#custom soccer jerseys for teams
midnightbluebells03 · 5 months
⋅˚₊‧ ✶ ‧₊˚ ⋅ Abby Anderson basketball drabble ⋅˚₊‧ ✶ ‧₊˚ ⋅
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NSFW at the end - little bit of x reader - soccer Ellie - sketches of Abby
Just a lil writing to tide yall over while I finish up with college assignments and other bits
Abby has always been drawn to basketball but never got the chance to play. With her dad being concerned about her getting hurt as a kid. But when she hit her growth spurt in highschool she set her mind to it, determined to prove to him she can handle it.
The sport is perfect for her because it can be so calculated, she enjoys the mind games and the intense preparation that comes with being the captain.
She uses her large build to her advantage when setting a screen. Earning the nickname brick wall from the amount of times she's knocked someone over.
A medical student studying to be a doctor like a her dad. But not neuro, she wanted to be an ortho doctor.
She takes her life as a student athlete seriously, which means no smoking, no drugs and she rarley ever drank. Only on off seasons and only at the weekends.
Practice makes perfect which is why Abby makes sure to hit the gym every morning before class, while you're still peacefully asleep. She also runs her practices like it's her job, the team calls her sergeant as a joke sometimes.
Begs her coach to let you sit in on practice because she felt bad about leaving you so often. When he agrees you help run practice after awhile of sitting on the bleachers learning about the game, being dubbed "mini Anderson" because you ran a tight ship. Even tighter than Abby at times. You always make sure they have water during games aswell and coach will talk game plans with you on the sidelines after a few months.
Has a pregame ritual which consists of doing push ups while you help her run through the game plan for the hundreth time. Before you two started dated she would just repeat it to herself or write it down on a peice of paper.
Never lets you wear her jersey after a game, will insist on washing it first or giving you a clean one. Eventually she buys you a custom one with ANDERSON on the back so you can wear it to games. But you still steal hers constantly.
Let's you do her braid before games but will re do it in secret if it isn't tight enough because she never wants to hurt your feelings.
Will pick you up and spin you around if they win, pressing a million kisses to your face infront of everyone.
You bring her flowers after big games. The first time you were so anxious, standing by the locker room with the bouquet in hand. Abby looked like she was going to cry as she took them from your hand, wrapping her arms around your shoulders and pulling you in tight. "They're gorgeous baby, thank you".
She was scared to 'take her anger out' on you when she would lose games but you assured her you wanted to help. Knowing that Abby would never actually hurt you. So now on the rare occasion that she loses you know you're about to be bent over with your face in the pillow while her strap relentlessly pounds into you. Her grip tight in your hair as she praises you through your countless orgasms. "Good fucking girl, always taking me so well hmm?". You can't do anything but moan in response as she thrusts into you harder. "Think you like it when we lose baby, you like when you get fucked like a little slut don't you?"
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alotofpockets · 11 months
The regular | Part 1 | Alessia Russo
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Pairing: Alessia Russo x Reader
Summary: Your cafe gains a new regular after Alessia's move to Arsenal.
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | words: 2.1k
Part 1 | Part 2
Over the past few months you gained a new regular at your cafe. You loved seeing familiar faces and having small conversations with these people that showed your business love over and over again. You had recognized this new customer instantly as you are an avid watcher of women’s soccer, it was none other than Alessia Russo. When she first came into your shop, you greeted her with a smile, “Goodmorning, what can I get for you today?” You greeted her like you greeted every customer, understanding that besides being a famous soccer player, she was also just a person looking for a morning coffee. She ordered and took a seat in one of the corner booths. 
She had come in almost every morning for the next few weeks. You were slightly suspicious of what the Manchester United player was doing here in North London, but again you were not wanting to impose and let her live her life outside of fame. So, when you came across the announcement that Alessia had transferred to Arsenal, the pieces clicked. Though, of course you continued treating her like a regular customer, letting her enjoy her personal space.
You opened up the cafe for the day and got to work on setting out the freshly baked pastries. You had opened the door for some fresh air, while you cleaned off the tables you didn’t get to last night. At the sound of footsteps, you turn around, you were met with the smile of none other than the newest member of Arsenal herself. “Hi, good morning.” You greet her with a smile of your own. “Hi, sorry I know you’re not officially open yet but I was wondering if maybe I could get a coffee to go?” The girl had such an hopeful look in her eyes that you could hardly resist, not that you would have resisted in the first place. “Yeah, no worries, of course you can.” You knew Arsenal was playing Manchester United today at Leigh Sports Village, the home stadium of her old club, and the players' bus likely had to leave within 30 minutes.
She gives you her order and you start working on it. “Thank you so much,” She starts as you hand her the cup. “you’re a lifesaver. Your coffee is the only thing that keeps me going in the morning.” You laugh with her. “Any time, I hope you have a great morning!” As she pays for her drink she tells you to keep the change for getting her a coffee before opening, you try to refuse but she insists. “Thanks again. I hope you have a great day as well.” And with that she’s out the door again. 
