#curious to see what's going on with Sawako in the next chapter...
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what were your thoughts on 117 do you think our ship sank permanently? I mean I expected Pin to reject her and not giving her any "wait till you graduated" hopes, but still a part of me just died. Pin is really one hell of a good complex character, a insight chapter would do wonders haha.
Thank you somuch @lov-lymj for reaching out to me about my thoughts! I agree that a chapter fromPin’s perspective would be the best thing ever (actually can we get a wholespin-off series of Kimi ni Todoke from his point of view? Please Shiina?).
I’d beenmeaning to write out my thoughts on Chapter 117 for a while, but then I thoughtthe moment had passed, so thank you for giving me a reason to get everythingout. Unfortunately, you asked someone who LOVES to talk, so your answer isabout 4 pages worth of word vomit and feelings.
Still, I hopeyou and any other ayapinners who are worried about our ship sinking will findsome encouragement in my analysis. Obviously these are just my opinions andinterpretations, and you are totally free to disagree.
Let me startoff by saying I also felt like a little part of me died when I first read thechapter summary for 117, and based on what I was seeing in the Japanese forum Ifollow, a lot of people felt let down or disappointed with the outcome. Likeyou, I wasn’t expecting him to “accept” her feelings in this chapter. I thoughthe would probably reject her, but that we would be given at least a hug or somesort of real indication that they’d get together in the future. When I wasreading the Japanese summaries and poring over people’s comments, there seemedto be very little hope.
But then Isaw the chapter.
Our ship, far from sinking, has new windin its sails.
The big eventin Chapter 117 is Ayane’s confession, and Pin verbally, formally, rejects her.He says to her roughly what he said to Kurumi at the beginning of the manga,that she’s too young (paraphrasing), and deflects her attempts to draw out histrue feelings. Ayane thinks to herself that she’s been utterly defeated, andresolves to make the best of things and move forward; while her eating thecough drop and resolution to become an adult that Pin will be proud of arepreferable to seeing her broken and devastated, they do seem togive an impression that things are finished for ayapin.
If we onlylook at this course of events, it is easy to believe that we have witnessed thebittersweet end of a doomed pairing that, nevertheless, had lovely development.
But there’s a lot more to the chapterthan Ayane’s confession.I would even go so far as to say this chapter invites us into Pin’s perspectivefor the first time, and that if we look closely at that, there’s so much goingon under the surface of his rejection.
When Pin thinks she failed, he bends over backwards to comfort her however he can; hemakes them coffee, he very gently places her mug in front of her (beforecarelessly slamming his own on the table), he prioritizes her feelings over hisown health, he compliments her efforts and encourages her (using a variety oftactics), and he is visibly distressed when she starts crying (he even movescloser to her while she’s inconsolable).
Then when shetells him she passed the exam, he gets so riled up that he nearly tells her hewas waiting for her all day. His reaction as he cuts himself off is veryinteresting – for some reason, he doesn’t want her to know that he was waitingfor her. He almost gets carried away with his feelings, but pulls back at thelast second; he then denies it with an immature expression. When he finallyadmits that he was waiting for her, he doesn’t just say, “Yes I waited a while”or “Yeah I waited a little, I guess” – he fervently declares that he waswaiting for her the entire day. This poignant moment isfilled with tension, and from the shading and his expression, it seems to beone in which he is releasing very pent-up feelings (kind of a confession in itsown right).
The nextmoment is equally revealing. When she cries again, there are sparkles aroundher (in fact, there are sparkles around her almost every time she cries in thischapter) – and we seem to be seeing her from Pin’s perspective. He smiles ather affectionately (which she doesn’t see), but his face is partially obscured;the panel has an air of mystery, and is reminiscent of certain panels of his in otherchapters (87, 93, 97, 112). I get the sense that something is hidden from us inmoments like these. During the toast, her tearful smile really surprises him,and in the next panel he is at a loss for words; I don’t think it’s making toobig a leap here to say that, if he hasn’t already (he totally has), this is themoment when he thinks, “She’s cute.” He frantically leaves the room to dry hishair, despite the fact that they were in the middle of celebrating…
(Aaah, nothinglike a lot of hot air blowing in your face to deflate the sexual tension!)
