#custom-made deer chandelier
elodiegendreau · 2 years
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Great Room (Portland)
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queenofgoats · 4 years
Shadows & Fears | Imagine having a date with Crowley
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Summary: You’re the lucky human being who dived deep into the SPN Universe. Unfortunately you fell in royal demonic hands. So let’s see how you will get out.
Characters | !no pairs! : Crowley x Reader (gender not mentioned)
Word Count: 2.708
Warning: angst, alcohol, flirtations and words = just spn ;), no cheesy romance stuff
A/N: So. It's been a long, long time since I wrote a FF at all. And it’s my very first in english - so please be gentle. ;) I had a lot of fun while writing and hope whoever is gonna read it enjoys it at least a little bit. Feedback is very welcome. 
Have fun! :)
You were led through endless corridors. Which was hardly lighted up or even heated.   Only in the last room at the end of the hall you could  just guess a warm, flickering light. The thought of what was behind door 3 made you freeze. “Hey, what is the... OH COME ON!” you were shouted at. You didn’t dare to move. Like a deer in the face of the light at a highway.   A rough grib on the upper arm forced you to go on. Your breath became heavier. Faltering. Would the brothers come and save you? At the door frame you stuck again. You couldn’t, no, you didn't want to go in there. This would be your end.
And you were so careful. No involvement in the cases, at most some background research. Even to Sam and Dean you didn’t mention a word about their fate, however difficult it was. And damn it, it did! Still, you knew that it was only a matter of time before the bubble burst.   You just wanted a coke from the vending machine at the motel. As if out of nowhere they suddenly stood behind you. Two middle-aged men, really nondescript-looking and before your lips could even form a “help”, you found yourself in the back of a minivan. They were fast, strong and scary quiet. You didn’t know what happened to you until you saw these deep pitch black eyes in the rearview mirror. This couldn’t be true! Your thoughts circled around wildly, blurred and sheer panic ran through you like a poison, which slowly spreads in your nervous system. You knew these creatures very well. How they worked, what they drove or what they were capable of. And you knew him. So far from stories from Winchester or television. That alone was enough to make your blood run cold just imagine what's ahead of you. Various breakdowns later, you were already standing in this old freezer - probably an old slaughterhouse. He loved the atmosphere.
Again the grib at your arm. But this time you stucked. Everything in you resisted. The demon right next you groaned. Apparently babysitting wasn't in his payroll. His face reflected disgust and a certain… overwhelming? “Finally, we meet. Birdie.” This voice. This damn, damn voice. Your eyes squeezed tight, you hoped it was just an imagination. Or maybe you weren't meant. Footsteps echoed down the hall. Slowly he came closer. His presence crushed you, while your body wouldn’t stop shaking. You have never faced anything so dark and threatening.   A hand on your back made you wince. It barely touched the fabric of your top and yet it resembled an iron grip. You blinked open your eyes, the gaze fixed on the floor. A pair of very elegant lace-ups with fine lyra perforations caught your attention. You swallowed.
The king of hell pushed you into the room surprisingly gently and yet firmly. Closing the door made you flinch. You were terrified. So incredibly terrified. “Please, sit down. Don't be shy, my dear. " Breathing heavily, you complied with his request. It was a miracle that you could even hear his words over your hard pounding heartbeat. Crowley was one of your favorite baddies. You hated how he left the show. But you never wanted to meet him. For obvious reasons.   The demon took a seat next to you at a large table. Out of the corner of your eye you could see that one of his peasants stood by the door. The fire in the fireplace slowly thawed you again, but you still shivered. If not at the hand of this monster, you would probably die of pneumonia. You couldn't decide which was better. “Soo...” Crowley started smoothly voiced and as if caught you looked up at him. “We both know why you are here, it’s up to you if we stay in this chilly atmosphere or...” He smirked slightly.  
His hazel eyes drilled through yours, you felt like he was looking straight into your heart. While his voice was so calming and gentle. In fact, if it weren't Crowley himself, you'd find some pleasure in it. You became disturbed by your own thoughts. Focus! For the first time in your suddenly short life you looked at him. Or more at his absolute charming vessel. You got a feel for why he was called the King of Crossroads. A sigh escaped your lips. You took a quick look at the second demon on the door and leaned slightly towards Crowley. Breathe in. Exhale.
“Fine. I’m talking. But! Just under one condition.” you tried to sound professional and acted businesslike. You had a plan. Kind of. But you weren't allowed to show any weaknesses for that. You also saw these kinds of conversations so often in tv shows. You could do it! A twitch of the corner of his mouth indicated that you hit a point. Crowley didn't like arguing. Let alone from a simple human being like you. And yet he looked as if he had expected it. “Of course you have.” he mumbled almost bored. He grabbed himself a glass of whiskey and took a sip without leaving his eyes on you. “That would be? Let me guess y...” “I want a date!” you interrupted him hectically.   Crowley spat the drink across the desk: “A what?!” He didn’t even bother to hide his surprise. “With whom?” “You.”   There was silence for a short moment. The king of hell looked at you in disbelief. He really didn't expect that: “Why? What for?" You first took a look at the demon at the door, who didn't twist a mine, and then back to Crowley. “When I have told you everything, you kill me afterwards. That's ... okay I guess. But I don't want to die here in this hole. I want to shower, look good, and... be alone with you. A one-to-one conversation. Then you will find out everything you want to know.” You tried to smile triumphantly. “A good deal. For both, right?”
Actually you didn’t lie here. There will be no way to survive this. You’re not strong as the Winchesters, or smart like Kevin.   So why not make the best of it? Maybe you can avoid having him face his destiny? Maybe Lucifer won't be released from his cage?   Nobody except Crowley is allowed to hear this. Especially not one of the other demons. They would instant throw a welcome party for Abbadon. The king of hell stayed silent. Presumably he was wondering which part of your body to tear out first with his bare hands. He wasn’t exactly known for his patience. "I can tell you how you are going to die.“ you continued. For a brief moment he raised his eyebrows, but then he finally agreed: “Good. I choose the location."
You felt a painful sense of surprise and relief.
Just a few hours later your time had come.   You stood visibly nervous in front of the entrance of a big old cinema. The fingers kept pulling your clothes into place. Shortly after your deal, a servant brought you to Berlin. There you were allowed to freshen up and get dressed. Everything under the demon's watchful eye, of course. Crowley himself should receive you later in front of the location, it was said. And now you’re here. Oh damn what were you thinking? Sighing heavily, you looked over your shoulder. Maybe you should dare and just run away? Was it worth trying? Did you really want to be led to the slaughter like a pig? A thousand questions buzzed through your head. Yesterday was just a moment of panic. Not really thought out. Somehow. You turned on your heel and were just about to start a run when you heard his voice behind you again: “Birdie! You shouldn’t even think about that. We had an appointment.”
His words sounded so soft and smooth like a good red wine. Crowley knew exactly how to use his british charme.   You took another deep breath before turning to face him. A gentleman who would try, but couldn’t find his equals, Crowley smiled warmly and sweet. Yeah. Like good red wine. Soft and smooth. And poisoned. With an inviting gesture, he waved you over to him: “Let's have a drink, my dear. You look gorgeous by the way, really." He was different from when you first met him. Apparently he took his deals very seriously. You felt a bit like a prostitute's customer. You swallowed hard, but accepted his invitation.
First you entered a large reception room with sparse lighting.The ceiling was completely covered with small lamps that looked almost like a starry sky. While the old wood paneling made everything look a bit old and seedy. "The Kino International was built in the 1960s, right after they pulled up the big wall." Crowley broke the silence. There was a slight smile on his lips. “Oh well... I spent so many years in Germany,” he reminisced. As far as it was at all possible, you felt even more queasy.
A staircase took you to a large foyer in typical East German chic. Even if the brown dominated, it looked surprisingly classy. The chandeliers emitted pleasantly dimmed light, so that you could catch an overwhelming view of Berlin's landmark - the television tower - through the huge panorama windows. You are stunned.
~*~ Possession is the motivation ~*~   ~*~ That is hanging' up the God-damn nation ~*~
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~*~ Looks like we always end up in a rut ~*~ ~*~ Tryin' to make it real, compared to what? ~*~
Roberta Flack's voice came to you calmly from the loudspeaker near the bar. If the initial situation were different, you would feel quite comfortable. Still astonished, you looked around as Crowley moved behind the counter. "What would you like to drink, my dear?" he broke your thoughts. “Erm... well... surprise me.” You sat down on one of the bar stools. The demon then rattled off all the barriers and drawers. Your eyes followed his movements until you blurted out: "I can't do this! Sorry!" Crowley furrowed his forehead: "What do you mean?" Desperately you threw your hands over your head. “This!” You bumped. "It’s ridiculous!"
You sighed. Hardly. “Are we really among ourselves here? Just you and me?" "Sure. As agreed." He said dryly as he handed you a freshly made cosmopolitan. You snatched the glass from him and drank the cocktail. In one sip. "Fine. Let’s do this." Then it literally gushed out of you. A long monologue about Abbadon, the darkness and everything that could be of interest to the king of hell. You only left out Chuck. Cause you already had Crowley on your neck and certainly didn't want to provoke God then.
The demon said nothing, just listened and at the same time seemed to be thinking about your words. When you were just finishing up, he put a new cocktail in front of you. Which you also emptied in one go. The nervousness just didn't want to be drunk away. "Mmh." he made. "Do the Winchesters know about it?" You shook your head. “Oleg and Bolek? Of course not." Knowing full well that they would only make it worse. As much as you loved the brothers, you knew that they were a danger to everyone around them. The confusion was written on Crowley's face: “But ... Why me? Don't get me wrong, Birdie, I'm honored and yet ... ” Inevitably you had to smile. "Let's be honest. You're probably the smartest being here. And you have the least interest of anybody else in seeing Lucifer free again. "Not untrue." he muttered. You tapped your finger on the edge of your glass: “Could I possibly get another one? Or wait! Better just the vodka. " Lost in thought, Crowley compiled while you listened to the well-chosen music.
