#custom lacrosse jerseys
uniquexusposts · 4 months
The best friend - James Beaufort (3)
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Click here to go to part 2
Main characters: James Beaufort x reader Genre: fanfiction, fluff, TV show  Word count: 3547 Note: I just love writing for Maxton Hall. Pls hire me as a scriptwriter xx
Summary: from best friends to... more? When Y/N visits the last lacrosse game of James, things will take a turn
Y/N walked across the campus of Maxton Hall, her footsteps confident on familiar terrain. She wore a polite smile on her face, the kind that spoke of fond memories and an unspoken connection to this place. She had graduated from Maxton Hall just last year, but the school still felt like a second home.
As she made her way to the lacrosse field, where Maxton Hall was playing its last game before the winter break, she couldn't help but feel a wave of nostalgia wash over her. She greeted a few students when they greeted her. When Y/N arrived at the lacrosse field, she looked around; the game had already started. She expected to be on time, but she was not. Her eyes scanned the field and then the tribune, looking for familiar faces, and she smiled when she spotted Lydia. Y/N tried to blend in with her outfit, but her outfit didn’t match the uniform. However, Y/N was wearing a blue jeans, trainers, a shirt and a in-between coat, it didn’t even came close to the uniforms. 
“Hey, hey,” Y/N smiled when she sat beside Lydia and her friends.
“We were almost scared you wouldn’t make it,” Lydia said. “James wasn’t sure if you would make it.”
Y/N put her hands in her pockets and looked at the field. “There was so much traffic in town. But I’m here now.” Her eyes lit up when she spotted the blue jersey with the number 17 on it. “Did I miss anything?” 
Lydia chuckled. “Not much, just the usual. James is playing really well today, though.”
Y/N watched James skilfully manoeuvred the field, his movements fluid and confident.
“How are you?” Lydia asked. “Long time no see.” The girl looked at Y/N. Lydia had always looked up to Y/N, and she still did. Y/N had everything she didn’t have. Y/N had a gentle soul and a bright spirit, qualities that Lydia cherished. Lydia was blessed to have a friend like Y/N in her life. 
“I’m fine,” Y/N nodded. “Busy with work, making coffees and listening to those endless conversations of customers,” she said and looked at Lydia. “And how are you? Started on studying for the exams yet?” 
Lydia sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes. “Barely. It feels like there’s never enough time. Between the regular classes, family, Beaufort and trying to have a sort of social life, I’m barely keeping up.”
Y/N pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded. “Yeah, I’m glad I had it all last year,” she breathed. “But I’m happy to be here. I missed it here. I missed spending time here with you, at the field, the library… I feel like I entered an entirely different world now.” She nudged Lydia. “But you got this. You’re one of the smartest persons I know, Lyd.”
“Thanks, Y/N/N. If I have questions about anything related to exams, can I call you then?”
“Yes, of course! Even if they are not exams related.”
A grateful smile came on Lydia’s face. “Anyway, how are things going between you and James?” 
There had always been a special connection between Y/N and James. Lydia wasn’t the only one who noticed it. Everyone thought they would have been together by now, replacing the best friend title with girlfriend and boyfriend, but they were still lost in the best friend zone. 
A careful smile came on Y/N’s face; she knew what Lydia was trying to do: she was fishing for information, as always. “Just the usual,” she replied. “We barely have time to see each other. The last time I saw him was during the boat day. We FaceTime every now and then, but we’re both busy.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest. 
“Do you miss him?” 
Y/N’s eyes shot to Lydia, who was grinning. “Of course, I miss him. He’s my best friend, and we used to see each other daily. It’s the same as I miss you and all my other friends from here.”
“Uhu,” Lydia hummed and squinted her eyes. “Well, we miss you, too,” Lydia said. “Happy to see you here.”
They both focused on the game. Y/N found herself increasingly drawn to James. She couldn’t help but admire his dedication and skill. There was a moment when he scored a goal, and the crowd erupted in cheers. She widely smiled and looked around; it was just wonderful to see everyone go crazy: all for him. 
Since the boat day, something changed in Y/N, and something switched in her mind and heart. For weeks, she doubted. Y/N and James grew up together; they knew each other from when they were eight years old. She wasn’t exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. It could be the day on the boat, it could be before that day, it could be after that day. But she started to realise that she was falling hard for him right here and now. And she could only hope that he was feeling the same way. She wouldn’t tell him about her feelings. She didn’t want to give up their friendship because of her stupid feelings. 
Y/N bit on the inside of her cheek when she felt her cheeks heating up. She could feel Lydia’s eyes burning on her face, but she stared in front of her. She could see Lydia smile from the corner of her eye. 
“Ah, miss Y/L/N! What a surprise to see you here,” Principal Lexington said when he spotted a former student on the tribune. “How have you been? What are you doing now?” 
The right timing, Y/N thought. She engaged in the conversation with Lexington and shared some life updates while looking at the game occasionally. Y/N knew Lexington was being extra kind to her since her parents were paying a lot of extra money at Maxton Hall, even more than the Beaufort’s. 
The final whistle blew, signaling the end of the game. Maxton Hall had won, and the players celebrated on the field. The people in the stands also started to cheer; their team had won. Y/N and Lydia walked down the steps of the stands and headed to the side of the field. 
Everyone in the team took off their helmets and laughed with each other. It was a messy game, but so much fun. James looked towards the side of the field, hoping to see one person. His face lit up when he was Y/N, talking to Lydia. He jogged over with a brilliant smile on his face, his blue jersey clinging to his frame, sweat glistening on his skin. His hair was messy. His eyes sparkled with excitement and pride. 
“Hey,” he said surprised. “You made it.” He dropped his helmet on the grass. “I want to hug you, but…” He looked down, looking at his dirty and sweaty jersey. 
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Y/N replied, holding up her hand. 
James gave her a high five instead of a hug. Their gaze met, and they widely smiled. He waved his fingers together and held her hand for a few seconds before letting it go. “Are you cold?” he pointed at her red cheeks. Y/N and cold? Not a great combo. James knew she was cold when she had red cheeks, kind of like blushing. 
“A little,” she shrugged. 
He looked at Lydia, but she grinned and shook her head. James nodded and walked to his bag. He grabbed a hoodie and handed it over to Y/N. “Here,” he gave her his hoodie. 
“Ey, Beaufort!” 
James glanced over his shoulder and saw his teammates grinning and waiting for him. He turned back to Y/N. “I’ll see you in the canteen, Y/N/N,” he said warmly. Then, he jogged back to his team, who were all whooping and cheering. “I’m coming, I’m coming,” he laughed.
Y/N watched him go, her heart fluttering. His smile lingered in her mind, and she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of longing. But she quickly recovered and looked at Lydia, who looked away. They decided to go to the canteen and wait for the team there, since it started to drizzle. 
