#curse typing quirks. so cool but I can’t figure a good one to fit with them
canisbeasts-ooc · 5 months
I realize I should actually use this blog to talk more about the critters we got-
Anyway, Beforus Ancestor thoughts, they don’t have names as of right now, sooo. S for Sphinx’s ancestor and R for Respit’s.
S was originally an avid lover and collector of beasts, and it eventually morphed into the sanctuary he runs under Her Altruistic Affirmation (though a bit further removed from her direct command). He tries his best to stay out of the limelight but is quite the supporter for the beforus culling system, even having his own cullee, one the public very rarely sees. R was originally one of his first employees and managers of the sanctuary, specializing in the diet of beasts and their habitats, the flora to S’s fauna. Such a difference in caste, however, may lead to quite a difference in lifespan. And someone with power and a desire? What will they do but abuse it to further their goals? R’s body begins to age and deteriorate over time, something S tries his hardest to prevent. How much of someone can you replace before they are not the same? How can someone so accustomed to the cycle of life and death try their hardest to prevent it?
R always was S’s favorite specimen.
0 notes
0risha · 4 years
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✰ PAIRING ⤷ dabi x fem!reader
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SUMMARY ⤷ It took him over a decade to muddle his brain with different memories to overshadow his past ones, not wanting for the abstained shadows of remembrance to embrace him.
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you.
Dabi doesn’t trust himself.
He doesn’t trust the color of his mind to stay in the now state it’s in. If Touya Todoroki were to unwrap the gauze that clung to his very being, he’d fall apart. And he couldn’t have that. This unforgiving life of his had finally unfolded its palms and given him a gift and he’d stay sane for as long as he could to enjoy it.
✰ WC ⤷ 6.6k?
✰ TAGS ⤷ major angst, there is fluff though pinky promise, there’s a suggestive line, please don’t cancel me, it was detrimental to the story manga spoilers, a few curse words, character death, very, very soft dabi, shigaraki is an ass
NOTES ⤷ this is, indeed, the longest thing I've written that wasn't for school. and the summary is just a blurb because i had no idea what to write there. lol, I'm sitting at my laptop while crying my eyes out...... but uh.... I hope you like it ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
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You smoke, Dabi takes that into account on the first day he sees you. Dabi hates cigarettes, despises them. He hates that itchy feeling his lungs get whenever he takes a drag, hates the way it makes him feel abyssal, co-dependent. And if there's one thing that Dabi hates, it's relying on something else that wasn't him self.
With that into consideration, he’s not entirely sure why you catch his eye, you’re not typically the type he goes for. He usually chose the dainty ones, the ones that were so eager to experience a jive of thrill, they don’t realize that they’ve encountered a person who played an important role in one of the most powerful villain organizations. 
You're in the corner of a dingy bar, the dim lights somehow doing your angelic features justice. The light catches the glint of your name tag and the pastel blue of your scrubs. You look tired. Even from a far distance, he can see the sunken tent of your cheeks. The cigarette stick which hangs from in between your index finger and middle is halfway from becoming a stub. The plastic platter of pretzels that sit across from your chest is untouched as you grumble out replies to the bartender who's trying to make conversation with —a very uninterested— you.
When the clock hits eleven, your bar stool is scraping the ground as you attempt to leave. The relentless bartender grabs your arm with one last plea. His voice raising when you deny the idea that you should give him your number because you're too pretty to be by yourself. With one last pull, you stomp away towards the exit. Dabi doesn't know if it's because he's a villain too, but he follows after you. His senses telling him that there’s no way the bartender who you’d just rejected would let his wounded pride stay unbandaged. 
He’s careful not to make any noises with the soles of his boots. The absence of street lights concealing his figure. Unbeknownst to him, his body enforces the skills he uses while stalking his next prey. His languid motions flowing with the same transverse as the cold, biting wind.
And you don’t notice a thing, your hands stuffed into the pockets of your thick silver jacket. But when your walking comes to a stop, Dabi’s heart nearly tumbles out from his chest. Not a second later, you pull out a pack of cigarettes and place one to your lips, lighting it in one go. When you resume walking, Dabi’s body internally holds a jubilee with jeers of relief. He’s not exactly sure why he’s helping you but what type of person would he be if he let a pretty lady like you get hurt? 
At the thought, his throat tickles with the hope to let out a laugh.
When Dabi hears the crunch of leaves that bounce off the cracked concrete, for the second time that night he nearly breaks into a fit of laughter. The culprit’s first step is to trap you behind the fenced wall and his burly figure. What an amateur.
A part of Dabi wants to wait and see what you do. Are you a regular civilian? Do you have a strong quirk that would fight him off? His trail of thought evaporates when you hiccup out a laugh, smoke from the corner of your lips flowing into the man’s face. Dabi’s eyebrows quirking up with interest. What’s your next act?
After several hitches of breath, nothing comes and Dabi finally decides to step in as he feels the waves of anger emitting from the balding, middle-aged man who has you cornered.
The confrontation is brief —when the bartender turns to glance at an approaching lean, scarred figure, he scurries off without a word.
“Didn’t have to help me, I had it in the bag.” You squint at your savior as your cigarette bobs with the movement of your full lips. His stature towers over yours but you don’t seem the little bit phased. 
“You weren’t scared,” he says and it’s more of a question than a statement. His cool voice sends a frosty layer through each stack of your vertebrae. Though, it slowly ebbs away as you study his features and realize how pretty he is —his eyes a pool of melted lapis. Sharp cheekbones molded to accustom to scars and silver staples that do nothing but add to your thinking connotation of him being ambiguity personified. 
“Yeah, even if he did... you know.” You wave your hand. “He would’ve died sooner or later.” Dabi’s eyes narrow in confusion as he catches the way your eyelashes flutter prettily against your skin.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh.. uh- he had heart issues, the kind you can’t recover from.” You remove the lit stick from your lips and give him a full-toothed smile. “Thank you, Mr. Stranger.” And with that, you turn away and resume your lethargic walk down an empty alleyway.
Must be your quirk. Dabi thinks as he watches your figure disappear into the grasping shadows of the night. When he returns to the battered LOV hideout, he goes out of his way to avoid any interaction with the League. Refusing to taint his memory of your pretty smile and pretty face.
The next time Dabi sees you, you’re in the same place. This time you’re not wearing scrubs, opting for a more casual look with a baby blue top that contrasts nicely with your skin and jeans that accentuate your figure. You don't have a pack of cigarettes either.
Unlike before, you notice his stare and you bathe in it. The bartender from the other day all but glances at you. Amusingly, you turn to glance at the brooding figure in the corner of the bar with a knowing look.
After two beers and spinning courage, you walk towards Dabi with sway in your step. His eyes follow your movement until you decide to situate yourself next to him in the booth. His low lids focus on you as you fidget with your manicured fingers. Cute. He thinks. You’re too cute for your own good. 
“What’s your name?” You break the silence. Teeth gnawing into the plush dent of your bottom lip.
Dabi takes his time to mull over his answer, he doesn’t notice the way his body temperature flares nor the tiny blue flames that threaten to dance on his scabbed knuckles. A grasp —an unfamiliar cloak, wraps its fabric around his shoulders. Prickles of his being push with urgency to ease it away but it’s all in vain.
Touya, from the corner of his eye, watches your eyes light up with interest. Bright and wide with swirling specks of gaiety— joy. Which Dabi guesses are because of him. He turns his attention away from you, not wanting to get warped into your pretty eyes that sparkle just from hearing his name. 
“S’ a pretty name,” you whisper. Sporting a subtle grin, one that blows wide when you see all four chambers of his heart pumping wildly with blood. 
“Can you walk me home, Touya?”
It goes on like this, again and again —conversations with Touya at the back of the bar, sitting next to him in the grimy booth. His replies are quip ones but you know he’s listening to your idle chatter because you feel the way his eyes bore into your skull. 
The night always comes to a close with both of you walking shoulder to shoulder, the plans of your upcoming day echoing off the bounds of the night sky. You live in an apartment building, a shitty one. He remembers you complaining about the squeaky floorboards, your loud neighbors, and the pervy, greasy-haired landlord that barges through your door at the most unreasonable times of the day. Touya raises his eyebrow at that.
“I’ll take care of him for you.” The words fly past his lips before he can stop them. 
Your response is a peal of robust laughter that comes to a halt when you pull out a cigarette. “I’ll be sure to come to you,” you say. Today marked the thirtieth time you both engaged in subtle conversation. He takes note in the fact that you only smoke when you wear scrubs —the rope of curiosity gets the best of him.
“I have to keep up with the appearance of my two personalities, duh.” Touya has no clue what you mean but your clipped tone tells him that he shouldn't pry.
Meanwhile, your eyes flit to his sapphire ones than to his lips.
“Can I kiss you?” You watch the way his eyes widen with a low giggle. 
But before he can answer, your lips are already on his. He’s quick to take action as he cups the underside of your jaw, your breath minty even though you just had a smoke. His head’s a mess, there’s a jumble of terms that fail to come together and form coherent ones. The only thing his brain can commit is the pillowy softness of your lips. Sadly, he can’t enjoy the whole experience. His bottom lip erased with the tissue needed to feel, only leaving a purpled patch in its wake. 
For a second, his chest tides over with a tinge of shame but it’s quickly washed away as you pull him even closer. Your small, gentle fingers carding through his soft, inky tresses.  
The kiss ends when you pull away with a breathless sigh. You stay close to him, noses nearly touching as once shared breaths mingle. His hands are on your hips now, slowly kneading the soft flesh. A couple of seconds dart by as your dark eyes stare into his bright ones. The low-lighted area giving them a fascinating glow.
You want to tell him how pretty he looks at this moment. His flustered expression causing your gut to simmer with heat.
You need to tell him how nicely entrapped his presence always makes you feel but something in you decides against it, choosing to save it for another time. So you search for an alternative, breath growing unsteady as you stumble across one.
“Can you....walk me home, Touya?” This time it's different from the first night you asked him.
This time your voice trails off with a much different undertone.
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Touya wakes up before you do. Peeks of the sun squeeze through your bedroom blinds, casting a shining glow on your skin. As he studies your peaceful features, he encounters a divulgence. One that causes his skin to crawl with parasites that immediately beg him to keep up with this facade. To derive a little longer and enjoy this bliss at his own expense. However, Touya decides against it. It’s quite obvious that he’s not the safest person to be around, his appearance giving that thought away. 
It might be better if he tells you first, he thinks.
It might be better if he lets a precious thing like you go before he builds a stockpile of lies that’ll eventually come crashing down when the realization finally hits. 
“I’m a villain, you know,” he murmurs as he watches your eyelids flutter open. He grimaces as he tries to think of what your reaction may be. The first words you woke up to would have to be that you’d let a criminal into your home —into your bed.
He sits up to place his back on your cool headboard. The bell of anxiousness that sits at the pit of his stomach rings after a few beats of silence. You turn to stare at his upright figure with two arms tucked underneath your satin pillow. “I know, m’ not stupid, Touya.” You grumble, turning your head to return to sleep.
“What?” His eyebrows knit has his chest shutters with disbelief. 
You ignore his bewilderment. “Since we’re confessing our deepest, darkest secrets can I tell you what could’ve been my villain origin story?” Touya stares at your face before bursting into laughter, one that nearly causes the staples around his jaw to unhinge. Though, this laughter is one of relief.
 A part of him doesn’t believe it. 
He doesn’t think he’s ever done a deed so right, so pure, that had earned him someone like you. The only thing his reeling mind can suffice is that he had killed a scum in some random, dirty alley that ended up being the lowest of the low. At the random thought, he laughs some more. 
“What?” You can’t help but giggle, his laughter —which was a rare entity— made you giddy with joy. “I’m serious!” You pout, turning away from him to feign anger, your ears stay perked up as his smooth, rich laughter fills your bedroom with warmth. 
“Okay, fine I won’t tell you.” His laughter trails off as he moves from the headboard to lie directly across from you. 
“Alright, tell me.” His abnormal body heat causes you to shuffle closer until you rest your head on his chest. 
When your story is done, he can’t help but stare at the ceiling in cerebrate silence.
At the age of fifteen, a program introduced by the hero association had recruited kids with abilities related to the medical field. Yours being an x-ray like quirk that allowed you to detect diseases, broken bones, and infections. Ones even normal x-ray’s couldn’t see. Forced to drop out of high school to take nursing classes and discard your latest stage of childhood life, you’d already become a registered nurse before the ripe age of nineteen. You worked in a special division, one where you only dealt with pro-heroes. You tell Touya about your worst encounter, one where you diagnosed a collection of broken ribs and the incapability to do hero work for several weeks and got shoved so hard that your ankle had twisted. Fortunately, the program had been discarded when you were twenty. With your inability to do other things that weren’t related to nursing you decided to stay one. 