With two glasses in hand, the king of hell stepped around the counter and sat down on one of the stools next to you. You knew you wouldn't leave this place alive. Nevertheless, a faint smile crept onto your lips. “You know Crowley, I like you. Somehow. You're practically my favorite baddie. " you started and held your glass out to him to toast," That's why I know what's in store for me. Still ... one more thing... or more a question." "Which would be? ... and cheers. ”, he checked. His gaze was on you. You couldn't help yourself because you suddenly felt comfortable around him. Safe. It was completely insane.  
The vodka burned your throat. You shook yourself briefly and turned to face him. “Crowley, what if I die here? I mean I don't belong here. No more than a disruptive factor in an intact universe. Am I, my soul, going somewhere or ... am I stuck? " The thought has plagued you since you (unintentionally) set foot in this cursed universe. You knew you didn't belong here. Every fiber of your body lets you feel it. All the time. So far you haven't really been able to grasp the fear, but rather suppressed it. But now it was sitting in a heavy weight on your shoulders. A deep sadness took you. Tears welled up in your eyes. You leaned against the demon next to you. The head was put  on his shoulder. You didn't want him to see you cry. Apparently you still have a bit of your pride left.  
You heard Crowley sigh. “Birdie, I can't tell you that. I don't know." His hand landed on your knee. It was surprisingly soft and warm, but nevertheless you twitched. “I've never heard of anything like you before. I'm sorry, and it really is, I can't help you.” Was it really Crowley who offered you comfort? Crowley? With a heavy heart you straightened up again. The alcohol slowly got into your head. Finally You leaned towards him, very close to his face. His breath brushed your cheek. The hairs stand up on the back of your neck which leads to goosebumps. You were mildly aroused and then grimaced as soon as you noticed.
The demon looked irritated: “What’s wrong?” “Nothing.” You felt stupid. “I just... I thought. You’re far far out of my league. Forget it. Please.” You wrapped the arms around you and blushed.   “I understand.” Crowley grinned. “Oh my sweet, sweet summer child.” He leaned back and studied you intently. “I don’t give a damn fuck about human current body preferences. It’s constantly changing anyway.” He rolled his eyes. “I’m a demon, as you may remember, and all I desire is to spoil a pure soul beyond any recognition.” Embarrassed you thought about his words.
“Crowley...”, you began almost in a whisper, “would ... would you take my soul?” Hell didn't scare you nearly as much as the thought of your ghost going full vengeful in that old movie theater. He laughed. Loud. It was cold, arrogant and left you freezing. You felt it right down to the bones. "What should I do with it?" For the first time that evening, the demon came through him so clearly. You were afraid of him. More than ever before. You let him fool you. He leaned back in amusement and studied your shocked face. "Babe, your soul is useless." he said, still smirking and slid off his bar stool. "Another one?" he waved the glass. Ashamed you just nodded. You'd already got rejected dozent of times, but this was by far the worst.
Crowley prepared two glasses on the counter for you. The look he gave you was almost pityingly: "Oh Birdie, don't be like that now." Just slowly he moved back to you until he was right in front of you. "You are already useful." he whispered.   You looked at him wondering. And didn’t understand anything.
“Oleg and Bolek, as you called them so beautifully, still have the lost part of my demon tablet. And my prophet. ”He paused and took a long swig from his glass. "I would be crazy if I got rid of my pretty, little bait now, huh?" While he was speaking the last sentence in a haughty tone , his lips barely touched your ear. Tenderly he brushed a lost strand of hair from your face and patted your cheek.  
His demonic smile indicated that he was definitely the legitimate king of hell.
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sinfulredemptions · 4 years
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@dragcnsden​ submitted:
Whenever Alastor arrives someplace, word tends to spread rather quickly… With our without his consent, it grows from a trickling ember to a flame. A roaring inferno of whispers that spreads through the casino, some denizens leaving immediately whilst very few other stubborn ones remain where they are. Just- shying away and averting gazes as the deer slowly strolls through the area— like a predator surveying his surroundings —grin large and heavily-lidded eyes agleam as he takes in the sight for himself.
How charming~
Coming to a stop, gaze flickers to a staring patron from the corner of his eyes, smile growing a smidgen bigger as he chipperly says,  ❝  Well, hello!  ❞  … They scramble to leave so quickly that their chair is left sprawled on its side. Shrugging and shoving down his frustrations— he expected as much, Alastor hums a little tune to himself, static filling each upbeat note, as he continues to survey the establishment, paying no heed to how steadily it seems to be emptying.
Something that whoever is in charge of this lovely little cesspool of high-class sin will likely be made aware of by concerned staff soon enough… (*shoves Alastor into the path of Bently because he saw ‘workaholic’ and went ‘HAH… Well, now I have to annoy meet this fellow.’ SDJKDJKS )
The Black Downing Borough. One of the shining jewels of the crown of the Pentagram. A place that housed one of the most prolific dens of sin in all of hell: The Black Dice Casino.It stood at the center of the Borough, a shining beacon of vice standing high with thirty stories, the whole of the building styled, like the rest of the Borough in the beautiful stylings of the 1920’s and 30’s. Sharp lines and tall pillars cut an imposing silhouette against the Borough’s skyline, a huge sign at its peak that showed the symbol of the Casino: Three black stacked die, their pips and outline ringed in tasteful gold neon. The text: “The Black Dice” trailing down next to it in sharp stylized letters.
When the Radio demon approached, he would see that the place was hustling and bustling. Cars were pulling up, being handed off to Valets and the doormen were busily greeting the well-dressed customers as they came into the building, and he of course was no exception. This place was just as elegant inside as it was outside. A beautiful art deco entryway greeted him, the ceilings high and arched with opulent crystal chandeliers that threw beautiful fractals of colored light into the creme marble below. The entryway led him up along a corridor lined with creme marble pillars, golden sheer and black velvet curtains hanging down and tied back elegantly to led a classy touch to the place.
The floor was accented with gold and the pathway was trimmed in black marble that led to a center fountain and then split into three other directions.To the left and right, there were long hallways much like the first except these ones had one if their sides open into the gambling areas. Flanking the fountain was a double ended grand staircase that seemed to go up half a floor and into more gambling. Past the large fountain, which was a rendition of the casino’s logo, its basin full of black, gold and creme koi, was a long hallway lined with elevators with seemingly more gambling past those, an elegant reception desk tucked back opposite the elevators.The place was filled with the sound of Jazz and gambling, the soft murmur of the busy crowds and the clink of drink glasses. It was a symphony of sin, and Alastor was a welcomed audience member.
At least he was…until the patrons noticed just WHO had stepped with in the casino.
While the staff were calm about his presence, the patrons scattered about to hide in alcoves or hurry on to a different floor all together and of course, he would probably catch the murmur on the walkie-talkies, letting the Boss know just who had arrived. Up on the top floor, Bently’s pen froze as did his tail when he heard that none other than the Radio Demon himself had come into his establishment and he put the writing instrument down, giving a low groan, a hand coming to lightly pinch the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes tightly. Great. This was exactly what he needed. He had a whole twenty mile city to keep running and now….This.
Once again the Divine shits in his dinner plate.
Heaving a sigh, he stood and slipped his jacket and hat on, grabbing his cane and humming as he made his way out and to the elevators. It wasn’t long at all before he found himself on the floor with the self same Radio Demon, his tail swaying behind him  as he approached, a grin on his face.
“Well well, I must say we weren’t expecting you of all people.” He gave a slight bow at the waist before he stood and gave a gesture around them. “Welcome to The Black Dice Casino~”
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decorishing · 2 years
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[gallery] Adjustable Chain Length of Deer Chandelier : HUITICO Antler lighting comes being equipped with 71"(6 feet) oval chain, which can be adjust to suit your needs. RESIN ANTLER CHANDELIER: Our antler light fixtures made of natural high strength resin material. More texture and the vintage ceiling light will never be out of date. (Do light take and put). Applicable Bulb Type: Adopt E12 spiral lamp holder.After safety testing,the deer antler chandelier light can be used for energy saving lamps, incandescent lamps, LED bulbs and so on (No bulb). FARM STYLE LIGHT FIXTURE£ºThe antique lamp made by hand using a two-handed trowel, which minimizes the curvaceous and detailed texture of the antlers, and is clear and natural.You're able to create beautiful decorative lights for living room,Kitchen,dining room,bedroom,Caf¨¦ and bar. Customer service: We are a professional lighting manufacturer, if you have any problem regarding your order, please contact us by email as soon as possible. Thanks a lot! [amz_corss_sell asin="B085ZRFLMN"]
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evstenroos · 3 years
Nominate EVStenroos for Best Wedding Accessories
From the archive: July 28th, 2020
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The COVID-19 pandemic may have changed wedding plans for many but it hasn't cancelled love. Brides and grooms are still finding creative ways to celebrate their commitments to one another, and we are honoured to be part of these stories. EVStenroos provided custom rings for a Boho Glamping Elopement (editorial shoot) in Olds, Alberta; including a two-toned set showcasing current trends — contour bands and delicate vintage-inspired stackable rings. Inspired by the beautiful Lotus Bell tent by Lavish Canvas, the ceremony space was brought to life with unique vintage glassware, beautiful macramé chandeliers, lush florals, pouf seating, fur, and vintage trunks and décor.