As everyone returned to the main building, many greeted Y/N and Lydia. Y/N's time at Maxton Hall had left a lasting impression; she was a familiar face to students and staff. She carried a name everybody knew, not because she stood out dramatically, but because she had a quiet, magnetic presence that drew people to her. She was popular in a way that didn't rely on drama or trouble, quite the opposite of James, who had a knack for getting into mischief.
The contrast between Y/N and James had always intrigued people. Their friendship was like yin and yang; she was the calm, composed one, while he was the lively, unpredictable spirit. Their dynamic was amusing and fascinating to those who watched them navigate their school years together. Some saw them as the perfect couple; Y/N was a beauty, and James… You just fell for James. 
Once inside the canteen, the warmth and noise enveloped them. Students and faculty were milling about, celebrating the victory and catching up with one another. A group of students waved and called out as Y/N and Lydia passed by. Y/N returned their greetings with a warm smile, her presence lighting up their faces. Lydia also smiled. 
“Sometimes… I feel like we are royalty. I imagine myself moving, smiling and talking like a royal,” Y/N smirked and found a free spot at a long table in the middle of the canteen. She removed her coat and slid on James's hoodie, trying not to react to its familiar, comforting scent.
Lydia laughed and took off her coat as well. “Look at yourself,” she replied dramatically, tossing a piece of hair over her shoulder. “No, I get you. Long live the media training we had.”
Even though Y/N didn’t have to deal with the same media pressure as James and Lydia, she still had to attend media training this summer. Well, it was more like she wanted to do it. Y/N’s brother had to do it, and he asked Y/N to join him. Luckily, it was interesting, and Y/N also learned a lot from it. 
Lydia and Y/N talked about some fashion and beauty trends to kill time. It seemed like forever for the boys to arrive at the canteen. To Y/N, it felt like yesterday, she started her final year at Maxton Hall. She was one year above James and Lydia, while Y/N wasn’t that much older than them. They all had their own friends but still found each other during breaks to hang out. 
Finally, the doors to the canteen burst open, and the entire lacrosse team entered. The peaceful hum of conversation was replaced by the loud chatter and laughter of victorious players. Everyone walked to the long table Lydia and Y/N had claimed and sat down with more friends. Lydia got up and moved to another chair to let James sit beside Y/N. 
“Looks good on you,” James winked while sitting beside Y/N. 
Y/N’s lips curved into a smile. “Congratulations, you were amazing. That goal, though,” she said impressively. 
He placed his arm on the backrest of her chair and satisfyingly smiled. “Thank you, thank you,” he said with a broad smile, still slightly flushed from the game. “I didn’t see you when we started. When did you arrive?”
“Just missed the start,” she said and shrugged. “The traffic was drama.”
James moved close to her face. “I almost thought you forgot it,” he whispered. 
Y/N turned her head to him. His face was close. “Never,” she replied. “And even if I had to, I would let you know.”
They were talking about the game and later moved on to other topics like work, school, and other things. They hadn’t seen each other for over two months, and even though they FaceTimed, they had to catch up on a lot of things. 
Across from Y/N and James, his friends and Lydia were looking at him, laughing and talking in ways they hadn’t seen before. James seemed so happy to talk to Y/N and couldn’t stop smiling. Y/N was always smiling, but this smile meant more. 
“They say they are best friends, ‘just friends’, but literally everyone who ever looked at them when being together, like now, just knows they are something more. It’s so fucking obvious they had fallen for each other, but they just don’t admit it. Look at her; the way she looks at him is like he is her world, and the way he smiles is just happiness when he looks at her. And he barely smiles this happy,” Alistair said. 
Eyebrows around him raised. “Did you really say that?” Wren asked. 
“How poetic, didn’t know you had that in you,” Cyril added, taking a sip from his drink. 
Alistair sighed and shook his head. “Do I see things wrong, then?” 
“No,” Cyril smirked. “They’re both so fucking blind.” He looked at Lydia, who seemed to agree with everything the boys said. “Would it be a problem if they get together?”
Lydia took a moment to think. “I don’t think so. She has the name. And our families do businesses.” She leaned back on her chair. “However…” She squinted her eyes. “I don’t see Y/N being part of Beaufort or Y/L/N. Her brother is going for Y/L/N because he wants to. Y/N doesn’t have to do so…”
“Thanks for your technical opinion,” Cyril replied. “But they are allowed to get together. Where are we waiting for?” 
“Let them be. They’re close. Give them just a few more days, possibly hours,” she responded. 
As the afternoon progressed, the energy in the canteen remained high. Cyril and Wren planned a party tonight to celebrate their win and the beginning of the winter stop. 
“Y/N—” Cyril started but paused when he saw Y/N yawn. He raised an eyebrow, and she felt caught. “You are invited to the party tonight. So be there.”
James looked at her, smiling, hoping that she would join. It had been a while since she attended a party.
“I’d love to,” Y/N said, dodging another yawn. “But I’m passing.”
“Y/N…” several people protested in unison.
“I’ve been awake since five o’clock this morning and worked five days this week. Don’t mind me,” she defended herself. “But go party. You do you. Have fun.”
James’s smile faltered slightly. He understood her exhaustion but had hoped she’d be there. He reached out and gently touched her arm. She looked at him. “Are you sure? We can go home, and you can take a power nap,” he softly said. 
She bit her lip, reconsidering her decision. “I’m passing… But you should go. I will be there next time, I promise,” she smiled. “I just don’t feel like it today.” She looked back at the boys. “Next time, amigos.”
“Next week,” Cyril said. “Put it in your agenda. You show up, okay? No excuses.” He pointed at her. 
Lydia sighed. “If she doesn’t want to go, she doesn’t have to go.”
“I’ll be there next week,” Y/N said, grabbing her phone. She looked gratefully at Lydia. With just a few clicks, she added the event to her agenda. “You guys go and have a blast. I’ll catch up with you soon, but I’m going home now.” She got up and grabbed her coat. 
James looked at her. “I will bring you home,” he offered and got up as well. Y/N parted her lips, ready to say that she had her own car, but he shared that one look; the look that it was his decision and nothing could change it. “I will see you, boys,” he said. 
“You will be there tonight, Beaufort,” Wren sternly said. 
James walked away with Y/N on his side, throwing his hand in the air, but not saying anything. He wrapped his arm around Y/N’s shoulders and lightly grinned when Y/N wrapped her arm around his waist. With his other arm, he threw his back over his shoulder. Together, they walked through the halls of the school to the parking lot. 
“I drove myself to here,” Y/N reminded him. 
“Uhu,” he hummed. “I know.”
They walked in comfortable silence, the echoes of their footsteps filling the empty corridors. James's presence felt reassuring and warm, and Y/N found herself leaning slightly into him as they moved. Within minutes, they were standing next to Y/N’s car. Well, her parents’ car. 
“Last time, you drove. Now it’s my turn,” he said. 
She squeezed her eyebrows together and looked confused at him. “Aren’t you supposed to go to that party? You’re the star of the show, after all.” She was searching for the keys in the pockets of her coat. 