“Where were your parents?” It takes you a second to answer, chest deflating in the worst kind of way as you remember your father and mother’s shame-ridden faces staring back at your own —your's ridden with disbelief.
“They got money, so it didn’t really matter what happened to me.” You whisper, using the soft pad of your index finger to trace his scarred skin.
“Wanted to be a writer, Touya.” You try your best to hold in your cries but to no avail. “Wanted to write a best-seller,” You laugh, but it’s overshadowed by the watery sob that follows.
And with that, he finally understands. You’re two personas, a writer and a nurse. His chest tides up with pride once he realizes that he’s probably the first person to see and understand what they both mean to you.
“You can still be one,” he says. But it’s a promise of his own in disguise. I’ll change the world for you, make it so you can do anything you want to. It echoes from his every syllable and trails off with a familiar lilt.
And you see it too —hope-filled eyes flit to glittering ones. His, a bright pair of blue gems that shine with raw, unfiltered passion- yet to be completely polished. Against your will, every tendril of your being untwines and wraps itself around his words- you believe him. Unconsciously, your lips blow into a wide smile. “I’ll hold you to it, Touya.”
The stagnant air diffuses once you ask him a question, “when’s your birthday?” 
Internally, you kick yourself in the shin as Touya shoots you a whimsical look. You’re not sure why this is the first personal question you decide to ask him.
But to you, Touya’s painted in grey, moral wise. You’ve only known him for less than a month, his background revealed the same night you met him. When you were with Touya, he didn’t seem like a villain. Villains were supposed to be vile, viscous people that didn’t dissolve properly into the troughs of today’s society. 
His touch was gentle, handling you with nothing other than care. But you’re sure he’s used those same nimble fingers to inflict pain on whomsoever he chose. To you, Touya’s a jigsaw. You’re prepared —at least you think you are— to solve it. Prepared to start with the small pieces. And when those gradually come together, you’d use them as a guide. Treading carefully to work from known to unknown. 
However, Touya prays to the gods that you don’t use your quirk to see the way his heart pumps wildly and the way his breath hitches. It took him over a decade to muddle his brain with different memories to overshadow his past ones not wanting for the abstained shadows of remembrance to embrace him. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you.
Dabi doesn’t trust himself. 
He doesn’t trust the color of his mind to stay in the now state it’s in. If Touya Todoroki were to unwrap the gauze that clung to his very being, he’d fall apart. And he couldn’t have that. This unforgiving life of his had finally unfolded its palms and given him a gift and he’d stay sane for as long as he could to enjoy it.
“December 15th.” Your eyes widen when you realize the day was when you both had met. “I was your birthday gift then, huh.” You giggle, pressing closer to his body to feel the erratic thump of his heart.
“Guess so.” A good lie is always better than the truth. 
That’s what he tells himself when Tomura asks where he’s been for the past couple of months. Vehement, crimson eyes digging into Dabi’s skull.  He scoffs in annoyance, opting to tell the blue-haired man that he’d been out of town to scout for new members. Rummaging through underground areas where the average of villains was the thickest. 
And yes, they’re all lies. He’s happy that Tomura is as dumb as he looks. Though it may be because Dabi has mastered the art of weaving intricate webs of lies- he’s grateful, nonetheless. 
When Dabi turns away from him, Tomura’s eyes narrow.  
Shigaraki Tomura isn’t as dumb as he looks. But Dabi didn’t know that -at least, not yet.
Here in the LOV hideout, where Dabi’s just a ruthless flame kindler, he finds no self-content, only impatience. Sometimes, taking part in Toga’s antics as a source of entertainment, her bloodlust too damn thick to ignore.
Impatience, a contagious drug that filters through Dabi’s veins and causes his blood to sear whenever he thinks about the overturn he wants hero society to so badly face. It’s the only way this ache of his can be soothed.
At first, it was just for him to bask in -for him to enjoy. For him to see a part of his past, burn. To see a rage of flames that -in time, turned to a cinder, his memories with it. 
But now, he wants you to see it too. He wants to keep you tucked by his side as everything unfolds. Knowing this, he waits. Dabi’s not naive, this dream of his isn’t a one-man act. 
Though, the biggest step closer to glory comes earlier than expected…
He’s a hero, the number two pro hero in all of Japan. His speed and the aid of his wings being his strongest suit. The information he provides is what still causes the Leauge to thrive. And the reason that Shigaraki now knows of the Meta Liberation Army. A powerful villain organization that rivaled Tomura’s very own. Led by a man named Destro, a name that every villain’s supposed to know. Kuriogi tells him this in his usual monotone voice, he’s the founder and now his son currently leads the army. The thing is, Dabi does know but for other reasons. His father was a hero after all.
Shigaraki orders Dabi to keep watch over Hawks. Sure, Dabi has his suspicions too, but he couldn’t differentiate if it’s the hostility he feels after he learns Hawks’ friendly relationship with Endeavor or for the fact that several missions had been deemed as errors because of the red-winged man’s mistakes. 
Though, his stress dissipates when he comes home to you. It didn’t take a lot of time for Touya to get accustomed to your apartment. He’s used to living in shitty places, the League had been -and still is- living in one for months. 
Fortunately, your landlord never comes around. You think it’s because of Touya’s intimidating presence but it stretches farther than that. Farther into the territory of what makes Touya into the fearful villain he is. But, you didn’t have to know that. Touya deliberates. You were stressed enough as it is.
Sometimes you’re not even home, late shift reminders overtaking your flimsy calendar. On those days, when you return, you’re so tired that Touya has to undress and bathe you himself. It’s never a toll, he enjoys listening to your barely decipherable recaps of your day, ones that sometimes turn into angry speeches of frustration that he’s sure to soothe with soft kisses to your pursed lips.
“Touya,” you whisper. Head in the crook of his neck while he lathers your body with body wash. Your head’s cloudy, exhaustion taking its home in your body. 
“Love you, like.. a lot.” The words bleed together with little to no pauses. It’s so slurred that Touya has to mull over it.
When he finally separates them in his head, he pauses. Eyes going wide as the grip on the pink loofah loosens. 
Those words had never been emitted between you two. They were the three forbidden syllables that hung still, frozen in mid-air. It should’ve been easy to say. So easy to confess if push ever came to shove and the tides of adoration ever became too much to bear.
Despite that - in Touya’s head, his sole belief was that he was a package of damaged goods. What solace could you find if he ever told you that he loved you? Would it bring you happiness- fear?
Months had passed between the two of you, the light of winter and spring passing with intertwined hands. But what if- what if- you didn’t love Touya as much as he thought? What if you stayed by his side because you took pity on him? Took pity on a man who had no efficiency, no worth, no value, and used it to your heart’s content to mend yourself together.
Unbeknownst to him, those thoughts had run aimlessly across your mind as well. Both of you were damaged goods. Both of you unfamiliar with the thrum of the common melody. 
When you feel his movements halt, a part of you feels victorious.
Oh, how lucky you were for being high on delirium. This was a chance pulled out of luck’s pocket. 
“Don’t gotta say it, I see it.” He lowers his gaze to see you staring intensely at his chest. Which no doubt encases an organ that beats wildly because of your words. For the first time in a long time, he grows embarrassed. A streak of red blossoms from under his scarred cheeks as he chooses to hide his head in your neck, inhaling the strong citrusy scent of your body wash. 
Hesitantly, you brush your fingers across the expanse of his back. Careful to avoid rough skin. Hoping that with your touch, you can convey a message of understanding. 
I love you Touya and I know you love me.
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On a week that you’re finally off from work, you choose to spend it with Touya. He‘s barely out anyways. When you ask him why he’s never out doing villainy things. He answers with, “to spend time with you, princess.” A chortle at the end of his sentence when he sees you duck your head in embarrassment. 
“Wanna go dress shopping with me tomorrow?” You ask, taking a handful of potato chips in your palm, focus still on your tv show -which Touya believes is the most boring thing he’s ever come across.
He turns to glance at you, eyebrows knitted as he contemplates. 
He knows he shouldn’t, situations where his identity might be discovered, wouldn’t be good for the both of you. 
And if Tomura were to find out…. the possibilities were too endless and Touya would keel over before he put your life in jeopardy.  
But he still says yes- he’s never actually seen you wear a dress, he tells you. A subtle smile adorning his lips when he sees yours. He doesn’t ask why you want to buy a dress all of a sudden but he doesn’t mind.
The next day, you dress him up in a big burly coat that you had found at a thrift store years ago. Touya scrunches up his nose in disdain as you pull it up to cover his purple-hued scars, the fabric smelling oddly like sulfur. If it weren’t for the way you seemed so focused on hiding his identity he would’ve discarded the clothing a long time ago. He thinks the last straw is when you plop a pair of dark sunglasses on his nose.
“Don’t look at me like that!” you fuss. “I tried my best.” 
“Was your best option really a combination of coat and sunglasses?” He exasperates, voice coming out muffled.
“What... I can’t hear you?” You cup the back of your ear, feigning curiosity.  
He rolls his eyes at your comment. “Whatever, let’s go.”
You grab your silver coat from your rack and walk outside, both of you making it to your beat-down  Honda. As Touya shuffles in the passenger seat you can’t help but giggle at his uncomfortable posture, they turn louder when he turns to glare at you but fails miserably, his intimidating face shrouded by the coat and glasses. 
When you enter the boutique a small ding of a bell hits your ear. You smile in victory once you realize the vacancy. A short lady with gray hair waddles towards you and Touya. “Well, hello there!” She exclaims her soft voice matching with the appearance of her shop. Sweet and adorable. “What are you two looking for today.” She walks closer to you two, her motherly aura shrouding you in contentment. 
“Well… I’m not entirely too sure,” you say, clasping your hands behind your back. “But something blue and flowy.” You hum.
“Blue and flowy, you say?” She turns. “Follow me.”
You turn to glance at Touya, whose attention is already on you. You grab his hand and follow behind. She leads you to a wide room, the smell of laundry detergent filtering through the air. Your eyes widen once you see the rows of dresses adorned in plastic.
“These are all my babies.” She waves and turns to you with an expectant look, eyes crinkling as she gives you a warm smile.
“They’re real pretty, aren't they?” You nod. “Well, the dressing rooms are back there.” She points to the far right. “If you need anything just come to me, I’ll be at the front desk.” 
You walk towards the small corridor of dressing rooms and pick the first one you see. Pushing Touya into the stall, you place your hands on your hip after clicking the door shut. He takes his sunglasses off and shoots you a quizzical look.
“Show me your flames,” you breathe out, palms growing clammy as nervousness starts to set in. 
You wring your hands as you watch his adam's apple bob, his stare turning hard. “No.” 
You cross your arms and plead. “Please Touya, I wanna find a dress that matches your flames. They’re probably really pretty… don’t know why you won’t show me.” Your voice trails off.
He had an idea that this would happen sooner or later. There were times where you did see his flames but those were accidents. He always made sure to quickly extinguish them when he caught your peering eyes. 
His chest floods with guilt once he sees your disappointed expression. He didn’t think his flames were pretty. He’d melted too many flays of flesh to count. The last thing he wanted to do was show you the bright-tinged spirit responsible for his grave sins.
But one dilemma Touya has is that he can’t ever seem to jump over the weak spot he has for you. So, he gives a meek - fine.
He watches your features light up with glee, only hoping that you wouldn’t regret asking him for this. “Can I take the coat off, first?” You hum, scrambling to do it for him. Revealing his plain white tee and his dark black jeans. 
“Step back for me,” he whispers, gnawing at the bottom of his scarred lip. He opens the palm of his hand- to first, show a tiny blue flame that sways languidly. Progressively, he increases the flame until it engulfs his hand and upper wrist. When he looks up from his palm to your face, he’s surprised to see that your eyes aren't menacingly calculating or searching for release from fear. Instead, you look on in astonishment. 
He sees the reflection of his flames in your eyes and from that circled mirror, a tiny nibble of his conscience starts to ebb with pride of his quirk. 
After gushing about how pretty his flames look, you commit the color to memory. Dashing out of the stall to search for a dress, humming a tune when you envision his reaction to seeing you in such a nice, quaint dress on such a special day. 
He perks up once you unlock the door, expecting you to change and show him what you’ve found. But instead, he’s met with your smiling face and what seems to be a dress -shrouded in a velvet coverup. “Don’t look so disappointed.” You wag your finger in front of his face. “You’ll see it soon.”