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Looking for high-end, ready made jewellery for a special occasion? EVStenroos offers customizable, high-quality bling made in sterling silver, starting at $75.00. For a full catalogue, email [email protected]
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EVStenroos was also part of of a rustic opulent wedding for Mr. and Mr. in the rolling foothills of Southern Alberta. Rustic, vintage decor was paired with modern details and pastel florals for an elegant, dreamy setting (complete with pies and a "Mad Men" inspired bar, which featured EVStenroos sterling silver straws). Our inclusive and diverse team is proud to support the LGBTQ2+ community, and to be part of such a special day for these two love-birds.
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See More at Wedding Chicks
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Avenue Magazine wants you to share your favourite wedding and event professionals in and around Calgary! From wedding planners to photographers, browse over 35 categories and nominate your favourite businesses* before August 10. You can find EVStenroos under accessories alongside local faves CoutuKitsch, JoyDrop, and Lulu B Designs.
Top nominees with be moved to the voting round in September, and winners will be featured in Avenue's January print issue and in the magazine's online local wedding content!
*you can nominate once per category per day
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When Linda Lewington met Ellinor years ago during a night out with mutual friends at the Calgary Stampede, she was smitten with the designer's jewellery.
 "I really liked the jewellery she was wearing and when she told me she designed it all, I had to get her card."
 The two then began working on re-vamping Linda's mother's engagement ring—a platinum band with an emerald cut diamond in the center and baguettes on either side.
"My mom had been asked why I wasn't wearing the ring. Even though it was nice and dainty, it wasn't my size or style; but Ellinor gave me a ton of ideas on how to tweak it."
Instead of taking the ring apart and redesigning it from scratch, Ellinor sent Linda an assortment of contour bands to look at. These bands would go on either side of the ring, transforming it into a right-hand ring.
"It's a very popular trend right now," says Ellinor, "but also a very clever way to make a ring-set more impactful."
Linda chose two gold bands with baguette diamonds to encase her mother's engagement ring.
"I'm so happy and thrilled with the finished piece. I wear it most days. Having it means even more to me now that my mom has passed away. It isn't easy finding someone you trust to take care of your heirloom pieces, but I found that in Ellinor."
Linda also recruited Ellinor's services to help redesign her wedding and tenth-anniversary ring following her divorce.
"I wasn't sure if I wanted a pendant or another ring, but I finally decided on one of Ellinor's award-winning Bird Nest rings. It was a perfect idea. Now I have two unique pieces to alternate between, and pass on to each of my children."
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My friends at PARK ( @ourparkonline ) have launched an exciting, outdoor art installation at Destination Deerfoot City in collaboration with local artists Rhys Farrell, Sydonne Warren, Nasarimba, and Leetia Lyons.
Explore interactive art seating and selfie-backdrops, a 200-foot street mural—the biggest our city has ever seen—lawn games, local eats, and shopping on the boulevard, all while staying 2-metres apart, until September 26.
Learn More 
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jasfhercallejo · 7 years
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Baguio is a place of solitude for me. I have invested a lot of myself in here, and memories have already been written. This place made me smile. This place made me love getting lost. And the reason behind these smiles and travelling – is a lot of crying, to be honest.
Ben Cab museum is a bit off the beaten path for Baguio travelers, but easily accessible by renting a cab. The museum is mixture of mediums of the artworks of artist Ben Cabrera. The museum showcased the abstract oil paintings and mixed media artworks of the artist (which to be honest is a feast to the senses).The art gallery showcases the diversity of the Igorot tribes, their ways of life captured in canvas and some silhouettes carved in wood. Triggers onlookers to utilize our grey matter. It was a very refreshing and insightful experience. 
And of course, one of my favorite galleries -- the erotica gallery. Didn’t miss the chance to do the iconic licking of the big, uhm, wall decor. Haha.
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Considered as the oldest house in Baguio, Casa Vallejo added more story in our stay. It is a beautiful historical hotel, and it has more character than your usual chain hotel. The rooms are very quaint but adequate and the place feels like a challet with its cabin-like interiors. The beds and linens are super comfy, and big window opens up for night time air. Staying in a wooden cottage nestled amidst a few surviving pine trees evokes a wave of nostalgia and makes you feel detached from the city's now-notorious pollution. You feel you're far away, and yet you're not. You can actually take a leisurely stroll to the city's main mall (SM is literally across the street), get a massage at the nearby North Haven Spa, or walk along the iconic Session Road.  It is also in the same area as Cinematheque and Mt. Cloud Book Shop for some books or movies.
The Hill Station restaurant is located right beneath it. The restaurant is rustic, and it has a wonderful old world feel with antique wooden floors, large panoramic windows, chandeliers, and a lovely ornate grand staircase. The food is well prepared and the menu is eclectic. I had a wonderful Tapang Usa (Wild Deer) for breakfast, and the experience is one for the books. This is a great place for some romantic dinner. 
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50's Diner is an American retro diner filled with pop culture memorabilia such as posters of American icons, & its bright pink neon lights. Definitely instgrammable. The whole vibe is reminiscent of diners with servers on skates. Being one of the more popular restaurants, it is usually packed with hungry customers, but luckily we scored a table immediately.
What we did not expect was how big the servings were. Damn I think what we ate was good for four people. It was worth the time waiting for the food, not to mention the good choices on the menu and the good prices. Great food, big portions, affordable prices. No wonder this place is a go-to place of a lot of locals and tourists.
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Since we just had a hefty lunch at Glenn's 50's Diner on the Military Cut-Off Road, here at Cafe at the Ruins Dua we decided to have just some coffee. I like how this favorite cafe in Baguio is a hub for art and culture. Cafe Dua is a good place to hang out with friends, enjoy good food, and catch an art show or an occasional poetry reading. The coffee I had was so good. If you are not starving and you only want something light, try their pandesal with cheese and other varieties of baked products.
Pizza Volante is one of the few restaurants one should not miss when in Baguio. This is a home-grown restaurant that is considered as one of the best Italian restaurants. They offer freshly made and delicious pizza and pasta dished that has been known for years among local residents and visiting tourists. Great for people with a big appetite! Just make sure you bring some patience with you as serving time is quite slow. Located along session road, this restaurant has lovely and stylish interiors with their menu written on a board on top of the kitchen window. To feel the cool Baguio air, we opted to seat outside the restaurant which gave us a more relaxing ambience.
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After getting our tummies happy, we went to Harrison Road Night Market. Located near Burnham Park and Session Road, the market has been offering clothing items, shoes, souvenir items, electronic devices, handicrafts, and the Baguio staple, the "ukay-ukay" items. There are also food stalls available at both ends of the market. We did not let this rare chance pass us by, so we went shopping and haggled for discounts until our hands can’t hold all the things we bought. A thousand bucks was more than what we needed, but can we really get tired of buying? I guess not. Haha. Sleeping at around 3AM, the exhaustion kicked in and a nice, warm shower ended my day. 
Baguio is something I’ll never get tired of visiting again and again. It’s my third visit this 2017, and I know this is not yet the last.
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samuelmmarcus · 5 years
Black and White Modern Farmhouse
  This large-scale renovation and addition transformed the modest home into a larger modern farmhouse with a classic black and white palette. The interior has been completed with all new finishes, custom cabinetry, and reclaimed barnwood accents throughout the first floor & second floor.
Edward Deegan Architects (previously featured here & here) worked closely on the project with this client. The clients weren’t afraid to use bold wallpaper or a funky light fixture. The interior designer repurposed many of their existing furniture pieces and accessories and the client’s eclectic taste helped bring color and life to the overall palette. Building and remodeling a home takes trust and believing in the team you’ve hired to create something you will love.
Make sure to pin your favorite modern farmhouse interior design ideas and have a great time, my friends!
  Interior Design Ideas: Black and White Modern Farmhouse
If you follow interior design trends, chances are that you know how popular modern farmhouses are right now, especially modern farmhouses with black and white accents, and that goes for both interiors and exteriors. This home is a really good example of this. Front door paint color is “Benjamin Moore Wrought Iron”.
Light Fixtures: Restoration Hardware – similar here & here.
Featuring a transitional style, this foyer feels very authentic.
Furniture/rugs: Clients – Beautiful Vintage Rugs (many Sizes): here, here, here, here, here & here.
Lighting: Visual Comfort Ré Flush Mount.
Paint Color
Walls are clad in shiplap. Paint color is “Benjamin Moore Simply White OC-117”.
Cabinet Hardware: Schoolhouse.
Dining Room
The dining room features plenty of great ideas! I am loving the ceiling wallpaper and the black and white rug.
Cabinet: Custom, “Benjamin Moore Simply White OC-117”.
 Lighting: Visual Comfort (Medium).
Wallpaper: Cole & Son Nuvolette.
Rug: here & here – similar.
Furniture: Client’s.
Inspiring Dining Room Decor:
(Scroll to see more)
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There’s nothing boring about this kitchen and it certainly features plenty of innovative design ideas!
Countertops are Quartzite.
Island Lights: Visual Comfort Strada Small Chandelier – Others on Sale: here, here, here, here & here.
The kitchen cabinets are custom made. White cabinets are painted in “Simply White OC-117 by Benjamin Moore”.
Kitchen backsplash is 3×12 White Subway tile.
The kitchen hood is a custom design material in blackened zinc.
Cooktop: Thermador.
Dark Cabinet Paint Color
The dark cabinet paint color is “Wrought Iron 2124-10 by Benjamin Moore”.
Hardware: Waterstreet Brass – Others: Pulls & Knobs.
Appliances: Thermador.
Runner: Vintage – Other Beautiful Runners: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Reclaimed Wood
The kitchen ceiling and the back of island features real reclaimed wood.
Faucets: Kohler Polished Nickel.
Sink: Kohler Prolific.