“I just heard there’s also a party next week, with my star on my side,” he replied and snatched the keys out of her hand. He opened the trunk of the car and threw his stuff in it. “There are more parties. They can party without me.”
“Who are you, and what did you do to James Beaufort?” Y/N crossed her arms in front of her chest, tilting her head. “Since when do you say no to a party?”
James smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Since I want to spend time with you,” he casually replied. “I haven’t seen you for ages.”
Y/N blinked in surprise, the playful banter catching her off guard. “Really?” she asked, a hint of scepticism in her voice. “What happened to the party animal I know?”
James stepped closer, his expression softening. “Sometimes priorities change,” he said quietly. “And right now, you’re my priority.”
Before she could respond, he cupped her face gently, his touch warm against her skin. Without hesitation, he leaned in and kissed her. It was a soft, lingering kiss, filled with all the unspoken feelings that had been building between them for years. He pulled back and looked at her with a wide smile, while she stood still, processing what had just happened. Her arms hung limply by her sides, her heart racing in her chest.
James smirked, stepped away, and walked around the car to get in. Y/N just stared ahead, blinking a few times as she tried to comprehend the moment. Her fingers reached for her lips, where he had been just seconds ago. The warmth of his kiss lingered, sending a shiver down her spine.
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approaching pulled her from her thoughts. She glanced towards the school entrance; his friends and Lydia were standing there, all looking shocked and impressed at the same time. It meant that they saw it happening. Y/N’s jaw dropped, and she looked at them. Then she covered her mouth with her hand. They all laughed at her reaction. She covered her entire face when she felt she was blushing. Y/N took a deep breath and walked to the passenger’s side of the car. 
“Take him, Y/N,” Wren said on an average volume, but Y/N still could hear him. 
Her eyes shot up to the boys, Lydia and everyone else standing there. They were all grinning. Alistair stomped on Wren’s foot, likely as a signal to give them some privacy. Y/N quickly stepped into the car, closing the door behind her. James sat relaxed, trying to act like nothing had happened, but the blush creeping up his cheeks betrayed him. It was a sight Y/N had never seen before; James Beaufort, blushing.
She bit her lip, trying to process the moment. James swallowed hard and turned to look at her. When their gazes met, both their expressions straightened, the weight of the situation settling between them.
Without another word, Y/N leaned in and kissed him once again. This time, it wasn’t out of surprise or uncertainty; it was deliberate, a confirmation that they were on the same page. The kiss was gentle yet filled with a new intensity, a silent agreement that whatever was between them was real and worth exploring.
James responded instantly, his hand finding the back of her neck, pulling her closer. When they finally pulled away, both of them were breathing heavily, their foreheads resting against each other. 
"I've wanted to do that for so long," he confessed, his breath warm against her lips.
A smile tugged at the corners of Y/N's mouth, her heart soaring at his words. "Me, too," she admitted softly, her voice filled with the same depth of emotion.
Taglist: @notacoffeedrinker @tvshowgirl81 @crashingwavesofeuphoria @maryvibess @chocolatefartstrawberry
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chewingonsneakers · 5 months
in honor of nothing, here is a short list of things i’ve done since first reading the All For The Game series years ago:
- started a video call with one person that lasted ten straight hours where i just talked abt the plot and character backstories of aftg. without running out of things to say.
- dressed up in a full suit to rehearse the riko roast scene as neil, a couple of close friends as jean and riko. for an audience of no one plus a dog
- begun writing my middle name every where i can because it lights me up with joy and happiness when i see one of my favorite character’s first names in between my own first and last
- gotten super into lacrosse games on tv where i cheer for specific teams and players that i associate in my brain to aftg’s corrospondants
- seriously considered buying a custom USC jersey with the name “Knox” on the back
- became generally worse
- created a small neil josten shrine on my dresser
- purchased black wrist to forearm armbands for staying inside when i want to wear black and feel like andrew minyard
- lived almost every single second of my life since then halfway in a different mindset. i will be getting a glass of water and be thinkin like “hey so actually i am aaron minyard drinking a glass of water in columbia.” it’s just me going about my mundane every day life but in my head in the headspace as different aftg characters. it’s unhealthy
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Duckling Pt. 9
Pairing: AU!Teen Wolf x Reader x AU!Avengers, Derek Hale x Reader
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Bucky and Peter attempt to conduct their own investigations.
A/N: Last updated December of 2020 😅 I'm out of practice and it's pretty clear in this installment. But it's exists, so I'm counting it as a win. Go me!
A/N 2: Scrapping the tag list for now as I have no idea if anyone is still even interested in this, or when the next update will be.
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Steve was outside grabbing the mail when Bucky pulled up. He could barely look him in the eye when he declined his offer to prepare him something for lunch, saying he only stopped by to swap the bike for their pickup. He hated to keep something so important from his oldest friend, but if he told them, and he was wrong, they'd end up suffering the loss all over again.
Plus, he had a more pressing matter to tend to: finding out who this boyfriend of yours was.
The drive to the garage wasn’t long, and he still didn’t know what he was going to say as he walked through the door into the office.
“Hello, I’m Peter. Can I help you?”
Oh, hell no. The guy who approached Bucky had to be somewhere in his early 30s. He felt the air leave his lungs as he searched for the right words. Rage began to build when the guy only rose a brow at him. 
“Yeah,” Bucky growled. “Your girlfriend called you earlier for me about some Chevelle parts.”
“My girlfriend?” Bucky noted the man’s confusion, and immediately began to relax. It appeared this was not the man you were involved with. “You must’ve spoken to my nephew. He’s in here.”
The man beckoned him to follow him into the garage, but Bucky stopped short at seeing a familiar figure kneeling on the floor.
The man reached for the stereo and turned it down. “Derek, this gentleman’s here to pick up some parts.”
“Right.” Derek looked up, the same apathetic expression on his face that Bucky wanted to punch. “For the Chevelle?”
“Yes. You’re- Y/N’s boyfriend?” Bucky asked, almost forgetting to call you the name the boys at the shop used.
At the mention of your name, Derek’s demeanor changed; his features visibly perked and his back straightened. He looked almost proud as he replied, “That’s right.”
Bucky ignored Derek’s uncle when he excused himself to tend to another customer, and only stared at Derek’s retreating back as he went to wash his hands to retrieve the parts for him. 
‘Hey, Beautiful’, the words he greeted you with came back to Bucky. He’d heard Derek’s voice before, and he should’ve recognized it, but the tone was different. He sounded pleased, not bored or annoyed like Bucky had heard every other time.
Though he’d only spoken to you for a few minutes, he could tell you were a good, sweet kid. You were friends with the sheriff’s kid for goodness sake! He couldn’t figure how you could get caught up with someone like him; how a hooligan like Derek could even stand a chance with someone like you.