When he comesback and notices the box, Ayane asks him if he knows what day it is. Pin, theguy who is always very conscious of Valentine’s Day / romantic holidays (andhow popular he is), says, “It’s the day your results come out.” He has been sofocused on Ayane Ayane’s exam result that he has entirely forgottenValentine’s Day! That’s huge!
And duringher confession…
He gives heran out. But she refuses to take it. Even knowing that she won’t be accepted,she is completely honest about her feelings.
Hisexpression when she looks him in the eye and tells him she loves him isprobably my favorite in the chapter, and maybe even the whole series. Ihonestly don’t know how Shiina got the lines so soft…He is completely blownaway by her. Pin knows Ayane better than any other person in this series; herealized her feelings at Christmas, but he probably never expected her to admitthem. He thinks very highly of her, but I think he believed she would alwayskeep her feelings to herself, because that’s what she’s done with her emotions throughoutthe story. He isn’t allowed to return her feelings while he’s her teacher, sohe tries to spare her any added embarrassment by discreetly letting her knowthat he already knows. So to see this girl he thought he knew so well bravely and defiantly confess to him, to witness her fighting for him despite her fear– there’s such a beautiful sense of wonder and surprise on his face.
And hisanswer is far from straightforward, despite his line about her being “10 yearsearly” and “out of range”; even though he verbally rejects her, he eats everylast chocolate in the box. Not just one out of pity, or two to appease her. Theman who makes a point of complaining about how much he dislikes sweet things eatsthem all, and even says they taste good.
I believethat in eating all of the chocolate, he is actually accepting her feelings. Hecan’t return them at this moment (concern for her future, age gap,professionalism, all of the above, whatever it may be), but he can accept themin his heart. After eating the chocolate, there is a heavily shaded partialclose-up of Pin’s face, and he doesn’t speak to her immediately. He seems to beconsidering something… If he didn’t have any feelings for her, I don’t think hewould need such a long time to formulate a rejection. I don’t think he wouldkeep her waiting in suspense that long for no reason. And he stares at her sointently. In these panels, I see an inner struggle – he wants to formallyaccept, but more than his own happiness, he wants her to be free to pursue herdreams without a guy (who will probably always live in Kitahoro) holding herback.
So he givesher a genuine smile and tries to reject her with as much levity as possible.
And if wewere still in doubt that he’s holding something back, Shiina goes out of herway to give us another telling moment.
When Ayaneasks Pin if he ever thought she was cute, he is initially surprised. Looking ather eager, hopeful expression, he seems somewhat wistful, and his face has thatmeaningful shadow. We know that he thought she was cute in this chapter (beforehe left to dry his hair), and there have been moments in other chapters when he might have; but he playfully taps her head and denies it with a smile. So whatwe can infer is, if he’s holding that back, what else is he hiding from her?
The praise hegives her as she’s leaving is also, to me, a sort of confession. We learn thathe hasn’t forgotten about the time she gave him chocolate in Chapter 45 – themoment that has been of recurring importance to Ayane throughout the series hasnot only been remembered by Pin, but treasured. He tells her he was happy whenshe did that, and showers her with praise for her kindness and personal growth.To me, it sounds as if he’s telling her all the reasons he loves her without beingable to use those words.
And that’swhat I think this chapter confirms. Pin does love her, and has for a long time,whether he fully realizes it or not. And I think Shiina is telling us not togive up hope, even if the timing is not right at this particular moment.