Counterstools: CB2 – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Black Windows
Black Window Paint Color: “Wrought Iron by Benjamin Moore”.
Breakfast Nook
Framed by black windows and shiplap, this breakfast room feels inviting and stylish.
Table: 60″ Oval Dining Table.
Settee: Clients, fabric: Genevieve Gorder Flock Velvet Onyx Fabric – Beautiful Dining Benches: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Isn’t it the perfect spot to have breakfast every morning?
 Lighting: Serena & Lily.
Chairs: CB2 Tolala Natural Armchair (discontinued) – similar here & here – Others: here, here, here & here.
Hardwood Flooring
Hardwood flooring is 5″ character grade White Oak – stain is natural – similar here, here, here & here.
Porthole: Amazon – similar here.
Home Office
A custom door opens to a cozy home office with floating desk and a faux deer hide wallpaper. Cabinet and trim are painted in “Benjamin Moore Collingwood OC-28”.
Wallpaper: Wayfair.
Countertops: Oak stain in Ebony.
Lighting: Clients’ – similar here.
Family Room
The kitchen opens to a large Family Room with a comfy leather sectional, reclaimed shiplap tray ceiling and retractable patio doors.
Living Room Sofa: Century furniture custom – similar here & here.
Inspired by this Room:
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Painted in Benjamin Moore OC-117, this custom bookcase features Ebony stained Oak countertop.
Bookcase Lighting: RH – similar here, here & here.
Powder Room
This powder room features a dramatic geometric wallpaper and black shiplap.
  Sink: Alape Bucket Sink.
Faucet: here – similar.
Mirror: Worlds Away.
Wallpaper: Thibaut Tribeca Sisal Wallpaper in Midnight Blue (available through the designer).
Featuring T&G cathedral ceilings, this sunroom feels bright and airy. Wall paint color is “Simply White OC-117 by Benjamin Moore”.
Lighting: Visual Comfort Darlana – similar here (recommended).
Furniture: Clients’ – similar: Sofas, Rug & Chairs.
Bunk Room
This is a very flexible space that can either be used as a home office, bonus room or as a guest bedroom.
 Walls: Benjamin Moore Simply White.
Lighting: Ashley Homestore.
Black window Color: BM Wrought Iron.
Flooring: 5″ character grade white oak stain is natural.
Custom Murphy beds make this space more practical and extra functional.
Beautiful Murphy Beds: here, here & here.
Guest Bathroom
Black and white bathrooms always feels crisp and timeless.
Cabinet: Custom, “Benjamin Moore Simply White OC-117”.
Walls: “Benjamin Moore Simply White OC-117”.
Hardware: Matte Black Top Knobs.
Flooring: Ann Sacks Zig Zag – similar here & here.
Countertop: White Quartz.
Faucets: Kohler Archer faucet.
Lighting: Schoolhouse.
Master Bedroom
This gorgeous modern farmhouse bedroom features cathedral ceilings with turnbuckles. Custom dressers, windows and accent wall are painted in Benjamin Moore Wrought Iron. Walls are Simply White by Benjamin Moore.
Flooring: 5″ character grade white oak stain is natural
Lighting: here.
Sconces: Rejuvenation.
Furniture/rugs: Client’s.
Master Bathroom
The master bathroom features beautiful cabinetry, also painted in “Benjamin Moore Wrought Iron”, and an inspiring layout.
Wall Color: Simply White OC-117 by Benjamin Moore.
Countertops: White Quartz.
Sconces: Visual Comfort – Other Great Sconces: here, here, here, here & here.
Tile: Marble from etched in stone – Similar: Marble Tile, Border Tile & Black and White Tile.
Shower Lighting: Rejuvenation.
Hardware: Restoration Hardware Strande Pull 6″.
Faucet: Watermark – Others: here, here & here.
Edward Deegan Architects design the most beautiful homes! Isn’t this mudroom gorgeous? I love the shiplap wainscoting, the black and white wallpaper and the stone floor tile.
Cabinet Built-Ins: Custom, BM Simply White OC-117.
Flooring: Limestone, Blue chinois – similar here.
Lighting: RH.
Shiplap Wainscoting
Shiplap Wainscoting Paint Color: “Benjamin Moore Simply White”.
Shadow Puppet Wallpaper: Paperboy ‘Hand Made’ Grey children’s wallpaper – Others: here, here & here.
This home is beautiful, inside and out! The back porch and patio features Bluestone tiling.
Walls: White brick and board & batten.
Windows/Doors: Black Marvin Windows.
Roof: Metal and Asphalt.
  Many thanks to the architect for sharing the details above!
Architect: Edward Deegan Architects (Instagram – Facebook – Make sure to follow them!
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Photography: Karen Loffing.
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Serena & Lily: Pillow & Throw Sale!
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Posts of the Week:
Interior Design Ideas: Home Renovation.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Modern Farmhouse.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Charlotte, NC.
New-Construction Home Ideas.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
Florida Beach Cottage.
Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen’s Home – Full House Tour.
Dark Cedar Shaker Exterior.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Coastal Farmhouse Design.
Neutral Home.
Southern-inspired Modern Farmhouse.
Coastal Farmhouse Home Decor.
Modern Farmhouse with Front Porch.
Lake House Interior Design Ideas.
New England Home.
Florida Beach House Interior Design.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Fixer Upper.
Tailored Interiors.Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
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If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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from Home http://www.homebunch.com/black-and-white-modern-farmhouse/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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elenhunting-blog · 5 years
Guide to Buy Antler Chandeliers for Home
There are many kinds of antler furniture - antler chair, antler chandelier, antler stools, coatracks, decorative pieces, etc., which comes in a variety of shape in the market and online stores.
Among the antler furniture is the most sought after antler chandelier, which you can find from single layered to complex large-scale chandelier with loads of antlers. The availability of many types might slightly puzzle you on how to choose the right one for your home. Here are some tips to help you out – Decide if you going to buy the Real or Faux one Antler chandeliers can be classified into - real antler chandeliers and faux chandeliers. The real antlers are made from naturally shed antlers. The makers typically collect the deer antlers from notable areas, especially during the hunting season.  These genuine antlers are natural and a seamless piece of addition to any home. The cost might be a little expensive due to its rare availability. But it will be a stunning piece to add to any home that looks to add a regal touch. But, this requires an extra care, as it must be kept dry and out of reach of termites. If you love animals and you are running on a low budget, then it is good to buy a faux one. These faux antler chandeliers are made from a material called polyresin. This imitation material can be fabricated and customized in various shapes and colors to match the theme of your home. Even this faux material is hand-made to create an authentic appearance. Best Place to hand the antler chandeliers The antler chandeliers can add an extraordinary ambient to any rooms, be it your dining room, living room, or bedroom. But, it is wise to consider the other decors also in the room. Though antler chandelier matches with the interior of any room, it will be a gorgeous addition, if you display it on the center of your living room, which accommodates a set of antler chair. This is sure to give a royal look to your home. Moreover, the antler chandeliers help create a rustic themed room with ease. They can also be used as centerpieces in restaurant, store or even in office space. Choose the Perfect Size Multi-tier antler chandelier, bring a unique visual impact to a grand home with a high ceiling. If your ceiling is not that high, it is better to choose a single or dual tier chandelier. They will also be a perfect addition to bedroom, kitchen, and dining room or to enhance the bath area. Choosing the Right Lighting Bulbs After fixing on the size of the chandelier, choose the right bulbs for your room based on how much light the room requires. Each antler is designed to hold a set of LED lighting bulbs. If you are looking to add even a brighter look to your space, or get more wattage bulbs, send a special requisite to the seller to add more bulbs, during the buying process. Now that you have got an idea in buying antler chandeliers, take all the above factors into consideration and bring home the best chandelier that will embellish your home.
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georgeycowell · 5 years
The Secret to No-Fuss Holiday Decor? Use What You Already Have
Hold your holiday decor horses! Before you purchase gobs of tinsel and piles of twinkle lights, take another look at items you already have - they may be the holiday embellishment you've been looking for.
By hunting through your cabinets and closets, you can easily repurpose common household items into yuletide decor for your abode. Need a little inspiration? These design experts share how they style up everyday objects into festive flourishes.
Dig through the craft closet
"Bust out the burlap! I've been known to use burlap for anything from tablecloths to a Christmas tree skirt. It's so versatile and lends an organic, rustic vibe." - Brooke Wagner, Brooke Wagner Design
"Roll out brown or black butcher paper on your table like a runner. It somehow elevates everything you set on it. Plus, you can write your guests names on it in black marker (or chalk marker for black paper) instead of place cards." - Jenn Muirhead, Jennifer Muirhead Interiors
"Paint a wall with chalkboard paint. It’s the perfect themed accent wall that's fun and creative, and it gets the kids involved, too." - Melissa Martin Molitor, MMM Designs-Interiors
Photo courtesy of Melissa Martin Molitor.