When December rolls by with chilly air as company, you start to see Touya less and less. He never does tell you what exactly it is he does while out doing villain work. Though, he did tell you that his absences would occur more and more since he and his league were working hard to take down a villain organization. 
Your eyebrows had furrowed at that. “I thought villains were supposed to band together,” you asked, head resting on his thigh as you stared up at his face. “Not ones with different philosophies,” he had said, hand suspiciously inching closer and closer to your chest. You hummed, still confused. 
It might sound naive, but you couldn’t find it in you to care. Hero society didn’t interest you. You couldn’t say villains did either but Touya was one. One of the bigshots. 
Once, when you’d seen him on the little tv in the corner of your break room, it took a lot in you to not crack a smile. Though the idea of bringing chaos into the world with wide arms made your nerves rack with trepidation, you had Touya, and that seemed like enough. 
Fortunately, Touya not being home was a benefit to your plan. You’d already scheduled your days off for work and booked the reservations for the fancy restaurant that was at least an hour’s drive from your apartment building. It was hard work, but for Touya’s birthday, it was all worth it.
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Shigaraki Tomura does not like to be lied to. 
If he had written commandments for the people he came across, that would be his first line, golden engraved. It’s an unexplainable feeling he gets. If he could, he’d describe it as an itchy, hot coil that warps across his skin. It’s not painful, it’s simply annoying. And he feels it nearly every day. The scars that mar his neck being a result of it. 
Why does the world have to be riddled with so many liars? 
Dabi’s a liar, he knows that much. Hawks, that red-winged hero may be one too, but he’d deal with that when things finally came into play. 
Now, he focuses on the man Dabi truly is. Villains lie. Shigaraki knows this, he’s a villain too. But- he tells the truth when it comes to his goals. 
He tells the truth with what he wants. 
What he wants LOV to bring. 
What he wants society to flood with.
So why couldn’t Touya Todoroki do the same?
Shigaraki Tomura’s smart and Dabi is a fool to not see this. Who came up with the plans? The missions? The very concept of LOV? Sure, AFO had shaped him into who he was today but he was the same man locked in Tartarus, not Tomura.
When Tomura finds the roots of Dabi’s lies through Kurogiri’s peering eyes. It takes an hour of pleading for the ghastly man to convince Tomura not to find Dabi and disintegrate him into a fine pile of dust. 
“Why should I!” Tomura shouts, his ruby eyes glaring into Kurogiri’s yellow ones. “He lied to me.” Shigaraki spits out the word so hastily and it’s as if saying the word itself was a sin of its own. Kurogiri nods, silently transmitting his words of understanding, not wanting to raise his temper even higher. 
“But Dabi’s an important member of the League, Tomura.” Kurogiri coaxes. “In a week or so, we’ll be off to fight with M.L.A. If anything give him a warning, a threat. Just don’t kill the boy.” Shigaraki takes a second to glare at Kurogiri but eventually, his shoulders sag with defeat. 
Even though Dabi had committed the gravest sin, he’d show mercy. 
Begrudgingly, he grabs the cup of orange juice from Kurogiri’s hand, his thoughts flying at a fast pace, anger refusing to subside. All until his thinking cogs get stuck on one idea, one thought. 
The thought crawls out from his mind and paints his expression with one of sickening glee. His smile so wide, that rivulets of blood dribble down from his cracked lips. His tongue darts out to lap up the tangy liquid as he gets high on this idea, on this revelation. 
Shigaraki Tomura needs Dabi but Shigaraki Tomura does not need you.
Tomura knows everything about you, your background, your parents, the countless homes you had to reside in, where you live as of now- where you and Dabi live as of now. Where you work and what exactly you’re planning to do on the 15th day of December. It’s terrifyingly easy to uncover reservation logs.
You’re a pretty woman, Tomura could admit that. But you were a stain in his perfect, webbed canvas of the future. Those countless months where he had expected Dabi to be his righteous subordinate and listen to his demands were spent with you. Cooped up at your run-down apartment doing god knows what. 
Tomura’s teeth grit as he digs into the flesh of his neck, specks of blood underneath his fingernails while he fervently scratches the already scabbed skin. Kurogiri glances over at him, seemingly reading his mind. 
“I’m leaving.” Shigaraki swipes up from his dusty seat. Oh, how he missed the elegance of his LOV’s old hideout. 
“Don’t forget AFO’s orders concerning Gigantomachia.” 
Tomura blinks once, twice. “That thing has way too much HP.” He breathes out. 
“For now, I need to do something else.” He whispers, bringing his embalmed hand to rest on his face.
››››››››››››››››››››› ~★~ ›››››››››››››››››››››
Whenever Touya thought of coincidences he thought of the word luck. It was a coincidence that Touya had been at the same bar as you, a coincidence that because of your lack of care for hero society that you’d glossed over the fact that he was a villain. But as Touya stood in your empty apartment, bloody and bruised from his prior fight, his connotation of coincidences slowly turned sour. A bitter taste sat on his tastebuds as he read over your note. 
Happy Birthday Touya, my love.
meet me at the Burqoues Restaurant! 
Take an uber…. I don’t have any money for one 
(using it on the restaurant money) 
so I’ll just take my car.
p.s. you’ll get to see my dress. 
It was a coincidence that the day he told you was his birthday was the very day the League of Villians had merged with the Meta Liberation Army. Touya didn’t know what this grappling hook of fear was, but as he saw that your Honda was still idly parked in that weird angle you always had a habit of doing -it came to take its hold around his neck. 
Maybe you’d actually found a couple of bucks and took an uber instead. Right? 
You were probably in the restaurant, ordering that expensive champagne you really wanted to try. Ready to show that pretty, wide smile you always gave Touya when you saw him. 
Touya couldn’t think- couldn’t breathe as he sped down the street. His grip on the wheel was so tight that his staples were close to popping. The loud ringing in his ears drowned out the persistent honking of cars that he nearly collided with. 
What should’ve taken an hour took a measly twenty minutes. Without a second thought, Touya was already out of the car. 
Upon entering, he received perturbed glances. He didn’t blame them, his clothes were bloodied, several staples unhinged from the skin. 
“S-sir?” a tiny voice squeaked. He glanced at the receptionist desk, the bright chandeliers illuminating her meek stare that looked borderline terrified. He probably looked like a villain. 
“D-do you have a reservation.” 
“Yes.” He answered gruffly, head craning to see if he could catch sight of you.
“Your name please.” 
“Touya.” He gritted, eyes focusing back on the receptionist who didn’t seem to believe him. She ducked her head to check, eyes scanning frantically. 
“Oh, yes!” She smiled, it was too wide to be real but, frankly, Touya didn’t care. All he needed to know was that you were here. 
“Table 15.” She pointed. “You won’t miss it.”
Touya didn’t bother to reply, legs already scrambling towards what he hoped would be you. Ignoring the stares that followed behind him.
Table 12
Table 13
Table 14
Table 15-
Touya's heart nearly stops, vision tinging with black as his knees nearly crumble beneath him. 
You weren’t there. 
››››››››››››››››››››› ~★~ ›››››››››››››››››››››
When Touya returned to the now, Paranormal Liberation Army hideout, Shigaraki had given him a smile so sweet that it had caused Touya's blood to run cold.
However, Touya did not pry, choosing to ignore the guilty glances the rest of the league sent his way. And he hated himself for it, hated the coward he'd grown to be in such a short period of time.
Later on that night, he returned to your desolate apartment, choosing to take a cigarette from your half- empty pack. 
Yes, Touya despised cigarettes but at that moment they'd never tasted so sweet. His lungs didn't itch, he didn't feel abyssal. He just felt— soothed. As he took several drags, Touya silently pleaded for the nicotine to somehow make every fiber of his being believe that you had decided to finally leave.
That you had finally realized that a villain like him was no good and would only put your life at risk.
However, his façade had cracked when he'd found multiple files on your desolate laptop, drafts of your story in the making. The first page dedicated to your love for giving you the motivation to publish your first ever book.
And at that moment, for the first time in his godforsaken life, Touya wished he could cry. To show you, somehow that he was grateful for everything you had given him. That he was thankful and sorry for letting his mirror that reflected thousands of moments with you -your arms cradling him, him cradling you- shatter into fractured pieces.
As Touya Todoroki sat on a velvet sofa, arms wide and camera ready, a piece of his brain fabricated the image of you next to him --adorned in a sapphire blue dress, showing him that pretty, pretty smile that he’d grown to love, he told you —and told the world the story he never had the chance to.
To simply, atone.
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nerdypanda3126 · 4 years
City of Love – Ch. 2
Here’s the second chapter of my work for the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers secret admirer exchange! (Hey, @crescent-woods if I haven’t said it before, I uh... went a little overboard cause your prompt was so amazing!) 
Read on Ao3 
First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Luka was lying down on his bed with his notebook splayed across his thighs as he blared white noise in his headphones and stared at his bedroom ceiling. There was a cobweb in the corner blowing softly in the breeze from their open windows and instead of focusing on writing music he found himself thinking that he’d never even seen the spider that made that web. A shiver ran through him. Blech. Spiders. Missing spiders, especially. 
He was supposed to be working on an original song for his composition class. The professor had given them the assignment over the summer, “to get an idea of where you’re at,” the assignment had read, and for weeks Luka had stared at the blank sheet music and… absolutely nothing came to him. 
Creating wasn’t really the problem; he’d always been creative. He’d always been fond of letting things come to him while his guitar was in his hands, but he’d never tried to write it down. He’d never cared if it was good or not. He’d never tried to create for a grade. He groaned and ripped his earbuds out to toss everything aside and sat up. 
And found Sass leaning into the doorway with his eyebrows raised incredulously. 
“What?” Luka snapped. 
He wasn’t even sure he could call Sass his roommate. He’d barely even seen him for the week he’d been there. Although what he could’ve been doing was beyond Luka. He didn’t know the city, he hadn’t started classes yet, there was nowhere for him to go and nothing for him to do except see his girlfriend. And as far as Luka knew, they hadn’t managed to meet up yet. 
“Rough day?” Sass smirked and walked over to sit down on his flimsy foldaway bed across from Luka. 
Luka wiped a hand over his face and cursed in French under his breath. “What do you want?” 
“Want? Why do I have to want anything? Can’t I ask you how your day is going?” 
“You’ve hardly spoken to me since I picked you up at the airport.” Luka rolled his eyes and flopped back on his bed. “So I doubt you actually care.” 
Sass hummed, in agreement or in thought Luka couldn’t tell. “You need to get out of here.” 
Luka turned his head to look at Sass and quirked an eyebrow. 
“I’m serious, staring at four blank walls, that’s your problem right there. You need to get out, get some air, meet some people.” 
“You’re worse than Juleka,” Luka muttered darkly. “You don’t even know what my problem is.” 
“I know boiling in self-loathing won’t get you anywhere. Lucky for you I have the solution. A night out with me and two amazing women.” He made a wide “voilà” motion with his arms, like he had just finished a stunning magic trick. 
Luka scowled at him, his suspicion growing. “What do you need me for? Two amazing women, just keep them for yourself.” 
“Well, one is for me, but the other…” he raised his eyebrows suggestively. When Luka kept scowling, Sass sighed in defeat. “Okay, fine. Tikki is refusing to meet me unless her host is with her. And she’s insisting I invite you, too.” 
Luka’s scowl split into a smirk. “Oh, so you need a favor, that’s what this is about.” 
“Yes, I need a favor.” When Sass was annoyed, his sibilants drew out into hisses, which amused Luka to no end. Sass rolled his eyes. “So will you come?” 
“What happened to ‘I don’t need you, I don’t need your country, I’m too cool for this shit’?” Luka said, mimicking Sass’s subtle lyrical accent. 
“You don’t have to be an ass about it. Will you come or not?” 
“I absolutely do have to be an ass about it.” Luka grinned and sat up, savoring the way Sass’s scales were getting all ruffled. He could practically see the irritation roiling off his shoulders. “What if I don’t go? What happens then?” 
“Then I tell your sister you’re being an awful host.” Sass’s dark eyes flashed as he bared his teeth in a wicked grin. “And she might decide to come along and make sure you make it up to me.”
Luka’s scowl returned. Sass had him pinned, and he knew it. “Fine. Whatever. I’ll go. But I’m picking the place. If I’m being forced out of the house, I’m at least going somewhere I’ll have fun.”
Sass shrugged and smiled down at his phone as he shot off a text, before he stood and stretched. “It’s settled, then. Let’s go.” 