Looking atthe chapter from a narrative point of view, it makes no sense to show us somany reactions from Pin if this really is the end of the line. We see him worry andget flustered over her – what would be the point if this was it? In fact, ifher only intention was to give Ayane a bittersweet first love, I don’t thinkshe would have so carefully and gradually built up all of their momentstogether. Why show us any reactions from Pin at all? He’s technically a supportingcharacter, their chapters are always in Ayane’s perspective – if she wasplanning for an ending where they can’t ever be together, why have so manyscenes that illustrate their mutualcloseness? She could have just had Ayane pining for him and shown us a kind butdisinterested Pin. Their interactions do not resemble those of Chizu and Tohruearly on in the series, where there is a large degree of distance on one sideand a childhood crush on the other. Pin clearly cares for Ayane deeply, andtime and time again we see his very personal investment in her aspirations andfeelings.
As far aswhat will happen between them going forward, I’m really not sure.
I’ve stronglybelieved for a while that we will get a pretty heart-pounding interaction betweenthem after graduation, and I’m still hoping for one (why not? lol). Again,thinking about things narratively, and keeping in mind that Shiina loves herayapin foreshadowing: why have Ayane’s results come out on Valentine’s Day? Whyhave Ayane confess on Valentine’s Day? She’s given Pin chocolate on the lasttwo, so it rounds things in her arc out nicely. But I think it’s more thanthat. If her confession happened any other day, there wouldn’t be a follow-up…butwhat if White Day happens to fall after the graduation ceremony? Pin is, at thevery least, “obligated” to give her something in return for the Valentine’schocolate he accepted…and if it’s after graduation…well, maybe they won’t date,but I’m hoping we get some sort of encouraging interaction since he’ll nolonger be her teacher (maybe he’ll give her his number and tell her to keep intouch, or finally admit that he does think she’s cute). I really do believewe’re in for a surprise after graduation, and that some of the depressing “finality” inthis chapter is to mislead us so that we’re reallysurprised later. I think Shiina is building us up for a sweet, unexpectedpay-off down the road…
I also thinkthe graduation photo album could have an impact on Pin at the ceremony – in Chapter115 Chigusa mentions that she’s taking pictures for the album, and Shiina mightbe foreshadowing a slideshow or something. That picture of them having a greattime together really affected Ayane, so maybe it could make Pin realizesomething too…
And if thatdoesn’t happen, I’m 95 percent sure we’ll see them either dating, married, orrunning into each other and connecting in a 10-years-later epilogue (even Pin’srejection hints at this). I would love to see one of the first two optionsespecially (because after waiting this long it would be great to see themfinally together as a couple), but I could also see Shiina doing the classic“What?! It’s you, Yano?!” mix-up (slow-burn til the end, haha).
Having saidall of that, I could be wrong. There’s a new chapter coming out this week thatmay render all of this analysis completely irrelevant, or we may find out in afew months that this chapter was indeed the end for them. But until Shiina isdone with this wonderful series, I think we should keep our heads up, becauseanything could happen.
I personally believeshe won’t disappoint us. Ayane and Pin are always featured with the other twocouples on magazine and chapter covers (115 spotlighted the 3 couples a toneven in the chapter itself), and after 12 years of slowly and carefully building theirrelationship, I can’t imagine Shiina just throwing ayapin away at the end; ifthis were a one-shot manga or a story that had only 50 chapters, I would be a littlemore concerned. Plus, Ayane has been through so much and endured and grown – Ithink Shiina will give her a happy ending, ultimately, because she really, really deserves one.If the other two couples are still together in the final chapter, I think Ayaneand Pin definitely have a future together.
This was avery long way of saying to you and all ayapin shippers, “Please don’t bediscouraged or give up hope!” I’m also anxious to see what will happen, butgiven the way their relationship was portrayed in this chapter, I’m inclined tobelieve that this is only the beginning for them. :)
#kimi ni todoke#ayapin#kimi ni todoke spoilers#lov-lymj#asks#haha got a little carried away#i honestly forget ayapin is not the main couple#well they are to me lol#i think a lot of what happens with ayapin will depend on how many chapters are left#curious to see what's going on with Sawako in the next chapter...
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Do you think the implication is that Sawako and Kaz are going to take their relationship to the "next level" if she wants to stay at his place O_O
Hey @wanabeartist!! Thank you for your question! :)
Oh boy…haha! I just posted my translation of Chapter 121, so let’s continue under the cut to avoid spoiling people. Anyone who’s read the chapter or doesn’t mind being spoiled, feel free to join us!