"Tie ribbon on everything! Thread it through chandeliers or banisters. Or put festive printed fabric in picture frames and scatter them throughout the house." - Katie Schroder, Atelier Interior Design
Scour the kitchen cupboards
"Place a set of teacups on a pretty tray, and fill each cup with a succulent or small flower arrangement. Or create a centerpiece by placing candles on a serving tray or cake stand." - Gita Jacobson, In The Deets
“Fill a large glass serving bowl - or maybe a punch bowl or trifle bowl - with whatever seasonal item you want. Just use the same thing so it looks purposeful and pretty.” - Jenn Muirhead, Jennifer Muirhead Interiors
"Take an ordinary flower vase, and stick glass ornaments inside with a string of white lights. It's a pretty display that’s simple and creative!" - Wendy Berry, W Design Interiors
Ransack the fridge
"Dried fruit garland is still classic and sweet. Take a needle and thread to some popcorn, cranberries or dried sliced oranges, and string it up wherever you want to!" - Jenn Muirhead, Jennifer Muirhead Interiors
"Cut up fresh fruit and put it in a pitcher before adding flowers for a centerpiece. Throw in some cloves and cinnamon sticks for added flair. For a dash of festivity, use oranges with cloves in them for place card settings." - Christine Estep, Jackson Thomas Interiors
Sift through the closet
"Use a vintage plaid throw as a tablecloth or runner. Or decorate a small tabletop tree with jewelry or ribbon." - Katie Schroder, Atelier Interior Design
"Repurpose one of your favorite scarves as a cozy centerpiece runner." - Gita Jacobson, In The Deets
Forage in the yard
“Instead of placing a star at the top of my Christmas tree, I'll take a handful of fallen sticks and tie them together at the top of the tree with a raffia bow. I'll also layer pine cones throughout my tree to balance out the glass ornaments for an organic, natural feel. - Wendy Berry, W Design Interiors
“I gather sticks cedar branches, along with magnolia, holly, boxwood and pine. I spread them around the bases of containers or arrange them in colorful tea tins. It’s an easy way to bring in greenery without spending too much money." - Susan Jamieson, Bridget Beari Designs
“I love to add a garland of fresh greens around my dining room chandelier and hang ornaments from it. The fresh scent mixed with holiday cooking is wonderful."
- Jennifer Stoner, Jennifer Stoner Interiors
Look everywhere!
"Scatter some festive items that aren’t necessarily holiday themed. For example, we’ll set out some naturally shed antlers in the fall or a tuxedo hat around Christmas. I’ll mix in a few of these types of things that feel seasonally appropriate but aren’t necessarily traditional holiday decor." - Summer Thornton, Summer Thornton Design
"Give a corner of your home a holiday touch with just a handful of tweaks. We made a sitting area more festive by adding new pillows (they needn’t have an overt holiday motif – a wintery look works just as well), some evergreen cuttings from the yard (with a few sprigs of berries), a stack of wrapped gifts, a scarf and bow for our deer, and a teddy bear found in the attic." – Chris Stout-Hazard, Roger + Chris
Photo courtesy of Chris Stout-Hazard.
"Gather objects with a similar color scheme. I pull out all of my white and silver anything and group them together - candle holders, vases, pots, ribbon. Then I go to my neighbors' yards for magnolia and holly cuttings and get laurel out of my own yard. I just keep everything green, white and silver - jumbled together it works." - Lesley Glotzl
"Repurpose a metallic vessel into a vase for displaying rich greenery or arrangements of holiday objects. A brass champagne cooler, a bright silver trophy cup or even small copper mugs could work perfectly. Add fresh pops of red with cranberries, pomegranates, deep-red apples or even a few red roses." - Kerrie Kelly, Kerrie Kelly Design Lab
Photo courtesy of Kerrie Kelly.
Top photo from Zillow listing.
How to Decorate Simply for the Holidays (With Big Impact)
Chic Holiday DIY: Fragrant Herb Chandelier and Custom Treat Bags
Entertaining Essentials: 5 Items Every Host Needs
Originally published November 2017.
from Home https://www.zillow.com/blog/no-fuss-holiday-decor-222932/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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feamproffitt · 5 years
The Secret to No-Fuss Holiday Decor? Use What You Already Have
Hold your holiday decor horses! Before you purchase gobs of tinsel and piles of twinkle lights, take another look at items you already have - they may be the holiday embellishment you've been looking for.
By hunting through your cabinets and closets, you can easily repurpose common household items into yuletide decor for your abode. Need a little inspiration? These design experts share how they style up everyday objects into festive flourishes.
Dig through the craft closet
"Bust out the burlap! I've been known to use burlap for anything from tablecloths to a Christmas tree skirt. It's so versatile and lends an organic, rustic vibe." - Brooke Wagner, Brooke Wagner Design
"Roll out brown or black butcher paper on your table like a runner. It somehow elevates everything you set on it. Plus, you can write your guests names on it in black marker (or chalk marker for black paper) instead of place cards." - Jenn Muirhead, Jennifer Muirhead Interiors
"Paint a wall with chalkboard paint. It’s the perfect themed accent wall that's fun and creative, and it gets the kids involved, too." - Melissa Martin Molitor, MMM Designs-Interiors
Photo courtesy of Melissa Martin Molitor.
"Tie ribbon on everything! Thread it through chandeliers or banisters. Or put festive printed fabric in picture frames and scatter them throughout the house." - Katie Schroder, Atelier Interior Design
Scour the kitchen cupboards
"Place a set of teacups on a pretty tray, and fill each cup with a succulent or small flower arrangement. Or create a centerpiece by placing candles on a serving tray or cake stand." - Gita Jacobson, In The Deets
“Fill a large glass serving bowl - or maybe a punch bowl or trifle bowl - with whatever seasonal item you want. Just use the same thing so it looks purposeful and pretty.” - Jenn Muirhead, Jennifer Muirhead Interiors
"Take an ordinary flower vase, and stick glass ornaments inside with a string of white lights. It's a pretty display that’s simple and creative!" - Wendy Berry, W Design Interiors
Ransack the fridge
"Dried fruit garland is still classic and sweet. Take a needle and thread to some popcorn, cranberries or dried sliced oranges, and string it up wherever you want to!" - Jenn Muirhead, Jennifer Muirhead Interiors
"Cut up fresh fruit and put it in a pitcher before adding flowers for a centerpiece. Throw in some cloves and cinnamon sticks for added flair. For a dash of festivity, use oranges with cloves in them for place card settings." - Christine Estep, Jackson Thomas Interiors
Sift through the closet
"Use a vintage plaid throw as a tablecloth or runner. Or decorate a small tabletop tree with jewelry or ribbon." - Katie Schroder, Atelier Interior Design
"Repurpose one of your favorite scarves as a cozy centerpiece runner." - Gita Jacobson, In The Deets
Forage in the yard
“Instead of placing a star at the top of my Christmas tree, I'll take a handful of fallen sticks and tie them together at the top of the tree with a raffia bow. I'll also layer pine cones throughout my tree to balance out the glass ornaments for an organic, natural feel. - Wendy Berry, W Design Interiors
“I gather sticks cedar branches, along with magnolia, holly, boxwood and pine. I spread them around the bases of containers or arrange them in colorful tea tins. It’s an easy way to bring in greenery without spending too much money." - Susan Jamieson, Bridget Beari Designs
“I love to add a garland of fresh greens around my dining room chandelier and hang ornaments from it. The fresh scent mixed with holiday cooking is wonderful."
- Jennifer Stoner, Jennifer Stoner Interiors
Look everywhere!
"Scatter some festive items that aren’t necessarily holiday themed. For example, we’ll set out some naturally shed antlers in the fall or a tuxedo hat around Christmas. I’ll mix in a few of these types of things that feel seasonally appropriate but aren’t necessarily traditional holiday decor." - Summer Thornton, Summer Thornton Design
"Give a corner of your home a holiday touch with just a handful of tweaks. We made a sitting area more festive by adding new pillows (they needn’t have an overt holiday motif – a wintery look works just as well), some evergreen cuttings from the yard (with a few sprigs of berries), a stack of wrapped gifts, a scarf and bow for our deer, and a teddy bear found in the attic." – Chris Stout-Hazard, Roger + Chris
Photo courtesy of Chris Stout-Hazard.
"Gather objects with a similar color scheme. I pull out all of my white and silver anything and group them together - candle holders, vases, pots, ribbon. Then I go to my neighbors' yards for magnolia and holly cuttings and get laurel out of my own yard. I just keep everything green, white and silver - jumbled together it works." - Lesley Glotzl
"Repurpose a metallic vessel into a vase for displaying rich greenery or arrangements of holiday objects. A brass champagne cooler, a bright silver trophy cup or even small copper mugs could work perfectly. Add fresh pops of red with cranberries, pomegranates, deep-red apples or even a few red roses." - Kerrie Kelly, Kerrie Kelly Design Lab
Photo courtesy of Kerrie Kelly.
Top photo from Zillow listing.
How to Decorate Simply for the Holidays (With Big Impact)
Chic Holiday DIY: Fragrant Herb Chandelier and Custom Treat Bags
Entertaining Essentials: 5 Items Every Host Needs
Originally published November 2017.
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danielgreen01 · 5 years
The Secret to No-Fuss Holiday Decor? Use What You Already Have
Hold your holiday decor horses! Before you purchase gobs of tinsel and piles of twinkle lights, take another look at items you already have - they may be the holiday embellishment you've been looking for.
By hunting through your cabinets and closets, you can easily repurpose common household items into yuletide decor for your abode. Need a little inspiration? These design experts share how they style up everyday objects into festive flourishes.
Dig through the craft closet
"Bust out the burlap! I've been known to use burlap for anything from tablecloths to a Christmas tree skirt. It's so versatile and lends an organic, rustic vibe." - Brooke Wagner, Brooke Wagner Design
"Roll out brown or black butcher paper on your table like a runner. It somehow elevates everything you set on it. Plus, you can write your guests names on it in black marker (or chalk marker for black paper) instead of place cards." - Jenn Muirhead, Jennifer Muirhead Interiors
"Paint a wall with chalkboard paint. It’s the perfect themed accent wall that's fun and creative, and it gets the kids involved, too." - Melissa Martin Molitor, MMM Designs-Interiors
Photo courtesy of Melissa Martin Molitor.