Then he remembered Natasha’s interest in him. Of course that’s what it was. He was big, good-looking, and aloof. A textbook ‘Bad Boy’, and you’d fallen for his charm. The thought made him sick to his stomach, and he was about to storm out when he remembered how he snubbed Natasha. Was it because of you? Somehow, he didn’t see a guy like Derek having any respect for anyone or anything, let alone a high school relationship.
Yet, he didn’t recall ever seeing Derek alone with a girl, nor him paying much attention to the ones who spoke to him. The only time was just before the first game of the lacrosse season, but did that even count? Both girls were made up, with their hair done nicely. Surely they wouldn’t do that if they were playing, thus the jerseys they wore had to belong to their significant others, didn’t they?
Bucky also remembered Derek wearing a lacrosse jersey that day, yet being surprised to see him running down the stands at a later game when Brock tackled another player who turned out to be… a girl. One who had Derek worried she’d been hurt.
“That son of a bitch,” he seethed. God help Brock Rumlow if it turned out it was you he attacked that night. 
There was something about the memory of that night that didn’t quite sit well, and just as it was making its way to the forefront of Bucky’s mind, Derek returned.
Bucky looked through what he had, and apart from needing a thorough cleaning, the parts were in fairly good condition. Derek stood by, never rushing him, taking note of what Bucky set aside to purchase. When he finished, Derek gave him an invoice to take to Peter to settle, and returned to his work. Annoyance began to build in Bucky again, watching Derek dismiss him and turn the radio back on like he wasn’t still there.
As Peter was finishing up the transaction, Bucky checked his phone to see if Sharon had gotten in touch yet. She hadn’t. Derek didn’t come out again, so Peter helped Bucky take everything to the truck. 
As worried as he was about the situation regarding his Duckling, he couldn’t wait til Peter, his Peter, got back from school to show him what he’d found. He knew it was going to drive him crazy to have to wait until they got back to work on his car, but at least it meant he wouldn’t be sad when it was time to return home.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Natasha sat at Peter’s table at lunch the rest of the week, and fewer people joined them. By Thursday, it was only the two of them, Shuri, T’Challa, and Clint left.
Peter was glad Clint made an effort to be friendly, even more so that Nat seemed to respond favorably to the attention. He didn’t want to believe the rumors about Derek, especially after reading about all the awful things he’d been through, but he couldn’t free himself of the sliver of doubt that took residence in his mind.
"Mom?" Peter piped up from the back seat. "Can you drop me off in town? I need to go to the library."
Peggy's eye quickly flicked to him in the rearview. "I'll drop these guys off and bring you after so I can wait."
"It's alright," Peter replied, almost suspiciously quick. "I just have some stuff I want to get done before spring break. I can call Bucky to pick me up when I'm done."
"Nerd," Nat teased, though her usual tone was softened.
"Are you sure?"
"Just drop him off," Nat huffed in annoyance. "Besides, don't you still have stuff to do before we leave?"
"I don't know, I don't really like the idea of you guys being out by yourselves. This place is still new to us."
"The sheriff's station is halfway up the block from the library," Nat said. "How much trouble could he possibly get into?"
At the mention of the station, Peter swallowed thickly and averted his gaze out the window. There was no way Nat knew that's where he really wanted to go, was there?
Peggy sighed, and changed directions toward downtown. “Alright, but as soon as you’re finished, you call someone to come get you, alright? And wait inside until we get here.”
He agreed, and a few minutes later the car pulled up in front of the library. After promising one last time he wouldn’t wait outside, he got out of the car and quickly made his way inside the building. He waited by the windows, watching the car make its way around the parking lot and back out onto the street. Once he was certain the car was well on its way home, he went right back out the door and headed toward the station.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
The sheriff's shift had only just begun, and he was already reaching for the painkillers in his desk to fend off the looming headache. 
"So he was looking at her?" he asked, reiterating his son's claim. "While she was speaking to him?"
"No, he was leering," Stiles corrected. "Like a leering creep."
Noah looked up toward Scott, hoping to get  a more factual account than the more-than-likely exaggeration Stiles provided.
"Maybe not leering," Scott admitted sheepishly, "but he was staring pretty intensely the whole time we were there."
"Just at her?"
"Yeah, he barely paid any attention to us," Stiles said, while Scott nodded in agreement. "He didn't even ring everything up right."
Scott cleared his throat, while Noah's eyes focused on his son.
"So you stopped at the shop after your camping trip, and while you and Scott were collecting your items, the owner was preoccupied with Y/N?"
Stiles huffed in exasperation. "Yes!"
"What were you buying?"
Scott tried to hide a smile behind his fist, while Stiles stared back at his father like a deer caught in the headlights.
"You lost the fishing things again, didn't you?"
"What? No! Ok, maybe like three or four of them, but I think the real issue here is that this guy was leering-"
"Staring intensely."
"Not helping, Scott!" Stiles snapped. "You don't get it. We could've walked out of there with arms full of stuff, and he wouldn't have noticed. This guy was completely focused on her, and it was…" Stiles paused, taking a shaky breath. "It scared me, Dad."
Biting the inside of his cheek, Noah nodded in understanding. "Alright. Where is she?"
"At home. I don't think she saw what we did. Said he seemed nice, but a little out of it."
There was a knock at the door, and an officer peeked in. “Someone to see you, Sheriff.”
“Send them in,” he said, lowering his voice to continue addressing his son. “I’ll look into it. Just keep an eye on her and- Peter! Hello!”
“Hi Sheriff,” Peter waved awkwardly. “Do you have a minute?”
“Yeah, these guys were just leaving. This is my son Stiles and his friend Scott. Boys, this is Peter Rogers,” he introduced, sending Stiles a pointed look. “His family just moved here from New York. They opened that outdoor store just outside of town.”
Peter felt a gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach as the two boys shared a look. They quickly smiled, said their hellos and goodbyes before rushing out the door. He thought he’d paid enough attention when he was doing his research, but apparently he hadn’t. 
The sheriff gestured for him to take a seat, but every step he took further into his office felt heavier and heavier. Peter's eyes scanned the room, a mixture of the sheriff’s credentials and family photos adorning the far wall. When they landed on a group photo, Peter swallowed thickly at seeing it was of the boys he'd just met and a girl. The photo next to it was of the same girl, looking pretty cozy with the guy Peter came to talk to the sheriff about.
"Peter? Is everything alright?" Noah asked.
"Um," he faltered, words like 'conspiracy and 'cover up' immediately flashing in his brain. "Yeah, yeah. I just… my family's going to be out of town next week."
Noah could tell when most people were lying, and this kid may as well have had a sign over his head that read "LIAR" as he spoke.
"I was…uhh…" Peter racked his brain for something, anything that he could say to explain himself. If the sheriff noticed when the light bulb went on, he didn't react. "I was just wondering how safe it’ll be. My house, I mean… Um… you know?”
Noah nodded slowly, trying to figure out what it was the boy really came to say. “You mean, from a robbery.”