That night you watch the match from home, you’re incredibly shocked at how rude the Manchester United fans are towards Alessia, every time she touched the ball the crowd chanted all kinds of boo’s her way. You felt for the girl, this was no way to treat a person. When you heard the Arsenal fans chant ‘Lessi Russo we’ve got - Lessi Russo we’ve got’ you were proud of your team's efforts to make Alessia feel welcome, and hoped that she was able to focus on the positivity instead of the negativity. 
It was a busy Saturday morning at the cafe, still each time you heard the little bell at the door ring, you looked up to see if it was Alessia but it hadn’t been her all morning. You went around the shop seeing if anyone wanted refills on their coffee as your coworker Mandy helped the people in line with their orders. It was only after the lunch rush that Alessia walked through the door. The usual smile plastered on her face was replaced with a tired looking frown, your heart sank. When you notice her slumping down into a seat without ordering, you decide to go ahead and make her regular order for her. You set the cup down in front of her. “On the house.” You tell her when she looks at you in question. 
When a group of middle aged men wearing Manchester United jerseys walked in your eyes quickly shot to Alessia, she had her backs to them so she didn’t realize. You hoped these fans weren’t like the rude ones you saw on TV last night as you took their order. The group walked past Alessia’s table and sat down a couple tables over. They immediately started whispering to each other and pointing Alessia’s way. Alessia noticed the group and looked up, the men started laughing loudly when she made eye contact with them. You saw Alessia look back down at her coffee with a sad expression on her face. “Hey, Mandy, can you take over for a bit?” Mandy agreed instantly and you walked straight to Alessia’s table.
You stand with your back to the men, and send Alessia an apologetic look. “Hi miss, that private table in the back is ready for you. If you follow me, I’ll lead you to it.” Alessia nods, grabs her bag and follows your direction. You hold open the door to the back and lead her to your office. “I am so sorry for them, Alessia. Please take all the time you need here. I can kick the group out if you want.” Alessia shakes her head, “It’s okay, they didn’t do anything yet. Wait, you knew something happened without them doing something and you know my name.” A slight blush reached your cheeks, there was no more hiding the fact that you didn’t know who she was. “I, eh- yes, I didn’t say anything, but yes. I’m y/n, to keep the name part even.” Alessia takes a seat on the couch in your office, “You knew this whole time and didn’t say anything?” You shrug, “Yeah, I’m sorry, I figured you got recognized enough and deserved regular interactions too.” Alessia smiled for the first time since she walked in. “No, no, don’t apologize. It is refreshing, just being able to order my coffee and stuff, it’s one of the reasons I enjoy your shop so much.” 
“You saw the game yesterday then?” Alessia questions, once again looking down. “Yes, I did. Those Manchester United fans were absolutely horrible and I am so sorry that they treated you so badly during the game. I think you played really well, Alessia, you didn’t deserve that, no person does.” After a deep sigh, Alessia says, “Yeah, they were.” You sit with her, “For what it’s worth, I’m very happy that you joined Arsenal.” Alessia’s smile grows again, “You’re a Gooner?” In response you just say, “Lessi Russo we’ve got.” and you both start laughing. Alessia looks around, now that she’s calmed down a bit she realizes where she is, “The owner won’t mind that I am in here?” You decide to joke with her as your first answer. “Yeah, I don’t think she will mind.” She searches your face, “Are you sure?” The corners of your mouth perk up, “Oh, very sure.” You can’t hold your laughter in anymore. “I feel like I am missing something.” Alessia says with a confused look on her face. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Alessia, I am the owner, and I do not mind that you're here.” She rolls her eyes and playfully hits your arm. You talk for a bit longer before Alessia says that she has an appointment to get to. “Can I get you a coffee to go real quick?” She nods, “Yeah, I’d love that.”
You head to the front to make her coffee to go and see that the men are still there. “Here you go. They’re still here, we have a back exit if you want to ignore their presence entirely?” Alessia thanks you and follows you to the back exit. “You should come to one of our upcoming games, if you’d like.” You smile at her, “Yeah, that sounds fun.” She points to your apron, “Can I borrow your notepad for a second?” You hand it to her and watch her write something down. “Here’s my number, text me and I’ll get you into whatever game you’d like.” And with that she’s out of the door. You look down to the number with a smile on your face. When you hear Mandy call out for your help you quickly drop the note on your desk and head back to the front. “Thank you for covering, Mandy, I appreciate it.” After work that day you texted Alessia, and made plans to come see them play against Aston Villa.