Honestly, I’m not sure if Shiina will go there. Kimi ni Todoke has largely steered clear of anything overtly sexual; this isn’t to say that certain characters haven’t engaged in acts of physical intimacy “off page”, but Shiina seems to intentionally keep those elements of the teenage experience to a minimum. Plus, Sawako and Kazehaya have been incredibly cautious and sweet with each other (even holding hands is too much for them sometimes). The fact that she directly told him she loves him in this chapter is very bold for her.
That said, Sawako is really feeling their impending separation. The whole day they spend together is tinged with the bittersweet knowledge that their time together will be severely limited until they’ve completed their studies. She may take their relationship to the next level if she thinks that doing so will strengthen their connection; I think her behavior in this chapter is a bit more daring than usual, and she’s been fairly communicative with Kazehaya. But I think she wants to be closer to him, to feel sure that their “new lives” will not be entirely separate. She and Kazehaya have graduated from high school and are entering a period of transition; though I doubt Shiina will draw anything too graphic, she may visually imply that the two have had sex. Still, she might just have them sleep together (without sex). I think she might be more comfortable showing them in that situation now that they’re no longer high school students.
I’m on the fence. I’d personally prefer to see hugs, kisses, talking things out, maybe sleeping side by side; that said, it would be really, really interesting if Sawako were the one to physically deepen the relationship. I do believe if Shiina does go that route and does show anything, she’ll be very suggestive rather than graphic. They’re just so innocent, it’s hard to imagine how she’d show it and still have them be in character. No matter what happens, I think the next chapter will be a HUGE one for them.
Sawako’s father is going to lose it though lol. And if Kazehaya’s father finds out…uh oh. Rest in peace, Kazehaya. Haha, I’m curious to see how their parents will react; I’m sure Sawako will call, but good luck explaining that (her mom would probably cheer her on haha).
But yes, I think Shiina wants us to think that that could happen, whether it does or not. I follow a Japanese Kimi ni Todoke forum, and the majority of posters took Sawako’s line as an implication that they might do the do in the next chapter (with pretty mixed reactions haha, though a number of them don’t want to see that sort of thing in a “pure” manga like Kimi ni Todoke).
I’m excited to see what Shiina ends up doing - she’s really good at ratcheting up the tension haha! What do you think?
#kimi ni todoke#kimi ni todoke spoilers#sawako x kazehaya#asks#wanabeartist#thank you so much for asking!!#next chapter is going to be really interesting#hehe#kazehaya's head might explode if sawako tries anything lol#i'm looking forward to seeing what shiina ends up doing
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Kimi ni Todoke Chapter 119 Translation
I wanted to share Chapter 119 and provide a translation for those who are curious about the latest developments in Kimi ni Todoke.
If you’ve read my translations before, you’ll know I’m not fluent in Japanese (or pretending to be) - I took a few courses at my university but am largely self-taught. I’d like to think I’m getting a little better, but these are not anywhere near professional translator quality. There are probably several mistakes. I’ve tried to make the dialogue sound natural, but I’m limited by my own level of comprehension. If you don’t understand / read Japanese and want to know what’s happening, I hope this at least gives you the gist of what’s going on - basically, I’m giving you what I gleaned from the chapter (right or wrong)! I’ve also included a few “notes” on certain pages where I thought some explanation might be beneficial. Thank you for your patience! :)
This chapter should be the last one in Volume 29, which will be released on July 25th. Kimi ni Todoke is currently on a one month hiatus, so we won’t see Chapter 120 until July (August Issue). There is an author’s note in this chapter that I didn’t translate, but in it Shiina-sensei says there’s still a bit of the story left. I’m guessing we’ll get about 4 more chapters (maybe 5) so that the series ends with 30 volumes.