“What, now?” 
“Yeah, now, what other time would we go?” Sass undid his ponytail and kept the band in his mouth as he redid it, recapturing the strands that had fallen out to frame his face. Now that Luka was looking at him, he was wearing a form-fitting olive green henley that set off his dark features well, along with dark wash jeans and black converse. Not exactly dressed to go out, but definitely dressed for an admiring female gaze. 
He looked down at himself, at the ratty blue hoodie with chewed on strings, pit-stained white band shirt, and knee-less black skinny jeans he was wearing. For the hole in the wall he had in mind, it wouldn’t be out of place, but for meeting “two amazing women,” maybe not the best option. He ran a hand over the dark stubble on his cheek and through his hair he hadn’t even run a brush through today. 
Sass rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ll meet you out by your bike. 20 minutes, yeah?” He stood and offered his phone to Luka. “Wanna plug in the address?” 
Luka took the phone from him, noting the contact picture of a young woman with a black and red pixie haircut blowing a kiss. Must be Tikki. He shrugged and typed in the name of the club he frequented and the address before he spun it on his palm to hand it back to Sass. 
Sass left without another word and Luka pulled himself up to see if he could figure out what to wear. Not that it mattered; the club would be loud enough that he wouldn’t have to talk to whoever came along anyways. Which made it absolutely perfect. 
“He said yes!” Tikki cried as she burst into Marinette’s room and flopped down next to her on the bed, triumphantly shoving her phone into Marinette’s hands. 
“Your boyfriend? Of course he did.” Marinette was smiling as Tikki started chattering away, but her smile disappeared as she scrolled through the text chain. The text chain about meeting up tonight, but only if Marinette came along. Tikki’s insistence that it should be a group outing, that her boyfriend’s host should come along, too, so Marinette wasn’t left alone. 
She gaped at Tikki. “You set me up with someone?” 
“No, no, no,” Tikki rushed to reassure her, taking her phone back and clutching it to her chest, “not a set up! Just… someone to talk to in case I kinda disappear.” 
“Isn’t the point of me coming so that you don’t disappear?” Marinette lifted an eyebrow. 
Tikki’s phone pinged with an incoming message and Tikki’s face scrunched in concentration as she checked it. “He sent me an address and said 20 minutes. Do you know this place?” 
She showed her screen again and Marinette couldn’t help but groan. Not only at the concept of getting ready to go out in 20 minutes, but also at the club name. 
“I’ve been there before. Once. On a date.” 
A date that went horribly wrong. He hadn't said anything about being a famous model, or that the press might be following him, or that he had a fiancée that might see him dancing with her in the papers the next day and might decide to stalk Marinette for the next few months. And when the paparazzi had swarmed the tiny club, he’d gotten startled and spilled her entire bright pink cocktail down the front of her white dress. One of her favorites, too. She frowned at the memory of the fiasco. She hadn’t been back since, and she'd sworn off dating to boot. 
“We don’t have to go, if you don’t want to.” Tikki’s enthusiastic glow visibly dimmed. 
She’d told Marinette a little about the guy she’d been seeing. They’d been long-distance for so long and Paris was halfway for both of them, so they figured they’d meet up, see how it went. Of course that wasn’t the only reason she was there, Tikki had assured Marinette, she’d always wanted to go to Paris. But meeting her boyfriend was definitely part of the plan and Marinette did worry about Tikki being safe. She said she knew him, that they’d been talking forever and she knew what he looked like and he would never hurt her. But it also never hurt to have a backup plan in situations like this. 
Marinette sighed. “Of course we’re going.” She glanced over Tikki’s loose staying-home outfit for the day and smirked. “But not in that. Hang on.” 
Marinette hopped up and ran over to her closet. “I was saving this for a rainy day.” She flicked through her hangers to find it. The perfect little black dress. A deep v-neck that plunged to where the fabric nipped in at the waist, a flirty skirt that floated away and landed gently just above the knee. Tikki would kill in it with her adorable pixie frame. Marinette showed it to her and delighted in the way her eyes lit up. 
“But what about you?” Tikki asked. 
Marinette shrugged. “It’s not really about me, is it?” She grinned and tossed the dress at Tikki before turning back to select a light pink tank top, a gray leather jacket and a pair of distressed skinny jeans. She shrugged as she laid them out on the bed and Tikki frowned. 
“What if you like this guy?” 
Marinette rolled her eyes and bent down to grab a pair of strappy black heels. She raised her eyebrows at Tikki as she added them to the pile. “Et voilà.” 
This time, Tikki grinned and ran off to her room, clutching the dress to her chest. Marinette shook her head. As long as it was a one-time thing, she didn’t mind coming along for the night. Whoever this mysterious guy was, one thing was for sure. He was in the same boat she was. So she’d make nice, for Tikki’s sake, and hope for the best. If she hated him, she’d never have to see him again. If she liked him… 
Well, that was maybe assuming too much.
Et voilà: And there it is
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Not fic: Cursed Twilight addition
So I’m about to have my BNHA rights revoked but I just finished Midnight Sun (at the time when I started writing this) and started thinking about the characters and that Rosalie and Bakugo are weirdly similar so now here I am outlining a Twilight Au that no one asked for (except me but I’m garbage) that I will never write because I can’t focus long enough to write an actual story (fun fact this outline is taking months to complete). To be honest though this is more of a background on all the characters as opposed to an outline of the Twilight story (oops) which may or may not come later. Author’s notes are in parenthesis if you haven’t figured that out.
Basically I’m replacing Twilight characters with BNHA characters, not everyone will have the same back story, it’ll be blended(future me: um so that was a lie). Everyone’s quirks are still mostly the same but as their vampire gift with some variation to fit the word. It still takes place in the Pacific north-west because I’m not super sure if there’s a place as cloudy as there in Japan besides the mountains like Mt.Fuji (but that’s more misty I think) but there’s too many people around places like that I feel. But then again I’m not actually writing this whole fic so you’re welcome to imagine them still in Japan. If I did write this as a fic I would actually do proper research to decide where to put them but meh, this is a not-fic. As it is I’m calling the town it would take place in Forks/Crossroads cause that would be a cool alternative name. The backgrounds take place all over the word but I never actually say where. My bad.
Also if you do read this I love you very much and I am so sorry, this is ramble-y and has way too many run-on sentences and is written as if I were speaking to you as opposed to an actual written story. It’s also taken so long to complete things I wasn’t sure about in the beginning become solidified later but it’s also written out of order so probably reads really bad. Again my apologies.
So the characters are as follows:
The Olympic Coven/Cullens - The Might Coven/Aizawa-Yagis
Carlisle Cullen- Toshinori Yagi
So obviously I made Toshi Carlisle because suave blond everyone loves is both of their MO. Toshi is probably around 500 years old and like Carlisle was turned while hunting vampires. I still want him to have two forms but I’m not entirely sure how to do that within the confines of the Twilight universe. Maybe he was injured in a battle where he literally lost parts of himself and can’t fully heal so he’s become weak but still can’t die? He’s a doctor but might be semi-retired because of his injury, the cover story is an undisclosed chronic illness. He’s also a part time stay at home dad. He definitely used his vampirism to help and protect humans in the past.
Probably had a coven when he was younger with Nana and Torino but Nana was killed and Torino sent Toshi away for his own safety. He may or may not have started out as vegetarian, I can see Nana as veg or only eats bad people, Torino is an eats bad guys type but will eat anyone when pressed. Toshi either started out as a vegetarian before meeting Nana or if she found him immediately and took him in he would go animal based pretty quickly, She always respected his lifestyle. Grand Torino respects it to an extent but now that Toshi is hurt wants him to drink from humans because he thinks it’ll help Toshinori heal or at least be better for his body. He was in his 40s when turned.
Esme Cullen- Shouta Aizawa
It should surprise literally no one that I’m making this Erasermight because I am soft for my boys and anything is an excuse to ship them. Shouta is honestly the person who has taken the longest to work out along with Shinsou. Like so, so, long. These two are also related, they’re cousins or uncle/nephew or something. They’re also the most different from their counterparts, probably because it’s taken so long for me to work their stories out I’ve just completely changed them from original Twilight.
So the time period is really vague with him, it’s either the late 1800s or WWI. Hitoshi was an orphan around the age of 12 and Shouta his guardian is 30-31. Either way there was a war (and I looked at the wars in the second half of the 1800s, it’s just so many wars. What is wrong with this world?) and it could have easily been the civil war (and if so they were Unionist, obviously.) But wherever he and Hitoshi lived there was a war happening and he was probably not in the army at the time, just protecting his home and neighbors. At the same time Toshinori and Izuku were in the area trying to help civilians because wars suck and they’re basically un-killable so they can help and with the chaos of everything if someone started to suspect something of them they could fake their deaths and leave. And they probably did. But while traveling through they stop in a town/village and meet Shouta and Hitoshi.
Shouta is his gruff no nonsense self and Hitoshi is a little in awe of Yagi because this is still pre-injury so he’s this huge imposing man who’s gentle and knowledgeable about medicine. Eventually even Shouta comes around to liking Yagi, who has the nickname All Might because of his strength, even though he thinks his over the top enthusiasm in front of others is exhausting. In private Toshi ends up letting his guard and persona down with Aizawa because he realizes he doesn’t have to keep it up, he doesn’t need to make Aizawa like and trust him the way he does with the others, it’s just natural the way they click. Toshi probably fell in love first, vampires fall in love fast and long and all encompassing in a way that if they were human would be rather unhealthy (and probably is anyway because this is fiction but I don’t really care because this is fiction and I relate to unhealthy love way too much). Shouta was more reserved because he is a cautious man by nature and probably loves in a similar but more healthy way to vampires, long and devoted, but he must be careful to whom he gives his heart. I still don’t think he meant to fall for Toshinori, loving a man in the time that they lived was dangerous and inadvisable if one could avoid it. But Toshinori Yagi is the kind of man one cannot help but loving.
They didn’t tell each other how they felt though. A few months after Izuku and Toshinori’s arrival there was an attack on the town, Hitoshi they found safe but Toshinori caught wind of Shouta’s scent and followed, finding him mortally wounded. Desperate to keep him Toshi turned him and split off from Izuku and Hitoshi while Shouta adjusted to vampire life. They quickly became lovers, though Shouta had a brief stint as a human blood drinker as revenge for the destruction of his village. But it started to test their relationship and in the end Toshi and his own morals were more important to him than human blood. The four of them reunite a year later and they try to keep their relationship a secret but both of the boys figure it out pretty quickly. Izuku accepts it immediately because his dad is finally with someone and is happy while it takes Hitoshi a bit of time because period typical homophobia and it’s going to take a while for Yagi to earn his trust back after turning Aizawa in front of him.
Aizawa has an erasure power same as in canon. Since he doesn’t need to blink he’s a bit op but opponents who are faster than his eyes can track and multiple opponents are his weaknesses. He’s a history teacher at Forks/Crossroads high but purposefully does not have his own kids as students. He’s a mystery to most of his colleagues who probably haven’t even figured out he’s got five kids in the school.
Rosalie Hale- Katsuki Bakugo
Bakugo has a pretty similar start to Rosalie but because what happened to her is so awful and  I have problems doing that even to fictional characters that part is different. He’s still a rich kid from the early 20th century, probably turned in the 1920s, but he and his explosive temperament pissed off the wrong people who jumped him in an alley and beat him almost to death, like actually thought he was dead so they left him there (I know this isn’t that much better than what happened to Rose but man she had a horrific end to her human life). He was around 17-18 when he was turned.
While human he had met Dr. Yagi, who was probably treating one of his parents for a chronic ailment, along with his son Izuku and his ‘companion’ Aizawa and Aizawa’s ward Hitoshi. All of the others gave him the creeps but Izuku was a relatively normal boy, a bit younger than himself and accompanied his father when visiting the Bakugos. Their relationship is pretty much the same as canon where Izuku likes Bakugo a lot and Bakugo is nothing but awful to him. They end up with a sort of ‘I hate you but you’re my best friend’ relationship except neither actually hates the other. When Yagi finds Bakugo half dead in an alley he turns him because he was weirdly fond of the angry young man and more so because he thought that the relationship between the two boys was growing into something more, he and Izuku hadn’t talked about it, as he was waiting for his son to come to him, and he didn’t have time to ask. He realizes later that no, Katsuki and Izuku are not star crossed lovers like he and Shouta but he can’t say he regrets turning Bakugo other than Bakugo’s own hatred of being a vampire. He loves his angry son okay.