The next day was slow, one Sunday it was super busy, and the other it was quite the opposite. However, soon after that thought the quiet got interrupted by the bell ringing, within seconds the room filled with chatter, you looked up and saw Alessia welcome in a group of her fellow Arsenal players. She sends you a quick wave and follows her teammates, Katie, Beth, Viv, and Leah to a booth. It was just you today, so you headed their way to take their orders. “Hi ladies, what can I get for you?” Beth is the first to talk. “Hi, Alessia over here has told us all about you, and we wanted to come see for ourselves.” After a warning nudge by Viv, she adds, “Your cafe, of course. She said the coffee was amazing here.” You smile and take their orders. “All right, coming right up.” You say not noticing the warning glances Alessia sent the other girls. 
You make each of their drinks and bring them to the booth. Katie gets your attention before you turn back to the counter. “I heard you were going to come see us play next week.” You smile at the group, “Oh yeah, I am. Alessia is going to get me a ticket. I’m very excited to see you all play live.” You engage in some more small talk with the girl before letting them enjoy their coffee. As soon as you turn your back on the group, the table starts pushing Alessia to go talk to you.
Alessia walks up to the counter, you smile at her when she greets you. “Hey, did I forget something?” You ask in return. “Oh no, I just wanted to see how you were doing today.” You were happy to see that she was back to her smiley self. “I’m doing good, it’s been slow today, so I was happy to see you walk in. How about you, how are you?” Alessia leans on the counter, standing in a more comfortable position. “I’m doing well, we just got back from practice and when the girls said they wanted to get some coffee together, I told them this was the perfect place.” “Well, thank you for the compliment, I really appreciate it.” Alessia turns around and walks back to the table but you see her teammates pushing her back towards you, you smile at the scene in front of you, but quickly hide it when Alessia comes back your way. “Actually, I did have a question.” 
You noticed the woman in front of you getting nervous. “Okay, ask away.” Alessia plays with the rings on her fingers. “I was wondering if you had any plans for tonight.” You smile at her, butterflies start filling your stomach. “That depends on your next question.” You joke. She stops fidgeting with her rings and looks up to read the expression on your face, when she sees you’re smirking she knows that she can continue. “Would you like to get dinner tonight? With just me, not the whole team, though we could do that too if you’d like that more.” She starts rambling. “Yes, I would love to. It’s a date, just you and me.” You discuss some details before Alessia heads back to the table. You hear them cheering her on and smile to yourself. 
Not long after more people enter the shop. You help everyone with their orders with a smile that won’t falter. Alessia joins in the small line of customers. “Hi.” You greet her. “Hey.” She says back, you both smile at each other and hold eye contact for a moment before Alessia continues. “Can I pay for the whole table?” You put in the amount for the table and she pays, again with a tip. “I’ll see you tonight.” She says before joining the rest of the girls, you wave at them when they walk out. The rest of the day flies by as you are looking forward to your date with Alessia. 
Continue reading part 2
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octuscle · 6 months
I know you 'produce' a lot of athletes in soccer, football and so on but I'd like to become an ice hockey star - maybe I can replace an actual player and you find another solution for him? I'm open for your suggestions but nice abs are a must 😉
Monday morning. 08:30. Start of duty at the call center. The phones are ringing off the hook. It's going to be another great week, you can feel it. There's still slush on the streets of Berlin outside. Somehow spring is not coming at all this year. After the third caller who berates you for things you can't do anything about, you're already fed up. You greet the fourth caller with a friendly "Grützi". Shit, where does your Swiss accent come from… You're actually from northern Germany… Nonsense! Bern is not in northern Germany. You are proudly Swiss. The other colleagues here have always made fun of your accent…
Thank God you survived this morning. During your lunch break, you go for a run through the park. Your body needs exercise, otherwise you'll get cranky. This morning it was still bloody cold outside in Nashville. But the temperature is rising rapidly. In the early afternoon, it should finally be well over 20 degrees Celsius again. Eh, you mean 68 degrees Fahrenheit, of course. You just can't get used to the strange units of measurement here in the USA. But you'll learn that too.
The afternoon shift at the gym is always relaxed. There are hardly any people working out. Plenty of free space to do a bit of training yourself. You love to confuse new customers. With your roots in the Balkans, most people here think you're an Arab. And when you speak English with your Swiss accent, nobody knows what to believe. After 4 p.m. you have more to do. That's when some of the ice hockey team come to train. They're professionals, they're fun to talk to. Better than overweight pensioners who want to get in shape. Hehehe, but they usually tip better…
The Predators have a public practice tonight. You saw they're looking for a new fitness trainer. Ice hockey was already your passion back home in Switzerland. Now to be under contract with one of the best clubs in the world... That would be a hot deal! And you know a few of the guys quite well by now, maybe someone will put in a good word for you. A few of the less experienced fans ask you if you're an injured professional. Because you're not on the ice. Yes, you really don't look like the typical fan in your jersey….
The alarm clock rings at 05:30. You're awake two seconds earlier. Even though your family's roots are in the Balkans, you were born and raised in Bern. You are a Swiss precision instrument. Always on time. And your shots almost always hit the mark. Training on the ice starts at 09:00. Before that, you want to do your eight-mile lap and spend an hour on the weights. Last season you weren't fit enough, you missed a lot of time due to injury. That shouldn't happen to you again this season. Hard and controlled training. That's the only way to stay at the top!