Finally, if you enjoy Kimi ni Todoke, I would strongly encourage you to purchase Bessatsu Margaret, if you’re able to. I started buying them this year (to collect the final chapters of Kimi ni Todoke), and they’re amazing (and massive!!). So much fun, and the images are bigger than what’s published in the manga volumes so you can see finer details!
Well, now that I’ve scared you away from actually reading this thing, put on your best clothes and grab a box of tissues, because you’re going to Kitahoro High School’s graduation ceremony!
*sniffle sniffle*
Kazehaya: “Kuronuma, this is from Takahashi (Chigusa).”
Kento: “Ahaha, is this me~? Sadako-chan is skilled!!”*
??? (might be Kento still): “Ah – Kazehaya, show me yours, show me yours!”
Kazehaya: “No way.”
??? (Kento?): “You’re as stingy as ever!!”
Kazehaya: “What do you mean by ‘as ever’?!”
Pin: “All right, take your seats!”
Student(s): “Whoa!! Pin, what is that hairstyle?”
Pin: “Isn’t it a side part!??”
Pin: “W-What is this?! A face?!”**
Student(s): “Sadako made it by hand~~~”
Pin: “Is it a charm to ward off evil spirits?!”
* In Chapter 118 Sawako gives her classmates these little fabric faces she made herself. They’re supposed to resemble each person in the class, but because her art skills are a little…different…they’re sweetly deformed haha!
** Even Pin gets one!
Pin: “Okay, boys and girls line up one at a time!”
Kazehaya: “Ahaha! You’re nervous! Is it because of the formal address*?”
Sawako: “Y-You’re right…!!”
Kazehaya: “Expressing yourself as you usually do, you’ll definitely be fine!”
* The literal translation is “formal reply” – from what I can tell, she’s delivering a formal speech on behalf of the class (like a valedictorian’s closing statement).
Old Teacher: “Only Class D students have those face…-like things fixed to their chests. What are they exactly?”
Pin: “It is a charm to ward off evil spirits.”*
Old Teacher: “Oh! Arai-sensei, you’re wearing one too…!”
Kento: “Yeah!”
Kento Fan (?): “Nice work, Kento~”
Kento: “I did it~”
Old Teacher: “…he’s certainly cheerful…”
Pin: “He’s an idiot! An idiot!!”
Sawako: [As expected of Master!!!]
Kento: “Hiii~ Sadako-chan.”
Sawako: “Oh!! You did well!!”
* Pin usually speaks in a very rude way, but here he uses polite speech (he’s trying to be on his best behavior today haha).
Kento: “It’s your turn next, Sadako-chan.”
Kento: “You’re stiff, scary and stiff!!”*
Sawako: [Wow, I’m so nervous!!]
Sawako: “Somehow…I’ll perform my job well…I-I’ll do my best…!!”
Classmates (Flashback): [“Everyone has known for a long time that you can’t sense ghosts!! Sadako!!”]
* A throwback to Kento coaching Sawako earlier in the series.
Sawako: [I wonder…is it also okay if I don’t do it well…?]
Kazehaya (Flashback): [“Expressing yourself as you usually do, you’ll definitely be fine!”]
Sawako: […always…]
Sawako: [I wonder if I was able to communicate with my own words…]
Announcer: “The formal address will now be given by the graduating students’ representative, Sawako Kuronuma.”*
Sawako: “…yes!”
* I’m filling in here – the original text says, “The formal address. Graduates’ representative. Sawako Kuronuma.”
The banner behind Sawako reads, “The 44th Diploma Awarding Ceremony”
Sawako: “L-Little by little, the snow begins to m…”
Old Teacher: “…he’s quite lively…”
Sawako: “Little by little the snow begins to melt, and this northern land’s long winter is coming to an end. All teachers, guests, parents, current students, and to all those involved, thank you very much for your support and encouraging words!”
Sawako: “Three years ago we entered this school. That year, the sakura trees bloomed very early. We were anxious, but more than that, we had hope in our hearts. Passing through the gate at Kitahoro High School feels like yesterday.”
Sawako (Flashback): “There’s a hair on your shoulder…”
Student (Flashback): “AAAAHHH!!”