"Tie ribbon on everything! Thread it through chandeliers or banisters. Or put festive printed fabric in picture frames and scatter them throughout the house." - Katie Schroder, Atelier Interior Design
Scour the kitchen cupboards
"Place a set of teacups on a pretty tray, and fill each cup with a succulent or small flower arrangement. Or create a centerpiece by placing candles on a serving tray or cake stand." - Gita Jacobson, In The Deets
“Fill a large glass serving bowl - or maybe a punch bowl or trifle bowl - with whatever seasonal item you want. Just use the same thing so it looks purposeful and pretty.” - Jenn Muirhead, Jennifer Muirhead Interiors
"Take an ordinary flower vase, and stick glass ornaments inside with a string of white lights. It's a pretty display that’s simple and creative!" - Wendy Berry, W Design Interiors
Ransack the fridge
"Dried fruit garland is still classic and sweet. Take a needle and thread to some popcorn, cranberries or dried sliced oranges, and string it up wherever you want to!" - Jenn Muirhead, Jennifer Muirhead Interiors
"Cut up fresh fruit and put it in a pitcher before adding flowers for a centerpiece. Throw in some cloves and cinnamon sticks for added flair. For a dash of festivity, use oranges with cloves in them for place card settings." - Christine Estep, Jackson Thomas Interiors
Sift through the closet
"Use a vintage plaid throw as a tablecloth or runner. Or decorate a small tabletop tree with jewelry or ribbon." - Katie Schroder, Atelier Interior Design
"Repurpose one of your favorite scarves as a cozy centerpiece runner." - Gita Jacobson, In The Deets
Forage in the yard
“Instead of placing a star at the top of my Christmas tree, I'll take a handful of fallen sticks and tie them together at the top of the tree with a raffia bow. I'll also layer pine cones throughout my tree to balance out the glass ornaments for an organic, natural feel. - Wendy Berry, W Design Interiors
“I gather sticks cedar branches, along with magnolia, holly, boxwood and pine. I spread them around the bases of containers or arrange them in colorful tea tins. It’s an easy way to bring in greenery without spending too much money." - Susan Jamieson, Bridget Beari Designs
“I love to add a garland of fresh greens around my dining room chandelier and hang ornaments from it. The fresh scent mixed with holiday cooking is wonderful."
- Jennifer Stoner, Jennifer Stoner Interiors
Look everywhere!
"Scatter some festive items that aren’t necessarily holiday themed. For example, we’ll set out some naturally shed antlers in the fall or a tuxedo hat around Christmas. I’ll mix in a few of these types of things that feel seasonally appropriate but aren’t necessarily traditional holiday decor." - Summer Thornton, Summer Thornton Design
"Give a corner of your home a holiday touch with just a handful of tweaks. We made a sitting area more festive by adding new pillows (they needn’t have an overt holiday motif – a wintery look works just as well), some evergreen cuttings from the yard (with a few sprigs of berries), a stack of wrapped gifts, a scarf and bow for our deer, and a teddy bear found in the attic." – Chris Stout-Hazard, Roger + Chris
Photo courtesy of Chris Stout-Hazard.
"Gather objects with a similar color scheme. I pull out all of my white and silver anything and group them together - candle holders, vases, pots, ribbon. Then I go to my neighbors' yards for magnolia and holly cuttings and get laurel out of my own yard. I just keep everything green, white and silver - jumbled together it works." - Lesley Glotzl
"Repurpose a metallic vessel into a vase for displaying rich greenery or arrangements of holiday objects. A brass champagne cooler, a bright silver trophy cup or even small copper mugs could work perfectly. Add fresh pops of red with cranberries, pomegranates, deep-red apples or even a few red roses." - Kerrie Kelly, Kerrie Kelly Design Lab
Photo courtesy of Kerrie Kelly.
Top photo from Zillow listing.
How to Decorate Simply for the Holidays (With Big Impact)
Chic Holiday DIY: Fragrant Herb Chandelier and Custom Treat Bags
Entertaining Essentials: 5 Items Every Host Needs
Originally published November 2017.
from Zillow Porchlight https://ift.tt/2hZ9OcX via IFTTT
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decorishing · 2 years
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[gallery] Adjustable Chain Length of Deer Chandelier : HUITICO Antler lighting comes being equipped with 71"(6 feet) oval chain, which can be adjust to suit your needs. RESIN ANTLER CHANDELIER: Our antler light fixtures made of natural high strength resin material. More texture and the vintage ceiling light will never be out of date. (Do light take and put). Applicable Bulb Type: Adopt E12 spiral lamp holder.After safety testing,the deer antler chandelier light can be used for energy saving lamps, incandescent lamps, LED bulbs and so on (No bulb). FARM STYLE LIGHT FIXTURE£ºThe antique lamp made by hand using a two-handed trowel, which minimizes the curvaceous and detailed texture of the antlers, and is clear and natural.You're able to create beautiful decorative lights for living room,Kitchen,dining room,bedroom,Caf¨¦ and bar. Customer service: We are a professional lighting manufacturer, if you have any problem regarding your order, please contact us by email as soon as possible. Thanks a lot! [amz_corss_sell asin="B085ZRFLMN"] https://www.decorishing.com/product/huitico-deer-chandelier-6-lights-faux-retro-white-antlers-vintage-style-antler-chandeliers-fixtures-ceiling-for-living-room-bar-cafe-kitchen-dining-room/?feed_id=35294&_unique_id=627ddbe533bb1
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Beautiful Homes of Instagram Hello, my wonderful friends! Christmas really arrived on Home Bunch as soon December started! I loved reuniting many of my favorite of “Beautiful Homes of Instagram” people and featuring their homes all decorated for Christmas, and today, I am very happy to have Paige Loperfido, from @decorandmoredesigns, sharing her pretty home, also beautifully decorated for this magical time of the year. I hope you feel inspired and happier after seeing this tour! “My name is Paige Loperfido and I am married to my best friend, Christopher. We have a 1 year old son named Vincent, who is the light of our lives. Since having our son, I have decided quit my job to be a stay at home mom pursuing her career in Interior Decorating. Chris and I were fortunate enough to custom build and design our very first home back in 2013. Though at times a somewhat stressful and detailed process, it was an exciting and inspiring opportunity that I hope to do again in the future. I think It is important to point out that 90% of the furniture in our home has been purchased second hand at either a garage sale or thrift store and then refinished by my husband and I. Most of our furniture pieces are painted in Behr’s “Poetic Light”. We believe in the notion that you don’t have to spend a fortune to get a beautiful home, and a little paint goes a long way. I have always wanted our home to feel cozy and lived in, instead of a display case which is why you will notice little bits of “real life” in my photos. For example: Yes, that is baby proofing on our kitchen cabinets and no I did not take them off for these photos. And yes, that is a reflection of my toddler running into my laundry room shot. Ha! I know all of the other mama’s out there understand.” Beautiful Homes of Instagram Paint: PPG “Grey Tabby” Siding: Hardy Plank Front Porch I knew when building our home that I wanted a large porch and I just love the mix of wood and stone in our entryway as well as the oversized 9 foot door that was custom made for our home. Porch Bench The porch bench was made locally. Wood Stain on Porch Ceiling: “Dark” by Cabot Front Door Wood Stain on Door: Dark Walnut Stain Door Mat: Target 3.5’ Trees: Wal-Mart – similar here. Faux Greenery/Wreath: Michael’s – More beautiful wreaths: here, here, here, & here. Beautiful Christmas swag can be found here. Red Buckets: Ikea Entryway Paint: Glidden “Damask Silk” Mirror: Real Deals Mason Jar Scones: DIY Framed Art: Hobby Lobby Pillow: Ikea Blanket: Ikea – similar here & here. Flooring: Timberlake “Vintage Hickory” laminate wood flooring. Living Room Our favorite part about our living room would have to be our floor to ceiling stone fireplace and built in bookshelves. The built-ins and mantel were custom made by our cabinet supplier and are painted in a bright white. Paint: Glidden “Damask Silk” Couch: Macy’s. Loveseat/Chair: Macy’s. Area Rug: Safavieh 8’x10’: Overstock. Grey Faux Fur Blanket: HomeSense Canada White Throw Blanket: Ikea Curtains: Target Throw Pillows: Ikea Festive Paige’s living room feels festive and cheerful! Details Mercury Glass Christmas Trees: HomeSense Canada Pine/Holly Bundle: Ikea Christmas Tree Flocked Christmas Tree: Wal-Mart – similar here. White Fur Tree Skirt (blanket): Overstock Tree Topper Tree Topper: Amazon Mantel Wooden Mantel Décor: DIY tutorial can be found here. Wreath on Mantel: Wal-Mart – similar here, here & here. Beautiful Mantel Garlands: here, here & here. Deer Pillow: Wayfair Kitchen This kitchen is what dreams are made of and admittedly, the only reason I learned how to cook. With ample counter space, and plenty of storage I find myself wanting to do something very similar if we ever get the chance to design another home. I also love the open concept of our first floor that allows me to interact with family and guests while in the kitchen. Paint: Glidden “Zeppelin” Cabinets: Shaker Style made from birch wood Cabinet Paint: Basic White Paint Island Stain: Dark Walnut Stain Hardware: Brushed Nickel 7” pulls: Overstock KitchenAid Mixer: Amazon Countertop Countertops: Pental Quartz “Serra”. Pendant Lights: Lowe’s – Amazon (Similar) Barstools: Hayneedle Island Dimensions: 99” W, 36” H, 45” D Dining Room Our entire dining room space is full of second hand items. The table, chairs, china cabinet, even the chandelier. Total for all items is under $350- Yup! Curtains: Target Lighting: Thrifted piece that I spray painted Bar Cart- Ikea Mini Tree: Home Depot Paint Color Paint