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Dude, you're a machine! Captain of the team. The first Swiss player to be awarded the James Norris Memorial Trophy as the NHL's best defenseman. You're one of the players with the highest advertising revenue. Some attribute it to your eight-pack. Others attribute it to your discipline and reliability. But you still have a little quirk. You call your helmet Roman. You haven't told anyone why…
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aettuddae · 8 months
high garden academy — chapter 35.
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⟢ synopsis: a new school year begins at the high garden academy boarding school, bringing with it new students, and among them, the new center of attention for the drama-thirsty student body: the hong sisters. eunchae and her mysterious and unsympathetic older sister, daein, who oddly seem uninterested in the secrets, legends, and gossip of their new school. winter, the institution's top student, and karina, the popular girl and promising pianist, never imagined they would end up so closely involved with hong daein.
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masterlist | prev | next
[written chapter]
"you can go." announced daein in her monotone voice, following the girl's body with her eyes as she investigated the room.
"this place is a mess." karina ignored her, looking around.
"i told you to leave." she repeated, annoyed.
"do you like soccer?" she asked indifferent to the older girl's words as she analyzed pictures taped to the wall of various players, daein on a soccer field wearing a team's jersey, even pennants of it, and a picture of them apparently winning a championship. "what team is this?"
"you don't care." she walked quickly over to her, taking a personalized jersey with her name on it out of her hands and putting it back in its place.
"arsenal?" she turned to face her, increasing the closeness between them, enough so that their arms were rubbing against each other.
"no, the reds." she replied bitterly and turned away, heading for the door.
"you mean..." she folded her arms and looked at her funny as she tilted her head slightly to the side. "arsenal." repeated.
"liverpool." she opened the door to her room abruptly and stretched her arm out to point outside. "we've already found your dog, go."
"can i borrow your custom jersey?" she glanced sideways at the garment they were holding earlier, a defiant smile on her face.
"no, you don't even know the team." she shook her arm, reinforcing the order she'd given her earlier.
"it's liverpool." she grimaced in obviousness.
"go away." pointed again.
"can i borrow your denim jacket, the one you wear all the time?" she lifted her chin in the older's direction, indicating the coat she was wearing.
"can you stop joking around and go?" she took quick steps towards her so she could grab her shoulders once she caught up to her and start pushing her out of the room.
"won't you lend it to me?" she inquired putting a tender and innocent tone to her voice, but got no response other than continuing to be forcibly removed from the place. "it's fine, it's all ripped anyway." she dismissed arrogantly.
"it's not ripped." she stopped short, looking at her coldly as the pianist turned to face her.
"and what's this?" she brought her hand to one of the clothing's chest pockets, which was all frayed, pitted and burned, possibly from playing with a lighter near the fabric.
"it's not like the it's ruined because of that."
"then lend it to me." she asked with a mischievous, flirtatious smile.
"outside." she put her hands on karina's body again to direct her into the hallway.
"wait, wait, wait." she exerted force with her feet so they wouldn't be able to move her.
"what do you want?" her tone was beginning to sound severely irritated.
"won't you console me for almost losing my dog?" she was trying to annoy her, she liked how she reacted.
"no, of course not, we already found the animal."
after saying that, both of their attention was channeled to the door of one of the bedrooms opening. from it, out came kim minjeong with her arms laden with books, and she stopped when she saw the duo just out of daein's room.
"hello, minjeong." smiled the biker broadly at the sight of the girl.
"hello." she reciprocated hesitantly as she saw the company she was keeping.
karina's brow furrowed in surprise and confusion at hong's sudden change of mood, quickly understanding what was going on there.
she couldn't explain why, but she didn't like that daein liked minjeong, but not her.
"i'll help you with that." daein wanted to approach the redhead to take some of her books, but the popular girl's hand on her chest stopped her.
"you can't until you buy me something to eat." she demanded.
"what?" she said in an outburst.
"i had a really hard day." she pouted, pretending that the star student would see that and decide it was better to leave them alone.
and so it was. kim rolled her eyes and, with a bored expression began to walk down the hallway, away from them.
she knew something was going on between those two. so why would daein put her in the middle? was she just playing with her?
"come on." forced yu on the older one, wrapping her arm around hers as she kept her eyes on winter, proud of how she made her react, and starting to move the biker against her will.
"i'm not going to spend money on you." she warned, following her because she had no choice.
"you will because i almost lost my dog." the more they got to the communal parts of the school, the more people watched the pair oddly.
"and i helped you find him, we're even." she sentenced, both stopping in front of a vending machine that sat in the commons area where students could watch TV and access some entertainment to pass the time.
"come on, aeinie, it's just some chocolate snacks."
"don't call me aein." she nagged.
"it's not much of an investment for you, aeinie, your family earns very well from their drug dealing or whatever." she waved her free hand, unconcerned about what the hong family's occupation is.