“Well,” he sighed. “It’s pretty safe. I mean, there’s always a chance a window gets left open and a burglar seizes the opportunity. But, it’s more likely that a family of racoons will make themselves at home, or if food gets left in the trash it might attract a bear.” Peter only nodded in response. “If you like, I can send a patrol out once in a while to make sure nothing’s going on.”
He visibly perked, grabbing onto the lifeline the sheriff just gave him. “Yeah! That sounds great, thanks!”
Noah smiled at him, leaning back in his chair to appear relaxed. “What else is on your mind.”
Peter blanched, swallowing thickly. “N-nothing!” he squeaked.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure!” he rapidly nodded, backing toward the door. “Thanks for the patrol. To my house. I have to go now. Homework. Wanna get it done before spring break.”
“Peter,” Noah spoke, stopping the boy’s ramblings. He felt a little guilty at the almost panicked look the boy gave him. “Have fun.”
“Th-thanks. You too. I mean…” He smiled bashfully when the sheriff only waved. “Right. Bye!”
Noah watched him practically stumble over his feet rushing through the door, smile fading once it closed at his peculiar behavior. Still, he made a note to assign a deputy to pass by a few times while the Rogers’ were gone. On a separate note, he wrote another reminder to look into one ‘James Barnes’, not only for Stiles’ peace of mind, but his own now as well.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Dinner that night was a hodgepodge of leftovers and any fruits and vegetables in an attempt to clean the fridge of all food that wouldn’t keep while they were away. They got a kick out of it, the twins even cleaning their plates. The only one who seemed not to enjoy it was Peter, who only picked at his food until someone asked if he was alright. If anyone noticed the way he forced himself to finish, they didn’t mention it. 
The kids only had one day of school left before break, and the excitement was making it difficult for them to settle down for the night. Eventually, all the kids had made it to bed just after midnight, and Steve and Peggy not long after that.
Bucky was restless, the events of that afternoon replaying in his head. He would nearly convince himself it wasn’t you, then remembered the way you smiled, the sound of your laugh, and the way you stopped when he called after you. It HAD to be you.  He didn’t know what to do. He felt useless; the way he did all those years ago when you went missing. 
He got out of bed and got his shoes on, quickly throwing a coat on before grabbing his keys. He could at least do what he did last time; search. And this time, he knew he’d find you. This time, he knew you were in town. He descended the stairs, practically tearing the door off its hinges as he flung it open to step outside, nearly ramming into someone standing on the porch.
“Shit!” he hissed, startled. “Sharon?”
She stared at him, wide eyed. “Where?”
Bucky looked behind him into the house, and once he saw no one stirred at the commotion, he quietly closed the door behind him. He took her arm, gently leading her toward what he assumed was her rental car. She unlocked it, and they climbed in.
They sat in silence for a moment; Bucky regaining his composure, and Sharon anxiously awaiting an explanation for the voicemail he left.
“A girl walked into the shop today,” he paused, taking a shaky breath. “I looked at her and I … all I saw was her. Same eyes, smile, everything. Since then, I’ve been trying to decide if it’s in my head, but…” he turned to Sharon, both their eyes now glassy. “I swear it’s her.”
Sharon nodded, wiping her eyes. “Alright,” she said, starting the car. “Let’s go to the store and check out the security footage.”
The car ride was silent, save for the directions Bucky gave to the shop. Inside, Sharon set her laptop up next to the computer in the office while Bucky pulled up the footage. There was no sound, unfortunately, but he didn’t think it mattered when he heard Sharon’s breath catch when you appeared on the screen. The look she gave him made him even more nervous than he was before; it was hopeful.
She copied the video to her own computer, and pulled out a pen and a worn notebook she’d dedicated to your case. 
“I need everything, Bucky. No matter how unimportant it may seem.”
Bucky groaned, rubbing his face in exasperation. “I don’t have much. Her name’s Y/N. At least, that’s what the boys called her. She drives a 1953 yellow Skylark.” Sharon let out a low whistle. “Maybe her last name is Lang, maybe she goes to Beacon Hills High, and maybe she plays lacrosse.”
“Anything else?”
“She’s dating some punk, Derek Hale. His family owns a garage over on Evergreen Blvd. And she’s friends with the sheriff’s son.” Sharon frowned at that. “What?”
“That might complicate things,” she said. “He may not take too kindly to me questioning him about her.”
Bucky sighed. “Yeah, but you can submit your findings to authorities and get a warrant, right?”
“Yeah, but do you have any idea how long that takes? And I have to have enough evidence to bring to the authorities in the first place, which will be difficult if-”
“If the sheriff doesn’t cooperate. Right.”
Sharon switched her attention back to her computer. “Bucky, can you keep a secret?”
He looked at her, not bothering to hide his offense. “You know I can.”
“Under oath? If it comes to that?”
 “What are you thinking?”
She cast him a determined look; one that people tended to shrink from. “I'm wondering if I can start working or if I need to wait for you to leave the room.”
Bucky nodded, carefully considering his words. “I’ll do anything if it gets her back.”
Sharon hummed in appreciation, pulling up a black screen on her computer. “You gave me a good starting point; the car.” She smiled at Bucky, unable to contain her excitement. “How many cars like that do you think are registered in the area?”
“Not many,” he replied. “Why is this a secret? Can’t you access this stuff legally?”
“Yes, but you have to fill out paperwork, jump through all these legal hoops, and who has time for that?” She typed into the black screen, on some format that looked primitive to what he was used to seeing. “It’s been twelve years, Bucky, and this is still only the beginning. Haven't we waited long enough?”
Before he could answer, the screen pinged, the results of her search popping on screen. 
“How ‘bout that? One hit.”
“Registered to Y/N Lang, 31 Windflower Lane, Beacon Hills.” They shared a look, and this time both were grinning. “Wanna go for a quick drive?”
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No tags this round, but if you still want to be tagged let me know, just keep in mind it may not be updated for a while.
A/N 3: As previously stated, requester couldn't remember the movie this was based on, so let me know if you recognize it.
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darcylightninglewis · 2 years
Tagged by the glorious @edmunster​! I’m still in shock.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes! I was named after my great grandmother (first name) and great Uncle (middle name). 
2. When was the last time you cried?
...right now
3. Do you have kids?
not in the way this is meant, no.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
depends on the situation, tbh, but as a customer service person, their vibe
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Usually happy endings but it depends on my mood/the scary movie
8. Any special talents?
...define special....
9. Where were you born?
New Jersey, USA
10. What are your hobbies?
photoshop, reading, doing my nails/collecting polish, i love to travel but have no money for it
11. Do you have any pets?
yes! I have a shorted haired cat named Bagel. Had a long haired cat named Rascal but he died a little over a year ago. And Pondy, a runt of a standard poodle who was my other half, she died a few years ago.
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12. What sports do you play/have played?
soccer/football.  I loved it, until I was put on the same team as my bully, so I stopped around age 10. Then we had mandatory sports teams in HS instead of gym, so played basketball, volleyball, soccer/football, and lacrosse (couldn’t play because of an injury but was forced to the games, practices and everything else anyway. Fuck lacrosse)
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. Dream job?
