owen would really say ’Peace was never an option’ and straight up tackle you again as a payback
☀︎︎ Owen reads old literature like A Study in Scarlet, Atlanta in Calydon, and The Ordeal of Richard Feverel. But he grew invested into reading manga, then later into watching Anime.
☀︎︎ ”This is way more entertaining than all the books i’ve been reading my entire life!?” *display the book as he flip through all the pages*
☀︎︎ what a chaotic man he is
Note: I think I could do better but I’m too tired to think at the moment🏃🏻‍♀️💨
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Not that anyone was demanding my opinions on Angelic Layer, but I just finished watching it and have a lot of feelings and no one IRL to tell them to, so bear with me
Does a really nice job fleshing out both the details of the Angelic Layer sport and of the characters’ emotions and backstories, most especially with Misaki and her mom (their backstory is just kind of cute and silly and wholesome in the manga, but it’s so emotionally intense and moving in the anime, both in the reason they’ve been apart for 7 years and the feelings they’ve had in the meantime...a lot of scenes really emotionally wrecked AND inspired me)
Most of the anime-only characters, fights, and daily life “filler” are really interesting and fun
Nice fight animation...also it bothered me at first that the punching/etc sound effects were so quiet and non-dramatic, but actually it makes sense since these are tiny dolls, they really wouldn’t make much noise when they’re hit
Leaves out the running gag where Ohjiro keeps trying to guess the color of Misaki’s underwear and Tamayo yells out the right answer to everyone in the room
A lot of really impactful reveals from the manga well, the “she’s Misaki’s mom!” reveal was impactful to ME cus my 11-year-old self was too dumb to figure it out are done really anticlimactically.  I’m still super salty that they built up the “this five-year-old is actually a national champion” suspense and then did the reveal so casually, and although I do love all the backstory and drama with Misaki’s mom, I really wish they’d shown her as Athena’s deus with maybe a few subtle hints about her being Misaki’s mom in the first half of the series, then had a big reveal and started getting into the actual backstory in the second half, instead of openly showing she’s Misaki’s mom in episode 1.
The bulk of each fight is well animated, but then the finishing blow (which should be the most impactful moment) is just a still frame?? Or maybe I’m just used to seeing the reverse in modern anime, where they use shortcuts for most of the fight and then do nice animation for big moments
The shipping feels weird?? Like maybe there was a change in staff or company mandates halfway through that wanted different couples???  Cus they do all of the Misaki/Kotaro buildup from the manga and more, then halfway through it builds into a love pentagon where Tamayo’s in love with Kotaro, he actually starts considering her romantically and has less overtly shippy moments toward Misaki, and Misaki is ship teased with both Ohjiro and Hatoko (they’re both really blushy when Misaki asks Hatoko to be her teammate, and in the last ep, Hatoko kisses her on the cheek as a “reward” for keeping her promise????)...and then it ends without any actual confirmed couples?? Like yeah, Misaki and her mom are the most important relationship in the series, but why build up the romantic tangles if you’re not gonna do anything with em?
Also, even though the buildup and reveal with Tamayo’s feelings for Kotaro are well done, it can’t help but kinda piss me off since the manga has her loudly flirt with Misaki and comment on the attractiveness of at least one other female character, most of which they left out of the anime (I mean, presumably it was more of a “lol doesn’t she know girls like boys??” gag rather than lesbian representation, but it still feels like straightwashing...yes, even though she’s randomly Ohjiro’s girlfriend in the manga epilogue, which also felt tacked on to say “oh no she’s actually straight”)
Also not a fan of the ending of the Hikaru/Athena fight. Like I get that since in the anime it’s the final round of the tournament instead of a bonus round after the tournament, the audience DOES want to see Misaki win the tournament...but I can’t suspend my disbelief for rookie Misaki with literally 1 HP left beating full-HP 7-year-veteran Shuuko. At least leave her with more HP or have Athena’s HP lower, and for god’s sake explain why the fuck these two mechanical dolls are able to sprout wings and shoot energy blasts when basically all the other angels' abilities can be explained within the game mechanics
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