"we don't deal drugs and i'm not buying anything for you." she removed her arm from her grip roughly.
karina was about to say something else, daein already being able to notice that air of altitude and irony she had been wearing since the room, but was interrupted by the double door leading to the common room swung wide open and through it appeared giselle and ningning, who approached their best friend agitatedly.
"jimin, we don't have much time." began the japanese girl, bending down so she could put her hands on her knees and rest her body.
"your parents are here." continued ning, gesturing towards the door, indicating that they were nearby. "they're upset."
"what?" her eyes widened in surprise and nervousness. "why? what happened?" she questioned upset.
"they know you're dating jongin." the brunette explained straightening her body. "your father is very upset." she added.
"but they can't see us, otherwise they'll know we told you." the girl took her friend's hand. "lie, manipulate, disguise. good luck, friend." ningning encouraged as she dragged aeri away as fast as she could.
the blackhaired was left in shock, her pupils lost, trying her best to find a solution. daein behind her had a winning smile, and leaned her body against the machine they were going to use earlier, watching the girl expectantly for something to finally go wrong.
in the distance, from down the hallway, the pianist could make out her father's voice and quickly had to do something to save herself.
"i'm going to tell on you." she spun on her heels, turning her body in daein's direction, then taking her face between her fingers and using her forearms to push her chest so that her back was against the machine.
"what the fuck are you doing?" she raised her hands to try to get the girl off of her, but she was doing everything in her power to stay in place.
"if you don't kiss me, i'll tell on you to the administration." she threatened.
with speed she moved her face until her lips collided with the older girl's, who, in response to the shock and the threat, inertitiously returned the kiss.
karina's hands remained firm holding the biker's jaw, although sometimes she slid them back to gently tug on the hair at the nape of her neck, while daein grabbed the girl's waist, confused about whether it was right to do all this.
the kiss was hectic and hurried, as karina felt about avoiding her father's anger.
and to save her relationship with jongin, maybe, possibly that too. maybe.
the door opened, diverting the gaze of all the students who were stunned by the scene to the new presence of the coordinator and the parents.
"what are you doing? stop it right now!" exclaimed the employee.
the younger girl heeded her superior's shout, but before parting completely, she left a few more chaste kisses on daein's lips.
after all, she had wanted to do that ever since hong appeared.
"what is this?" the administrator questioned altered once he, along with karina's parents, were close enough to the couple.
"song-nim," the girl called confidently to her superior, meanwhile, her arms caught daein's waist and her head laid back against her shoulder. "i was just kissing my girlfriend, you don't have to get upset." she continued calmly.
hearing the term she used to describe her, daein had the urge to rip out of her embrace and deny everything, but a moment of lucidity came to her quicker. the coordinator was right there and karina could give her away right then. so she just let out a long sigh and then rested one of her hands on the opposite back.
"physical contact of that kind is strictly forbidden-"
"girlfriend?" jimin's father interrupted, raising an eyebrow and watching daein carefully.
"my girlfriend." the girl affirmed, straightened her body and pranced happily in place.
she took her hand in hers and used the other to point at her, as if she was showing her off. the smile on her face was a perfect performance, it showed confidence and at the same time, she looked like she was the happiest person in the world to be with this girl she doesn't really know at all.
daein just smiled sideways and nodded her head in surrender.
"i thought that..." the elegant man spoke, lost in thought, still analyzing the biker. "what's your name?" he suddenly changed topics.
"daein." replied jimin swiftly.
"yes." confirmed the oldest judging her with her eyes for speaking instead. "hong daein." she clarified turning her gaze back to the politician.
"hong?" inquired the pianist's mother now.
"yes, hong." nodded her daughter excitedly. "the hong dynasty that owns the dr-."
"international trade." cut off the sentence the named one. "an international trade network." she pinched karina's hand to reprimand her.
"oh, right, i know your parents." commented the man in a more cheerful tone.
"really?" the two teenage girls blurted out in unison.
"yeah, we're actually friends." he let out a laugh due to her joy. "it's amazing that you two ended up together." he leaned over and patted daein's head.
karina laughed. and daein had to keep herself under control not to smack his hand.
"amazing." she agreed with bitterness hidden in her tone.
"how lucky you met and liked each other." he continued ecstatically. "don't punish them." he turned to the supervisor. "i apologize in their place." he gave her a polite grimace, and the employee nodded his head.
who could say no to the great senator yu?
"you know?" included herself mrs. yu. "you should come home for dinner this weekend." she proposed, pointing to daein.
hong's eyes widened in surprise and jimin began to shake her head, both started talking at the same time, trying to explain all the reasons why the idea was bad.
"i don't even have permission to leave." finished the biker.
"i'll sign the permission for you." offered the yu patriarch.
"i'll sign you a permit to go home for dinner this weekend." he reiterated.
— if he makes me an exit permit now, i can find a way to use it again later. — thought hong to herself.