Bakugo had a life goal which was probably taking over the family business though based off canon that would be fashion and I can’t see him interested in that. Whatever it was he was pursuing it with the same single mindedness that he possesses for heroism and since he can no longer achieve his goals as a vampire he resents it along with the fact that the decision to become a vampire or die a human was taken away from him. He does have a good relationship with Toshinori and Shouta even though he still acts like a brat. His cover story is that he’s Toshinori’s cousin’s son and is an orphan who they took in. He kept his family’s name.
Like a number of vampires Bakugo has a talent or gift. His is his incredibly powerful and dangerous explosion ability. He can cause explosions from his palms. So far the League has not discovered him but everyone worries that one day they will and the Might Coven will be hunted and slaughtered for Bakugo’s power.
Emmett Cullen- Eijirou Kirishima
Sometime around the 1930s  Bakugo was hunting and found a bleeding almost dead Kirishima. It was either an animal attack like canon or an accident where he fell off a cliff (that feels like something he would do). I don’t think he decided to turn Kirishima, he just smelled blood and lost control. He’s still ashamed about how he reacted to this day as he’s typically better than that around humans. Luckily the others were hunting with him and were able to pull Bakugo off. He’s never held what Bakugo did against him and his enthusiasm and friendship actually endeared him to Katsuki despite his guilt. Eijirou was turned at 19 and has never had issues with being a vampire, it sucks that he had to leave his human family behind but he loves his vampire one just as much and he got the love of his life out of it. It took awhile but Katsuki and Eijirou eventually admit their feelings and they start dating. They’ve been married a few times now because Bakugo is extra and Eijirou loves confessing his love.
With Kirishima’s gift it doesn’t work the same as in cannon where you can tell it’s activated. In fact they still might not know Kiri has a gift or if they do it’s only a suspicion. He’s just harder than the other marble like vampires. Where the others have almost certainly had mild injuries (mostly from Bakugo’s explosions) like cracks that heal immediately, Eijirou has never been injured as a vampire. At all. He’s also immensely strong, because he was as a human, and that has been enhanced but he’s nowhere near as strong as Toshi was pre-injury. His cover story is he’s a foster kid they took in and he keeps the last name Kirishima.
Alice Cullen- Denki Kaminari
Like Alice Denki spent the end of his human life in an insane asylum (I refer to it as such because these were not hospitals and more like institutions of torture). I honestly can’t figure out if mental health care was so bad in the early/mid 20th century that a 15-16 year old boy with ADHD being sent to one is unrealistic or not. I’m pretty sure it was similar to Alice where he saw something he shouldn’t and was put in it to silence him.( I should probably figure out what that was sometime) Either way that’s where he ended up and of course he had to deal with electroshock ‘therapy’ which both severely messed with his memory and sorta brought out a natural resistance and even control over electricity, so he had to receive stronger and stronger sessions. This manifested in Denki’s electric power when he was turned into a vampire.
While hunting in the woods surrounding the institution, Hitoshi spotted Denki in the window and was instantly taken by the boy with eyes as golden as his inhuman family’s. He would make trips by the asylum just to get a glimpse and eventually took a night job there to meet him against his family’s advice. When they met Denki recognized him despite how careful, and honestly far away, Hitsohi had been and instead of being creeped out he was happy just to make a new friend. They would talk as long as they could and Hitoshi would bring Denki little bits of the outside world like flowers or decent snacks. And he would take care of Kaminari when his ‘therapies’ would leave him incapacitated and the nursing staff would neglect him.
Even after his family moved away to a location where the weather suited them better Hitoshi stayed working at the asylum not willing to leave Denki to his fate there (And to note this is around the time the others realized how serious Hitoshi’s feelings are and start planning how to help Kaminari or bring him into the family. Before this they were starting to suspect but kinda thought he was being weird about a guy he saw in a window. To be fair though he was being weird about a guy he saw in a window.) One night after an ice bath ‘treatment’ Denki developed a fever and over the course of a few days had full blown pneumonia. In his delirium he confessed his feelings to Shinsou who reciprocated and decided he would steal Denki away when he knew the trip back to his family wouldn’t kill the sick boy. Of course being a poorly run and over populated institution his condition was overlooked and ignored especially since a ‘specialist’ was coming to perform procedures on several patients, aka some guy with no degree was going to lobotomize as many people as he could fit into one day. Shinsou didn't find out until he came in that night and found out Kaminari was already in the procedure room. He flipped out and killed most of the staff there and took a severely injured Denki home to Toshinori in the hopes of saving him.
The change seemed to take longer than it had for the others but does end up working, though when he finally comes to Denki is much more quiet and subdued and remembers almost nothing about his past. All he knows is his name, Hitoshi’s name, and that he loves him. He also has weird headaches periodically for decades later and slowly becomes more like himself before the lobotomy. He never fully recovers his memories, a bit here and a piece there, all moments shared with Hitoshi. He decides he doesn’t need the rest, everything he needs is here and in his future with his family.
His cover story is typically as a foster kid so he keeps his last name Kaminari. Sometimes he decides to change things up and goes as a Yagi or even Bakugo’s brother when Katsuki is feeling generous.
Jasper Hale- Hitoshi Shinsou
Hitoshi’s early years were spent in his small town or village (I think the difference is size but I’m american and I don’t think we have villages no matter how small a place is so...) Everything was uneventful up until the war, I don’t know which war, civil war in US or WWI in Europe, but around the age of 12 his village was destroyed, his guardian was turned into a vampire and he had to go live with Izuku while Aizawa learned to manage his bloodlust. During that time he and Izuku grew really close and even now they have the most brotherly relationship out of all the siblings.
So after a year the four reunite with a vampire Shouta and an overly protective Izuku and a very weary Hitoshi. Everything goes on as it did for Toshinori and Izuku before they split but now with their two new additions. Yagi gives Hitoshi the best education he can without sending him to boarding school although they had discussed it. They were in a precarious position with a human boy knowing their vampire secret and they couldn’t run the risk of news getting back to the League, the governing body of vampires run by a mysterious head known only as All for One.
Years pass but unfortunately news of the Might Coven’s human pet gets back to the League and due to past history involving Nana and Toshi, AfO comes himself to deal with the situation and brings his two most powerful underlings, his adopted son and second in command Tomura Shigaraki and . A fight between Yagi and All for One happens and AfO rips out a piece of Toshi’s side and Toshi ends up crushing AfO’s head, killing him (maybe but probably not). Tomura, who had been fighting against Shouta and Toga who battled Izuku, realize they can’t win.
Now the vampire known as All Might is pretty popular amongst his kind but the Might Coven was at the time nowhere near strong enough or influential enough to fill the void that would be left by the dissolution of the League, which would happen if they killed all three of the vampires there. So they took a gamble and spared Shigaraki and Toga thinking their loyalty to AfO was limited, since most vampires don’t form bonds the way ‘vegetarians’ seem to, and that they would be happy with their promotion. They also agreed at Hitoshi’s insistence that he would be turned so they would no longer have a human knowing the secret about vampires. So Yagi turns Hitoshi and they let Toga and Shigaraki go and continue about their lives as much as they can with Toshinori’s injury.
Just like the rest of his family, Shinsou's quirk is the same as canon. If someone answers his question he can control their minds. It’s probably a little stronger than in canon too, at least against humans. Vampires have better resistance. His cover story is the most truthful, he’s Shouta’s orphan relative. He sometimes takes on Aizawa’s last name though in this school he decided to use his original.
Edward Cullen- Izuku Midoriya
The more I plot this out the more I’m taking Twilight, stripping it down to the bare outline, and making it into something totally different. Like the only similarities are Izuku and Shoto’s relationship follows Bella and Edwards, somewhat. Izuku is the tanned skinned, freckled, green eyed boy in a family of pale golden eyed outsiders. He seems completely human even to other vampires, til you get him in the sunlight where he literally shines.
I’m not sure when Izuku was born, maybe the 1700s, but he was still the first of the Might Coven besides Toshinori. Sometime after Nana’s death Toshi finds an ailing pregnant woman named Inko Midoriya who’s bizarre husband still hasn’t come home from his business trip to a foreign country. She’s convinced she is going to die before he returns and her pregnancy is so hard and so seemingly fast but her baby feels strong enough to survive so she begs Toshinori to please take care of her son till his father returns. Inko dies before she can give birth to her baby so Toshinori takes the baby out himself as a last ditch effort but there’s something not right, not with the baby or the amniotic sac that’s almost as hard as Toshinori himself. And when the sun shines through the window Toshinori’s arm glimmers and so does the new born baby. Dread at the thought that he’s holding an immortal child wells in him but he’s never heard of an immortal child being born and he’s especially never heard of a vampire with a heart beat. So against his better judgement he takes the child and runs, he can’t wait for Inko’s husband, and he can’t risk someone seeing the child and reporting back to the League. So he and Izuku, a name Inko had picked out before her death, stay on the run for years as the boy grew until he was at an appropriate age to be around at least vampire kind. Conveniently the half vampire boy doesn’t need blood to survive and seems to have very little if any bloodlust at all. Or so it seemed.
Now some differences I’m making will be Izuku’s aging. I know Rennesme ages fast and stops when she looks 21-25 but I’m thinking Izuku either ages very slowly or stopped when he looks closer to 15-18? Probably the first one. Also I think male half-vamps have red/gold eyes but Izuku has green because I said so.
His cover story is that he's Toshinori’s son from a previous relationship. They tried to call him a foster child in the past but they’re too close and Izuku uses Toshinori’s given name and dad interchangeably. He likes to use his mom’s last name as a way to honor her. Not every school but it is a pretty common thing for him to do and he’s using it in Forks/Crossroads this year. He doesn’t seem to have a gift but he’s a half vampire, his presence is a gift.
Bella Swan- Shoto Todoroki
Time for ‘technically main character number two but I preferred everyone else in Twilight over Edward and Bella so he and Izuku get put down lower on the list’. So Todoroki and Bella’s similarities are: new kid comes to live with other parent after the parent they lived with got married. I really don’t think there’s a lot else similar? But Bella doesn’t have that much back story to begin with.
So Shoto’s parents grew up in Forks/Crossroads but moved somewhere sunnier before he was born. He grew up in a city, maybe Phoenix (almost certainly Phoenix for the name alone). His parents had an unhappy marriage but I honestly don’t think it was full on abuse, I feel like Enji still neglected them but never physically or verbally hurt anyone. And since Shoto moves back in with Rei I don’t think she gave him his scar either, I think it was an accident where young Shoto pulled maybe a hot kettle onto himself? It probably was the catalyst for his parents divorce but ultimately that was happening either way. Both parents blamed the other for his accident but I think the courts realized it was just that, an accident, maybe some negligence (I don’t really know how custody courts work and what happens when a kid gets hurt and this isn’t a real fic so I’m not researching) but either way Enji gets Shoto (maybe all the kids but Rei gets visitation, comes down for the summer like Charlie? Kids go up there for vacation and holiday? Or split the kids 50/50? No idea this is still more backstory than Bella got) Enji is still a workaholic and Toya ends up running away/leaving probably shortly after the divorce anyway and Fuyumi and Natsuo eventually leave for college and are still closer to Rei even if they lived with their dad.
So when Enji gets remarried Shoto asks to move in with his mom since she’s all alone and Enji wouldn’t be and ‘wouldn’t it be nice to just be two newly weds with the house to themselves’. He makes a very convincing case and Enji is trying to let his youngest make his own choices so he agrees. Shoto moves north and it isn’t the worst, he likes both the heat and the cold unlike his parents, Rei hates the heat and Enji hates the cold. School is weird because people actually want to be his friend; there’s a group of stoic, pale, intimidating students he’s 90% sure are vampires; and there’s a  beautiful boy who hangs out with them who looks partially horrified and disgusted by him, or like he wants to eat him alive, literally.
Renee Dwyer- Enji Todoroki (Technically)
So I ended up making Enji considerably less awful.
After the divorce Enji figures out his sexuality and eventually starts dating a much younger model who goes by Hawks after he saves him from a burning building (Enji is a firefighter). Shoto offers to move in with Rei after Hawks and Enji get married, he has nothing against Hawks and they get along as well as can be expected but they are newly weds and Enji might be going into semi retirement to travel with Hawks for his career. And the thought of being around his dad so much, who can get a little overbearing when not working, is just not something Shoto wants to deal with. Though it is weird his dad is married to someone so much younger, Shoto knows several other people in his class in Phoenix whose dads did similar and they cheated on their wives and didn’t even have a sexuality crisis in their forties so he’s letting his dad slide on this. Shoto definitely has a better relationship with Enji in this than canon Shoto but they don’t have Enji’s shity eugenics baggage here either. Overall Enji in this is just a neglectful workaholic who’s learning to work on himself with the guidance of the love of his life and is letting Shoto make his own decisions like living with his mom and this is all growth.