Assistant curator for textiles. Or basically my current job but full time.
Ummmm, gonna roll some dice... @freyaswolf​, @idontgettechnology​, @riverthebanished​, @maria7potter​, @romanogers​ & anyone who finds it peeks their interest!
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dunkirksportszone · 4 months
Top Trends in Lacrosse Apparel for 2024
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Lacrosse, a sport with deep-rooted traditions, continues to evolve, and so does the apparel that players wear. As we head into 2024, several trends are emerging in lacrosse apparel that are set to define the look and performance of players on the field. If you’re looking to stay ahead of the game, read on for the top trends in lacrosse apparel for 2024 and why you should consider buying your lacrosse apparel in Maryland.
1. Sustainable Materials
Environmental consciousness is making its way into sports apparel, including lacrosse. In 2024, expect to see more lacrosse gear made from sustainable and eco-friendly materials. Brands are increasingly using recycled fabrics and organic materials to reduce their environmental footprint. This not only helps the planet but also offers lightweight and breathable options for players.
2. Customizable Gear
Personalization continues to be a significant trend. Customizable lacrosse apparel allows teams and individual players to create unique looks that reflect their identity and spirit. From custom jerseys with specific color schemes and logos to personalized gloves and helmets, the options are expanding. Many shops in Maryland offer services to customize your lacrosse gear, ensuring you stand out on the field.
3. Enhanced Performance Fabrics
Performance is always a priority in sports apparel. In 2024, look for lacrosse gear that incorporates advanced fabrics designed to enhance performance. Moisture-wicking materials, anti-microbial fabrics, and UV protection are becoming standard features. These innovations help keep players dry, comfortable, and protected, no matter the weather conditions.
4. Compression Wear
Compression wear is gaining popularity in lacrosse for its benefits in improving circulation, reducing muscle fatigue, and enhancing recovery. Compression shirts, shorts, and socks are now integral parts of many players’ gear. If you buy lacrosse apparel in Maryland, you’ll find a wide range of compression options tailored to the specific needs of lacrosse athletes.
5. Bold Colors and Patterns
Lacrosse apparel is getting bolder and more vibrant. Expect to see a shift from traditional colors to more dynamic and eye-catching patterns and designs. Neon colors, geometric patterns, and even reflective materials are becoming more common, allowing players to express their individuality and add some flair to their uniforms.
6. Lightweight Protective Gear
Safety is crucial in lacrosse, but bulky gear can hinder performance. The latest trend is lightweight protective equipment that doesn’t compromise on safety. Advanced materials and innovative designs are providing better protection while being less cumbersome. Maryland stores are stocked with the latest in lightweight protective gear, ensuring you can play safely and comfortably.
7. Versatile Apparel
Versatility is key for modern athletes. Lacrosse apparel that can be worn both on and off the field is becoming increasingly popular. Multi-functional pieces that offer comfort and style for everyday wear, as well as performance on the field, are highly sought after. Look for versatile apparel options when you buy lacrosse apparel in Maryland.
8. Tech-Integrated Gear
Technology integration is a growing trend in sports apparel, and lacrosse is no exception. Smart fabrics that monitor performance metrics, such as heart rate and muscle activity, are starting to appear in the market. These tech-integrated pieces provide valuable data that can help players optimize their training and performance.
9. Inclusive Sizing
Inclusivity in sports apparel is becoming more prevalent. Brands are expanding their size ranges to cater to all body types, ensuring that every player can find gear that fits well and performs optimally. Whether you’re petite or plus-sized, finding the right lacrosse apparel in Maryland is becoming easier with more inclusive sizing options available.
10. Local and Specialized Retailers
Supporting local businesses is always a good idea, and when it comes to buying lacrosse apparel, Maryland has some of the best specialized retailers. These shops often offer a more personalized shopping experience, expert advice, and the latest trends in lacrosse gear. Buying local not only supports the community but also ensures you have access to high-quality, specialized products.
Staying updated with the latest trends in lacrosse apparel can significantly enhance your performance and style on the field. From sustainable materials to tech-integrated gear, the options are diverse and exciting. If you’re looking to buy lacrosse apparel in Maryland, consider visiting local specialized retailers who can offer the latest and greatest in lacrosse fashion and technology. Embrace these trends to stay ahead of the game and make a statement on the field in 2024.
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laresearchette · 8 months
Friday, February 09, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
FIBA BASKETBALL (SN) 9:20am: Women's Basketball Olympic Qualifying: Canada vs. Spain
NLL LACROSSE (TSN5) 6:30pm: Desert Dogs vs. Thunderbirds
TRAFFICKED VOICES (documentary) 7:00pm: Canada's sex trafficking industry is reaching a national crisis level. Three survivors of trafficking tell their stories.
WARRIOR STRONG (Crave) 7:15pm: Trying to save his career, a suspended professional basketball player returns home to coach his former high school team.
NBA BASKETBALL (SN1/SNOntario) 7:30pm: Rockets vs. Raptors (TSN2/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 8:00pm: Hornets vs. Bucks (SN1) 10:30pm: Pelicans vs. Lakers
NHL HOCKEY (SNEast/SNPacific) 8:00pm: Penguins vs. Wild (SNWest) 10:00pm: Oilers vs. Ducks
RIVALRY SERIES HOCKEY (TSN/TSN4) 8:00pm: United States vs. Canada
MARKETPLACE (CBC) 8:00pm: A cyber scam known as pig butchering combines investment schemes, romance scams and cryptocurrency fraud; meeting people who lost their life savings and the trust of their loved ones.
MILLION DOLLAR ISLAND (Discovery Canada) 8:00pm: Wheel winner Jake is in charge of who will be chosen for the next elimination challenge.
BOLLYWED (documentary) 8:00pm: With two renos and peak wedding season underway, Kuki decides the whole family needs to attend all customer weddings together.
GARAGE SALE MYSTERIES: PICTURE A MURDER (Super Channel Heart & Home) 8:00pm: Jenn gets the photos in an antique camera from the estate of a recently deceased and seemingly wealthy photography enthusiast printed, and one of the pictures leads her to believe that the man's death was anything but accidental.
THE FIFTH ESTATE (CBC) 9:00pm: A look at hate groups that are targeting kids on social media, where they are lead to self-harm, plan violent attacks and end their lives; and how police are often unable to act.
AKILLA'S ESCAPE (Crave) 9:00pm: A drug dealer finds his moral code challenged when he interrupts an armed robbery and captures one of the gang members who is a 15-year-old boy.
EDGE OF THE KNIFE (Starz Camada) 9:00pm: A tragic accident causes an anguished man to retreat deep into the forest where he is transformed into a "wild man."
THE SUMMIT AUSTRALIA (Discovery Canada) 9:30pm: Sam's betrayal costs the group more than time and money; Jans finds a way into Brooke's heart; shifting loyalties force contestants to wonder who they can really trust.