"then of course i can." she exclaimed excitedly, wrapping her arms around the younger girl's waist and lifting her off the floor in celebration, then lowering her down. "we'll be there, won't we, love?" she began kissing karina on her cheeks.
"of course we will." she was very confused with that reaction, her words came out carefully because she didn't understand what was going on. "of course we will, aeinie." she said again, trying to sound more confident, earning another pinch because of the nickname.
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phatcatphergus · 10 months
I’m still thinking about the soccer coach tubbo au bc it just fits so well??? Like sunny is his biological sister but he’s been taking care of her since she was to little to remember their parents so he’s dad to her and she’s his daughter and princess and light of his life. They’re rich af bc tubbo is an engineering genius who created a whole ass company at a young age but has it managed by someone else so he can spend time with his princess and doing what he loves creating things instead of doing the boring stuff.
Tubbo is an absolute boy fail cringe dad who wears hand me downs and dirty white shirts from working in the garage. I’m thinking he has like 3 graphic t shirts w the arms cut off to make a tank top that sunny HATES with a passion bc he looks absolutely homeless even if he fits in with all the other dads at Home Depot.
His pride and joy of his career is absolutely Sunny’s soccer team and he screams and shouts like they won the World Cup every time they win just bc he’s so proud of them (he sobbed when they gave him his jersey).
The other moms/parents despise his random ass kid who’s barley old enough to survive in his own (he doesn’t, his neighbors Fit and Pac basically live at his house to make sure he has homemade food at the end of the day). He pulls up every game/practice in his built from scratch “fixer” car with the Barbie soundtrack blasting from the speakers.
The other parents can hardlystand him and can’t understand why his daughter is dressed so nicely and has such nice stuff when he is quite literally homeless until he turns up at the daddy daughter dance in a custom suit to match Sunny’s dress that was custom made for just that night.
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I don't think Europe has the same soccer mom culture as US (correct me if I'm wrong) but I know Richard is a big football fan and if Maxime is playing, I can just imagine it Richard being the bitchiest soccer mom dad ever!
Going all out in his support and criticism. Constantly being told to keep quieter. And just generally having "bitch, please" attitude whilst sitting in a shade, dressed in either the most random clothing ever or a custom jersey that says Kruspe at the back in support of his daughter and just beyond frustrated by other incompetent kids and not being able to smoke.
I know the phrase, but i haven't any experience on the US culture of it (other than watching the odd episode of 'Toddlers and Tiaras' 😳), so can't comment on how same or different it is, but in general, sure there are very active and excited parents in Europe (well, in the NL i know some stories..😊) too who are very involved in their kid's sports and there have been sportsorganisations (again at least in the NL) who told parents to stop getting over involved and harassing referees and other teams etc.
That said, I know we like to think of Richard as a bit of a drama-queen, and i'm sure he would get very excited if one of his kids would be involved in a sport (maybe even wrestling, wouldn't that be something 😊), but i think Richard may be much more level-headed than we give him credit for, and would be very supportive of what his kids do, without being nasty to other kids...
also, I think he really changed over the past years, and from what we see on stage is in a much better place right now than even 3 or 4 years ago, and even takes little mishaps on stage much more relaxed than in the past... one of the main reasons why i would love a Rammstein documentary, because we always quote from old interviews or the 'Rammstein in Amerika' documentary and think that is what the guys are like but those are all many years old by now...i'd really love an update about where the guys are now 🌺
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So the men's German national soccer team got new kits and they look pretty great. There was a journalist who was doing a write up on the new gear and he ordered one of the shirts to use for pictures to go with his article. He didn't want one with a players name on it so he ordered a custom jersey with no name and number that no one on the team uses. The number he chose was #44 and.... Uh....
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elizabethkitley · 2 months
A little more Olympic soccer hc to support your creative process…. Caitlin would LIVE for being a WAG. Like outfit posts, customized bags/jackets with her girl’s name and number on them, pre and post game leaning down from the front row of the stands to give kisses, organizing hang outs with the other players’ partners, sending her friends gameday vlogs, reposting her highlights postgame etc.