color is Glidden Zeppelin. Navy Chairs Chairs are painted in Behr’s “Black Boudoir” in a matte finish. It’s the Most Beautiful Time Placemats and Runner: HomeSense Canada Natural Christmas Tablescape What a beautiful and Christmassy idea! Laundry Room Paige’s laundry room has a subtle farmhouse feel, which I love! Jute Rug: Amazon Paint Color Paint: Glidden “Polo Blue” Master Bedroom Unlike the rest of our home, I wanted our master bedroom to have a bit of “glam” when I was designing this space. The 2 beveled mirrors and crystal chandelier definitely help this room feel like a sophisticated getaway after a long day. Chandelier: Houzz Paint Color Paint: Accent Wall (behind bed): Glidden “Old Monterey” Paint: Remaining 3 walls: Glidden “Zeppelin” Bedframe: Skyline Furniture: Wayfair Grey and White Quilt: Laura Ashley: Amazon Euro Pillow Insert: Amazon Euro Pillow Shams: Amazon White Down Comforter: similar here. Throw Pillows: Ikea – similar here, & here. Master Bathroom I knew when designing this bathroom that I NEEDED to find enough room for a large soaking tub and I am so glad we made it work because it is my favorite part of our master ensuite. Another great feature that we added when building was radiant heating underneath the floor tile and that is amazing on a cold winter morning! Countertop: Pental Quartz- Serra Similar Striped Rug: here, here & here. Neutral Paint Color Paint: Glidden “Damask Silk” Shower/Tub Tile: Surface Art- Grasscloth “Chinchilla” Floor Tile: Surface Art – Grasscloth “Driftwood” Glass Backsplash: Tierra Sol- Aurora Glass “Sandalwood Blend” Shower Floor: Emser Tile “Riviera Pebble” Make sure to follow Paige Loperfido from @decorandmoredesigns on Instagram to see more photos of her beautiful home! (Website – Facebook) Get ready for the Holidays – This Week’s Sales: One Kings Lane: 30% Sitewide & Free Shipping on oders over $100 with Code: OKLFREESHIP Serena & Lily: Get started on your holiday shopping with 20% off everything at Serena and Lily. Use code CHEERS Neiman Marcus: Up to 70% Off in ONLINE CLEARANCE! Nordstrom: Up to 40% off select styles plus an extra 20% off sale items. JCPenny: 65% OFF when you spend $100 or more: Use Code: 33FORYOU J.Crew: Take an 30% off extra. Use code: BUNDLEUP Pottery Barn: Amazing Sales – Save Up to 70% + Free Fast Shipping On Your Order with Code: CHEER Wayfair: Blowout Sales – Up to 80% Off Shopbop: Up to 30% off full price items and 75% off sale items. Use code: MORE17 Saks: Earn Gift Card up to $750! Use Code Cyber17 Kate Spade: 30% off your purchase! Use code GIVEJOY Pier 1: Free Shipping on Everything! Use Code: FREESHIP McGee & Co.: 20% Off with Code: GIVETHANKS Williams & Sonoma: Up to 50% off + Free Shipping with Code: MERRY See more “Beautiful Homes of Instagram”: @SweetShadyLane: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @BlueBarnAndCottage: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @crateandcottage: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. Click here to see all “Beautiful Homes of Instagram”. Posts of the Week Inspiring California Beach House Design. Instagram Christmas Decorating Ideas. Latest Home Decorating Ideas. Latest Interior Design Ideas. More Interior Design Ideas. Hamptons-Inspired Home with Coastal Colors. Interior Design Ideas – The latest on home decor and paint colors. You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives. Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas Hello my friends, Pinterest: Many of you have written emails asking me why you aren’t being able to pin lately. Pinterest is working to resolve this issue ( I have sent them many emails – feel free to send them an email too – that might help them to act faster!) and hopefully we’ll be able to pin soon. Meanwhile, feel free to pin from my Instagram or repin my pins here. Thank you for your support, my friends and have a Blessed day! with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Interior Design Services within Your Budget Come Follow me on Come Follow me on Get Home Bunch Posts Via Email Contact Luciane “For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
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vincentbnaughton · 7 years
The Secret to No-Fuss Holiday Decor? Use What You Already Have
Hold your holiday decor horses! Before you purchase gobs of tinsel and piles of twinkle lights, take another look at items you already have - they may be the holiday embellishment you’ve been looking for.
By hunting through your cabinets and closets, you can easily repurpose common household items into yuletide decor for your abode. Need a little inspiration? These design experts share how they style up everyday objects into festive flourishes.
Dig through the craft closet
“Bust out the burlap! I’ve been known to use burlap for anything from tablecloths to a Christmas tree skirt. It’s so versatile and lends an organic, rustic vibe.” - Brooke Wagner, Brooke Wagner Design
“Roll out brown or black butcher paper on your table like a runner. It somehow elevates everything you set on it. Plus, you can write your guests names on it in black marker (or chalk marker for black paper) instead of place cards.” - Jenn Muirhead, Jennifer Muirhead Interiors
“Paint a wall with chalkboard paint. It’s the perfect themed accent wall that’s fun and creative, and it gets the kids involved, too.” - Melissa Martin Molitor, MMM Designs-Interiors
Photo courtesy of Melissa Martin Molitor.
“Tie ribbon on everything! Thread it through chandeliers or banisters. Or put festive printed fabric in picture frames and scatter them throughout the house.” - Katie Schroder, Atelier Interior Design
Scour the kitchen cupboards
“Place a set of teacups on a pretty tray, and fill each cup with a succulent or small flower arrangement. Or create a centerpiece by placing candles on a serving tray or cake stand.” - Gita Jacobson, In The Deets
“Fill a large glass serving bowl - or maybe a punch bowl or trifle bowl - with whatever seasonal item you want. Just use the same thing so it looks purposeful and pretty.” - Jenn Muirhead, Jennifer Muirhead Interiors
“Take an ordinary flower vase, and stick glass ornaments inside with a string of white lights. It’s a pretty display that’s simple and creative!” - Wendy Berry, W Design Interiors
Ransack the fridge
“Dried fruit garland is still classic and sweet. Take a needle and thread to some popcorn, cranberries or dried sliced oranges, and string it up wherever you want to!” - Jenn Muirhead, Jennifer Muirhead Interiors
“Cut up fresh fruit and put it in a pitcher before adding flowers for a centerpiece. Throw in some cloves and cinnamon sticks for added flair. For a dash of festivity, use oranges with cloves in them for place card settings.” - Christine Estep, Jackson Thomas Interiors
Sift through the closet
“Use a vintage plaid throw as a tablecloth or runner. Or decorate a small tabletop tree with jewelry or ribbon.” - Katie Schroder, Atelier Interior Design
“Repurpose one of your favorite scarves as a cozy centerpiece runner.” - Gita Jacobson, In The Deets
Forage in the yard
“Instead of placing a star at the top of my Christmas tree, I’ll take a handful of fallen sticks and tie them together at the top of the tree with a raffia bow. I’ll also layer pine cones throughout my tree to balance out the glass ornaments for an organic, natural feel. - Wendy Berry, W Design Interiors
“I gather sticks cedar branches, along with magnolia, holly, boxwood and pine. I spread them around the bases of containers or arrange them in colorful tea tins. It’s an easy way to bring in greenery without spending too much money.“ - Susan Jamieson, Bridget Beari Designs
“I love to add a garland of fresh greens around my dining room chandelier and hang ornaments from it. The fresh scent mixed with holiday cooking is wonderful.”
- Jennifer Stoner, Jennifer Stoner Interiors
Look everywhere!
“Scatter some festive items that aren’t necessarily holiday themed. For example, we’ll set out some naturally shed antlers in the fall or a tuxedo hat around Christmas. I’ll mix in a few of these types of things that feel seasonally appropriate but aren’t necessarily traditional holiday decor.” - Summer Thornton, Summer Thornton Design
“Give a corner of your home a holiday touch with just a handful of tweaks. We made a sitting area more festive by adding new pillows (they needn’t have an overt holiday motif – a wintery look works just as well), some evergreen cuttings from the yard (with a few sprigs of berries), a stack of wrapped gifts, a scarf and bow for our deer, and a teddy bear found in the attic.” – Chris Stout-Hazard, Roger + Chris
Photo courtesy of Chris Stout-Hazard.
“Gather objects with a similar color scheme. I pull out all of my white and silver anything and group them together - candle holders, vases, pots, ribbon. Then I go to my neighbors’ yards for magnolia and holly cuttings and get laurel out of my own yard. I just keep everything green, white and silver - jumbled together it works.” - Lesley Glotzl
“Repurpose a metallic vessel into a vase for displaying rich greenery or arrangements of holiday objects. A brass champagne cooler, a bright silver trophy cup or even small copper mugs could work perfectly. Add fresh pops of red with cranberries, pomegranates, deep-red apples or even a few red roses.” - Kerrie Kelly, Kerrie Kelly Design Lab
Photo courtesy of Kerrie Kelly.
Top photo from Zillow listing.
How to Decorate Simply for the Holidays (With Big Impact)
Chic Holiday DIY: Fragrant Herb Chandelier and Custom Treat Bags
Entertaining Essentials: 5 Items Every Host Needs
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garynsmith · 7 years
The Secret to No-Fuss Holiday Decor? Use What You Already Have
Hold your holiday decor horses! Before you purchase gobs of tinsel and piles of twinkle lights, take another look at items you already have - they may be the holiday embellishment you've been looking for.
By hunting through your cabinets and closets, you can easily repurpose common household items into yuletide decor for your abode. Need a little inspiration? These design experts share how they style up everyday objects into festive flourishes.