LITTLE BIRD (CTV) 10:00pm: The Little Bird family comes together to mourn death and celebrate life; Esther and Golda are changed by this journey, which has strengthened their bond; Esther has finally found what she's been looking for.
CRIME BEAT (Global) 10:00pm: An innocent victim, 28-year-old Mila Barberi is gunned down while picking up her boyfriend, Saverio Serrano from work.
RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE UK VS THE WORLD (Crave2) 10:05pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Nine drag queen legends, famous for having appeared in international versions of RuPaul's Drag Race', compete inRuPaul's Drag Race UK vs the World'.
EARTH MAMA (Crave) 10:35pm: With two children in foster care, Gia, a pregnant single mother pitted against the system, fights to reclaim her family. In her close-knit Bay Area community, she works to make a life for herself and her kids.
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flowsociety · 8 months
Elevate Your Game With Stylish Boys Lacrosse Shirts
Boys lacrosse is more than just a sport; it's a dynamic blend of skill, strategy, and camaraderie. To complement the spirit of the game, investing in quality boys lacrosse shirts becomes essential. Not only do these shirts offer comfort during intense matches, but they also allow players to showcase their style and pride for the sport. Let's explore the significance of boys lacrosse shirts and how they contribute to the overall experience on the field.
1. Comfortable Performance Wear:
Boys lacrosse shirts are designed with the rigors of the game in mind. Crafted from high-performance materials, these shirts provide optimal comfort and breathability, ensuring that players can focus on their performance without being hindered by discomfort. The lightweight and moisture-wicking fabrics keep players cool and dry, even during intense matches.
2. Stylish Expression of Team Spirit:
Team spirit is a fundamental aspect of lacrosse, and the right shirts play a significant role in expressing that unity. Boys lacrosse shirts often feature team colors, logos, and designs that instill a sense of belonging and pride. Wearing a shirt that represents the team fosters camaraderie among players and creates a cohesive and visually striking presence on the field.
3. Customization for Personalized Identity:
Many boys lacrosse shirts offer customization options, allowing players to add personal touches to their gear. Whether it's their name, jersey number, or a motivational phrase, customization adds a personalized identity to the shirt. This not only boosts individual player morale but also enhances the overall team aesthetic.
4. Durability for the Demands of the Game:
Lacrosse is a fast-paced and physically demanding sport, requiring gear that can withstand the challenges of the game. Boys lacrosse shirts are constructed with durability in mind, ensuring they can endure the rough and tumble nature of matches. Reinforced stitching and quality fabrics contribute to the longevity of these shirts, making them a reliable choice for the entire season.
5. Versatile Styles for Every Player:
Boys lacrosse shirts come in a variety of styles to cater to the preferences of different players. From traditional short-sleeved jerseys to long-sleeved options, players can choose the style that suits their comfort and playing conditions. The versatility in design ensures that every player can find a shirt that aligns with their individual tastes.
Choosing the Right Boys Lacrosse Shirts:
Consider Material and Fit: Look for shirts made from performance materials such as moisture-wicking fabric to ensure comfort during play. Pay attention to fit preferences, whether players prefer a loose or snug fit.
Team Colors and Logos: Opt for shirts that prominently feature your team colors and logos. This not only enhances team unity but also creates a visually impactful presence on the field.
Explore Customization Options: Take advantage of customization options to add personal elements to the shirts. This can include player names, jersey numbers, or motivational quotes.
Prioritize Durability: Lacrosse can be tough on gear, so prioritize shirts that are known for their durability. Reinforced stitching and quality construction contribute to the longevity of the shirts.
Gear Up in Style for Lacrosse Success
Boys lacrosse shirts are more than just uniforms; they are a statement of passion, pride, and performance. Choosing the right shirts not only ensures comfort during play but also contributes to the overall team identity. From stylish designs to durable construction, boys lacrosse shirts play a vital role in elevating the game both aesthetically and practically. Gear up in style, express your team spirit, and conquer the lacrosse field with confidence and flair.
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theultimatefan · 10 months
National Lacrosse League and Marvel Team up to Promote Lacrosse’s Legendary Origin Story
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To close out this year’s Native American Heritage Month, the National Lacrosse League unveiled a new, multi-year program with storytelling giant Marvel, focused on honoring and popularizing lacrosse’s Indigenous origin story with game-specific promotions starting in the upcoming 2023-24 NLL season.
The central theme of the collaboration, the history of lacrosse, will be at the core of a custom comic book written by Paul Allor, in close collaboration with the NLL’s Indigenous consultants, drawn by Indigenous creator Shaun Beyale, and a cover by JL Giles.
“With NLL-style sixes lacrosse enjoying heightened global momentum with the IOC’s recent vote to add the sport to the upcoming LA28 Summer Olympic games, the NLL wanted to celebrate lacrosse’s fabled beginnings with our rapidly expanding worldwide fan base,” said Kurt Hunzeker, the NLL’s Executive Vice President of Commercial Operations. “Great stories are the heartbeat of the Marvel Universe, and the NLL is honored to work with Marvel to bring the legend of North America’s original pastime to life.”
The custom comic book will only be available at designated Marvel Super Hero™ themed games every NLL team will host each year of the program. The same core story will be offered in each market, and Marvel will produce variant covers featuring star players from every NLL team that will be given out at their respective games.
The collaboration was facilitated by AthLife, Inc., Marvel’s longtime sports-centric agency of record.
In addition to the comic book premium distribution, each NLL team will wear special edition Marvel Super Hero-inspired jerseys on floor during its designated game. NLL fans can expect more Marvel-themed activations throughout the year.
Each NLL team has designated its Marvel Super Hero theme night for the upcoming 2023-24 season:
Albany FireWolves: Saturday, March 2, 2024, 7pm ET, vs. New York
Buffalo Bandits: Friday, March 8, 2024, 7:30pm ET, vs. Saskatchewan
Calgary Roughnecks: Friday, March 22, 2024, 7pm MT, vs. Albany
Colorado Mammoth: Saturday, March 2, 2024, 7pm MT, vs. Saskatchewan
Georgia Swarm: Friday, April 19, 2024, 7:30pm ET, vs. Rochester
Halifax Thunderbirds: Friday, February 16, 2024, 7:30pm AT, vs. Buffalo
Las Vegas Desert Dogs: Saturday, April 13, 2024, 7pm PT, vs. Colorado
New York Riptide: Saturday, February 10, 2024, 7:30pm ET, vs. San Diego
Panther City Lacrosse Club: Sunday, March 3, 2024, 3pm CT, vs. Rochester
Philadelphia Wings: Saturday, March 2, 2024, 1pm ET, vs. Calgary
Rochester Knighthawks: Sunday, April 21, 2024, 3pm ET, vs. Philadelphia
San Diego Seals: Friday, February 23, 2024, 7pm ET, vs. Georgia
Saskatchewan Rush: Saturday, February 24, 2024, 7pm CT, vs. Halifax
Toronto Rock: Saturday, March 23, 2024, 7pm ET, vs. Halifax
Vancouver Warriors: Saturday, February 10, 2024, 7pm PT, vs. Saskatchewan
The 2023-24 NLL season will commence with NLL Faceoff Weekend tomorrow with a “NLL Game of the Week” doubleheader on TSN in Canada as Saskatchewan travels to Halifax at 7pm ET and Panther City opens up in Vancouver at 10pm ET. ESPN2 will carry the first “NLL Saturday Night Showcase” this weekend with Philadelphia battling New York starting at 7:30pm ET.