wearing her girl's jersey whenever she has the time to go to games or just cute outfits featuring the colors of the team her girl plays on
and her girl would probably do the same for her games too. custom indiana fever themed outfits and meetups with caitlin's teammates partners and everything
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pgsports9 · 2 years
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schwestermord · 2 months
yesterday at work I had a customer who was wearing a München 1860er jersey, so I was like "1860er fan huh?" and she LAUGHED at me and went "more like employee" and I googled it and I think she is an actual player for the womens soccer team😑
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mrschwartz · 8 months
a few weeks ago i ordered online a soccer jersey for the team i support here in brazil and i could customize it with my last name so i did and the jersey just arrived in my house and literally just as i was trying it on i realized that it would've been a lot cooler if i had put "turner" instead
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info-blogger · 1 year
🌟 Introducing Aidan Global Custom Sports Wears! 🌟 Hey, Tumblr fam! We're beyond thrilled to present Aidan Global Custom Sports Wears, your one-stop destination for top-notch customized athletic apparel. Whether you're into cycling, cricket, soccer, or even badminton, we've got you covered with our premium quality jerseys! 🚴‍♂️ Cycling Jersey 🏏 Cricket Jersey ⚽ Soccer Jersey 🏸 Badminton Jersey But that's not all! Our true pride lies in our FREE customization option. Yes, you read that right! You can now create your dream sports jersey with your name, favorite number, or even a unique design. Your imagination is the only limit! 🌎 Worried about shipping? Don't be! We offer worldwide delivery, so you can rock your personalized sports gear no matter where you are. 🏆 Our Prestigious Clients: 🎓 IIM Lucknow 🎓 IIM Ahmedabad 🎓 IIM Nagpur 🎖 Indian Army 🏔 Himalayan Mountanary Institute 🏋🏻‍♂️ Mr. India Suresh Kumar 🏅 Olympian Diju And guess what? We're not stopping there. We've already spread our sportsmanship vibes to 🌎 10+ Countries, making athletes all around the globe happier and more stylish than ever. Extra Features: 🔥 Imported YKK Zipper 💪 Imported Powerband for ultimate comfort 🌧 Waterproof Back Pockets to keep your essentials safe 🚴‍♂️ Silicone Gel Tape for a secure fit So, if you're ready to take your sports attire game to the next level, come join the Aidan Global Custom Sports Wears family! Hit that like, reblog, and spread the word. Your perfect sports jersey is just a click away. 🎉 👉 Visit us at www.aidanglobal.com and let's elevate your sports style together!
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Below is an in-depth timeline of Syd Ripley's life from birth (April 30, 1992) until now (beginning of August 2023).
Please be aware of trigger warnings under the cut.
TW // Transphobia, Crime, Drugs
BORN: April 30, 1992
Born in New Jersey to Carlos and Alice Jiminez. Assigned female at birth. (older brother Maverick Jiminez born 1990)
Played in little-league soccer teams and loved participating in team sports as a kid.
2007 - Made it onto his high school field hockey team, but was often made fun of for being a 'tomboy'.
February 2008 - Syd realizes he's trans, and comes out to a very close friend from English class.
August 2008 - Comes out to his parents. They refuse to understand it and encourage him not to go talking about it to people.
September 2008 - Junior year, Syd's grades suffer. He begins to come out to other friends and even trusted teachers at school.
Syd lives what feels like a double life, being comfortably Syd at school (with some teasing and bullying that he handles with his fists usually) and coming home to a family who refuse to acknowledge his new name and pronouns.
May 2010 - Syd graduates from high school and immediately packs up his old car and leaves home. He moves to NYC where some cousins lived, to start a new life. He lives out of his car until he finds a roommate. Changes his last name to 'Ripley'.
Early 2012 - Syd begins freelance camboy work to help pay bills.
2014 - Syd drives back home to see if his parents have had a change of heart. They haven't. The meeting is bittersweet and Syd goes back to NYC.
June 2018 - In and out of jobs, Syd begins a new job as a server at a seedy diner. He ends up sleeping with a customer (a Cartel member) who hires him as extra muscle for a 'gig'. No questions asked, $300 to carry some stuff. Less than an hour's work. He takes it. He starts taking other muscle jobs from them after this.
September 2018 - Syd starts testosterone!
January 2019 - Syd gets fired from his diner job after punching out a customer for being gross. The Cartel hires him to help run the laundromat.
March 2020 - Syd gets top surgery!
November 2021 - Syd tries fighting in The Arène. He does well, but is unsettled by it (mostly the wealthy men screaming and jeering around him). But he's paid handsomely.
Early 2022 - Syd goes back to fight in The Arène. This time he's beaten, and suffers pretty bad injuries. While nursing his wounds out in an alleyway, he meets someone who takes him home & takes care of him (WC).
Current - Syd still works at the laundromat, debates going back to The Arène, and continues doing muscle work for the Cartel.
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darcylightninglewis · 2 years
Tagged by the glorious @edmunster​! I’m still in shock.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes! I was named after my great grandmother (first name) and great Uncle (middle name). 
2. When was the last time you cried?
...right now
3. Do you have kids?
not in the way this is meant, no.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
depends on the situation, tbh, but as a customer service person, their vibe
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Usually happy endings but it depends on my mood/the scary movie
8. Any special talents?
...define special....
9. Where were you born?
New Jersey, USA
10. What are your hobbies?
photoshop, reading, doing my nails/collecting polish, i love to travel but have no money for it
11. Do you have any pets?
yes! I have a shorted haired cat named Bagel. Had a long haired cat named Rascal but he died a little over a year ago. And Pondy, a runt of a standard poodle who was my other half, she died a few years ago.