Sawako: “We experienced many mistakes, failures, and foolish things, but…”
Sawako: “…the exciting and dream-like moments we can’t think of as ordinary, are like the sakura blossoms of that early season. It’s almost unbelievable. There were many…many happy events.”
Sawako: “Step by step, little by little, we were finally able to arrive here.”
Sawako: “As a class, we worked together to contribute ideas and try our hardest for the school festival. We practiced a lot and faced the athletic festival with all our strength. We were nervous and excited at the North Hokkaidou Baseball Tournament Semifinal. Now too, so many memories are…”
Chizu: “What’s wrong?!”
Chizu: “Did she lose her place?!”
Ayane: “No, no one’s better than Sawako at that…”*
Students: “What?” / “What’s up with Sadako?” / “Is it over?” / “No, it should be right in the middle.” / “Is she crying??” / “She’s not speaking??”
* Not sure about this, but it’s my best guess…
Sawako: “My nickname is Sadako. Since entering school, my goal was always to be called by my real name.”
Teacher: “Arai-sensei!”
Teacher: “I-Is it bullying*?!”
Sawako: “But now, it doesn’t matter which name I’m called!”
* Not sure about this – the word can mean bullying or teasing. It could be bullying because the teacher seems concerned and the parents are there (the school might look bad). It might be teasing as in “Is that girl trying to be funny?” Or it could be something else – I went with bullying given the context.
Sawako: “It doesn’t matter whether I can sense ghosts or not!”
Sawako: “At this school, everyone made me believe that!”
Sawako: “I’ll think proudly of the days I spent as Sadako. It was fun. Thank you.”
The Legend of Sadako: […once upon a time, there was a girl called Sawako Kuronuma.]
The Legend of Sadako: [The girl’s appearance was somewhat striking, so it was rumored that she had incredible psychic power. People called the girl “Sadako” and trembled with fear. Some people blamed the girl for a bone fracture*, and still others said that even changes in their physical condition were caused by locking eyes with her.]
* This isn’t quite what the line says – I can’t figure out how to translate this, but just know they’re attributing “mysterious” incidents like broken bones to Sawako’s dark powers.
The Legend of Sadako: [They are absurd stories, but at first people jokingly laughed too. Suddenly their recollections piled up and everyone followed the precedent. Eventually, no one approached her.]
The Legend of Sadako: [However, there was just one boy who was the exception. The girl was not a discouraged child. She was a girl of extraordinary good will.]
The Legend of Sadako: [Only the boy noticed that the girl’s true power wasn’t an ability to sense the supernatural.]
Announcer: “Sing the graduation song in unison.”*
* Again, I’m filling things in here. The original is “Ceremony song” and “Singing in unison”…
The Legend of Sadako: [While becoming close to him, the girl acquired smiles and happy tears. She was able to make friends, too.]
The Legend of Sadako: [She was able to become part of a group.* She was able to make a rival, too. Before he knew it, the boy had become her dream-like boyfriend. Her surroundings gradually changed.]
* This is not what is said. The word used in the original line is “nakama” – it means friend as well, but since it’s not quite the same as “tomodachi” I wanted to create a distinction.
The Legend of Sadako: [Time passed, and before she knew it, the girl…]
Announcer: “The graduates are exiting. Please send them off with a round of applause.”
Student: “Sadako! Here, take this!”
Sawako: “H-Huh?”
Student: “You didn’t get one because you came late!”
Sawako: “A party cracker??”
Student: “We’re going to pop them before we exit!!”
Announcer: “Class D’s exit.”
Kazehaya: “Here we go! Three, two, one!!”*
* This isn’t a literal translation – it’s an English language equivalent to the Japanese expression.
The Legend of Sadako: [Time passed, and before she knew it, the girl had become an ordinary member of the class…]
Pin: “You all did it*!! I got completely chewed out!! Even though my hair is in a side part!!”
Pin: “It’s because those old guys are so picky!!”
Students: “Pin, don’t you have anything to say to us, as our homeroom teacher??”