Charlie Swan- Rei Todoroki (Technically)
So Rei after the divorce moves back home because she hates Phoenix and hot weather. Maybe she gets custody in the summer or has Fuyumi and Natsuo since Toya took off and they split the kids? (I still haven’t decided how the custody went with those two but they don’t live in Forks/Crossroads or Phoenix so it doesn’t matter.)
After returning home she either started working at or opened up a yarn shop, I see her enjoying needle craft and she’s definitely not a sheriff type. She’s just a quiet, keeps to herself woman with a few close friends; children mostly grown and just happy to spend more time with her youngest.
Phil Dwyer- Keigo Takami
He’s a model who gets saved by Enji when his apartment burns down. He offers to take Enji to dinner and keeps offering to reward him until at Moe’s insistence Enji agrees. They hit it off and the rest is history.
Things I would have said in the tags but there’s a limit so I put the actual important stuff there and ramblings here:
It took me three weeks to finish this (midnight sun) audiobook. I literally drive for a living and couldn’t finish it in less than the entirety of my library rental time. Jake Able deserves more money.
I have read twilight three times now and it never gets easier. Yes I do have terrible taste.
I hope someone reads this. It took like three months to finish this post. I still have so much in my head. I haven’t even started talking about the League. Please ask questions, I want to actually write this but my brain won’t let me write full fics so this is what we get.
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tcheschirewrites · 4 years
Happy New Year!
Part of me wanted to do a Year In Review post, like I’ve seen a few other creators do, but instead of talking about myself (which I do for the entire rest of the year anyway lmao), I’m gonna do a reclist instead, of the best fics I’ve read this year. A lot of it is BNHA, because that’s been my main fandom for 2020, but I did spend a decent amount of time in other spaces. If you see a **, that means there’s boning at some point – if the fic is in bold, then there’s a lot of boning. I @ed their Tumblr if I knew it off the top of my head, but I may have missed some.
Don't Yuck Her Yum by rumblefish ( @rumbllefish) (League of Villains Gen)
Complete – A quick disclaimer, pia is a mutual and a friend. That being said, this is such a cute little snapshot into the LOV with everyone’s favorite Found Family trope. Now, I’ll admit to being additionally biased because pia gave me that sweet sweet Dadpress food, but her Spinner is also on point. Short and sweet.
the Issue of the Jeanist Corpse (the Jorpse) by Princeliest (Hawks & Jeanist Gen)
Complete – Witty and hilarious, a deleted scene when Hawks went to visit Best Jeanist before War Arc. I love how antsy Hawks is, and how fussy Jeanist. Also, I’m a sucker for putting a j at the beginning of everything for Jeaninst.
Queer Eye: We're In Japan! And There Are Pro Heroes Everywhere!! by night_of_the_living_trashcan (Background Erasermic Family)
Complete – I love a good Queer Eye fic, and this one is so spot on. The Fab Five couldn’t get a better candidate than Aizawa (well, almost; see below). And I’m a sucker for Erasermic family.
 **Yesterday's Gods by Karzai (All Might/Reader)
WIP - Reader character is an ex-military doctor who comes to work at UA. If you’re a fan of very well-developed backstories, and reader characters that are their own people, then this is the fic for you. This fic gives me huge Newsroom vibes - we’ve got a past romance, and the tension after years apart. We get present day when they are older and more jaded, and we get the backstory of the reader character and All Might when they were young and spry.
**surrender (whenever you're ready) by OfMermaids ( @ofmermaidstories) (Bakugou/Reader)
WIP - Bakugou accidentally destroys a florist’s shop. Bar none the best Bakugou fic out there - his characterization is so on point. He is grouchy but so vulnerable, he’s coarse and soft and insecure and such a perfectionist. The relationship with the reader character develops very naturally, and the chapters are long. Bonus, we get some bangin’ Kiri as well.
 **if i could keep cool by andypantsx3 ( @andypantsx3) (Todoroki/Reader)
Complete – I’m in love with the premise of the fic: a hired cleaner gets kidnapped due to a misunderstanding of the romantic variety. Andie’s Todo is well written, and the pacing of the story is nice and tight. An easy read.
 **Subject: RAPTOR by Tainted_Wine ( @tainted-wine)(Hawks/Reader)
Complete – The villains have turned Hawks into a Nomu, and reader works collecting semen for the facility for breeding purposes. Bigtime monster-fucking, but it’s very poignant and well-done. Very long, but well worth the time.
 **My Hero by HeroAssociation(Aizawa/Reader)
WIP – Reader character is a milf whose son enters a contest to meet his favorite hero and wins. The author’s Aizawa is really good, and the scenes with the reader’s son are very realistic for maternal love. And, I cannot emphasize this enough, reader character is a milf. It’s incomplete, and hasn’t updated in a while, but the premise is so cute I can’t not include it.
 suffer the signs by advantagetexas(Aizawa/Reader)
Complete – Baby’s first hanahaki. Honestly a very cute little hanahaki – no angst or sads, just two idiots in love. A nice quick read.
 But they're soft... by coffee_dessert (Aizawa/Reader)   
Complete – Aizawa gets turned into a cat by a villain’s quirk, and the reader character takes care of him until it wears off. I’ve heard this premise is popular? But I haven’t seen too too many, and this one is very well executed. Aizawa’s characterization is solid, and the pacing is very good. A very sweet read.
**no grave to hold my body down by Hawnks (supermintfluff) ( @hawnks)(Shinsou/Reader)
Complete – Pro Hero Shinsou saves the reader character, and they keep running into each other. This one is a good character study on adult Shinsou, and Hawnks’ writing is always very clean and lovely. I recommend going through their entire selection.
Love Like You by Queen_Kai (Shinsou/Reader)
Complete – Color Soulmate AU with a villain reader. Very cute, and I adore Shinsou’s characterization in this one. I honestly wish there was more, but it stands on its own very well.
**Maid with Benefits by awolangel (Akatsuki/Reader)
WIP – Reader is hired to be a live-in maid to the Akatsuki, and also have lots of sex. This fic is hilarious, and so well characterized. The pacing is actually really good, as well as the development of all of the relationships. There are some characters that get more attention than others, but we do get a nice spread. Very fun escapism fic.
Moonshine by Victopteryx ( @ancharan) (HashiMada)
Complete – Prohibition Era Bootlegging AU. Author’s handle on both Madara and Hashirama is incredible (and they draw their own fanart, and it’s also incredible). A whole-ass meal.
Tobirama Kicks Some Sense Into Konoha by allseer15 (Tobirama&Naruto Gen) 
Complete – Tobirama gets sent back in time due to an accidental jutsu, and is horrified at the way Konoha is run, and promptly Rampages over it. Wonderful catharsis for anyone who wondered why it was okay for a rich-ass old man to just leave an infant a welfare check and a shitty apartment and dip out on his development even though he has the equivalent of a nuclear warhead in his upper intestine.
**Clouds by moriamithril (Star Wars Rogue One, Cassian Andor/Reader)
Complete – Reader character is a handler/assistant type figure to Cassian over a series of missions. We get a lot of emotions in this one – we get the tenderness of caring for someone who is ill, we get devotion, we get yearning, we get delicious jealousy. Well written and lovely.
Fresh Coat by scrapmetal (The Mandalorian, Boba & Din Gen)
Complete – Fantastic Boba and Din, the Mando culture representation we deserve. I’m love.
**A Far Greater Sin (Reader version) by Yavannie (The Mandalorian, Din Djarin/Reader)
Complete – Reader is a healer, and builds a relationship with Mando over the course of a couple decades. Great pacing, great RC development, and the author’s Mando is quite good. The premise/setting gives me wicked fantasy vibes, even though it’s obviously In Space, but that’s definitely a draw.
who's gonna save us now (when the ashes hit the ground) by chancellor_valdez (Ready or Not, Grace/Daniel)
Complete – My favorite of the “Grace and Daniel Survive Together” subgenere, this one is very raw with its emotions. There’s a lot of hurt, and there’s a lot of self-harming coping mechanisms. Recovery is ugly, and the author did a very good job showing us that. And their ending was lovely.
not your garden variety demon lord by rizahawkaye (Inuyasha, SanSessh)
Complete – Sango takes care of Rin sometimes, and gets confused when Sesshoumaru brings her gifts. The author’s Sessh is so good, and it’s a great exploration of a relationship we don’t see much of.
Mine Enemy by Ayrith (Inuyasha, InuSan)
Complete – I love this fic, okay. Fantastic character study in Sango and a lot of the rougher parts of her that canon shied away from, and the author’s Inuyasha characterization is fucking great. Just go read this, yes.
Frozen Plus One by Meowzy (Frozen, HansAnna)
WIP – Troll AU, ie the trolls cursed Hans and that’s why he is That Way. Look, this author has done such a good job with all of the characters. Their voices are very distinct, and it’s not a reach at all to see how it could have gone differently. And we get some sweet HansAnnaKris action, and it is just as we deserve. Honestly, this fic is so well written, it deserves the world.
Knives In by anomalation (Knives Out, Marta/Ransom)
Complete – My favorite of the Pen Pals subgenre, this one is a fantastic slow burn. Ransom is really forced to face himself, and Marta is such a babe. Meg makes a few appearances, and her confusion over her place in the world is really well done. A great enemies-to-lovers.
It's Not Anxiety, It's a Parasite by squadrickchestopher (Venom, Queer Eye)
Complete – Look, I’ve mentioned before, but I love a good Queer Eye fic. Eddie gets what he deserves, and the symbiote couldn’t be more happy. So funny and clever.
You Find Yourself in a Maze by FloaromaMeadow ( @zombiekaiba) (S0 Atem Gen)
Complete – Very short and very poignant, the style is modeled after text-based command games. It fits super well with the Season 0 aesthetic, and there’s so much punch in each command.   
Gaud's Grinch x Tony Fix-it Fic by gaudy_writes ( @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses)
WIP – Look, I know, all right. Just read it.
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mrneighbourlove · 6 years
Death and Emptiness, Hand in Hand: Part 2/2
Cloye felt a deep chill run down her back. It was happening again. Rising from her bed she grabbed a torch and a spear. She had to see for herself what the source of her towns strife was.
A haunting music slowly rose, giving a menacing feeling as the chilly night air was lite up by a crescent moon. The last few pervious nights, including for herself, the townsfolk had experienced nightmares. Those who woke early described a chilling tune creeping through their windows. Tonight, Cloye had stayed up to find the source of this terrible music.
A short walk later and it suddenly made sense. The graveyard. The tombs had been destroyed by the invading darkness from almost five full moons ago. People tried to fix the tombs after a month of helping the living first, only to discover undead in the tombs. Even after they dealt with them, more and more monsters rose up as they went deeper into the catacombs. A priest came and did an incantation to stop the undead, but that only gave birth to the music, and in turn, the nightmares. Perhaps coming here was not a good idea.
As Cloye turned to leave, an apparition appeared before her. It held a flaming lantern and sharp wand in the shape of a knife. Cackling, its eyes glowed a devilish orange. "You are trespassing on sacred ground! We curse all who dare enter. The living be damned for allowing this suffering!"
She turned to leave when she saw another spirit just like the first. It waved its wand, and a low dark tune that gave silence to all natural things played out. Her senses started to become overtaken with fear, the poor woman feeling the darkness start to consume her. Out of the earth Gibdo's clawed to the surface, wanting to taste the air, and, after a whiff of the surface, the flesh of the woman. Cloye gave out a loud scream, dropping her torch and spear. The two spirits cackled once more as they saw her take off into the distance.
Princess Leere felt happy that her room had finally been refurbished. It took a lot of digging, but she managed to find most of her belongings, many saved due to be kept locked up in a safe or two. With a happy sigh she folded her bed sheets and went off to get some fresh air.
Walking through the halls she saw a woman crying out hysterically. "Please! You can't put this off anymore! My town needs the Kings help!"
"Mamm, please, the King and Queen are very busy, you need too-"
Leere interrupted the guard, shoving him to the side. "Hello there miss. I'm Princess Leere. What seems to be the problem?"
Leere usually never considered herself the princess type, but it was always a handy title to throw around when needed. The woman wiped her tears on a ragged sleeve. "Please. Spirits are haunting my town! I traveled here hearing rumours that the Lorleidian Queen has connections with the spirit world! Or if she's not her, perhaps the legendary hero can help!"