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12. What sports do you play/have played?
soccer/football.  I loved it, until I was put on the same team as my bully, so I stopped around age 10. Then we had mandatory sports teams in HS instead of gym, so played basketball, volleyball, soccer/football, and lacrosse (couldn’t play because of an injury but was forced to the games, practices and everything else anyway. Fuck lacrosse)
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. Dream job?
Assistant curator for textiles. Or basically my current job but full time.
Ummmm, gonna roll some dice... @freyaswolf​, @idontgettechnology​, @riverthebanished​, @maria7potter​, @romanogers​ & anyone who finds it peeks their interest!
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gymclothesonline · 10 days
Create Custom Soccer Jerseys for Your Team
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Design personalized soccer jerseys with your logo, perfect for teams and sports events. Custom options available in bulk.
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Soccer Jersey With Skull USA Soccer Jersey American Flag Spare Tire Covers. This is the perfect gift for yourself and your loved ones. Categories include Trending, Animal Lovers, Sports Gifts, Holiday Gift, Special Occasion, Hobbies Gifts and plus size, all sizes from Valentine’s Day Gifts, St. Patrick’s Day Gift, Thanksgiving Gifts, Christmas Gifts, Mother’s Day gifts, Father’s Day Gifts. Soccer Jersey With Skull USA Soccer Jersey American Flag Spare Tire Covers For the diehard soccer fans who bleed red, white, and blue, this Soccer Jersey with Skull USA design spare tire cover is the ultimate way to showcase your love for the beautiful game and American pride. Against a backdrop of stars and stripes, a menacing skull rocks a classic soccer jersey, representing your unrelenting spirit on and off the pitch. The bold, full-color graphics pop with a slightly distressed, vintage vibe that complements the rugged all-weather vinyl construction. The unmistakable skull visage with its clenched teeth and piercing gaze conveys the competitive fire and intensity of the world's most popular sport. This is more than an accessory - it's a rebellious declaration of fandom and patriotism. Whether you're headed to cheer on the national team or just cruising around town, this spare tire cover lets you fly your true colors. The elasticized back allows a simple slip-on fit for most Jeeps, RVs, trucks, and SUVs. Durable UV-resistant printing ensures the bold stars, stripes, and skull design won't fade or crack over time. For those who believe soccer is more than just a game - it's a way of life deeply intertwined with national spirit - this edgy USA jersey tire cover is a must-have. Represent your passion for international footie competition and American grit with skull-style attitude that can't be missed. Product tags: Skull Lovers, Halloween Gifts, American Flag Spare Tire Cover See more related products: Spare Tire Cover Product features for Soccer Jersey With Skull USA Soccer Jersey American Flag Spare Tire Covers Product information: Material and Durability Made from waterproof PVC leather material, this cover is both functional and stylish, with unique sublimation printing on the surface for a personalized touch. With a soft, non-scratch backing and easy-to-clean surface, this tire cover is perfect for use on Jeeps, trailers, RVs, SUVs, trucks, or any other tire with the corresponding size. Note Please note that due to varying monitor and light effects, the actual color of the item may slightly differ from the images displayed. Printing technology DIGISOFT™ and Dye-sublimation Style Spare Tire Cover Gender Adult, Youth Color Printed with different colors Size Types: No Camera Hole, With Camera Hole Available in a range of sizes, including 27 inches, 28 inches, 29 inches, 30 inches, 32 inches, and 34 inches, our PVC Leather Spare Tire Cover is designed to fit most spare tires with ease. Brand Sparetiredepot.com – Premium Printed Brand Shipping from United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, HongKong and China Key features: Our covers are UV-stabilized and water-resistant, ensuring they can withstand tough weather conditions, and each one is custom made just for you. Plus, our simple slip-on design makes installation a breeze, so you can protect your spare tire from sun damage, bird droppings, rust, and dirt in just seconds. Feedback Us: Should you find dissatisfaction with your acquisition, we sincerely urge you to get in touch with us so we can rectify the issue at hand. On the other hand, if you find your purchase satisfactory, we kindly ask that you consider leaving us a positive review. Your feedback not only aids us in maintaining the quality of our products but also assists potential customers in making informed choices. Our ultimate aim is to ensure absolute satisfaction for each and every customer we serve. *IMPORTANT
TO KEEP IN MIND* There may be a slight variation in the hues you see on your screen and the actual colors of the product, due to the discrepancy between digital and printed color tones. This product is custom-made, so we kindly ask you to verify the size, color, and other specific requirements to ensure your utmost satisfaction with your purchase! You are given a 12-hour window for any cancellations post-purchase. Beyond this period, our production process commences, and it becomes impractical to halt once initiated. Ensure your SPARETIREDEPOT address is accurate and comprehensive. Once the order processing begins, we might not be able to accommodate changes to the shipping address. We appreciate your patronage and invite you to reach out to us if you have any queries! [thien_display_attachment_images] Care instructions: Machine washable. Better wash with cold water. Source: https://sparetiredepot.com/
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