Pin: “I’ve got nothing to say to you!! Get lost!!”
Students: “HUH??”
Pin: “Whatever I say won’t change anything! You’ll get by on your own somehow!!”
Students: “Huh?? What are you saying??”
Pin: “Even if you guys become criminals, I’ll probably be your ally**!! Well!! Take care of yourselves!!”
* I have tried to translate this but I’m struggling so this sentence is overly simple. Basically Pin is saying that because of Class D’s party cracker stunt, he was reprimanded by the older teachers / PTA.
** Pin uses the word [味方], which means friend / ally / supporter. Ally seemed best for this context, but I wanted you to know the other meanings for a scene later…
**I’m honestly not sure who is talking here. The first two lines are making a pun on Pin’s last name. “Arai” [荒い] means rude or rough, and Pin’s surname [荒井] is pronounced exactly the same way (it’s no coincidence that Shiina chose the kanji for “rough / rude” to be in his name, haha). So I think a student says Pin’s words to the class were rude (arai), and I think Pin is saying they’re being crude for not using honorifics because he thinks they’re just shouting his last name (Arai). Sorry, even though I can’t translate these lines well I wanted to try to explain the joke (as I understood it – I might be wrong on this too…lol). I feel sorry for the official translator – I don’t know how they’ll tackle this one…
Student: “It’s rude!!”
Pin (???): “Only Arai?! That’s crude!!!”
Student (???): “What? Criminals??”
Student (???): “Probably, he says!!”
Student (???): “Don’t jinx us!!”**
Jou: “Kazehaya!! Give me your tie~!”
Kazehaya: “Huh? What are you going to use it for?? Stop it!!”
Student: “For the memories, for the memories!!”
Student: “Kazehaya!!”
Student: “Wait – Kazehaya!!”
Sawako: [Wow, popular people seem so busy!! Just as I thought!!]
Sawako: “Now then, I’ll go too…”
Ayane: “Huh? Sawako, where are you going? Though Chizu slipped out somehow too…”
Sawako: “I have to go take care of a few things here and there…I’m off!!”
Pin: “Right. Your speech wasn’t anything like a top student’s.”*
Sawako: “I’m sorry!! It didn’t go as I planned…”
Pin: “That’s good, isn’t it? Your speech was like you.”
Sawako: “T-Takahashi-san!”
* Sawako gave the speech because she was at the top of her class.
Takahashi: “Hey Sadako! Did you see my masterpiece?! It’s the result of all my secret photography. That face is great~!!”
Sawako: “T-T-Thank you!! It must have been difficult, right? Such a long book…!!”
Takahashi: “Weren’t the episodes very detailed too?!
Sawako: “Yes!! You even know that I pick up trash around the river!!!”
Takahashi: “I know a lot of things~!!”
Sawako: “Thinking that way…!! Thank you, thank you!!”
Takahashi: “Since I’ll also be in Sapporo shall we keep in touch~?”
Sawako: “Yes! Yes!!”
Sawako: “Um…Takahashi-san…if you’d like this…!”
Sawako: “It’s you.”
Takahashi: “…it’s pretty avant-garde…!! I’ll add it to my collection, if it’s okay with you…!!”
Sawako: “Wow!! That makes me happy!!”
Sawako: “Oh, Kurumi-chan!!”
Student: “I only wanted to speak my mind…really, don’t worry about it…take care…”
Kurumi: “Sawako-chan!”
Sawako: “Um, I want you to have this, Kurumi-chan…!!!”
Kurumi: “…really…”
Kurumi: “So this is how you see me…”
Sawako: “D-Does it really resemble you??!”
Kurumi’s Mother (???): “Ume! We’re leaving soon!”
Kurumi: “Ok! Well then, see you when the exam results come out!!”
Sawako: “Yes!”
Kurumi’s Mother: “Oh! Is she your friend?”
Sawako: “…that’s right!”
Kurumi: “…not really…”
Kurumi: “…she’s just…my close friend!”