Leere nodded, taking this woman's concerns to heart. "You've traveled a long way. How about you come with me, we'll get you some soup, and we can tell Zarazu all about this incident."
"Thank you! Thank you so much!"
Leere petted the woman's back for comfort. "Guard. Go tell Queen Zarazu to meet me at the dining hall."
"Yes mamm."
Everyday held new challenges. Some idiot thought his ship could fit under a local bridge and ended up smashing the bases to pieces and damaging his boat. The situation had to be resolved soon so local trade could resume. The Zora wanted to set up a meeting about over fishing. The Goron were concerned about a new mine too close to the volcanoes. It was breeding season for the dragons again, so Zarazu had to tell multiple people to keep away from the nests or yes, that mama dragon was going to snap. All in a day's work of being a queen she supposed. However, when Leere requested an immediate meeting for a local concern, the queen was highly tempted to ask to put it off until tomorrow. She was very tired and wanted to eat dinner then go to bed with her husband. Yet, if she finished this now, perhaps it would not be an issue tomorrow. When the guard explained the problem, Zarazu was surprised to hear there was a concern about... spirits? She had many talents, but could not speak to the dead.
Walking into the dining hall, Zarazu saw Leere there with a woman who looked asleep on her feet.
"Leere?" The Lorleidian queen held a questioning tone. "Might you explain what is the matter?"
Leere shushed Zarazu with a playful gesture. "She is dead tired."
"... as am I, but here I am." Zarazu stated flatly with a quirked eyebrow. "Please, elaborate."
"Ok. You don't like puns. Noted." Leere said with a frown. "This woman traveled far across the country, so she might have the, and I quote, "Heroic Queen of the Spirit World save my village from a nightmarish plague". Gibido's, Stalfos, but most importantly, Poes, are attacking her village."
"Sorry, Leere, it's been a long day. I don't mean to snap." Zarazu sighed, rubbing her forehead. It was not right to be short with family members due to a tiresome headache. Though when she heard what Leere said, Zarazu was quite taken aback. "... plague? Like a sickness? If there is an epidemic, then I can send some Dusas to help."
"I think it's a figure of speech Zarazu. Although, if this is a worse case scenario, there could be a curse involved. I'll need to go investigate this."
"A curse? Concerning...?" Zarazu was completely lost. This area of magic was completely new to her. Then again, dark magic was foreign to her because she did not practice it. "If it is affecting people, then I'll need to help you resolve this and ensure who has been hurt is well taken care of in the future."
"Well curses can affect many aspects of life. Made to change, weaken, or kill it." Leere looked Zarazu over, stifling a snort. It looked like she was one step away from putting on pajamas. "Are you offering a ride to the village?
"I'm offering a ride and help. As queen, it's my duty to care for the people." Zarazu crossed her arms. "I may lack knowledge of dark magic, but I can help eradicate it."
Leere thought it over. It was more than just ‘eradicating’. It took care and understanding at the forces at play. Yet, Zarazu could learn a trick or two under Leere’s watchful eye. "Alright. Yeah. Yeah! Girls night out! Go get changed."
Leere wanted a moment to get to bond with Zarazu more. This would be perfect. Unless of course it could blow up into a disaster.
On Ba'Puu's back Leere gave him a pat. "Any good hunting today? Or did you strike out. Fish or ladies, take your pick."
"Mrrrrrhhh..." Ba'puu rumbled in annoyance as Leere gave him a pat. "You know I already have a mate and hunting is always good."
"Ba'puu, be nice." Zarazu chided him.
"... I caught tuna for myself and a huge grouper for my Umbra'lee. The hatchlings are eating both at the moment, but still have a love of flounder."
"That's great to hear Ba'Puu. Happy for you." It was just half an hour to midnight. "Seat Zarazu and I at the edge of the village. Stay flying outside. Do NOT come in after us, no matter how small the danger."
"And who do you think you are to give me orders?" Ba'puu snorted. "I protect my mistress."
"Ba'puu, you know I can handle myself." Zarazu patted his neck as her dragon grumbled, not liking the situation at all. "I'll be okay."
"If you go down into the tombs, I can't get to you. I don't like it."
Leere frowned at the dragons stubbornness. He never did apologize on his own for tackling her, however, he was still family to the necromancer. "I don't want you being cursed Ba'Puu. No one, no matter how large, can protect themselves without very specific training. I doubt any dragon, including you, could be safe. Sit this one out, for your family, please?"
"Grrrr... fine." Ba'puu finally relented as he landed just outside the village. "I'll be nearby. If you're not back in time, I'm digging a hole into the crypt to find you."
"We'll be okay, Ba'puu, please don't worry too much." Zarazu assured her dragon. "Leere and I will watch out for each other."
Leere felt the cool air hit her hard as a light fog rolled in. "Stay close to me Zarazu. Do not anger the spirits. Do not touch anything as well."
Walking into the graveyard a jingle rang out. With a light cackle, two lanterns appeared out of thin air, circling around the two woman. As the fire came to life in the lantern, two Poes appeared, each wearing royal hats, sprouting curly moustaches, carrying knife like batons, and having the symbol of the Hylian Royal family on their chests.
"Who dares approach?", the taller one asked.
Leere took a breath. Diplomatic with spirits was the key to a healthy relationship. "I am Leere Dragmire. Princess of Hyrule."
"You do not look like a native of Hyrule."
"I am the adoptive daughter of Ganondorf Dragmire and Zelda Hylia."
"Then who is this other woman? Clearly not your sister." The shorter one inclined.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to touch anything and definitely don't want a pissed off spirit chasing me around." Zarazu followed Leere through the graveyard and kept quiet. The spirits were listening, probably, and the last thing the queen wanted was one to latch onto her and haunt the castle. Ba'puu was a dragon and kept his distance, but Zarazu could still feel him worrying. When the Poes approached both of them, Zarazu made sure to be respectful. "I am Queen Zarazu of the Lorleidians, wife of King Covarog Dragmire."
"She said Lorleidian you dolt." The shorter ghost chastised.
"As in the ones responsible for Vul'kar."
"The one responsible for the tombs destruction."
Now that pissed Zarazu off, being blamed for something that was not her fault.
"My people are not responsible for what that monster did." Zarazu snapped icily, narrowing her eyes. "That monster attacked all nations, all people. We did not set him free, we fought against him, we sacrificed much to stop him. I am here to help, but if you just want to play the blame game, then I'll be more than happy to leave and simply relocate the citizens to another area."
"Zarazu, shut up." Leere whispered.
The Poe's flames flickered. "Do you not have the respect to know who we are?"
"I respect the dead, and I respect the spirits, but I don't care who you are, I am not responsible for the actions of that monster." Zarazu glared darkly, and then turned to Leere. "Poes or not, I will not tolerate disrespect. War brings damage and causalities, the last thing on my mind was catering to broken tombs when there were people who needed me that were alive. If you are displeased with this, then I can be on my merry way back to the castle."
Leere looked at Zarazu with stunned shock at her. Do not anger them. That was the first and biggest rule, and she broke it without a care.
The Poes fire exploded. "We are the composers of Hyrule. Keeper of secrets. My brother Flat. And I am Sharp." Sharp cackled with furious menace. "Perhaps you require a lesson in respect."
The older Poe started flicking his bladed baton, and a terrible tun played. With each flick Zarazu felt the force of a knife cut hit her.
Flat began playing as well, wrapped Gibidos rising from the earth to claim new bodies. "You have no respect for history. No respect for the dead. How could you possibly come before us? How could you bring peace?"
Zarazu barely flinched. During her time as Vul'kar's prisoner, she was tortured and it felt like her heart had been taken from her. She developed a high pain tolerance, fighting with broken bones and a mind damaged by Vul'kar invading her personal memories. He was always there, haunting her, taunting her with those she could not save. This was nothing. She had dealt with spirits before, this would be nothing new. She was strong, she had willpower, and she would make sure that her people survived long after she was gone.
Thrusting her hand forward, the tattoos glowed on her arm. Flat and Sharp were Poes, and Zarazu had her own spirits behind her; seven of them. Pure light magic emitted from her palm with a powerful blast.
"I am a queen of my people and I have struggled all my life to ensure the lives of others are well." Zarazu was tired, irritated, and fucking sick of being blamed for Vul'kar's actions. "You want to know about respect? About history? Ask Ganondorf what he did to my people. Ask Hyrule why they didn't help. Ask why my people had to bury their dead, their fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, little children, when disaster struck. I brought peace by putting that monster away, ensuring he would never again hurt those I love, and never ever lay his hands on my people or my husband ever again. You want peace? I brought it."
The Poes danced around, avoiding her strikes. Other undead in her path were vaporized. However, they kept coming, rising from the earth and concrete above them.
"Zarazu! They don't care! They can't feel your current strife. They just-ACK!!!" A cut across her face. Poes were tricky. The most alive out of all the dead of Hyrule. But like any dead, they didn't have the protection of life, of the soul. She reached out with her own magic, to read the minds of the dead. Silencing their minds would only be a temporary situation, and a far bigger problem if they returned. Her dark aura surged as she gently looked deep into the memories of the brothers, their history playing out to the necromancer.
Mummies growled as they desired to eat the woman's flesh.
"Begone." Zarazu's ire was not going to be silent anytime soon, for she had heard this accusation one too many times. Coating the ground with ice to keep the undead from unearthing, the queen then obliterated the mummies and decided if the Poes wanted to fight dirty, then she would as well. Using her icy technique, she zipped the Poes in a water whip and slammed them onto the ground, before keeping them in place with her light magic. "I will not tolerate this any longer. I'll rebuild the entire tomb if I have to do so, but I will not have these damn spirits messing with my people, Hylian, Lorleidian, dragon or whoever else. This ends right now."
The Poes phased out of her grip, starting to work together to bring about a terrible curse. Leere finally found what she looked for. "Agreed. But not by your violence." Leere's eyes glew lightly from peering so far in. She took a small wooden Ocarina from her pockets. "Sir Flat! I wish to thank you for your services in the study of Hyrule's spirits! A play this in tribute to you and your brother!"
Please let mothers lessons work. Leere started playing a melody, a song as raging as the storm inside Zarazu, the brothers, and the restless dead.
Sharp and Flat stopped their curse, puzzled.                                
  "Music?" Zarazu never heard of using a song to appease the dead. However, Leere was the necromancer, not her. Whatever she wanted to try, she could do so. "Heh... Lorleidians normally don't use violence unless prompted to do so."
The dead just stopped in their tracks. After half a minute of playing, the Gibidos spazzed out, moaning in sadness. Giving in to the melody they returned to the earth.
Leere finished playing once the flames of the brothers calmed down. "I asked you not to be promoted to anger them...."
Looking to the brothers, Leere was surprised they bowed. "Thank you." Flat spoke up, "My mind....is so much more clear."
"Like a rainbow after a storm. I am sorry for any pain suffered." Sharp continued.
Leere sighed in relief. "Is there anything else we can do?"
"Will you repair the neglected graves around Hyrule?"
"We will. We respect the dead. Don't we, Zarazu?" Leere looked to her with hopeful eyes, like a parent hoping their child wouldn't embarrass them in public.
“I remind you that those two messed with me first." Zarazu was not in a forgiving mood at the moment. When Leere acted like an embarrassed parent, the queen merely rolled her eyes. "Of course. Let's hurry and get this over with so I can be as far away from these two nigolavnas as possible."
"Flat. Sharp. You are great composers. How about a song?"
"What song do you wish?"
Leere smiled. With them being the dead, Leere discovered something wonderful about them while searching their minds.
"You can play any song in history of past on composers. How about it Zarazu, what song would you like to hear?"
"..." Zarazu did not understand why Leere was entertaining those two idiots. As a queen, she wanted to resolve this problem and go back home. As a person, she hated that these two supposed guardians of the dead were so biased. Over time, Zarazu thought she had developed a thick skin due to the nobles of Hyrule disapproving of her being on the throne beside of Covarog. Mixed blood was already bad enough with Covarog being part Gerudo, and now Lorleidian blood too? It bothered her more than she wanted to admit. "... the first Lorleidian ruler, Queen Lorleidi's lullaby was lost to history. Do you know it?"
Flat and Sharp looked to each other, then up to the heavens as if they were trying to recall it. "Yes."
"We do. Is that your request?"
Leere nodded. "It is. Thank you."
The two brothers waved their batons, clearing the clouds for the moon to shine through, and began the light melody. It was like they played the song a thousand times.