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justposhinaround · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWOT Champion Custom Lacrosse Men's Reversible Pinnie Tank Blue/White Jersey Mi.
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rankertopgoogle · 1 year
custom gaming shirts
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customizedjersyes · 1 year
Unleash Your Inner Athlete: Personalized Jerseys for Every Sport"
Unleash Your Inner Athlete: Personalized Jerseys for Every Sport
Sports have always been a powerful way to unleash our inner athlete. They allow us to push our limits, challenge ourselves, and tap into our competitive spirit. And when it comes to showcasing our passion for sports, personalized jerseys provide the perfect platform. Whether you're a professional athlete, a dedicated amateur, or a die-hard fan, personalized jerseys offer a unique opportunity to express your love for the game and unleash your inner athlete like never before.
One of the most significant advantages of personalized jerseys is the ability to create a jersey that is uniquely yours. With personalized jerseys, you have the freedom to choose the design, color scheme, and even add your name and number. This customization allows you to stand out from the crowd and display your individuality, creating a sense of pride and ownership in your gear.
Personalized jerseys are available for every sport imaginable. From popular sports like football, basketball, and soccer to niche sports like lacrosse, cricket, and volleyball, there's a personalized jersey option for everyone. No matter which sport you're passionate about, having a personalized jersey allows you to represent your favorite game in style.
When it comes to personalized jerseys, the possibilities are endless. You can choose from a range of designs, colors, and patterns that reflect your personal taste and style. Additionally, you can add your name, nickname, or even a motivational quote to the jersey, further enhancing its personalized touch. This level of customization not only makes the jersey truly yours but also serves as a constant reminder of your commitment and dedication to the sport.
Furthermore, personalized jerseys are not limited to individual athletes. Teams and organizations can also benefit from the power of personalized jerseys. Customizing jerseys for your team creates a sense of unity and belonging among teammates. It instills a shared identity and boosts team morale, leading to stronger team dynamics and improved performance on the field.
Personalized jerseys also provide a fantastic opportunity for fans to show their support and unleash their inner athlete. As a fan, wearing a personalized jersey allows you to feel connected to your favorite team and players. It helps you become part of the game, even if you're watching from the stands. When you put on that personalized jersey, you embody the spirit of the sport and become a true ambassador for your team.
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hockeyrepair · 2 years
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OPEN TIL SHARKS GAMES’ OVER! 25% 40% 50% 75% 🔥🏷 LIQUIDATION CLEARANCE SALE Starts NOW! 🔽 (PLEASE COLLAPSE & READ BELOW) While supplies last. In-Store 🏷🔥🗑50% - 75% OFF ALL USED GEAR! 🆓🍋& Grapefruit while it last! ✅50-75% OFF PRO STOCK • USED ICE/FIGURE/ROLLER/GOALIE SKATES •USED PROTECTIVE • USED STICKS • GOALIE • BAGS• BASEBALL • LACROSSE • SOCCER• USED JERSEYS •MISC GEAR & ACCESSORIES ✅40% OFF ALL NEW GLOVES• PRO STOCK• SKATES (in-stock) •Hockey Sticks• Inline/Roller Wheels tools & parts • Protective• BAGS & accessories! ✅25% OFF BAUER LS EDGE Steel Runner Blades ✅25% OFF CCM SB 4.0 E-PRO Prolite Stock steel ✅25% OFF BYONIC CUSTOM COLORED STEEL (all types and sizes) *SALE EXCLUDES ALL LABOR SERVICES *SALE EXCLUDES BAHR PRODUCTS #FireSale #Discount #Hockey #SJSU #EverythingMustGo #Liquidation #CLEARANCE (at Bay Area Hockey Repair & Sharpening) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8J_DhvEK5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ohiomailboxvirtual · 2 years
Nevada Mailbox: Final suspect in fatal Covina house party shooting turns himself in at U.S.-Mexico border
Nevada Mailbox: Final suspect in fatal Covina house party shooting turns himself in at U.S.-Mexico border Nevada Mailbox Final suspect in fatal Covina house party shooting turns himself in at U.S.-Mexico border by Nevada Mailbox on Friday 11 November 2022 02:54 AM UTC-05 | Tags: #nevadamailbox nevada-mailbox Joel Garcia, 19, surrendered to U.S. Customs and Border Protection in San Diego. The shooting Oct. 30 left two men dead and two others wounded. Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York City NY New York New York NY North Carolina North Dakota Wisconsin Katie Oklahoma Goodfield Illinois November 11, 2022 at 02:04AM Tags: #nevadamailbox nevada-mailbox Bouckville New York Pipestone Minnesota Glen Allan Mississippi Delaplaine Arkansas Champion Nebraska LaCrosse Washington West Springfield Town Massachusetts Creswell North Carolina Eagle Wisconsin Orange Virginia Newington Virginia Edwards Missouri https://unitedstatesvirtualmail.blogspot.com/2022/11/nevada-mailbox-final-suspect-in-fatal.html November 11, 2022 at 03:48AM Marcell Minnesota Thedford Nebraska Sentinel Oklahoma Jermyn Pennsylvania Etna California Viola Tennessee Chaffee New York Ponderay Idaho https://kentuckyvirtualpostoffice.blogspot.com/2022/11/nevada-mailbox-final-suspect-in-fatal.html November 11, 2022 at 06:22AM
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johnnymascots · 2 years
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hexagarms · 3 years
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Hexagarms is doing customised uniforms shirts . here is an example of lacrosse team uniforms shirt. #worldwideshipping #customized #uniform #lacrosse #jersey #sports #fashionstyle #supplier #wholesale #manufacturer #football #basketballuniform #lacrosseuniforms https://www.instagram.com/p/CTgvEvCjehv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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taamsinternational · 3 years
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Custom Made Baseball Uniform Jersey / Pant  Blue/white
Material : 100% Polyester Speedo, 100% Cotton, 55% Polyester/45% Cotton, Tricot Mesh, Jacquard Mesh, Pin Stripe
Size : European and American size, any size are available,from Youth (4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16) to Adults(2XS. 3XS. XS. S. M. L. XL. 2XL. 3XL. 4XL)
Color: Customize Color 
Logo: Customize Printing & Embroidery 
Technique: Sublimation / Screen printing / Heat transfer / Embroidery
Feature: Anti-Bacterial, ANTI-UV, breathable, QUICK DRY
Production Capacity: 5000 Pieces Per Months
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