Dig through the craft closet
"Bust out the burlap! I've been known to use burlap for anything from tablecloths to a Christmas tree skirt. It's so versatile and lends an organic, rustic vibe." - Brooke Wagner, Brooke Wagner Design
"Roll out brown or black butcher paper on your table like a runner. It somehow elevates everything you set on it. Plus, you can write your guests names on it in black marker (or chalk marker for black paper) instead of place cards." - Jenn Muirhead, Jennifer Muirhead Interiors
"Paint a wall with chalkboard paint. It’s the perfect themed accent wall that's fun and creative, and it gets the kids involved, too." - Melissa Martin Molitor, MMM Designs-Interiors
Photo courtesy of Melissa Martin Molitor.
"Tie ribbon on everything! Thread it through chandeliers or banisters. Or put festive printed fabric in picture frames and scatter them throughout the house." - Katie Schroder, Atelier Interior Design
Scour the kitchen cupboards
"Place a set of teacups on a pretty tray, and fill each cup with a succulent or small flower arrangement. Or create a centerpiece by placing candles on a serving tray or cake stand." - Gita Jacobson, In The Deets
“Fill a large glass serving bowl - or maybe a punch bowl or trifle bowl - with whatever seasonal item you want. Just use the same thing so it looks purposeful and pretty.” - Jenn Muirhead, Jennifer Muirhead Interiors
"Take an ordinary flower vase, and stick glass ornaments inside with a string of white lights. It's a pretty display that’s simple and creative!" - Wendy Berry, W Design Interiors
Ransack the fridge
"Dried fruit garland is still classic and sweet. Take a needle and thread to some popcorn, cranberries or dried sliced oranges, and string it up wherever you want to!" - Jenn Muirhead, Jennifer Muirhead Interiors
"Cut up fresh fruit and put it in a pitcher before adding flowers for a centerpiece. Throw in some cloves and cinnamon sticks for added flair. For a dash of festivity, use oranges with cloves in them for place card settings." - Christine Estep, Jackson Thomas Interiors
Sift through the closet
"Use a vintage plaid throw as a tablecloth or runner. Or decorate a small tabletop tree with jewelry or ribbon." - Katie Schroder, Atelier Interior Design
"Repurpose one of your favorite scarves as a cozy centerpiece runner." - Gita Jacobson, In The Deets
Forage in the yard
“Instead of placing a star at the top of my Christmas tree, I'll take a handful of fallen sticks and tie them together at the top of the tree with a raffia bow. I'll also layer pine cones throughout my tree to balance out the glass ornaments for an organic, natural feel. - Wendy Berry, W Design Interiors
“I gather sticks cedar branches, along with magnolia, holly, boxwood and pine. I spread them around the bases of containers or arrange them in colorful tea tins. It’s an easy way to bring in greenery without spending too much money." - Susan Jamieson, Bridget Beari Designs
“I love to add a garland of fresh greens around my dining room chandelier and hang ornaments from it. The fresh scent mixed with holiday cooking is wonderful."
- Jennifer Stoner, Jennifer Stoner Interiors
Look everywhere!
"Scatter some festive items that aren’t necessarily holiday themed. For example, we’ll set out some naturally shed antlers in the fall or a tuxedo hat around Christmas. I’ll mix in a few of these types of things that feel seasonally appropriate but aren’t necessarily traditional holiday decor." - Summer Thornton, Summer Thornton Design
"Give a corner of your home a holiday touch with just a handful of tweaks. We made a sitting area more festive by adding new pillows (they needn’t have an overt holiday motif – a wintery look works just as well), some evergreen cuttings from the yard (with a few sprigs of berries), a stack of wrapped gifts, a scarf and bow for our deer, and a teddy bear found in the attic." – Chris Stout-Hazard, Roger + Chris
Photo courtesy of Chris Stout-Hazard.
"Gather objects with a similar color scheme. I pull out all of my white and silver anything and group them together - candle holders, vases, pots, ribbon. Then I go to my neighbors' yards for magnolia and holly cuttings and get laurel out of my own yard. I just keep everything green, white and silver - jumbled together it works." - Lesley Glotzl
"Repurpose a metallic vessel into a vase for displaying rich greenery or arrangements of holiday objects. A brass champagne cooler, a bright silver trophy cup or even small copper mugs could work perfectly. Add fresh pops of red with cranberries, pomegranates, deep-red apples or even a few red roses." - Kerrie Kelly, Kerrie Kelly Design Lab
Photo courtesy of Kerrie Kelly.
Top photo from Zillow listing.
How to Decorate Simply for the Holidays (With Big Impact)
Chic Holiday DIY: Fragrant Herb Chandelier and Custom Treat Bags
Entertaining Essentials: 5 Items Every Host Needs
from Zillow Blog http://ift.tt/2hZ9OcX via IFTTT
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Grey And White Interior Design Inspiration From Scandinavia
Grey and white are often used as background or complementary colours. Muted, easy to design around and pair with Scandinavian style, they are often the supporting act, not the feature. What if your dream interior combined just those colours – just grey and white? These three Scandinavian-inspired homes show that grey and white need not fade into the background. Whether adorning kitchen tiles, comforter sets, living room walls, luxurious couches or simple wall streaks in the bathroom, grey can amplify white, and white can lighten a touch of grey. See more grey and white in our three house tours below.
Architect: Thai Quang   Our first space is an apartment decorated in grey, white and green. Green peoples the space in an array of potted plants and canvas artwork. The lounge opens up, offering a Swiss Cheese Plant, cacti and a mini tree against an exposed brick wall painted in grey. Sleek concrete flooring holds a worded rug, making grey and white almost monochrome. A gorgeous quilted couch and banquet chandelier in white match blowing chiffon curtains, providing a level of contrast. Two leather ottomans make the contrast sharper, by pairing solid grey and white in two comfy items.
Towards the other side of the lounge, a TV emerges betwixt two plants. Backed by a range of leaning monochrome abstracts, a white cabinet alludes to the dining room beside it, with a row of dark-wooden handles. The space parades many different species of flora and fauna, including the Fiddle Leaf Fig in the bedroom to come.
The dining room offers an eclectic array of furniture, interspersed with plants. A spray of black and white LEDs create a monochromatic chandelier. A circular glass mirror and leaning ladder add a hint of the kooky; a stencil black bookcase, wicker cane baskets and a plant in a lightbulb-vase the hipster. Beside a beige panel wall, an all-wooden dining table and chairs allude to nature, while grey and white portraits create more contemporary chatter.
The bedroom is a sensual feast in grey and white, with an erotic photograph above the bed. A standard design without the little details, the complexion of the room is easily changed by a white and grey comforter set, boldly-patterned rug and banquet lamp from the living room. Looking from the bed, artistic letters, pictures and numbers hang above another erotic work, TV cabinet and desk. The result is minimal Scandinavian with a natural twist.
Designer: Hoàng Long   Our second Scandinavian space makes a statement with a grey wooden floor extending through its rooms. Surrounded by white walls and grey kitchen cabinets, the main living space oscillates between grey and white, grey and white in a striped rug, grey couch and cushions. Coloured features pop out alternately, in white tables framed with gold and a mixture of lamps in differing colours. A few potted plants, a dangling copper lamp and deer hide add elements of difference.
Turning towards the bedroom, a large, winding Japanese partition window makes a stand across a large section of wall. Set off beside the copper lamp, the black-framed panel opens up the room and reflects natural light, setting off an array of coloured wall frames.
The bedroom, beautifully partitioned on the other side, is lit further by the window. Full white walls with a white-tiled panel juxtapose the painted wooden floor and matching cushions. A brown fur throw and patterned rug combine the two hues, while two simple wooden shelves hold trinkets.
The warm gold of the dining room adds warmth to the kitchen, a wall of grey with shiny appliances. Inlaid into a custom-made inlet, the wooden bench affords ample room for preparation, without encroaching on the wider room. Rough-shod metal chairs and a red-legged wooden cabinet add detail to the white dining table.
Photographer: Anders Bergsted   Source: Entrance   Our final space draws on lighter-toned grey to bring monochromes and greyscale elements together. No place is this better exemplified than the lounge’s six frames, a compilation of dreamy fades and illustrations each different in their artistry. A woollen grey rug foregrounds the scene, as a white leather sofa and matching tables hold roses below glass bubbles. The space opens to show a ceramic fireplace and greyscale kitchen with five-piece white chandelier. Two brown leather chairs shrink back the space, echoing hot air balloon decorations on the wall behind.
Three portrait windows across the main space’s wall let in light and hold on to modernity. Bathed in grey with white joinery, they unite the kitchen, dining and lounge areas. Beautifully-crafted cornice mouldings bring a French Renaissance feel, mirrored by a black antique mirror in the entrance.
The dining room and kitchen add a Scandinavian twist, as a wall of brick and idea lights populate the room. High, black wooden chairs sit around a grey slatted table, while white cabinetry makes a splash in a kitchen otherwise grey. A stack of three shelves hold crockery for guests; chrome, copper and living accessories add a natural touch.
A walk around the corner shows a decorated ceramic fireplace, hot air balloon ornaments (available on Amazon) and a silver hot rod – an entrance for a nursery. Its corridor space is made bright by grey paint and white joinery, alongside small white wall shelving and a matching cot.
Cute hipster accessories like the race track rug and cute bear storage basket are found from Amazon, while the wall bunting and name-branded cupboard join in a soft and sophisticated design.
The master bedroom offers a pretty place for relaxation. Pastel mint walls and cabinetry play with white, grey and berry hues upon the bed and across the room. A large window to the side lights up personal finds in photographs, cheesecutter hats and antique chandeliers, while a simple white bedside table rests candles and plants.
The bathroom echoes the kitchen in a wall of tiling with a stroke of grey. White amenities, shower curtains and cabinetry offer just enough space for a simple wooden stool and two mirrors, reflecting a glass-vased plant.
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from Interior Design Ideas http://www.home-designing.com/grey-and-white-interior-design-ideas
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