"... hrm." Zarazu was quiet while the two played. History was a fickle thing, full of loss and sadness. The Gerudo had lost just as the Lorleidians had. Maybe someday, somehow, both of her people and Covarog's could regain what was once lost.
Leere studied Zarazu closely, guessing her feelings. "They don't hate you Zarazu."
"They may not hate me, but they blame me. It isn't the same, but it still makes me feel shitty." Zarazu shook her head. "... I want to go home, so let's do what we have to and leave. I'm not wanted here so I rather not be here."
"And what's their blame coming from? Their home being destroyed. Spirits are far more fragile. Sensitive. They can't reel in their anger easily like us. They blame everyone because their hurt is unimaginable. You have to care for them. They suffered enough in life, why must they endure more in death?" Leere closed her eyes as she took in the air. "The blame will go away. The dead and living will rest from this cataclysm with time. We can go home after this song, ok?" She holds Zarazu's hand with care.
"... I know the feeling of losing a home." Zarazu sighed heavily, rubbing the temples on her head. "I'm so tired, Leere, so tired of being on guard all the time. The court, the council, the damn parties, now here? Sometimes I just want to beg Covarog to give the throne to Rinku. At least she's full blooded Hylian so they'll all just shut up. Other times I wish I could just blast them off the face of the earth, and be more like Ganondorf, feared rather than respected. Though most of the time, I just want to lay beside my husband and wash away the worry from his face." As Leere took her hand, Zarazu's shoulders slumped. She squeezed her hand lightly, trying to reign in her emotions. "I'm a queen... not a goddess. I can only do so much to ease suffering and evidently," She looked at the tomb. "I can't do enough."
"Be you Zarazu. Do what makes you happy." Her finger rubbed Zarazu's hand for comfort. "Damn them all, only bring happiness to those who care. And for race, you think they care? What I like about Poes, is that when you strip away all the flesh, and blood, and ideals, it's that our souls are similar. So plain. Like a fire."
"Heh... your soul may be a fire, but mine is definitely made of ice." Zarazu was ready to leave and return to her king. "Let's go home."
"No. I see a heart as warm as the ocean. You just need to see it." The song ended and the Poes bowed. Leere clapped for them. "That was wonderful." With the wave of her hand she made a small influence on them.
"Would you like a transcript our Queen?" Flat asked.
So the Poes were addressing her as queen now? Zarazu quirked an eyebrow, glancing at Leere before looking back at the Poe who offered a transcript of the song. Holding out her hand, she nodded.
"A transcript would be lovely if it is not too much trouble."
"Then it is yours, Queen Zarazu." Sharp made a scroll containing all the notes to the song.
Leere took it and bowed. "Thank you. You may rest now. I promise your home will be repaired."
The Poes bowed back, and with a twirl, vanished into thin air.
"Go in peace."
Leere gave the scroll to Zarazu. "Here you are my Queen."
"Thank you, Leere... though I'm going to be honest with you." Zarazu took the scroll and gave a small chuckle. "I don't think I'm overly fond of dealing with the dead."
"No. Not everyone is. But I hope I could change a few opinions."
"I'm sure you could, though, I suppose I should say it this way," Zarazu put a hand on Leere's shoulder as the two exited the tomb. "I'm better equipped to deal with the living."
"That you are. I hope to teach you more about the dead, my mistress Death.” Leere poked light at the origin of Zarazu’s name. How ironic for a woman named after death to be so devoted to upholding life. “We are two sides of the same coin."
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desdemona-wren · 7 years
1. What color is your character’s hair?
Naturally black, currently in the story line I believe it is Magenta or Amaranth. May also be a bright icy blue. She changes it rather often. 
2. What color are your character’s eyes?
Gray, but they can’t seem to make up their mind as to whether they want to look greenish or blueish. As is the case with light eyed people. 
3. What color is your character’s skin?
She’s part Thai and part Greek (and all American) so she’s fairly tan. 
4. What special aesthetic characteristics does your character have?
She’s got cool hair. 
5. Does your character have any piercings? Tattoos?
Septum. Ears pierced thrice on each side (standart lobe, double upper lobe). Daith piercing in left ear (with cute crescent moon shaped earring). industrial piercing in right ear (may or may not be an arrow. long live the goddess artemis u fools). You could TECHNICALLY call the buying/selling runes embedded in her wrists piercings since they’re permanent runes. She also has a navel piercing because how could she not? And a smiley piercing. Maybe even a few “down under”. Not that you could prove it. 
Forgot this also asked about tattoos. She doesn’t have anything too visible. She has the phases of the moon across her back (right shoulder to left shoulder) in an eerie metallic gold that’s 1 part magic, 2 parts irradiated fuckery. And one on her arm somewhere. Don’t know what its of. Her favorite animal probably. 
6. What’s the sexiest physical characteristic of your character?
Definitely her giant nose. 
7. What’s the ugliest physical characteristic of your character?
Uh. She has really bad breath in the morning. 
BONUS: What element of their appearance is your character most insecure about?
Violet is really insecure about her height. She thinks she’s too short. 
8. What does your character wear?
She’s a goth so. Bright colors and idk rainbows. That’s what goths wear, right?
9. When your character smiles, what does their smile look like?
Probably a little terrifying. Or awkward. She’s not much of a smiler. 
10. What does your character’s laugh sound like?
Harsh and deep but feminine. Or when she’s nicer and isn’t being a bitch her laughter is kind of melodic and contagious. 
BONUS: What sort of things would make your character laugh?
Generally being mean to Jasmine or pulling a really good prank. Though she also laughs a lot when flirting. 
11. What is your character’s normal style of speech?
Her voice is slightly raspy, but light. Most of the time she sounds annoyed.
BONUS: What are some memorable things your character has said that showcase their unique voice?
“Female orgasm enhancement?” She asked, tapping her long black fingernail against the front of the bottle. She moved her gaze from the potion in her hand to take in the two officers before her.
“Your,” she cleared her throat, quirking an eyebrow at the male officer, “partner not pulling his weight?”
12. How does your character express/handle anger?
By blowing shit up and losing control. Or also being a petty bitch. There is no in-between. 
13. Does your character cry?
Everybody cries.
BONUS: What sorts of things would make them cry?
Idk man. Maybe breaking a nail or ripping her brand new tights or getting kidnapped and tortured for three years only to find out everything she’s ever known is a lie and her entire life is in shambles. 
14. How easy is it for other people to read your character’s emotions?
I mean. By nature her entire species has difficulty expressing and reading emotions so. I mean, I don’t think people can really read each other that well. 
15. Is your character religious?
She’s basically obsessed with sun gods and moon goddesses. Casters don’t have to be religious, but some of those who use witchcraft or “the old ways” find it comforting to believe in something. Violet is one of those people. 
16. How does your character view those of other faiths?
She doesn’t care about them. It doesn’t directly affect her, after all. 
17. What are your character’s core values?
I mean. First do no harm? She was training to be a medical caster so she wants to help people. She has a lot of good ideas on how to fix things in magical society, but she’s lost her way a little bit. 
18. How willing is your character to fight for those values?
She’s done a lot of things. Even sort of pimping herself out to better science.
19. What is your character’s favorite food?
She’s real into fruit. And maybe also too much into khao neow sang kaya. 
20. What is your character’s favorite color?
21. What are your character’s sleeping preferences?
When she was in the medical corps she pushed herself until she passed out somewhere weird. Now that she works in a store she gets between 6 to 8 hours a night. Sometimes more. She’s a lot more well rested than she used to be. 
Habit wise she generally sleeps in her bed, hair up, shorts and a tanktop and completely diagonal across the whole thing. In med corps she was lucky if she found a nice hard floor to pass out on. 
BONUS: What position does your character typically sleep in?
Diagonally across her bed on her stomach or right side. 
22. What is your character’s sexual identity?
Cis female? If that’s what you’re asking. Fuck it I’m combining 22 and 23. Violet is canonically cis female and bisexual. 
23. What are your character’s sexual preferences?
BONUS: What sexual experiences or choices does your character feel especially good or bad about?
Violet hasn’t done a lot of the sex. She hasn’t had time with her medical career. They start training really young and everyone is really serious about it. So she doesn’t have much to feel good or bad about. She’s largely neutral to the whole thing. Dancing naked in the moonlight covered in blood and surrounded by a dozen of your peers before ominously chanting some weird song prior to a three day orgy is normal every day wixen shit, after all. 
24. What type of music does your character like?
Violet likes 80′s female power ballads and music without lyrics that she can work to. Movie scores are generally a favorite since most of those are instrumental. 
BONUS: Does your character have a song that is “their song”?
Uh. Fite me.
25. What is your character’s birthday?
She’s a Sagittarius. December 2nd. 
BONUS: Does their astrological sign seem to fit them?
Violet is a Sagittarius and she does have a thirst for knowledge and an impressive intellect. She’s curious and quick-witted and extroverted. So I’d say it fits her well, but that’s why I chose the sign for her in the first place. 
26. What family structure did your character have growing up?
She doesn’t remember much about her parents, they died in a fire when she was young. She grew up with her older sister in a boarding school. They were rather staunch and strict, but she had a cool lady named Hecate around to help her realize her true potential. 
27. How well did your character get along with their family?
Violet and her older sister, Persephone get along famously. Plus her mother figure, Hecate is constantly around being her best self. She has a pretty great family dynamic. 
28. What is the worst thing your character has ever done?
Probably left that sticky note for Jasmine. 
29. What is the best thing your character has ever done?
That remains to be seen. 
30. What is the most significant romantic encounter of your character’s past?
Uh. She stabbed Jasmine in the hand once. 
31. Has your character ever been in love?
Not that she knows of. So far. In this time line. 
32. Has your character ever been in lust?
Uhhh. Sure. All those orgies. 
33. What is your character’s level of sexual experience?
Pretty lacking. She’s only been to a few blood/moon orgies. 
34. What is your character’s most embarrassing moment?
Lol generally existing. But no really, probably accidentally stabbing a cop in the hand. 
35. What is your character’s biggest goal in life?
Also to change the cost of casting. She wants to erase the emotional disconnect it causes in wixen and magical beings of all types. It’s sort of a huge problem. Though for a long time she goes about that the wrong way. 
36. What does your character believe is their greatest virtue?
Probably being a healer.
37. What does your character believe is their greatest vice?
Probably not knowing when to stop a bad or toxic behavior due to being casted out. Overcasting is a huge bad habit she’s picked up recently. She’s never been able to cast recreationally before leaving the medical corps to help her sister with their new potions shop. So she’s gone overboard lately and it’s been sort of ruining her life. 
38. What motivates your character most?
A strong desire to find an easy way out of her past mistakes and hopefully make things better for future generations. 
39. Is your character objective-oriented?
I mean, probably? We’ve already discussed her interest in goals? I don’t understand why this question is even here.
40. Would your character rather be a great person or a good person?
Violet is offended by this question. It’s a fucking weird stupid ass question. 
41. Would your character rather be hated for being who they are or loved for pretending to be someone else?
Violet doesn’t give a fuck. If you don’t like her, that’s your problem, fam. 
42. Is your character an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
43. Is your character creatively expressive?
I mean. Sure, if you consider potion making an surgery and art. I suppose. I mean, she makes potion making look fucking cool. 
44. What’s your character’s disorder?
Violet is a giant fucking nerd.
Who is cursed with a flair for the dramatic along with the crippling depression, lack of empathy or any sort of emotional understanding, and general shitty person disorder that comes along with magic and its use in modern society. Wixen are very off-putting to say the least. 
45. What is your character’s standard emotional state?
Stressed. Probably angry. Maybe a little confused. At least at first, until she goes through a brief apathetic phase. Then basically constant earth shattering rage. 
46. Is your character materialistic?
Sure. Violet likes pretty things. What 19 year old isn’t a little materialistic. 
BONUS: What are some of your character’s prized possessions?
Man her weird spiral rainbow wand that she doesn’t use because wands have been obsolete for centuries. But the ~~~aesthetic~~~ tho. 
47. What is your character’s major learning style?
Practical application. Putting herself in a situation or a simulation that would require her to use the knowledge she’s been provided with and has studied several times. She learns both by reading and by doing. 
48. What question isn’t on this questionnaire that your character is just burning to answer?
She likes girls more than dudes even though she’s bi. She also wants to have a pet red panda because they’re cute. Her favorite animal is probably a bear. Idk. 
49. I am a _________. How would your character complete that sentence?
“I am a medical professional and this is jackass.”
50. Life is an act of _________ing. What verb would your character use to complete that sentence?
Dude probably “fucking” what kind of a dumb ass sentence is this. Violet is fucking perturbed. 
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