Ryu: “…any time now…”
Ryu: “When you stop crying…”
Chizu: “Waah they’re coming out!!”
Chizu: “Yano-chin, and Sawako, and you too…soon you won’t be around anymore!!”
Chizu: “No, but I’ll be able to get in touch with you! I will keep in touch!! I’ll be totally fine-!”
Ryu: “Yeah. You feel lonely, huh?”
Chizu: “My tears have gone back inside!!!”
Student: “K-Kazehaya-senpai!!”
Student: “Umm…would you mind taking a photo together to commemorate the day?”
Student: “Um, me too…”
Student: “Ah! Me too!!”
Student: “Would you sign my book?”
Student: “Me too.”
Student: “Me too.”
Student: “About your tie…”
Kazehaya: “Oh!! Sorry, but I’m not giving it to anyone!!”
Student: “Ah!! Okay!! I’m sorry!!”
Student: “What about that…?”
Kazehaya: “Oh…this? Everyone’s wearing their own faces.”
Student: “That’s nice!! I thought everyone in just your class was wearing them!!”
Student: “We’d also like to do that when we graduate!!”
Student: “Were they hand made by Kuronuma-senpai?!”
Kazehaya: “…yeah!!”
Student: “Walking together with Kuronuma-senpai, just the two of you…was our aspiration!!”*
Kazehaya: “…thank you!!”
* Oh boy…not sure what this line is saying. This was the best I could do haha…
Student: “All right, let’s take a commemorative photo all together!!”
Student: “Is everyone here?”
Student: “Sadako isn’t here!!”
Student: “Neither is Pin!!”
Ayane: “I’ll go get Pin!”
Student: “Ok then, so Sadako – ”
Chizu: “Didn’t Sawako already go home?!”
Student: “Huh??”
Student: “No, her bag is here!!”
Kazehaya: “I’ll go get her.”
Kazehaya: “Somehow, I’ll guess what she’s doing!”
Ayane: “Hurry up!!”
Pin: “In any case Kuronuma isn’t back yet either, right?!”
Ayane: “She might have come back already!!”
Ayane: “…hey…”
Pin: “Hm?”
Ayane: “…th…this is the end, isn’t it?”
Ayane: “…we won’t be able to see each other, right…?”
Pin: “I told you…I’ll always be your ally.”
Pin: “No matter what.”
Ayane: “Pin, for the next ten years you should continue wearing your hair up after all!! It’s fine like that!!”
Pin: “Huh? Won’t I put it up without you telling me to?? Why??”
Ayane: “…because you look handsome with your hair down!!”
Teacher (to Sawako): “Okay. Thank you for your time.”
[The book reads, “Flower Bed Notes: Effects * Method of Raising”]
Sawako: “Not at all. I’m sorry for steadily planting.”
Teacher: “It’ll be lonely without you…Thanks to you, the flower bed is excellent. You’ve been a tremendous help.”
Sawako: “Thank you very much…!”
Sawako: “Kazehaya-kun!”
Kazehaya: “Everyone is waiting for you.”
Kazehaya: “They say they can’t take the picture without all members of the class!”
Sawako: “I’m sorry! Let’s go at once!!”
Kazehaya: “Ah…! Only you don’t have a mascot…”*
Sawako: “Oh…that’s right…I should have made one…”
* He means the faces they’re wearing.
Sawako: “I didn’t think everyone would wear them…”
Kazehaya: “Wear this instead.”
[“Congratulations on your graduation.”]
“Oh, they’re here, they’re here!!”
“Now our class is complete!!”
“Let’s take the picture!!”
Kazehaya: “Yeah!!”
Student: “Oh – Kazehaya, your tie…!!”
[“Congratulations on your graduation.”]
#kimi ni todoke#kimi ni todoke spoilers#sawako x kazehaya#ayapin#ryu x chizu#manga#translation#sorry for taking so long to get this out#i broke a sweat on some of these translations lol#but please feel free to message me if you have any questions or just want to geek out about this#i'll try to post my thoughts on this chapter soon
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